Chapter Eight
The Economic Rape of America - Chapter Eight HISTORY AND THEORY OF TAX AND STATE You have sown much, and harvested little; you eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and you that earn wages earn wages to put them into a bag with holes. -- Haggai 1, verse 6 "... [W]hen it is no longer worth the producers' while to produce, when they are taxed so highly to keep the politicians and their friends on the public payroll that they themselves no longer have a reasonable chance of success in any economic enterprise, then of course production grinds to a halt... When this happens, when the producers can no longer sustain on their backs the increasing load of the parasites, then the activities of the parasites must stop also, but usually not before they have brought down the entire social structure which the producers' activities have created. When the organism dies, the parasite necessarily dies too, but not until the organism has paid for the presence of the parasite with its life. It is in just this way that the major civilizations of the world have collapsed." -- Professor John Hospers, 1975 The history of taxation is also the history of the rise and fall of civilization. It is the history of economic rape. From the history of taxation we can learn... TAX IN EGYPT, ROME, AND THE MIDDLE EAST Charles Adams wrote a superb book, Fight, Flight and Fraud: The Story of Taxation. It is a comprehensive analysis of the history of taxation in the context of the rise and fall of civilizations.
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