b The “virus of Zionism” won't last long and will be eliminated

Palestine belongs to the Palestinians; therefore, it should be run as they wish. The referendum - with the participation of all Palestinians of all religions and ethnicities, this is what we have been suggesting for almost two decades - is the only solution for the challenges which Palestine is facing at the present time and in the future.


Part of the Will of General Qassem Soleimani

Enemies are targeting the Islamic Republic of Iran, protect your religion and our country by keeping us united. I swear to God, I swear to God, I swear to God that should this belief and ideology be changed or tempered with, Madinah, Mecca, , Samarra, Karbala, Najaf, and Kazimain will be destroyed and the Qur'an will be distorted.


Dr. - pandemic has demonstrated that the supporters of Israel can be undermined by a simple virus. Page10

Dr. Abbas Salehi - Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela are leaders of peace, justice and freedom and their way will always be followed by others. Page 23

Dr. Naledi Pandor - The impact of the Imam was felt beyond the borders of Iran, as a country embarked on a Diplomatic engagement that epitomized an expression of independence and identity that inspired many developing countries. Page 21

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini - We cut ties with Apartheid regime after the revolution, and this was due to one of the Imam's strategic decisions which he said before the victory of the revolution, that if the revolution won, it would server ties with the Apartheid regime. Page 22 Chief Mandla Mandela - Our freedom is incomplete until apartheid Israel is taught a lesson that their tyranny will come to an end. Page 11


Prof. Zahra Mostafavi - We should unite and fight the Zionists so that they do not take advantage of the coronavirus to do their evil deeds. Page 12

Dr. Shahriari - It is Imam Khomeini's idea that all Muslim nations should try to regain independence and get rid of the domination of this oppressive enemy and freely establish their desired Islamic system. le and not to surrender to anyone, but Allah. Page 30

Moulana Aftba Haider - The Imam's approach was based on Tawhid and Irfan. He embodied the kalimah LA ILAHA ILALLAH, he taught us how to live with this struggle and not to surrender to anyone, but Allah. Page 32

Dr - Imam Khomeini's thoughts as a pioneer of a future paradigm of the world. Page 40

Dr.Ahmad Ali Mohsenzadeh - Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela both rejected all forms of oppression, discrimination, and racism. They openly expressed their opposition to the apartheid regime in South Africa and both of them supported the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people. Page 43


SUPREME LEADER AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI: I would like to offer some advice to all those who have strong feelings for the issue of Palestine: My final word is that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians; therefore, it should be run as they wish. The referendum - with the participation of all Palestinians of all religions and ethnicities, this is what we have been suggesting for almost two decades - is the only solution for the challenges which Palestine is facing at the present time and in the future. This proposal shows that the western accusations of anti-Semitism which have been repeated time and time again are completely unfounded. On the basis of this proposal, Jewish, Christian and Muslim Palestinians will determine together the political system of their country by participating in a referendum. That which should definitely go is the Zionist regime since Zionism is a bizarre innovation which has been fabricated in the name of Judaism and is totally alien to that religion.

I would like to close this speech by remembering the martyrs of Quds, including Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Fathi Shaqaqi, Abbas al-Musawi, Martyr Soleimani, the great Muslim commander and the unforgettable face of resistance, and also the great Iraqi Mujahid Martyr Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. I extend my greetings to the soul of the great Imam Khomeini (r.a.) who opened the path of dignity and Jihad for us. I also ask God the Exalted to bestow His mercy on our late brother, Hussein Sheikh al-Islam who for years worked diligently on this path.

In the end, I would like to remind all dear viewers and listeners that this year's Quds Day is the first Quds day in which our dear Qasem Soleimani is not present. Please recite the chapter “The Opening” (Al-Fatiha) and the chapter “The Unity” (Tawhid) for him one time. May God’s greetings and mercy be upon you. Contents Quds day The “virus of Zionism” won't last long and will be eliminated ...... b Quds dayInternational Quds day 2020 online program in South Africa ...... 9

Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif - Iran’s Foreign Minister ...... 10 Mandla Mandela, Palestinian rights activist, ANC Member of Parliament and the grandson of President Nelson Mandela ...... 11 Prof. Zahra Mostafavi - Head of Philosophy Department at Tehran University, Daughter of Imam Khomeini ...... 12 Former Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, Ms Baleka Mbete ...... 13 Dr. Amir Abdullahian (a great diplomat and well known in the Middle East) ...... 13 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (Palestinian activist) ...... 14 Sheikh Shuaib (Political activist and religious leader) ...... 14 Prof. Marandi (Political analyst) ...... 14 Khalid Qudoomi (Hamas representative) ...... 15 Tisetso (Africa for Palestine) ...... 15 Comrade Chris (Cosatu) ...... 16 Dr. Shajara IHRC. UK ...... 16 Dr. Fouad Izadi (Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Tehran): ...... 17 Dr. Akbari: The issue of human rights will be tested by the Palestinian issue...... 17 Ebrahim Rasool (former SA Ambassador to USA) ...... 17 Advocate Zakir Mayet (Media Review Network) ...... 18 Solly Mapaila (SACP, political activist) ...... 18

