CEO 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Changing World, Changing Ways...

FIRST’s Mission Statement: To improve lives and seek cures for those affected by ichthyosis and related skin types.

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” –Margaret Mead

So, what did we accomplish in 2015? whom we communicate, reaching targeted audiences Lots! Many of our accomplishments with messages that are relevant to their own personal have been featured in our connection to FIRST. publications, website, and social A key player in this new communications media posts. However, there is effort is a long-time member of our staff, VLJQL¿FDQWKLJKOLJKWWKDW,¶GOLNHWR Lisa Breuning. Lisa is a familiar face to expand upon, as I believe this many of our members, as she has been a PLOHVWRQHPD\EHWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQW dedicated member of our team for nearly RIWKH\HDU±ZHKDYHUH¿QHGRXU nine years. In addition to her analytical approach on how we communicate eye and technical savvy, over the years, and serve our members. Lisa has gained a keen and comprehensive As you know, we have been supporting our mission and understanding of our membership base connecting our community for over 35 years. And each and the technology to manage their \HDURXUFRPPXQLW\KDVJURZQÀRXULVKHGDQGEURXJKWXV UHODWLRQVKLSV/DVW\HDU/LVD¶VUROHVKLIWHGIURP one step closer to where we stand today – as the global Communications Coordinator to Director of Member leaders in ichthyosis advocacy. In 2015, we not only Relations, which has proved to be an invaluable transition continued to embrace and serve the needs and requests for our members and for FIRST. RIRXUPHPEHUVEXWZH¶YHWDNHQDGHHSHUORRNDWHDFK “My role as Director of Member Relations is completely LQGLYLGXDO¶VSHUVRQDOFRQQHFWLRQZLWK),5677KHLQVLJKWV different than my role as Communications Coordinator. I ZH¶YHFROOHFWHGWKURXJKVXUYH\VPHPEHUHQUROOPHQWHYHQW DPDPRUHOLQHDUWKLQNHUVRWKLVLVDJRRGÀWIRUPH0\ SDUWLFLSDWLRQGRQDWLRQVDQGVSHFL¿FUHODWLRQVKLSVKDV goal for the database is to maximize all of the functionality helped us to better understand our membership on a more that is available and better utilize the information that we SHUVRQDOOHYHO:H¶YHGUDZQQHZFRQFOXVLRQVDERXWRXU collect. If our information is up-to-date, consistent, and support channels and recognize emerging data, like the comprehensive, then we can better advocate on behalf of our IDFWWKDW),567¶VODUJHVWJURXSRIVXSSRUWHUVLVDOVRRXU members. Streamlining some of the day-to-day tasks has SDWLHQWV¶PRVWYLWDOVXSSRUWV\VWHP±WKHLUIDPLO\ also been a focus, enabling the staff to get the information 7KURXJKDSRLQWHGDSSURDFKWRGDWDDQDO\VLVZH¶YH that they need as expediently as possible.”- Lisa Breuning deepened our knowledge of who our members are, and Conversations and feedback from our members are an what they precisely need from FIRST. For instance, we integral part of our success. On behalf of our staff, we look DUHOHDUQLQJWKDWDIDPLO\¶V¿UVWFRQWDFWZLWK),567LV forward to connecting on a greater level with as many of most often through an extended family member, or that our you as possible, and learning more and better ways to medical professional members have the longest retention serve this amazing community. rate of active involvement in FIRST. All of this information is leading us to a path of more relevant programs and All the best, communications, expansion of our potential for patient advocacy, and enhanced service to our entire community Jean Pickford throughout their lives. Our new approach is a true result of CEO, FIRST a changing world. We are reformulating how and to ZZZ¿UVWVNLQIRXQGDWLRQRUJ 3

MISSION PROGRESS 205 nationally and internationally recognized 132 Regional Support Volunteers. H[SHUWVLQWKH¿HOGRIGHUPDWRORJ\VHUYHRQWKH 0HGLFDO 6FLHQWL¿F$GYLVRU\%RDUGDQG3K\VLFLDQ 2,472 donors. Referral Listing. 633 Affected families joined in 2015. $14,750 awarded through UFIRST scholarships in 2015 to 11 young adults with ichthyosis.

