Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engg., Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)


Serial Code & Item Page No. Link to the Item

PART A Institutional Information 02-06

PART B Criteria Summary 07

Program Level Criteria

1 Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives 08-19

2 Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes 20-68

3 Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes 69-112

4 Students’ Performance 113-124

5 Faculty Information and Contributions 125-149

6 Facilities and Technical Support 150-160

7 Continuous Improvement 161-171

Institute Level Criteria

8 First Year Academics 172-203

9 Student Support Systems 204-231

10 Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources 232-259

PART C Declaration by the Institution 261

Annexure-I Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes 262 (PSOs)

Annexure-II Faculty List 263-266

E-Self Assessment Report i

Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

PART A: Institutional Information


Year of Establishment : 1964 Location of the college : Koni, Bilaspur

2. Address : Government engineering college City : Bilaspur State : Chattisgarh Pin code : 495009 Website : E-mail : [email protected] STD Code : 07752 Phone : 260289 Fax STD code : 07752 Fax : 260289

3. Head of the Institute Name : Dr. B. S. Chawla Designation : Principal Status of Appointment : Regular

4. Contact details of Head of the Institute STD Code : 07752 Telephone : 260289 Mobile : 9424144099 E-mail : [email protected] Fax STD code : 07752 Fax : 260289

5. Name of the Affiliating University : SWAMI VIVEKANAD TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Address : North Park Avenue sector 8 City : State : Chattisgarh Pin code : 490009 Website : E-mail : [email protected] STD Code : 07788 Phone : 2261311 Fax STD code : 07788 Fax : 2261411

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

6. Type of the Institute

University Deemed University

Government Aided Autonomous

Affiliated √

7. Ownership Status

Central government State government √

Government Aided Self Financing

Trust Society

Section 25 company Any other (please specify)

8. Details of all the programs being offered by the institution under consideration:

Increas S Year Year of Program Intak e in Accreditatio N of increas AICTE Approval name e intake n status* o start e if any

F.NO. Central/1- 1 BE Civil 1964 20 - - 7007976445/2020/EO Accredited A Date 14 June 2020

F.NO. Central/1- BE 2 1964 20 60 2000 7007976445/2020/EO Accredited Electrical A Date 14 June 2020

F.NO. Central/1- BE 3 1964 40 - - 7007976445/2020/EO Accredited Mechanical A Date 14 June 2020

F.NO. Central/1- 4 BE Mining 1986 20 - - 7007976445/2020/EO Accredited A Date 14 June 2020

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

F.NO. Central/1- 5 BE ET&T 2000 40 - - 7007976445/2020/EO Applied A Date 14 June 2020

BE F.NO. Central/1- Informatio Not 6 2000 40 - - 7007976445/2020/EO n Accredited Technology A Date 14 June 2020

F.NO. Central/1- Not 7 BE C.S.E. 2000 40 - - 7007976445/2020/EO Accredited A Date 14 June 2020

9. Programs to be considered for Accreditation vide this application:



10. Total number of employees in the institution:

A. Regular* Employees (Faculty and Staff):

CAY 20-21 CAYm1 19-20 CAYm2 18-19 Items

Min Max Min Max Min Max

M 19 19 23 23 23 23

Faculty in Engineering

F 03 03 03 03 03 03

M 07 07 08 08 08 08 Faculty in Maths, Science &

Humanities F 01 01 02 02 02 02

M 87 87 91 91 93 94

Non-teaching staff

F 07 07 07 07 09 09

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

B. Contractual Staff Employees (Faculty and Staff): (Not covered in Table A):

CAY 20-21 CAYm1 19-20 CAYm2 18-19 Items Max Min Max Min Max Min M 11 NIL 11 NIL 11 NIL Faculty in Engineering F 1 NIL 1 NIL 1 NIL


11. Total number of Engineering Students:

Item CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 20-21 19-20 18-19 Total no. of boys 754 712 728

Total no. of girls 370 399 417

Total no. of students 1124 1111 1145

12 Vision of the Institution: To be a global leader by imparting quality technical education and innovative research for the betterment of the industry and society.

13 Mission of the Institution: Developing technical competencies to enhance employability and entrepreneurship. Promoting research and consultancy activities to meet the need of industries. Inculcating ethical values and leadership qualities for sustainable development.

14 Contact Information of the Head of the Institution and NBA coordinator, if designated:

i. Name : Dr. B. S. Chawla

Designation : Principal

Mobile No : 9424144099

Email id : [email protected]

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

ii. NBA coordinator, if designated:

Name : Dr. S K Singhai

Designation : Professor Electrical

Mobile : 9479230832

Email : [email protected]

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

PART B: Criteria Summary Name of the Program: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Criteria Criteria Marks / No. Weightage Program Level Criteria 1 Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives 60 2 Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes 120 3 Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes 120 4 Students’ Performance 150 5 Faculty Information and Contributions 200 6 Facilities and Technical Support 80 7 Continuous Improvement 50 Institute Level Criteria 8 First Year Academics 50 9 Student Support Systems 50 10 Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources 120 Total 1000

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)



1.1 State the Vision and Mission of the Department and Institute (5) 1.1.1 Vision of the institute

“To be a global leader by imparting quality technical education and innovative a research for the betterment of the industry and society.”

1.1.2 Mission of the institute

o Develop technical competencies to enhance employability and entrepreneurship through state of art laboratories. o Promoting research and consultancy activities to meet the need of industries by Industry institute interaction programs. o Inculcate ethical values and leadership qualities for sustainable development.

1.1.3 Vision of Department “To be a center of excellence in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering education by imparting in-depth knowledge to the students to cater the ever changing industrial and societal demands”.

1.1.4 Mission of Department M1: Foster the culture of innovation and research in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering by providing active learning environment. M2: Provide holistic education for life by focusing on inculcation of human and moral values, professional ethics, leadership quality and team work amongst the learner. M3: Co-operate, Co-ordinate and Collaborate with industry and society to provide entrepreneurship, employability and innovation skills.

1.2 State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-I: Graduates will have professional and technical career in interdisciplinary domains like Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Robotics by providing innovative and sustainable solution using modern tools. PEO-II: Graduates will have effective soft skill and aptitude to integrate engineering issues in broader social and environmental contexts. PEO-III: Graduates will have ethical and moral values with a positive attitude for lifelong learning and to practice responsibilities towards their peer, employer and society.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

1.3 Indicate where the Vision, Mission and PEOs are published and disseminated among stakeholders (10)

Vision, Mission and PEOs are available on college website ( and also on the face book page of college. Vision, Mission and PEOs have also been disseminated among the current students studying in department and local alumni of the Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering working in telecom department (BSNL, AIR etc) of government. Vision, mission & PEOs have been approved by the members of the governing body, faculty and supporting staff of the department. In nut shell Vision, mission and PEOs are disseminated in following ways,  Displayed on institute website under Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering department link  Displayed on department notice board  Maintained in Course file  Distributed among students and their guardian  Emailed to students and alumni  Displayed in classrooms and labs  Displayed on Institute Face book page  Displayed in HOD chamber

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Shared to Students by Email

1.4 State the process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department, and PEOs of the program (25) Earlier Vision, Mission and PEOs were formed in presence of students and faculties from 22.09.2016 to 10.10.2016. During this stretch, core committee for Electronics and Telecommunication (ET&T) department was constituted. The core committee comprised of HODs of the department, three regular faculty members and alumni of the department. The committee of ET&T Department prepared the draft of the Vision, Mission and PEOs and finalized it after thorough discussions. After the Mock Visit of NBA Team on 29th-31st May, 2019 and workshop on NBA accreditation on 19-21st June, 2019, we got suggestions to change our Mission and PEOs of the department. This later on validated and approved by respective committee member and the faculties of ET&T department of the institute and disseminated further.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

1.5. Establish consistency of PEOs with Mission of the Department (15) : M1: Foster the culture of innovation and research in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering by providing active learning environment. M2: Provide holistic education for life by focusing on inculcation of human and moral values, professional ethics, leadership quality and team work amongst the learner. M3: Co-operate, Co-ordinate and Collaborate with industry and society to provide entrepreneurship, employability and innovation skills.

PEO-I: Graduates will have professional and technical career in interdisciplinary domains like Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Robotics by providing innovative and sustainable solution using modern tools. PEO-II: Graduates will have effective soft skill and aptitude to integrate engineering issues in broader social and environmental contexts. PEO-III: Graduates will have ethical and moral values with a positive attitude for lifelong learning and to practice responsibilities towards their peer, employer and society.

Mapping matrix of PEOs & Mission Statement

PEOs Statement/ Mission M1 M2 M3 Statement PEO-I 3 3 3

PEO-II 2 3 3

PEO-III 2 3 2

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

Rationale of Mapping: -

Mission-1 PEO1 Unmatched Correlation Domain Value Keyword domain Keyword domain Active skill Professional and Skill learning technical career in environment interdisciplinary Innovation knowledge Professional and knowledge and research technical career in interdisciplinary - Attitude Sustainable Attitude Innovation Entrepreneur Innovative and Entrepreneur and research sustainable Attitude 5/6 Innovation Higher studies Technical career in Higher studies and research interdisciplinary, Strongly

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using modern tools. Matched Innovation Employability professional and Employability and research technical career

Mission-1 PEO2 Unmatched Correlation domain Value Keyword Domain Keyword domain Active Skill Soft Skill and Skill learning Aptitude environment Innovation knowledge Integrate engineering knowledge and research issues - Attitude Social and Attitude Environmental Innovation Entrepreneur Integrate engineering Entrepreneur Attitude, 4/6 and research issues Higher Innovation Higher studies - Higher studies studies and research Moderately Innovation Employability Soft Skill and Employability Matched and research Aptitude

Mission-1 PEO3 Unmatched Correlation domain Value Keyword Domain Keyword Domain Active learning Skill - Skill environment

Innovation and Knowledge Employers, Knowledge research Lifelong learning - Attitude Ethical and Attitude moral values Attitude, 3/6 Innovation and Entrepreneur Employers Entrepreneur Higher research studies, Skill Innovation and Higher studies - Higher studies Moderately research Matched Innovation and Employability Employers Employability research

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Mission-2 PEO1 Unmatched Correlation domain Value Keyword Domain Keyword domain Holistic education Skill Professional and Skill technical career in interdisciplinary Holistic education Knowledge Professional and knowledge technical career in Higher interdisciplinary studies 5/6 Human and moral Attitude Sustainable Attitude values, professional Strongly ethics Matched Leadership quality and Entrepreneur Innovative and Entrepreneur team work sustainable - Higher Technical Higher studies studies career in interdisciplinary , using modern tools. Leadership quality and Employabilit professional and Employability team work y technical career

Mission-2 PEO2 Unmatched Correlati domain on Value Keyword domain Keyword domain Holistic skill Soft Skill and skill education Aptitude

Holistic knowledge Integrate engineering knowledge education issues Human and Attitude Social and Attitude moral values, Environmental Higher professional studies 5/6 ethics, Leadership Entrepreneur Integrate engineering Entrepreneur quality and team issues Strongly work Matched - Higher studies - Higher studies Leadership Employability Soft Skill and Employability quality and team Aptitude work

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Mission-2 PEO3 Unmatched Correlati domain on Value Keyword domain Keyword domain Holistic education skill - skill

Holistic education knowledge Employers, knowledge Lifelong learning 4/6 Human and moral Attitude Ethical and Attitude Skill, values, professional moral values Higher ethics, studies Moderatel Leadership quality Entrepreneur Employers Entrepreneur y Matched and team work - Higher studies - Higher studies Leadership quality Employability Employers Employability and team work

Mission-3 PEO1 Unmatched Correlati domain on Value Keyword domain Keyword Domain Industry skill Professional and Skill technical career in interdisciplinary Industry knowledge Professional and Knowledge technical career in interdisciplinary Higher Co-operate, Co- Attitude Sustainable Attitude studies 5/6 ordinate and Strongly Collaborate Matched Co-operate, Co- Entrepreneur Innovative and Entrepreneur ordinate and sustainable Collaborate - Higher studies Technical career in Higher studies interdisciplinary, using modern tools. Industry Employability professional and Employability technical career

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Mission-3 PEO2 Unmatche Correlati d domain on Value Keyword domain Keyword Domain Industry skill Soft Skill and Skill Aptitude

Industry knowledg Integrate Knowledge e engineering issues Co-operate, Co- Attitude Social and Attitude Higher ordinate and Environmental studies Collaborate 5/6 Co-operate, Co- Entrepren Integrate Entrepreneur Strongly ordinate and eur engineering issues Matched Collaborate - Higher - Higher studies studies Industry Employab Soft Skill and Employability ility Aptitude

Mission-3 PEO3 Unmatched Correlatio domain n Value Keyword domain Keyword domain Industry skill - skill

Industry knowledge Employers, knowledge Lifelong learning Co-operate, Co- Attitude Ethical and Attitude Skill, Higher ordinate and moral values studies Collaborate 4/6 Co-operate, Co- Entrepreneur Employers Entrepreneur ordinate and Collaborate Moderately - Higher studies - Higher studies Matched Industry Employability Employers Employability

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)



2.1 Program Curriculum (20)

2.1.1 State the process used to identify extent of Compliance of the University Curriculum for attaining the Program Outcomes and the Program Specific Outcomes as mentioned in Annexure-I. Also mention the identified curricular gaps/ if any (10)

A departmental meeting of all faculty members was held to study compliance of University curriculum in attaining POs & PSOs. It was found that with strong teaching learning process all POs will be met. Additionally, academic calendar of the university is completely followed. Classes for Theory, Practical, Project and Seminars are conducted as per the scheme and syllabus of the affiliating university. Two internal class tests are conducted to evaluate the performance of the students in every semester, in addition to these lesson plans are prepared for each subject and are followed completely. Dean Academic and Head of the department regularly monitor the academic progress through syllabus coverage and accordingly feedback is given to the concerned teacher. If possible, concerned teacher is given opportunity to take extra classes in lieu of teachers on leave to cover the syllabus. Some curricular gaps were found as all the POs are not addressed by university curriculum and a letter is written to CSVTU regarding Curricular gap.

Government Engineering College, Bilaspur is affiliated under CSVTU, Bhilai. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Programme curriculum is as per the scheme and syllabus of affiliated university. In general, Curriculum maintains the balance in the composition of Basic Science & Engineering, Humanities, Professional Courses and their distribution in Core and Electives and Project works. The feedback from the Alumni and industry experts was taken in order to identify gaps. Data collected was then presented in front of the departmental committee and contents beyond syllabus were identified. If some components, to attain COs/POs are not included in the curriculum provided by the affiliated university then department makes additional efforts to impart such knowledge by covering aspects through “Content Beyond Syllabus”. We include content beyond syllabus by proper curricular gap for attainment of the COs/POs.

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Process to identify curricular gaps through feedback

Alumni Feedback In Program Faculty (Curriculum- Industry Feedback students PO Mapping) Mapping Matrix)

Data collected by feedback

Gap Identification

Department Committee meeting

Action plan for fulfilling

the gap

Fig.2.1.1 Flow Diagram of Gap Analysis Process & Gap Bridging in curriculum

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Processes used for assessment of Course Outcome in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department

Fig.2.1.2 Curriculum & Teaching Learning Process

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Feedback Forms

1. Alumni Feedback

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department Government Engineering College Bilaspur Alumni Feedback Form

Please give your valuable feedback on the below mentioned points as it would help in the institution and the student growth. All the information will be kept confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. Skills, Abilities and Attributes Scale (1 to 5)

Apply Knowledge of mathematics, Basic sciences and Engineering Problem Identification and Analysis Design a system and develop solution to the problem Investigate and Handle complex problems Ability to use techniques and tools in engineering practice Understand and appreciate the impact of engineering in the societal and global contexts Awareness of existing issues (e.g. Economics of engineering, Environmental issues) Understand professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer (e.g., safety, professional ethics, code of conduct) Function effectively in teams Proficient in English language in both communicative and technical forms Awareness of the need for life-long learning (Seeking further education, self learning, Membership in professional societies) Project Management and Finance Suggestions if any:


Table.2.1.1 Alumni Feedback form


5 4 3 2 1 Excellent Very Good Good Fair Satisfactory

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

2. Industry Feedback Form

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department Government Engineering College Bilaspur Industry Feedback Form Sector Private/Public/Academia What are the pertinent Logical Thinking Good Aptitude Excellent employability skills to stay Communication updated in current industry trends which should be included in the curriculum to improve the quality of the undergraduate program? (Tick mark your choices.) Rate the GEC Bilaspur Curriculum on a scale of 1 to 5 using the following criterion: Skills, Abilities and Attributes Scale (1 to 5) S.No Attributes Scale (1 to 5) 1. Apply Knowledge of mathematics, Basic sciences and Engineering

2. Problem Identification and Analysis

3. Design a system and develop solution to the problem

4. Investigate and Handle complex problems

5. Ability to use techniques and tools in engineering practice

6. Understand and appreciate the impact of engineering in the societal and global contexts 7. Awareness of existing issues (e.g. Economics of engineering, Environmental issues) 8. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities as an engineer (e.g., safety, professional ethics, code of conduct) 9. Function effectively in teams

10. Proficient in English language in both communicative and technical forms

11. Awareness of the need for life-long learning (Seeking further education, self learning, Membership in professional societies) 12. Project Management and Finance

Suggestions if any:

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Table.2.1.2 Industry Feedback form

Signature: Designation: Scale 5 4 3 2 1 Excellent Very Good Good Fair Satisfactory

Structure of the Curriculum

This institute is affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai. The Curriculum is designed and updated by the University.

Curriculum (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19,2019-20)

Elective Series1, 4% Breadth, 13, 15% Series1, Humanities & Series1, Core , Social Science, 47, 56% 13, 15% Series1, Basic Science & Mathematics, 8, 10%

Fig.2.1.3 Program Curriculum grouping based on course component

B. Identified Curricular Gap 1. Learning of modern tool for Electronics & Telecommunication. 2. Lack of written and oral Communication Skills, Mathematical Aptitude and Soft Skills. 3. Lack of analytical ability and competitiveness. 4. Lack of entrepreneurial skill. 5. Less understanding of real-life problem. 6. Lack of Ethical values.

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2.1.2 State the delivery details of the content beyond the syllabus for the attainment of POs (10)

In addition to regular curriculum, Industrial visits, expert lectures and industrial trainings on latest soft tools were organized by reputed organizations like CRISP Bhopal. Students also send to different PSUs and Tool Rooms for their summer vocational training.

 A Letter is written to university in order to inform the curriculum gap identified by gap analysis.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Action taken to bridge Curricular Gap in CAYm1, CAYm2, CAYm3

CAYm1(2019-20) S. No. GAP Action Taken Date Resource Person No. of Relevance with designation student to POs, participa PSOs tion 1 Learning of MATLAB & Simulink 22nd-26th NIT, 5 PO1, PO2, modern tools in Aug 2019 PO3, PO4 Electronics and PO5, PO12, Telecommunicati Python/IoT/Machine 26th Dec- IIIT Naya, Raipur 4 PSO1, PSO2 on Engineering learning/Sensors & 2nd Jan Arduino 2020 IoT 31st Dec- ICT Academy, IIT 14 12th Jan Kanpur 2020 IoT & Robotics 4th- 6th IIIT Naya, Raipur 2 March 2020 2 Communication Expert Lecture on 31.07.19 (Dr. Sheela Tiwari) 32 PO1, PO2, skill (written and communication Skill PO3, PO4 oral), PO5, PO10, Mathematical PO12, Aptitude and Soft skill training 29th Feb- NIT, Rourkela 02 Employability skill 1st March


3 Less Emerging scenario in 16.05.2020 Mr. Kamal Kishore 57 PO1, PO3, understanding of Power sector Mundhada (Retd. PO4, PO6, real-life problem GM of NTPC) PO8, PSO1, PSO2

Kinematics and 23.05.2020 Dr. Vijay Kr. 61 Dynamics of a Robot Dalla(Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Department at NIT Jamshedpur)

Estimation and 24.06.2020 Dr. Naina 46 Compensation of Rao nagrale Phase Noise in a (CINVESTAV-IPN, wireless Link Department of Electrical

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Engineering, Mexico)

4 Lack of analytical GATE Classes 13.07.19 The Gate Coach, 24 PO1, PO2, ability and Training Delhi PO3, PO4, competitiveness Employability Skill 13.08.19 GEC Bilaspur 32 PSO1 Training 5 Lack of Ethical Motivational Speech 30.07.19 GEC Bilaspur 34 PO8, PO9, values (Mr. Vivek Joglekar) PO10

Art of living (SELP) 05.08.19 78 to 10.08.19 दयांग-वमश क 21.06.2020 78 ासंगकता Student Centric 21.06.2020 87 Online Session for Yoga on International Yoga Day

CAYm2 (2018-19) S. No. GAP Action Taken Date Resource No. of student Relevance Person with participation to POs, designation PSOs 1 Learning of Programming in 12/10/18- CTTC, 29 PO1, PO2, modern tools in C/C++ training 17/10/18 Bhubaneshwa PO3, PO4 Electronics and r PO5, PO12, Telecommunicati PSO1, PSO2 on Engineering

2 Communication Employability skill 04/09/18 Universal 44 PO1, PO2, skill (written and training Education, PO3, PO4

oral), Bangalore PO5, PO10, Mathematical PO12, Aptitude and Employability skill

3 Less Expert talk on career 18/04/19 Ms. 52 PO1, PO3, understanding of guidance Prithvideep PO4, PO6, real-life problem Chawla, Data PO8, PSO1, Scientist, PSO2

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Ascent Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd Expert talk on 25/04/19 Mrs. Swati 33 Electronics in plant Soni Katware, control automation Manager, NTPC Sipat 4 Lack of analytical GATE Classes 13/07/18 The Gate 4 PO1, PO2, ability and Training Academy, PO3, PO4, competitiveness Bangalore PSO1 5 Lack of Ethical EVM-VVPAT Training 1/10/18 GEC Bilaspur 55 PO8, PO9, values PO10 Three activities for 12/10/18 5 Voters Awareness 13/10/18 Campaign 30/10/18

National Unity Day 31/10/18 40

Constitution Day 26/11/18 38

World AIDS Day 01/12/18 36

Cleanliness Campaign 08/12/18 10

Bright idea 28/02/19- 3 Competition 2/03/19

Workshop on Fire 26/03/19 40 Safety

CAYm3 (2017-18) S. No. GAP Action Taken Date Resource No. of Relevance to Person with student POs, PSOs designation participation 1 Learning of MATLAB Training 11/09/17 – CRISP, Bhopal 45 PO1, PO2, modern tools in 15/09/17 PO3, PO4 Electronics and PLC & SCADA 28/11/17- CRISP, Bhopal 26 PO5, PO12, Telecommunicati Training 2/02/17 PSO1, PSO2 on Engineering 2 Lack of written Aspiring Minds under 03/08/17 – Talent Sprint, 08 PO10 and oral MYSY Scheme 27/09/17 Hyderabad Communication

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Skills, Mathematical Aptitude and Soft Skills Literary Activities: 16/01/18 Ms. Pooja 40 Group Discussion etc (NTPC) & Mr. Sudhanshu (SECL) Talk on Placement, 17/01/18 Dr. Sameer 40 communication skill, Bajpai, mathematical Associate aptitude and soft Professor, NIT skills Raipur 3 Lack of analytical - - - - PO2, PO10 ability and competitiveness 4 Lack of Expert talk on 16/12/17 TPS Arora, 12 PO9, PO11 entrepreneurial Entrepreneurship Jyotirmay skill Awareness Arya, Sudhir Gupta Industrialist 15/02/18 Mr. Ravikant 09 Industrialist 5 Less Industrial visits to All 23/02/18 Prof. Rahul 50 PO1, PO3, understanding of Radio Gupta, Asst. PO4, PO5, real-life problem Prof. ET&T PO6, PO8, PSO1, PSO2

Expert talk on BARC 29/01/18 Mr. RK Soni 40 Training School Scientific Officer, RRCAT

Expert talk on 02/02/18 Mr. Amit Khare 52 Understanding Basics Sr. Manager, of IT Infrastructure HCL Technologies Ltd. Noida Expert talk on Design 09/02/18 Mr. Dilesh 49 Pattern Verma Software Development Engineer, Amazon

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Delivery Details of the content beyond the syllabus for the attainment of POs:

S. No. Gap Identified Remedial action taken PO and PSO

Learning of modern tools in Training on Embedded System PO1, PO2, PO3, Electronics & PO4, PO5, PO12, 1 PSO1, PSO2 Telecommunication Training on PLC & SCADA Engineering

Lack of communication skill PO10 (written and oral), Employability skill training 2 Mathematical Aptitude and Employability skill

Lack of analytical ability and PO1, PO2, PO12, 3 GATE training competitiveness PSO1

4 Lack of entrepreneurial skill START-UP related activities PO9, PO11, PO12

PO1, P02, PO7 Less understanding of real- 5 life problem concerning with Industrial visits environment Workshop/Seminar

6 Lack of Ethical Values Induction Program, NSS Activities PO8, PO9, PO10

Table.2.1.3 Delivery details of content beyond syllabus

A. Delivery details of content beyond syllabus  Employability skill training  Guest Lecture  Workshop  Industrial Visits and Internship  Short term training  Gate training Classes

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B. Mapping of content beyond syllabus with PO’s and PSO’s

Topic/PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO1 PO1 PO1 PSO PSO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 Employabili ty skill 3 1 training Guest Lecture 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Workshop 3 3 2 2

Industrial Visits and 1 2 3 2 1 Internship Short term 3 3 2 1 training Gate training 3 2 1 1 3 Classes

Table.2.1.4 Mapping of content beyond syllabus with POs and PSOs

2.2 Teaching - Learning Processes (100)

2.2.1 Describe Processes followed to improve quality of Teaching & Learning (25)

A. Adherence to Academic calendar (Institute and university calendar):

Lesson plan with course objectives and course outcomes are prepared by the subject handling faculty before the commencement of the semester and is dually approved by the Head of department. According to the lesson plan, work done has been inculcated in the course file to ensure coverage of syllabus dually monitored by Head of the department.

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University Academic Calendar for BE Session JAN – JUN 2019

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University Academic Calendar for BE Session Jul – Dec 2018

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Institute Academic Calendar for Jan to June 2017

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B. Use of Various instructional methods and pedagogical initiatives:

Interactive learning:

The faculty use chalk and board and audio-visual aids in teaching. Students are also encouraged to actually interact during the lecture hour by getting the doubts clarified on the spot. Increasingly, students and teachers rely on each other to access sources of knowledge and share their information, expanding the general scope of the educational process to include not just instruction, but the expansion of knowledge. The role change from keeper of knowledge to facilitator of learning presents a challenge and an opportunity for educators to dramatically change the way their students learn. The boundaries between teacher and student have less meaning here with interactive learning.

Computer-assisted learning:

The Department has smart class room, number of computers, printers, LCD projectors, application software and system software with wi-fi connections. These are effectively used for teaching. Many final year projects are completed through the use of above said resources.

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Computer-assisted learning by the students

Real life Example

To demonstrate the complexity and unpredictability of real issues, and to stimulate critical thinking real world examples are discussed. Inter and multi-disciplinary approaches are used for problem solving. In order to demonstrate that there is no perfect solution to a particular problem real world problem are invoked. Real world examples help students think more analytically about the solutions. Real life example like electronic device starting from very small earphones to Bluetooth headsets, from pagers to mobile phones, digital clocks, setup box, video gaming console everything around us surrounded by electronic devices. Human being is not satisfied with these, they want everything around them to be automatic. So, they have developed embedded devices which are automatic, no need of human intervention, you set the time for which you want them to work and everything is done within this time. E.g. Washing machine, food processors, automatic teller machines etc. Human are not satisfied with these they want everything to be simpler and simpler. Human want everything to be done sitting at one place. So recent Technology that is trending today is IoT (Internet of things).

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Collaborative learning

Theory subjects and Lab:

Groups comprising a maximum of five to six students are formed in each class. One from the group is designated as the group leader. Each group may be assigned tasks by the faculty and a report on the activity is provided by the respective group leader. An assessment on the report is done by the faculty to analyze the expected outcome from the activity is achieved. The tasks assigned could be a minimum of one in each semester as decided by the faculty member. The focus of the tasks is on learning new technologies, enhance the knowledge on a particular topic, studying new tools to be in pace with the industry, doing some mini projects, etc. Additional experiments could be assigned to each group in lab sessions. Faculty encourages each group to disseminate the knowledge they have gathered to others.

Group Discussion

Group Discussions is an excellent strategy for enhancing student motivation, fostering, intellectual agility and encouraging democratic habits. It create opportunities for students to practice and to sharpen a number of skills including the ability to articulate and defend positions, consider different points of view, and enlist and evaluate evidence. The group discussions are promoted in the theory and lab classes, for example topics like “Electrical vehicle in India” are given to students for group discussion.


The purpose of the writing assignments is to help each student develop communication skills so they obtain the necessary information literacy skills to complete the engineering curriculum. Writing assignments is a flexible means of demonstrating learning as well as a method of exploring one's thinking to stimulate learning. The Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering department strictly follows this method. A minimum of two assignments is given for each course in a semester. The assignment given could be theoretical, analytical and numerical. The assignments are designed so that the COs, POs and PSOs are covered in the questions asked in the assignments.

Conducting Quiz

Quizzes are conducted for all courses in all semesters. At least one quiz competition is held per course in semester. Faculty keeps a document of the quiz questions. The mode of conducting quiz is oral the class. Quiz Competitions are organized to promote scholastic excellence and to provide a venue for interaction amongst students.

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Tutorials are generally intended to:

Enable the students to pursue their individual academic interests within the context of the subject. Help the students to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter. Develop student’s ability to think and act like a professional in their discipline. Develop student’s basic academic skills like identification and evaluation of relevant resources, effective communication, effective time-management etc. For each subject, at least one hour in every week is allotted for conducting tutorial.

Self-Learning Facility

A Common Computing Centre equipped with more than 90 computers is available 5 hours per day with internet facility. A Wi-Fi facility of 10Mbps speed is available which can be accessed anywhere in the campus. A Central Library with a sufficient collection of Books, Journals, Newspapers, non engineering and technology books, science, humanities and management are available.

Co-curricular Activities

Guest Lectures/ Workshops:

Every year a number of eminent personalities are invited from a variety of fields, articulating their thoughts and elaborating on their well known works, ranging from current rages to the age old topics.

Internal Assessment Tests

Two internal assessment tests are conducted in every semester. The first test is conducted after the completion of the two modules of each subject. The duration of each test is one and half hour. The results of each test are analyzed to identify the academically challenged and bright students. The bright students are assigned some task by the faculty to encourage their performance. Remedial classes are conducted for the academically challenged students after test and the remedial action is analyzed to identify the impact. Remedial classes are conducted for 2nd 3rd and 4th year students for session 2018-19.

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Industrial Training and Industrial Visits

The objectives of the industrial training are to expose the students to the engineering practice which is specific to their course specialization and to the nature of the industry selected to expose the students to the responsibility of an engineer and the engineering profession to develop the student’s communication skills that include daily interaction within the working environment and technical writing. The students of the Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering department are instructed to undergo industrial training of minimum 4 weeks at 4th and 6th semester levels. The same is evaluated at the end of 5th and 7th semester.

Glimpse of teaching methodologies

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C. Methodologies to support weak students and encourage bright students

Guidelines to identify weak students

Identification Criteria Action taken No of Students Duration Identify students who Conduction of 87 1 month scored less than 40% remedial classes marks in their class test.

Guidelines to identify bright students

Identification Criteria Action taken Topper students of each class Awarded with certificate and cash prize Best Project Cash prize Process for Encouraging Bright Students and Assisting Slow Learners


Class Teacher

Course Faculty

Performance in Class Test

No Weak Students Marks > 40%

Motivate to participate in Assignment Remedial Classes Yes national level E-Self Assessment Report Page 43

Bright Students Cash Prize (Alumni) Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Fig.2.2.1 Flow Diagram for identifying weak & bright students

D. Quality of classroom teaching:

In order to facilitate the better classroom teaching the faculty members arrange the students in a classroom in such a way that the academically challenged students are constantly being monitored by the faculty member. It is always ensured that a academically challenged student is seated with a bright student. The classification of academically challenged and bright students is based on the grades in the previous semesters and mutual consultation of the faculty members. There is constant interaction between the students and the faculty in a class. The faculty members encourage the students to interrupt the teacher during the lecture for asking questions. The relevance and the depth of the question help the faculty to assess the quality of the students and also the interest of the students in acquiring the knowledge. It consists of:

 Faculty member interrupts during the lecture and asks questions regarding the topics which the faculty was discussing previously in the classroom. This ensures that the students remain attentive during the delivery of the lecture.  The academically challenged students are frequently asked to repeat what the faculty is teaching in that particular class so that the students constantly maintain the rough notebook in the classroom.  Numerical problems in the classroom are assigned to the students.  Computers are used for teaching purposes and internet facility is available to students and faculty.  Projectors are used for teaching purposes.  Audio visual aids are used for demonstrations.

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 Unit wise viva are also taken by faculties.

E. Conduct of Experiments:

Electronics & Telecommunication Department has 5 physical laboratories (22 lab) covering all courses of university syllabus. A lab manual is maintained in each laboratory. All the experiments in the prescribed syllabus are compulsorily followed and completed by the end of the semester. The objective and the procedure for all experiments in the prescribed syllabus is available in the lab manual. The solution along with the objective and the procedure are added to the lab manual for the experiments that cover advanced topics. Groups comprising a maximum of five students are formed in each class. One from the group is designated as the group leader. Each group may be assigned tasks by the faculty and a report on the activity is provided by the respective group leader. Every student maintains a rough record to record the details of work done in each Laboratory session. The students are directed to write the step by step procedure to achieve a solution for the given experiment. The faculty-in-charge checks the procedure and then students can proceed with doing the experiment. In order to facilitate the continuous monitoring of the experiments performed by the student, lab assistant is always associated with the concerned faculty member. Student should record the observations in the rough record while doing the experiment. Students may also analyze the data to plot graph or other related work. The final output is verified by the faculty-in-charge. Students should add the details of the experiments done in the laboratory to the prescribed record book. Students can appear for the Practical Examination only if the record is certified by the faculty-in-charge.

F. Continuous Assessment in laboratory:

Experiments and studies are done by students and are monitored and evaluated after each experiment. The assessment is done on the basis of submission of laboratory records, understanding of the experiment through oral viva voce questions and participation in performing the experiment. Neatness of the laboratory record book is also given weightage in the assessment.

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G. Student feedback of teaching learning process and actions taken:

 At the end of the semester, all the students are required to fill a feedback-form using a scale of 1 (low) through 5 (high). E-Self Assessment Report Page 46

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 Lecture classes are monitored by senior Professors and the Head of the Department. They give constructive comments to improve the quality of teaching and the teaching-learning process.  If required, training programmes are conducted by professional experts to faculty members in the nuances of teaching, thus improving the efficiency of teaching-learning process.

Most of the faculty members of ET&T Department attended Pedagogy and advanced pedagogy program in various IITs & NITs. Smart class rooms have been established where the new pedagogy practices are being implemented. Remedial classes for weak students of the department under special coaching scheme for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students are being facilitated by Chhattisgarh Government. Remedial classes were also held under TEQIP-III as mandated by NPIU. Student feedback system has been initiated for the improvement of teaching learning process. Dean Academic and his team monitor the classes & monthly progress of syllabus coverage. Thereafter feedback is given to the concerned teacher, and if possible, concerned teacher is given opportunity to take extra classes in lieu of teachers on leave to cover the syllabus. Lesson plan is prepared for each subject to complete the syllabus as per time schedule. Teaching diaries separately for each subject is also maintained by teachers. We also encourage the faculties to apply for higher study to improve their knowledge.

Faculty attending FDP at IIT Bombay.

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2.2.2. Quality of internal semester Question papers, Assignments and Evaluation (20)

Centralized two Internal Tests for each subject are conducted per semester; Internal Exam question paper is set by course coordinator as per CSVTU syllabus and course outcome (CO) of the particular course. Course outcome and its knowledge level are also mentioned in the question paper. Each question paper is scrutinized by senior faculty member of the department to ensure the quality of question paper and to meet the objectives of Outcome Based Education.

Both the class tests are evaluated and answer books are shown to the students. Further the solutions will be discussed in the class which will enable students to understand the mistakes. Average marks of these two tests are forwarded to the University for the Final Results.

Assignment questions are prepared by the course coordinator as per CSVTU syllabus and course outcome (CO) of the particular course before the commencement of classes having higher knowledge level. At least one question is prepared for one CO so as to cover all the COs of a course. Course outcome and its knowledge level are also mentioned in the assignment questions. Each assignment is scrutinized by senior faculty member of the department to ensure the quality of assignment questions and to meet the objectives of Outcome Based Education. Assignments are evaluated by course coordinator and some sample evaluation is checked by senior faculty of the department. These marks are included as part of teacher’s assessment.

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Figure Template for internal question paper

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Figure Template for internal question paper evaluation

2.2.3. Quality of student projects (25)

A. Identification of projects and Guide allocation process

Two project works are carried out by each student group at undergraduate level, one during the seventh semester as minor project and another during eighth semester as major project. Before the project works are allotted, list of faculties with their area of specialization/expertise is notified to students and student groups with common area of interest are formed for project work. A departmental meeting including all the faculty members and final year students is called for finalization of project supervisor and topics of the project to be carried out for the session. List of project topics and faculty supervisor for different groups of students are notified thereafter. Project works are monitored regularly on weekly basis during allotted slots of project classes as per time table. Final presentation of project work is done by students in the presence of departmental head,

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guide and all other staff members. Performance of each student during presentation gets reflected as part of teacher’s assessment. Any suggestion/modification given during the presentation is incorporated before final submission. Final project reports are submitted by the students after approval from project supervisor and head of the department. These are evaluated by project guide and external examiner, and credited in end semester examinations.

Process for identification of projects and guide allocation methodology

List of Faculty with area of Specialization/Expertise

Formation of Students group with common area of interest

Departmental meeting for Allotment of project supervisor & project title

Continuous monitoring of progress of project

Presentation of project work in

presence of all faculty and HOD

Suggestion incorporated If there is any YES suggestion? in project


Approval of project report from project supervisor and HOD

Project report submission

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Fig.2.2.1 Flow Diagram for guide allocation and project identification

Initiatives Taken

The faculty motivate the students to carry out projects in house by providing essential resources. Further the students are encouraged to participate in Hackathon, present/publish their work in conferences/journals.

A. Types of projects  Analytical  Experimental

Type of project 2018 2019 Total project 10 09 Analytical 04 01 Experimental 06 08

B. Process for monitoring and evaluation Continuous monitoring mechanism and evaluation 1. Weekly meeting of students with respective guide as per time table. 2. Students present three power point presentations in the semester to the team of faculty members. 3. Internal (presentation) and external assessment (viva, one external & one internal at the end of semester). 4. Evaluation of project is done as per the below mentioned rubrics review table.

Rubrics review table

Review # Agenda Assessment Review Assessment Weightage Review 1 Project Synopsis/ Rubric R1 12% (12) Proposal Evaluation/Presentation1 Review 2 Presentation 2 Rubric R2 12% (12) Review 3 End Sem Presentation Rubric R3 12% (12) Review 4 Project Report Rubric R4 18% (18)

Evaluation Review 5 Evaluation by Guide Rubric R5 16% (16) External Evaluation 30% (30)

Total 100% (100)

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Rubric #R1: Project Synopsis/ Proposal Evaluation/Presentation 1 (12) Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Acceptable (1) Unacceptable Score (0) a Identification Detailed and Good explanation Average Moderate Minimal of Problem extensive of the purpose explanation of explanation of explanation Domain and explanation of and need of the the purpose and the purpose and of the Detailed the purpose and project need of the need of the purpose and Analysis need of the project project need of the project project b Study of the Detailed and Collects a great Moderate study Explanation of Minimal Existing extensive deal of of the existing the explanation Systems and explanation of information and systems; collects specifications of the Feasibility of the good study of the some basic and the specifications Project specifications existing systems information limitations of and the Proposal and the the existing limitations of limitations of systems not the existing the existing very systems; systems satisfactory; incomplete limited information information c Objectives All objectives of Good justification Incomplete Only Some Objectives of and the proposed to the objectives; justification to objectives of the proposed Methodology work are well Methodology to the objectives the proposed work are of the defined; Steps be followed is proposed; Steps work are well either not Proposed to be followed specified but are mentioned defined; Steps identified or Work to solve the detailing is not but unclear; to be followed not well defined done without to solve the defined; problem are justification to defined Incomplete clearly specified objectives problem are not and improper specified specification properly

Project Synopsis/ Proposal Evaluation/Presentation1 Evaluation

The Project Synopsis/ Proposal/ Presentation 1 evaluation is carried out preferably in the 6th week of the session. The total weightage for this review is 12 out of 100 Marks. The marks distribution and rubrics is shown in the Table. The presentation should be given in front of the students (8th semester), coordinators and guide on the scheduled time and day of presentation. During the presentation the concerned group must clarify the questions and doubts raised by the audience. The project coordinators along with the guide will review the presentation and demonstration. The evaluation is done by project coordinators.