Imam's demise Anniversary 31st anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini ...... 20 Dr. Naledi Pandor: Minister of International Relations and Cooperation ...... 21 Sayyid Hassan Khomeini (Grandson of Imam Khomeini) ...... 22 Dr. Abbas Salehi (Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance) ...... 23 Judge Siraj Desai (Western Cape High Court judge and a political activist) ...... 24 Farid Sayed (Editor of Muslim Views) ...... 26 Azaad Seedat (Political activist and Chairperson of the Imam Hussain mosque) ...... 28 Mr. Sisa Njikelana (Activist and Member of Parliament 2004 - 2014) ...... 29


Dr. Hamid Shahriari (Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic School of Thoughts) ...... 31 Moulana Aftab Haider (Head of AFOSA and Ahlul Bait Islamic complex)...... 33 Moulana Hosseini (Activist and scholar) ...... 35 Prof. Haroon Aziz (Political activist and Quantum Physics academic) ...... 36 Muhammad Khaled Sayed (Provincial Chairperson of the ANC Youth League) ...... 38 Dr. Mahmoud Vaezi (University of Tehran) ...... 41 Dr. Ahmad Ali Mohsenzadeh (Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the I.R of Iran) ....44

9 Quds day 10

International Quds day 2020 online program in South Africa South Africa hosted the annual International Quds Day online program on 22 May 2020, via social media, TV channels, Radio and other social media platforms to express support for the oppressed people of Palestine and oppose the oppressive Israel regime and Zionism. The program was coordinated and facilitated by Moulana Abdollah Hosseini an ardent supporter of the Palestinians and all oppressed people of the world. And as expected there were attempts to disrupt the program, the Instagram page ( was blocked a few minutes into the program, and program continued live on YouTube (Alquds) as well as other social networks, if the outbreak of coronavirus, COVID-19 could not stop the commemoration of Al Quds, nothing would have. The speakers came from different parts of the world to show solidarity with the Palestinians.

Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif - Iran’s Foreign Minister

The pandemic has prevented us from demonstrating against the oppressor and supporting the oppressed people of Palestine. But again the pandemic has demonstrated that the supporters of Israel can be undermined by a simple virus. Muslim governments have not seen the necessity of being united in order to deal 11 with this disgrace, they have not been supporting the Palestinians because they believed that they could not overcome global arrogance, but the pandemic has reminded us that the only power is the power of Almighty God, and that all others can be defeated even by a small virus. The Pandemic has also shown us that the global powers that have supported the Zionist regime are not omnipotent, they are not above all, and that they can also be defeated by a small virus.

Mandla Mandela, Palestinian rights activist, ANC Member of Parliament and the grandson of President Nelson Mandela

International Quds day symbolizes that we shall not rest until the people of Palestine are free. For years they have endured atrocities, injustice and crimes against humanity.

Our freedom is incomplete until apartheid Israel is taught a lesson that their tyranny will come to an end. In South Africa we endured Colonialism, occupation, racial discrimination under a brutal system, but in the end truth prevailed. Never shall it be that the people of Palestine shall stand alone, we are with them and 12 shall never abandon them. We appeal on all activists around the world to deepen their campaign, to Boycott, Divest and Sanction apartheid Israel.

Palestinians are experiencing the worst crimes against humanity.

Prof. Zahra Mostafavi - Head of Philosophy Department at Tehran University, Daughter of Imam Khomeini

This year, the Islamic community is celebrating Ramadan and the international day of Quds while nations all over the world facing the crisis of covid 19, a dangerous disease that has affected many political and social behaviors of societies. And notably measures to support the Palestinian issue in the world has not escaped the consequences of this pandemic. One of these measures is commemorating the Internal Quds day which is an enduring strategy designed by Imam Khomeini to support the liberation of Palestine and to oppose its occupation.

Israel together with its allies thought that with the assassination of commander of the resistance General Qassem Soleimani the Palestinians will be left alone, consequently all the free people of the world stood up, and we should unite and fight the Zionists so that they do not take advantage of the coronavirus to do their evil deeds.


Former Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, Ms Baleka Mbete

We are encouraged by the resilience of the Palestinians, the youth, men and women. We are yearning for the day when Palestinian children will be able to play without caring about their safety.

Donald Trump is an insult to leadership, a leader does not do what Trump is doing. He is openly bias to Netanyahu and apartheid Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.

The people of Palestine should know that we are with them. I have been to Palestine and I can confirm that Israel is worse than the apartheid government of South Africa.

Dr. Amir Abdullahian (a great diplomat and well known in the Middle East) The Islamic Republic of Iran has a political and democratic solution for Palestine. This plan has been is registered as a document in the United Nations and the substance that plan can be found in the speech delivered by the Supreme Leader Sayyid earlier. 14

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (Palestinian activist) She recited a poem "Will you be a Palestine" written on and inspired by South Africa’s Human Rights Day 2017 in solidarity with the Palestinians advocating that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians. The poem expressed her need for limitless courage, enduring determination and changed the norm poetically: people used to say Palestinians fight like heroes, but now we say heroes fight like Palestinians.

Sheikh Shuaib (Political activist and religious leader) He paid tribute to three of the heroes of Palestine, Hussayn Sheikh ul Islam, Shahid General Al Hajj Qassem Soleimani and the African hero Sheikh Ebrahim Zakzaky. These heroes have played and are still playing a major role in the elimination of the Zionist state and bringing freedom to the Palestinian people. If we claim to believe in the Holy Quran, then why don’t we take our guidance from the Holy book, Islam is extremely strict when it comes to violators and aggressors. Yet we find Muslims and Islamic states collaborating with America and the cancerous Zionist Israel. It is our duty to fight in the way of Allah against injustice if we believe in Allah and His Holy book. He urged everyone to stand up against injustice.