EDUCATE INSPIRE 55 people participated in this “Member stories we read on the website help \HDU¶V),567WR.QRZ&DOOV us to realize we are not alone. They are a true 124 educational, informative and inspirational e-communications gift for our affected son.” were sent to over 7,320 affected - FIRST Member Donna Kober families, friends, and medical professionals. 267,679 users viewed our website in  4 quarterly issues of FIRST Ichthyosis 51 RAISE partners generated $66,417 Focus were delivered to 4,350 affected from 768 donors worldwide in households each quarter of our inaugural year. In 2015, the FIRST blog, Voices in our 62 events were held in Community, received 5,900 visits from communities across the globe, raising  19 different countries.

CONNECT RESEARCH 4 Patient Support Forums held in the US and Canada, $50,000 research grant was awarded to connecting over 150 individuals or families with leading 'U5\DQ2¶6KDXJKQHVV\WRFRQWLQXHKLVZRUNLQ dermatologists and the ichthyosis community. targeting the scaling pathways in ichthyosis. 221 Regional Support Network referrals. $50,000 research grant was awarded to Dr. Brittany Craiglow for her study standards of 195 physician referrals. care for newborns with ichthyosis. 322 people tried a new product thanks to the product listing.

4 ZZZ¿UVWVNLQIRXQGDWLRQRUJ LOOKING AHEAD FINANCIALS TO 2016 - 2018 Fiscal Year 2015 - Revenue Total $789,461 Grassroots & GOALS Investment Income - 7% Special Events - 32% Membership Engagement - Trustworthy and compassionate support, reliable information and useful Research, Grants resources through engaging relationships throughout a & Scholarships - 33% SHUVRQ¶VOLIHWLPH Research -/HYHUDJH),567¶VUHVRXUFHVWRKHOS connect researchers and other organizations to EHQH¿WRXUPHPEHUV General Donations - 27%

Fiscal Year 2015 - Expense Revenue - Achieve annual Total $822,3051 fundraising goal greater Fundraising - 13% Programs, Support than $1 million & Research - 77% Management - 9%

A Dedicated Doctor Takes on a New Role in the FIRST Family Join us in welcoming Moise Levy, MD, as the new President of FIRST’s Medical DQG6FLHQWLÀF$GYLVRU\%RDUG

'U0RLVH/HY\SK\VLFLDQLQFKLHIDQGFKLHIRISHGLDWULFGHUPDWRORJ\DW'HOO&KLOGUHQ¶V0HGLFDO &HQWHUKDVVHUYHGRQ),567¶V0HGLFDO$GYLVRU\%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVIRUWKHSDVWHLJKW\HDUV Dr. Levy is a steadfast supporter of the mission of FIRST as well as a beloved participant in many RI),567¶VVXSSRUWPHHWLQJVDQGFRQIHUHQFHV:HDUHGHOLJKWHGWRHPEUDFH'U/HY\¶VYLVLRQ DQGHQWKXVLDVPIRU),567¶VHYROYLQJUROHLQWKHODQGVFDSHRISDWLHQWDGYRFDF\DQGLFKWK\RVLV research. We are inspired by his deep compassion for those living with ichthyosis, or a related skin type, and his never ending quest for better treatments to help them live the best quality of life possible. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Levy to his exciting new role as president of the Medical DQG6FLHQWL¿F$GYLVRU\%RDUGDW),567