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Rubric #R2: Presentation 2 (12) Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Acceptable (1) Unacceptable Score (0) a. Design Division of Division of Division of Partial division Modular Methodology problem into problem into problem into of problem into approach not modules and good modules and modules but modules and adopted selection of good selection of inappropriate inappropriate computing computing selection of selection of framework framework computing computing Design framework framework methodology not defined Appropriate Design design methodology not Design Design methodology and properly justified methodology not methodology properly defined properly not defined justification properly

B Planning of Time frame Time frame Time frame Time frame Time frame Project Work properly specified properly properly properly not properly and Team and being specified and specified, but specified, but specified Structure followed being followed not being not being followed followed

In- Appropriate Distribution of appropriate distribution of project work Distribution of Uneven distribution project work inappropriate project work un- distribution of of project even project work work and no synchronization c Demonstration Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives not No objectives and achieved as per achieved as per achieved as per achieved as per achieved Presentation time frame time frame time frame time frame

Contents of Contents of Contents of Contents of Contents of presentations presentations are presentations presentations presentations are not appropriate and are appropriate are appropriate are not appropriate well arranger but not well but not well appropriate and not well arrange arranged delivered

Proper eye Eye contact contact with Satisfactory Presentation not with few people Poor delivery audience and demonstration, satisfactory and and unclear of clear voice with clear voice with average voice presentation

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good spoken good spoken demonstration language language

Presentation 2 Evaluation

The Presentation 2 evaluation is carried out preferably after the first internals in the 8th semester. The total weightage for this review is 12 out of 100 Marks. The marks distribution and rubrics is shown in the Table. The presentation and evaluation are done same as mentioned above.

Rubric #R3: End Semester Project Evaluation (12)

Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Acceptable Unacceptable Score (1) (0) a Incorporation Changes are Changes are All major Few changes Suggestions of Suggestions made as per made as per changes are are made as during modifications modifications made as per per previous suggested suggested modifications modifications evaluation during during suggested suggested are not previous previous during during incorporated evaluation evaluation and previous previous and new good evaluation evaluation innovations justification added b Project  All  All defined  All  Some of  Defined Demonstration defined objectives defined the objective objectives are objectives defined s are not are achieved are objectives achieved achieved  Each achieved are  Modules  Each module  Modules achieved are not in module working are  Modules proper working well and working are working well and properly well in working form that properly demonstra isolation well in further demonstr ted and isolation leads to ated  Integration properly and failure of  All of all demonstr properly integrate modules modules ated demonstr d system of project not done  Modules ated are well and of project  Modules integrate system are not of project d and working is properly are not system not very integrate properly working is satisfactor d integrate accurate y d c Presentation  Contents  Contents  Contents  Contents  Contents E-Self Assessment Report Page 55

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of of of of of presentat presentati presentat presentat presentat ions are ons are ions are ions are ions are appropria appropriat appropria not not te and e and well te but not appropria appropri well delivered well te ate and delivered  Clear voice delivered  Eye not well  Proper with good  Eye contact delivered eye spoken contact with few  Poor contact language with few people delivery with but less people and of audience eye and unclear presentat and clear contact unclear voice ion voice with voice with good audience spoken language

End Sem Presentation

The End Sem Presentation evaluation is carried out preferably after the End semester exams in the 8th semester. The total weightage for this review is 12 out of 100 Marks. The marks distribution and rubrics is shown in the Table. The presentation should be given in front of the students (8th semester), coordinators, external examiner and guide on the scheduled time and day of presentation. During the presentation the concerned group must clarify the questions and doubts raised by the coordinators and external examiner. The project coordinators along with the guide will review the presentation and demonstration. The evaluation is jointly done by project coordinators and external examiner.

Rubric #R4: Project Report Evaluation (18) Level of Achievement

Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Acceptable (1) Unacceptable Score (0) a. Project  Project  Project  Project  Project  Project Report report is report is report is report is report not according to according to according not fully prepared the the specified to the according according to specified format specified to the the specified format  References format but specified format  References and citations some format In-  References and are mistakes In-  sufficient and citations citations are appropriate  sufficient references are not appropriate but not references and appropriate

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and well mentioned and citations mentioned well citations b. Description  Complete  Complete  Complete  All key  Inappropriate of explanation explanation explanation concepts explanation Concepts of the key of the key of the key are not of the key and concepts concepts concepts explained concepts  Strong  In-sufficient but little and very  Poor Technical description description relevance little description Details of the of the to literature relevance of the technical technical  In-sufficient to literature technical requiremen requirement description  In- requirements ts of the s of the of the sufficient of the project project projec technical description requiremen of the ts of the technical project requiremen ts of the project C. Conclusion  Results are  Results are  Results  Results  Results are and presented presented in presented presented not Discussion in very good are not are not presented appropriate manner much much properly manner  Project work satisfactory satisfactory  Project work  Project summary  Project  Project is not work is well and work work summarized summarized conclusion summary summary and and not very and and concluded concluded appropriate conclusion conclusion  Future  Future  Future not very not very extensions in extensions extensions in appropriate appropriate the project in the the project  Future  Future are not project are are specified extensions extensions specified well in the in the specified project are project are specified not specified

Project Report Evaluation

The project report evaluation is carried out after the End semester presentation. The total weightage for this review is 18 out of 100 Marks. The marks distribution and rubrics is shown in the Table. The project report evaluation is done by project coordinators.

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C. Methodology to assess individual and collective For B.E project, university time table based evaluation is carried out in 7th & 8th semester. At the end of semester student present their work.

Rubric #R5: Evaluation by Guide (16)

Level of Achievement Excellent (3) Good (2) Average (1) Score a. Self- Approaches the Completes the Lacks self motivation and Motivation project with self- project but determination and motivation and sometimes Determination follows it lacks self through to motivation completion b. Working Collaborates and Exchanges Makes little or no attempt to within a Team communicates in some views collaborate in a group situation a group situation but requires and integrates guidance to the views of collaborate others with others c. Technical Extensive Fair Lacks sufficient knowledge Knowledge knowledge knowledge and related to the related to the Awareness project project related to the Project Level of Achievement Excellent (5) Good (3) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Score (2) (1) d. Regularity Reports to the Not very Reports to the Irregular in guide regularly regular but guide but lacks attendance and and consistent in consistent in consistency inconsistent in work the work work e. Publication 2 Marks if group/ student published paper in Journal/conference otherwise 0 marks

Evaluation by Guide

The project report evaluation is carried out after the End semester presentation. The total weightage for this review is 16 out of 100 Marks. The marks distribution and rubrics is shown in the Table. This evaluation is done by project guide based on performance of students both individually and as team. Continuous monitoring is done by guide and evaluation is done accordingly. Weekly meeting of students with respective guide is conducted as per time table.

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D. Paper published or award

Every group is encouraged to write a paper or to participate in project competition.

Year Paper published 2016-2017 Nil 2017-2018 Nil 2018-2019 Comparative Study on Various Feeding Techniques for Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna 2019-2020 Face Recognition with feature points detection using MATLAB

Following are the examples of some projects undertaken by students in the department.

S.No. Title PO Attained Brief Description

IoT Based Home The project is based on Home 1 Automation 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 automation system using System. Internet of things.

Hand Talk This project helps deaf and Assistive system dumb people to 2 1,2,3,5,6,9,10,12 for Deaf and communicate with the other Dumb people people using hand gesture.

This project is based on encryption and decryption of Cryptography secret message using hybrid 3 using Hybrid 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,12 technique (Combination of method substitution and matrix method).

This project is based on face Face Recognition recognition using fisher filter 4 1,2,3,5,9,10,12 using fisher faces (more efficient than gabber filter).

This project senses the Auto Irrigation 5 1,2,3,5,9,10,12 moisture content of the soil System and supply water accordingly.

Project implements a solar Solar based UPS 6 1,2,3,5,9,10,12 based UPS system, which system takes solar energy and convert into DC form and E-Self Assessment Report Page 59

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store in battery.

Table.2.2.1 List of major project and mapping with POs

2.2.4. Initiatives related to industry interaction (15)

Training and placement section of the institute centrally takes initiatives related to industry interactions, like arranging lectures from industries experts etc. Technical trips to the industries are also arranged. We are trying to establish the laboratory with the collaboration of industry in the department. Some guest lecturers from the industry experts have been conducted. These lectures motivated the students and are proved beneficial to them for their employability.

To strengthen interaction with industries and to keep our students updated with the latest trends in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, the Institute has entered into 4 MOUs with the following companies. These companies will coordinate in organizing the workshops, seminars, internships, industrial visits and faculty development program.

S.No Company Name Date

1 Centre for skilling and Technical Support, Raipur C. G. 05-02-2019

2 MATRIX Motor Kontrol, Bilaspur C. G. 20-05-2019

3 Solar Solutions, Raipur C. G. 31-01-2019

4 The Institute of Engineers, India Kolkata 20-05-2019

Table Detail of MOUs signed with different companies

 Board of Governor (BOG) of Institute includes Chairperson and many members from industries and different institutes. On regular basis BOG evaluate the activities and they give constructive comments to improve the quality of teaching and the teaching-learning process.  To analyze the curricular gap, industry persons are also involved.

A. Implementation details:

Following events were conducted to support interaction with industry:

S.No Event Topic Date Resource Person

1 One day Workshop Industry Institute Interaction 10th Nov DTE Raipur 2016 2 Technical talk Innovations in engineering 29th Feb Dr. Alok Kumar 2016 Shrivastav, Project Director, ISRO

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3 Technical talk Electromagnetism, 12th Sep. Dr. Probir Ghoshal, Superconductivity & 2017 Scientist, US Federal Superconducting Magnets Govt.

4 Technical talk Emerging Trends in IT Industry 2nd Feb Shri. Amit Khare, 2018 Consultant/Sr. Manager, HCL

5 Technical talk Emerging Trends in IT Industry 9th Feb Mr. Dilesh Verma, 2018 Software Development Engineer, Amazon India

6 Industrial Visit To improve teaching learning 23rd Feb All India Radio process through real life 2018 Raipur examples and learn industrial practices 7 Industrial Visit To improve teaching learning 11th Oct BSNL Bilaspur process through real life 2018 examples and learn industrial practices 8 Technical talk About BARC Training School 29th Jan Shri RK Soni, 2018 Scientific Officer, RRCAT

9 Technical talk Career guidance 18 April Ms. Prithvideep Chawla, 2019 Data Scientist, Ascent Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd

10 Technical talk Career Guidance & Orientation 22nd Mr. Debesh Pattanayak, Program April 2019 CAD Consultant & Placement Executive, CTTC Bhubneshwar

11 Technical talk Electronics in plant control 25 April Mrs. Swati Soni Katware, automation 2019 Manager, NTPC Sipat

12 Technical talk Career in ISRO 7th May Mr. Vikas Shrivas, 2019 Deputy Project Manager, ISRO

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13 Workshop Effective Communication Skills 9th May MAATRAA Organization 2020

14 National level Emerging scenario in Power 16th May Mr. Kamal Kishore Webinar sector 2020 Mundhada, Retd. GM of NTPC

15 National level Kinematics & Dynamics of a 23rd May Dr. Vijay Kr. Dalla, webinar Robot 2020 Assistant Professor at NIT Jamshedpur

16 National level Aerospace industries in India and 30 May Mr. Abhijit Sinha, Webinar its future prospects & Amphibious 2020 Director and CEO of aircraft technology and Shinmaywa Industries operations in Indian context in India Pvt. Ltd. particular and World in general

17 National level COVID 19 crisis: A Test of Your 31st May Gp. Captain (Retd.) Y. Webinar Personality 2020 Srinivas, Team leader of Smart City Project, Bilaspur, PWC.

18 National level Robotics & AI in supply chain 13th June Mr. Salil Sinha, Senior webinar Management 2020 Vice President Cohen Enterprise(C&S), Nashua, NH, USA

19 Webinar Estimation and Compensation of 24th june Dr. Naina Rao nagrale, Phase Noise in a wireless Link 2020 (CINVESTAV-IPN, Department of , Mexico)

20 National level Soft Skills- Key to Success 28th June Mr. Anil Gopal Rane, Rtd webinar 2020 GM, Global Supply Chain Head, VVF Ltd.

21 National level Pursuit of Excellence in 4th August Mr. Kishor kumar Jha, Webinar Engineering 2020 Consulting Engineer & planner, expert in Result Based Stress management & Happiness

Table Details of workshop, industrial visit & technical talk

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

No. of Training S.No Session Branch Students Semester Module Schedule Duration Provider Participated

Computer 13th -

1 ET&T 12 7th Networkin 18th Dec 1 week

g 2017

CRISP, 2016-17 Bhopal

20th - Embedde 2 ET&T 38 5th 25th Dec 1 week d System 2017

11th - CRISP, 3 2017-18 ET&T 45 5th Matlab 15th Sep 1 week Bhopal 2017

28th Nov

PLC & - 2nd 4 2017-18 CRISP, ET&T 26 7th 1 week SCADA Dec Bhopal 2017 Programm 12th - CTTC, 5 2018-19 ET&T 29 3rd ing in 17th Oct 1 week Bhubneshwar C/C++ 2018 22nd- MATLAB 6 2019-20 NIT, Raipur ET&T 5 5th & 7th 26th Aug 1 week & Simulink 2019 Python/Io T/Machin 26th IIIT Naya, e 7 2019-20 ET&T 4 7th Dec- 2nd 1 week Raipur learning/S Jan 2020 ensors & Arduino 31st ICT Academy, Dec- 8 2019-20 ET&T 14 5th IoT 2 weeks IIT Kanpur 12th Jan 2020 29th Soft skill Feb- 1st 9 2019-20 NIT, Rourkela ET&T 2 5th 3 days training March 2020

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4th- 6th IIIT Naya, IoT & 10 2019-20 ET&T 2 8th March 3 days Raipur Robotics 2020 Table Details of In-house trainings and other trainings

B. Impact Analysis:

 Growth of technical skill among students in latest technology.  Students picked up what they learnt at the training to implement their own mini project and also final year project.  Students gained from this exposure to incorporate project-based thinking.

Year Students Name Batch Event Remarks

CAYm1 Sachin Pradhan 2021-22 State level hackathon held at SSIPMT 4th Prize, Won Rs Raipur 2019-20 5000/-

Shreyanshi 2019-20 Smart India Hackathon Selected for 2nd CAYm1 Maturkar & Round 2019-20 Team

2.2.5. Initiatives related to industry internship/summer training (15)

With an aim to go beyond academics, industrial training provides student a practical perspective in professional life. Under the scheme of practical training and evaluation; students visited various industries such as All India Radio (AIR), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Power Grid, Various MSME Tool Rooms and CRISP Bhopal etc.

It gives them exposure to current work practices as opposed to possibly theoretical knowledge being taught at college. It also provides students an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working method and employment practices. Thus industrial realities are opened to the students through industrial trainings.

A. Implementation details:

 The training and placement cell coordinates the students training and ensures that every student gets the summer training.  As per the curriculum every student has to undergo one month vocational training at the end of fourth and sixth semesters.  Students are required to submit a report of the work done during their summer training along with the certificate issued after successful completion of summer training.

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 A presentation on training is needed to be given by every student to the faculty assigned for this work.  Evaluation of training is done and its credits in terms of marks are given in the fifth and seventh semester respectively.

Following are the details of summer training/internship

Details of summer training/Internship in year 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17

Session 2016-17

S. No Company No. of student

1 SECL, Bilaspur 1

2 NTPC, korba 5

3 CSPDCL,jangir Champa/Raipur/Ambikapur/Bilaspur 26

4 CSPTCL, Tifra, Bilaspur 41

5 BSNL, Ambikapur/Raipur 5

6 PROLOT, Bilaspur 2

7 SECR, Bilaspur/Raipur 2

8 CG Infotech, Raigarh 1

9 Projectcuricity, Bilaspur 1

10 SAIL-BSP, Dalli Rajhara/Hirri Mines 1

Total (2016-2017) 85

Session 2017-18

S. No Company No. of student

1 , Power House Bhilai 1

2 CTTC, Bhubaneshwar 23

3 AIR Jagdalpur 1

4 NTPC, Seepat 2

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5 SECR, Bilaspur 23

6 CRISP, Bhopal 7

7 PROLOT, Bilaspur 8

8 BSNL, Bilaspur 3

9 Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, Bilaspur 17

10 CSPTCL, Bilaspur 3

11 Other Private institute/Firm/Company 3

Total (2017-2018) 91

Session 2018-19

S. No Company No. of student

1 CTTC Bhubaneshwar 1

2 MSME Kolkata 37

3 NIT Rourkela 2

4 Persistance Computers Bilaspur 2

5 SECR Bilaspur 21

6 BSNL Bilaspur 21

Total (2018-2019) 84

Session 2019-20

S. No Company No. of student

1 Udemy 1

2 Coursera 27

3 Internshalla 34

4 Solo Lern 4

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

5 Bolt Technoshot 1

6 AICTE Free Coursera 2

7 Courser by Tata Steel 7

Total (2019-2020) 76

Table Details of summer training in year 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16

100 No. of Students



40 No. of Students


0 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Figure Number of Students attended summer training/internship for various years

B. Impact analysis of industrial training:

 The student’s technical knowledge and skill is improved.  These training programs have helped the students in development of good projects in their final year.  The students gain valuable work experience.  The industrial exposure helps a lot in personality development of the students. They are also exposed to industry culture and learnt to communicate with their industry mentors and perform tasks assigned within the given time frame in an industrial setting. The change in their personality is evident when they come back from the industry. They are more confident and more articulate.

The students are provided with the feedback forms to rate their industrial training/internship. It is done to identify the level of achievement. The feedback is obtained from the students at the end of 5th & 7th semester to assess the achievement of the objectives of the industrial training/summer training/internship/industrial tour.

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Feedback form for student’s undergone industrial training/ vocational training/ internship/ industrial visit

Student’s Name:

Semester: Year: Roll No:

1. Name of the industry:

2. Area in which the student has undergone training:

3. Did the student get hands on experience on the facilities in the training place?

Excellent V. Good Good Average Fair

4. Did you become aware of any new technologies in relation to what you have learnt in the corresponding subject?


5. Were you able to analyze the facilities layout of the training place?


6. How do you rank the working culture and atmosphere in the training institute?

Excellent V. Good Good Average Fair

7. Rank the departmental initiative about the seriousness regarding industrial training etc

Excellent V. Good Good Average Fair

8. Did you become aware about the practical aspects in the industry?

Excellent V. Good Good Average Fair

9. Did you notice some interesting facts and new technologies adopted in the industry?

Excellent V. Good Good Average Fair

Table Feedback form for industrial training

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3. COURSE OUTCOMES AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES (120) 3.1. Establish the correlation between the courses and the Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) 3.1.1 Course Outcomes (COs) (SAR should include course outcomes of one course from each semester of study, however, should be prepared for all courses and made available as evidence, if asked) Bloom’s Taxonomy provides an important framework to design curriculum and teaching methodologies. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom was widely accepted by educators for curriculum design and assessment. In 2001, Anderson and Krathwohl modified Bloom’s Taxonomy to make it relevant to the present-day requirements. According to revised Bloom’s taxonomy, the levels in cognitive domain are as follows:

Level Descriptor Level of CO attainment

1 Remembering Recalling from memory of previously learned material

2 Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts

3 Applying Using information in another familiar situation

4 Analyzing Breaking information into part to explore understandings and relationships

5 Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action

6 Creating Generating new ideas products or new ways of viewing thing

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Course outcomes were assigned Bloom’s knowledge levels from 1 to 6 and also based on individual faculties’ perception.

As a result of this knowledge gained, Program Outcomes 1 to 12, PSO1 and PSO2 were assigned knowledge level from 1 to 6, as below PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2

Engineering Engineering Knowledge Analysis Problem Design/Developme of Solutions nt of Conduct Investigations Problems Complex UsageTool Modern and Engineer The Society and Environment Sustainability Ethics and Individual Work Team Communication and Project Management Finance Learning Life-Long Statements Statements K 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 L

PSO1: Ability to identify, formulate and solve problems of basics of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering and to apply them to various areas like analog and digital circuit, signal & system, communication, VLSI, embedded system etc. PSO2: Ability to design the systems of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering using advanced hardware and software tools with an analytical skills to achieve the societal needs.

One method of mapping (PO1 to PO4) is based on as follows:-

Knowledge level of PO- Knowledge level of CO is 0 or –ve, all POs up to that PO were assigned correlation level 3. Knowledge level of PO- Knowledge level of CO is 1, that PO was assigned correlation level 2. Knowledge level of PO- Knowledge level of CO is 2, that PO was assigned correlation level 1 Note: This can be changed by Course Coordinator’s individual perception.

For rest of the POs/PSOs knowledge level and their correlation values with COs were assigned by Course Coordinator’s individual perception.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Course Outcome Matrix for Third Semester (ET&T)

Subject – Probability and Random Variables (Theory) (328352(28))

Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

Course code CO statement Knowledge Level At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

C328352.1 Apply the concepts of Fourier series and Fourier transform to 3 signals.

C328352.2 Calculate the probability of events, independent events and 3 Bernoulli trails.

C328352.3 Predict the probability of events using distribution and density 3 functions of various random variables. C328352.4 Calculate temporal characteristics of a random process 3

C328352.5 Calculatethe power spectral density of a random process 3 through auto-correlation

Course Outcome Matrix for Fourth Semester (ET&T) Subject – Analog Communication (Theory) (328452(28)) Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 Course code CO statement Knowledge Level At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

4 C328452.1 Analyze concept of analog modulation, Multiplexing and Demodulation by sketching waveform, mathematical equation in time and frequency domain and simulation. C328452.2 Explain various blocks in transmitter and receiver for AM and 2 FM. C328452.3 Analyze noises mathematically in time and frequency domain 4 and effect of filters on it. C328452.4 Compare performance of different analog communication 4 systems in presence of noise. C328452.5 Solve problems related to power, bandwidth etc for analog 3 communication systems.

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Course Outcome Matrix for Fifth Semester (ET&T)

Subject – Linear Integrated Circuit & Application (Theory) (328551(28))

Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

Course code CO statement Knowledge Level At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

C328551.1 Apply the concept of differential amplifier to find 3 differential & common mode gain of differential amplifier C328551.2 Explain various application of Operational Amplifier. 3

C328551.3 Classify various types of voltage regulator 4

C328551.4 Design dc regulated power supply. 5

Course Outcome Matrix for Sixth Semester (ET&T) Subject : ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN(Theory) 328652(28) Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 Course Code CO Statement Knowledg e Level C328652.1 Analyze different waveform generator circuits and diode based 3 clipper and clamper circuits. C328652.2 Analyze transistor based multiviberator circuits. 3 C328652.3 Design multivibrator circuits using 555 timer. 3 C328652.4 Design OPAMP based active filters by selecting appropriate 3 component values. C328652.5 Analyze OPAMP based low pass, high pass and band pass 3 special active filters like Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.

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Course Outcome Matrix for Seventh Semester (ET&T) Subject – - WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (Theory) (328733(28)) Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 Course code CO statement Knowledge Level At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

C328733.1 Compare 1G,2G, 3G and 4G system on the basis of their 2 working, protocol, modulation techniques used etc. C328733.2 Explain Cellular system Design fundamentals like handoff, 2 frequency reuse, channel planning. C328733.3 Describe GSM architecture and protocols 2 C328733.4 Apply different modulation schemes for all four generations of 3 mobile communication. C328733.5 Explain radio signal propagation issues in wireless 2 communication.

Course Outcome Matrix for Eighth Semester (ET&T)

Subject – : Non-Conventional Energy Renewable sources (Theory) (300817(28))

Year of Study – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20

Course code CO statement Knowledge Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

C300817.1 Explain ideas and concepts of various non conventional 2 energy sources and identify their relative merits and demerits C300817.2 Describe the working of solar thermal power plants and 2 identify their merits and demerits C300817.3 Describe wind energy conversion and identify it’s 2 limitations. C300817.4 Explain Tidal, Biomass, Geo –Thermal and MHD power 2 generation process.

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3.1.2 CO-PO matrices of courses selected in 3.1.1 (six matrices to be mentioned; one per semester from 3rd to 8th semester) CO-PO Matrix for Third Semester (ET&T)

Subject – Probability and Random Variables (Theory) (328352(28))

Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C328352.1 3 2 ------3 -

C328352.2 3 2 ------3 -

C328352.3 3 2 ------3 -

C328352.4 3 2 ------3 -

C328352.5 3 2 ------3 -

328352 3 2 ------3

CO-PO Matrix for Fourth Semester (ET&T) Subject – Analog Communication (Theory) (328452(28)) Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C328452.1 3 3 2 3 1 ------2 3

C328452.2 3 2 1 2 ------2 3

C328452.3 3 3 2 3 ------2 3

C328452.4 3 3 2 3 ------2 3

C328452.5 3 3 2 2 ------2 3

328452 3 3 1.8 2.6 1 - - 1 - - - - 2 3

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CO-PO Matrix for Fifth Semester (ET&T) Subject : Linear Integrated Circuit & Application (Theory)328551(28) Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17,2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C328551.1 3 2 1 ------2 -

C328551.2 3 2 1 ------2 -

C328551.3 3 3 1 ------2 -

C328551.4 3 3 3 ------2 -

C328551 3 2.5 1.5 ------2 -

CO-PO Matrix for Sixth Semester (ET&T) Subject : ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN(Theory) 328652(28) Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17,2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C328652.1 2 1 1 ------2 -

C328652.2 3 2 - 1 ------3 -

C328652.3 3 2 2 1 ------3 -

C328652.4 3 2 1 1 ------3 -

C328652.5 3 2 1 1 ------3 -

C328652 2.8 1.8 1.3 1 ------2.8 -

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

CO-PO Matrix for Seventh Semester (ET&T) Subject – - WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (Theory) (328733(28)) Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C328733.1 2 1 ------2 - C328733.2 2 1 ------2 - C328733.3 2 1 ------2 - C328733.4 3 2 - 1 1 ------3 - C328733.5 2 1 ------2 - C328733 2.2 1.2 - 1 1 ------2.2 -

CO-PO Matrix for Eighth Semester (ET&T)

Subject – : Non-Conventional Energy Renewable sources (Theory) (300817(28))

Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO PSO 1 2 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 3 4 C300817.1 3 2 - - - - 3 1 - - - 1 - - C300817.2 3 2 - - - - 3 ------C300817.3 3 2 - - - - 2 ------C300817.4 3 2 - - - - 2 ------300817 3 2 - - - - 2.5 1 - - 1 - - -

3.1.3. Program level Course-PO matrix of all courses INCLUDING first year courses (10) For CAYm3: 2015-16, CAYm2: 2016-17, CAYm1: 2017-18, CAY: 2018-19

COURSE C CODE PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 CODE 3.00 2.00 1.00 ------C101 300114(14) - - - - 1.00 2.00 - 2.00 - 3.00 - - - - C102 300111(46) 2.60 1.60 - - - 1.00 - - - 1.00 - 1.00 - - C103 300112(11)

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3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 ------1.00 - - C104 300211(37) 3.00 2.00 1.00 ------1.00 - - - - C105 300118(24) 2.20 2.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 - 2.20 - - C106 300121(11) 3.00 2.00 1.00 - - - - - 3.00 1.00 - - - - C107 300126(24) 3.00 1.00 1.40 1.00 1.00 ------C108 300124(37) - - - - 2.00 - - - - 3.00 - - - - C109 300127(46) 3.00 2.00 1.00 ------C201 300214(14) 2.00 1.00 - - - 2.00 3.00 1.20 - 1.00 - - - - C202 300212(20) 2.00 2.30 2.00 2.00 - 2.00 3.00 1.00 - 1.20 - - - - C203 300218(15) 2.33 1.33 - 1.00 - - - 2.00 - 2.66 - - - - C204 300216(20) 3.00 2.67 1.50 1.00 1.00 ------C205 300219(37) 1.00 - - - 1.20 ------C206 300228(15) 300229(37) 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 ------C207 300221(46) - - - - 2.00 - - 1.00 - 3.00 - - - - C208 300220(46) ------3.00 - - - - C209 3.00 2.00 1.00 ------C301 328351(28)

328352(28) 3 2 ------3 - C302

328353(28) 2 1 ------2 - C303

328354(28) 3 2 1 ------2 - C304

328355(28) 2.2 1.2 - 1 ------2.2 - C305

328356(28) 3 3 3 3 2 - - - - 2 - - 3 2 C306

328361(28) 2.8 1.8 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - 2.8 1 C307

328362(28) 2.75 1.75 - 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 2.75 - C308

328363(28) 3 3 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 - 1 3 3 C309

328364(28) 2.67 2.5 3 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 2 3 3 C310

328365(28) - - - - - 2.5 2.4 3 - - 2.6 - - - C311

3 1.8 1 ------2.8 - C401 328451(28)

328452(28) 2.6 1.6 - 1 ------2.6 - C402

328453(28) ------C403 2.25 1.67 - 1 - 2.25 -

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328454(28) 2.5 1.67 1 1 2 ------1 1.5 1 C404

328455(28) 3 2 1 ------2.4 - C405

328456(28) 2.71 1.71 ------2.71 - C406

328461(28) 3 2 1 - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 C407

328462(28) 3 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 C408

328463(28) ------1 C409 2.8 2.4 1 1.4 1 2.8

328464(28) 3 2 2 1.5 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 2 C410

328465(46) - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - C411

3 2.66 1.66 2 2 ------2 2 C501 328551(28)

328552(28) 2.5 1.5 1 1 ------2.5 1 C502

328553(28) ------C503 2 1 - - - 2 -

328554(28) 2.8 1.8 - 1 ------2.8 - C504

328555(28) 2.75 2.5 1 1 2 ------1 1.75 1.5 C505

328556(28) 3 2 - 1 ------3 - C506

328561(28) 3 3 2 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - 2 3 C507

328562(28) 3 2 2 2 ------1 3 2 C508

328563(28) 3 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 C509

328564(28) 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 C510

300565(46) 3 2 2 2.6 2.25 - 3 ------C511

1.66 2 1 - 2 - - - - 3 3 3 - - C512 328566(28)

3 2 1 ------3 - C601 328651(28)

328652(28) 2.8 1.8 - 1 ------2.8 - C602

328653(28) 2 1.25 ------2 - C603

328654(28) 3 3 3 2 2 ------2.5 2 C604

328655(28) 3 2 ------3 - C605

328675(28) ------C606 2 2 - 1 - 1.5 -

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328661(28) 3 2 1 2 - - - 1 - - - 3 2 C607

328662(28) 3 2.2 1 1.2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 C608

328663(28) 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - 3 3 C609

328664(28) 3 3 3 2 2 ------2.5 2 C610

300665(76) - - - - - 2.2 2 2.2 3 2.25 2.5 - - C611

2.25 1.25 ------2.25 - C701 328731(28)

328732(28) ------C702 2.25 2 - 1.5 - 3 -

328733(28) C703 2.2 1.2 - 1 1 ------2.2 -

328734(28) C704 - - - - - 2.2 2.25 2.25 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.2 - -

328744(28) 1.6 1 ------1.6 - C705

328761(28) 3 2 - 1 - - - - 2 1 - - 3 1 C706

328762(28) C707 2.5 2 3 - 3 ------1 2 2

328763(28) C708 3 2 - 1 ------3 1

328764(28) 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 C709 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 3 3

328765(76) 2.6 2.6 2 2 1 1.6 - - C710

1.66 2 1 - 2 - - - - 3 3 3 - - C711 328766(28)

3 2 ------2 - C801 328831(28)

328832(28) 2.2 1.2 - 1 ------1 - C802

328833(28) 1.8 1 ------1.8 - C803

328840(28) 3 1 ------1 - C804

300817(25) C805 3 2 - - - - 2.5 1 - - - 1 - -

328861(28) ------C806 3 2 - 1 3 -

328862(28) 2.4 1.4 ------2 - - - 2.4 - C807

328863(28) 2.4 1.4 - 0.4 - - - - 2 - - - 2.4 2 C808

328864(28) 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 C809 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 3 3

328865(76) 2.75 1.75 - .75 - 1 .5 - - .5 1.5 1.5 - - C810

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After the careful examination of syllabi it is found that following figure depicts various basic components and curriculum contribution to Pos/ PSOs

Curriculam (2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19) Ellective 4%

Breadth 15%

Humanities & Social Science 15% Core 56%

Basic Science & Mathematics 10%

Table 3.1.3.a

A detailed classification of subjects is given below, Batch 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18

S.No. Subject Code Subject Name

Core Subjects 1 328352(28) Probability and Random Variables

2 328353(28) Electronic Devices and Circuits

3 328354(28) Network Analysis& Synthesis

4 328355(28) Industrial Instrumentation

5 328356(28) Digital Logic Design

6 328361(28) Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab

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7 328362(28) Industrial Instrumentation Lab

8 328363(28) Digital Logic Design Lab

9 328364(28) Electronics Workshop

10 328452(28) Analog Communication

11 328453(28) Analog Electronics

12 328454(28) Microprocessor and Interfaces

13 328455(28) Signals and Systems

14 328456(28) Electromagnetic Fields & Transmission Lines

15 328461(28) Numerical Analysis Using C Lab

16 328462(28) Analog Communication Lab

17 328463(28) Analog Electronics Lab

18 328464(28) Microprocessor and Interfaces Lab

19 328551(28) Linear Integrated Circuit & Application

20 328553(28) Antenna & wave Propagation

21 328554(28) Digital Communication

22 328555(28) Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing

23 328556(28) Automatic Control system

24 328561(28) Linear Integrated Circuit & Application Lab

25 328563(28) Digital Communication Lab

26 328564(28) Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab

27 328651(28) Digital signal Processing

28 328652(28) Electronic Circuit Design

29 328653(28) Microcontroller & Embedded System

30 328654(28) VLSI Design

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31 328655(28) Information Theory & Coding

32 328673(28) Biomedical Electronics

33 328661(28) Digital Signal Processing Lab

34 328662(28) Electronic Circuit Design Lab

35 328663(28) Microcontroller & Embedded System Lab

36 328664(28) VLSI Design Lab

37 328731(28) Microwave Communication & Engineering

38 328733(28) Wireless Communication

39 328761(28) Microwave Communication & Engg. Lab

40 328763(28) Advanced Communication lab

41 328764(28) Minor Project

42 328831(28) Advanced Communication System

43 328832(28) Consumer Electronics

44 328833(28) Power Electronics

45 328861(28) Optical Communication Lab

46 328862(28) Digital Circuit Simulation Lab

47 328864(28) Major Project

Basic Science & Mathematics

1 300112(11) Applied Chemistry

2 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab)

3 300114(14) Mathematics‐I

4 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II

5 300212(20) Environment & Ecology

6 300218(15) Applied Physics (New)

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7 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab)

8 328351(28) Mathematics-III

Humanities & Social Science

1 300127(46) Library & Seminar

2 300111(46) Professional Communication in English

3 300221(46) Communication Skills (Lab)

4 300220(46) Library & Seminar.

5 328365(28) Value Education

6 328465(46) Health, Hygiene & Yoga

7 300565(46) Personality Development

8 328566(28) Practical Training Evaluation & Library

9 300665(76) Managerial Skills

10 328734(28) Management Concepts & Techniques

11 328765(76) Innovative & Entrepreneurial Skills

12 328766(28) Practical Training Evaluation & library

13 328865(76) Project Management & Report Writing


1 300211(37) Engineering Graphics

2 300118(24) Elements of Electrical Engineering (New)

3 300126(24) Elements of Electrical Engineering (Lab)

4 300124(37) Workshop Practice

5 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering

6 300219(37) Fundamental of (New)

7 300229(37) Mechanical Engineering (Lab)

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8 328451(28) Numerical Analysis Using C

9 328552(28) Data Structure & C++

10 328562(28) Data Structure & C++ Lab

11 328732(28) Computer Networks

12 328762(28) Computer Network Lab

Elective Subjects 1 328840(28) Cryptography & Secure Communication

2 328744(28) Radar & Navigational Aids

3 300817(25) Non Conventional Energy Sources

3.2. Attainment of Course Outcomes (50) 3.2.1. Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of Course Outcome is based (10) Direct Assessment: This institute is affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University and examinations are conducted by the university as per academic calendar. The institute has decided to give weightage in following way to Internal Class Test (CT), Teachers Assessment (TA) and External End Semester Examination (ESE) for calculation of attainment of course outcome for different subject. The affiliating university also has same weightages for these components of examinations, Sl Particulars of the groups Weightage Assigned CT TA ESE 1 Theory 16.66% 16.66% 66.66% 2 Practical NA 33.33% 66.66% 3 Others with only TA NA 100% NA

For calculations of attainment levels of Course Outcomes, In addition to above, the level of attainment High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) will be on the basis of student performance as given below,

Sl Attainment Level Average % of scored marks in a course 1 3 55 and above 2 2 Below 55 and above 50 3 1 Below 50

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.) Indirect Assessment (Course Exit Survey): At the end of every course all the students who are registered are provided a questionnaire to assess their level of confident in attaining course outcomes. The students give responses in terms of 1- Low, 2-Medium, 3-High. This questionnaire/ survey are designed by course coordinator. Average response value of all students for a particular CO is taken as indirect assessment. However this process will be started from 2019-20, where CO calculation is done by adding 80% of direct attainment and 20% of indirect attainment.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Indirect Assessment (Course Exit Survey):

Course Outcome Matrix for Fourth Semester (ET&T) Subject – Analog Communication (Theory) (328452(28)) Year of Study – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 Course code CO statement Knowledge Level At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

C328452.1 Explain concept of analog modulation,demodulation and its 2 application block diagram and mathematical equation .

C328452.2 Explain concept of angle modulation,demodulation and its 2 application block diagram and mathematical equation .

C328452.3 Analyse noises mathematically in time and frequency domain 3 and effect of filters on it.

C328452.4 Compare the performance of different AM and FM systems in 3 the presence of noise.

