The Billboard 1915-06-19

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The Billboard 1915-06-19 Q sn cL_s L.WOLFE GILBERT PROF. MGR. JOS.W. STERNA CO. JUNE 19. 1915. Vou Seve IVloney AT LIBERTY In both the purchaae price and In gPEABMIMT MAKE DEPOSIT WITH freight by buying aur lo a Pack. Five full-slae stlc4a to each pack. ORDER. HELMET OHM 40c |>er box of 40 packs. We STEEL Sell at Fain, etc. SHOP. CIMCIMMATI. pay war stamp. Ladies’ Band 10 PIECES. DOUBLE ORCHESTRA. THEATER •Ill exceptimially giHid drawing card fur We carry a large PARKS OR TRAVELIN6 ATTRACTIONS and ran ship Immediately. Large Stock Prompt Deliveries No lima for rorreapondriu'e. Night lettergram wiiat Several lots of Second- vou ran offer "rral troupers." Hand Chairs for sale ra I CHA8. W. GOETZ, 169 Adaais St.. Bullals. N. Y Also nesting for nut- THEATRE SEATING of-door use. Address AT LIBERTY— Dept. See Our Illustrated Books S-1, Upholstered Seating S-2, Veneer Seating THE LEROYS Fkiw., A-I strong rornri. H., O., and H ; Helm Ask for your copy and sand floor akoteb fur stage. Strictly sober and reliable; not sfisid nf a>irk'; ran pilii on wire; need tlekeis If far. Addrtws El«w' Free Seating Plan L LKRtlT, SIIT IVllege St.. Springfield. Mu AT LIBERTY DARMM' AND MO.NT.IGI K. MiA- cal .4ct and Novelty I'erfonmrs; man and wife. «im Grand Rapids, Mich. * American Seating Conipan^ drsmaflc abtllty; change sliiglrs and dciibh. he . New York Offlee, 150 Fifth Ave. m Largeat liatnijaeturar* V Opera Ckaira" week. Wardrobe and tiage iritings THK RKST. Sutler and reliable. t'an Ja4n at once. A l irra 14 E. Jackson, cor. State St., Chicago DARNtS' AND MONTAGUE. Watetrllle. Ill 15 E. 32d Street. New York BOSTON PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH -AT LIBERTY- Opera Chairs Orrhestra Teacher. Vtotin, Alto In Rand; good Ill>raiy Quality. WorkmanMilp and PTompt DellTrrIe* are our music; lorale or travel. H H. FRY', Flnva, Ill. Uiree watoh words. THIS INTRODUCEIS - AT LIBERTY - Man and wife. Man, pianist, read and fake, wife, Peter A Volz Co. A-1 soubmie, real voice. Addresi I'lA.MST, .an MaaufacA'jrart. Merlric Tlieatre, IHdoii, Mo. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. ILLINOIS. NEW bracket opera chair MOTORDROME RIDER AT LIBERTY Write for prices. m Speed and FaitO' Riding. Have single ellndtr Which is Hdjustable to any incline or any ratiius. Send mar-bine Beat of referene*. l“rvfeT Park. Nied for our new eatalofiue. lIckH. Wrtlr F H HLHBFUtT (britrr known m "The 9'lvlng DuU-baian"), Geii. Del., Oiarlntae. THEATRE SUPPLIES West Virginia. Atrdome Benches, any length. Opera and Folding THE MASSILLON CHAIR & DESK CO., ('hairs of all kinds. We are jobbers for all leading makea Ileture Machines, Iron Booths that pass In¬ MASSILLON, OHIO. BALLOONIST AT LIBERTY spection, Curtains and ill other Aoceasories. AL¬ Hare July 4tb opm. Addrvat i'.VIT ('OL13I.4N, WAYS SOME tiOOD BARGAINS ON HAND. Larg¬ 52» First N E .wireel. M.wrlaluwn, Trim. est Exclusive .Supply House west of Mississippi. cvicrs First Natiraial Bank. LEARS