Dear FIRST Members and Friends,

,RIIHUDZDUPKHOORWRDOORI\RXLQP\¿UVWOHWWHUDV3UHVLGHQW help.” This distills the crucial of FIRST. The past year has seen great change and growth importance of FIRST. at the foundation—we now have almost 5,000 affected Ichthyosis is a rare condition with members!—and our staff, board of directors, and board of which many physicians have no experience; the connections PHGLFDODQGVFLHQWL¿FDGYLVRUVKDYHDOOPDGHVLJQL¿FDQW FIRST provides can be life changing. Through Dr. Leonard additional investment of time and resources to ensure FIRST Milstone and Dr. Choate—both leaders at FIRST—we remains at the forefront in meeting the complex needs of the REWDLQHGJHQHWLFFRQ¿UPDWLRQWKDW6DVKDKDV&+,/' ichthyosis community. In both the social media landscape syndrome, a rare form of ichthyosis. This knowledge created and in genetic understanding and technology, the world is the starting point from which we are now developing effective HYROYLQJUDSLGO\),567FRQWLQXHVWRUH¿QHLWVRUJDQL]DWLRQ treatments. We are forever grateful for this personal miracle and priorities to keep pace with this dynamic change. On and are determined to help FIRST continue to change the behalf of all the lives of families like ours. It is a privilege to be on this journey constituencies DQGZHKDYHFRQVLGHUDEOHDPELWLRQVIRU),567¶VJURZLQJ committed to impact, but if my time as president helps even one family as ),567¶VPLVVLRQ much as FIRST helped mine, I will count it a great success. to educate, I invite you to learn about some highlights from the past year; inspire, and why I believe FIRST makes a crucial difference; and what connect, I pledge FIRST hopes to accomplish in the future. that FIRST will In becoming President of the Board of FIRST, I follow in meet the coming VRPHLOOXVWULRXVIRRWVWHSV,¶YHKDGWKHSULYLOHJHRIZRUNLQJ challenges with closely with two former Presidents, Mike Briggs and Dave passion and a Scholl, and am excited to build upon their more than ten commitment to years of leadership! During the past year, through an success. impressive collaboration among FIRST members, FIRST Allow me to staff, and the board, we have developed a new four-year provide some VWUDWHJLFSODQWRVXSSRUW),567¶VXSGDWHGPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQW context for my “To improve lives and seek cures for those affected by involvement LFKWK\RVLVDQGUHODWHGVNLQW\SHV´7KHDVWXWH¿QDQFLDO and devotion to PDQDJHPHQWRIRXUFXUUHQWDQGIRUPHUFKLHI¿QDQFLDO the Foundation. RI¿FHUV/DUU\6LOYHUPDQDQG-RKQ6FKRHQGRUIKDVHQDEOHG FIRST connected FIRST to invest in additional staff time. This facilitates my family with the medical researchers who changed my greater outreach; optimizes printed and digital GDXJKWHU¶VOLIH,Q6DVKDWKHQQHDUO\WKUHHVXIIHUHG communication programs, as well as our use of social media; from an undiagnosed and untreatable condition. My wife and keeps us abreast of cutting-edge medical technology. $OOLVRQDQG,HQGXUHG\HDUVRIFRQÀLFWLQJRSLQLRQVDQG We are the primary source of insight for ichthyosis-related questionable and risky recommendations. We lost faith issues, and we intend to maintain our presence as the locus WKDWWKHKHDOWKFDUHSURIHVVLRQFRXOGKHOS7KHQDW),567¶V that brings all of the ichthyosis communities together. Patient Support Forum in Mystic, Connecticut, we 2QHRI),567¶VGHHSHVWPLVVLRQVLVWRKHOSPHPEHUVVKDUH encountered the warmth, compassion, and knowledge of and solve the daily problems of managing their condition. Jean Pickford and Moureen Wenik. They received our We all understand the need for better daily skin treatments— daughter not as a medical puzzle, but as a human being in ULJKWQRZ),567¶VXSJUDGHGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHHQDEOHVPRUH need of support and answers. They connected us with interaction among members—via calls, blogs, emails, etc.— Dr. Keith Choate, who said,“I know what this is, and we can


