WINNEGANCE DROMORE – STONEYBROOK – LEE ISLAND Town of Phippsburg, Named from the Abenaki word for “lile portage.” It is spelled eight different ways in old deeds. Why was Winnegance like a Penny? It had ten mills. One of the oldest selements in Phippsburg. The original peon to the Massachuses Incorporated on January 25, 1814, as “Phipsburgh” and named for Sir William Phips. legislature requested that the Town be named “Dromore” aer this selement but they Previously it was part of Georgetown, Lincoln County and Massachuses. It is home to a (1) Winnegance Bridge was the first bridge over Winnegance Creek . It was authorized to be built in 1802 by the Massachuses Legislature and joined Bath and Phippsburg (part of chose to honor one of its royal governors, Sir William Phips, who was actually a nave of number of villages that together make up the Town. Georgetown at that me). There were 10 dal mills located here and some dam remnants can sll be seen to the north- Woolwich, by naming the town “Phipsburgh.” “Stoneybrook” is also spelled on historic east of the bridge. The Morse Sawmill (P) is now located on land at the end of Mill Road. documents as “Stonybrook” (no “e”). Notaons 1 (2) Winnegance School House (P) was used from 1860 to 1958 . All that remains of the one room schoolhouse is the double 10 Tidal Mills of Winnegance * = For more informaon visit the Phippsburg Historical Society Museum at 24 Parker outhouse that is used as a storage shed. (12) Cung family brick home (P). Head Road and Albert F. Totman Library at 28 Parker Head Road (3) Morse Shipyard where half of the Morse ships were built with the other half being built in Bath. The first vessel was the (13) Dromore Grange (P) began in 1889 and was acve into the 20th century. The Post (P) = Private Property (F) = Fee (NLE) = No longer exists “Winnegance” built in 1842. The last vessel, a schooner, built in the Morse shipyard was also named the “Winnegance” Office, now located in Dromore, had many earlier locaons at the Center including

and was launched in 1890 (NLE). at the Mino Shipyard (24), a private house on Church Lane (23), and on Route 209 We thank Gary E. Morong, Michele Y. Morong, John G. Morse IV, Thomas C. Totman, (4) Also in Winnegance Village was a store, post office, and the Suburb Civic Club Building (NLE). across from the Cranberry Point Road. Lynda R. Wyman, the Albert F. Totman Library, and the Phippsburg Historical Society for (5) Winslow Quarry was located at Pitch Pine Hill. A newspaper arcle concerning the quarry was printed on 4/6/1837 (NLE). (14) Dromore Cemetery is one of the oldest of the 102+ cemeteries in Town. providing this informaon and photographs. Map created by John “Mike” Young. (6) The Clifford Road lead to several family farms. (15) Rogers Neck Ice Pond (P). Rock remains from the ice run can be seen in the gut be-

(7) Cold Spring Farm (P), which was built by the shipbuilding and lumber merchants of the Lee family, is on the Naonal Reg- tween Rogers Neck and Lee Island. Phippsburg 200th Anniversary Celebraon Commiee ister of Historic Places. The Lees arrived in December, 1773. (16) Lee’s Sawmill was located at the mouth of Dromore Creek. Lee’s Brick Yard was (8) Old Ferry Landing where the ferry from Georgetown provided transportaon to the “West part of Town.” said to have been located near here. Two Dromore men, Henry Cung and Samuel (9) & (10) Historic Private homes (P) including the Campbell/Hoppe house (9) and the James Morse Farm (10). Rogers, built a small schooner in the 1800’s near Lee’s Mill (NLE). MEADOWBROOK (11) Pleasant Cove Meeng House/Presbyterian Church was built in 1736 (NLE). Fort Noble* was built in 1734 by Col. Ar- (17) Schools (NLE) - Dromore had two schools in 1820, the upper at Pitch Pine Hill and thur Noble (NLE). The site is on the Phippsburg Land Trust Noble Preserve Trail. lower near Stoneybrook Road where there are sll large foundaon stones. Both The Meadowbrook District extended from the Carrying Place at the Phippsburg-West schools were closed in 1918 by Town meeng vote because there were “not enough Bath line to Basin Falls. Families living on the Stoneybrook Road were also included in Mouth of Dromore Creek scholars.” the district as are the areas known as Wynburg and Brightwater. 16 (18) Frank Bowker’s Shipyard was originally located here and later moved to Phippsburg Center (NLE). A Tannery, operated by a Norwegian named Hans Sagberg, was also 1 3 (77) Perry’s Tide Mill (NLE). 11 located here (NLE). The Brick House (P), oen called the “Stoneybrook Manor (78) Old Mica Mine and Basin Falls 4 House”, located on the corner is believed to have been made from local brick. (79) Brightwater (P) is a summer colony retreat established by teachers, ministers and 2 (19) Lee Island*, now owned by the State of Maine, was inhabited into the first half of doctors. 10 the 20th century. A Porgy Fish Factory was located on the southern end of the Is- (80) Meadowbrook School from 1821 to 1917. (NLE). land (NLE). A Cemetery and Brick Tomb sll exist on the island. (81) “Old Carrying Place” which served as an Indian portage between the , via Winnegance Creek, to the New Meadows River. THE CENTER