Prof. Marandi (Political analyst) Ayatollah Khamenei discussed a very important issue on his Quds day address, that to attain democracy Apartheid should be dismantled and all Palestinians from different political and religious persuasions should have equal rights. He said this firstly because it is a human principle and secondly to dismantle the 15 narrative that anyone who criticizes Apartheid is an anti-Semite. The real anti- Semites are the Zionists who are tainting the image of the Jews.

Khalid Qudoomi (Hamas representative) The resistance has developed technologically and the legitimate right has not been compromised. They have forged alliances with the Islamic Republic of Iran and they can stand bravely against their enemies.

American government's support for Israeli regime is strange, they support it even at the expense of the American people.

There will be no two states, only one Palestinian state. There is no space for Israelis in Palestine.

The Supreme leader's speech is a milestone, he has highlighted the suffering of the Palestinian people and made is clear that our struggle is not a religious issue, but a human issue.

Tisetso (Africa for Palestine) Salutations to the People of Palestine who are going through a difficult time, especially under Covid-19, we all know that Palestinian health workers are prevented from conducting basic Covid 19 tests on Palestinians. Clearly this is part of the ethnic cleansing project of the Zionist regime. It is merely a continuation of what we have seen for the past 72 years. The Palestinian issue should be left to the Palestinians, However, the fundamental issue for us is to talk about is their basic rights, the right of return because it is our primary responsibility to insist on their basic human rights

It is up to us to make sure that the Palestinians reclaim their human rights. They are denied their rights as people in their own land.

We need to exert pressure from the ground and make our people aware of what the Palestinians are going through. 16

Comrade Chris (Cosatu) We must demonstrate solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine and tie together all these important events happening all over the world and recognize that the people who are denying the Palestinians their rights are the very same people who denied South Africans their rights.

Dr. Shajara IHRC. UK Zionism is the last apartheid and any human being with any degree of integrity needs to stand up against this system which is oppressing the whole region, committing ethnic cleansing. It is actually a colonial post, not just occupation, it is expansionless and not even satisfied with what it is controlling, it is behaving in a brutal way towards the indigenous population of Palestinians.

Sheikh Zakzaki stands against Zionism despite the fact that three of his children were killed on Al Quds day and the fact that another three of his children were massacred in front of his eyes and his sister was burnt alive. He has not changed his way, he stands for justice. And he made it clear that he is waiting to make the ultimate sacrifice and pay the ultimate prize, not only in Palestine, Yemen and Kashmir, but also in Nigeria. He wants the Islamic principle to be implemented and that those who worship anything except God to be removed. He sees that as the only way to give people their power back.


Dr. Fouad Izadi (Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Tehran):

Resistance is the only way for the Palestinians to achieve their goals. We appreciate the announcement made by the Palestinian Authority (PA) of cutting ties with the Zionists, because they were using the PA to control the Palestinians. Cutting ties with the occupying regime is a sign that they understand that resistance is the only way, not because negotiations are bad, but because the other side uses the rhetoric of negotiations to justify their existence and to continue with the occupation. They use negotiations as a ploy to buy time and to create a situation that cannot be reversed. We are hoping for a united front of all Palestinian groups against occupation and standing together in resistance.

Dr. Akbari: The issue of human rights will be tested by the Palestinian issue. General Qassem Soleimani contributed to the Palestinian struggle out of love for humanity and justice. His contribution was to defend human rights and to prevent these atrocities from happening to others.

Ebrahim Rasool (former SA Ambassador to USA) Quds day 2020 cannot be business as usual, we cannot have the usual condemnation of Israel and their imperialist backers. The usual outrage against Zionists atrocities against the Palestinians, the usual call on Arabs and Muslim to step up support for the Palestinians, the usual pledge to intensify the struggle in Palestine against the Zionists, the usual mobilization behind BDS and the Global Solidarity movements.

Two state solution is impracticable. There should be one democratic state.


Advocate Zakir Mayet (Media Review Network) The shutting down of the Instagram account by the Zionists to prevent from supporting the Palestinians is as flawed as thinking that by assassinating Al Hajj General Qassem Soleimani it will stop the tide of justice from overcoming their illegitimacy and injustice. Their attempts have failed because we are still live and we are still supporting the oppressed people of Palestine. The memory of Al Hajj General Qassem Soleimani is seen on every poster, video and everywhere else on the ground. They should know that truth and justice cannot be avoided, and they should know that their day is coming, and that there will be truth and justice. And from the media point of view, truth cannot be hidden.

Solly Mapaila (SACP, political activist) It is time that we should express our full support to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, as well as to remember the catastrophe that befell the Palestinian people from 1947 to 1949, the Nakba. It is important that all progressive people must come together and show full support and solidarity with the people of Palestine. They demonstrate, Boycott, protest, picket against Israel products, Israel government and American Imperialism. That seeks to remodel the Middle East in its own image so that they can take full control, and that must be rejected across the board. We must show tangible and practical solidarity with the people of Palestine and affirm the legality of the International law that should bind on Israel and USA. 19 Imam’s Demise Anniversary


31st anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini On the occasion of commemorating the 31st anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran held an online program with the title: Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela, Great leaders of all time.