DQGPRUHLQVLJKWIURPWKHH[SHUWVRQ),567¶V0HGLFDODQG which increase the chance of breakthrough concepts and 6FLHQWL¿F$GYLVRU\%RDUG 06$% *UHDWWUHDWPHQWLQVLJKWV treatments. Genetic research is here and FIRST is playing an can come from any member and the more we reach out, the important role. Stay tuned for more to come on this project in more we learn. Our “No Child Left Unknown” program strives 2016! to contact every one of the roughly 300 babies born annually ),567KDVDFFRPSOLVKHGDJUHDWGHDOLQWKLUW\¿YH\HDUV:H with moderate to severe ichthyosis. We reach more families DUHQRZDWDPDMRULQÀHFWLRQSRLQWZKHUHWKHVXSSRUWZH¶YH every year; our vision is to reach every family. The more RIIHUHGDQGWKHGDWDZH¶YHJDWKHUHGFDQGRYHWDLOZLWKWKH connections we make, the more lives we can change. I met needs and visions of high-level research. It is time to personally with several new families at the Miami patient accelerate our process. We want to reach more families forum last August and witnessed how sharing stories brings faster and encourage greater genetic understanding sooner. hope. My own email correspondence with FIRST members This requires your support. Support comes in many forms. galvanizes my dedication to the foundation. Every single We need volunteers to assist new families as they adapt to person has something important to say; FIRST strives to a world that includes ichthyosis; we need members to host combine these voices into a powerful force for advocacy. informal events to increase ichthyosis awareness in local FIRST is very fortunate to have on its board and the MSAB, schools and communities; and, as always, we need the worldwide leading medical experts in ichthyosis and donations. FIRST has a long history as a successful, related skin types. We are unique in how we connect these change-driving, and beloved organization; all of this is due individuals and their institutions. This enhanced discourse WRWKHSRZHUDQGFRPPLWPHQWRI\RX),567¶VLQGLYLGXDO among experts, the current genetic revolution, and the advent members. Please join with us to help FIRST provide the of pathogenesis-based personalized medicine, provides a support and leadership necessary to change the lives of KLJKSRZHUHG DQGVLQJXODU UHFLSHIRUPHGLFDODQG those affected around the world by ichthyosis and related VFLHQWL¿FEUHDNWKURXJKV:HLQWHQGWRKDUQHVV),567¶V skin types. relationships with these leaders and their powerful On behalf of FIRST’s staff, board of directors, and MSAB, RUJDQL]DWLRQVWRSXOOWKHIXWXUHFORVHUVRRQHU$PDMRU¿UVW I thank you for your commitment to FIRST, and I very VWHSKDVEHHQWRGHHSHQ),567¶VUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKWKH much look forward to seeing as many of you as possible ,FKWK\RVLV5HJLVWU\DW

2015 Board of Directors






What a wonderful year for FIRST. The reach and success of our organization has been growing DWDWHUUL¿FFOLS2XU¿QDQFLDOVWDELOLW\KDVUHPDLQHGLQWDFWGHVSLWHWKHDGGLWLRQDOGHPDQGVDQG VLJQL¿FDQWUHVHDUFKFRQWULEXWLRQVWKDWKDYHEHHQPDGH:HJLYHJUHDWWKDQNVWR-HDQDQGKHU professional staff for their continued commitment to excellence and their enthusiastic support to all. Jeff Hoerle has stepped in as our new president with great passion, enthusiasm, and leadership. He has helped take this group to even greater heights and continues to enhance our greater good. Thanks for all you do, Jeff, and your tireless energy and efforts.

1RZWRWKHVWDWHRI¿QDQFLDODIIDLUV:HKDGDVWURQJ\HDUIRUWKHSHULRGHQGLQJ6HSWHPEHU %DVHGRQRXUDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVQHWDVVHWVZHUHVOLJKWO\GRZQE\ 7KLVZDVWRWDOO\H[SHFWHGGXHWRUHVHDUFKJUDQWVSDLGIRUWKH¿VFDO\HDU:HJUDQWHGRYHU LQUHVHDUFKWKLVODVW¿VFDO\HDU:HZHUHDFWXDOO\FORVHWRLQQHWLQFRPHRYHUDQGDERYHRXURULJLQDO budgeted numbers, mostly due to a very favorable expense control that was well under the budget. Overall, our income ZDVDOPRVWPRUHWKDQWKHSURMHFWHGEXGJHW2QFHDJDLQWKHOLRQ¶VVKDUHRIFRQWULEXWLRQVLVVSHQWRQ),567¶V programs and services. We continue to manage our assets through SunTrust and have a strong investment management team managing our portfolio. Our Investment Committee continues to closely monitor all aspects of our progress and performance with the SunTrust organization.