C328452.5 Analyze various characteristics of AM and FM receiver. 3

Questions Question: How confident you are Your Ans(✓) Average Based on all Response COs High Med Low valve

1 Are you able to explain Amplitude modulation and demodulation

1 Are you able to solve basic problem Amplitude modulation and demodulation

1 Are you able to define application of AM

2 Are you able to explain angle modulation and demodulation

2 Are you able to solve basic problem angle modulation and demodulation

2 Are you able to define application of angle modulation

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3 Are you able to represent the noise with mathematical model

3 Are you able to calculate effect of noise on filter

4 Are you able to calculate SNR for AM and FM

4 Are you able to compare AM and FM system in presence of noise

5 Are you able to compare AM and FM receiver

5 Are you able to analyze Pre-emphasis and De- emphasis in FM receiver

Session Class Roll No. Mobile No. Email I.d Name Signature

3.2.2. Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with respect to set attainment levels (40) Attainment of Course Outcomes for CAYm1 (2019-20)

Semester: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII & VIII

Average % of S.No Attainment Course Name of Subject scored marks . level in a course

1 300114(14) Mathematics‐I 46.6 1 Professional 2 300111(46) Communication in 50.5 English 2 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 50.6 2 Engineering 4 300211(37) 54.5 Graphics 2 Elements of 5 300118(24) Electrical Engg. 51.3 (New) 2 Applied Chemistry 6 300121(11) 75.8 (Lab) 3

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Elements of 7 300126(24) Electrical Engg. 80.0 (Lab) 3 8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 81.2 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 80.0 3 Applied 10 300214(14) 46.4 Mathematics‐II 1 Environment & 11 300212(20) 57.4 Ecology 3 Applied Physics 12 300218(15) 53.8 (New) 2 Basic Civil 13 300216(20) 51.6 Engineering 2 Fundamental of 14 300219(37) Mechanical Engg. 46.5 (New) 1 Applied Physics 15 300228(15) 86.8 (Lab) 3 Mechanical 16 300229(37) 76.0 Engineering (Lab) 3 Communication 17 300221(46) 82.2 Skills (Lab) 3 18 300220(46) Library & Seminar 87.0 3 19 328351(28) Mathematics-III 44.89 1 Probability and 20 328352(28) 45.62 1 Random Variables Electronic Devices 21 328353(28) 42.09 1 and Circuits Network Analysis& 22 328354(28) 49.52 1 Synthesis Industrial 23 328355(28) 50.67 2 Instrumentation 24 328356(28) Digital Logic Design 44.43 1 Electronic Devices 25 328361(28) 70.78 3 and Circuits Lab Industrial 26 328362(28) 77.94 3 Instrumentation Lab Digital Logic Design 27 328363(28) 82.66 3 Lab

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Electronics 28 328364(28) 80.96 3 Workshop 29 328365(28) Value Education 55.89 3 Numerical Analysis 30 328451(28) 47.05 1 Using C Analog 31 328452(28) 52.52 2 Communication 32 328453(28) Analog Electronics 43.42 1 Microprocessor and 33 328454(28) 40.65 1 Interfaces 34 328455(28) Signals and Systems 50.56 2 Electromagnetic 35 328456(28) Fields & 41.25 1 Transmission Lines Numerical Analysis 36 328461(28) 73.44 3 Using C Lab Analog 37 328462(28) 85.18 3 Communication Lab Analog Electronics 38 328463(28) 76.34 3 Lab Microprocessor and 39 328464(28) 67.75 3 Interfaces Lab Health, Hygiene & 40 328465(46) 60.98 3 Yoga Linear Integrated 41 328551(28) Circuit & 89.78 3 Application Data Structure & 42 328552(28) 52.67 2 C++ Antenna & wave 43 328553(28) 59.22 3 Propagation Digital 44 328554(28) 44.81 1 Communication Advanced 45 328555(28) Microprocessor & 61.20 3 Interfacing Automatic Control 46 328556(28) 45.74 1 system Linear Integrated 47 328561(28) Circuit & 46.00 1 Application Lab

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Data Structure & 48 328562(28) 86.41 3 C++ Lab Digital 49 328563(28) 88.41 3 Communication Lab Advanced 50 328564(28) Microprocessor & 84.11 3 Interfacing Lab Personality 51 300565(46) 84.63 3 Development Practical Training 52 328566(28) Evaluation & 88.00 3 Library Digital signal 53 328651(28) 58.24 3 Processing Electronic Circuit 54 328652(28) 52.31 2 Design Microcontroller & 55 328653(28) 53.91 2 Embedded System 56 328654(28) VLSI Design 54.84 2 Information Theory 57 328655(28) 58.41 3 & Coding Biomedical 58 328673(28) 36.12 1 Electronics Digital Signal 59 328661(28) 84.30 3 Processing Lab Electronic Circuit 60 328662(28) 83.95 3 Design Lab Microcontroller & 61 328663(28) Embedded System 82.17 3 Lab 62 328664(28) VLSI Design Lab 65 3 63 300665(76) Managerial Skills 91.8 3 Microwave 64 328731(28) Communication & 52.11 2 Engineering 65 328732(28) Computer Networks 48.25 1 Wireless 66 328733(28) 57.28 3 Communication Management 67 328734(28) Concepts & 54.27 2 Techniques

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Radar & 68 328744(28) 53.76 2 Navigational Aids Microwave 69 328761(28) Communication & 86.14 3 Engg. Lab Computer Network 70 328762(28) 87.11 3 Lab Advanced 71 328763(28) 84.31 3 Communication lab 72 328764(28) Minor Project 89.58 3 Innovative & 73 328765(76) Entrepreneurial 93.23 3 Skills Practical Training 74 328766(28) 94.02 3 Evaluation & library Advanced 75 328831(28) Communication 62.67 3 System Consumer 76 328832(28) 54.47 3 Electronics 77 328833(28) Power Electronics 56.52 3 Cryptography & 78 328840(28) Secure 47.48 3 Communication Non Conventional 79 300817(25) 54.87 2 Energy Sources Optical 80 328861(28) 76.07 3 Communication Lab Digital Circuit 81 328862(28) 82.09 3 Simulation Lab Power Electronics 82 328863(28) 76.28 3 Lab 83 328864(28) Major Project 87.86 3

Project Management 84 328865(76) 81.15 3 & Report Writing

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Attainment of Course Outcomes for CAYm2 (2018-19)

Semester: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII & VIII

Average % of scored Attainment S.No. Course Name of Subject marks in a level course 1 300114(14) Mathematics‐I 50.7 2 Professional 2 300111(46) Communication in 51.0 2 English 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 51.4 2

4 300211(37) Engineering Graphics 52.9 2

Elements of Electrical 5 300118(24) 43.9 1 Engg. (New)

6 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab) 84.4 3

Elements of Electrical 7 300126(24) 80.7 3 Engg. (Lab)

8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 81.7 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 83.9 3

10 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II 48.2 1

11 300212(20) Environment & Ecology 55.0 3

12 300218(15) Applied Physics (New) 52.2 2

13 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering 45.6 1

Fundamental of 14 300219(37) 48.6 1 Mechanical Engg. (New)

15 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab) 83.2 3

Mechanical Engineering 16 300229(37) 82.1 3 (Lab) Communication Skills 17 300221(46) 86.1 3 (Lab)

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18 300220(46) Library & Seminar 83.5 3 19 328351(28) Mathematics-III 53 2 Probability and Random 20 328352(28) 49 1 Variables Electronic Devices and 21 328353(28) 45 1 Circuits Network Analysis& 22 328354(28) 45 1 Synthesis Industrial 23 328355(28) 51 2 Instrumentation 24 328356(28) Digital Logic Design 53 2 Electronic Devices and 25 328361(28) 81 3 Circuits Lab Industrial 26 328362(28) 86 3 Instrumentation Lab

27 328363(28) Digital Logic Design Lab 84 3

28 328364(28) Electronics Workshop 88 3

29 328365(28) Value Education 90 3 Numerical Analysis 30 328451(28) 56.61 3 Using C

31 328452(28) Analog Communication 63.49 3

32 328453(28) Analog Electronics 49.26 1 Microprocessor and 33 328454(28) 40.91 1 Interfaces 34 328455(28) Signals and Systems 55.54 2

Electromagnetic Fields & 35 328456(28) 43.60 1 Transmission Lines

Numerical Analysis 36 328461(28) 89.57 3 Using C Lab Analog Communication 37 328462(28) 86.32 3 Lab

38 328463(28) Analog Electronics Lab 82.29 3

Microprocessor and 39 328464(28) 78.22 3 Interfaces Lab

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40 328465(46) Health, Hygiene & Yoga 91.34 3

Linear Integrated Circuit 41 328551(28) 49.67 1 & Application

42 328552(28) Data Structure & C++ 56.94 1

Antenna & wave 43 328553(28) 50.48 2 Propagation

44 328554(28) Digital Communication 50.23 2

Advanced 45 328555(28) Microprocessor & 41.34 1 Interfacing

46 328556(28) Automatic Control system 41.94 1

Linear Integrated Circuit 47 328561(28) 83.49 3 & Application Lab

Data Structure & C++ 48 328562(28) 81.71 3 Lab Digital Communication 49 328563(28) 80.50 3 Lab Advanced 50 328564(28) Microprocessor & 82.87 3 Interfacing Lab

51 300565(46) Personality Development 86.74 3

Practical Training 52 328566(28) 86.74 3 Evaluation & Library

53 328651(28) Digital signal Processing 53.41 2

54 328652(28) Electronic Circuit Design 47.94 1

Microcontroller & 55 328653(28) 46.61 1 Embedded System 56 328654(28) VLSI Design 42.84 1 Information Theory & 57 328655(28) 48.03 1 Coding

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58 328673(28) Biomedical Electronics 48.86 1

Digital Signal Processing 59 328661(28) 78.86 3 Lab Electronic Circuit Design 60 328662(28) 82.65 3 Lab

Microcontroller & 61 328663(28) 83.33 3 Embedded System Lab

62 328664(28) VLSI Design Lab 83.60 3 63 300665(76) Managerial Skills 88.86 3 Microwave 64 328731(28) Communication & 52.11 2 Engineering 65 328732(28) Computer Networks 48.25 1

66 328733(28) Wireless Communication 57.28 3

Management Concepts & 67 328734(28) 54.27 2 Techniques

Radar & Navigational 68 328744(28) 53.76 2 Aids Microwave 69 328761(28) Communication & Engg. 86.14 3 Lab

70 328762(28) Computer Network Lab 87.11 3

Advanced 71 328763(28) 84.31 3 Communication lab 72 328764(28) Minor Project 89.58 3

Innovative & 73 328765(76) 93.23 3 Entrepreneurial Skills

Practical Training 74 328766(28) 94.02 3 Evaluation & library

Advanced 75 328831(28) 62.67 3 Communication System

76 328832(28) Consumer Electronics 54.47 2

77 328833(28) Power Electronics 56.52 3 E-Self Assessment Report Page 95

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Cryptography & Secure 78 328840(28) 47.48 1 Communication

Non Conventional 79 300817(25) 54.87 2 Energy Sources Optical Communication 80 328861(28) 76.07 3 Lab Digital Circuit 81 328862(28) 82.09 3 Simulation Lab

82 328863(28) Power Electronics Lab 76.28 3

83 328864(28) Major Project 87.86 3

Project Management & 84 328865(76) 81.15 3 Report Writing

Attainment for Batch CAYm3: 2017-18

Semester: I, II III, IV, V, VI, VII & VIII

Average % of scored Attainment S.No. Course Name of Subject marks in a level course 1 300114(14) Mathematics‐I 55.3 3 Professional 2 300111(46) Communication in 45.1 2 English 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 53.9 2

4 300211(37) Engineering Graphics 51.5 2

Elements of Electrical 5 300118(24) 49.8 1 Engg. (New)

6 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab) 78.5 3

Elements of Electrical 7 300126(24) 68.5 3 Engg. (Lab)

8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 77.9 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 78.1 3

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10 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II 51.8 2

11 300212(20) Environment & Ecology 57.5 3

12 300218(15) Applied Physics (New) 62.1 3

13 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering 50.7 2

Fundamental of 14 300219(37) 44.5 1 Mechanical Engg. (New)

15 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab) 75.7 3

Mechanical Engineering 16 300229(37) 78.9 3 (Lab) Communication Skills 17 300221(46) 74.9 3 (Lab) 18 300220(46) Library & Seminar 100 3 19 328351(28) Mathematics-III 48.04 1 Probability and Random 20 328352(28) 48.51 1 Variables Electronic Devices and 21 328353(28) 46.67 1 Circuits Network Analysis& 22 328354(28) 50.69 2 Synthesis Industrial 23 328355(28) 53.51 2 Instrumentation 24 328356(28) Digital Logic Design 47.17 1 Electronic Devices and 25 328361(28) 86.88 3 Circuits Lab Industrial 26 328362(28) 84.2 3 Instrumentation Lab

27 328363(28) Digital Logic Design Lab 83.68 3

28 328364(28) Electronics Workshop 85.69 3

29 328365(28) Value Education 87.08 3 Numerical Analysis 30 328451(28) 9.09 1 Using C

31 328452(28) Analog Communication 13.04 1

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32 328453(28) Analog Electronics 4.3 1 Microprocessor and 33 328454(28) 2.1 1 Interfaces 34 328455(28) Signals and Systems 17.39 1

Electromagnetic Fields & 35 328456(28) 6.6 1 Transmission Lines

Numerical Analysis 36 328461(28) 87 3 Using C Lab Analog Communication 37 328462(28) 100 3 Lab

38 328463(28) Analog Electronics Lab 93.4 3

Microprocessor and 39 328464(28) 65 3 Interfaces Lab

40 328465(46) Health, Hygiene & Yoga 100 3

Linear Integrated Circuit 41 328551(28) 23.26 1 & Application

42 328552(28) Data Structure & C++ 34.88 2

Antenna & wave 43 328553(28) 26.19 1 Propagation

44 328554(28) Digital Communication 25.5 1

Advanced 45 328555(28) Microprocessor & 9.52 1 Interfacing

46 328556(28) Automatic Control system 6.98 1

Linear Integrated Circuit 47 328561(28) 93.02 3 & Application Lab

Data Structure & C++ 48 328562(28) 97.67 3 Lab Digital Communication 49 328563(28) 86.05 3 Lab Advanced 50 328564(28) Microprocessor & 90.07 3 Interfacing Lab

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51 300565(46) Personality Development 97.67 3

Practical Training 52 328566(28) 97.67 3 Evaluation & Library

53 328651(28) Digital signal Processing 34.09 2

54 328652(28) Electronic Circuit Design 15.91 1

Microcontroller & 55 328653(28) 11.36 1 Embedded System 56 328654(28) VLSI Design 6.82 1 Information Theory & 57 328655(28) 15.91 1 Coding

58 328673(28) Biomedical Electronics 15.91 1

Digital Signal Processing 59 328661(28) 84.09 3 Lab Electronic Circuit Design 60 328662(28) 97.73 3 Lab

Microcontroller & 61 328663(28) 100 3 Embedded System Lab

62 328664(28) VLSI Design Lab 97.73 3 63 300665(76) Managerial Skills 97.73 3 Microwave 64 328731(28) Communication & 19.15 1 Engineering 65 328732(28) Computer Networks 29.79 1

66 328733(28) Wireless Communication 17.02 1

Management Concepts & 67 328734(28) 38.3 3 Techniques

Radar & Navigational 68 328744(28) 38.3 3 Aids Microwave 69 328761(28) Communication & Engg. 97.82 3 Lab

70 328762(28) Computer Network Lab 97.87 3

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Advanced 71 328763(28) 97.87 3 Communication lab 72 328764(28) Minor Project 97.87 3

Innovative & 73 328765(76) 97.87 3 Entrepreneurial Skills

Practical Training 74 328766(28) 97.87 3 Evaluation & library

Advanced 75 328831(28) 56.93 3 Communication System

76 328832(28) Consumer Electronics 60.41 3

77 328833(28) Power Electronics 65.80 1

Cryptography & Secure 78 328840(28) 52.71 3 Communication

Non Conventional 79 300817(25) 60.39 1 Energy Sources Optical Communication 80 328861(28) 84.82 3 Lab Digital Circuit 81 328862(28) 84.29 3 Simulation Lab

82 328863(28) Power Electronics Lab 82.59 3

83 328864(28) Major Project 85.95 3

Project Management & 84 328865(76) 81.44 3 Report Writing

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

3.3. Attainment of Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes (50) 3.3.1. Describe assessment tools and processes used for measuring the attainment of each of the Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes (10) Direct Assessment:

The institute considers university results for assessing the PO attainment and since it is applying for the first time, full weightage is given to direct assessment. For a particular course the course attainment is calculated by method described in 3.2.1. Now from CO-PO correlation values for POs which are being addressed by this course are multipled by this CO attainment and the result is finally divided by 3, to get PO attainment values between 1 to 3. Now for a particular PO for example PO1, all PO1 attainment values due to different courses taken by this batch of students in all 4 years, are summed up and divided by number of courses which addresses this PO, is the PO attainment value for this passing out batch of students. Indirect Assessment (Program Exit Survey): At the end of 8th semester of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Program all the students who are graduating are provided a survey to assess their level of confident in attaining Program outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes. The students give responses in terms of 1- Low, 2-Medium, 3-High. Average response value of all students for a particular PO is taken as indirect assessment value. However this process has been started on 2018-19 only, where PO calculation is done by adding 80% of direct attainment and 20% of indirect attainment.

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Indirect Assessment Form (Program Exit Survey)

Indirect PO Your Answer (✓) attainment

High Med Low

PO1 Passout Year

PO2 Class Roll No.

PO3 Name

PO4 Email I.d

PO5 Mobile No. PO6 Signature




PO11 PO12



3.3.2. Provide results of evaluation of each PO & PSO (40)

PO Attainment 2014-18

Course Code PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 code 300114(14) C101 3 2 1 ------A14-15 300111(46) C102 - - - - 0.3 0.7 - 0.7 - 1 - - - - A14-15 300112(11) C103 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 - - A14-15

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300211(37) C104 2 2 1.3 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 - - A14-15 300118(24) C105 1 0.7 0.3 ------0.3 - - - - A14-15 300121(11) C106 2.2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2.2 - - A 15-16 300126(24) C107 3 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 - - - - A14-15 300124(37) C108 3 1 1.4 1 1 ------A14-15 300127(46) C109 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - - - A14-15 300214(14) C201 2 1.3 0.7 ------A14-15 300212(20) C202 2 1 - - - 2 3 1.2 - 1 - - - - A14-15 300218(15) C203 2 2.3 2 2 - 2 3 1 - 1.2 - - - - A14-15 300216(20) C204 1.5 0.9 - 0.7 - - - 1.3 - 1.8 - - - - A14-15 300219(37) C205 1 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 ------A14-15 300228(15) C206 1 - - - 1.2 ------A14-15 300229(37) C207 3 1.5 1 1 ------A14-15 300221(46) C208 - - - - 2 - - 1 - 3 - - - - A15-16 300220(46) C209 ------3 - - - - A14-15 328351(28) C301 1 0.66 0.33 ------A15-16 328352(28) C302 1 0.66 ------1 - A15-16 328353(28) C303 0.66 0.33 ------0.66 - A15-16 328354(28) C304 2 1.33 0.66 ------1.33 - A15-16 328355(28) C305 1.5 0.8 - 0.66 ------1.5 - A15-16 328356(28) C306 0.92 0.59 0.33 ------1 - A15-16 328361(28) C307 2.8 1.8 0.8 - 0.4 - - - 1 - - - 2.8 0.8 A15-16 328362(28) C308 2.6 1.6 ------1 1 - - 2.6 - A15-16 328363(28) C309 3 2 1 ------2 1 1 - 1 A15-16 328364(28) C310 2.67 2.5 3 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 2 3 3 A15-16 328365(28) C311 - - - - - 2.5 2.4 3 3 - 2.6 3 - - A15-16 328451(28) C401 1.99 1.19 0.66 ------1.86 - A15-16 328452(28) C402 2 2 1.19 1.73 0.66 - - 0.66 - - - - 1.33 2 A15-16

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328453(28) C403 1.48 1.1 - 0.66 ------1.48 - A15-16 328454(28) C404 0.83 0.5567 0.33 0.33 0.67 ------0.33 0.5 0.33 A15-16 328455(28) C405 2 1.8 1.33 2.5 1 ------0.66 2.33 0.66 A15-16 328456(28) C406 0.95 0.61 ------0.95 - A15-16 328461(28) C407 3 2 2 - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A15-16 328462(28) C408 3 3 1.6 3 1.4 - - - - 1 - - 1.8 3 A15-16 328463(28) C409 2.8 2.4 1 1.4 1 ------2.8 1 A15-16 328464(28) C410 3 2 2 1.5 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 2 A15-16 328465(46) C411 - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - A15-16 328551(28) C501 1 1 0.5 ------0.66 - A16-17 328552(28) C502 3 2.75 2.5 3.75 1.5 ------1 3.5 1 A16-17 328553(28) C503 2 1.6 2 0.66 - - - - - 0.66 - 0.33 1.6 0.66 A16-17 328554(28) C504 1.86 1.2 - 0.66 ------1.86 - A16-17 328555(28) C505 1.083 0.75 0.33 0.75 0.25 ------0.33 0.75 0.5 A16-17 328556(28) C506 0.93 0.73 0.33 0.5 0.33 ------0.5 0.9 A16-17 328561(28) C507 3 2 1 - 1 ------2 - A16-17 328562(28) C508 3 2 3 2 3 ------2 3 A16-17 328563(28) C509 3 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A16-17 328564(28) C510 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 A16-17 300565(46) C511 - - - - - 3 3 2.8 3 2.6 3 3 - - A16-17 328566(28) C512 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A16-17 328651(28) C601 2 1.33 0.66 ------2 - A16-17 328652(28) C602 0.933 0.6 0.433 0.33 ------0.933 - A16-17 328653(28) C603 0.66 0.33 ------0.66 - A16-17 328654(28) C604 1 1 1 0.66 0.66 ------0.83 0.66 A16-17 328655(28) C605 2 1.33 ------2 - A16-17 328675(28) C606 2 1.33 - 1 ------0.17 1.5 - A16-17 328661(28) C607 3 2 1 - 1 ------3 1 A16-17

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

328662(28) C608 2.8 2 1 1.2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A16-17 328663(28) C609 3 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 3 1.8 A16-17 328664(28) C610 3 3 3 2 2 ------2.5 2 A16-17 300665(76) C611 - - - - - 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.8 3 3 3 - - A16-17 328731(28) C701 2 1.6 2 ------2 0.66 A17-18 328732(28) C702 2 2 1 1.5 - - - - - 2 - - - - A17-18 328733(28) C703 1.5 0.8 - 0.66 0.66 ------1.5 - A17-18 328734(28) C704 - - - - - 2.2 2.25 2.25 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.2 - - A17-18 328744(28) C705 1.6 0.6 ------1.6 - A17-18 328761(28) C706 3 2 ------2 1 - - 3 1 A17-18 328762(28) C707 2 2 1.5 1.5 - - - - - 2 - - - - A17-18 328763(28) C708 3 2 - 1 ------3 1 A17-18 328764(28) C709 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A17-18 300725(36) C710 - 2.6 - 2.6 - 2 - - 2 1 - 1.6 - - A17-18 328766(28) C711 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A17-18 328831(28) C801 3 2.4 1.4 2.2 - - - - - 2 - - - 2.6 A17-18 328832(28) C802 2.2 1.2 - 1 ------1 - A17-18 328833(28) C803 1.2 0.53 ------1.2 - A17-18 328840(28) C804 3 1 ------1 - A17-18 300817(25 C805 3 2 - - - - 2.5 1 - - - 1 - - A17-18 328861(28) C806 3 2 - 1 ------3 - A17-18 328862(28) C807 3 2 1 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 - 3 1 A17-18 328863(28) C808 2.4 1.4 0.4 - - - - - 1 - - - 2.4 - A17-18 328864(28) C809 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A17-18 328865(76) C810 2.75 1.75 - 0.75 - 1 2 2 - 2 2 1.5 - - A17-18 Average PO attainment/overall 2.15 1.55 1.26 1.31 1.28 1.82 2.13 1.57 1.8 1.75 2.28 1.55 1.95 1.47

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

PO Attainment 2015-19 Course Code PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 code 300114(14) C101 1 0.7 0.3 ------A15-16 300111(46) C102 - - - - 0.7 1.3 - 1.3 - 2 - - - - A15-16 300112(11) C103 0.9 0.5 - - - 0.3 - - - 0.3 - 0.3 - - A15-16 300211(37) C104 2 2 1.3 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 - - A15-16 300118(24) C105 1 0.7 0.3 ------0.3 - - - - A15-16 300121(11) C106 2.2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2.2 - - A 15-16 300126(24) C107 3 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 - - - - A15-16 300124(37) C108 3 1 1.4 1 1 ------A15-16 300127(46) C109 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - - - A15-16 300214(14) C201 1 0.7 0.3 ------A15-16 300212(20) C202 2 1 - - - 2 3 1.2 - 1 - - - - A15-16 300218(15) C203 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2 0.7 - 0.8 - - - - A15-16 300216(20) C204 0.8 0.4 - 0.3 - - - 0.7 - 0.9 - - - - A15-16 300219(37) C205 1 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 ------A15-16 300228(15) C206 1 - - - 1.2 ------A15-16 300229(37) C207 3 2.5 1.5 1 1 ------A15-16 300221(46) C208 - - - - 2 - - 1 - 3 - - - - A15-16 300220(46) C209 ------3 - - - - A15-16 328351(28) C301 2 1.33 0.66 ------A16-17 328352(28) C302 1 0.66 ------1 - A16-17 328353(28) C303 0.66 0.33 ------0.66 - A16-17 328354(28) C304 1 0.66 0.33 ------1.33 - A16-17 328355(28) C305 0.7 0.4 - 0.33 ------0.7 - A16-17 328356(28) C306 1.86 1.19 0.66 ------1.99 - A16-17 328361(28) C307 2.8 1.8 0.8 - 0.4 - - - 1 - - - 2.8 0.8 A16-17 328362(28) C308 2.6 1.6 ------1 1 - - 2.6 - A16-17 328363(28) C309 3 2 1 ------2 1 1 - 1 A16-17

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

328364(28) C310 2.67 2.5 3 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 2 3 3 A16-17 328365(28) C311 - - - - - 2.5 2.4 3 3 - 2.6 3 - - A16-17 328451(28) C401 3 1.8 1 ------2.8 - A16-17 328452(28) C402 3 3 1.8 2.6 1 - - 1 - - - - 2 3 A16-17 328453(28) C403 0.75 0.55 - 0.33 ------0.75 - A16-17 328454(28) C404 0.83 0.5567 0.33 0.33 0.67 ------0.33 0.5 0.33 A16-17 328455(28) C405 1 0.91 0.83 1.24 0.5 ------0.33 1.2 0.33 A16-17 328456(28) C406 0.95 0.61 ------0.95 - A16-17 328461(28) C407 3 2 2 - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A16-17 328462(28) C408 3 3 1.6 3 1.4 - - - - 1 - - 1.8 3 A16-17 328463(28) C409 2.8 2.4 1 1.4 1 ------2.8 1 A16-17 328464(28) C410 3 2 2 1.5 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 2 A16-17 328465(46) C411 - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - A16-17 328551(28) C501 1 1 0.5 ------0.66 - A17-18 328552(28) C502 3 2.75 2.5 3.75 1.5 ------1 3.5 1 A17-18 328553(28) C503 2 1.6 2 0.66 - - - - - 0.66 - 0.33 1.6 0.66 A17-18 328554(28) C504 1.86 1.2 - 0.66 ------1.86 - A17-18 328555(28) C505 1.083 0.75 0.33 0.75 0.25 ------0.33 0.75 0.5 A17-18 328556(28) C506 0.93 0.73 0.33 0.5 0.33 ------0.5 0.9 A17-18 328561(28) C507 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 A17-18 328562(28) C508 3 2 3 2 3 ------2 3 A17-18 328563(28) C509 3 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A17-18 328564(28) C510 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 A17-18 300565(46) C511 - - - - - 3 3 2.8 3 2.6 3 3 - - A17-18 328566(28) C512 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A17-18 328651(28) C601 2 1.33 0.66 ------2 - A17-18 328652(28) C602 0.933 0.6 0.433 0.33 ------0.933 - A17-18 328653(28) C603 0.66 0.33 ------0.66 - A17-18

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

328654(28) C604 1 1 1 0.66 0.66 ------0.83 0.66 A17-18 328655(28) C605 1 0.66 ------1 - A17-18 328675(28) C606 2 1.33 - 1 ------0.17 1.5 - A17-18 328661(28) C607 3 2 1 - 1 ------3 1 A17-18 328662(28) C608 2.8 2 1 1.2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A17-18 328663(28) C609 3 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 3 1.8 A17-18 328664(28) C610 3 3 3 2 2 ------2.5 2 A17-18 300665(76) C611 - - - - - 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.8 3 3 3 - - A17-18 328731(28) C701 2 1.6 2 ------2 0.66 A18-19 328732(28) C702 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.5 - - - - - 0.67 - - - - A18-19 328733(28) C703 1.5 0.8 - 0.66 0.66 ------1.5 - A18-19 328734(28) C704 - - - - - 1.46 1.5 1.5 1.42 1.2 1.2 1.46 - - A18-19 328744(28) C705 1.06 0.4 ------1.06 - A18-19 328761(28) C706 3 2 ------2 1 - - 3 1 A18-19 328762(28) C707 2 2 1.5 1.5 - - - - - 2 - - - - A18-19 328763(28) C708 3 2 - 1 ------3 1 A18-19 328764(28) C709 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A18-19 300725(36) C710 - 2.6 - 2.6 - 2 - - 2 1 - 1.6 - - A18-19 328766(28) C711 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A18-19 328831(28) C801 2 1.6 0.93 1.46 - - - - - 1.33 - - - 1.73 A18-19 328832(28) C802 2.2 1.2 - 1 ------1 - A18-19 328833(28) C803 0.6 0.26 ------0.6 - A18-19 328840(28) C804 2 0.66 ------0.66 - A18-19 300817(25 C805 3 2 - - - - 2.5 1 - - - 1 - - A18-19 328861(28) C806 3 2 - 1 ------3 - A18-19 328862(28) C807 3 2 1 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 - 3 1 A18-19 328863(28) C808 2.4 1.4 0.4 - - - - - 1 - - - 2.4 - A18-19 328864(28) C809 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A18-19

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

328865(76) C810 2.75 1.75 - 0.75 - 1 2 2 - 2 2 1.5 - - A18-19 Average PO 2.01 1.47 1.26 1.21 1.35 1.74 2 1.52 1.76 1.65 2.23 1.49 1.93 1.51 attainment(Direct) Average PO 1.97 1.44 0.67 0.76 0.54 0.41 0.52 0.38 0.63 0.8 0.64 0.56 1.58 0.75 attainment(indirect) overall po attainment 2 1.46 1.14 1.12 1.19 1.47 1.7 1.29 1.54 1.48 1.92 1.3 1.86 1.36

PO Attainment 2016-20 Course Code PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 code 300114(14) C101 1 0.7 0.3 ------A16-17 300111(46) C102 - - - - 0.3 0.7 - 0.7 - 1 - - - - A16-17 300112(11) C103 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 - - A16-17 300211(37) C104 2 2 1.3 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 - - A16-17 300118(24) C105 2 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 - - - - A16-17 300121(11) C106 2.2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2.2 - - A 15-16 300126(24) C107 3 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 - - - - A16-17 300124(37) C108 3 1 1.4 1 1 ------A16-17 300127(46) C109 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - - - A16-17 300214(14) C201 2 1.3 0.7 ------A16-17 300212(20) C202 2 1 - - - 2 3 1.2 - 1 - - - - A16-17 300218(15) C203 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2 0.7 - 0.8 - - - - A16-17 300216(20) C204 1.5 0.9 - 0.7 - - - 1.3 - 1.8 - - - - A16-17 300219(37) C205 1 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 ------A16-17 300228(15) C206 1 - - - 1.2 ------A16-17 300229(37) C207 3 2.5 1.5 1 1 ------A16-17 300221(46) C208 - - - - 2 - - 1 - 3 - - - - A16-17 300220(46) C209 ------3 - - - - A16-17 328351(28) C301 1 0.66 0.33 ------A17-18 328352(28) C302 1 0.66 ------1 - A17-18 328353(28) C303 0.66 0.33 ------0.66 - A17-18 328354(28) C304 1 0.66 0.33 ------1.33 - A17-18

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

328355(28) C305 1.5 0.8 - 0.66 ------1.5 - A17-18 328356(28) C306 0.92 0.59 0.33 ------1 - A17-18 328361(28) C307 2.8 1.8 0.8 - 0.4 - - - 1 - - - 2.8 0.8 A17-18 328362(28) C308 2.6 1.6 ------1 1 - - 2.6 - A17-18 328363(28) C309 3 2 1 ------2 1 1 - 1 A17-18 328364(28) C310 2.67 2.5 3 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 2 3 3 A17-18 328365(28) C311 - - - - - 2.5 2.4 3 3 - 2.6 3 - - A17-18 328451(28) C401 1 0.59 0.33 ------0.93 - A17-18 328452(28) C402 2 2 1.19 1.73 0.66 - - 0.66 - - - - 1.33 2 A17-18 328453(28) C403 2 1.6 2 0.66 - - - - - 0.66 - 0.33 1.6 0.66 A17-18 328454(28) C404 0.83 0.5567 0.33 0.33 0.67 ------0.33 0.5 0.33 A17-18 328455(28) C405 2 1.33 0.66 ------1.6 - A17-18 328456(28) C406 0.95 0.61 ------0.95 - A17-18 328461(28) C407 3 2 2 - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A17-18 328462(28) C408 3 3 1.6 3 1.4 - - - - 1 - - 1.8 3 A17-18 328463(28) C409 2.8 2.4 1 1.4 1 ------2.8 1 A17-18 328464(28) C410 3 2 2 1.5 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 2 A17-18 328465(46) C411 - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - A17-18 328551(28) C501 2 2 1 ------1.33 - A18-19 328552(28) C502 3 2.75 2.5 3.75 1.5 ------1 3.5 1 A18-19 328553(28) C503 1 0.8 1 0.33 - - - - - 0.33 - 0.33 0.8 0.33 A18-19 328554(28) C504 0.93 0.6 - 0.33 ------0.93 - A18-19 328555(28) C505 2.167 1.5 0.67 1.5 0.5 ------0.67 1.5 1 A18-19 328556(28) C506 0.93 0.73 0.33 0.5 0.33 ------0.5 0.9 A18-19 328561(28) C507 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 A18-19 328562(28) C508 3 2 3 2 3 ------2 3 A18-19 328563(28) C509 3 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A18-19 328564(28) C510 3 2 3 1 3 ------3 3 A18-19

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

300565(46) C511 - - - - - 3 3 2.8 3 2.6 3 3 - - A18-19 328566(28) C512 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A18-19 328651(28) C601 3 2 1 ------3 - A18-19 328652(28) C602 1.93 1.2 0.86 0.66 ------1.93 - A18-19 328653(28) C603 1.33 0.66 ------1.33 - A18-19 328654(28) C604 2 2 2 1.33 1.33 ------1.66 1.33 A18-19 328655(28) C605 3 2 ------3 - A18-19 328675(28) C606 3 2 - 1.5 ------0.25 2.25 - A18-19 328661(28) C607 3 2 1 - 1 ------3 1 A18-19 328662(28) C608 2.8 2 1 1.2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 A18-19 328663(28) C609 3 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 3 1.8 A18-19 328664(28) C610 3 3 3 2 2 ------2.5 2 A18-19 300665(76) C611 - - - - - 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.8 3 3 3 - - A18-19 328731(28) C701 3 2.4 3 ------3 1 A19-20 328732(28) C702 2 1.33 - 1 ------0.17 1.5 - A19-20 328733(28) C703 2.2 1.2 - 1 1 ------2.2 - A19-20 328734(28) C704 - - - - - 2.2 2.25 2.25 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.2 - - A19-20 328744(28) C705 1.6 0.6 ------1.6 - A19-20 328761(28) C706 3 2 ------2 1 - - 3 1 A19-20 328762(28) C707 2 2 1.5 1.5 - - - - - 2 - - - - A19-20 328763(28) C708 3 2 - 1 ------3 1 A19-20 328764(28) C709 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A19-20 300725(36) C710 - 2.6 - 2.6 - 2 - - 2 1 - 1.6 - - A19-20 328766(28) C711 2.33 1.5 - 1 - - 1 - - 3 3 2 2.33 1 A19-20 328831(28) C801 3 2 2 A19-20 ------328832(28) C802 2.2 1.2 - 1 ------1 - A19-20 328833(28) C803 1.8 1 1.8 A19-20 ------328840(28) C804 3 1 1 A19-20 ------

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

300817(25 C805 3 2 - - - - 2.5 1 - - - 1 - - A19-20 328861(28) C806 3 2 - 1 3 - A19-20 ------328862(28) C807 2.4 1.4 2 2.4 A19-20 ------328863(28) C808 2.4 1.4 0.4 2 2.4 2 A19-20 ------328864(28) C809 2.75 2.5 2 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 3 3 3 2 3 3 A19-20 328865(76) C810 2.75 1.75 0.75 1 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 A19-20 ------Average PO 2.2 1.58 1.36 1.25 1.41 1.77 1.94 1.51 1.9 1.64 2.35 1.5 2.06 1.55 attainment(Direct) Average PO 2.47 1.72 1.75 1.31 1.74 2.05 1.88 1.88 2.07 1.86 2.63 1.51 2.2 2 attainment(indirect) overall 2.26 1.61 1.44 1.26 1.48 1.82 1.93 1.59 1.93 1.68 2.41 1.5 2.09 1.64

Overall PO attainment

Year of PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 Graduation

2017-18 2.15 1.55 1.26 1.31 1.28 1.82 2.13 1.57 1.8 1.75 2.28 1.55 1.95 1.47 2018-19 2 1.46 1.14 1.12 1.19 1.47 1.7 1.29 1.54 1.48 1.92 1.3 1.86 1.36 2019-20 2.26 1.61 1.44 1.26 1.48 1.82 1.93 1.59 1.93 1.68 2.41 1.5 2.09 1.64

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)



Items CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 (2020-21) (2019-20) (2018-19)

Sanctioned intake of the program (N) 40 40 40

Total no. Of students admitted in first year minus 41 42-6+3=39 41-10+7=38 no. of students migrated to other programs /institutions plus no. of students migrated to this program(N1) No. of students admitted in 2nd year in the same - 4 4 batch via lateral entry (N2)

Separate division students, if applicable (N3) - - -

Total no. Of students admitted in the program 41 43 42 (N1+N2+N3)

Year of entry N1+N2+N3 Number of students who have successfully graduated without backlog in any (Regular + Lateral) semester/year of study (Without backlog means no compartment of failures in any semester/year of study)

I year II year III Year IV Year

CAY 41 (41+0+0) - - - -

CAYm1 43(39+4+0) EXAMS NOT - - - HELD TILL NOW CAYm2 42(38+4+0) 8(8+0) EXAMS NOT - - HELD TILL NOW CAYm3 41(33+8+0) 9(9+0) 11(9+2) EXAMS NOT - HELD TILL NOW

CAYm4 50(42+8+0) 15(15+0) 10(10+0) 8(8+0) 7(7+0) (LYG)

CAYm5 45(37+8+0) 9(9+0) 8(6+2) 7(5+2) 7(5+2) (LYGm1)

CAYm6 49(41+8+0) 17(17+0) 13(9+4) 13(9+4) 13(9+4) (LYGm2)

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Year of entry N1+N2+N3 Number of students who have successfully graduated in (Regular + stipulated period of study) [Total of with Backlog + without Lateral) Backlog]

I Year II Year III Year IV Year

CAY 41 (41+0+0) - - - -

CAYm1 43(39+4+0) EXAMS NOT - - - HELD TILL NOW CAYm2 42(38+4+0) 12(12+0) EXAMS NOT - - HELD TILL NOW CAYm3 41(33+8+0) 15(15+0) 18(16+2) EXAMS NOT - HELD TILL NOW CAYm4 50(42+8+0) 19(19+0) 15(15+0) 23(21+2) 38(33+5) (LYG)

CAYm5 45(37+8+0) 12(12+0) 17(15+2) 17(15+2) 21(17+4) (LYGm1)

CAYm6 49(41+8+0) 19(19+0) 11(10+1) 25(19+6) 31(24+7) (LYGm2)

4.1 Enrolment ratio (20)

Enrolment Ratio = N1/N = Total number of students admitted in first year / Sanctioned Intake of program

Year % (students enrolled at the Average Marks first-year level on average basis during the period of assessment)

CAY (2020-21) 41/40=1.025

CAYm1 (2019-20) 39/40=0.975 98.3% 20 CAYm2 (2018-19) 38/40=0.95

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

4.2 Success Rate in the stipulated period of the program (40)

4.2.1 Success rate without backlogs in any semester/year of study (25)

SI = (Number of students who have graduated from the program without backlog)/ (Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year via lateral entry and separate division, if applicable) Average SI =mean of success Index (SI)for past three batches =0.18 Success rate without backlogs in any year of study =25 × Average SI =25 ×0.19=4.75 Item LYG (CAYm4) LYG m1(CAYm5) LYG m2 (CAYm6)

Number of students admitted in the 50 45 49 corresponding first year+ admitted in 2nd year via lateral entry and separate division, if applicable

Number of students who have graduated 7 7 13 without backlogs in the stipulated period

Success Index (SI) 0.14 0.16 0.27

Average SI 0.19

4.2.2 Success rate in stipulated period (15)

SI= (Number of students who have graduated from the program in the stipulated period of course duration)/ (Number of students admitted in the first year of batch and admitted in 2nd year via lateral entry and separate division, if applicable) Average SI = mean of success Index (SI) for past three batches= Success rate =15 × Average SI=15 ×0.62=9.3

Items LYG (CAYm4) LYG (CAYm4) LYG m1(CAYm5)

Number of students admitted in the 50 45 49 corresponding first year+ admitted in 2nd year via lateral entry and separate division, if applicable Number of students who have graduated in 38 21 31 the stipulated period

Success Index (SI) 0.76 0.47 0.63

Average Success 0.62

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

4.3 Academic Performance in Third Year (15)

API = ((Mean of 3rd year grade point Average of all successful students on a 10-point scale) or (Mean of the percentage of marks of all successful students in Third year/10)) × (number of successful students/numbers of students appeared in the examination) Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the final year. Academic performance =1.5× Average API (Academic Performance Index) =1.5 ×6.11=9.165

Academic Performance CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Mean of CGPA or Mean percentage of all successful 6.24 6.3 5.66 student (X)

Total no. of successful students(Y) 33 44 44

Total no. of students appeared in the examination 33 44 43 (Z) API =X* (Y/Z) AP1=6.24* AP2=6.3 AP3=5.79

Average API = (AP1+AP2 +AP3)/3 6.11

*Note: Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, Exams of 6th Sem in CAYm1 are not held till now. So, Values are calculated based on considering only 5th Sem results.

4.4 Academic Performance in Second Year (15)

API = ((Mean of 2nd year grade point Average of all successful students on a 10-point scale) or (Mean of the percentage of marks of all successful students in Second Year/10)) × (number of successful students/numbers of students appeared in the examination) Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the third year.

Academic performance =1.5× Average API (Academic Performance Index) =1.5 × 5.27= 7.905

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Academic Performance CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Mean of CGPA or Mean percentage of all successful student 5.41 5.20 5.32 (X)

Total no. of successful students(Y) 41 33 46

Total no. of students appeared in the examination (Z) 42 33 46

API =X* (Y/Z) AP1=5.28* AP2=5.20 AP3=5.32

Average API = (AP1+AP2 +AP3)/3 5.27

*Note: Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, Exams of 4th Sem in CAYm1 are not held till now. So, Values are calculated based on considering only 3rd Sem results.