Dr. Naledi Pandor: Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

The impact of the Imam was felt beyond the borders of Iran, as a country embarked on a Diplomatic engagement that epitomized an expression of independence and identity that inspired many developing countries.

Since 1979 the Islamic Republic of Iran has tailored its own course in the international arena. And it is still prevalent to this day.

Its foreign policy has been a reflection of the national identity of the people of Iran. A proud people with a true sense of who they are and what they represent. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa have many commonalities in our modern history. In particular, both countries have experienced oppressive regimes that disregarded the rights of the people and required a revolutionary act to change this direction.

The decision of the young Islamic Republic to act against apartheid regime in South Africa created an unwritten pact of solidarity between the two liberation movements of the time that still exist to this day. And has compounded the strong relations we witness today. As with countries that have fought for the freedom of 22 their people, we are reminded that freedom does not come easy, but it’s worth is priceless. The 13th century Persian poet, Jalalaludin Muhammad Rumi once stated: "friend our closeness is this, anywhere you put your foot feel me in the firmness under you", to me this is a true reflection of the level and extent of the friendship that exists between our two countries. For 25 years Iran has remained an important friend to South Africa and that has been shaped to become the firmness under our feet.

The responsibility and commitment to freedom of thought reminds me of the Imam's teaching, especially when he said: every one of us man or woman has the responsibility to determine his/her own destiny just as we must say our daily prayers.

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini (Grandson of Imam Khomeini)

The two regimes have had deep political, economic and military ties despite heavy UN sanctions against Apartheid. The Shah's regime was one of the prominent allies of the Apartheid regime in South Africa.

The history of relations between the two great nations of Iran and South Africa since the collapse of Apartheid and the establishment of a non-racial and democratic government in the last 25 years has had significant days. 23

We cut ties with Apartheid regime after the revolution, and this was due to one of the Imam's strategic decisions which he said before the victory of the revolution, that if the revolution won, it would server ties with the Apartheid regime.

This is one of the honors of the revolution and the Islamic Republic, and President Nelson Mandela always emphasized this matter and showed gratitude.

Despite pressure from major governments, Iran has resolutely supported the bilateral relations.

Dr. Abbas Salehi (Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance)

Dr. Abbas pointed out characteristics that had affected Imam Khomeini's social and political attitude and activity. Imam Khomeini had an organized and law- abiding personality in different aspects of his life, including appearance and time planning. He was a clear example of discipline and making the best of the opportunities.

His self-discipline had given him a systematic attitude towards society and politics. Even in terms of social behavior, he mentioned that traffic regulations are included in religious regulations and rejected any violation. 24

He established a new political system during the first year of the Islamic Republic Revolution. The Islamic Republic of Iran is an achievement of such personal attitude and policy - making.

He was fearless and such personality is seen in President Mandela who spent 67 years fighting racism and 27 years in prison, this created a resistant and strong personality. The social order and desirable management patterns in South Africa is affected by such a leader.

Imam Khomeini also had a natural and uncomplicated personality, he built a political order to ease the relations with nations and governments to avoid complexities of politics, to defend the oppressed explicitly, to remain consistent against injustice and oppression, and to avoid taking part in political games.

He is among the greatest spiritual scholars in the Islamic world. And he had an outstanding degree in both theoretical and practical mythology. Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela are leaders of peace, justice and freedom and their way will always be followed by others.

Judge Siraj Desai (Western Cape High Court judge and a political activist)


Revolutions are not made by individuals nor are they made by single political parties or single ideologies. Many contending forces contribute to the successful conclusion of the struggle.

This statement applies in South Africa, President Nelson Mandela was not the only leader involved, and there were other people and political parties that contributed. I assume that it is the same in Iran.

President Nelson Mandela and Imam Khomeini are towering figures in the history of the last twentieth century. President Mandela for his role and contribution in breaking down Apartheid and the Ayatollah for his leadership in the removal of the Shah and his acolytes in the government in Iran.

What makes both these leaders important is one single factor, when President Mandela went overseas and was asked who his allies were by the Americans, he refused to disown any of his allies, and he mentioned Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat and Muammar Gadaffi. He asserted an independent foreign policy and did not allow USA to dictate the foreign policy of South Africa. Equally so, the Ayatollah mentioned blatantly that America is the great Shaitan.

Both these leaders called for unity, President Mandela called for unity among the oppressed people against the oppressors and he called for unity of all South Africans in building this country. The Ayatollah in the same regard, but in a different context called for the unity of Muslims, unity of Islam was fundamental to his thinking, but more importantly and fundamental to his thinking was the approach that was precise in that he foreshore what was going to happen today. More than ever before, we see disunity of Islam because some Muslim countries have decided to be allies of the great Shaitan.


Farid Sayed (Editor of Muslim Views)

First heard of Imam Khomeini back in 1978 while a student activist in Muslim Students Association (MSA) and met with Iranian students Persian Speaking Group (PSG) in USA. PSG messages were coming from people who were in exile through newsletters. I got in touch with them and they had already made contact with the revolutionary movements, particularly the religious leadership and that is when I first heard about Imam Khomeini and his remarkable personality.

We then started writing and publishing articles about the Imam's time in exile, Kuwait and France.

Along the way we had the student movement in South Africa involved in the anti- apartheid struggle, this movement cut across the board, it was not only Muslim students, but Muslim students saw in Imam Khomeini a revolutionary direction.

