We Rotary Presentation 27 January 2015 Leah Bolger, Corvallis, Oregon Biography/Background

∗ 20 years U.S. Navy—retired July 2000 ∗ Veterans For Peace (VFP) ∗ Camp Democracy ∗ Bring the Guard Home ∗ National Priorities Network ∗ United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) ∗ Delegation to Pakistan ∗ Green Shadow Cabinet ∗ Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) ∗ Drones Quilt Project ∗ Prevention Initiative ∗ World Beyond War

World Beyond War Initial Stages

∗ David Swanson book: War No More: The Case for Abolition ∗ Initial proposal drafted by the David Hartsough & David Swanson ∗ Built support via personal networks ∗ Not just the “usual suspects” ∗ Emphasis on international

The Concept

∗ Address the abolition of the institution of war, rather than specific , or elements or effects of war. ∗ When the World Outlawed War—Kellogg-Briand Pact ∗ Movement vs organization ∗ Anti-war vs Pro-peace ∗ Now is the time—urgency of the moment ∗ World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. Declaration of Peace

We understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life- affirming activities. We commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace. WBW Membership 9884 Individuals, 176 Organizations, 89 Countries Argentina Austria Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Brazil Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cymru Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador England Ethopia Finland France Greece Greenland Guam Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy Japan Jordan Juan de Nova Island Laos Latvia Lichtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Malaysia Malawi Mexico Netherlands Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Scotland Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain Switzerland Syria Tanzania Tunisia United Arab Emirates Vietnam Virgin Islands, British Yemen Zimbabwe

Current Structure

∗ Fiscally sponsored by Alliance for Global Justice ∗ Website (worldbeyondwar.org) ∗ Action Network—Communications ∗ One employee ∗ Governing body is the Coordinating Committee ∗ Several subcommittees: Strategy & Policy, Outreach, Fundraising, Communications, Research Part think tank…

∗ Academics/authors ∗ Alternatives to war—”Peace Systems” ∗ Changing the paradigm, dispelling common myths: ∗ War is inevitable ∗ War is necessary ∗ War is beneficial ...Part Activist Hub

∗ Massive non-violent actions including civil disobedience ∗ Coordinated campaigns ∗ Work locally with international activists ∗ Pressure war makers from the inside and the outside

Two-Pronged Strategy

∗ Educate. Carry out a large-scale global education campaign promoting and explaining the following principles: ∗ War is always a choice. War is not inevitable and can be abolished. ∗ War does not create security. It bankrupts nations at a time when funds are badly required to meet human and environmental needs. ∗ Real alternative exist: diplomacy, negotiation, mediation, international courts, a more effective UN. ∗ Nonviolent struggle is a powerful means to resist invasion, occupation and tyranny and create social change.

Two-Pronged Strategy

∗ Mobilize. Build a large, global constituency to engage in nonviolent people power against war. ∗ Network with other activists and organizations ∗ Create non-violent people-powered campaigns to achieve intermediate goals ∗ Nuclear weapons and militarized drones ∗ Closing foreign military bases ∗ Cutting military budgets and transferring those savings to civilian use ∗ Ending all military occupations of other countries

Strategy Documents

∗ One page ∗ Five page—”We Can End War” ∗ Extensive—”A Global Security System—An Alternative to War” ∗ Final edits before release ∗ Needs more international input ∗ Will continue to be developed A Global Security System—An Alternative to War

∗ Why is an alternative security system needed ∗ Why WBW thinks an end to war is possible ∗ Outline of an alternative: the infrastructure of peace ∗ Demilitarizing security ∗ Managing international conflicts ∗ Creating a culture of peace ∗ Accelerating the transition Rotary Involvement

∗ Sign the individual Declaration of Peace and encourage others to do so ∗ Sign the organizational Declaration of Peace, and encourage other clubs to do so ∗ Promote World Beyond War via social media ∗ Offer to speak to other Rotary clubs ∗ Help WBW network internationally ∗ Serve on WBW committee ∗ Support WBW financially