4.5 Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship (40)

Assessment Points=40 × Average placements=40 × 0.38 = 15.33

Items CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3

Total no. of final year students (N) 44 44 46

No. of students place in companies or Government sector (X) 11 2 8

No. of students admitted to higher studies with valid qualifying scores (GATE or equivalent state or National Level Tests, GRE, GMAT.) (Y) 0 9 20

No. of students turned entrepreneur in engineering/technology (Z) 1 1 0

X+Y+Z 12 12 28

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Placement Index: (X+Y+Z)/N P1=0.27 P2=0.27 P3=0.61

Average Placement = (P1 +P2 +P3)/3 0.38

4.6 Professional Activities (20)

4.6.1 Professional societies/chapters and organizing engineering events (5)

List of professional societies / chapters No. of Year Remark and organizing engineering events participants AMCAT certificate is recognized by a lot of companies, both big and small. So, it increases students’ chances of getting recognition. Good AMCAT Score AMCAT Test has been organized for 106 will help students get Job emails students on 13.12.2020. according to their interest, PAN Assessment, Sharing AMCAT score on LinkedIn can make students profile more relevant for CAY the recruiters. 2020-21 NASSCOMM Future Skill Technology On the topic Cyber Security, IOT, Training were given to the students by 282 Robotics & Automation Trained Faculties of the department. 30 Hrs Online Training from IIT Kanpur & IIIT On the topic Python, Lab view & 88 Naya Raipur was organized for the students. MATLAB. National level Webinar on Pursuit of Students & Faculty members Excellence in Engineering on 04.08.2020 by learned about Sudarshan Kriya, Mr. Kishor kumar Jha, Consulting Engineer 237 how to have a Passion to Excel in & planner, expert in Result Based Stress Life. management & Happiness Workshop on Effective Communication 156 Students Learned about the Skills on 09.05.2020 by MAATRAA importance of good Organization communication and how to achieve it by 4 Maatraa activities National level Webinar on Emerging 200 Students learned about the three CAYm1 scenario in Power sector on 16.05.2020 by major pillars of power sector 2019-20 Mr. Kamal Kishore Mundhada, Retd. GM of these are Generation, NTPC Transmission, and Distribution National level webinar on Kinematics & 120 Students learned how robots can Dynamics of a Robot on 23.05.2020 by Dr. provide contact-free alternatives Vijay Kr. Dalla, Assistant Professor at NIT and from decontaminating Jamshedpur hospitals & public spaces to

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delivery services, robots are acting as game-changer in pandemics. National level Webinar on Aerospace 170 Students learned about the industries in India and its future prospects importance of Aerospace sector & Amphibious aircraft technology and in creation of job by giving boost operations in Indian context in particular to "Make in India" and about and World in general on 30.05.2020 by Mr. Amphibious aircraft technology Abhijit Sinha, Director and CEO of and its operation. Shinmaywa Industries India Pvt. Ltd. National level webinar on COVID 19 crisis: 269 Students learned about the A Test of Your Personality on 31.05.2020 human personality and its root by Gp. Captain (Retd.) Y. Srinivas, Team and about COVID crisis and how it leader of Smart City Project, Bilaspur, PWC. is testing personality National level webinar on Robotics & AI in 224 Students learned about basics of supply chain Management by Mr. Salil supply chain, Warehousing, Bot Sinha, Senior Vice President Cohen Design, Data Analytics & AI, Robot Enterprise(C&S), Nashua, NH, USA on Evolution. 13.06.2020 Webinar on Estimation and Compensation 50 students learned about statistical of Phase Noise in a wireless Link on Analysis of Phase Noise, 24.06.2020 by Dr. Naina Rao nagrale, Correlation of DFT Components of (CINVESTAV-IPN, Department of Electrical Phase Noise, ICI Distribution of Engineering, Mexico) Phase Noise National level webinar on Soft Skills- Key to 190 Students learned about how Success on 28.06.2020 by Mr. Anil Gopal communication plays an Rane, Rtd GM, Global Supply Chain Head, important role for being a leader, VVF Ltd. how to deal with upline officials. Verbal and non-verbal Communication Short Term Course on Modern Wireless 14 Prof. Umashankar Dewangan Communication toward 5G from 25-29 (Faculty Coordinator) September 2019 jointly organized by GEC Bilaspur & NIT Rourkela National Seminar on Issue Related to Issues Related to Instrumentation Thermal Power Plant 31

ET&T Society 1 Student Prof. V. Ramakrishna (Faculty

Coordinator Advisor)

& 11 Executive


ET Fest (Technovation) Technical Paper Presentation,

ET&T Mock Interview, Badminton,

Department Chess, Carrom, Circuit Maker,

(120 students) Quiz/Debate CAYm2 Employability Skills Training Done by Universal Education 2018-19 44 Bangalore

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GATE Coaching 3rd & 4th Year Done by The Gate Coach Institute students Industrial Visit to BSNL 43 Industrial Training in CTTC C Programming 31

National Conference on Infrastructure 2 Students Have Presented 1 Development and Sustainability 29 Research Paper

IETE Membership Membership No. G000557 -

Carrier Guidance Program By CTTC Employability Enhancement 77 Guidance Program Expert Lecture by Prithivideep Chawla 4th, 6th, & 8th Career Guidance Session Semester (120 students) Expert Lecture by Swati Soni 4th, 6th, & 8th Electronics in Plant Control Semester (120 Automation students) MYSY Training 8 Employability Assessment

In House Training (MATLAB) (11-15 Sep Employability Enhancement

2017) 45 Training Program

In House Training (PLC And SCADA) (28Nov- Employability Enhancement 26 02Dec 2017) Training Program IIILWorkshop MATLAB Training 46 Program

ET&T Society 1 Student Prof. Rahul Gupta (Faculty CAYm3 Coordinator Advisor) 2017-18 & 11 Executive Member ET Fest (Technovation) Technical Paper Presentation, ET&T Mock Interview, Badminton, Department Chess, Carrom, Circuit Maker, (120 students) Quiz/Debate Expert Lecture by Mr. Amit Khare 6th & 8th Consultant/Sr. Manager HCL Students (80 Technologies students) Expert Lecture by Mr. Dinesh Verma 6th & 8th Software Development Students (80 Engineer II, Amazon India students) Industrial Visit to AIR 48 Educational Tour

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4.6.2 Publication of Technical Magazines, Newsletters, etc. (5)

List of Name of Year publications editors Publisher Remark

CAY Volume 4/ Issue 1 Departmental Newsletter Shivam Jaiswal ET&T Society 2020-21 (July) Volume 3/ Issue 1 Departmental Newsletter Sachin Pradhan ET&T Society (July) Volume 3/Issue 2 Departmental Newsletter Anvesh Vaidya ET&T Society (January) CAY m1 Anvesh Vaidya, Nirabhra 2019-20 Chanda, Hritika Pandey, B.Deepti, Prachita Departmental Technical Parihar, Prateek Rai, ET&T Society - Magazine Anirudh Dhaka, Vikas Sinha, Sachin Pradhan, Shivam Jaiswal

Volume2/Issue 1 Departmental Newsletter Manju Lalwani ET&T Society (July) Volume 2/Issue 2 CAY m2 Departmental Newsletter Rachit Agrawal ET&T Society 2018-19 (January)

Manju lalwani, Departmental Technical Rachit Agrawal, ET&T Society - Magazine Anvesh Vaidya, Girish Belani

4.6.3 Participation in Inter-Institute events by students of the program of study (10). (A) Events within the state & Prizes/ Awards received in such events

Year Students Name Batch Event Remarks Sachin Pradhan 2021-22 State level hackathon held at SSIPMT 4th Prize, Won Rs Raipur 5000/- Anjali Singh 2022-23 Online Competition “Test Your English Qualified & Scored Grammar” organized by Govt. Co-Ed CAYm1 84% Polytechnic Raipur 2019-20 Sahib Gorakh Short term Course at IIIT Naya Raipur Rohit Ednani 2019-20 Schedule: 26th dec 2019 to 02nd Jan Machine learning Sushant kumar 2020 Soni

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Preeti Vastrakar Chhatrapal Singh Bhupendra Inter College Zone 4 organized by 2017-18 Kho-Kho (1st Rank) Kumar CSVTU Inter College Zone 4 organized by Dikpal Singh 2017-18 Kho-Kho (1st Rank) CSVTU Ritesh Kumar Inter College Zone 4 organized by Relay Race Dewangan 2017-18 CSVTU

Bright Idea Competition organized by Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy 3rd Rank in Shruti Karri 2018-19 Development Agency & GEC Presentation Bilaspur Bright Idea Competition organized by Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy 1st Rank in Poster Shruti Karri 2018-19 Development Agency & GEC Making Bilaspur Bright Idea Competition organized by Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Shruti Karri 2018-19 1st Rank in Debate Development Agency & GEC Bilaspur Inter College Zone 4 organized by Volleyball (1st Debi Kanwar 2018-19 CSVTU Rank) Inter Zone Competition organized by Volleyball (1st Sarita Khunte 2018-19 CSVTU Rank) CAYm2 Inter Zone Competition organized by Sarita Khunte 2018-19 Kho-Kho (1st Rank) 2018-19 CSVTU Inter Zone Competition organized by Volleyball (1st Pushpa Jangde 2018-19 CSVTU Rank) Shreyanshi Inter College Zone 4 organized by Volleyball (1st 2019-20 Maturkar CSVTU Rank) Shreyanshi Inter Zone Competition organized by Volleyball (1st 2019-20 Maturkar CSVTU Rank) Inter Zone Competition organized by Yogita Yadav 2020-21 Kho-Kho (1st Rank) CSVTU Painting Inter College Zone 4 organized by Akansha Maravi 2020-21 Competition (2nd CSVTU Rank) Ritesh Kumar 2017-18 Kaushalam (College Tech Fest) Extracurricular Dewangan Marathon (2nd Anil 2020-21 Intra College Sports Event Rank) Chhatrapal 2020-21 Intra College Sports Event Kabaddi (1st Rank) Maravi Kabaddi (1st Rank) Shyam Rathia 2019-20 Intra College Sports Event

Volleyball girls (1st Shreyanshi 2019-20 Intra College Sports Event Rank) Maturkar

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Essay Competition Stuti shukla 2017-18 Secured 2nd Prize organized by SECL Inter College Zone 4 organized by Solo Song (2nd Prateek Paul 2018-19 CSVTU Rank) Attended Ethical Prateek Paul 2018-19 ECLECKTICA, NIT Raipur Hacking Workshop Volleyball (2nd Inter College Zone 4 organized by Sarita Khunte 2018-19 Rank) CSVTU

Volleyball (2nd Inter Zone Competition organized by Debi Kanwar 2018-19 Rank) CSVTU

CAY m3 Inter College Zone 4 organized by Cricket (2nd Rank) 2017-18 Nihal Sandliya 2018-19 CSVTU Volleyball (2nd Shreyanshi Inter College Zone 4 organized by 2019-20 Rank) Maturkar CSVTU

Mukesh Kore 2017-18 College Catapult (1st Rank) Electronic Bizz Event at Kaushalam Dilip Kumar 2016-17 Secured 1st Rank (College Tech Fest) Table Tennis Ghanshyam 2020-21 Intra college sports event (Coordinator)

Arm of Achelous Abhishek Ghosle 2018-19 Kaushalam (College Tech Fest) (2nd Rank)

(B) Events outside the state & Prizes/ Awards received in such events

Year Students Name Batch Event Remarks Online Course on Satellite CAY Successfully Nikhil Verma 2022-23 Photogrammetry & its Application 2020-21 completed conducted by IIRS Dehradun Sachin Pradhan 2021-22 , All India Research Zonal Winner Championship, IIT Kanpur Girish Belani 2019-20 Published a Research Paper on the Journal name - topic Face recognition with feature IRJET points detection using MATLAB Volume: 07 Issue: CAYm1 04 2019-20 Published on April 2020 Sahib Gorakh 2019-20 B. Deepti 2021-22 Global Enterpreneurship Summit Participated Paridhi Sharma 2021-22 2020, IIT Kharagpur Abhaydeep Jaiswal 2019-20

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Participated in AI- TECHNEX’20, Annual Techno Anjali Singh 2022-23 ML event on 14- Management Fest, IIT BHU 15 February,2020

Rachit Agrawal Sushant Soni Girish Belani Sameeksha Sahu Dhaarna Urvasha Uma Patel Modern Wireless Shalini Kurrey Short Term Course at NIT Rourkela 2019-20 Communication: Girdhari Belani Schedule: 25th-29th September 2019 toward 5G Chetna Bhartiya Savita Mandavi Suma Dey Ayesha Parveen Nikita Joshi Shalini Kaushik Anvesh uday Vaidya Anvesha Kesharwani Chhatrapal Rajput Md. Muzzammil Nirabhra Chanda Shashi Mohan Singh Two Week Training at IIT Kanpur Sheela Netam 2020-21 Schedule: 31st Dec 2019 to 12th Jan Internet of Things Siddhant Mahobiya 2020 yogita Yupendra Sahu Gautam Dewangan Bhagyavati Anuj Kumar Aman Kumar Khunte Purushottam Kumar 2020-21 Training Program at NIT Rourkela Shashi Mohan Singh from 29th Feb 2020 to 01st March Soft skill 2020 Selected for 2nd Shreyanshi Maturkar Round 2019-20 Smart India Hackathon & Team

Manju Lalwani & 2018-19 Research Paper published on CAY m2 Rainpreet Kaur Comparative Study on Various IRAJ Publisher 2018-19 Feeding Techniques for Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna CAY m3 Mukesh Kore 2017-18 Rock Climbing, Personality Awarded B & 2016-17 Development & Disaster Performed well in Debi Kanwar 2018-19 Management (Held at Manali) course

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Qualification Academic Research

or Name of Name the Faculty Member Degree) (Highest Degree University of Year Graduation the withAssociation Institution Designation Designated which onDateProfessor/Associated as Profess of InstitutionDate Joining the Department Specialization PaperResearch Publications Ph.D. Guidance Receiving During Faculty PhD Assessment the Year AssociatedCurrently of Nature Associated (Regular/Contract) Dr M R PhD IIT 2004 Since Associate 29th 09th ET&T Micro 3 0 NA Yes Regular Meshra Roorke Sep Professor Aug SEP wave 5 7 m e 2019 2001 2019 Engg.

Dr V K PhD IIT 2013 since Associate 24th 24th ET&T Microe 7 1 - No Regular Singh Kanpur June Professor June June lectroni 2016 2016 2016 cs Prof. M.E. CSVT 2012 since Assistant NA 1st ET&T Comm 6 - - Yes Regular Umasha U, Oct, Professor Oct. unicati nkar Bhilai 2016 2016 on Dewang System an

Prof. MTe BIT 2012 since Assistant NA 1st ET&T Instru 0 - - Yes Regular Sourabh ch Durg Oct, Professor Oct. mentati 1 Yadav 2016 2016 on & Yes

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Control Prof. MTe NIT 2012 since Assistant NA 3rd ET&T Electro 0 - - Yes Regular Deepika ch Rourke Oct, Professor Oct. nics & 1 Bairagi la 2016 2016 Instru mentati on Prof. M.T SLITE 2015 Since Assistant NA 24th ET&T Comm 0 - - Yes Regular Rahul ech Longo March, Professor Marc unicati 1 Gupta wal 2017 h on 2017 System Prof. M.T DAVV, 2010 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T Embed 2 - - Yes Contract Utsav ech Indore 2018 Professor Sep. ded 8 Malviya 2018 System Prof. M.T NIT, 2011 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 5 - - Yes Contract Deepak ech Kurukh 2018 Professor Sep. Design Asati estra 2018 Prof. CL M.T IIT, 2016 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T Opto- 2 - - Yes Contract Lalani ech Delhi 2018 Professor Sep. electro 2018 nics & Optical Comm Prof . M.T NIT, 2013 Sep Assistant 29th ET&T VLSI 4 - - Yes Contract Gopal ech Jamshe 2018 Professor Sep. Design Kumar dpur 2018 Prof. M.T MNIT, 2014 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 2 - - Yes Contract Vaikunt ech Jaipur 2018 Professor Sep. Design apu 2018 Rama Krishna Prof. M.T NIT, 2016 Oct Assistant NA 12th ET&T Electro 5 - - Yes Contract Vivek ech Delhi 2018 Professor Oct.2 nics & Singh 018 Comm Rathore unicati on

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5.1 Student-Faculty Ratio (SFR) (20) 2020-2021 2019-20 2018-19 No. of Students 44 44 48 in UG 2nd Year No. of Students 44 48 48 in UG 3rd Year

No. of Students 48 48 48 in UG 4th Year Total No. of 136 140 144 Students in the Department (S) No. of Faculty 11 11 11 in the Department (F) Student Faculty SFR= S1/F1=12.36 SFR= S1/F1=12.72 SFR1=S1/F1=13 Ratio (SFR) Avg SFR SFR1+SFR2+SFR3/3= 12.69

5.1.1. Provide the information about the regular and contractual faculty as per the format mentioned below: Total number of regular Total number of contractual faculty in faculty in the department the department

2020-21 5 6 2019-20 5 6 2018-19 5 6

5.2. Faculty Cadre Proportion (25) Year Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors

Required Available Required Available Required Available F1 F2 F3 2020-21 1 0 2 1 5 10 (CAY) 2019-20 1 0 2 1 5 10 (CAYm1) 2018-19 1 0 2 1 6 10 (CAYm2) Avg. No. RF1=1 AF1=0 RF2=2 AF2=1 RF3=5.3 AF3=10

Cadre Ratio Marks= [(AF1/RF1)+ (AF2x0.6/RF2)+ (AF3x0.4/RF3]x12.5= 13.18

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5.3. Faculty Qualification (25) X Y F FQ=2.5 x [(10X +4Y)/F)] 2020-21 1 10 7 17.85 (CAY) 2019-20 1 10 7 17.85 (CAYm1) 2018-19 1 10 8 15.625 (CAYm2) Average Assessment 17.10

5.4 Faculty Retention (25) No. of regular faculty members in

CAYm2 (2018-19) = 11 CAYm1 (2019-20) = 11 CAY (2020-21) = 11

Item Marks(Allotted)

>=90% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as base year 25

>=75% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as base year 20

>=60% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as a base 15

>=50% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as base year 10

<50% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as base year 0

>=90% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment keeping CAYm2 as base year 25

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 MULTIMEDIA LEARNING PROCESS (ICT) Learning by sight and sound, is the blend of different computerized media types, for example, content, pictures, sound and video, into an incorporated multisensory intelligent application or introduction to pass on data to a crowd of people. Customary instructive methodologies have brought about a befuddle between what is educated to the understudies and what the business needs. Accordingly, numerous organizations are moving towards issue based learning as an answer for delivering graduates who are innovative; think fundamentally and diagnostically, to take care of issues. We focus on utilizing interactive media innovation as an imaginative educating and learning methodology in an issue based learning condition by giving the understudies a sight and sound task to prepare them in this range of abilities.

Issue based learning is viewed as an imaginative measure to urge understudies to figure out how to learn through genuine issues. The educator utilizes mixed media to change the substance of the material. It will assist the instructor with representing in a progressively significant manner, utilizing diverse media components. These media components can be changed over into computerized structure, altered and redid for the last introduction. By consolidating advanced media components into the task, the understudies can adapt better, which would make them increasingly inspired to give careful consideration to the data introduced and hold the data better.


To motivate the students to do electronic presentation(PPT) To make students understand the topics quickly and thoroughly To assess the students through online quiz/Unit tests for better understanding of learning process


Use of ICT Faculty use LCD projectors with audio for delivering the lecture Smart Class rooms Use of Google Class room

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Some common educational applications of ICT used are:

Tools Methods Way Faculty who used

Power point Preparation of power points Slides Based All faculty Presentation slides of different subjects.

Smart Class Teaching through Smart boards. Interactive whiteboard All faculty Room based.

E- Learning Learning via NPTEL, MOOCs, Through website or All faculty YouTube lectures, Swayam internet. Prabha, Google Class Room

E-Readers McGraw Hill Education, Pearson Reading E books through All faculty India Education Service available Laptop, Mobile, Tablet etc.

Video Lectures Prepared by Faculty Published on YouTube Prof Utsav malviya, Prof. Sourabh Yadav and Prof Vivek Singh Rathore

Mentimeter Live survey By software or android App Prof Vivek Singh Rathore

Role Play Prof Utsav Malviya & Prof Vivek Singh Rathore

Fig 5.1: Use of Google Classroom

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Fig: 5.2 Role Play

ICT have been used in the following Subjects: -

S. No. Name of Course Name Semester Assessment year faculty 1 Dr. M R Electromagnetic theory 4th 2019-2020 Meshram Antenna & wave 5th 2019-2020 propagation 1 Dr. V K Singh Linear Integrated Circuit & 5th 2017-18, 2018-19 Application VLSI Design 6th 17,2017-18, 2018-19 2 Prof. Sourabh Industrial Instrumentation 3rd 2017-18, 2019-20 Yadav Analog Communication 4th 2017-18, 2018-19 Digital Communication 5th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 Electronic Devices & 6th 2017-18, 2018-19 Circuits Wireless Communication 7th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 Consumer Electronics 8th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 3 Prof. Network Analysis & 3rd 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- Umashankar Synthesis 20 Dewangan Principal of 5th 2018-19 Communication Signal & System 4th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 Digital Signal Processing 6th 2017-18, 2018-19 Advanced Communication 8th 2017-18 System 4 Prof. Deepika Electronic Devices & 4th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- Bairagi Circuit 20 Microprocessor 4th 2017-18

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Advanced Microprocessor 5th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 Microcontroller & 6th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- Embedded System 20 Radar Communication 8th 2017-18 Power Electronics 8th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 20 5 Prof. Rahul Basic Electronics 3rd 2017-18, 2018-19 Gupta Electromagnetic Theory 4th 2017-18, 2018-19 Automatic Control System 5th 2016-17, 2017-18 Information Theory & 6th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- Coding 20 Microwave Communication 7th 2017-18, 2018-19 6 Prof. Gopal Microwave Engineering 7th 2018-19, Kumar Data Structures and 5th 2018-19 Programming with C++ Non-Conventional Energy 8th 2018-19, 2019-20 Sources Management Concepts& 7th 2019-20 Techniques 7 Prof Deepak Radar and Navigational 7th 2018-19 Asati Aids Management Concepts& 7th 2018-19 Techniques Analog Communication 4th 2018-19 8 Prof. Numerical Analysis Using 4th 2018-19, 2019-20 Vaikuntapu C Ramakrishna Cryptography & Secure 8th 2018-19, 2019-20 Communication Linear Integrated 5th 2018-19 Circuits &Applications Probability and random 3rd 2018-19, 2019-20 variable 9 Prof. Utsav Advanced Microprocessor 5th 2018-19, 2019-20 Malviya and Interfacing Computer Networks 7th 2018-19 Microprocessor and 4th 2018-19, 2019-20 Interfaces Computer Organization & 6th 2018-2019 Architecture 10 Prof. Antennas and Wave 5th 2018-19 Champalal Propagation Lalani Advanced Communication 8th 2018-19, 2019-20 Systems Wireless Communications 7th 2018-19, 2019-20 Analog Electronics 4th 2018-19 11 Prof. Vivek Electronic Materials & 6th 2018-19, 2019-20 Singh Rathore Components Industrial Instrumentation 3rd 2018-19

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Fig 5.3: Use of ICT and Video lecture Benefits / Yield Help understudies conceptualize and investigate any thought, idea, or issue Encourage better comprehension of connections and associations among thoughts and ideas Make it simple to impart new thoughts and perspectives Enable understudies to effectively review data Help understudies take notes and plan assignments Make it simple to arrange thoughts and ideas


Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This strategy requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates. Discussing with a partner maximizes participation, focuses attention and engages students in comprehending the reading material.


It helps students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question. It teaches students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral communication skills. It helps focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.

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T : (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.

P : (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.

S : (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion


 Learn new things beyond curriculum  Useful in attending any technical interview in placements  To Gain useful knowledge about a particular technology


Think-Pair-Share promotes understanding through active reasoning and explanation and encourages students to understand multiple perspectives. As a Practice Activity, this strategy encourages students to think about something, such as a problem, question or topic, and then articulate their thoughts.

Think-Pair-Share has been used in the following Subjects: -

S. No. Name of faculty Course Name Semester Assessment year 1 Dr. V K Singh LICA 5th 2017-18, 2018-19 VLSI Design 6th 2017-18, 2018-19 2 Prof. Saurabh Electronic Circuit Design 6th 2017-18, 2018-19, Yadav 2019-20 Consumer Electronics 8th 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 Analog & Digital 4th & 5th 2017-18, 2018-19, Communication 2019-20 3 Prof. Umashankar Signal & System 4th 2017-18, 2018-19, Dewangan 2019-20 Principal of 5th 2018-19 Communication 4 Prof. Deepika Electronic Devices & 3rd 2017-18, 2018-19, Bairagi Circuits 2019-20 Microprocessor 4th 2017-18 Microcontroller & 6th 2017-18, 2019-20 Embedded System 5 Prof. Rahul Gupta Basic Electronics 3rd 2018-19 Automatic Control 5th 2017-18, 2018-19 System 6 Prof. Vivek Singh Basic and advance 3rd 2018-19, 2019-20 Rathore Electronics, Literary E-Self Assessment Report Page 134

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Club Material Science 6th 2018-19, 2019-20 7 Prof. Champalal Advance 8th 2018-19, 2019-20 Lalani Communication 8 Prof. Utsav Microprocessor and 5th and 2018-19, 2019-20 Malviya Microcontrollers 6th 9 Prof. Vaikuntapu NACP 4th 2018-19, 2019-20 Ramakrishna 10 Prof. Gopal Kumar OOPS and C++ 5th 2018-19

Fig 5.4: Group learning


Exposure to real life industries is one of the key elements to achieve all the Program Outcomes (PO) for students graduated from electronics and telecommunication engineering. These activities are important for engineering students to relate their theoretical knowledge to practical or real aspects of what they studied in their subjects, in terms of industrial unit operations, process and design concepts, and impact of its activities on health, safety, environment and society.


To give understudies an understanding with respect to inner working of organizations and enterprises.

Action Taken- A report is submitted by students after industrial Visit and this report is checked by Nodal TPO of the department.


The understudy will be able to know things for all intents and purposes through collaboration, working techniques and work rehearses. Additionally gives a decent chance to the understudies to pick up mindfulness about modern practices in industries.

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The Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering proposed that students from each academic year should be exposed to industrial talks and industrial visits (for each semester)

Resource Industrial Person/ Relevance to Year Topics Visit/Tech Date Semester Faculty Visiting POs &PSOs nical Talk Industry Resent Trends in Prof. PO1,PO5,PO6, Industrial 11/10/201 Mobile 7th Rahul BSNL Bilaspur PO7,PO9,PO1 Visit 8 Communication Gupta 0,PO12 Prof. CTTC, PO1, PO5, Education 12th -17th Basics of C/C++ 3rd Gopal Bhubaneshwa PO6,PO8,PO9, al Tour Oct. 2018 (2018- Kumar r PO10 19) Prof Ms. Expert 18/04/201 PO1,PO12,PO Emerging Trends in IT 6th & 8th Sourabh Prithivideep Industry Talk 9 5,PO8 Yadav Chawla Plant Technical 25/04/201 Prof Rahul Mrs. Swati PO1,PO8,PO1 6th & 8th Automation Talk 9 Gupta Soni Katware 2 Prof. All India About RF & FM Industrial 23rd Feb. PO1,PO5,PO6, 4th & 6th Rahul Radio (AIR) Communication Visit 2018 PO7 ,PO12 Gupta Raipur Ms. Pooja Literary Activities Expert 16th Jan (NTPC) & Mr. PO1, PO6, 1st - GD Talk 2018 Sudhanshu PO7 ,PO12 (SECL) Dr. Sameer (2017- Bajpai 18) Expert 17th Jan Associate PO1, PO6, About Placement 1st - Talk 2018 Professor & PO7 ,PO12 TPO , NIT Raipur

Shri R K Soni, About BARC Technical 29th Jan PO1, PO6, 8th - Scientific Training School Talk 2018 PO7 ,PO12 Officer, RRCAT

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13th - Computer 18th Dec (2016- Networking & Education 2017 & PO1,PO5,PO6, 5th & 7th - CRISP, Bhopal 17) Embedded al Tour 20th - PO7 ,PO12 System 25th Dec 2017 Dr. Alok CAYm3 Kumar "Mission to Technical 29th Feb PO1,PO6, PO7 (2015- 8th - Shrivastav, Moon & Beyond" Talk 2016 ,PO12 16) Project Director, ISRO

Fig 5.5 Expert/Technical talk

Fig 5.6 Industrial Visit

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Various forms of group learning are effective in promoting capability of students, attitudes toward learning through engineering courses and programs. In this method, a collection of students who are intellectually and aesthetically engaged in solving problems, writing computer programs, creating products, and an assemblage in which each student learns autonomously in different ways of learning with others. By group, we refer both to the learning of individuals that is fostered by being in a group and to a more distributed kind of learning that does not reside inside the head of any one individual. Rather than focusing only on what the individual knows, the goal is to build a collective body of knowledge, learning groups strive to create publicly shared understandings.


Build ability to learn any new things very effectively and easily Improve the skills in Group Discussion(GDs), Project seminar Express their knowledge and view on selected topic


Creating group of students and each group consists of 6 to 7 students Taking a session as discussions on any emerging topic in ET&T engineering with pros, cons and methods Student coordinator will justify and make to learn all students on specific topic in depth


Democratic process of teaching & learning Student can able to demonstrate any topic technically and fluently without fear Gain the implicit knowledge about topic

Following group learning practices by the faculty members for improving teaching and learning experience.

S. No. Best Practices Goals Context Relevance to POs &PSOs 1 Group Discussion To develop skills in - Gain viewpoint and PO09, PO10 interpersonal perspective which Communication and in builds the tuning in expressing views in a and relational ability. clear and concise manner. -Learn from other students experiences and background knowledge

-Identify and sort out the communication

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Problems. 2 Minor and Major To expand technical Create opportunities PO1, PO5, PO3, technical projects understandings through to explore theory, to PO5, PO9 development in terms of research and present a PSO1,PSO2 software solutions and pilot project with a hardware possibility of further implementation for development, to test a industrial/societal technical insight, to problems. apply intellectual learning, or to challenge skills as well as understandings within a particular field. 3 Aptitude training -To improve verbal -Sharing of Knowledge PO2,PO10 and tests & communication skill for by imparting in Communication Skill effective speaking ordinary Development : communication Through -To fulfilled the needs of Time the executives Employability Skill students for placements achieved by conveying Training and other competitive course. -Vocabulary exams and open talking capacity gets represented. - By learning the aptitude skills, students will be able to tackle presence of mind situation. - The goals & motives of future Career Selection open with the passing time. 4 Student Seminars The overall goal of this -The communication PO10,PO9.PO11 activity is to motivate skill gets improved by students for self-study Oral Communication and Group Study. in seminars. - Student takes responsibility while working in a team. - Students learn Time Management skill.

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Fig 5.7 Project work

Fig 5.8 Employability Skill Classes

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5.6. Faculty as participants in Faculty development/training activities/STTPs (15)

Max. 5 per Faculty

Name of the Faculty 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 DR. M R Meshram 3 Dr. V K Singh 0 0 3 Prof. Umashankar Dewangan 3 5 3 Prof. Sourabh Yadav 3 0 5 Prof. Deepika Bairagi 3 3 5 Prof Rahul Gupta 3 3 3 Prof. Utsav Malviya 5 5 -

Prof. Deepak Asati 3 5 -

Prof. CL Lalani 5 5 -

Prof. Gopal Kumar 3 5 -

Prof. Vaikuntapu Rama Krishna 5 3 -

Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore 3 5 -

Sum 39 39 19

RF= Number of Faculty required to comply 7 8 8 with 20:1 Student-Faculty ratio as per 5.1 Assessment = 3 × (Sum/0.5RF) 33.42 29.25 14.25 (Marks limited to 15) Average assessment over three years 25.64

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5.7. Research and Development (30) 5.7.1. Academic Research (10) Academic research includes research paper publications, Ph.D. guidance, and faculty receiving Ph.D. during the assessment period.  Number of quality publications in refereed/SCI Journals, citations, Books/Book Chapters etc.  Ph.D. guided /Ph.D. awarded during the assessment period while working in the institute (4) All relevant details shall be mentioned. Number of publications

Name of the Faculty 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 Dr M R Meshram 0 1 NA

Prof. Umashankar Dewangan 0 0 0

Prof. Sourabh Yadav 0 0 0

Prof. Deepika Bairagi 0 1 0 Prof Rahul Gupta 1 0 1

Prof. Gopal Kumar 2 2 2

1 0 2 Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore

0 Prof. Deepak Asati 0 1

Prof. Vaikuntapu 1 0 1 Ramakrishna Prof. Utsav Malviya 2 4 3 Prof. Champalal Lalani 0 0 2

Ph.D Guided: Name of Faculty Total Ph.D Guidance During Assessment Current Status year Dr M R Meshram 06 03 4 are pursuing and 1 is Awarded

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5.7.2. Sponsored Research (5)  Funded research: (Provide a list with Project Title, Funding Agency, Amount and Duration) Funding amount (Cumulative during assessment years): Amount > 20 Lacs – 5 Marks Amount >= 16 Lacs and <= 20 lacs – 4 Marks Amount >= 12 Lacs and < 16 lacs – 3 Marks Amount >= 8 Lacs and < 12 lacs – 2 Marks Amount >= 4 Lacs and < 8 lacs – 1 Mark Amount < 4 Lacs – 0 Mark

Assessment Funding Project Title Amount Duration PI Co-PI Year Agency Design of Area Optimized Subset I2C Prof Utsav Prof Gopal 2018-19 (SI2C) protocol for AICTE 10.4 Lakhs 2 Year Malviya Kumar Mobile Devices using VHDL

5.7.3. Development activities (10) Product Development

Details of Product Assessment Year Name of Faculty Remark Development Dorebot bomb diffusion robot 2019-20 Prof Utsav Malviya Hackathon

Automatic stone cutting SIH-19 2018-19 Prof Utsav Malviya robot Research Laboratories

Assessment Year Name of Laboratories Details of Research Remark work Workshop and project lab Design of Area Optimized - 2019-20 Subset I2C (SI2C) protocol for Mobile

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Devices using VHDL

Instructional Material

Assessment Year Name of Faculty List of Instructional Remark Material developed Prof Utsav Malviya Electronics Workshop,CN Lab Prof Deepak Asati Analog Communication 2019-20 Prof V Ramakrishna NACP LAB Prof C L Lalani Analog Electronics Prof. Deepika Bairagi Power Electronics Lab. Prof. Sourabh Yadav Electronic Circuit Design Lab, Prof Vivek Singh Instrumentation Lab Rathore Prof Gopal Kumar DS Lab, Microwave Lab 2018-19 Prof. Umashankar Optical Communication Lab Dewangan Prof. Rahul Gupta Digital Circuit Simulation Lab., Microwave Lab Prof V Ramakrishna VLSI Design Lab Prof. Deepika Bairagi Electronic Devices & Circuit, - Microcontroller Lab. Prof. Sourabh Yadav Digital communication Lab 2017-18 Prof. Umashankar LICA Lab. DSP Lab. Dewangan Dr. V K Singh Digital Logic Design Lab

Working models / charts/ monograms etc.

Assessment Year Name of Faculty List of Working Remark models/charts/monograms etc. 2019-20 Prof Vivek Singh Rathor Charts on instrumentation Lab -

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Prof Utsav Malviya Charts on IOT -

Prof Gopal Kumar Charts on Microwave lab -

Prof. Sourabh Yadav Charts on Analog & Digital - Communication System, Electronic Circuit Design Labs. Prof. Rahul Gupta Charts on Microwave - Communication. 2018-19 Prof C L lalani Charts on Optical communication, Wireless communication

Prof Deepak Asati Charts on VLSI Design

Prof. Deepika Bairagi Charts on Electronic Devices & - Circuit, Microprocessor & Microcontroller labs. 2017-18 Prof. Umashankar Charts on Network Analysis & - Dewangan Circuits, Digital Electronics

5.7.4. Consultancy (from Industry) (5) (Provide a list with Project Title, Funding Agency, Amount and Duration) Funding amount (Cumulative during assessment years): Amount > 10 Lacs – 5 Marks Amount >= 8 Lacs and <= 10 lacs – 4 Marks Amount >= 6 Lacs and < 8 lacs – 3 Marks Amount >= 4 Lacs and < 6 lacs – 2 Marks Amount >= 2 Lacs and < 4 lacs – 1 Mark Amount < 2 Lacs – 0 Mark

Assessment Project Title Funding Amount Duration Remark Year Agency 2019-20 - - - - - 2018-19 - - - - - 2017-18 - - - - -

5.8. Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System (FPADS) (30) The Institution has a fair system of evaluating the faculty’s performance. General administration department of state government has evolved an ACR format, which is filled by every teacher for the assessment year which starts from 1st April to 31st March every year. All the faculties along with other staff E-Self Assessment Report Page 145

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are given opportunity to fill up self-assessment appraisal every year. The qualities under assessment are mainly based upon the state government’s criterions that define the basic framework for promotion in the academic career of faculties. The process of assessment is simple and confidential among employer (state government), head of institution (the principal) and the employees (the faculties and other staff). This process starts with filing self-assessment appraisal report by all the employees to the head of institution (principal) who is assessing authority through head of departments (HOD) acting as attesting authority. The appraisal filled up by employee will be checked for correctness in claims by HOD and it is conveyed to assessing authority (Principal). He will then keenly go through the descriptions and claims made by the employees there under following heads before marking for the same: 1. Brief descriptions of works allocated by employee 2. Self-declaration by employees on achievements in qualitative, physical and economic targets related to their allocated works. 3. Self-declaration in brief about the limitations and hurdles met to accomplish the allocated works that made them underperform or experience difficulties in achieving the target. 4. Extracurricular and very important works in which they performed key roles in their successful accomplishment. After the keen assessment and judgment through observations for whole of the academic session, the Principal allocates qualitative grades, befitting to that employee, as per his satisfaction. The grades awarded are: a) Excellent – (say) for highly efficient and high quality work accomplishment etc. b) Very Good – (say) for efficient and good quality accomplishment of important works etc. c) Good – (say) for accomplishing the works and achieving the target fairly on time etc. d) Average – (say) for accomplishing the targets with minor delays and with ordinary quality etc. e) Below Average – (say) for serious delays in important tasks or incomplete tasks for long go or poor behavioral conducts in working etc.

The graded appraisal is sent to the Directorate of Technical Education, Chhattisgarh, who checks the appraisal again and he might grade or might leave the appraisal unchanged, as per his satisfaction depending upon comments given by subordinate authorities. The performance appraisal as marked or graded, whatever the case may be, is then sent to the Secretary, Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Chhattisgarh for further review and revision of grading (if any). The graded or marked appraisal after grading by Secretary, Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Chhattisgarh, is sent back to employee. The

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employee then receives his grades for entire work done by him in relevant academic session. If any employee is dissatisfied to the awarded grades in his performance appraisal, he might, in writing, send justifications for improvement in awarded grades to the secretary through proper channel. The secretary after analyzing the justifications given by him might or might not order for final improvement in awarded grades as per his satisfaction. The flow chart in Fig. 5 .8 emphasizes the overall process of evaluation of performance appraisal. The faculty are appreciated through the financial measure and merit certificates every year. The details of appraisal are mentioned in table 5.8.

Fig 5.8 : Flow chart showing process of assessment of performance appraisal

Table 5.8 List of faculty who have submitted the appraisal form Assessment Name of Faculty/ Supporting staff Whether it is Whether it is Remark Year submitted Performance Appraisal well defined implemented (Increment) (Yes/No) effectively (Yes/No)

Dr. M R meshram Yes 2019-20 Yes Prof. Umashankar Dewangan

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Prof. Sourabh Yadav

Prof. Deepika Bairagi

Prof. Rahul Gupta

Prof Utsav Malviya 3%

Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore 3%

Prof Gopal Kumar 2%

Prof Champa Lal Lalani 2%

Prof Deepak Asati 2%

Prof V Ramakrishna 3%

Dr. V K Singh

Prof. Umashankar Dewangan

Prof. Sourabh Yadav

Prof. Deepika Bairagi

Prof. Rahul Gupta Yes 2018-19 Prof Utsav Malviya Yes

Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore

Prof Gopal Kumar

Prof Champa Lal Lalani

Prof Deepak Asati

Prof V Ramakrishna

Dr. V K Singh

Prof. Umashankar Dewangan 2017-18 Yes Yes Prof. Sourabh Yadav

Prof. Deepika Bairagi Prof. Rahul Gupta

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5.9. Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Faculty etc. (10): Nil Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Assessment Year Hour of interaction Remark Faculty etc.

2020-21 - - -

2019-20 - - -

2018-19 - - -

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6. FACILITIES AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT (80) 6.1 Adequate and well-equipped laboratories, and technical manpower (30)

The Electronics and Telecommunication Department has well established laboratories that excel in enriching the practical knowledge of students with creative engineering experiments. Table 6.1 shows the detailed information about the laboratories.