The “Center” is an area in the middle of Town that runs from Stoneybrook Road to the 9 Fire Staon and Parker Head Road to Captain John Parker Road. The first secon of Par- 75 ker Head Road has many historic structures.

(20) The first house on the le was once the Parsonage for the Phippsburg Center Church (P). Totman Library & Center Store 6 5 (21) The First Center School House (P) was built in 1836 and used unl 1859 (brick 22 building on the right). 8 (22) Historical Society - This was the second Center School that opened in 1859 and was closed in 1958. It is now home of the Phippsburg Historical Society. The Albert F. 7 Totman Library was started in 1923 and relocated to its present site in 1986 from Route 209 next to the Center Store. The 1774 House* was built by James McCobb* and was home to Mark Langdon Hill who died there in 1842. This was later the 12 home of Charles Mino*, owner of the Mino shipyard* and is listed on the Na- onal Register of Historic Places. (23) The First Town Hall (NLE) was moved to Church Lane in 1836. The Phippsburg Cen‐ R o g ter Church* was built in 1802 and was used for Town Meengs from 1817 to 1837. 13 e r 81 s N The church was remodeled in 1846. Mark Langdon Hill was the first U.S. Congress- e c k man, 1819-1823, from this district and is buried in the Langdon Hill Cemetery be-

Ic e side the Bicentennial Linden Tree in front of the church. P o 14 n (24) Shipbuilding & Stores - The Hill, McCobb, Mino*, Bowker and Morrison Ship‐ SEBASCO ‐ THE BASIN d

64 yards were located here. Remnants of the Mino and Bowker Shipyards sll exist. Ships* from these yards carried Maine lumber to the West Indies and brought back Sebasco is from the Nave American name “Sebascodiggen” which means “portage almost 16 completed.” It is made up of three secons - the Basin, the fishing village at the harbor sugar, molasses and rum, some sailed to Europe and Asia. The last wooden full- including Malaga Island, and Sebasco Estates. It is sll an acve fishing community. Edwin 15 rigged ship built in North America, the Aryan, was launched from the Mino yard in 1893. The Hill/McCobb brick store was built in 1806 and was later the Mino store Gillies, Charles Gomes, Gene Perry and Edwin Wallace who were well known for boat 17 building in Sebasco. Most of the Basin is now owned by The Nature Conservancy. and post office. The first Town Meeng (1814) of the new Town of “Phipsburgh” 19 was held in the store. The Steamboat Landing was also located here (NLE). 18 (25) Center Pond was a dal marsh and converted into a pond for the ice business. The (67) “The Bumper” (Robinson Rock) was the site of a signaling staon during the War of 80 1812. It is a short hike to the top and has a great view of and its 365 is- pond level was established by the State Legislature. There is an alewife run at the lands. causeway. The Drummond Ice Pond & Ice House (NLE) were also located here. (26) A dal powered Grist Mill was located here. You can sll see the pilings. (68) Sebasco Harbor Resort (F) (formerly Sebasco Lodge) was established in 1908 by 2nd West Point School ‐ later Alton Wallace’s Boat Shop (27) The Town Hall was built in 1881. It was originally located behind the parsonage off Freeman Merri who later established Rock Gardens Inn (69). In the 1920’s Nathan 2nd Center School ‐ Historical Society Cushman became the owner and added a golf course and other amenies. There the Parker Head Road. It was sold on December 23, 1969, aer the consolidated was a feldspar mine just North of the golf course (70). Material from the mine was 22 school was built and the Town office had moved there. In October 1988, it was giv- used to build the Sebasco Lodge pool. en back to the Town and moved to its current locaon where the Town’s poor farm 20 had previously been located to become the present Town Hall. Located here is the (71) Cornelius Ice Pond (now wah-tuh Lake) was the locaon of an ice business. The 22 consolidated school built in 1957-1958, Fire and Rescue Staon built in xxxx and horses used to transport the ice were kept on “Horse Island” (72) , now known as 21 23 Harbor Island, during the off season. the Veterans and Mariners Memorial Park built and dedicated in 2001. 24 (73) The Black’s Landing area hosted three stores, a post office, several boatyards, and a 25 fish and lobster processing plant at the harbor where Ed and Phil Jacob pioneered 26

