The Theosophical Society in Australia Educational Resources 2017 Introductory Note In her book The Key to Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky, one of the Principal Co-Founders of the Theosophical Society, stated that the TS was ‘formed to assist in showing to (people) that such a thing as Theosophy exists, and to help them to ascend towards it by studying and assimilating its eternal verities’. Since its foundation in 1875, in New York, the Society has produced a very impressive body of literature which explores many aspects of the Wisdom Teachings referred to as Theosophy – Divine Wisdom – and regarded as the spiritual heritage of humanity as a whole. Loyal to its original intent, the TS has maintained that ‘there is no doctrine, no opinion, by whomsoever taught or held, that is in any way binding on any member of the Society, none which any member is not free to accept or reject. Approval of its three Objects is the sole condition of membership’. (Resolution on Freedom of Thought) The many resources which are included in this portfolio are presented in the same spirit: as material for study, reflection, understanding and dialogue. They include introductory, intermediate and deeper presentations; they also contain a great deal which is relevant to our daily lives, to the understanding of how our minds work, and to that deeper and necessary enquiry that leads to the realization of our deepest potential: Self-Knowledge. If there are any questions or comments about this portfolio, or orders for material, I will be glad to receive them. Pedro Oliveira Education Coordinator The Theosophical Society in Australia Level 2, 162 Goulburn Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Telephone: (02) 9264 7056
[email protected] 2 STUDY COURSES 1 Basic Course A clear and accessible presentation of basic principles.