The established religious leadership in this country back then was either failing or unable to provide revolutionary leadership.

The Imam spoke from the Quran and made examples about Prophet Muhammad (sawa) and it appealed to Muslim students.

The message of the Imam needed a catalyst because he was not televised in the Apartheid controlled media, so students organisations wrote about him, Muslim News was one of them. 27

In Cape Town there were two Imams who were able to articulate the revolutionary message of Imam Khomeini. It was Imam Ebrahim Davids who was a residence Imam of Jamee Masjid and Imam Ahmad Cassiem who was the leader of Qiblah.

Imam Khomeini’s message was international and encouraged standing up against the Imperialists super powers USA and speaking openly against Communism.

The significance of Jamee Masjid is that it was a revolutionary platform and a Masjid of martyr Imam Haroon who was against injustice and oppression. Imam Haroon had the same appeal to the youth even though he was martyred in 1969, his revolutionary spirit lived on.

We also drew influence from political movements like the ANC, and there were intellectual giants like Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe from the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and Steve Bantu Biko from the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM), however Imam Khomeini was a political and a religious leader.

The impact of Imam Khomeini on the struggle against Apartheid was profound and there were forces trying to divert masses from him by bringing up sectarian issues, but his revolutionary message was too powerful. 28

Azaad Seedat (Political activist and Chairperson of the Imam Hussain mosque)

My involvement in politics came at an early age of 13 when I joined the Phoenix Action Committee working together with the Natal Indian Congress. These were the options available because ANC and PAC were banned. My parents were listed as communists and arrested for taking part in the struggle and that exposed me to the struggle.

In 1982 my mother went for hajj and met Iranian comrades and was impressed by their slogans (, death to Israel, death to Imperialism and of course death to Communism). On seeing this anti-imperialism from the Iranian hujjaj she realized that something was missing in South Africa. She asked me to study the Islamic Revolution and spread the message across because that is the future of the struggle.

I made contact with the Embassy and received publications (Echo, Mahjubah and others). The more I read about Imam Khomeini and the I realized that their struggle and our struggle and our ideologies synchronized.

Over the years people were confused with me, asking if I am a Communist or a Khomeinist. They said I cannot be a Communist and follow Khomeini. But I told them that there was no contradiction because the Communist Party in Iran and 29 the Communist Party in South Africa were given the same opportunity. We acknowledge that the Communist Party in Iran played an important role in mobilizing the workers in Iran. And the Imam made it clear that they are part of the Iranian people, part of the struggle and part of the revolution and we need you to contribute, but obviously the other party was influenced by the Soviets and believed that they were the vanguards and wanted to create mischief.

The Islamic Revolution is a socialist revolution, their friends are socialist countries, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea, Vietnam, China and Russia. These countries gravitated towards Iran because they understood that the revolution of Imam Khomeini is the same revolution and the same message a communist is seeking.

President Nelson Mandela addressed Imam Khomeini as his leader, and people only refer to someone as a leader in acknowledgement of him being superior to them. The title is given to one that we respect and admire as a leader.

It is this realization about President Mandela that made me to put an effort to facilitate a meeting between the Imam and the President Mandela, of course I did this together with the then Ambassador of Iran to South Africa, His Excellency Sheikh Mahdavi.

Mr. Sisa Njikelana (Activist and Member of Parliament 2004 - 2014)


Inspired to be part of the initiative about two great leaders of the two countries, Iran and South Africa. These countries have gone through tribulations and pain, struggling and fighting for their freedom against oppression and exploitation.

Imam Khomeini in his term of leadership has replaced immorality with high quality morals. And President Mandela also brought changes, among them unity even though he only took a 5 years term. However, he was still influential beyond that 5 years to the leaders in South Africa, the continent and globally.

Both leaders were able to reintroduce their countries in the global arena, yet they ensure that these two countries remain independent without looking to the West or East.

President Mandela stood firm and refused to be persuaded by the worst to drop solidarity with Cuba, Libya and Russia and I want to believe that Iran was one of the countries they wanted him to end Relations with, but as you can see Iran and South Africa are enjoying a good relationship.

The African National Congress (ANC) have taken a firm stand and a resolution to campaign against the Sanctions against Iran. This formal resolution paves a way for us to campaign and made our voice in solidarity with the Iranians heard.

We also stand resolute in support of the Palestinian course as advised by President Nelson Mandela, and in future we will have strong annual Quds day programs.

These leaders did not only lead their countries during times of instabilities, but they left legacies for their followers even after they had departed. They influenced their regions, continents and are quoted globally.


Dr. Hamid Shahriari (Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic School of Thoughts)

Imam Khomeini is the greatest reviver of Islamic values in contemporary times. He was anti-arrogant super powers. And these powers failed to weaken his legacy.

He refused to step back and abandon his beliefs against this hegemony.

His stands helped Iran to have a stable and effective presence in the international arena for nearly four decades.

Various critics of the global arrogance regime failed to overthrow or weaken the Islamic Republic. Most countries are can classified into two categories, the oppressors and the oppressed. It is the military hegemonic system that uses its military, economic, media and cultural resources to impose its will directly or indirectly on other nations.

And it prevents the implementation of policies of nations and governments at its own will. It deprives them of their freedom and independence in various ways.