THEATRE SUPPLY CO.. WANTED-MINSTREL PEOPLE, All Departments SAM LEARS, Prop., White No. 1 amw. Oblored No. 2—Singers. Danorrs, Oomedlans. Muilelans. .411 must double AT LIBERTY—A-1 VIOLINIST AND PIANIST 509 Ckaataut Strset, ST. LOUIS. MO. Interlocuton who can produce. State all you can and will do. IjtWEUT war time salan fiw show Jaik Street and wife; both A. F. of M ; large lllirxiy that la booked and wUI be out SO weeks, opening St. IsMils, Stptemhrr. We pay all excei’t board and id music. ExperieviCfsl In all lines. Just fliilshid lodging. No tickets. No anarchlsta i*m^t sl:rw nain't closed thive vrsrs. EiirUMr pliottigraph; all two seasons at Ijuprvws Tliiaire. Tulsa, likla , Inlev- NEW DROPS, $10.00 leuere answered. WANT TO BUY FOR ('ASH. If cheap. SceneiT, CWstumfs and aiiythtiig that ••in be stata XauiL vllle House. llrSh pvefev to hs-ale. Vio¬ PAINTED TO ORDER used In high-class minstrel show. BARLOW'S MINSTRELS, Ganaral Dallvery. Miaarsgalls, Mhia. linist. al»'> doubles Trombone. .Vddress JAt'K Any alae up to 15x30 feet. In either D1 ji.«d Dye, STRKKT, 524 Si> Buttlrr St . lAiislng. Mich. OH or Water Colon. $2.00 deposit with each order. FOR SALE--$250.00 6ox4<i nsuid end, push pola SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO, |Qqqj| j|,ij ggen Playing Bad Spots tent. 6-length seals, jaiks. staging, eeentldng to mate It complete fiw business, almost new, a o.iapMa uidfovms. BiMiNFL Svracusr. Y. PUNCH-BOARDS AND AGENTS DIIFFAI A ^ V 300 CANDLE POWER LIGHT T Ah I_N J — ***■* UompIHe ('ook House, neat frame-im. --M mere i/.. oro ■ ■ m m ■■ ■ ■ W ■ ■ ■ booked wtih l ot. lan't Greater Show. Reason fo / oubis ne PER HOUR. BUFFALO,r Na Ya selling tlolng lo the tViasI Write or wire H.MIBT k makes and burns Its ovm gaa ->e.\l WeeKweek andailU weekWeeK afteraiUT (JuneMillie 2lst_ ISl tolO July.IlllV .‘ird)OIUJ willWill fattenlaiieil thatI IKU "ll,'’JJirp.^Zrjm.e ^ \ ^nx^cnmaai KEBusETfE or criiiipy baiik roll Hiul put >011 011 ensy street. e crimpy bank roll and put you on easy street. FOR SALE CHEAP AO-ft. Bound Tv. all eomp-H* QLIC'KXjIT** OASOLINE m m mm a m with one Su-fl. ml>ldle. A aiiap Also Fli«tliig l,ady l.rvl;attijn iWiifli. w>wks on flat siagr. fli» . 3 Vtloe. Write quick I FK.4VK1JN, .Vlnkanc, \ inaiua. A very gr>od profiu^ition for NIAGARA■ ^ I m * FALLSB \\ IstsM.sin Pimdi-botrd btacause It L" If* ^<?®on»trator and aelLi Follows, and then comet a tleerer—a falvaniaed lead-pipe cinch- a "tar—A "tar mtxicn n»n. a u*iAn f»»n iwclf UAing U. ^ general agtnit baa tried to open, a town where w*irk continue" nlgtit and da>, a ti»wn when U»e pa> daj FOR SALE u ilga SMELL. NO iiu<«na something, and we are there when the “long comical green'* will be spread. »» MTvS TU TKIM. ^ ^ Five medium sUr Animal ('age Wagons, built fic pa- ■ Wnte today for our special nhw to draw, nicety paliitesl, exorUent ceodlUdi. money-making proposition, In- e<iul|qw.l with fr.nit brakes, seals, etc Wr.glit, M , Mift |2 side quantity prices and com- KkS. each, all alike, fan tie s.-en at F'Cd.rllic. Ky. plete catalog of KEROSENE AND WE WANT v.