List of Laboratories

Technical Manpower support

Name of the Important Name of Name of the S. equipment the Qualifi No. laboratory Designation technical cation


No. of students per setup per students of No. (Batch Size) status utilization Weekly which for courses the (all is utilized) the lab 1) Amplitude & Frequency Modulation & Demodulation Trainer Kit, 2) ASK, FSK, PSK Modulation & Demodulation Kit 3) PAM, PWM, PCM 4 Modulation & Demodulation student Trainer kit 16Hr Diploma Communication Akanksha Lab 1 per 4) TDM, FDM, Delta, (36.36%) & BE System Lab Mehar Technician setup Adaptive Delta Modulation (ET&T) (Batch & Demodulation Trainer kit, size-25) 5) Optical Fiber Trainer kit, LVDT Trainer kit, 6) Klystron Based Microwave Test Bench Trainer Kit 7) CRO 8) Function Generator 1) Diode &Zener Diode,

Transistors Trainer Kit 4 2) CE-CB-CC Amplifier student 8 Hr. Electronic Trainer Kit Mr.Yadeep 2 per Tracer ITI Devices Lab 3) Transistor Push-Pull Uike setup (18.18%) Amplifier Trainer Kit (Batch 4) Bridge Rectifier Trainer size-25) Kit MOSFET, FET, UJT

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Trainer Kit 5) Power transistors, SCR TRIAC MOSFET & IGBT Trainer Kit 6) Chopper using SCR Trainer kit 7) Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor Trainer Kit 8) Flip-Flop Trainer kit 9) Linear IC Trainer kit, 10) Digital IC Trainer kit 11) Consumable Electronic: connecting wires, IC's, Power supply, Registers, capacitors, transistors, diodes, bread boards, regulators etc. 12) CRO 13) Function Generator 4 1) 8085 Trainer Kit student 2) 8086 Trainer Kit Microprocessor per 3) Microcontroller 8051 10 Hr. Mr.Yadeep 3 Tracer ITI Lab setup Trainer Kit (22.72%) Uike (Batch 4) Logic Analyzer, size-25) 5) Universal Trainer kit 1) Computers systems, 2) Open Source Turbo C & C++, 3) Scilab Simulator 4 4) Digital Circuit Simulation student Tool - TINA Diploma 16 Hr. Akanksha Lab 4 Computer Lab per 5) 8086 simulator & BE (36.36%) Mehar Technician setup 6) Keil Cross Compiler, (ET&T) (Batch 7) 8085 simulator size-25) 8) MATLAB Software 9)Net Sim Network Simulator 10) Lab View 1) Consumable Electronic: connecting wires, IC's, Power supply, Registers, capacitors, 4 transistors, diodes, bread student boards, regulators etc. Diploma Electronic 4 Hrs. Akanksha Lab 5 per 2) CRO & BE Workshop Lab (9.09%) Mehar Technician setup 3) Function Generator (ET&T) (Batch 4) Digital Multimeters size-25) 5)Soldering Kits 6)Digital IC Trainer Kit 7) LAB View

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4 1)LVDT Trainer Kit Instrumentation student 2)SCR Trainer Kit 4 Hrs Mr.Yadeep 6 & Power per 3)TRIAC/ DIAC Trainer Kit Tracer ITI (9.09%) Uike Electronics Lab setup 4)CRO (Batch 5)Function Generator size-25) 1)Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (10MHz) 2) DSO (50 MHz to 200 MHz) 3) Function Generator 4) Digital IC Trainer Kit 5)FPGA Kit 12 Hrs 6) Arduino board (27.27%) 4 7) Raspberry Pi for student 8)GSM Module students Diploma Project / per 9)Wi-fi module Akanksha Lab 7 & BE Research Lab setup 10)Multimrdia Projector (For Mehar Technician (ET&T) (Batch 10) Digital Multimeter Faculties size-25) 11) Vivado Design Suite /Staff it 12) Proteous is fully 11) Consumable Electronic utilized) Components: Connecting wires, IC's, Power supply, Registers, Capacitors, Transistors, Diodes, Bread Boards, Voltage Regulators ,Soldering rods etc Table 6.1: Adequate and well-equipped laboratories, and technical manpower 6.2. Additional facilities created for improving the quality of learning experience in laboratories (25)

Areas in which Relev S. Reason(s) for students are Facility ance No Details creating Utilization expected to Name to . Facility have enhanced PO's learning To provide Easy Complete Research and Wi-Fi 80 Mbps Internet facility Access of semester is Basic Knowledge PO5, 1 and LAN in College Campus Internet to opened to of Electronic PSO1 students utilize Engineering

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Electronic Design Software Tools such as 1) open-source Turbo C & C++, Complete 2) Scilab Simulator semester is 3) Digital Circuit opened to Electronic Simulation Tool - TINA Design To help students utilize (open Basic Knowledge PO1, 4) 8086 simulators 2 Automatio verification of for all 2nd , 3rd of Electronic PO5, 5) Keil Cross Compiler, n (EDA) designs , 4th Year Engineering PSO2 6) 8085 simulator Tools students , staff 7) 8051 simulator & for 8) Proteus faculties) 9) Circuit Maker 10) LAB View 11) Vivado Design Suite 12) Matlab Table 6.2: Additional facilities created for improving the quality of learning experience in laboratories

6.3 Laboratories: Maintenance and overall ambiance (10)

The Department is equipped with sophisticated laboratories and state of art instruments to satisfy the curriculum requirements. Salient features for the maintenance and ambience of the laboratory’s facilities are as follows

Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment 1. Well trained lab technician are available for maintenance of equipments on regular basis (Software/Hardware). 2. Service and maintenance of equipment is carried out regularly with the knowledge of Head of Department. 3. Breakdown register is maintained in the laboratories. 4. Minor repairs are carried out by the technical staff of the department based on available resources and expertise. 5. Major repairs are outsourced by following the procedure of the Institute. 6. Consumable & Non-Consumable stock register is maintained in laboratories. 7. Software updation is carried out regularly in laboratories. 8. Students login register are available in all the laboratories.

Overall Ambiance 1.Department has well-furnished laboratories with advanced equipment’s. 2. Department has sufficient number of laboratories which is used throughout the year on a periodic time line basis to meet the curriculum requirements and based on requirements of the students. 3. Ergonomic arrangement of students seating, movement and belonging storage are available. 4. Laboratories are equipped with sufficient equipment to conduct the experiments.

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5. Laboratory manuals contains information on vision, mission, PEO, PSO, safety precautions, equipment handling instructions along with the details of the experiments are distributed to students well in advance. 6. Lighting system is very effective, along with the natural light in every laboratory. 7. All the laboratories are equipped with white/chalk board, computer, Internet, and other such teaching learning aids. 8. Students and faculty members are always encouraged to carryout research in these exclusive research laboratories. However, the research work is not constrained only to these laboratories. 9. Separate Project/Research Lab is available in the department for the purpose of minor/ major project projects and research work.

S.No. Name of Lab Exclusive Space / Number of Quality of Lab / Shared No. of Experiments Instruments Manual Students Communication Exclusive 100 m2 / 12 Available 1 System Lab 25 Electronics Shared 100 m2 / 12 Available 2 Devices& 25 Digital IC Lab Exclusive 100 m2 / 12 Available 3 Microprocessor 25 In Good Shared 100 m2 / 12 Available 4 Computer Lab Condition 25 5 Electronic Exclusive 100 m2 / 12 Available Workshop Lab 25 6 Instrumentation Exclusive 100 m2 / 12 Available & Power 25 Electronics Lab 7 Project & Exclusive 50 m2 / 25 Not Applicable Research Lab Table 6.3: Laboratories: Maintenance and overall ambiance

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Fig 6.1 Glimpses of various Laboratories & Overall Ambience

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6.4 Project laboratory (5)

The Department has project laboratory with adequate facilities to help student involve in project design and innovation. Discussions and implementations of innovative ideas about mini projects and final year projects are carried out in innovative corridor. Several successful have been carried out by student at the project laboratory. Project/Research lab is exclusively for the research and project work with the hardware and software facilities listed below:

Hardware Facilities

S.No. Name of Equipment 1 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (50 MHz to 200 MHz) 2 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (10MHz) 3 Function Generator with power supply 4 Digital IC trainer kit 5 Consumable Electronic Components: Connecting wires, IC's, Power supply, Registers, Capacitors, Transistors, Diodes, Bread Boards, Voltage Regulators, Soldering rods etc 6 Digital Multimeter 7 FPGA Kit 8 Arduino board 9 Raspberry Pi 10 GSM module 11 Wi-fi module 12 Multimedia projectors 13 Fiber optic trainer kit 14 Computer System with Intel i-5 processor having 16 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD Table 6.4.1: Hardware facilities in Project laboratory

Software Facilities Software Name S.No. Open Source Licensed 1 Microwind MATLAB 2 Scilab Simulator Net Sim 3 Keil Compiler P-CAD 4 Open Source Turbo C & C++ LAB View 5 Digital Circuit Simulation Tool - TINA Vivado Design suite 6 8085 , 8086 & 8051 simulator Proteus Design Suite Table 6.4.2: Software facilities in Project laboratory

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Utilization & Relevance to POs / PSOs

Areas in which students are S.No Lab Utilization hour of Relevance to expected to have enhanced . this lab per week Pos/ PSOs learning

12hrs for final year Embedded systems, core students for minor/ Electronics design, Digital PO1, PO2, PO4, 1 Project Lab major project works image processing, PO5, While faculties can Communication system, Digital PO12, PSO2 utilize it any time. signal processing Table 6.4: Utilization & Relevance to POs / PSOs

6.5 Safety measures in laboratories (10)

S. No. Name of the Laboratory Safety measures

1.Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 1 Communication System Lab 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 2 Electronics Devices Lab 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

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1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 3 Microprocessor Lab 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4 Computer LAb 4. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 5. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 6. Avoid the use of cell phones. 7. Appropriate storage areas.

5 Electronic Workshop Lab 1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

6 Instrumentation & Power Electronics Lab 1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

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7 Project & Research Lab 1. Safety measure charts are displayed. 2. All power supply lines are properly insulated and covered. 3. First aid box and fire extinguisher are kept in the laboratory. 4. Avoid the use of damaged equipment and provides needful equipment and components. 5. Periodical servicing of the lab equipment. 6. Maintain a clean and organized laboratory. 7. Avoid the use of cell phones. 8. Appropriate storage areas. 9. Students are instructed to avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

Table 6.5: Safety measures in laboratories

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7.1 Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of each of the POs & PSOs (20) the department takes

The department takes continuous effort towards academic excellence of the students through attainment of POs and PSOs. shortcomings in the current strategy are scrutinized based on the analysis of attainment levels of POs and PSOs for batches of four pass out students (2013-17, 2014-2018, 2015-2019 and 2016-20). To enhance the POs and PSOs attainment levels for the next assessment years, measures are identified and implemented in next academic session.

For the continuous improvement department has set initial target level 1.5 ( 50% of max attainment 3) and increases this set target by 0.1 (6.66%) for next subsequent academic year for all the POs which are attained and target level is fixed for rest of the POS until they did not met minimum fixed level.

The follow-up action plan for the subsequent academic year is recommended for those courses in which the targets of POs and PSOs are not achieved. The improvement in attainment of POs and PSOs are monitored in subsequent year.

POs and PSOs Attainment Levels and Actions for improvement – CAYm4 (2016-17)

Target Attainment POs Observations Level Level Target is achieved because this PO has too many subjects linked to it PO1 1.50 2.17 strongly, and better results lead to this attainment. Action Taken: Nil Target is achieved because this PO has too many subjects linked to it PO2 1.50 1.56 strongly, and better results lead to this attainment. Action Taken: Nil Target not attained. GAP identified as assessment of students were based on PO3 1.50 1.27 questions/assignments directly solved through predefined methods or formula. Action 1:Faculty are advised to provide some assignments and internal assessment based on real time problem which are not directly solved by formulas/methodology provided in text books. Action 2: Students are inspired to take up the projects with emphasis on real time problems Target not Attained Gap Identified: It is observed that most of the project abstract and PO4 1.50 1.31 literature survey are addressing the research based approach but does not end with valid conclusions. Action 1:Students are encouraged to do internships in industry / premier institutes of learning to get exposed to newer areas of research. Action2: Students are also encouraged to publish research paper in various journals. Action 3: Expert talks and Industrial visits are conducted to make students aware about real time problems and there solutions.

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Though many trainings were conducted but target is not achieved Gap Identified- Many theory subjects and practical in curriculum are PO5 1.50 1.42 based on theory and trainer kit system which does not include modern tool as a part of curriculum. Action 1: Students are encouraged to take B. E. projects based on tools like VHDL, Cadence, Lab view and microcontrollers. Action 2: Faculty are advised to provide some question/practical based on modern tool though it is not mentioned in syllabus. Action 3: Hands-on training on different tools like SCADA, PLC, MATLAB and embedded system are conducted. Some dedicated subjects (Minor & Major Project) are strongly PO6 1.50 1.77 mapping this PO. Action Taken: Industrial Visits are conducted to make aware about safety, health issues related to industries. Target is achieved but this PO linked with few subjects (Non PO7 1.50 1.98 Renewable Energy Sources) Action Taken: Industrial Visits are conducted. Target Attained PO8 1.50 1.61

Action Taken: NIl This PO is mapped mainly from project and experimental work PO9 1.50 1.80 which is being taken care of by department very carefully. Action Taken: Students are encouraged to do project and lab work in a team. This PO is mostly being met in Theoretical subjects, Practical, PO10 1.50 1.78 Project and Seminars, which are being carried out in the department. Action 1: Students are assessed by report writing and power point presentation after each industrial visit/for their minor and major project etc. Action 2: Students are involved in GD/Mock PI in-house seminar. This PO is being met in Project work, and few subjects (Managerial PO11 1.50 2.28 skill, Innovative and entrepreneurship skill) which are being carried out meticulously in the department. Action Taken: Expert talk on Innovative and entrepreneurship skill is conducted. This PO is addressed by Projects, Seminar, Vocational Training, PO12 1.50 1.59 Report Writing etc. which are being carried out in the department. Action Taken: Nil PSO1 1.50 2.04 There are experienced teachers available in Department, who are having PG degree from IIT’s/NIT’s in fields related to this PSO, hence we are able to meet this PSO. Action Taken: Nil PSO2 1.50 1.64 There are experienced teachers available in Department, who are having PG degree from IIT’s/NIT’s in fields related to this PSO’s, hence we are able to meet this PSO. Action Taken: Nil

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PO and PSO attainment levels and action for improvement for year 2017-18(CAYm3)

Target Attainment POs Observations Level Level Target is achieved because this PO has too many subjects linked PO1 1.60 2.16 to it strongly, and better results lead to this attainment. Action Taken: Nil Target not attained GAP Identified- Students find it difficult to solve Engineering Problems especially in lower semesters numerical subjects. PO2 1.60 1.56 Due to lack of writing skill students were not able to deliver their answers in end semester exam which leads to lower po attainments Action 1: Extra Classes are conducted for tutorials. Action 2:Employability skill training to improve communication skill is conducted. Action 3: Gate Classes are conducted from external faculty. Action 3: Faculty are advised to focus on more numerical based problems. Action 4: Students are advised to join NPTEL lectures. Target Not Attained GAP Identified- lack of real time design based problems. Students PO3 1.50 1.28 find it difficult to solve design based problem due to lack of practical knowledge. Action1: Exposure to professional approach in solving complex problems Action 2: ICT enabled teaching Action3 : Faculty are advised to provide design based problems after completion of the course. Action 4: IOT and embedded system based special lectures are provided by faculty members Action 5: Students are advised to join NPTEL lectures. Target not attained Gap Identified: It is observed that most of the project abstract PO4 1.50 1.33 and literature survey are addressing the research based approach but does not end with valid conclusions. Action 1: Expert talk by industry person to aware students about real time issues in industry. Action 2: Students are encouraged to publish some research paper in journal. Action 3: Faculty are advised to encourage student to study some journals during library periods and assess them by providing some questions based on that journal paper. Though many trainings were conducted but target is not achieved PO5 1.50 1.30 Gap Identified- Many theory subjects and practical in curriculum are based on theory and trainer kit system which does not include modern tool as a part of curriculum Action 1: Students are encouraged to take B.E. projects based on tools like VHDL, Cadence, Lab view and microcontrollers. Action 2 : Industrial visits are conducted. Action 3: Students are encouraged to do summer vocational training related to modern tools. Some dedicated subjects (Minor & Major Project) are strongly PO6 1.60 1.82 mapping this PO. Action Taken: Nil

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Target is achieved but this PO linked with few subjects (Non PO7 1.60 2.13 Renewable Energy Sources) Action Taken: Nil Target not Attained Gap Identified: The students are doing better in improving the PO8 1.60 1.57 overall expertise in field of engineering but due to lack of communications and other ethical moral knowledge, some are lagging in real life situations. Action 1: To inculcate professional ethics and sense of honesty, motivational talks are arranged on regular basis. Action 2:NSS activity and Induction program are organised by the institute. This PO is mapped mainly from project and experimental work PO9 1.60 1.80 which is being taken care of by department very carefully. Action Taken: Nil This PO is mostly being met in Theoretical subjects, Practical, PO10 1.60 1.79 Project and Seminars, which are being carried out in the department. Action Taken: Nil This PO is being met in Project work, and few subjects PO11 1.60 2.34 (Managerial skill, Innovative and entrepreneurship skill) which are being carried out meticulously in the department. Action Taken: Nil Target Attained PO12 1.60 1.61

Action 1: Teachers are encouraged to highlight the allied areas of Electronics and communication engineering to keep pace with contemporary technology. There are experienced teachers available in Department, who PSO1 1.60 1.98 are having PG degree from IIT’s/NIT’s in fields related to this PSO, hence we are able to meet this PSO. Action Taken: Nil PSO2 1.60 1.47 Target Not attained Action 1: Students are encouraged to do summer vocational training related to modern tools. Action 2: ICT based teaching is encouraged Action 3: various pedagogy methods are advised to faculty.

PO and PSO attainment level and action for improvement for 2018-19 (CAYm2)

Target Attainment POs Observations Level Level Target is achieved because this PO has too many subjects linked PO1 1.70 2.01 to it strongly, and better results lead to this attainment. Action Taken: Nil Target Not Attained PO2 1.60 1.47 GAP Identified- Students find difficulties to identify the complex problems. Students less involvement into research activities.

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Teachers assigning less analytical problems and more theoretical problems. Action 1: Students are encouraged write articles and publish the same in standard journals. Action 2: Activities like Brainstorming schedule in teachers lecture plan. Action 3: In-house GATE classes arranged for the students. Action 4: Technical tour and training arranged at various industries for the students. Action 5: Students are encouraged to join NPTEL coerces to improve their analytical skills. Target Not Attained GAP Identified-Less designing based practical's in list of practical's PO3 1.50 1.16 by teachers, Student less involvement in technical events like Hackathon. Action 1: Students are encouraged to participate in technical activities and keep updating students about technical events arrange student participation in SIH workshop and similar activities. Action 2: Asked students for Designing based Research paper publication and tell them about new technologies vie expert talks. Action 3: Technical tour and training arranged at various industries for the students. Target Not Attained Gap Identified- Students less involvement into research activities PO4 1.50 1.13 and MOOC courses. Teachers assigning less analytical problems and more theoretical problems. Action 1: Activities like Brainstorming schedule in teachers lecture plan. Action 2: In-house GATE classes arranged for the students. Action 3: Technical tour and training arranged at various industries for the students. Action4: Students are encouraged to join NPTEL courses to improve their analytical skills. Target Not Attained Gap identified- Many theory subjects and practical in curriculum PO5 1.50 1.22 are based on theory and trainer kit system which does not include modern tool as a part of curriculum. Action 1: Ask students for develop research paper and use modern tools for the same. Action 2: Provided training to students based on modern tool like python Target not attained GAP Identified: Some dedicated subjects (Minor & Major Project) PO6 1.70 1.47 are strongly mapping this PO. But many subjects either not mapped or loosely mapped with this PO Action Taken: Webinar/Seminar is conducted regarding Target is achieved but this PO linked with few subjects (Non PO7 1.70 1.70 Renewable Energy Sources) Action Taken: Nil Target Not Attained PO8 1.60 1.29 Gap identified- less activities conducted in institute for ethical moral knowledge. Action 1: To inculcate professional ethics and sense of honesty, motivational expert talks are arranged on regular basis. Action 2: NSS activity and Induction program are organized by the institute. Action 3: Yoga workshop arranged for the students Action 4: some webinars are conducted related to ethical values PO9 1.70 1.54 Target not achieved.

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Gap Identified: This PO is mapped strongly mainly with project and experimental work but loosely mapped with many theory subjects. Action 1: Webinar organized by industry person to aware students real time scenario and safety and health issues in industry. Action 2: NSS activity and Induction program are organized by the institute Target Not Attained PO10 1.70 1.48 Gap identified-some students from Hindi medium and rural areas find difficulties to communicate in real life situations. Action 1: Group discussions, seminars, presentations and soft skills training programs are organized to enhance the aspects of communication/skills. Action 2: Special full time Employability skill training arranged to improve communication skill. Action 3: Technical tour and training arranged at various industries for the students. Action 4: Students are encouraged write articles and publish the same in standard journals. This PO is being met in Project work, and few subjects PO11 1.70 1.92 (Managerial skill, Innovative and entrepreneurship skill) which are being carried out meticulously in the department. Action Taken: Nil Target Not Attained PO12 1.70 1.30 Gap identified-Curriculum is not updating with state-of-the-art technologies Action 1: Teachers are encouraged to highlight the allied areas of Electronics and communication engineering to keep pace with contemporary technology. Action 2: Twining Activities like vocational training at NIT Rourkela arranged for students for modern technology exposure. There are experienced teachers available in Department, who are PSO1 1.70 1.88 having PG degree from IIT’s/NIT’s in fields related to this PSO, hence we are able to meet this PSO. Action Taken: Nil Target Not Attained PSO2 1.60 1.37

Action 1: Technical tour and vocational training arranged at various industries for the students. Action 2: Students are encouraged to join NPTEL coerces to improve their analytical skills. Action 3: ICT based teaching is encouraged Action 4: various pedagogy methods are advised to faculty.

PO and PSO attainment level for 2019-20 (CAYm1)

Target Attainment POs Observations Level Level Target is achieved because this PO has too many subjects linked PO1 1.80 2.26 to it strongly, and better results lead to this attainment. E-Self Assessment Report Page 166

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Action :NA PO2 1.60 1.61 Target Attained Action : Attainment level increases compare to previous year but target not attained PO3 1.50 1.44 GAP Identified-Less designing based practical's in list of practical's by teachers, Student less involvement in technical events like Hackathon. Action :NA Attainment level increases compare to previous year target not attained PO4 1.50 1.26 Gap Identified- Students less involvement into research activities and MOOC courses. Teachers assigning less analytical problems and more theoretical problems. Action :NA Attainment level increases compare to previous year but target is not achieved PO5 1.50 1.48 Gap identified- Many theory subjects and practical in curriculum are based on theory and trainer kit system which does not include modern tool as a part of curriculum. Action :NA Target attained. Some dedicated subjects (Minor & Major PO6 1.80 1.82 Project) are strongly mapping this PO. Action :NA Target is achieved but this PO linked with few subjects (Non PO7 1.80 1.93 Renewable Energy Sources) Action :NA PO8 1.60 1.60 Target attained Action :NA PO9 1.80 1.93 Target Attained Action :NA Attainment level increases compare to previous year but target not attained. PO10 1.70 1.68 Gap identified-some students from Hindi medium and rural areas find difficulties to communicate in real life situations. Action :NA PO11 1.80 2.41 Target Attained Action :NA Though attainment level increases but target Not attained PO12 1.60 1.50 Gap identified-Curriculum is not updating with state-of-the-art technologies Action :NA

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Target Attained PSO1 1.80 2.09

Action :NA Target Attained PSO2 1.60 1.64

Action :NA

7.2 Academic Audit and actions taken thereof during the period of Assessment (10) Academic year audits are conducted four times in a year for enhancing the quality and excellence of the program. Academic audits done twice by internal Auditing committee at beginning of semesters and twice by external Auditing at end of semesters. Internal committee comprising of two Departmental faculties and head of department. External committee comprising of head of department, dean academics and two external faculties.

The internal auditing committee verifies the following components during the semester:  Course contents  Teaching learning methods  lesson plans  Quality of laboratory manuals and list of experiments  CO's and its mapping with PO's  Quality of Class test papers and CO mapping.  Monthly Student’s attendance is compilation and display the same.  Monthly Course coverage by faculty members  Quality of Students Project  Review of faculty members  Feedback from the students  Co-Curricular Activities: Seminar, Guest Lecture, Conference Workshop, FDP, Value Added Course, Online certification course, Internship, In-Plant training, Webinar, Summer Internships, Snap talk, Extramural Lecture, Seminar day etc.  Identification of weaker students

The internal auditing committee generate an conclusive report based on above parameters and report the same to dean academics. If any slackness is found, necessary instructions are issued to concerned teachers and action is taken accordingly.

External academic audit the following documents of the faculty members are verified:  Internal auditing committee Report  Quality of Internal/External Assessment  Research Activities: Publications, Patents, Proposal  Syllabus Copy  Approved Lesson plan  Course Information  Details of Text book and Reference books  Scheme of Evaluation of Internal marks  Question paper: Assignment test and Class test

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 Sample Answer sheets  Result Analysis  CO-PO attainment Excel sheet  Action taken for improvement of weaker students  Assignment Sheets samples  Tutorials sheets samples  Details of Technical Quiz/Seminars/Any other components included  Internal mark Evaluation sheet  End semester question paper with answer key  Record of class work

Actions Taken by the faculty members: Comments from the auditing teams are given as suggestions to the faculty members to take corrective actions. Sample of comments from external auditor and actions taken are shown below:

Comments by External Auditor Action Taken Mention CO's in the Assignment test and A generalized format developed and distributed class test among faculties Rubrics based evaluation can be followed for The concern project coordinator designed projects rubrics and evaluation is done in every project review Faculty publications can be arranged year Arranged wise Add Activities in course plan to meet Activities like roll play, brainstorming and maximum PO's seminars added Project diary can be maintained by individual It is maintained by each project guide project team Comments missing in the feedback file The necessary comments have been added More Innovative assignments need to be Recommended as an assessment component for given the next semester.

Check List Sample S.N. Description Self - Check Verified Remarks by PC* (ifany) 1. The Course Outcomes are available as per requirements Yes / No Yes / No and are defined using Blooms taxonomy measurable action verbs 2. The topics / contents are available as per requirement of Yes / No Yes / No respective Course Outcome [CO] 3. CO-Programme Outcome [PO] Mapping is available as Yes / No Yes / No per guidelines 4. Course Plan with pedagogy/Activity and Weightage of Yes / No Yes / No various assessment tool are available for all sessions 5. Assessment Tools and their weightages as per Yes / No Yes / No University guidelines for LT/LTP/LP

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6. Course Outcome Attainment Tool with Threshold, Yes / No Yes / No Expected level of attainment and Actual Level of Attainment are available as per guidelines 7. Session Plan is available for all session as per course Yes / No Yes / No plan and syllabus 8. Sample Question paper is available as per format Yes / No Yes / No

In addition to it, following performance audits for TEQIP-III institute by NPIU appointed academic auditor. Serial Name of Performance Date of Visit Organization No. Auditor KIIT University, 1 27th Feb 2014 Dr. K C Singh Bhubaneshwar KIIT University, 2 26th April 2015 Dr. K C Singh Bhubaneshwar 3 28th Aug 2018 Prof. Dilip R Peshwe VNIT, Nagpur 4 24 August 2019 Prof. Dilip R Peshwe VNIT, Nagpur For academic year 2017-18 Government Engineering College Bilaspur score 1.39 performance audit score and for academic year 2018-19 Government Engineering College Bilaspur score 1.33 performance audit score (performance audit score: 1 consider highest)

7.3 Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship (10) On contacting with alumni of previous batches (2015-16 to 2020-21 pass out batches), most of the alumni are found to be engaged in different activities (job in the government sector, private sector, higher studies or entrepreneurship).The data is summarized in the table of section 4.5.

Placement & Higher Studies Summary (CAY, CAYm1, CAYm2, CAYm3, CAYm4 & CAYm5)

No. of S. Academic Off On Pay Higher Entrepren Placed Total Placement N. year Campus Campus Package studies eurship Student Students (%) s 1 2015-16 11 1 2.5 LPA 13 0 12 43 28 2 2016-17 6 3 3 LPA 15 0 09 42 21 3 2017-18 6 2 3 LPA 20 1 09 46 20 4 2018-19 2 0 1.8 LPA 9 1 03 44 7 5 2019-20 0 09 2.4 LPA 0 1 10 46 21.7% 6 2020-21 10 0 3 LPA 4 0 14 44 31.81%

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7.4 Improvement in the quality of students admitted to the program (10)

CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3 Item 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 No. of Students admitted - - - National Level Entrance Opening Score/Rank - - - Closing Score/Rank - - -

No. of Students admitted 41 41 42 40

State/University/Level Entrance Opening Score/Rank 95/95 70.43/616 70/923 66/552 Examination/Others (Pre - Engineering Test)

Closing Score/Rank 49.33/4962 12785 35/17252 42/11153

No. of Students admitted 4 4 8 8

Lateral entry details Opening Score/Rank 71.4% 72% 77.75 % 75.64 % (On the basis of diploma merit marks) Closing Score/Rank 68.8% 66.43% 59.62 % 65.42 %

Average CBSE/Any other Board Result of admitted 72.52 67.38 69.08 66.92 students (Physics, Chemistry &Math's)

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CRITERION 8 First Year Academics 50


8.1. First Year Student-Faculty Ratio (FYSFR) (5)

Data for first year courses to calculate the FYSFR Assessment = (5 x 20)/Average FYSFR (Limited to Max. 5) Data for first year courses to calculate the FYSFR:

Number of Number of Assessment = students faculty members (5 x 20)/Average Year FYSFR (approved (considering FYSER intake strength) fractional load) (Limited to Max. 5) =(5 x 20)/19.5 CAY 2020-21 273 14 19.5 =5.12 =(5 x 20)/19.5 CAYm1 2019-20 273 14 19.5 =5.12 =(5 x 20)/19.5 CAYm2 2018-19 273 14 19.5 =5.12

Average 273 14 19.5 =5.12 Table B.8.1.

*Note: If FYSFR is greater than 25, then assessment equal to zero.

8.2. Qualification of Faculty Teaching First Year Common Courses (5)

Assessment of qualification = (5x +3y) / RF, X = Number of Regular faculty with Ph.D., Y = Number of Regular Faculty with Post- Graduate qualification, RF = Number of Faculty Members required as per SFR of 20:1.

RF Assessment of faculty Year x y (273/20) qualification (5x +3y) / RF =(5x3 + 3x11)/14 CAY 2020-21 3 11 14 =3.42 =(5x5 + 3x9)/14 CAYm1 2019-20 5 9 14 =3.71 =(5x5 + 3x9)/14 CAYm2 2018-19 5 9 14 =3.71

Average assessment =3.61 Table B.8.2.

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8.3. First Year Academic Performance (10)

Academic performance= (Mean of the percentage of marks in first year of all successful students/10) × (Number of successful students/Number of Students appeared in the examination)

Successful students are those who permitted to proceed to second year.

S. Average of all successful Students on a 10 Year No point scale 1 CAY m1 2019-20 (Sem I) 6.06 2 CAY m2 2018-19 5.92 3 CAY m3 2017-18 5.87 4 CAY m4 2016-17 6.02 Table B.8.3. Note- Due to CORONA Pandemic in CAY m1 2019-20 till only Semester I result has been declared.

8.4. Attainment of Course Outcomes of first year courses (10)

8.4.1. Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of Course Outcomes of first year is done (5)

 Initially all first year courses shall have set Course Outcome attainment levels for all courses.  This institute is affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University and all the exams are conducted by the university as per their calendar. The institute has decided to give weight-age in following way to Internal Class Test (CT), Teachers Assessment (TA) and External End Semester Examination (ESE) for calculation of attainment of course outcome for different subject. A. List of assessment processes:  Direct Assessment  Internal Assessment Test  Assignment  Practical Course Evaluation  End Semester examinations  COs are defined for each course in the syllabus by the respective course coordinator.  Blooms cognitive action verbs are used to define the course outcome.

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 To calculate the attainment of COs, the data is gathered from the above said assessments

. Internal Assessment and Assignments:  The internal assessment marks will be based on assignments, comprehensive viva conducted in respective course.  All the above assessments are conducted as per calendar of Events prepared by the Institute.  Practical work at Laboratory are evaluated using Observations, Preparation, Conduct of experiment, Record / Report Preparation , Results, presentation and viva-voce which is designed by the department.

. End Semester Examinations:  End Semester examinations are conducted as per university examination schedules.

B. Relevance of Assessment tools used: The question given in assignment and viva examination are such that they address the relevant CO of the subject and weight-age of viva and assignment has been given as per university end semester examination. The CO’s attainment calculated with the above mentioned process will directly reflected in end semester examination result which indicates the role of these method in improvement of teaching learning process.

Particulars of the Weight age Assigned S. No. groups CT TA ESE 1 Theory 16.66% 16.66% 66.66% 2 Practical NA 33.33% 66.66% 3 Others with only TA NA 100% NA Table B.8.4.1.

For calculations of attainment levels of Course Outcomes, In addition to above, the level of attainment High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) will be on the basis of student performance as given below,

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

S. No. Attainment Level Average % of scored marks in a course

1 3 55 and above

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2 2 Below 55 and above 50 3 1 Below 50 Table B.8.4.2.

Assessment Guideline

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Program Outcomes:

1. PO 1-Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. PO 2-Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering. Problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

3. PO 3-Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.

4. PO 4-Investigation of Complex Problems: using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

5. PO 5-Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling complex engineering activities with an under-standing of the limitations.

6. PO 6-Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.

7. PO 7-Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

8. PO 8-Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

9. PO 9-Individual and Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

10.PO 10-Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. E-Self Assessment Report Page 176

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11.PO 11-Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12.PO 12-Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcomes of first year & Course Articulation Matrix-

As a result of this knowledge gained, Program Outcomes from 1 to 5 were assigned knowledge level from 1 to 6, as below-

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12


s on and and Work Ethics Usage Project Investi- Investi- Design/ Design/ Conduct Conduct Problem Problem Analysis Complex Complex Learning Problems Life-Long and Team and gations of of gations Individual Individual Knowledge and Societyand of Solutionsof Engineering and Finance and Modern Tool Modern Environment Management Communicati The EngineerThe Development Sustainability

KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 -

KL= Knowledge Level

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18-19, Subject: Applied All Branches : I 300114(14) 17-18 & 16-17 Mathematics I Course Code CO Statement K L Determine the rank and the consistency with eigen values and eigen vectors 300114(14)-1 3 of a square matrix. 300114(14)-2 Apply various differential calculus theorems to solve engineering problems. 3 300114(14)-3 Integrate various functions to find out the solution of engineering problems. 3 Calculate maxima and minima of two or more variables of engineering 300114(14)-4 3 problems. Apply the concept of differential equation of the first order to solve 300114(14)-5 3 engineering problems. POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300114(14)-1 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-2 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-3 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-4 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-5 3 2 1 ------Average COR 3 2 1 ------E-Self Assessment Report Page 177

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Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: All Branches 1& 2 300111(46) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 PCE(Theory) Course Code CO Statement K L 300111(46)-1 Demonstrate competence in oral, written and visual communication. 2 300111(46)-2 Use technology to communicate effectively in various settings and contexts. 3 Apply appropriate and professional ethical behavior in personal and 300111(46)-3 3 professional level. 300111(46)-4 Develop positive group communication exchanges. 3 POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300111(46)-1 ------1 - - - - 300111(46)-2 - - - - 1 - - - 3 - - 300111(46)-3 ------3 - 3 - - 300111(46)-4 - - - - - 2 - - 3 - - Average COR - - - - 1 2 - 2 - 3 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Applied All Branches 1& 2 300112(11) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Chemistry Course Code CO Statement K L Calculate the type & amount of alkalinity & hardness in the Boiler water 300112(11)-1 along with stating various industrial softening processes for boiler feed 3 water Boiler. Calculate calorific value of fuel from given data along with its classification & 300112(11)-2 3 analysis. Apply the concept of Corrosion, classify, can visualize the reasons & 300112(11)-3 3 consequences along with the solution / idea of preventive measures. Explain & classify the characteristics, & constitution of Cement, Polymer & 300112(11)-4 2 lubricants along with the idea of manufacture of cement. Explain & classify the characteristics, & constitution of Explosives 300112(11)-5 Able to calculate oxygen balance: Explain some important chemicals of 2 Industrial use. POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300112(11)-1 3 2 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 300112(11)-2 3 2 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 300112(11)-3 3 2 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 300112(11)-4 2 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 300112(11)-5 2 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 Average COR 2.6 1.6 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Engineering All Branches 1& 2 300211(37) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Graphics – Theory Course Code CO Statement K L 300211(37)-1 Draw orthographic projections of point, lines, planes and solids. 3 300211(37)-2 Construct isometric scale, projections and views. 3 Draw sections of solids which include cylinders, cones, prisms and 300211(37)-3 3 pyramids.