Imam Khomeini believed that Islamic world must unite in order to overcome this system of domination. According him in the present age the arrogant powers of 32 the world have dominated the oppressed. And it is the duty of the Islamic world is to control the oppressor and defend the oppressed.

According to Imam Khomeini the main goal of the hegemony system is to dominate the resources of the Islamic world through looting possessions of the Islamic countries directly or indirectly. And in this way they do not refrain from any kind of war, mass destruction, murder and exploitation.

The use of soft war tools convinced the Islamic Ummah of the need and dependence on this system and to promote the spirit of incompetence among Islamic Ummah.

Another trick of the enemies of Islam is preventing progress and holding Islamic countries back in scientific fields to maintain their dominance.

It is Imam Khomeini's idea that all Muslim nations should try to regain independence and get rid of the domination of this oppressive enemy and freely establish their desired Islamic system.

Imam Khomeini established an Islamic system in Iran and by doing so the light of hope shone in the hearts of the oppressed people of the world. Islamic nations have observed that the religion of Islam has a potential to establish a devine system and confront the oppressor head on.

More than 40 years have passed since the birth of this sacred system and it has shown its effectiveness in practice to confront the arrogant system. It is still moving forward with full authority in the path of progress and justice.

Oppression is a bad thing, even if it comes from an Islamic nation.

Islamic wisdom dictates that mercy and compassion should prevail among the Islamic Ummah, this is the condition of allegiance to the messenger of Allah (peace be upon Him). Whoever wants to be with the messenger of Allah must behave and judge between himself and other members of Islamic community with mercy and compassion.


Moulana Aftab Haider (Head of AFOSA and Ahlul Bait Islamic complex)

Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela were both great leaders, but they had different approaches and come from different backgrounds.

President Nelson Mandela had his own approach and Imam Khomeini had his approach as well.

The Imam's approach was based on Tawhid and Irfan. He embodied the kalimah LA ILAHA ILALLAH, he taught us how to live with this struggle and not to surrender to anyone, but Allah.

However, both these leaders believed in the honor of humanity, human dignity and human rights.

This is the most important message we can learn from both leaders.

The philosophy of Imam Khomeini was that man has been given dignity and respect by Almighty Allah, his creator. Don't submit to anyone other than Allah, don't be a slave of anyone other than Allah.

His approach in political and social affairs was purely based upon Tawhid and Irfan. He used to see that man is the creation of Allah and a manifestation of mercy and compassion of Allah. And that dignity of man is dignity of Almighty 34

Allah, and therefore for man, freedom, liberation, independence, self-respect and dignity for man is crucial.

With this idea and deep mystical approach, Imam led this revolution against those who wanted to enslave and exploit human beings.

He came with the message of THERE IS NONE WORTHY OF WORSHIP, EXCEPT GOD.

We find the same perspective if respect for human beings from President Nelson Mandela.

Imam can be looked at from a human perspective, he awakened the Islamic Ummah. He introduced Ahlul Bait (as), Imam Hussain and Karbala, Imam Ali and Fatimah to South Africa.

Dua Kumayl which is the legacy of Ahlul Bait (as) came to South Africa through Imam Khomeini.

He introduced us to the Islam that calls us to stand for justice and against oppression.

Imam Khomeini made sure that the oppressed are supported and that the oppressors are challenged.

His successor Ayatollah Khamenei continued on the great work that was started by Imam Khomeini.

Critics may criticize, but no one can deny that the Islamic Republic of Iran is still sailing in the same direction under the leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei.


Moulana Hosseini (Activist and scholar)

I remember visiting President Nelson Mandela in my religious gear and I resembled Imam Khomeini. And he knew that I am from Iran and he asked me to tell him about Imam Khomeini.

I looked for similarities between him and Imam Khomeini and I remembered drew the similarity of being in jail for 27 years, he was shocked because he did not know that Imam Khomeini was imprisoned too, besides being in exile.

I told him that when the Imam was in exile in Najaf, he was there for 15 years and was always between his house and the shrine of Imam Ali (as), he never went out of that town, and probably once or twice he went to Karbala in the entire 15 years. That is a type of prison.

And when he came to Iran and got into power, he took a small house in Jamaran, and for eleven years.

I told him that the daughter of Imam Khomeini told me that the Imam lived in that house for eleven years when he was in power and only went out during voting days to cast his vote.

Madiba has an amazing sentence, he said one of my ambitions was to meet this great man who was free before me. 36

These are great leaders and I remember that when Imam Khomeini passed away I was in a poetry conference in Iran and when the news came the situation changed. Things became dark, I was crying for three days.

These are the memories that I have for Imam Khomeini (RA).

Prof. Haroon Aziz (Political activist and Quantum Physics academic)

There are two great and important leaders of the twentieth century occupying two different spaces, but at the same time.

President Nelson Mandela who was in Africa and Imam Khomeini in Iran.

Both these leaders had one thing in common and that was their struggle against Imperialism, Colonialism, Zionism and Apartheid. This is what united these two great leaders.

One leader spent 27 years in prison (Nelson Mandela) and the other, Imam Khomeini, spent many years in exile. And both were persecuted by their regimes.

It was logical that after the 1979 revolution, Imam Khomeini severed all ties with the Apartheid government of South Africa. 37

The economic cost did not matter to Imam Khomeini, what mattered was the principle of the struggle against oppression, for freedom, justice and truth.