-n Cticap for iwsh t'irNTAt K H<>lt«ii. slU'W. t'.ASOUNE LAMlIi AND LAN- Kuritsrille. K> .\lso have one Hear, one tlrrt t'al and TERNS. Another gon<l. clean shuw to open at Buffalo, and will leave you In on all the other "(ream sputa," In¬ Tasmaidan l>evii fur sale cluding an Elks' Fiesta, and a string of darby fairs, provided you open at Buffalo, t'an place Knife Rafk, the NAGEL-CHASE MFG. CO.. fane Hack, Ncweltles, High Striker. Pop t'orn. i’eanuu. and other clcran C'oocesaians. Ivun't wait to write, rgw SALE AT A BARGAIN Rlllixvalng I’lanI, la 172 East Eris Street, 14 IRK. NO TELEGR-VM .VCCEKTED LN1.£SS I’REi’AlD. hustling ttouthern city. 16,000 populatUui .411 tawrdi Chicago, III. G. L. DOBYNS, Genesee Hotel. BUFFALO, N. Y. .'1^r;^.e.^^eV*Ti'L.^T::Tl.n. WANTED—Gen. bus. man and woina 1. ilust r«s- Itlvely be able to do spt-dalUes. This sliosv never Gooeral Ageat JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS. il-INT. .are Tliv closes. Nothing too goo<l .\ddics, HILLY WREN P. S.—Ocean Ware, In excellent running condlUon. beautifully lllomlnatod, newly painted and doing 1N14YERS. ('burubusco, Ind. a satisfactory buslneaa, for sale, tmly reason la 1 have too many riding devices, with a limited amount rf WANTED TO BUV Rmall Plano suitable fiw shoo time to ooeraeeoversee them. WaveWare Is bookedtxmked until October Idth16th with above sivows.slvows. inIn whose carerare vou canran rvarb _„.i k. a.i - stair lowest WANTED—ATTRACTIONS m.(ma. Week Jun.June 14th. Erie.Erie, Pa.; th«eafierthereafter per route. C. UL. JENNINGS. pl^^^Tnd X^ ^ For free street performances. Celebration JuD 3. Ad¬ WHITMoRF;, care WhlimnWa Georgtw IWats. Gnroa- dreas, giving rates, GEO. W. NEAFIE, Farmington, boro. Maryland. _ Iowa. Wanted, for Norton, Va., Home Coming WtNTED -A HI6H DIIINS DOG WANTED-ATTRACTIONS Miwt be A-1 BOB DAVIA. Melrowe. Minn Including one big. sensational Act, for ••$1,0(K) Day,’ Dversvllle, la.. August 12. L. O. SMITH. Secretary WANTED 2i>n (ret r»l 16-^. Xlde 11*l>. Fol'llnf Dyerxvllle. la. and Fourth of July Celebration Organ, tirgan l-layer, Ownedlaii that can Ivcsure t.'ifw nights a week; no yusuigstm or booer West la , werk June 14. Haskins, la., week June 21 Qi WANTED-SHOWS I Week June 28 to July 3 BENO, ear* Show, as above. _ M^rf'j^"Fi;r^* Tncn^a?*^;nJ^ra'. 'wto*'Merry-j?o-rouiid, Ferris Wheel, one or two more shows. Xo >jate. Kverythinjz on crowds. Refreshment JTlvllege solcL Write (J. W. main street, right in heart of city. Room for a few more conceHsions, Ki'line De¬ FIL4NKUN, Vlroqu*. Wla. WANTED vices. Wire. Will book you flat or {lercentaije. .Lddresb K. W. WK.-\VK,U, General Manaj^r. ALL SIZES SECOND HAND TENTS Or any kind of p»ia you have (or tale K. C KANS, Iowa Fails, Iowa, Celebrates July 5 59 Ann St . .New York t'lty Ooncesslotu write C. E. SHAW. Arlators and FYee AcU, write ROUT. MENDEU,. LAST CALL LAST CALL WANTED—STEAM SWING Htiowa. elc., (or ('vlebtatloai at HeiweT. Ill . JuD *• 1915, for cMKwaslona writs O.
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