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Draw projections of lines, planes, solids and sections of solids including 300211(37)-4 3 cylinders, cones, prisms and using AutoCAD. POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300211(37)-1 3 3 2 2 1 ------1 300211(37)-2 3 3 2 2 1 ------1 300211(37)-3 3 3 2 2 1 ------1 300211(37)-4 3 3 2 2 1 ------1 Average COR 3 3 2 2 1 ------1

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Elements of All Branches 1& 2 300118(24) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Electrical Engg.(New) Course Code CO Statement K L 300118(24)-1 Apply different network theorem to solve given network problems. 3 300118(24)-2 Solve Single phase circuits and draw phasor diagrams. 3 300118(24)-3 Analyze construction and performance of transformer & Dc machines. 3 300118(24)-4 Develop phasor diagrams of transformers at no load condition. Solve poly phase circuit problems with balanced load and identify phase 300118(24)-5 3 sequence using appropriate technique. 300118(24)-6 Calculate Various parameters of PMMC & Moving Iron Instruments. 3 300118(24)-7 Solve PMMC instruments for Extension range. 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300118(24)-1 3 2 1 ------1 - - 300118(24)-2 3 2 1 ------1 - - 300118(24)-3 3 2 1 ------1 - - 300118(24)-4 3 2 1 ------1 - - 300118(24)-5 3 2 1 ------1 - - 300118(24)-6 3 ------1 - - 300118(24)-7 3 ------1 - - Average COR 3 2 1 ------1 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Applied All Branches 1& 2 300121(11) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Chemistry (lab) Course Code CO Statement K L 300121(11)- Analyze the hardness & type of Alkalinity in the given water sample. 3 1 300121(11)- Measure the amount of Chloride, Oxalic acid & Sulphuric acid by titration. 2 2 300121(11)- Estimate the % composition of Sodium hydroxide & Sodium Chloride 2 3 300121(11)- Determine Flash & fire point by Abels & Pensky martens Apparatus 2 4 300121(11)- Can determine the calorific value of fuel by Bomb Calorimeter. 2 5 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300121(11)- 3 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 3 1 300121(11)- 2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2

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2 300121(11)- 2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2 3 300121(11)- 2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2 4 300121(11)- 2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2 5 Average COR 2.2 2 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 - 2.2

Branch: Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Elements of Common to All 1& 2 300126(24) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Electrical Engg. (Lab) Branches Course CO Statement K L Code 300126( Perform experiment for verification of various network theorems 3 24)-1 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300126( 3 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 - - 24)-1 Average 3 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 - - COR

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Workshop All Branches 1& 2 300124(37) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 practice(Lab) Course Code CO Statement K L 300124(37)-1 Fabricate the joints using arc welding. 3 300124(37)-2 Perform the turning and shaping operation. 3 300124(37)-3 Develop a mould in casting shop. 3 300124(37)-4 Design and develop a pattern in carpentry shop. 3 300124(37)-5 Perform a cold working operation. 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300124(37)-1 3 1 1 1 1 ------300124(37)-2 3 1 1 1 1 ------300124(37)-3 3 1 2 1 1 ------300124(37)-4 3 1 2 1 1 ------300124(37)-5 3 1 1 1 1 ------Average COR 3 1 1.4 1 1 ------

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Library & All Branches – 1 300127(46) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Seminar Course Code CO Statement K L 300127(46)-1 Demonstrate sound knowledge of topic chosen for seminar 2 300127(46)-2 Develop a technical document and give effective presentation 3 300127(46)-3 Use modern audio-visual aids for presentation 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300127(46)-1 ------3 - - 300127(46)-2 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - -

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300127(46)-3 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - Average COR - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Applied All Branches : II 300214(14) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Mathematics II(Theory) Course Code CO Statement K L 300214(14)-1 Apply the concept of complex numbers to solve engineering problems. 3 300214(14)-2 Solve Higher order linear differential equations. 3 300214(14)-3 Calculate area and volume by using double and triple integrals. 3 Apply the concept of line, surface and volume integrals to solve engineering 300214(14)-4 3 problems. Solve Cubic and Biquadrate equations by using Cardin’s and Ferrari’s 300214(14)-5 3 methods. Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300214(14)-1 3 2 1 ------300214(14)-2 3 2 1 ------300214(14)-3 3 2 1 ------300214(14)-4 3 2 1 ------300214(14)-5 3 2 1 ------Average COR 3 2 1 ------

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject:- Environment All Branches – 1& 2 300212(20) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 & Ecology – Theory Course Code CO Statement K L 300212(20)-1 Define the fundamental part of environment, flow of nutrient and energy. 1 300212(20)-2 Identify the source, effect, cure techniques of air pollution. 2 300212(20)-3 Describe water pollution, effect, removal techniques. 2 Illustrate the origin effect, management of land pollution and noise 300212(20)-4 2 pollution. Relate environment and biotechnology to help and cure environmental 300212(20)-5 3 problem. Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300212(20)-1 1 - - - - 2 3 2 - 1 - - 300212(20)-2 2 - - - - 2 3 1 - 1 - - 300212(20)-3 2 - - - - 2 3 1 - 1 - - 300212(20)-4 2 - - - - 2 3 1 - 1 - - 300212(20)-5 3 1 - - - 2 3 1 - 1 - - Average COR 2 1 - - - 2 3 1.2 - 1 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject- Applied All Branches – 1& 2 300218(15) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 physics (new) theory Course Code CO Statement K L 300218(15)-1 Apply the concept of special theory of relativity to solve relativistic problems 3 300218(15)-2 Develop familiarity with nuclear and particle physics. 3 Describe the ways to produce ultrasonic waves and its engineering 300218(15)-3 2 applications 300218(15)-4 Distinguish interference by division of wave front and amplitude. 4 E-Self Assessment Report Page 181

Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Describe the importance of Optical fiber communication and laser in this 300218(15)-5 2 modern era. Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300218(15)-1 - 3 2 2 - - - - - 2 - - 300218(15)-2 1 1 - - - 3 3 1 - 1 - - 300218(15)-3 3 - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - 300218(15)-4 - 3 ------1 - - 300218(15)-5 2 ------1 - 1 - - Average COR 2 2.3 2 2 2 3 1 - 1.2 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Basic Civil All Branches – 1& 2 300216(20) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Engineering (Theory) Course Code CO Statement K L 300216(20)-1 Explain the basic construction materials. 2 300216(20)-2 Discuss types of buildings and select materials of construction. 2 Estimate heights, distances and angles using basic surveying methods and 300216(20)-3 3 plot them on paper. Plan and draw line plan of residential building and sketch different 300216(20)-4 2 components of structure. 300216(20)-5 Calculate the reduced levels of different stations. 3 300216(20)-6 Give the suggestion of suitable type of foundation for a given building. 2 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300216(20)-1 2 1 ------3 - - 300216(20)-2 2 1 ------3 - - 300216(20)-3 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - 300216(20)-4 2 1 - - - - - 2 - 3 - - 300216(20)-5 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - 300216(20)-6 2 1 ------3 - - Average COR 2.33 1.33 - 1 - - - 2 - 2.66 - -

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: FMC All Branches – 1& 2 300219(37) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 (Theory) Course Code CO Statement K L 300219(37)-1 Construct the free body diagram for engineering problems. 3 300219(37)-2 Apply the equilibrium condition to the coplanar force system problems. 3 300219(37)-3 Calculate the forces in the different member of trusses. 3 Analyze the motion of a particle by using D’ Alembert principle and work- 300219(37)-4 4 energy principle. 300219(37)-5 Calculate the moment of inertia of an area. 3 300219(37)-6 Apply the first law of thermodynamics to the engineering problems. 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300219(37)-1 3 3 1 1 1 ------300219(37)-2 3 2 1 1 1 ------300219(37)-3 3 3 2 1 1 ------300219(37)-4 3 3 2 1 1 ------300219(37)-5 3 3 2 1 1 ------E-Self Assessment Report Page 182

Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

300219(37)-6 3 2 1 1 1 ------Average COR 3 2.67 1.5 1 1 ------

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: Applied physics All Branches – 1& 2 300228(15) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 (New) (Lab)-Practical Course Code CO Statement K L 300228(15)-1 Calculate wavelength of light by different methods. 3 300228(15)-2 Use Laser carefully. 3 300228(15)-3 Differentiate the diffraction and interference pattern. 4 300228(15)-4 Determine Surface Tension of water. 6 300228(15)-5 Calculate least count of different measuring instrument. 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300228(15)-1 - - - - 1 ------300228(15)-2 1 - - - 2 ------300228(15)-3 - - - - 1 ------300228(15)-4 - - - - 1 ------300228(15)-5 1 - - - 1 ------Average COR 1 - - - 1.2 ------

Branch: Common to Semester subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject:Mechanical All Branches – 1& 2 300229(37) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Engineering(Lab) Course Code CO Statement K L Calculate the support reaction and bending moment in simply supported 300229(37)-1 K3 beam. 300229(37)-2 Determine the forces in the members of a truss and jib-crane. K3 300229(37)-3 Demonstrate the use Lami’s theorem and law of polygon. K3 300229(37)-4 Find the coefficient of friction between two contact surfaces. K4 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300229(37)-1 3 3 1 1 1 ------300229(37)-2 3 2 1 1 1 ------300229(37)-3 3 2 2 1 1 ------300229(37)-4 3 3 2 1 1 ------Average COR 3 2.5 1.5 1 1 ------

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: PCE (Lab) All Branches – 1& 2 300221(46) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 Course Code CO Statement K L 300221(46)-1 Demonstrate effective Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. 2 300221(46)-2 Use Audio-visual aids for oral and written communication. 3 300221(46)-3 Develop effective non-verbal Communication. 3 Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300221(46)-1 ------1 - 3 - - 300221(46)-2 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - 300221(46)-3 ------3 - - Average COR - - - - 2 - - 1 - 3 - -

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Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 19-20, 18- Subject: library & All Branches – 1& 2 300220(46) 19, 17-18 & 16-17 seminar Course Code CO Statement K L 300220(46)-1 Demonstrate sound knowledge of topic chosen for seminar - 300220(46)-2 Develop a technical document and give effective presentation - 300220(46)-3 Use modern audio-visual aids for presentation - Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300220(46)-1 ------3 - - 300220(46)-2 ------3 - - 300220(46)-3 ------3 - - Average COR ------3 - -

8.4.2. Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all first year courses (5) Year - Session 2018-19 (Batch- 2021-22 New Course) Semester - I + II


Sl. Course Name of Subject Attainment level 1 300114(14) Applied Mathematics-I 3 Professional Communication in 2 300111(46) 2 English 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 2 4 300211(37) Engineering Graphics 3 Elements of Electrical 5 300118(24) 2 Engineering (New) 6 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab) 3 Elements of Electrical 7 300126(24) 3 Engineering (Lab) 8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 3 10 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II 1 11 300212(20) Environment & Ecology 2 12 300218(15) Applied Physics (New) 2 13 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering 2 300219(37) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 1 Engineering (New)

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15 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab) 3 16 300229(37) Mechanical Engineering (Lab) 3 17 300221(46) Communication Skills (Lab) 3 18 300220(46) Library & Seminar. 3 Table B.8.4.2.a.

Year - Session 2017-18 (Batch- 2020-21 New Course) Semester - I + II


Sl. Course Name of Subject Attainment level 1 300114(14) Applied Mathematics-I 3 Professional Communication in 2 300111(46) 3 English 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 2 4 300211(37) Engineering Graphics 2 Elements of Electrical 5 300118(24) 2 Engineering (New) 6 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab) 3 Elements of Electrical 7 300126(24) 3 Engineering (Lab) 8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 3 10 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II 1 11 300212(20) Environment & Ecology 2 12 300218(15) Applied Physics (New) 2 13 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering 2 300219(37) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 1 Engineering (New) 15 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab) 3 16 300229(37) Mechanical Engineering (Lab) 3 17 300221(46) Communication Skills (Lab) 3 18 300220(46) Library & Seminar. 3 Table B.8.4.2.b.

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Year - Session 2016-17 (Batch- 2019-20 New Course) Semester - I + II


Sl. Course Code Name of Subject Attainment level

1 300114(14) Applied Mathematics-I 2 Professional Communication in 2 300111(46) 2 English 3 300112(11) Applied Chemistry 2 4 300211(37) Engineering Graphics 2 Elements of Electrical 5 300118(24) 2 Engineering (New) 6 300121(11) Applied Chemistry (Lab) 3 Elements of Electrical 7 300126(24) 3 Engineering (Lab) 8 300124(37) Workshop Practice 3 9 300127(46) Library & Seminar 3 10 300214(14) Applied Mathematics‐II 3 11 300212(20) Environment & Ecology 3 12 300218(15) Applied Physics (New) 2 13 300216(20) Basic Civil Engineering 2 300219(37) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 2 Engineering (New) 15 300228(15) Applied Physics (Lab) 3 16 300229(37) Mechanical Engineering (Lab) 3 17 300221(46) Communication Skills (Lab) 3 18 300220(46) Library & Seminar. 3 Table B.8.4.2.c.

8.5. Attainment of Program Outcomes from first year courses (20) 8.5.1. Indicate results of evaluation of each relevant PO and/or PSO, if applicable (10) PO attainment calculation

Direct attainment of Pos (Through Cos and CO-PO correlation matrix)

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

For demonstration PO attainment calculation and verification following documents are required.

1. University scheme of first year 2. Syllabus of subject 3. CO-PO mapping matrix and PO attainment table

Method of PO attainment calculation

PO attainment =


( )

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 21-22, 20- Subject: Applied All Branches : I 300114(14) 21 & 19-20 Mathematics I

Course Outcomes Mapped with Program Outcomes

PO PO PO PO PO Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 8 9 10 11 12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 - 300114(14)-1 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-2 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-3 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-4 3 2 1 ------300114(14)-5 3 2 1 ------Average COR 3 2 1 ------Result 18-19 3 (CO attainment Level) Result 17-18 3 (CO attainment Level) Result 16-17 2 (CO attainment Level) PO attainment 18-19 3 2 1 ------PO attainment 17-18 3 2 1 ------PO attainment 16-17 2 1.3 0.7 ------

Branch: Common to Semester Subject Code: Batch 21-22, 20- Subject- Applied All Branches : I & II 300218(15) 21 & 19-20 physics (new)

Course Outcomes Mapped with Program Outcomes

PO PO PO PO PO Pos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 8 9 10 11 12 KL 3 4 6 5 6 3 2 3 - 2 6 -

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

300218(15)-1 - 3 2 2 - - - - - 2 - - 300218(15)-2 1 1 - - - 3 3 1 - 1 - - 300218(15)-3 3 - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - 300218(15)-4 - 3 ------1 - - 300218(15)-5 2 ------1 - 1 - - Average COR 2 2.3 2 2 2 3 1 - 1.2 - - Result 18-19 2 (CO attainment Level) Result 17-18 2 (CO attainment Level) Result 16-17 2 (CO attainment Level) PO attainment 18-19 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2 - - - PO attainment 17-18 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2 - - - PO attainment 16-17 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2 0.7 - 0.8 - -

Batch - 2019-20 (Admission Year- 2016-17 New Course) Semester - I+II PO attainment: First year details from table 3.1.3

S.No. Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

Applied Maths- 1 I 300114(14) 2 1.3 0.7 ------Professional Communication 2 in English - - - - 0.7 1.3 - 1.3 - 2.0 - - 300111(46) Applied 3 Chemistry 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 300112(11) Engineering 4 Graphics 2.0 2.0 1.3 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 300211(37) Elements of Electrical 5 Engineering 2.0 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 - - (New) 300118(24) Applied Chemistry 6 (Lab) 2.2 2.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 - 2.2 300121(11) Elements of Electrical 7 Engineering 3.0 2.0 1.0 - - - - - 3.0 1.0 - - (Lab) 300126(24) Workshop 8 Practice 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 ------300124(37) Library & 9 Seminar - - - - 2.0 - - - - 3.0 - - 300127(46)

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Applied Maths 10 II 300214(14) 3.0 2.0 1.0 ------Environment & 11 Ecology 2.0 1.0 - - - 2.0 3.0 1.2 - 1.0 - - 300212(20) Applied 12 Physics (New) 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2.0 0.7 - 0.8 - - 300218(15) Basic Civil 13 Engineering 1.5 0.9 - 0.7 - - - 1.3 - 1.8 - - 300216(20) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 Engineering 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.7 0.7 ------(New) 300219(37) Applied 15 Physics (Lab) 1.0 - - - 1.2 ------300228(15) Mechanical Engineering 16 (Lab) 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 ------300229(37)3 Communication 17 Skills (Lab) - - - - 2.0 - - 1.0 - 3.0 - - 300221(46) Library & 18 Seminar ------3.0 - - 300220(46) Average 2.1 1.6 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.3 2.0 1.1 2.0 1.7 - 1.2 Table B.8.5.1.a.

Batch - 2018-19 (Admission Year- 2015-16 New Course) Semester - I+II

S.No. Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

Applied Maths-I 1 300114(14) 2 1.3 0.7 ------Professional Communication 2 in English - - - - 0.7 1.3 - 1.3 - 2.0 - - 300111(46) Applied 3 Chemistry 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 300112(11) Engineering 4 Graphics 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 ------1.0 300211(37) Elements of Electrical 5 Engineering 3.0 2.0 1.0 ------1.0 - - (New) 300118(24) Applied Chemistry 6 (Lab) 2.2 2.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 - 2.2 300121(11)

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Elements of Electrical 7 Engineering 3.0 2.0 1.0 - - - - - 3.0 1.0 - - (Lab) 300126(24) Workshop 8 Practice 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 ------300124(37) Library & 9 Seminar - - - - 2.0 - - - - 3.0 - - 300127(46) Applied Maths 10 II 300214(14) 1.0 0.7 0.3 ------Environment & 11 Ecology 2.0 1.0 - - - 2.0 3.0 1.2 - 1.0 - - 300212(20) Applied Physics 12 (New) 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 2.0 0.7 - 0.8 - - 300218(15) Basic Civil 13 Engineering 1.5 0.9 - 0.7 - - - 1.3 - 1.8 - - 300216(20) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 Engineering 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 ------(New) 300219(37) Applied Physics 15 (Lab) 1.0 - - - 1.2 ------300228(15) Mechanical Engineering 16 (Lab) 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 ------300229(37)3 Communication 17 Skills (Lab) - - - - 2.0 - - 1.0 - 3.0 - - 300221(46) Library & 18 Seminar ------3.0 - - 300220(46) Average 2.1 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 1.1 2.0 1.8 - 1.3 Table B.8.5.1.b.

Batch - 2017-18 (Admission Year- 2014-15 New Course) Semester - I+II

S.No. Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

Applied Maths-I 1 300114(14) 3 2 1 ------Professional Communication 2 in English - - - - 0.3 0.7 - 0.7 - 1.0 - - 300111(46) Applied 3 Chemistry 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 300112(11)

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Engineering 4 Graphics 2.0 2.0 1.3 1.3 0.7 ------0.7 300211(37) Elements of Electrical 5 Engineering 3.0 2.0 1.0 ------1.0 - - (New) 300118(24) Applied Chemistry 6 (Lab) 2.2 2.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 - 2.2 300121(11) Elements of Electrical 7 Engineering 3.0 2.0 1.0 - - - - - 3.0 1.0 - - (Lab) 300126(24) Workshop 8 Practice 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 ------300124(37) Library & 9 Seminar - - - - 2.0 - - - - 3.0 - - 300127(46) Applied Maths 10 II 300214(14) 2.0 1.3 0.7 ------Environment & 11 Ecology 2.0 1.0 - - - 2.0 3.0 1.2 - 1.0 - - 300212(20) Applied Physics 12 (New) 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 3.0 1.0 - 1.2 - - 300218(15) Basic Civil 13 Engineering 2.3 1.3 - 1.0 - - - 2.0 - 2.7 - - 300216(20) Fundamental of Mechanical 14 Engineering 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 ------(New) 300219(37) Applied Physics 15 (Lab) 1.0 - - - 1.2 ------300228(15) Mechanical Engineering 16 (Lab) 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 ------300229(37)3 Communication 17 Skills (Lab) - - - - 2.0 - - 1.0 - 3.0 - - 300221(46) Library & 18 Seminar ------3.0 - - 300220(46) Average 2.2 1.6 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.3 1.1 2.0 1.8 - 1.2 Table B.8.5.1.c.

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Batch - 2016-17 (Admission Year- 2013-14 New Course) Semester - I+II

S.No. Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

Applied Maths-I 2 1.3 0.7 ------1 300114(14) Professional Communication - - - - 0.7 1.3 - 1.3 - 2.0 - - 2 in English 300111(46) Applied 1.7 1.1 - - - 0.7 - - - 0.7 - 0.7 3 Chemistry 300112(11) Engineering 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 ------1.0 4 Graphics 300211(37) Elements of Electrical 1.0 0.7 0.3 ------0.3 - - 5 Engineering (New) 300118(24) Applied Chemistry 2.2 2.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 - 2.2 6 (Lab) 300121(11) Elements of Electrical 3.0 2.0 1.0 - - - - - 3.0 1.0 - - 7 Engineering (Lab) 300126(24) Workshop 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 ------8 Practice 300124(37) Library & - - - - 2.0 - - - - 3.0 - - 9 Seminar 300127(46) Applied Maths 2.0 1.3 0.7 ------10 II 300214(14)

Environment & 2.0 1.0 - - - 2.0 3.0 1.2 - 1.0 - - 11 Ecology 300212(20) Applied Physics 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 3.0 1.0 - 1.2 - - 12 (New) 300218(15) Basic Civil 2.3 1.3 - 1.0 - - - 2.0 - 2.7 - - 13 Engineering 300216(20) Fundamental of Mechanical 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.7 0.7 ------14 Engineering (New) 300219(37) Applied Physics 1.0 - - - 1.2 ------15 (Lab) 300228(15) Mechanical Engineering 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 ------16 (Lab) 300229(37)3

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Communication - - - - 2.0 - - 1.0 - 3.0 - - 17 Skills (Lab) 300221(46) Library & ------3.0 - - 18 Seminar 300220(46) 2.2 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.4 2.3 1.3 2.0 1.8 - 1.3 Average Table B.8.5.1.d.

8.5.2. Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of relevant POs (10)

(The attainment levels by direct (student performance) are to be presented through Program level Course-PO matrix as indicated)

The department takes continuous effort towards academic excellence of the students through attainment of Pos. To enhance the Pos attainment levels for the next assessment years, measures are identified and implemented in next academic session.

For the continuous improvement department has set initial target level 1.5 (50% of the maximum attainment 3) and increases this set target by 0.1(6.66%) for next subsequent academic year for all the Pos which are attained and target level is fixed fpr rest of the Pos until they did not met minimum fixed level.

PO Attainment Levels and Actions for improvement –

Batch– 2019-20 (Admission Year- 2016-17 New Course)

Target Attainment POs Observations Level Level PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in Engineering. PO1 1.8 2.1 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering. Problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. Target yet to be achieved. PO2 1.7 1.6 Need for improvement in the process of problem analysis and evaluation was observed. Action 1:With the help of principals and methods which are taught in to the classroom/lab teaching learning systems sequential based problem identification, analysis, evaluation based leaning is get promoted. Action 1: problem analysis leaning atmosphere is developed in to the leaning system. PO3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.

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Target yet to be achieved. PO3 1.5 1.1 Need for improvement in the process of designing and developing the solutions for problems was observed Action 1: For forthcoming batches More focused classes will be conduct to meet the target of Design & Development in related subjects. Action 2: Incorporation of more numerical problems during their regular lectures. PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. Target yet to be achieved. PO4 1.5 1.0 Need for improvement to carry out investigation and implementation was observed. Action 1: Pedagogical Techniques, Seminars, lab classes are included to teach the students about to carry out investigation. Action 2: Extra classes for basics will be conducted during the Induction program to improve this PO for the forth coming batches for the subjects. PO5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities with an under-standing of the limitations Target yet to be achieved. PO5 1.5 1.2 Need for improvement in usage of modern tools was observed. Action 1: To improve this PO, faculties will use technical aids, appropriate techniques, resources and modern Engineering tools for the forth coming batches. Action 2: Subject like Communication skill new tools, techniques, communication skill learning software are introduces for better learning of students. PO6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO6 1.5 1.3 Need to describe the students about roll of engineer into the society was observed. Action 1: During Induction program technical talk by industrial resource persons, industrial expert, engineers is organized which helps the learners to relate them with the need of society. Action 2: In teaching system students are addressed to relate themselves with their society. PO7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. PO7 1.8 2.0 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO8 1.5 1.1 Need to impart the Professional ethics to students was observed

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Action 1: To improve this PO, induction program will be helpful in which it will covers Expert lectures, Technical talk, Motivational Talk, Yoga and NSS activity. It will be conducted for the forth coming batches. Action 2: Guest lecture on Industry expectations from young Engineers. Created awareness on Standard Code of Practices in Engineering. Action 3: On regular basis various NSS and social activities are conducted in institute premises and surroundings to aware, learn and adopt the healthy ethics. PO9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. PO9 1.8 2.0 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. Target yet to be achieved. Need to improve effectiveness of communication skill PO10 1.8 1.7 in communication and learning process of the students is observed Action 1: Language lab has been established for effectiveness of communication classes. This will help learners to learn with proper communication software. Action 2: Literary club is in place, which organizes various literary activities to improve effectiveness of leaning of communication and writing skill. PO11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. This PO has not been addressed by first year subject; P11 - - it will be addressed in later semester.

PO12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Target yet to be achieved. PO12 1.5 1.2 Need to improve upon the concentration skills of the students was observed Action 1: on regular basis Meditation classes, Yoga session, sports activities, stress management classes & counseling sessions are conducted to improve memory & Learning power. Action 2: Learners are encouraged to enhance their knowledge by grasping knowledge from its surrounding society; it helps the life-long learning of the learners. Gaining knowledge is a life- long learning process. Table B.8.5.2.a.

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Batch– 2018-19 (Admission Year- 2015-16 New Course)

Target Attainment Pos Observations Level Level PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in Engineering PO1 1.7 2.1 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering. Problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. Target yet to be achieved. PO2 1.6 1.5 Need for improvement in the process of problem analysis and evaluation was observed. Action 1: problem analysis leaning atmosphere is developed in to the leaning system. Action 2:With the help of principals and methods which are taught in to the classroom/lab teaching learning systems sequential based problem identification, analysis, evaluation based leaning is get promoted. PO3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations. PO3 1.5 1.1 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1: Gaps are identified and subjects in which students are lacking extra basic & remedial classes will be conducted for the forth coming batches. Action 3: Practical demonstration of concepts in laboratory to enhance student’s interest in the relevant subjects. PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. Target yet to be achieved. PO4 1.5 1.1 Need for improvement to carry out investigation and implementation was observed Action 1: Seminar and presentation based leaning are included to teach the students about to carry out investigation related problems. Action 2: Special extra classes for basics will be conducted to improve this PO for the forth coming batches for the subjects. PO5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities with an under-standing of the limitations PO5 1.5 1.2 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1: To improve this PO, faculties will use presentation, technical aids, appropriate techniques, resources and modern Engineering tools for the forth coming batches. Action 2: Faculties imparted for training on pedagogical methods of teaching which will help the faculty to deal with new teaching tools..

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PO6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice. PO6 1.5 1.3 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1: During Induction program and on various events technical talk by industrial resource persons, industrial expert, industrial visit are organized which helps the learners to relate them with the need of society. PO7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. PO7 1.7 2.0 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO8 1.5 1.1 Need to impart the Professional ethics to students was observed Action 1: To improve this PO, Expert lectures, Technical talk, Motivational Talk, Yoga and NSS activity throughout year will be more helpful. Action 2: All the assessment process is conducted according to the code of conduct. The malpractice cases were booked and remedial actions were taken. PO9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. PO9 1.7 2.0 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. PO10 1.7 1.8 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. This PO has not been addressed by first year subject; P11 it will be addressed in later semester.

PO12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. PO12 1.5 1.3 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1: Students are encouraged to adopt and implement the leaning in daily life which is taught into the class room. Subjects like Chemistry, Engineering graphics in which life-long

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leaning is mapped, students are advised to learn with its surrounding and enhance their life-long leaning skill. Action 1: Counseling session, Yoga session, sports activities, stress management classes are conducted to improve memory & Learning power of the learners. Table B.8.5.2.b.

Batch – 2017-18 (Admission Year- 2014-15 New Course)

Attainment Pos Target Level Observations Level PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in Engineering. PO1 1.6 2.2 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering. Problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. PO2 1.6 1.6 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations. Target yet to be achieved. Need for improvement in the process of designing PO3 1.5 1.2 and developing the solutions for problems was observed Action 1: For forthcoming batches More focused classes will be conduct to meet the target of Design & Development in related subjects. Action 2: Demonstration of concepts in laboratory to enhance student’s interest in subject. PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. Target yet to be achieved. PO4 1.5 1.1 Need for improvement to carry out investigation and implementation was observed. Action 1: In lab classes experiments are very well driven to teach the students that how the problems are investigated and identified. Action 2: Extra classes for basics will be conducted during the Induction program to improve this PO for the forth coming batches for the subjects. PO5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities with an under-standing of the limitations

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Target yet to be achieved. PO5 1.5 1.1 Need for improvement in usage of modern tools was observed. Action 1: Faculties undergoes for training on pedagogical methods of teaching. Action 2: In engineering students are very familiar with modern tools, modern tools are introduces in engineering learning subjects like Engineering Graphics, workshop, communication classes. Where they learn to solve complex problems, engineering modeling. PO6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO6 1.5 1.3 Need to describe the students about roll of engineer into the society was observed. Action 1: During Induction program technical talk by industrial resource persons, industrial expert, engineers is organized which helps the learners to relate them with the need of society. PO7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. PO7 1.6 2.3 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO8 1.5 1.1 Need to impart the Professional ethics to students was observed Action 1: On regular basis various NSS and social activities are conducted in institute premises and surroundings to aware, learn and adopt the healthy ethics. Action 2: Guest lecture on Industry expectations from young Engineers. Created awareness on Standard Code of Practices in Engineering. PO9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. PO9 1.6 2.0 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. PO10 1.6 1.8 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

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This PO has not been addressed by first year P11 subject; it will be addressed in later semester.

PO12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Target yet to be achieved. PO12 1.5 1.2 Need to improve upon the concentration skills of the students was observed Action 1: On regular basis Meditation classes, Yoga session, sports activities, stress management classes & counseling sessions are conducted to improve memory & Learning power. Subjects like Chemistry, Engineering graphics in which life-long leaning is mapped, students are advised to learn with its surrounding and enhance their life-long leaning skill. Table B.8.5.2.c.

Batch – 2016-17 (Admission Year- 2013-14 New Course)

Pos Target Level Attainment Level Observations

PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in Engineering PO1 1.5 2.2 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering. Problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. PO2 1.5 1.6 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations. Target yet to be achieved. Need for improvement in the process of PO3 1.5 1.2 designing and developing the solutions for problems was observed Action 1: For forthcoming batches More focused classes will be conduct to meet the target of Design & Development in related subjects. Action 2: Extra basic & remedial classes will be conducted for the forth coming batches for the subjects. Action 3: Demonstration of concepts in laboratory to enhance student’s interest in subject PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

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Target yet to be achieved. PO4 1.5 1.3 Need for improvement to carry out investigation and implementation was observed. Action 1: Pedagogical Techniques, Seminars are included to teach the students about to carry out investigation. Action 2: In lab classes experiments are very well driven to teach the students that how the problems are investigated and identified. PO5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities with an under-standing of the limitations PO5 1.5 1.2 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1: In engineering students are very familiar with modern tools, modern tools are introduces in engineering learning subjects like Engineering Graphics, workshop, communication classes. Where they learn to solve complex problems, engineering modeling. Action 2: To improve this PO, faculties will use technical aids, appropriate techniques, resources and modern Engineering tools for the forth coming batches. PO6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice. PO6 1.5 1.4 Target yet to be achieved. Action 1:On regular basis Technical talk, workshops, industrial visit and other activities are performed in the institute. It helps to connect engineers with society. Action 2: In teaching system students are addressed to relate themselves with their society. PO7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. PO7 1.5 2.3 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. Target yet to be achieved. PO8 1.5 1.3 Need to impart the Professional ethics to students was observed Action 1: Guest lecture on Industry expectations from young Engineers. Created awareness on Standard Code of Practices in Engineering. Action 2: On regular basis various NSS and social activities are conducted in institute premises and surroundings to aware, learn and adopt the healthy ethics. PO9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. PO9 1.5 2.0 Target achieved

Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write

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effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. PO10 1.5 1.8 Target achieved Action 1: For next session, higher target level is proposed. PO11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. This PO has not been addressed by first year P11 subject; it will be addressed in later semester.

PO12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Target yet to be achieved. PO12 1.5 1.3 Need to impart life-long learning was observed. Action 1: Students are encouraged to adopt and implement the leaning in daily life which is taught into the class room. Subjects like Chemistry, Engineering graphics in which life-long leaning is mapped, students are advised to learn with its surrounding and enhance their life-long leaning skill. Table B.8.5.2.d.

 Steps taken to get identified gaps included in the curriculum:  The gap that is identified in some of the subjects in the curriculum is informed to the university. It is suggested to consider inclusion of these gaps as a part of curriculum in the subsequent syllabus iterations.  In the Academic Session now new B. Tech syllabus has been adopted by the university.

 Delivery details of content beyond syllabus:  Invited talks  Employability Skill test, conducted to check their employability skill in I st year and from II nd year onwards employability skill training have been given to them.

 Use of various instructional methods and pedagogical initiatives:  Faculties undergoes for training on pedagogical methods of teaching.  Tough subjects are identified based on the inputs from faculties and previous year results for which remedial classes are conducted.  In addition to traditional teaching / learning methodologies, the faculty members adopt group discussions, relevant videos from NPTEL, SWAYAM, seminars, PPTs, real time examples, Quizzes, depending on the courses.

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 Methodologies to support slow learner students and encourage bright students:  Students who have scored less than 50% of the total marks in the internal assessment are identified and getting any additional help required, Intimating parents about the progress of their wards and conduction of remedial classes are also followed.

I. Encouraging Bright students  Class toppers honored with certificates.  Winners in various activities i.e. Quizzes, games, tech-fest awarded with certificates.

II. Supporting slow learner students

 Personal mentoring is done by the mentors, if needed their parents are called for discussion.  Remedial classes for theory courses conducted.

 Quality of classroom teaching:  Based on course outcomes defined using Blooms Taxonomy, various teaching methodologies like brain storming, role plays, group discussions, quizzes etc are followed.  Internet facility is available to students and faculty. Projectors, Black Board, LCDs etc. are used for teaching purposes.  Sources like videos from National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) are used for effective teaching.


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CRITERION 9 Student Support Systems 50


9.1 Mentoring system to help at individual level (5)

As per the AICTE norms, the Institute is working towards enhancing the Institutional culture to serve better the needs of an ever-changing and dynamic learning community. Effective mentoring begins with the faculty. When it comes to academic success and persistence, there is no substitute for a healthy relationship between faculty and students. Mentoring and Guidance provide encouragement to the students as under:

 Induction program is arranged for newly admitted students.  Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus. Anti-ragging committees are constituted and faculties are assigned duties to prevent ragging in the campus.

Teaching faculty work as mentor for the students and a tier system is developed in a 6:1 ratio. A group of 6 first year students is mentored by 1 second year student. Same system is followed in higher semesters. Finally, a first-year section (class) is mentored by 1 faculty member. The faculty monitors their progress and reports to In-charge of Discipline committee. This mentoring is for overall development of the students. Information related to attendance and academic attainments of the students is kept in student section.

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2015-2016: (1:6)

Student Student Student Teacher Mentee Branch Mentor 2nd Mentor 3rd Mentor4th mentor2015- Section 1st year year year year 16 Civil 20 4 2 1 2 C Computers 40 6 3 1 Electrical 60 11 5 2 2 A Electronics 40 7 4 1 Information 2 B 40 7 3 1 Technology Mechanical 40 7 3 1 2 D Mining 20 3 2 1 + 5% extra 13 seats Total 273 45 22 8 8 Grand Total 273 73 8

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2016-2017: (1:6)

Student Student Student Teacher Mentee Branch Mentor 2nd Mentor 3rd Mentor4th mentor 2016- Section 1st year year year year 17 Civil 22 4 1 1 2 C Computers 39 6 1 1(ET) Electrical 63 10 2 2 2 A

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Electronics 42 7 1 1 2 B Information 39 6 1 1 Technology Mechanical 42 7 1 1 2 D Mining 21 3 1 1 + 5% extra 14 seats Total 282 43 8 8 8 Grand Total 282 59 8

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2017-2018: (1:6)

Student Student Student Teacher Mentee 1st Branch Mentor 2nd Mentor 3rd Mentor 4th mentor Section year year year year 2017-18 Civil 22 4 2 1 2 C Computers 38 6 2 1 Electrical 58 10 4 2 2 A Electronics 40 7 3 1 Information 2 B 40 7 1 1 Technology Mechanical 39 6 3 1 2 D Mining 20 3 1 1 + 5% extra 13 seats Total 270 43 16 8 8 Grand Total 270 67 8

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2018-2019: (1:6)

Student Student Student Teacher Mentee 1st Branch Mentor 2nd Mentor 3rd Mentor 4th mentor Section year year year year 2017-18 Civil 22 2 1 1 1 C Computers 42 4 2 2 2 Electrical 63 6 3 3 3 A Electronics 42 4 2 2 2 Information B 42 4 2 2 2 Technology Mechanical 42 2 2 2 2 D

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Mining 21 2 1 1 1 + 5% extra 13 seats Total 274 24 13 13 13 Grand Total 274 50 13

We have reformed a mentoring cell from session 2019-20, in which there is involvement of all faculty members including seniors. Now each faculty member is doing mentoring for nearby 20 students allotted to him. Special focus is on all first year students.

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2019-2020

S. 1st Year Mentee 2nd Year Mentee 3rd Year Mentee 4th Year Mentee Teacher Mentor No. Branch No. of Branch No. of Branch No. of Branch No. of 2019-2020 Mentee Mentee Mentee Mentee 1. Civil 15 Civil 10 - - - - Dr. M.L. Agrawal 2. Civil 06 Civil 10 - - - - Dr. SeemaChouhan CS 09 3. - - Civil 05 Civil 22 - - Prof. Aditya Singh 4. - - - - Civil 07 Civil 20 Prof. Kamal Shankar Patel 5. - - C.S. 17 - - Civil 10 Prof. Preeti Rajput 6. Mech. 15 - - - - IT 10 Dr. B.S. Chawla/ Prof. IndraneeBorkar 7. Mech. 15 Mech. 10 - - - - Dr. G.K. Agrawal 8. - - Mech. 27 - - - - Prof. A.R. Patnayak 9. - - Mech. 12 Mech. 15 - - Prof. Ruchin Kumar 10. - - - - Mech. 27 - - Prof. Sandeep Kumar Sahu 11. - - - - Mech. 12 Mech. 15 Prof. Pravin Kumar Kujur 12. ------Mech. 27 Prof. Shyam Singh Kanwar 13. - - C.S. 19 - - Mech. 08 Prof. Satish Kumar Gavel 14. - - C.S. 13 C.S. 14 - - Prof. UdayKhakha 15. Elect. 15 Elect. 10 - - - - Dr. S.K.Singhai 16. Elect. 15 Elect. 10 - - - - Dr. A.K.Shukla 17. Elect. 15 Elect. 10 - - - - Dr.K.K.Saxena 18. Elect. 15 Elect. 10 - - - - Prof.N.P. Singh 19. - - Elect. 27 - - - - Prof. S.K.Dewangan 20. - - Elect. 06 Elect. 21 Elect. 07 Prof.Prince Kumar 21. - - - - Elect. 27 Elect. 07 Prof.SampadBarik 22. - - - - Elect. 27 Elect. 07 Prof.Deepi Singh 23. - - - - Elect. 11 Elect. 23 Prof.RajeshwarVais

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hnav 24. ------Elect. 36 Prof. Rohit K. Methew 25. Min 15 Min 10 - - - - Prof.S.B.S. Tekam 26. - - Min 15 Min 12 Min 07 Prof. GurudevChoudhary 27. - - - - Min 14 Min 20 Prof. AkhileshKerketta 28. ET 15 ET 10 - - - - Dr. V.K.Singh 29. - - ET 27 - -- - - Prof. SaurabhYadav 30. - - ET 11 ET 16 - - Prof. Uma Shankar Dewangan 31. - - - - ET 27 - - Prof. DipikaBairagi 32. - - - - ET 02 ET 25 Prof. Rahul Gupta 33. - - - - ET 27 Prof. ChampalalLalani 34. - - - - CS 27 - - Prof. V. Ram Krishna 35. - - - - CS 17 CS 10 Prof. Deepak Asati 36. ------CS 27 Prof. Gopal Kumar 37. - - IT 12 - - CS 15 Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore 38. CS 15 IT 10 - - - - Dr. G.S. Singh 39. ET 15 IT 10 - - - - Dr.S.K. Dabadghao 40. ET 12 IT 09 - - - - Dr. V.K. Mishra MIN 06 41. IT 15 IT 05 IT 07 - - Prof. R.N. Dewangan 42. IT 15 - - IT 12 - - Prof. R.K. Dahariya 43. CS 15 - - IT 12 - - Prof. T.K.Dewangan 44. MECH 12 - - IT 12 - - Prof. Navin Kumar CS 03 Verma 45. IT 12 - - IT 06 IT 06 Prof. Manesh ELECT 03 Kumar Mandavi 46. ------IT 32 Prof. Utsav Kumar Malviya

Table for distribution of Mentor – Mentee for the Year 2020-2021

S. 1st Year Mentee Teacher Mentor No. Branch S. No. Roll No. No. or Mentee 2020-21 1 ET & T 01-06 ET20001 to ET20006 06 Dr. M. R. Meshram 2 ET & T 07-12 ET20007 to ET20012 06 Prof. U.S. Dewangan 3 ET & T 13-18 ET20013 to ET20018 06 Prof. Deepika Bairagi 4 ET & T 19-24 ET20019 to ET20024 06 Prof. V Ramakrishna 5 ET & T 25-30 ET20025 to ET20030 06 Prof. C.L. Lalani 6 ET & T 31-36 ET20031 to ET20036 06 Prof. VS Rathore

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7 ET & T 37-41 ET20037 to ET20041 05 Prof. Aditya Singh 8 CIVIL 01-07 CE20043 to CE20049 07 Dr. M.L. Agrawal 9 CIVIL 08-14 CE20050 to CE20056 07 Dr. Seema Chauhan 10 CIVIL 15-21 CE20057 to CE20063 07 Prof. Preeti Rajput 11 Mechanical 01-06 ME20065 to ME20070 06 Dr B.S. Chawla 12 Mechanical 07-13 ME20071 to ME20077 07 Dr G.K. Agrawal 13 Mechanical 14-20 ME20078 to ME20084 07 Prof. S.S Kanwar 14 Mechanical 21-27 ME20085 to ME20091 07 Prof. P.K. Kujur 15 Mechanical 28-34 ME20092 to ME20098 07 Prof. Sandip Kumar Sahu 16 Mechanical 35-41 ME20099 to ME20105 07 Prof. A.R. Patnaik 17 Mining 01-07 MN20107 to MN20113 07 Prof. S.B.S. Tekam 18 Mining 08-14 MN20114 to MN20120 07 Prof. Akhilesh Kerketta 19 Mining 15-21 MN20121 to MN20127 07 Prof. Uday Khakha 20 CSE 01-06 CS20128 to CS20133 06 Prof. Saurabh Yadav 21 CSE 07-12 CS20134 to CS20139 06 Prof. Satish Gavel 22 CSE 13-18 CS20140 to CS20145 06 Prof. Resham Daheria 23 CSE 19-24 CS20146 to CS20151 06 Prof. T. K. Dewangan 24 CSE 25-30 CS20152 to CS20157 06 Dr. G.S. Singh 25 CSE 31-36 CS20158 to CS20163 06 Prof. Rohit Mathews 26 CSE 37-42 CS20164 to CS20169 06 Prof. M.K. Mandavi 27 IT 01-07 IT20170 to IT20176 07 Dr. S. K. Dabadgao 28 IT 08-14 IT20177 to IT20183 07 Prof. Anil Khatri 29 IT 15-20 IT20184 to IT20189 06 Prof. Rahul Gupta 30 IT 21-27 IT20190 to IT20196 07 Prof. Deepak Asati 31 IT 28-34 IT20197 to IT20203 07 Prof. Gopal Kumar 32 IT 35-41 IT20204 to IT20210 07 Prof. Utsav Kumar Malviya 33 Electrical 01-06 EE20212 to EE20217 06 Dr. S. K. Singhai 34 Electrical 07-12 EE20218 to EE20223 06 Dr. A. K. Shukla 35 Electrical 13-18 EE20224 to EE20229 06 Dr. K.K. Saxena 36 Electrical 19-24 EE20230 to EE20235 06 Prof. S.K. Dewangan 37 Electrical 25-30 EE20236 to EE20241 06 Prof. Prince Kumar 38 Electrical 31-36 EE20242 to EE20247 06 Prof. Sampad Barik 39 Electrical 37-42 EE20248 to EE20253 06 Prof. Rajeshwar Vaishnav 40 Electrical 43-49 EE20254 to EE20260 07 Prof. Dipi Singh 41 Electrical 50-56 EE20261 to EE20267 07 Prof. Indranee Borkar 42 Electrical 57-63 EE20268 to EE20274 07 Prof. Navin Kumar Verma

9.2 Feedback Analysis and Reward /Corrective Measures Taken, if any (10)

9.2.1 Design of Performa and Process of Academic Feedback Evaluation

No. of Feedback items : 02 (General Feedback and Feedback on Academics)

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Any consistency check : Yes

Any performance/attendance profile : Yes

Frequency of Feedback collection : Once in a semester

Feedback collection : Online by Google Forms

9.2.2 Feedback Analysis and Percentage of Student’s Participation

Feedback collected for all courses : Yes

Participation of students for regular students : 100% The Feedback Collection Process:  Who collects the Feedback taken? : The online Feedback forms are collected by the respective HOD.  When is the Feedback taken? : At the end of the semester The Feedback Analysis Process:

The Feedback received online through Google form and analyzed for the suggestions/comments which are in following categories:

 Teaching-Learning process.  Infrastructure, Amenities and other facilities

9.2.3 System of Reward / Corrective measures etc. Basis of Reward/Corrective measures: Based on score obtained by faculty members regarding his/her academic performance the following actions are taken-  The Faculty members those who obtain score above or equal to 4 out of 5 are provided appreciation letter.  The Faculty members those who obtain less than or equal to 3 out of 5 score are given advise by HOD to improve their performance in comparative weak area.