This made Imam Khomeini stand out as a revolutionary leader of great principles.

Before the 1994 general elections, Imam Khomeini sent his presidential jet to South Africa for President Mandela to fly over to Iran for a meeting with him. While the jet was in South Africa, President Mandela received a phone call from the Saudi King asking him to call on him in Saudi Arabia before he goes to Iran. At the same time there was another call from the President of France who made a similar request.

President Mandela communicated with Imam Khomeini and informed him about these two requests.

Imam Khomeini was gracious enough to say please go to those countries and then come to Iran.

When President Nelson Mandela met Imam Khomeini in Iran, there was one very important topic, discussing the election strategy of the ANC in South Africa to ensure that the majority of Africans come into power.

And he also donated 1 million dollars to the ANC for its election campaign. And that consolidated the material solidarity between these two countries. Democratic South Africa and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Imam Khomeini learnt his skill in over throwing a 2500 year old feudalism in Iran.

And President Mandela in South Africa learnt his skills at overthrowing White feudalism and White monopoly capitalism in South Africa.

That was one thing that was also in common to both of them.

President Mandela's face was the face of struggle hat stood as a metaphor against US imperialism, Colonialism, Zionism and Apartheid. And Imam Khomeini's face was the metaphor for a similar struggle in the world. 38

And these two faces will be embellished in liberation history of the world.

The Iranian revolution continues under Ayatollah Khamenei who is showing remarkable leadership in defying US imperialism by sending ship loads of oil to the besieged country of Venezuela. This is real international solidarity and this solidarity spits defiance at USA imperialism and the downfall of USA imperialism is for all to see, except for the President of the United States of America.

And with this will come the downfall of Zionism and hopefully the people of Palestine will get their right to self-determination and determine their own national sovereignty.

It is up to us the progeny of Imam Khomeini and the progeny of Nelson Mandela to continue the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and Zionism. The struggle must continue.

Muhammad Khaled Sayed (Provincial Chairperson of the ANC Youth League)

It is appropriate to pay tribute to Imam Ayatollah Khomeini alongside our founding father of democracy President Nelson Mandela. It is within the context of global upsurge in the fight against racism that we commemorate the demise of our beloved Imam Khomeini. 39

A fight against racism that has been stimulated by an act of murder by a police officer in the United States of America, a country that has always claimed to be the bastion freedom, democracy and a major aggressor against the Islamic Republic of Iran and an enemy of the Revolution.

This particular opposition against what we have seen in the US, we have seen it manifesting itself throughout the globe.

One of the major principles that Imam Khomeini stood for and why it is appropriate that it is linked to President Nelson Mandela is the opposition to racism in each and every form.

When Imam Khomeini led the Islamic Revolution and triumphed over the Shah, one of the major aspects that he stood for was the issue of discrimination that can be found in the Muslim world, against the fact that many in the Muslim world looked down upon the Africans. He spoke against the fact that there were Persians who looked down upon Arabs and Arabs looking down on Persians. It was a major theme of the discourse of Imam Khomeini.

This is the reason Imam Khomeini stood with the oppressed people of South Africa, because he saw Apartheid as wrong.

During the time of the Shah Iranians were considered honorary Whites in South Africa. Imam Khomeini came and dismantled those relations because he fought against a despotic and racist regime. The fact that the Shah supported Apartheid meant that the Shah was racist and leading a racist regime.

Imam Khomeini's entire vision in starting Al Quds day, in practically supporting the resistance against Apartheid Israel was also a symbol of his opposition against racism.

We would like to pay our respect and support to the people of Iran against Covid- 19. A deadly virus that is now facing our people in South Africa, placing the most vulnerable and poor who do not have proper health care, placing them at a severe disadvantage. 40

It is the same spirit of fighting Imperialism that Imam Khomeini's vision behind the revolution was one of love for humanity, an undying and complete love for humanity, selflessness.

We look at the way the Imam lived when he was in exile and when he became the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

That spirit of undying love and solidarity is what can carry us through in our resistance against this virus, instead of going out and socializing we need to be thinking of the wellbeing of the next person, particularly the poorest of the poor to prevent the spread of this disease.

And it is within the context also of Covid-19 can be defeated, Covid-19 presents us with an opportunity to build a more equal and just world, because the problems we are facing as a result of Covid-19 illustrate the kind of inequality that we have in this country and in this world. We all need each other and we need to work towards a better world.

Imam was able to wage a relentless fight against the Shah regime, a regime that was funded by global powers and Imperialists, because he held firmly to a tradition he was an embodiment of a spiritual tradition that gave him a sense of discipline. Discipline and vision is needed if you ought to succeed in the fight against racism and if we are to get out of this virus and create a better world.

Imam Khomeini's vision of truth was based on a tradition of following the family of our beloved Prophet (sawa) to the letter.


Dr. Mahmoud Vaezi (University of Tehran)

He spoke about Imam Khomeini's thoughts as a pioneer of a future paradigm of the world.

Imam Khomeini's ay is the day to commemorate all the free people of the world. It is the day of commemorating the great hero of Africa President Nelson Mandela and it is the day of commemorating all the oppressed people and the martyrs, resistance forces that have risen against oppression, domination, discrimination and injustice all over the world.

Analyzing the future is one of the fascinating and valuable topics for all human beings.

Previous scholars of the world have interpreted the paradigm of global future in different ways.