frozen seafood dinners. d n o (74) The Sebasco Nazarene Church is on the site of the original Sebasco two room school. P r 24 te (75) Frank Ridley’s General Store at Ridley’s Landing sold goods and ice to sailing ships n e C that would e up at the dock. It is now a private residence owned by the Ridley de- 27 scendants. (76) Malaga Island*, inhabited unl 1912, is owned by the Maine Coast Heritage Trust. 79

n si a B 78 e h T Sebasco Lodge 68



This village was named aer John Parker who purchased the area in 1659 from the Indi- ans. Several sawmills and an ice harvesng business were located here. It was also home to many ship captains and engineers. 29 d 75 n 74 o 31 P (28) Steamboat Landing (P) on “Parker’s Neck”. Ships and riverboats traveling up and e u 30 g down the Kennebec stopped here (NLE). WEST POINT ra p 73 S (29) The first Parker Head school was established on Parker’s Neck in 1860 and later a 76 replacement was built in the Village. It closed in 1958 but sll exists as the “Cliff West Point is well known as a fishing community. Henry Totman and William Wallace, d n House”* and is open for events during the year. were the first major landowners. West Point is the home of the “Totman Preserve” 57 o P y (30) Parker Head Church no longer exists but the church bell, which was given in which is owned by the Town and boasts a beauful beach and hiking trails for the use of le u D memory of three people who drowned near Parker Head, is now at the Historical town residents, taxpayers and their guests. Sea moss was landed at Cat Cove and Carry- e k a Society. Also located here was the Independent Hall which opened in 1898 for ing Place Cove. West Point is sll a working waterfront with commercial and private L h u dances and entertainment, two General Stores and a Telephone Office (NLE). wharfs. ‐T h a (31) Parker Head Ice Pond and Sawmill Dam*, which sll exists, was first built as a dal W (61) Henry Totman’s sons William and Elias built the first frame house in Phippsburg at mill dam with 4 buildings and 8 saws. The Mill Dam was later converted to an Ice West Point called “the house on the hill.” (NLE). Pond by John G. Morse I of Winnegance, Alden Morse and James D. Robinson aer (62) The property for the first West Point School was deeded to the Town in 1877. It is 71 the sawmills were destroyed by fire in 1867. 72 70 56 now a private residence. 59 32 (63) The Pine Grove Community Church was established about 1923 and sll serves the 33 community today. 31 Parker Head Ice Pond and Sawmill Dam 68 60

(64) Across Newbury Point Road is the second West Point School (P), a two room 58 55 d n 34 o building, which was closed in 1958. It was sold in 1960 for $500 to become Alton P se Wallace’s Boatbuilding shop where the well known “Westpointer” boats were con- u 69 67 o h structed. It is now a private residence. g n

k e (65) The Post Office from 1914 to 1944 was at the top of the circle (right side) and is 61 e e e r M

C now a private residence.


t (66) The next locaon of the Post Office was in the West Point General Store (P) at the r


boom of the circle. The “Dance Hall” was opposite the store on the hill (P). N 41

38 62 45 66 West Point General Store & Dance Hall 39 42 63 40

64 d n o 43 P COX’S HEAD

it m ir a p D 37 44 S 65 & Atkins Bay is named aer Thomas Atkins , a fisherman who purchased the southern end

e of Phippsburg (with the excepon of Popham) from Chief Robinhood. Cox’s Head was k 66 La r named aer William Cock, an early landowner. Cox’s Head Road to Atkins Bay Road pro- e v 48 il vides a view of Popham, Atkins bay and the mouth of the Kennebec River. Atkins Bay S road ends at Wilbur Preserve which provides parking and a turn around.

49 (32) Stone Schoolhouse (P) Established in 1836 as the Percy District one room school- 36 47 house and is listed on the Naonal Register of Historic Places. 35 (33) "The Old Fort” on Cox’s Head, which included brick barracks for 105 soldiers, was used during the to protect the river (NLE). 46 (34) Steamboat Landing and Coaling Staon for the tugboats of Knickerbocker Towage Co. The pilings sll exist.