9.3 Feedback on Facilities (5) : Students give feedback on facilities being provided in the institute like Library, Sports, Hostel, Placement activities, Startup Cell, canteen, Wi-Fi, Medical facilities etc through Google form. The feedback given by students is analyzed and necessary actions are taken to improve the facilities having poor feedback.

The institute is well connected by road and frequent transport facility via city buses, Ola cabs, auto etc. Canteen facility is also available in the institute campus as detailed below,

Canteen : Yes No. of canteen : One, Separate building is available Sitting space : 60 Daily usage : approx.400 footfalls

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9.3.1 Hostel (Boys’ and Girls’)

Hostel Capacity Remarks Boys 1st year separate 100 Exclusive for 1st year Boys 2nd year onwards 100 Girls hostel 1 65 Girls hostel 2 100 New Boys Hostel (SC/ST) 36 For SC/ST Students.

9.3.2. Emergency Medical Care and First-Aid Medical staff to provide First-Aid and Medical helps in Emergency:

A College Dispensary is available in the campus. The details of the facility are given below.

No. of Medical Practitioners : 01 (MBBS Doctor/ ENT specialist)

No. of Nursing staff : Nil

No. of Supporting staff : 01

Besides these facilities, first-aid kit is also available in each department office of the institute and each laboratory.

In addition to it, Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences, Government District Hospital, Apollo Hospital, KIMS, Govt. Mental Hospital, Sanjivani Clinic (at Koni), Dental clinic, 4 Pharmacy shops etc. are which have very good hospital facilities and are made available in case of emergency medical treatment. Availability of Ambulance Services (Response Times and Medical Facility):

No. of ambulances within the institute/college : Nil

Response time in calling ambulance services (112) from outside: 5 - 20 minutes

(In case of emergency college vehicle is also available)

9.4. Self-Learning (5)

9.4.1 Self Learning and Learning beyond Syllabus Generation of self-learning facilities and motivation

Self-learning is promoted in the institute by Central Library and departmental library.

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Web-based Learning:

The institute has created Central internet facility through hi-speed NKN line with 100.0 Mbps leased line and every department has its own computer center with 100 computer terminals-facility to promote and motivate students for self-learning.

Learning with Multi-media:

I. Swayamprabha II. Swayam III. E-journals IV. MOOC Classes V. Podcast VI. Webinars VII. NPTEL Video Classes VIII. Language lab facility IX. Multimedia projectors, Podium and Interactive Board for presentation

In the institute scope for self-learning is very bright. Apart from the syllabus faculty members and students regularly register themselves in various courses on MOOCs, SWAYAM, CORSERA and other online courses for qualification up gradation and got their certificate. Availability of learning beyond Syllabus Contents and Promotion

The library has 65,597 books on different Subjects, for inculcating extracurricular reading among students. In addition to it has e-Book subscription as below,

a. Mc-Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. Noida UP- 186 b. Pearson india Education Service Pvt. Ltd- 159

Thus students have access to very large number of resources.

9.5. Career Guidance, Training, Placement (10)

An important part of the mission of the institute is to improve the quality of the graduate students. We invite alumni to campus to deliver seminars on career prospects and post graduate study. We also manage a network of alumni career advisors who have agreed to guide our students. We encourage students to try new techniques and expand their skills. GATE coaching is provided for students and they are encouraged to appear in GATE and other such examinations.

Training and Placement cell of this institute has been doing various activities. Therefore it is named as Career Development Centre (CDC) headed by CDC Chief Coordinator of Associate Professor Rank. The following cells are working under Career Development Centre.

1. Career Development Program Cell: i. Alumni- Mentoring & Alumni Relations. ii. Improving soft skills, professional communication and personality of students through career counseling by professional agencies/experts, Conducting Employability Skill Test & Training/Seminars iii. Management development programs and Faculty Development Programs.

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2. Placement and Internship Cell: TPO:- i. Conducting CSVTU internship, registration on portal for internship and placement activities including Pool campus placement. ii. Publishing information in portal/hard copies and communicating the same with recruiters. iii. Visiting industries for improvement in placement. iv. Organizing in-house/Industrial short duration technical trainings/seminars of students. 3. E-Cell & Corporate, Industry Relations Cell: i. All kind of industry institute linkage activities. ii. Facilitating meeting between visiting corporate houses and industrial Consultancy Cell and Departments. iii. Collecting corporate/Industry feedback on what they are looking for in students for different types of jobs. iv. Arranging interaction sessions between corporate leaders/Industry persons and students (Guest lecturers/talks/Seminars) v. Assisting the department in organizing Industry oriented workshop, Curriculum Oriented Career Prospects (COCP) Workshops including specialized niche areas. vi. Collecting Course Content feedback from the industries. 4. Training and placement cell process is in place and organizes trainings: i. Resume buildup session, Career Counseling by the Experts of CV Dragon, Kolkata & Pie-infocomm Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow. ii. Gate classes were conducted for 2 nd & 3 rd year students. iii. Pre- Placement training is organized for Final & Pre-final year students through Experts of CV Dragon, Kolkata & Pie- infocomm Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow. iv. Also our TPO student coordinator went to NIT Rourkela for soft skill training programs.

Providing ecosystem for start ups and help students to become entrepreneurs.

9.5.1 Effective Career Guidance Services including Counseling for Higher Studies

No. of Students S. No. Session Title of Events benefited Workshop on CV Writing and Interview by NITTTR 200 Bhopal Workshop Soft Skill Development and Pre- 167 Placement Training by NITTTR Bhopal Expert Lecture on Recent Trends in Engineering 1 2015-16 80 by D. Lalchandani Expert Lecture on Vast experience of research 70 and Industry by Mr. Shekar M Kelapure Expert Lecture on Mission Moon and beyond by 124 Dr. AlokShrivastava Industry Institute Interaction at GEC. Raipur 2 2016-17 70 By DTE Raipur Expert Lecture on “About ONGC” by Mrs. Usha 3 2017-18 Pakala, Chief Engineer, Production ONGC 105 Rajmundry

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Expert Lecture on “ BARC outreach Program” by 120 Shri R K Soni, Scientific Officer, RRCAT, Indore Expert Lecture on “Water management in Urban 73 Cities “ by Mr. Manish Kumar Sinha Expert Lecture on “Superconductors” by Dr. Probir 120 Ghoshal Scientist US Fedral Government Expert Lecture on “Environment Management Plan” by Shri AnuragTiwari, Manager CENVL 62 SECL, Bilaspur. “Expert Lecture on “Understanding Basic IT 36 Infrastructure “by Mr. Amit Khare. Expert Lecture on “Design Pattern” by Mr. Dilesh 106 Verma, Sr. Developer, Amazon India Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Visit at Hasdev Bango Dam, Katghora, Korba for the student of B.E. 5th& 7th Semester 48 Civil Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at Power Grid Corporation Korba (C.G.) for the student of B.E. 4th Semester 53 Electrical Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at HTPS Korba West (C.G.) for the student of B.E. 8th Semester Electrical Engg. 69 Branch. Industrial Visit at NTPC Korba (C.G.) for the student of B.E. 6th Semester Electrical Engg. 58 Branch Industrial Visit at CIPET Raipur (C.G.) for the student of B.E. 5th& 7th Semester Mechanical 80 Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at BharveliMainesBalaghat (M.P.) for the student of B.E. 7th Semester Mining Engg. 21 Branch. Industrial Visit at All India Radio (C.G.) for the student of B.E. 4th& 6th Semester ET&T Engg. 59 Branch. Expert Lecture on “Manufacturing Science” By Dr. 75 Rahul Jain, Asst. Professor IIT, Bhilai C.G. Expert Lecture on “Fundamental of Structure Analysis by Dr. U. K. Dewangan, Associate 24 Professor NIT, Raipur C.G. Expert Lecture on “Mine Closure & Land Reclamation” by Dr. AnuragTiwari, Senior 46 Manager SECL, Bilaspur C.G. 4 2018-19 Expert Lecture on “Career Opportunities in USA” by Mr. Mukesh Mishra, Software Architect, 40 Persistent System, Mumbai Expert Lecture on “Electrical Safety” by Mr. AmitUrvasha, Assistant Engineer Electrical Safety 80 Department C.G. Expert Lecture on “Substation Maintenance” by Mr. C.M. Bajpai, Executive Engineer, CSEB 65` Bilaspur, C.G. E-Self Assessment Report Page 213

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Expert Lecture on “Career Guidance & Motivation Session” by Ms. PrithvideepChawla, Data 80 Scientist, Ascent Health & Wellness Solution Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. Expert Lecture on “Career Guidance & Orientation Program” by Mr. DebeshPattanayak CAD 120 Consultant & Placement Executive CTTC, Bhubaneswar. Expert Lecture on “ Electronics in Plant Control Automation” by Mrs. Swati Soni, Karwat Manager 60 Planning & System, NTPC Sepat, Bilapsur C.G. Expert Lecture on career “ISRO” by Mr. 125 VikashShrivas, Deputy Project Manager, ISRO. Industrial Visit at “HasdevBango Dam, Korba” for the student of B.E. 3rd, 5th& 7th Semester Civil 52 Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at “Solid Waste Management Plant, Kachhar, Bilaspur” for the student of B.E. 3rd, 5th& 56 7th Semester Civil Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at “CSPDCL, Bilaspur” for the student of B.E. 3rd Semester Electrical Engg. 60 Branch. Industrial Visit at “HTTP CSEB, Korba” for the student of B.E. 7th Semester Electrical Engg. 61 Branch. Industrial Visit at “ABV Power Plant, Janjgir- Champa” for the student of B.E. 7th Semester 40 Mechanical Branch. Industrial Visit at “BSNL, Bilaspur” for the student 43 of B.E. 7th Semester ET&T Engg. Branch. Industrial Visit at “Madwa Power Plant, Janjgir” for the student of B.E. 7th Semester Electrical Engg. 40 Brach. Industrial Visit at “Rudhri Dam, Dhamtari” for the student of B.E. 6th& 8th Semester Civil Engg. 45 Branch. Industrial Visit at “Hirri Mines, Bilaspur” for the 25 student of B.E. 4th Semester Mining Branch.

9.5.2 Department Wise student Placement Tracking Record till Date

Number of Number of Students Opted S. No. Branch Session Students for higher Employed Education 2015-16 9 3 2016-17 6 3 1 Civil Engineering 2017-18 8 1 2018-19 5 2 2 Electrical Engineering 2015-16 21 6

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2016-17 8 8 2017-18 5 Nil 2018-19 3 Nil 2015-16 7 5 2016-17 1 6 3 Mechanical Engineering 2017-18 9 Nil 2018-19 1 Nil 2015-16 8 Nil Computer Science and 2016-17 8 Nil 4 Engineering 2017-18 12 4 2018-19 3 3 2015-16 12 13 Electronics and 2016-17 7 9 5 Telecommunication 2017-18 6 19 2018-19 Nil Nil 2015-16 4 2 2016-17 4 2 6 Mining Engineering 2017-18 8 Nil 2018-19 2 5 2015-16 2 Nil 2016-17 2 Nil 7 Information Technology 2017-18 3 Nil 2018-19 1 Nil

TPO 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 Campus Placement(Details in 21 students 27 students 10 students 3 Students Table) As per the As per the As per the As per the academic academic academic Vocational training academic schedule schedule for schedule for schedule for for Semesters semesters semesters semesters

Campus Placement (2015-16)

Total No. Payment(in S. Name of the of Branch Name of Company Session Lac per No. Student Students annum) Placed PRISM CEMENT Shravan Kumar 1 Mining LIMITED Vill- 2015-16 3.9 03 Nisha Mankahari, P.O.-

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Bathia, Dist-Satna- 485111 PRISM CEMENT LIMITED Vill- 2 RoshanUshrate Mining Mankahari, P.O.- 2015-16 3.9 Bathia, Dist-Satna- 485111 PRISM CEMENT LIMITED Vill- Vishal Kumar 3 Mining Mankahari, P.O.- 2015-16 3.9 Yadav Bathia, Dist-Satna- 485111

Campus Placement (2016-17)

Payment(i Total No. of S. Name of the Branch Name of Company Session n Lac per Students No. Student annum) Placed MainPec 1 PeoliAdhikari ET&T (SoftwareCompany) 2016-17 1.8 Hyderabad MainPec 2 PoojaAdhikari ET&T (SoftwareCompany) 2016-17 1.8 Hyderabad MainPec 3 VeenaSoni ET&T (SoftwareCompany) 2016-17 1.8 Hyderabad C-Core (Software 4 TriptiTiwari CSE Company) Pune/ 2016-17 1.5 Bangalore C- Core (Software 5 Rahul Yadav CSE Company) Pune/ 2016-17 1.5 Bangalore PRISM CEMENT 10 LIMITED Vill-Mankahari, 6 Vivek Kumar Mining 2016-17 4.1 P.O.-Bathia, Dist-Satna- 485111 PRISM CEMENT LIMITED VillMankahari, 7 Yogesh Mining 2016-17 4.1 P.O.-Bathia, Dist-Satna- 485111 Nsight (Software 8 Prachi Gupta CSE Company) Hydrabad/ 2016-17 3 USA Nsight (Software ParmnandPari 9 CSE Company) Hydrabad/ 2016-17 3 har USA Nsight (Software 10 MubarikaBano CSE Company) Hydrabad/ 2016-17 3 USA

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Campus Placement (2017-18)

Payment Total No. S. Name of the (in Lac of Branch Name of Company Session No. Student per Students annum) Placed Taib Khan 1 CS Just Dial Pune 2017-18 2.6 Khokhar Taib Khan 2 CS HCL Technologies 2017-18 2.2 Khokhar Shyamsundar 3 CS Jain Software Raipur 2017-18 2.2 Nirala Naina 4 CS HCL Technologies 2017-18 2.2 Malghani 5 Shubham Das CS Just Dial Pune 2017-18 2.905 Nilesh 6 ET&T Just Dial Pune 2017-18 2.905 Kashyap Madhurya 7 Mining PRISM Cement, Satna MP 2017-18 4.38 Mukharjee Suraj Pratap 8 Mining PRISM Cement, Satna MP 2017-18 4.38 Singh Siksha Kaivaly Technologies 9 IT 2017-18 0.72 Shrivastava Bilaspur 27 Pooja Kaivaly Technologies 10 IT 2017-18 0.72 Sonkuwar Bilaspur NsiNsight (Software Company) Hyderabad/ 11 Amisha Gupta CSE USA ght (Software 2017-18 3 Company) Hyderabad/ USA Nsight (Software 12 Snigdha Roy CSE Company) Hyderabad/ 2017-18 3 USA CSE Nsight (Software Anurag 13 Company) Hyderabad/ 2017-18 3 KrishnSharma USA Nsight (Software 14 KavitaSahu ET&T Company) Hyderabad/ 2017-18 3 USA Nsight (Software Shiksha 15 IT Company) Hyderabad/ 2017-18 3 Shrivastava USA Yogesh Kumar 2017-18 16 ME S. K. Samantha Pvt. Ltd. 1.8 Sahu 17 Anukriti Dubey EE S. K. Samantha Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.8 18 Surbhi Tripathi Civil S. K. Samantha Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.8

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Shashwat S. K. Samantha Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.8 19 EE Mishra Sudhanshu S. K. Samantha Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.8 20 ME Shukla 21 Pratik Mone CS Sjain Ventures Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.2 22 Saurav Baghel IT Sjain Ventures Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.2 23 Preeti Awasthi IT Sjain Ventures Pvt. Ltd. 2017-18 1.2 Sameeksha 2017-18 1.2 24 IT Sjain Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Tiwari Pooja 2017-18 1.2 25 IT Sjain Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Sonkunwar

Campus Placement (2018-19)

Package Total no of Name of S. No Branch Name of Company Session (in Lac per students Student annum) Placed Electrical S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 1. Yuvraj Sahu 2018-19 4.0 Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Praveen Electrical S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 2. 2018-19 4.0 Bahadur Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Himani Electrical S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 3. 2018-19 4.0 Dewangan Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Deepti Electrical 4. S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 4.0 Jaiswal Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Surya Mechanic S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 5. 2018-19 4.0 Prakash al Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Sonal Mechanic S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 6. 2018-19 4.0 LalChandani al Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Akanksha S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 7. Civil Engg. 2018-19 4.0 Agrawal Kolkata (W.B.) S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 8. Bhoj Kumar 2018-19 4.0 21 Civil Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Kalash Ram S.K. Samanta Pvt. Ltd. 9. 2018-19 4.0 Teke Civil Engg. Kolkata (W.B.) Mining Prism Johnson Limited, 10. Rahul Anand 2018-19 4.5 Engg. Satna, M.P. Swapnil Mining Prism Johnson Limited, 11. 2018-19 4.5 Singh Engg. Satna, M.P. 12. Lalit Ambule CSE Techment, Bhilai, C.G. 2018-19 2.75 13. Riya Yadav CSE Nsight, Hydrabad 2018-19 3.5 Bhavna 2018-19 14. 3.5 Pandey CSE Nsight, Hydrabad Priyanshi 2018-19 15. 3.5 Singh CSE Nsight, Hydrabad 16. Kunal Bose IT Engg. Nsight, Hydrabad 2018-19 3.5

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Veernarayan Elec. NMDC Ltd, Baster 2018-19 17. 4.0 kunjam Engg. (off Campus) Bhoj kumjar 2018-19 18. 4.0 sahu Civil Engg CG PWD (off Campus) Kanjay 2018-19 19. 4.0 Rathiya Civil Engg. JE CGSPCL (off Campus) Shiwani Ekodus Tech. PVT ltd. 2018-19 20. 1.8 Chahande ET & T NOIDA (off Campus) Go Speedy Go 2018-19 Aditya kamal 21. Mech. bhuvneshwar Orisa (pool 4.12 Sharma Engg campus) GATE 2015-16 : Data is being compiled. GATE 2016-17

S. No Session 2016-17 Branch Semester No of Students Qualified Civil Engg. 8th 7 Mech. Engg. 8th 10 Mining 8th 1 1 GATE-2017 Elec. Engg. 8th 9 IT 8th 1 CSE 8th 1 ET&T 8th 0

GATE 2017-18

S. No Session 2017-18 Branch Semester No of Students Qualified CivilEngg. 8th 2 Mech. Engg. 8th 8 Mining 8th 1 1 GATE-2018 Elec. Engg. 8th 9 IT 8th 0 CSE 8th 2 ET&T 8th 2

GATE 2018-19

S. No Session 2018-19 Branch Semester No of Students Qualified Civil Engg. 8th 07 Mech. Engg. 8th 08 1 GATE-2019 Mining 8th 07 Elec. Engg. 8th 08

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IT& CSE 8th 11 ET&T 8th 02

GATE 2019-20

S. No Session 2019-20 Branch Semester No of Students Qualified Civil Engg. 8th 2 Mech. Engg. 8th 8 1 GATE-2020 Mining 8th 2 Elec. Engg. 8th 5 IT& CSE 8th 7

9.6 Entrepreneurship Cell (5)

Start up cell at GEC Bilaspur was established on 10-12-2017, which is working under E-Cell GEC Bilaspur, to help and motivate the students for the startup activity. We encourage students for problem identification, idea generation, pitching of idea and formation of company. We follow following process to promote startups in our institute-

List of faculty Facilitators of startup cell is as below

Startup Cell Coordinator Prof. Kamal Shankar Patel Assistant Professor (Civil) Email- [email protected] Ph. No. 9179780701

Team detail: List of faculty facilitators with designation:

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Team Members Designation Discipline Mobile No. Prof. U. S. Dewangan Asst. Prof. (Co- ET & T 09981293105 ordinator) Prof. Preeti Rajput Asst. Prof. Civil 09131636560 Prof. Ruchin Kumar Asst. Prof. Mechanical 09770106216 Prof. Sanjay Dewangan Asst. prof. Electrical 08878740348 Prof. Gurudev Choudhary Asst. Prof. Mining 8435716771

 E-Cell of college encourages the students to participate different levels of competition. Resultant some of them got reward money and respectable position on the different platforms of state level.  To create the ambiance in the college, workshop, expert talk, competition and orientation program are conducted.  Faculties are trained by allowing them to attend the FDP, STTP, MHRD-KITE activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Some of the activities started from startup cell.

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From 28.11.2019 E-cell is reorganized as-

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List of some other activities started from startup cell-

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9.7 Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities (10)

9.7.1 Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, e.g., NCC/ NSS, cultural activities etc.

Students are involved in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. This activity is normally done by students’ associations and student unions. Field trips, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide opportunities for students to explore new fields of interest, cultivate leadership skills, and learn teamwork. All students participate in a wide-range of activities which currently include the performing arts, participation in various programs. Most of these activities are suggested by the students themselves. By managing the student council/unions and other associations, the students are involved in developing a dynamic culture, fostering collaboration and cooperation.

Our students continue to apply what they learn in classroom to enhance their knowledge and performance.

In the institute there is a very healthy and supportive environment for Co-curricular and Extra- curricular Activities. As per institutional calendar institute regularly organizes activities like sports, cultural activity, Annual students’ activity, NSS activities. These are manly done by students union. Co-Curricular Activities:

Each year there is an abundance of stimulating programs and activities from which students may select, for provocative and important use of their off time. Broadly known as co-curricular activities, these opportunities for involvement are an integral part of college life, offering students additional avenues in which they can explore their talents, passions and interests. Participating in co-curricular activities, students continue to apply what they learn in the classroom, to enhance their knowledge and performance.

 As a part of co-curricular activities; literary activities, tech fest, cultural activities and quizzes are organized in the institute and students are encouraged to participate in such events.  Extra-Curricular Activities:

Activities undertaken throughout the year:

I. Sports

Sports week is celebrated by organizing various Indoor and outdoor sports events like Volleyball, Table Tennis, Cricket, Chess, Badminton and Carom and winners are awarded certificate and medals on Annual Day.

II. Performing Arts

Every year, a Cultural Programme is held to encourage students to participate in performing arts. This program is very useful to bring out hidden talent of students. Various events like singing, playing musical instruments, drama, mono acting, mimicry, and dance are arranged.

III. Adventure Activities

Adventure activities such as Trekking, Mountaineering is held for interested students at National Adventure Exploration and Disaster Management Institute, Pachmarhi which is E-Self Assessment Report Page 226

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sponsored by CGDTE Raipur.

IV. Tech-Fest Activities

Every year a technical festival ‘Kaushalam’ is organized by the Institution to host events related to various technical aspects of what they learn. It is a means for students to showcase their practical talent in the field they are learning. Each branch can have its own technical events like as Tower of Castle, Aqua jet Missile, Trekker, Pirates of Circuit, Quizathron, Catapult, workshop, Crack Jack and Project Expo etc.

V. Literature In order to encourage students to participate in literary activities; the institute organizes various activities to provide students an opportunity to express their feelings and showcase their hidden talents in variety of fields like writing articles and poems, Debate, Extempore, Group discussion etc. VI. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a massive movement that seeks to create a clean India. All activities related to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are carried out under the National Service Scheme.

VII. Other Activities: Personality Development and Yoga/Meditation are held to enlighten the students about a spiritual part of growth in themselves. Such activities are held on a regular basis that ensure in the holistic development of the students.

No. of students winner/Runner at Major activity Events National/State/University/Zonal/District level 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Volleyball Y Y Y Y Athletics Y Y Y Football Y Y Y Y Table Tennis Y Y Y Sports Handball Y Cricket Y Y

Chess Y Y Y Basketball Y Y

Badminton Y Y Kabaddi Y Y

Kho-Kho Y Y Carom Y

Shortput Y 100 M Race Y Y 200 M Race Y Y Long Jump Y Y Song Y Solo Song Y Instruments Performing Arts Drama Monoacting Rangoli

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Best out of waste Painting Mimicry Dance Y Adventure Trekking Activities Mountaineering Writing articles Hindi essay Y English essay Y Speech Y Y Poems Literary Debate Y Hindi/English Hindi/ English Y Extempore Extempore Y Group discussion Y Personality Y Y Development Yoga/ Meditation Y Other Activities Communication Y Y skills Value Education Y Y Sports Grounds and Facilities

The institution has a huge sports ground. To manage all sports activities, , a committee of faculty is appointed , headed by In-charge of sports of Assistant Professor Rank. There are well equipped sports kits. Students are encouraged to participate in various zonal and inter-zonal tournaments; they are paid daily allowances and travelling expenses. Students are provided with various sports kits and equipment. They participate in inter collegiate and inter University matches. Sports week is celebrated with various sports events like Volleyball, Cricket, Chess, and Carom etc. Institute has following sport facilities:

I. Cricket ground II. Volleyball ground III. Football ground IV. Basketball ground V. Badminton ground VI. Kabaddi Ground VII. Kho-Kho Ground

Indoor sports activities are organized in classroom and outdoor space for sports activities are mentioned as a table with area.

Location is College Actual S. No. Sports Events Ideal Dimensions premises Dimensions In front of F-16 and behind E 1 Cricket ground 138mx138m 140mx110m Type Quarters. 2 Volleyball Besides the college workshop. 18mx9m 18mx9m

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Ground Football In front of F-16 and behind E 3 105m x 68m 105mx68m Ground Type Quarters. Basketball 4 Besides Amarkantak Hostel 28.7mx15.2m 35m x 30 m ground Kabaddi Besides Dispensary 5 13m x 10m 13m x 10m Ground In front of Mechanical 6 m x 13.41 m 6 m x 13.41 m Badminton 6 Classroom G-23 and G-24. Ground 6 m x 13.41 m 6 m x 13.41 m Kho-Kho Besides new Dispensary 7 36m x 18 m 36m x 18m Ground Cultural Activity

Following activities are carried out frequently every year for the students:

Month in which it is S. No. Event Details held Independence The college celebrates India’s Independence 1 August th Day Day Every Year on 15 August. Engineer’s Day Usually it is organized in 15th September every Fresher’s year. The institute celebrates Dr. M. 2 Welcome September Visvesvaraya’s birthday. At the same day the Oath Taking college welcomes first year students. The office Ceremony bearers also take oath on same day. Induction The institute organizes Induction Program for 3 Program for First August-September First Year students (According to AICTE Year Students mandate) every year. The college celebrates India’s Republic Day 4 Republic Day January Every Year on 26th January. Every year college celebrates World Yoga Day 5. Yoga Day June on 21st June. National Every year college celebrates National 6 November Education Day Education Day on 11thNovember. Inter College/ Every year college organizes Inter College/ Intra-college/ Intra-college and sends Participants (Girls/Boys) 7 February-March Inter-Zonal for Cultural/ Literary/ Sports team to Participate Competition in Zonal level competition organized By CSVTU. Every year college organizes Annual Function to celebrate the cultural talents students have. On 8 Annual Function February-March this occasion ABGEC distributes Scholarships to the toppers in various branches.

To encourage the students who participate in cultural activities, they are awarded certificates of appreciation on the annual day. National Service Scheme

All the regular and special activities are carried out as per the scheduled time table on every E-Self Assessment Report Page 229

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Saturday 11-3 pm. Day camps like blood donation, health checkup are also organized. Special camp is organized at adopted village ‘Kachhar’. Developmental activities like constructing a concrete stage for Government school, steps in pond, cleanliness in pond and temple area. General awareness programs are also being organized at adopted village ‘Kachhar.

The activities have been organized in the institute under national service scheme as given below:

Major Activity Events 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 Cleanliness of Y Y Y Y campus Regular Plantation Y Y Y Y activity Volunteer Services in Y Y Y Y Program Blood donation Y Y Blood group

Day camps checking Health checkup Y Skill program Y Y Y Developmental activity for Govt. Y school Steps in pond Y Cleanliness in pond Y Special camp and temple (adopted Advantage of village) ODF(Open Y ‘Kachhar’ Defecation Free) Self-employment Y Y Y learning General awareness Y Y program Govt. Schemes Y

In various areas many clubs are working for the academic, physical and mental growth of the students.

Name of the other clubs are here-

 Literary club  Electrical engineering society  Photography club  Green club  Sports club  Cultural society

These clubs regularly organizes activities for the students by the students.

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Induction Program

 As per AICTE Mandate and instruction of CSVTU Bhilai Induction Program has been organized for 03 weeks for the first year students. NPIU circular dated 07/09/2018 regarding conduct of “Art of Living” session designed to develop personality, eliminating mental stress, and improving the physical health of students SELP (Student Excellence and Learning Program) has been conducted across 6 days, 2-hour session each day for a batch size of 60 students of first year. Many activities have been conducted which are given below :

1. Introduction of all faculties and employees. 2. Mentor – Mentee Interaction. 3. To Visit all departments, Lab., Library, Student section and hostel etc. 4. Inaugural session & Expert lecture. 5. Proficiency module in fundamental sciences like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English Classes are conducted. 6. Conducted Literary Activities (Quiz, Debate, Extempore, Essay writing etc.). 7. Organized Indoor and outdoor Games. 8. Conducted Doctor’s Session for boys and girls. 9. Organized Local Area Visit. 10. Conducted Expert Lecture on Communication skills. 11. Conducted cultural activities. 12. Conducted youth Empowerment and skill program (YES + Course) by Art of living organization.

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10. GOVERNANCE, INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES 10.1 Organization, Governance and Transparency (40)

10.1.1. State the Vision and Mission of the Institute (5)

Vision: To be a global leader by imparting technical education and innovative research for the betterment of the industry and society.


 Develop technical competencies to enhance employability and entrepreneurship.  Promoting research and consultancy activities to meet the need of industries.  Inculcate ethical values and leadership qualities for sustainable development.

10.1.2 Governing body, administrative setup, functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment and promotional policies (10)

The Institute is a Chhattisgarh State Government’s owned institute which follows all rules and regulations of the government. However as per TEQIP norms it has a governing body in place where the members are drawn from distinguished sections of the society to take decisions for the expenditure of TEQIP fund. For all other funds obtained from the government, government store purchase rules are strictly followed

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10.1.2. (a) Composition of the Board of Governors, its Functions and Responsibilities: -

S.No. Name with Designation Capacity

Dr. A. Biswas Director National 1 Chairman Rourkela

2 Nomine, National Thermal Power Corporation Member

Nomine, Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical 3 Member University, Bhilai

4 Nomine, DTE Raipur Member

5 Dr. B. K. Sthapak, Rtd. Vice Chancellor CSVTU Member

6 Dr. M. L. Agrawal, Professor, GEC, Bilaspur Member

7 Dr. G. K. Agrawal, Professor, GEC, Bilaspur Member

8 Dr. B.S. Chawla, Principal, GEC Bilaspur Member Secretary

10.1.2. (b) Functions and Responsibilities of Board of Governors:

S. Details Particula N rs o.

 To take all policy decisions with regard to smooth, cost effective and timely implementation of the TEQIP-III project.

1 Functions  To ensure overall faculty and staff development.  To ensure academic reforms.  To ensure proper utilization of TEQIP-III project fund and college development fund.

Responsi  Overall quality improvement of graduates 2 bilities

Meeting 21.0 14.1 12.0 06.0 31.1 14.1 28.0 6.4. 13.1 18.2 15.5 4.7. 7.8. 3 Dates 8.17 0.17 1.18 4.18 0.18 2.18 1.19 19 0.19 .20 .20 20 20

4 Attendan 8 9 8 7 8 9 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 ce in the

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meetings held

Minutes 5 of the meeting Available in College Website (

The Institute has several committees instituted by the Principal, who also nominates the Coordinators of the various committees with their duties and responsibilities. The committees with their memberships, functions, and responsibilities; frequency of the meetings; and attendance therein is tabulated as below along with few sample minutes of the meetings and action-taken report:

10.1.2. (c) Dean Administration

S. Particulars Details No. Dr. S. K. Singhai, Dean Administration Dr. G. S. Singh, Member Dr. A. K. Shukla, Member Dr. S. Chauhan, Member 1 Membership Prof. AvinashRanjanPatnaik, Member Mr. Abhijit Mishra, Member Mr. G.P. Anuragi, Member Mr. MukeshLilore, Member Mr. Ramratan Patel, Member  All administrative work  Work related to establishment section 1 and 2  Preparation of Video conferencing Functions and  Work related to student association 2 Responsibilities  Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha Election related work  Verification of accounts related claim sheets of Part-time faculties.  Powers delegated by the Principal for general works of institute and admission of students in the institute. Meeting with all Head of Departments on: In 2015 (9.1.15, 26.5.15, 21.8.15) In 2016 (29.8.16, 7.11.16) In 2017 (9.1.17, 10.7.17) In 2018 (19.1.17, 21.7.18) Meeting Dates and Meeting with all Faculties on: 3 Attendance in the In 2014 (6.7.14, 20.12.14) meetings held In 2015 (20.3.15, 25.08.15) In 2016 (5.4.16) In 2017 (29.6.17) In 2018 (23.8.18) All members Amalgamated fund meeting on: 06.06.2017

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Minutes of the All the minutes of meeting are available in meeting register w.e.f. 4 meeting 06.07.2014 with the Principal’s Office. All the annexure are available in meeting register w.e.f. 06.07.2014 with 5 Action taken report the Principal’s Office.

10.1.2. (d) Dean Academics

S. No. Particulars Details Dr. M. L. Agrawal Dean Academic Prof. Navin Verma Asst. Dean Academic Prof. Deepika Bairagi Asst. Dean Academic

1 Membership Prof. V Ramakrishna Asst. Dean Academic

Shri K. K. Ratrey Member Ms.AkankshaMehar Mr.MunnaMarkam

 To implement academic calendar of the University.  To monitor academic activities.  Inspection of semester classes. 2 Function and Responsibilities  Inspection of attendance of students of various semesters and coordination with various departments for academic purpose.  Verification of accounts related claim sheets of Part- time faculties. 3 Meeting Dates 18.02.15 08.08.16 09.01.17 21.08.18

4 Attendance in the meetings held 5 4 7 6

All the minutes of meeting are available with Dean Academic. 5 Minutes of the meeting All the action taken details are available with Dean Academic. 6 Action taken report

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10.1.2 (e) Dean Student Welfare

S. No. Particulars Details Dr. G.S. Singh, Dean Student Welfare Sub Committees

Name of Coordinator Members Committee Program Dr. G. S. Singh Prof. K. S. Patel, Prof. RasamDahria Cultural Activities Prof. Indarnee Prof. Preeti Rajput, Borkar Prof. Rajeshwar Vaishnav Sports Activities Prof. Navin Prof. Sandeep Sahu, 1 Membership Verma Prof Gopal Kumar Mr. K.K. Ratrey Literary Activities Dr. G. K. Prof. Satish Gavel Agrawal Prof. Preeti Rajput Prof. UdayKhakha Prof. Satish Gavel Mrs. Kamini Chandra Student Section Prof. Avinash Prof. Preeti Rajput, Ranjan Prof. DepikaBairagi, Patnayak Shri G.S. Shrotey, Smt. Kaamini Chandra  Student Union: Constitution of student union, supporting various committees for the all round development program by various departments, Motivating students for participation in various activities.  Cultural activities: Preparing for cultural programs, Annual functions, 15th August Program, 26th January Program, Engineers day celebration, CSVTU youth festival etc. and preparing students there Functions and for. 2 Responsibilities  Sports activities: Sports and games events development and Yoga, CSVTU youth festival etc and preparing students there for.  Literary activities: Conducting literary activities, College Magazine, Organising seminar series, CSVTU youth festival etc and preparing students there for.  Student Section: Works related to students such as TC, CC, Roll List, Exam forms etc. In 2014 (17.9.14,25.9.14,28.10.14,21.11.14) In 2015 (03.03.15,18.3.15, 04.09.15) 3 Meeting Dates In 2016 (02.06.16) In 2017 (06.2.17,18.08.17) In 2018 (07.03.18, 27.08.18) Minutes of the All the minutes of meeting are available with Dean Student welfare. 4 meeting 5 Action taken report All the action taken details are available with Dean Student welfare.

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10.1.2 (f) Dean Research and Development

S. No. Particulars Details 1 Coordinator Dr. M R Meshram 2 Co-Coordinator Dr. K.K. Saxena, Mr.Satish Gavel Prof. Utsav Malviya, Prof. Rohit Methew 3 Functions To increase research activity in the institute  To get research papers published. 4 Responsibilities  To help young teachers in carrying out research.  To motivate teachers and students to use available e-resources. 07.10. 07.07. 05.07 17.02 23.08. 05.03. 09.05. 05.07. 07.10. 14.02. 5 Meeting Dates 2015 2016 .2017 .2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019

No. of members 6 09 09 09 09 09 19 08 04 12 10 attended meeting

Minutes of the 7 All the minutes of meeting are available with Dean R&D. meeting 8 Action taken report All the action taken details are available with Dean R&D.

10.1.2 (g) Direct Recruitment, Promotion and Time bound Scale Committee for Supporting Staff.

S. Particulars Details No. Dr. G.S. Singh, Chairman Dr. S. K. Singhai, Member Dr. S. Chauhan, Member Dr. A K Shukla 1 Membership Prof. Avinash Ranjan Mr. Abhijeet Mishra Mr.Mukesh Lilhore Mr. Ramratan Patel  Advertising/ framing rules as per the Government norms for supporting staff.  Deciding procedures as per the norms for recruitment procedures. Functions and 2 Responsibilities  Providing time bound scale to supporting staff and arranging meetings for this purpose.  Forwarding order letters for time bound / new recruitments /promotions. 3 Meeting Dates 30.3.15 24.7.15 23.03.16 27.7.16 30.3.17 24.7.17 23.8.18 Attendance in the 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 6 meetings held 5 Minutes of the meeting Available with the chairman of the committee 6 Action taken report Available with the chairman of the committee.

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10.1.2 (h) TEQIP Cell

S. Particulars Details No. Principal : Dr. B.S. Chawla Coordinator: Dr. A. K. Shukla Assistant Coordinator: Dr. K. K. Saxena Nodal Officer Procurement: Dr. S. K. Dabadghao Assistant Nodal Officer Procurement: Dr. U S Dewangan Nodal Officer Finance: Dr. G.S. Singh Assistant Nodal Officer finance: Shri S.B.S. Tekam 1 Membership Nodal Officer faculty Development: Dr. Seema Chauhan Nodal Officer Academics: Dr. M L. Agrawal Nodal Officer Civil Work and Environment Management: Dr. M. L. Agrawal Shri M.K.Lilhore Assistant Nodal Officer Civil Work and Environment Management: Dr. Seema Chauhan Faculty and Staff Development : Dr. Seema Chauhan

To Conduct TEQIP-III related training, procurement of equipment for laboratories, 2 Functions Academic support to students and staff development activities for enhancement of quality of graduates.

To execute project as per DPR. 3 Responsibilities To complete the activities in time as per the norms of TEQIP-III To report progress of project to NPIU and SPFU time to time. 4 Meeting Dates 24.3.15 16.7.15 23.3.16 28.8.17 30.11.17 24.3.18 27.8.18 Attendance in the 5 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 meetings held Minutes of the All the minutes of meeting are available with Coordinator TEQIP-III Cell. 6 meeting 7 Action taken report All the action taken details are available with Coordinator TEQIP-III Cell.