We should ask 3 questions:

1. What is the fourth wave, what is the next paradigm of the world, what are the important futurist points of view?

And the next question is

2. What is Imam Khomeini's thought as a pioneer of future paradigm. 42

3. What are the distinguished characteristics of the next paradigm in Imam Khomeini's points of view?

In his book, the third wave and based on his historical analysis, named the first wave as the agricultural wave. The second global wave is an industrial wave.

And the third one as electronics.

He considered civilization of the new wave as the deconstruction and breaking down the regular and old values and tradition sectors of the society which encompass the family to the governance.

The next famous futurist (inaudible name) believed that the future global standard has a distinct identity from the previous one. The criteria of organisations and institutions development are welfare, social justice, and environment.

Organisations have other obligations besides the benefits and profits. And it is because beneficiaries changes, not because of the generosity of companies, institutions and organisations.

Recipients are not just shareholders, somewhat staff managers and the environment beyond the organization has useful role and should pay attention to them.

Accordingly he has viewed the paradigm of the world's future as spirituality.

He said that the next paradigm of the world may be spirituality and others, for example Professor Ray Powell or Professor Anderson they say cultural creativity may be the next paradigm wave.

These three may come to one point under the umbrella of spirituality we can also gather cultural creativity.

Verifying Imam Khomeini's doctrine and his fundamental values we find that from social point of view, there are two fundamental characteristics that distinguish Imam's spirituality from others. First, rationality in personal life and social 43 interaction, then the epic spirituality that has dedicated itself to most of the Quranic narratives and historical teachings of Imams heritage.

Imam was noticing the principle of spirituality not in the unilateral and superficial form, but as a contract base and legislated principle and not within the limits of personal and family interests. Rather as a comprehensive of individual, family and social levels.

The domain of conceptual communication and connection of spirituality is the principle based on his ideological infrastructure towards teachings of the Holy Qur'an, is manifested not only in verbal signs, but also in the depth of souls.

In a set of phenomena of the nature and all particles of entity in the presence of Almighty Allah. That is his stand point. All material world entity manifestations are the color of spirituality.

Imam Khomeini said everything in the universe has a color of spirituality within itself and the light of spirituality is present over the whole universe from the superior one to inferior one. And from East to West.

With the emergence of paradigms, the term spirituality becomes obsolete over time, and its meaning and application in social daily life in parallel with the developmental aspect of modernity declines. As the result of the increase in the presence of technology and social welfare, frustrating wars and violating other's rights, aggression to precedent killings and the war that took place inside sovereignty of peace on human life.

Today, human more than in any other time in the past feel a gap of the concept of spirituality, of course global public welcome this valuable concept.

We should distinguish between real spirituality and false spirituality.

We can summarize Imam Khomeini's characteristics of spirituality like this, Imam Khomeini's point of view is that building spirituality and inner affairs on the bad ground of irrationality and keeping away from superstitions.

Firstly, spirituality is important and it may be the next paradigm of the world that is based on rationality. 44

The second one God-centeredness in all aspects and the third one justice- centeredness fighting against suppression and contained combat against the claimants of false and deception in all social, political and cultural senses.

The fourth one, simplicity and contentment in individual life, social life behavior, in particular at the time of undertaking social responsibility.

The fifth one, having no expectations in lieu of presenting services and social untiring effects in all affairs.

In conclusion, in truth such spirituality as a fourth global wave can be beautiful, admirable and optimistic for all fair and unprejudiced human beings.

Dr. Ahmad Ali Mohsenzadeh (Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the I.R of Iran)

Imam Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela are historical figures whose thoughts knew no geography, borders, language, race or color. Their thoughts were pure and solely for the betterment of humanity. 45

The late South African giant, President Nelson Mandela used to say Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic should be considered a leader of all freedom movements and should be followed throughout at all times and eras.

Imam Khomeini’s ideas were influenced by the depth of monotheistic thoughts, his words are the words of all monotheistic religions, the words of all the prophets of God Almighty; Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, may God bless them and grant them peace.

Oh man, you are free, just as God created you free, no one has the right to take you captive.

It was said that all free human beings in the world and all the deprived and oppressed people of the world heard this statement and accepted it with love. One of these free people is the hero who brought freedom in South Africa, in the entire African continent and the globe, President Nelson Mandela.

Imam Khomeini and President Nelson Mandela both rejected all forms of oppression, discrimination, and racism. They openly expressed their opposition to the apartheid regime in South Africa and both of them supported the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people.

And President Nelson Mandela made it his duty to protect freedom and liberty in the world and to honor the efforts of all Mujahideen in the fight against oppression, discrimination and racism around the world.

Imam Khomeini brought back morality which was almost lost under the previous regime, he became a champion of women and children’s rights.

I am sure that the Iranian nation will agree with me when I say our victory against the world’s so called super powers was due to Imam Khomeini's leadership and our belief in his ideas.

And it is for this reason that we can refer to Imam Khomeini as the defender of the world’s oppressed people, it is because of his ideas that we were among the most outspoken Middle Eastern countries in condemning apartheid. When he came into power he cut ties with the Apartheid regime of South Africa and vowed 46 not to establish ties with South Africa until apartheid has been completely dismantled.

That is why when President Nelson Mandela visited Iran in 1992 he said:

″We are here to thank the Iranian government and nation for their support in our struggle against apartheid, ″