POPHAM ASHDALE 52 er v i R Named aer Sir John Popham, sponsor of the 1607 short lived *. A party 50 e s of 100 men landed in August of 1607 and aempted a selement at Fort St. George . Named for its growth of Ash trees. The Ashdale Community extends from the Popham r o The colony was abandoned in the fall of 1608 aer its leader, George Popham, died. The turn to Sam Day Hill Road. M 35 Popham Village colonists sailed back to England aboard a supply ship and the colony’s newly built pin- 55 Small Point Church nace, “Virginia of Sagadahock”,* which was the first English ship built on the North (55) The Small Point Bapst Church was built around 1828. The land was donated by the at Ashdale Stephen Lowell family. American connent. (56) Ashdale School (P) was used from 1865 to 1946 and sll exists. 40 (57) A Single grave is located on Route 209 (Main Road). 1812 War Veteran Nathaniel 51 (35) Popham State Park was established in 1968. It is the second largest Maine State Morason who died in Popham at the age of 28 is buried here. Park. The first Park Superintendent was Thomas L. Totman. (58) Hosmer’s Store was built at Sawmill corner, which was named for the water pow- (36) Seguin Lighthouse was commissioned in 1796 by George Washington. (37) Charles Ingraham House was built in 1897 and is on the Naonal Register of His- ered mill on North Creek. The building was later moved to the Center to become d n toric Places and overlooks Silver Lake. Cola Pease’s Blacksmith Shop which sat under the ledge on the west side of Town o P ig (38) Fort St. George was built in 1607 NLE. There are two monuments - one is on the Hall (NLE). B (59) The first Post Office was located in Harry Hosmer’s House across from his store and ledge behind the first house on the le on Road at the sharp corner is now a private residence. (Hoss Ketch Road) and the second at the head of the Government Pier where you (60) The “Diamond Roof School” was located by North Creek in 1824 (NLE). can sll see the original pilings. During several archaeological digs since 1962 many arfacts including an Elizabethan age coin have been found. A monument to 53 the ‘Virginia” is located north of the parking area, and the access trail to Fort Bald- SMALL POINT win is located to the south. (39) Fort Baldwin* was built in 1905 and garrisoned during WWI and WWII by the 13th, Small Point is the eastern boundary of Casco Bay. The first selement, called “Ancient 29th and 8th Coastal Arllery with 200 troops each me. Augusta” *, was a small fishing village established in 1716 and later included a stone fort 54 (40) The Popham School (P), built around 1835, is now a residence. Popham Chapel to protect it (NLE). The French and Indian Wars brought an end to this selement. Early was dedicated on October 3, 1896. The Popham Library was built in 1910. Society families included the Pumroy Days, Wymans, Spragues, McInres and Wallis’. Small Point Hall existed from 1880 to 1946(NLE). The first Post Office (NLE) was built in 1888 along with West Point and Sebasco were part of the Town of North Yarmouth unl 1741. and it’s first Postmaster was James Perkins. The first “school”, in what is now Phippsburg, was held in the house of Nathaniel Sylvest- Sea Moss harvesng at Head Beach (41) Hunnewell’s Point Fort from 1743 – 1744. * is a civil war fort paral- er in Small Point in 1768. Ice and salt were shipped from Small Point on sailing vessels. 51 42 Steamboat Landing at Popham ly built in 1861 and garrisoned in 1865, 1866, 1898 and WWI. Signs and scenes at Many fishing boats are moored in Small Point Harbor. the Fort tell its story. This is also the locaon of the old Coast Guard dock which is now public. The Fort Popham Bell Tower (NLE) was destroyed by lightning in 1953 (45) Bodwell Grange (P), the last Grange in Phippsburg, was acve unl 2007. but some of the steel supports sll exist. (46) Great Salt Marsh where haying took place. It was divided into parcels for farmers. (42) Steamboat Landing where boats from Boston’s Eastern Steamboat Company and (47) Morse Mountain* was named aer Revoluonary War soldier Daniel Morse. There the Steamship Company embarked and debarked passengers, were military barracks located at the summit during WWII (NLE). The land is now freight and mail. Other steamboat landings were located in Popham Harbor west mostly owned by Bates College and offers a scenic view of the area via hiking trails. of the Fort (41), Cox’s Head (34), Parker’s Neck (28), and the Center (24). The (48) Stone Fort at Ancient Augusta built in 1718 (NLE). The Aliquippa Hotel was built Hunnewell Point House Hotel and Riverside Hotel, formally the Eureka House, here in 1836 and is now a private residence. were located nearby (NLE). A Civil War cannon is on display here. (49) Grist Mills and Ice Pond (NLE). Also located in this area was the Sylvester Store (43) Hunnewell Beach Life‐Saving Staon (P) was built in 1883. It was moved to it’s which is now a private residence. current locaon in 1889. It became the Popham Beach Coast Guard Staon when (50) Wyman’s Store and Post Office which was moved closer to the shore and turned the Revenue Cuer Service and the Life-Saving Service were merged to into a private residence. become the Coast Guard and closed in 1971. It is now a private residence. (51) Head Beach (P, F) where sea moss was processed in the 1940’s. (44) Rockledge Hotel, formally Ocean View House, burned in 1915 (NLE). (52) Hermit Island (P, F). (53) WW II Army look out tower at Bald Head (P). (54) Naval Observaon Tower (P) formerly used for training.