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10.1.2 (i) Institute Level Committee

In addition to above committees, The Institute has several committees constituted by the Principal. The committees with their memberships, functions and responsibilities are as tabulated below:

S. No. Name of the Name of the Members of the Functions and committee President of the Committee responsibilities of the Committee Committee 1 Admission Committee Dr. A. K. Shukla Dr. K. K. Saxena  Admission of Prof. SBS Tekam students in BE First Prof Preeti Rajput year and BE Second Prof. DeepikaBairagi year. Prof. AvinashPatnyak  Spot counselling at Shri G.S. Shrotey institute level. Smt.Kamini Chandra  Branch change at Shri M. Markam institute level. Shri S.Markam  Selecting students for Shri B.L.Tondar TFW scheme. Shri Lalit Nishad 2 Purchase committee Dr. S.K. Dr. A.K. Shukla  Opening Tender and Dabadghao Dr. G.K. Agrawal quotations as per rule. Dr. Seema Chauhan  Checking of Shri S.B.S. Tekam comparative chart. Mr. Bhupendra Singh  Sample checking and Mrs. Jhuma Saha approval for Shri DevdasPakhmode purchase. 3 Faculty and Staff Dr. Seema Dr. S K Dhabadghao  To run various Welfare Committee Chauhan Dr. M L Agrawal programs for Faculty Prof. Indranee Borker and Staff Welfare Prof. Deepika Bairagi Mrs. Kamini Chandra 4 Planning and Dr. M. L. Agrawal Dr. Seema Chauhan  Planning and Development Prof. Aditya Singh coordination of Civil Mr.Satyakam Mishra and Electrical work for the campus development of the institute. 5 NBA Committee Dr. S. K. Singhai Dr. K. K. Saxena  Work related to get Shri A.R.Patnayak NBA for various Shri P.M.Khedkar departments. Prof. Rohit Methew 6 Store Committee Dr.Seema Chauhan Shri G.P.Anuragi  Purchase of general items and distribution among various departments.  Dress purchase for staff and distribution.  Purchase and maintenance of furniture, AC, Water E-Self Assessment Report Page 239

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coolers etc. 7 Website, Nodal and Dr. K.K. Saxena Prof U S Dewangan  Development and Data Centre Prof. Vivek Singh maintenance of the Shri J.K.Jangde Institute website.  Statistics and Nodal Centre work.  Updating Institute data on AICTE website  Installation of software related to students.  Distribution of laptop to students. 8 Water Supply Dr. Seema Prof. Aditya Singh  To maintain water Committee Chauhan Shri S. K. Mishra supply in institute Shri S.K. Vastrakar buildings, staff quarters and hostels. 9 House Allotment Dr. M.L. Agrawal Prof. S. B. S Takam  To give Committee Dr. Seema Chauhan recommendation for Smt. J Saha house allotment to faculties and Staff. 10 Write off Committee Dr. S.K. Singhai Prof.G.K.Agrawal  To give Mr. Bhupendra Singh recommendation of items to be written- off after inspection. 11 SC/ST Stationery and Prof. S.B.S. Tekam Shri Shyam singh Kanwar  To arrange coaching coaching committee Ms Dipeeka Bairagi classes for SC/ST Shri S.L. Mathur students.  To purchase and distribute stationary to SC/ST students.

12 Scholarship Dr. M R Meshram Prof.Avinash Ranjan  To perform online Committee Patnayak scholarship related Prof.Tokeshwar Dewangan work. Dr. Abhijit Mishra Smt. K. Chandra Shri I.P. Bhartiya 13 Hostel Management Dr. M R Meshram Dr. Seema Chauhan  Overall management Committee Dr.A.K.Shukla of hostels. Prof. Tokeshwar  Planning for Prof.Preeti Rajput development of Prof. Sandip Sahu hostels. Shri R.K.Mishra  Sports activities, discipline, and prevention of ragging in the hostel. 14 Training and Dr. Seema Prof. Umasankar  To arrange campus Placement Cell (CDC) Chauhan (CDC Dewangan (TPO) placement drive for

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Incharge) Prof. Uday Khakha placement of Shri Sajan Markam students.  To arrange lectures of experts from industries under Industry Institute Interaction.  To arrange technical visit of students to various industries.  To arrange vocational training of students.  To maintain records of pass out students, their placement in various organizations.  To arrange in house training programs for faculty, supporting staff and students.  To organize management capacity enhancement programs.

15 Electricity Prof. Sanjay Shri K.K. Verma  Electrical Maintenance Dewangan Shri C.R. Sirmore Maintenance of Committee Shri Ramratan Patel institute buildings, staff quarters and hostels.

16 Discipline / Anti Dr. S. K.Singhai Dr. A.K. Shukla  To work under the Ragging Committee Prof. S.B.S. Tekam head of institute and Dr. Seema Chauhan to give Prof. Resham Dahriya recommendations to Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore Principal. Prof. Praveen Kujur  To maintain overall Shri S.K. Mishra discipline in institute and hostels among students and staff.  To work as anti ragging committee.  To address complaints of staff and students, if any.  Give suggestions to improve work efficiency and other reforms and make planning for the same. E-Self Assessment Report Page 241

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17 Laptop Distribution Prof.S.B.S.Tekam Shri Saurabh Yadav  To ensure smooth Shri G.S.Shrotey distribution of laptop.

18 Garden and campus Dr. Seema Prof. Preeti Rajput  Beautification work beautification Chauhan Shri H. Nirmalkar of Campus. Committee  To maintain cleanliness in the campus.  Development of campus garden. 19 Security and cleanness Dr. G. K. Agrawal Shri S. Yadav  To ensure security of Committee Shri K.K. Patel institute campus. Shri P.M.Khedkar  To arrange Shri G.S.Srotey cleanliness of the campus. 20 NSS and Red Cross Prof. Manesh Smt. Deepika Bairagi  To organise Programs Cell Mandavi of NSS and Red Cross. 21 Examination Cell Dr. G S Singh Dr. Seema Chauhan  Responsible for Prof Sanjay Dewangan smooth conduction of Prof. Sandip Sahu University and mid- Shri S.L. Mathur semester Shri K K Ratre Examinations. Shri Rajkumar Yadav  To conduct various competitive examinations like; PSC, NET, Exams organized by YAPAM, railways etc.  To appoint observers for CSVTU examinations at various centres of Bilaspur region. 22 Linkage Office and Dr. G S Singh Prof. S Yadav  Affiliation activity Central Evaluation Prof. Rasham Dahariya with CSVTU. Cell Shri Jitendra Jandge  Communication with CSVTU.  Evaluation of Answer sheets at institute. 23 Alumni Association Principal GEC Dr.K.K.Saxena  To organise AGM. BECAA Bilaspur Prof.Satish Gavel  To award prizes to Shri P.M. Khedkar merit holder students.  To develop and maintain BECAA website.  To prepare data base of Alumni and communication with

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them. 24 Public Information Principal GEC Dr. K.K. Saxena  To provide timely Officer Bilaspur information on RTI application. 25 Vehicle management Dr. G. K. Agrawal Shri Avinash Ranjan  Maintenance of Committee Patnayak vehicles, Updating Shri Devdas Pakmode Log-book and payment of bills. 26 Amalgamated Fund Principal GEC Dr. G.S. Singh  Allotment and Committee Bilaspur Dr. G. K. Agrawal expenditure of fund Smt. Aditya singh in student related Smt. Indranee Borker works. Smt. Anupama Saxena Mr. Bhupendra Singh 27 Guest house and Dr. A.K. Shukla Mr. Bhupendra Singh  Development of guest Seminar Hall Shri K.K. Ratrey House and Seminar Committee Shri K.K.Patel hall.  Registration of Guest. 28 IT network Dr.M R Meshram Prof Saurabh Yadav  Maintenance work of Management Prof Umashankar Internet connections Committee Dewangan and Network. Shri J.K. Jangde  Installation and Maintenance of Server and Wi-Fi. 29 Library Committee Prof. Avinash Smt. A. Saxena  To ensure smooth Ranjan Patnaik Shri Mahendra Singh functioning of Shri Satish Gavel Library. Shri Gurudev Choudhary  To provide books to students.  To purchase books as per requirement of CSVTU Syllabus and recommendation of HODs.  30 Public Relation Cell Shri UdayKhakha Shri Satish Gavel  Media management Dr. Abhijit Mishra  Advertisement of all functions and schemes.  31 Finance, Account and Dr. A. K. Shukla Dr. S. K Dabadghao  All Financial Work. Budget Committee Mr. Bhupendra Singh  Budget Preparation. (Account Officer)  Collection of fees Shri Ramlochan Patel through Net banking.  Clearance of Audit objections.  To ensure use of allotted fund. 32 Maintenance of Prof.Umashankar Prof.Saurabh Yadav  Maintenance of Computers and Dewangan Shri J.K. Jangde Computers, Printers, E-Self Assessment Report Page 243

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Printers Scanners and Scanners and Photocopiers Photocopiers 33 Court Cases Principal Ms.Deepika Bairagi  Coordination of court Coordinator and Dr. S. K. Shri G.P.Anuragi cases allotted to Singhai Shri A. Mishra various faculty Smt. J Saha members. 34 Biometric System Dr. G K Agrawal Prof. Umasankar  Installation and Committee Shri Devdas Pakmode maintenance of Biometric system to keep record of attendance of faculty and staff. 35 Canteen Management Dr. S. K. Dr. G. K. Agrawal  To See management Committee Dabadghao Shri Sandeep Sahu of Canteen facility Shri G.S. Shrotey 36 Spoken tutorial and Prof. S. Yadav Prof. Deepika Bairagi  To run classes for QEEE Cell Prof. Preeti Rajput Spoken tutorial and Prof. Deepi Singh QEEE. Mrs. Aakanksha Mehar  To establish smart class rooms. 37 Entrepreneurship cell Prof. Preeti Rajput Prof. Praveen Kujur  To organise programs Prof. Satish Gavel for Entrepreneurship Prof. Rajeshwar Vaishnav development under Industry Institute Interaction 38 DVC Committee Dr. Seema Dr.K.K.Saxsena  To verify documents Chauhan Prof. Manesh Mandavi for State level Shri Navin Verma counselling. Ms.Indranee Borkar Shri K.K. Ratrey Shri Devdas Pakmode Shri Jitendra Jangde Mrs. Aakanksha Mehar 39 House Keeping Dr. G.S. Singh Dr. Seema Chauhan  All works of Committee Prof. Naveen Verma Housekeeping in the Shri K.K. Patel institute. Ms.Dipeeka Bairagi Ms.Preeti Rajput 40 Vocational training Dr. G.K. Agrawal Shri Sanjay Dewangan  To arrange Programme Shri Shyam Singh Kanwar Vocational training Committee Shri P.M. Khedkar Programme as per Shri S.K. Vastrakar state government schedule. 41 Civil work and Dr.M.L.Agrawal Dr.Seema Chauhan  To maintain institute maintenance Shri Aditya Singh buildings, staff Shri S.K.Mishra quarters, and hostels Shri K.K. Ratrey through PWD.

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10.1.2 (j) The Published Rules Including Service Rules, Policies and Procedures:

S. Year of Particulars Details of service rules, policies and procedures No. publication

 Service rules for gazetted posts are prepared by Service Rule Department of Technical Education, State of 2014 Chhattisgarh. This service rules are in accordance of AICTE notifications. Available on  Recruitment of faculty is done by state government DTE web Site through Public Service Commission of the state. and published in  Promotion of faculty is done by state government through State Gazette. Faculties Public Service Commission of the state. 1  Career advancement of faculty is done by state government as per AICTE Notifications.  Policy for Leaves is available for staff of different cadres.  Policy for Higher studies for faculty members is available under Quality Improvement Program.  Policy for Medical Bill reimbursement is available.  Policy for Earn leave/Medical leave/Casual leave is available.  Motivation Policy for Ph.D. and M.Tech. /M.E. degree is as per AICTE Norms.  Service rules for supporting staffs are prepared by Department Service Rule of Technical Education, State of Chhattisgarh. This service 2005 Supporting rules are in accordance of GAD notifications. Technical  Recruitment of class III and Class IV staff is done by institute Published in level appointment committee through open selection. 2 staffs and State Gazette.  Promotion of class III and Class IV staff is done by institute Ministerial level promotion committee in presence of directorate Staff representative  Time Scale of class III and Class IV staff is done by institute level promotion committee in presence of director’s representative. Service rules for Contract Lecturer are prepared by Department of Service Rule Contract Technical Education, State of Chhattisgarh 2012 3 Lectures Published in State Gazette.

Appointed at Institute level by the Principal of the Institute Part Time 4 according to norms and procedure established by the Department Lectures of Technical Education, State of Chhattisgarh.

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10.1.3. Decentralization in Working and Grievance Redressal Mechanism (10)

• The Government has delegated its authority to the Principal to run the institute as per norms laid down by Government. • Principal in turn has delegated the powers to the Six Deans and HODs of various academic departments. • HOD’s of all the departments are overall in charge of the department and looks after the whole activities of the department. • Dean (Administration) looks after the administration of the institute and ensures implementation of various orders of government from time to time. • Dean (Student Affairs) looks after the co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the student community and ensures their participation in maximum number of events to enhance their overall personality. • Dean (Academic) looks after the academic time-table and its implementation; he also monitors all academic activities of the Institute as per the university requirements. • Dean (R & D) concentrates upon research & development activities and initiatives and looks after the developments taking place in various departments. • Dean (Planning and Development) ensures planning of civil works through PWD. • Dean (Faculty and Staff welfare) work for welfare of Faculty and Staff. • Deans are assisted by the Heads of Departments in all the matters of interest. • The Principal holds review meetings on Regular basis and decisions are collectively taken on the issues pertaining to improvement and functioning of the Institute. In-turn the Heads of the Departments conduct faculty meetings within respective departments and obtain the details pertaining to academic and non-academic problems and student related problems. • All the teachers are student counselors and they are in constant touch with the students. The information collected by them is passed on to HODs who in turn appraise the Deans and the Principal. Thus, the administration is transparent and trust-worthy and facilitates smooth conduct and functions of the Institute. Grievance Redressal Committee, committee against Sexual harassment and Anti-ragging Committee have been constituted and its existence is widely circulated. Mechanism and composition, functions and responsibilities of grievance redressal cell including Anti Ragging Committee & Sexual Harassment Committee are listed as below.

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10.1.3. (a) Grievance Redressal Committee

S. No. Particulars Details 1 Composition Dr. S. Chauhan, Cell In charge Dr. M L Agrawal, Member Dr. S K Dabadghao, Member Ms.K.Chandra

2 Mechanism  The person can approach/telephone/write/e mail any member of the cell.  The name of the complainant is kept confidential.  A written complaint should be addressed to the Principal.  If the complaint is made to any of the presiding officer /committee members, they may forward it to the Principal.  To conduct meeting with the complainants and try to understand nature, and seriousness of the problem.  The meeting with complainant can be individual or with the party or both as committee feels.  The committee discusses the problem in itself and accordingly contact (if necessary) with the related persons to find out the realities.  Given enough space to both the parties to present their evidences.  Accordingly given some time if necessary.  Committee discusses in itself all the aspects of the complaint critically.  Prima facie the effort is to sort out the matter by counselling but it depends upon the seriousness of the matter.  If warning or counselling fails then the punishment is recommended accordingly.  Ultimate decision lies with the Principal. 3 Responsibilities  To deals with various issues of Staff and students related to Institute and its Environment.  To develop an organisational framework to resolve Grievances of students and staff.  The object of the grievance cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institute.

10.1.3. (b) Internal Complaint Committee

S. Particulars Details No. 1 Composition Dr. S. Chauhan, Cell In charge Dr. M L Agrawal, Member Dr. S K Dabadghao, Member Ms.K.Chandra Smt. Anupama Saxena, Member Prof. DeepikaBairagi, Member 2 Mechanism  The committee deals with issues relating to sexual harassment at the college.

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 It is applicable to all female students, staff and faculty.  The person can personally approach/telephone/write/e mail any member of the cell.  The name of the complainant will be kept confidential if required.  A written complaint should be addressed to the Principal.  If the complaint is made to any of the presiding officer/ committee members, they may forward it to the Principal. 3 Responsibilities  Complaints are recorded.  Committee maintains confidentiality during the proceedings.  Given enough space to both the parties to present their evidences.  Accordingly given some time if necessary.  Committee discusses in itself all the aspects of the complaint critically.  Particularly attention is given to the girl’s candidate regarding their security after their complaint.  Prima facia the effort is to sort out the matter by counselling but it depends upon the seriousness of the matter.  If warning or counselling fails then the punishment is recommended accordingly. 4 Meeting Dates 29.09.2017 5 Attendance in the 03 meetings held 6 Minutes of the Minutes of the Meeting and Action taken report are filed with Cell In Meeting and Action charge taken report

10.1.3. (c) Anti-Ragging Committee

S. Particulars Details No. 1 Composition  Anti-Ragging Committee is headed by Principal of the institute and consists of representative of Civil & Police administration, local media, non-government organizations, students & parent representative, non-teaching & teaching staff.  Anti-Ragging squad nominated by Head of institution  Mentoring Cell consists of students. 2 Mechanism  Filling of affidavit at the time of admission by student & parent regarding aware of the law regarding prohibition of ragging  Distribution of Information booklet to new comers.  Monitoring mechanism consist of Anti ragging committee, Anti Ragging Squad, Mentoring cell on ragging 3 Functions and  Prevention & prohibition of ragging in Institute & Hostels. Responsibilities  Duty of Anti Ragging Committee to ensure complain with provisions of regulations and to monitor and oversee performance of anti-ragging squad.  Duty of anti-ragging squad to be called upon to make surprise raids on hostels and other places.  Duty of anti-ragging squad to conduct an on the spot enquiry into any E-Self Assessment Report Page 248

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incidents of ragging referred to it by head of institute.  Mentoring cells volunteer as mentors for newcomers. 4 Meeting Dates 30/9/ 30/7/ 16/8/ 23/7/ 13/3/ 31/08/ 26/11/2 28/8/2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 020 5 Attendance in the 08 04 05 06 05 13 12 05 meetings held 6 Minutes of the Minutes of the Meeting and Action taken report are filed with Cell In-charge Meeting and Action taken report

10.1.4. Delegation of Financial Powers (10)

• Financial power is delegated by state government to the Principal to meet expenses at institute level. • All purchases are recommended by a Purchase Committee for approval to the Principal. The Committee is headed by chairman and has senior faculties and account officer as members. • The Principal of the institute sends proposals to the state government after receiving proposal from the departments about the purchases which are to be made. For Development fund also, same procedure is adopted. • In addition to this, for TEQIP Fund Principal of the institute after consultation with respective in- charge of committees, put proposals before the Board of Governors for Approval. • Financial power for TEQIP-III Project are as follows: • Board of Governors : More than Rs.50 Lacs • Principal of the Institute : Up to Rs. 50 Lacs • TEQIP Coordinator : Up to Rs. 5 Lacs • Financial power for the use of Development Fund: • State Government : All Power 10.1.5. Transparency and Availability of Correct/Unambiguous Information in Public Domain (5) • The college website contains previous 3 years audit reports, BOG minutes of TEQIP-II and TEQIP-III, Consolidated RTI Information. It also has online grievance Redressal mechanism. • The college website and various notice boards ensure that all information pertaining to students, staff and other stake holders are adequately informed about the policies and procedures along with the developments taking place that are related to them. • Information regarding counseling, service rule, advertisement for recruitment, tender notice etc. are available on DTE website

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• Information regarding Syllabus, Academic calendar, Exam time table, results are available on CSVTU website • All the information pertaining to the admissions, faculty and supporting staff details, student attendance, internal marks, infrastructural facilities, details of programs, information related to ongoing student training programs, faculty development programs, symposiums etc., are made available in the college website and notice boards.

10.2. Budget Allocation, Utilization, and Public Accounting at Institute level (30) Summary of financial year’s budget and actual expenditure incurred (for the institution exclusively) in the three previous financial years are as follows

Total Income at Institute Level For Financial Year 2019-20 (Table B.10.2a.1) Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students 1111 Special Other Recurring Projects/ Non- Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including Any recurring per Student (Specify) Salaries other, specify Not Not 85,12,160 13,23,03,181 1,85,77,875 Not available 1,85,77,875 1,43,468 available available

For Financial Year 2018-19 (Table B.10.2a.2) Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students 1146 Special Other Recurring Projects/ Non- Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including Any recurring per Student (Specify) Salaries other, specify Not Not 84,57,059 9,38,06,000 1,81,08,253 Not available 1,81,08,253 1,05,036 available available

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For Financial Year 2017-18 (Table B.10.2a.3)

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students 1158 Special Expenditure Other Recurring Projects/ Non- per Student Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including Any recurring 117834400/ (Specify) Salaries other, 1158 specify

2,17,00,000 9,79,37,300 196,06,508 1,21,41,885 89,317,293.00 1,63,75,222 1,21,41,885 1,01,757

For Financial Year 2016-17 (Table B.10.2a.4)

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students 1169 Special Other Recurring Expenditure Non- Projects/ Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including per Student recurring Any other, (Specify) Salaries 107131067/1169 specify

1,63,78,336 7,40,65,000 1,88,11,000 1,95,27,569 7,12,32,361 1,68,80,882 1,90,17,824 91,643

Budget and Expenditure (Table B.10.2b) Actual Budgeted Actual Actual expenses Actual expenses in Budgeted in in Budgeted expenses in Budgeted in expenses in in CFYm2 CFYm1 CFYm1 in CFYm2 CFYm1 2017- CFYm2 Item CFYm1 CFYm1 2016-2017 2019-2020 2018- 2017-2018 2018 2016-2017 2019-2020 2018- 2019 2019 Infrastructur e built-up 26,36,261 26,36,261 29,89,000 29,89,000 59,76,000 59,76,000 Building Maintenance 12,25,000 11,42,487 Library 7,80,216 7,77,772 11,00,000 1,41,151 7,50,000 7,18,057 2,13,0891 2,13,0891 Laboratory 37,81,508 22,17,596 1,00,000 55,114 1,50,000 13,000 1,21,41,885 1,21,41,885 55,86,684 55,86,684 Equipment Laboratory

Consumables Teaching and 11,33,30,00 11,73,15,000 9,29,12,249 9,12,60,690 9,79,37,300 8,93,17,293 7,40,65,000 7,12,32,361 non-Teaching 0 staff salary

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Maintenance and Spares 4,50,000 2,03,062 4,50,000 3,01,345 5,35,000 2,29,228 7,50,000 3,16,670 33-003/24- 002 R&D Training and 18,704 18,704 15,026 1,00,000 4,60,000 4,54,649 5,50,000 3,69,131 Travel 2,50,000 2,10,000 1,32,255 72,226 Miscellaneou s Expenses* 47,93,000 38,27,520 49,77,000 25,64,502 49,05,000 45,48,107 53,10,000 40,76,594 04 Other Others, Specify 60,00,000 56,81,180 62,00,000 55,21,280 61,86,000 60,67,710 50,00,000 50,00,000 Elect. Total 13,23,03,181 10,62,44,117 12,65,57,000 9,98,89,228 12,96,85,693 11,86,83,525 10,05,93,575 9,58,30,818

10.2.1. Adequacy of Budget Allocation (10)

The yearly budget is prepared according to the needs & requirements of the departments taking into consideration of annual intake of students, laboratory and infrastructure developments.

Annual budget proposals regarding various requirements of the institute are sent to directorate by the Principal. On the approval of such proposals, Principal, in consultation with departmental HODs, prepares a consolidated sanction.

The budget allocation for the last three years was adequate, as shown below,

For Financial Year 2017-18

Budget Head Proposed Budget Sanctioned Salaries 5,10,07,000 4,90,00,000 Salaries Dearness Allowances 3,09,12,000 3,39,45,000 House Rent Allowances 12,00,000 12,37,000 Other Allowances 2,79,000 5,00,000 Medical Expenses 0 4,49,000 Festival advance 5,12,000 6,00,000 Daily wages 6,00,000 3,00,000 TA 2,50,000 1,60,000 Dispatch 50,000 20,000 Telephone 1,00,000 1,00,000 Furniture and office equipment 26,00,000 8,00,000 Book , Paper and Patrika 13,50,000 7,50,000 Electricity and water expenses 85,00,000 61,86,000 Dress 60,000 50,000 Writing equipment 3,00,000 2,00,000 Emergency Expenses 7,00,000 3,25,000

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Information Technology 60,000 1,50,000 Petrol and Diesel 70,000 1,00,000 Emergency salary 45,72,000 55,00,000 Vehicle Maintenances 50,000 35,000 Machine Maintenances 5,00,000 2,00,000 Raw Material 5,00,000 4,00,000 Machine and Equipment 2,70,00,000 1,00,000 Machine and Equipment operating 4,48,15,080 3,81,15,080 Building Maintenances 0 29,89,000 Total 17,59,87,080 14,22,11,080

For Financial Year 2018-19

Budget Head Proposed Budget Sanctioned Salaries 6,30,00,000 6,50,00,000 Salaries Dearness Allowances 4,10,00,000 1,12,50,000 House Rent Allowances 17,00,000 17,00,000 Other Allowances 8,70,000 6,20,000 Medical Expenses 14,00,000 6,30,000 Festival advance 8,00,000 5,96,000 Daily wages 10,00,000 3,00,000 TA 2,00,000 2,50,000 Dispatch 30,000 25,000 Telephone 1,00,000 1,00,000 Furniture and office equipment 27,77,100 0 Book , Paper and Patrika 5,00,000 7,00,000 Electricity and water expenses 80,00,000 70,00,000 Dress 50,000 75,000 Writing equipment 2,00,000 2,00,000 Emergency Expenses 8,00,000 5,00,000 Information Technology 2,00,000 2,00,000 Petrol and Diesel 1,00,000 1,00,000 Emergency salary 0 Vehicle Maintenances 35,000 50,000 Machine Maintenances 3,00,000 3,00,000 Raw Material 5,00,000 5,00,000 Machine and Equipment 84,23,300 1,50,000 Machine and Equipment operating 3,00,000 4,00,000 Building Maintenances Other 40,50,000 31,60,000 Total 13,63,35,400 9,38,06,000

For Financial Year 2019-20

Budget Head Proposed Budget Sanctioned Salaries 9,48,26,000 8,44,43,000 Salaries Dearness Allowances 1,15,08,000 2,94,00,000

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House Rent Allowances 12,71,000 17,22,000 Other Allowances 4,22,000 7,20,000 Medical Expenses 13,00,000 4,50,000 Festival advance 7,84,000 6,00,000 Daily wages 7,00,000 4,00,000 TA 3,00,000 2,10,000 Dispatch 50,000 25,000 Telephone 1,00,000 50,00,000 Furniture and office equipment 15,00,000 1,00,000 Book , Paper and Patrika 12,00,000 7,80,216 Electricity and water expenses 80,00,000 60,00,000 Dress 75,000 60,000 Writing equipment 3,00,000 2,27,000 Emergency Expenses 10,00,000 4,25,000 Information Technology 2,00,000 2,00,000 Petrol and Diesel 1,00,000 1,00,000 Emergency salary Vehicle Maintenances 50,000 50,000 Machine Maintenances 3,00,000 1,00,000 Raw Material 5,00,000 2,00,000 Machine and Equipment 7,00,000 1,00,000 Machine and Equipment operating 5,00,000 3,50,000 Building Maintenances 0 26,36,261 Other 70,20,000 29,54,704 Total 13,27,06,000 13,23,03,181

All the expenditure needs prior approval from the competent authority as per book of financial power part I and part II of Chhattisgarh state government. Funds can be spent only from the approved budget. In addition to proposals sent to the Directorate of Technical Education, if fund is required for any specific work, additional proposals can be sent to Directorate of technical education. Proposals to spend from Development fund can also be sent to Director Technical Education for approval as per rules.

10.2.2. Utilization of Allocated Funds (15)

During last three years budget allocation and utilization was in order and no deficiency was observed. Salaries to faculties and supporting staffs are paid timely in every month. The budget utilization for the last three years was adequate, as shown below,

For Financial year 2017-18

Budget Head Sanctioned Actual expenses Salaries 4,90,00,000 4,91,85,035 Salaries Dearness Allowances 3,39,45,000 3,11,70,853 House Rent Allowances 12,37,000 12,28,315 Other Allowances 5,00,000 4,14,922 Medical Expenses 4,49,000 4,45,925 Festival advance 6,00,000 4,72,000 Daily wages 3,00,000 2,99,890 TA 1,60,000 1,54,759

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Dispatch 20,000 0 Telephone 1,00,000 41,804 Furniture and office equipment 8,00,000 7,44,849 Book , Paper and Patrika 7,50,000 6,98,057 Electricity and water expenses 61,86,000 60,67,710 Dress 50,000 41,495 Writing equipment 2,00,000 1,01,686 Emergency Expenses 3,25,000 3,24,971 Information Technology 1,50,000 88,855 Petrol and Diesel 1,00,000 62,682 Emergency salary 55,00,000 47,63,161 Vehicle Maintenances 35,000 7,975 Machine Maintenances 2,00,000 95,865 Raw Material 4,00,000 3,61,335 Machine and Equipment 1,00,000 0 Machine and Equipment operating 3,81,15,080 2217596 Building Maintenances 29,89,000 29,89,000 Total 14,22,11,080 10,19,78,740

For Financial Year 2018-19

Budget Head Sanctioned Actual expenses Salaries 6,50,00,000 5,65,32,525 Salaries Dearness Allowances 1,12,50,000 2,54,56,109 House Rent Allowances 17,00,000 11,0,1655 Other Allowances 6,20,000 4,11,786 Medical Expenses 10,50,000 10,45,429 Festival advance 5,96,000 4,56,000 Daily wages 3,00,000 2,99,840 TA 3,00,000 2,99,841 Dispatch 20,000 7,405 Telephone 10000 3,901 Furniture and office equipment 0 0 Book , Paper and Patrika 7,00,000 1,41,151 Electricity and water expenses 70,00,000 55,21,280 Dress 75,000 54,393 Writing equipment 2,00,000 34,239 Emergency Expenses 5,00,000 2,69,823 Information Technology 2,00,000 1,44,283 Petrol and Diesel 1,00,000 38,952 Emergency salary 0 0 Vehicle Maintenances 50,000 33,120 Machine Maintenances 3,00,000 707 Raw Material 5,00,000 2,18,545 Machine and Equipment 1,50,000 43,000 Machine and Equipment operating 4,00,000 2,68,223 Building Maintenances 0 0 Other 31,60,000 10,36,547 Total 9,38,06,000 9,34,18,754

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For Financial Year 2019-20

Budget Head Sanctioned Actual expenses Salaries 8,44,43,000 6,01,33,724 Salaries Dearness Allowances 2,94,00,000 3,03,45,172 House Rent Allowances 17,22,000 12,03,477 Other Allowances 7,20,000 4,69,771 Medical Expenses 4,50,000 3,06,405 Festival advance 6,00,000 4,52,000 Daily wages 4,00,000 3,46,465 TA 2,10,000 1,31,415 Dispatch 25,000 25,000 Telephone 50,000 29,853 Furniture and office equipment 1,00,000 95,091 Book , Paper and Patrika 7,80,216 3,97,556 Electricity and water expenses 60,00,000 56,80,180 Dress 60,000 59,923 Writing equipment 2,27,000 1,86,626 Emergency Expenses 4,25,000 2,80,851 Information Technology 2,00,000 1,55,937 Petrol and Diesel 1,00,000 40,385 Emergency salary Vehicle Maintenances 50,000 45,025 Machine Maintenances 1,00,000 0 Raw Material 2,00,000 99,701 Machine and Equipment 1,00,000 55,114 Machine and Equipment operating 3,50,000 2,30,062 Building Maintenances 26,36,261 26,36,261 Other 29,54,704 19,50,581 Total 13,23,03,181 10,53,56,575

10.2.3. Availability of the Audited Statements on the Institute’s Website (5) Audited statements and audit reports of last three years are available on the institute website

10.3. Program Specific Budget Allocation, Utilization (30)

Total Budget at Program Level: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering For Financial Year 2019-20

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students Special Other Recurring Non- Projects/ Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including recurring Any other, per Student (Specify) Salaries specify 22,11,750 39,50,611 85,25,993 39,50,611 85,25,993 92,379

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For Financial Year 2018-19

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students Special Other Recurring Non- Projects/ Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including recurring Any other, per Student (Specify) Salaries specify 20,78,250 39,50,611 0 17,12,240 39,50,611 0 17,12,240 50,595

For Financial Year 2017-18

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students 132 Special Other Recurring Non- Projects/ Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including recurring Any other, per Student (Specify) Salaries specify 33,80,471 47,05,970 90,000 0 47,05,970 0 0 35,651

For Financial Year 2016-17

Total No. of Total Income Actual Expenditure Students140 Special Other Recurring Non- Projects/ Expenditure Fee Govt. Grant(s) Sources including recurring Any other, per Student (Specify) Salaries specify 10,43,300 20,49,432 20,000 4,95,526 20,49,432 4,95,526 4,95,526 21,778.00

Actual Actual Actual Budgeted in Budgeted in Budgeted in Item expenses in expenses in expenses in 2019-20 2018-19 2017-2018 2019-20 2018-19 2017-2018 Laboratory Equipment 0 0 0 0 90,000 0 Software 0 0 0 0 0 0 Laboratory 0 0 0 0 0 0 Consumables Maintenance and 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spares 03-33 R&D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Training and Travel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenses* Others , Specify 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 90,000 0

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10.3.1. Adequacy of Budget Allocation (10)

Adequate budget is allocated as demanded by all the departments and expenditure is monitored. In no circumstances, teaching learning process is made to suffer because of shortage of funds. It is also evident from the consolidated table given above in 10.2.1

10.3.2. Utilization of Allocated Funds (20)

During last three years budget allocation and utilization is in order and no deficiency was observed. It is also evident from the consolidated table given above in 10.2.2

10.4. Library and Internet (20)

Details of resources available in the library are as follows: • Carpet area of library :384 m2 • Reading space :140 m2 • Timings: During working day, weekend and vacation :10:30am to 5:30 pm • Number of library staff :05 • Number of volumes in General Library :29250 • Number of volumes in Book Bank Library :28876 • Lib services on internet/intranet :Yes • Number of E-Journals :01 • Books are available in very good numbers as per CSVTU syllabus. • Reading Room is available for students where students use reference books and journals. • Book bank facility is available for SC/ST students.

No. of Books, Journals, e-Books, e-Journals,Equipment, Software Procured and Expenditure in Last four Financial Years are listed as below:

Item 2019-20 2018-19 2017-2018 2016-2017 No. of Books 65,739 65,597 1573 2538 Procured Expenditure on 7,77,772 8,55,006 6,91,902 10,41,605 Books No. of e-Journals 1 0 1 1 Procured Expenditure on e- 5,26,635 0 13,000 1,00,000 Journals No. of Equipment 0 0 14 0 Procured Expenditure on 0 0 5,00,000 0 Equipment

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10.4.1. Quality of Learning Resources (hard/soft) (10)

 Sufficient titles and volumes are available in the library including book bank as per CSVTU syllabus. E-journals are also available.  Books are issued to every student from general library. For SC/ST student’s books are issued as per requirement of students from book bank facility and books are also issued to students for reference in reading room.  Reading Room is available for students where students use reference books and journals

10.4.2. Internet (10)

S. No. Particulars of items Details Name of the Internet Provider National Knowledge 1 Network 2 Available bandwidth 100 mbps 3 Wi-Fi availability All Academic Building Internet access in labs (specify Nos.) 27 Internet access in classrooms (specify Nos.) 25 4 Internet access in library (specify Nos.) 02 Internet access in office of all departments 32 (specify Nos.) 5 Security arrangements Centralized

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Declaration by the Institution

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Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. 3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. 5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. 6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. 7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) 1. PSO1- Ability to identify, formulate & solve problems of basics of Electronics & Communication Engineering and to apply them to various area like Analog & Digital Circuits, Signal & System, Communication, VLSI, Embedded System etc.

2. PSO2- Ability to design the systems of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering using advanced hardware and software tools with analytical skills to achieve the societal needs.

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ANNEXURE: II List of Faculties CAY (2020-21), CAY m1 (2019-20)

Qualification Academic Research

or Name of Faculty Name the Member Degree) (Highest Degree University of Year Graduation the with InstitutionAssociation Designation Designated which onDateProfessor/Associated as Profess of Joining InstitutionDate the Department Specialization PublicationsPaperResearch Guidance Ph.D. ReceivingPhD DuringFaculty Assessment the Year AssociatedCurrently of Nature Associated (Regular/ Contract) Dr M R PhD IIT 2004 Since Associate 29th 09th ET&T Micro 3 0 NA Yes Regular Meshra Roorke Sep Professor Aug SEP wave 5 7 m e 2019 2001 2019 Engg.

Dr V K PhD IIT 2013 since Associate 24th 24th ET&T Microe 7 1 - No Regular Singh Kanpur June Professor June June lectroni 2016 2016 2016 cs Prof. M.E. CSVT 2012 since Assistant NA 1st ET&T Comm 6 - - Yes Regular Umasha U, Oct, Professor Oct. unicati nkar Bhilai 2016 2016 on Dewang System an

Prof. MTe BIT 2012 since Assistant NA 1st ET&T Instru 0 - - Yes Regular Sourabh ch Durg Oct, Professor Oct. mentati 1 Yadav 2016 2016 on & Control Prof. MTe NIT 2012 since Assistant NA 3rd ET&T Electro 0 - - Yes Regular

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Deepika ch Rourke Oct, Professor Oct. nics & 1 Bairagi la 2016 2016 Instru mentati on Prof. M.T SLITE 2015 Since Assistant NA 24th ET&T Comm 0 - - Yes Regular Rahul ech Longo March, Professor Marc unicati 1 Gupta wal 2017 h on 2017 System Prof. M.T DAVV, 2010 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T Embed 2 - - Yes Contract Utsav ech Indore 2018 Professor Sep. ded 8 Malviya 2018 System Prof. M.T NIT, 2011 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 5 - - Yes Contract Deepak ech Kurukh 2018 Professor Sep. Design Asati estra 2018 Prof. CL M.T IIT, 2016 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T Opto- 2 - - Yes Contract Lalani ech Delhi 2018 Professor Sep. electro 2018 nics & Optical Comm Prof . M.T NIT, 2013 Sep Assistant 29th ET&T VLSI 4 - - Yes Contract Gopal ech Jamshe 2018 Professor Sep. Design Kumar dpur 2018 Prof. M.T MNIT, 2014 Sep Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 2 - - Yes Contract Vaikunt ech Jaipur 2018 Professor Sep. Design apu 2018 Rama Krishna Prof. M.T NIT, 2016 Oct Assistant NA 12th ET&T Electro 5 - - Yes Contract Vivek ech Delhi 2018 Professor Oct.2 nics & Singh 018 Comm Rathore unicati on

For CAY m2 (2018-19)

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Qualification Academic Research

Name of the Faculty Member Faculty the of Name Degree) (Highest Degree University Graduation of Year Institution the with Association Designation Professor/ as designated which on Date Professor Associate Institution the of Joining Date Department Specialization Publications Paper Research Guidance Ph.D. During PhD Receiving Faculty Associated Currently Association of Nature (Regular/Contract) Dr V K PhD IIT 2013 Regular Associate 24th 24th ET&T Microele 7 1 - Yes Regular Singh Kanp since Professor June June ctronics ur 2016 2016 2016

Prof. M.E CSV 2012 Regular Assistant NA 1st ET&T Commun 5 - - Yes Regular Umasha . TU, since Professor Oct. ication nkar Bhilai 2016 2016 System Dewang an

Prof. M. BIT 2012 Regular Assistant NA 1st ET&T Instrume - - - Yes Regular Sourabh Tec Durg since Professor Oct. ntation & Yadav h 2016 2016 Control

Prof. M. NIT 2012 Regular Assistant NA 3rd ET&T Instrume - - - Yes Regular Deepika Tec Rourk since Professor Oct. ntation & Bairagi h ela 2016 2016 Control

Prof. M. SLIT 2015 Regular Assistant NA 24th ET&T Commun - - - Yes Regular Rahul .Tec E since Professor Mar ication Gupta h Long 2017 ch System owal 2017

Prof. M.T DAV 2010 Throug Assistant NA 29th ET&T Embedde 2 - - Yes Contract Utsav ech V, h Professor Sep. d System 4 TEQIP Malviya Indor 2018 e Prof. M.T NIT, 2011 Throug Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 6 - - Yes Contract Deepak ech Kuru h Professor Sep. Design

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Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering, Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)

Asati khestr TEQIP 2018 a Prof. CL M.T IIT, 2016 Throug Assistant NA 29th ET&T Opto- - - - Yes Contract Lalani ech Delhi h Professor Sep. electroni TEQIP 2018 cs & Optical Comm. Prof . M.T NIT, 2013 Throug Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 1 - - Yes Contract Gopal ech Jamsh h Professor Sep. Design TEQIP Kumar edpur 2018 Prof. M.T MNI 2014 Throug Assistant NA 29th ET&T VLSI 2 - - Yes Contract Vaikunt ech T, h Professor Sep. Design TEQIP apu Jaipur 2018 Rama Krishna Prof. M.T NIT, 2016 Throug Assistant NA 12th ET&T Electroni 2 - - Yes Contract Vivek ech Delhi h Professor Oct. cs & Singh TEQIP 2018 Commun Rathore ication

E-Self Assessment Report Page 266