Warmest regards, Larry Silverman - CPA, CFP, CFO, Board of Directors

Donor Listing (This listing includes all donations made during the 2015 calendar year)

$100 - $249 Branislav Blagoyevitch Vaga LLC Ms. Hugh Choy Ms. Julie Dunipace Bloom Real Estate Group LLC Ms. Judith Cichowicz Mr. Kevin Dunipace 007 Pest Control, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Bonjo Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cina Harry and Jeni Durant 58-74 Grand Avenue Tire Corp. Mr. Artem Borchakovski Mr. and Mrs. David Cina Mrs. Cynthia Early Mr. Scott Aaronson Mr. and Mrs. James Borden Ms. Elizabeth Cipoletta Mr. Steven Eccher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borland Mrs. Mary Clair Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egan Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams Drs. Renato and Juliet Bosita Clairwood #40 AMLA Ms. Teri Ehrlich Adaptive Driving Access, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Clapp Mr. Ralph Ekonen Rolena Adorno PhD Ms. Sharon Boyle Mrs. Donna Clare Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ekonen Mr. and Mrs. Gumersindo Aguila Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bradley Ms. Patricia Clavin Mrs. Betty Ellen Ms. Margareth Alonzo Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bricker Cleveland Indians Baseball Company Mr. and Mrs. Donald Enting Altered Images Color Salon & Day Spa Ms. Tresea Briggs CNB Bank Mr. and Mrs. George Estes Ms. Kathy Alvarenga Mr. William Britton Ms. Lisa Coakley Ms. Diane Esty Mr. Harold Ames Ms. Nellie Brooks Mr. Adam Cole Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Evan Mr. Clement Amore Mr. Mark Broude Mrs. Kimberly Cole Mr. Don Evans Mr. David Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brown Mr. John Conlee Mr. and Mrs. Ray Evans Magnus and Anna Anderson Ms. Amy Brown Mr. Paul Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Troy Evans Okey Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cornwell Mrs. Audrey Evans In Memory of Shirley & Carl Anderson Ewan Brown-Wight Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fasciano Anonymous (19) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bryant County Municipal Employees’ Supervisors’ and Ms. Laura Fash Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Arendt Magnus Brynestam Foremens’ Union Mr. and Mrs. Bob Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong Ms. Jennifer Bube Ms. Patricia E Crockett John Ferguson MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash Mr. and Mrs. James Buccella Mr. Ralph Curton Jr. Ms. Marcia Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Mohsen Ashkeboussi Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Burkhart Ms. Erica Daniell Mr. Gary Fernet Auto Magician Mr. and Mrs. William Burns Bobbie Danino Ms. Holly Finn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Auw Mr. Christopher Burns & Ms. Cristina Crimaudo Ms. Rosemary Davis First Equity Mortgage Ms. Jacquelyn Bach Mr. John Burton Mrs. Rhonda Davis First Savings Bank Ms. Rebecca Ann Bach Mr. and Mrs. John Butler Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson Mr. Lamar Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachand Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler Jessie Deely Esq. Mr. Steven Flury Ms. Eileen Baltazar Ms. Christine Butler DelGrande & Montefusco, Inc. Mr. Craig Foreman Hooman Bamdad Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caligan Dell Employee Engagement Fund Ms. Carol Fox Mr. Randy Barr Mr. and Mrs. Noll Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLoughary Ms. Rebecca Frankwicz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry Ms. Florence Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Steven DePoy Joe and Janice Franz Susan Bayliss MD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cantwell Ms. Serena Dettman Ms. Edythe Free Mr. and Mrs. Brian Beck Mr. and Mrs. George Cardinal Ms. Courtney Devin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friddle Mr. Joseph Benincasa Carey Mac’s Salon Mr. Steve Dickson Ms. Jackie Friedman Ms. Barbara Berger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carney Ms. Giulia DiMarzo Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fugman Mr. Lynn Bernard Ms. Sarah Carroll Mr. and Mrs. James Dolan The Funky Monkey Mrs. Shirley Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Castillo Mrs. Joyce Dombrowski Ms. Frances Gabaldon Ms. Norma Bertuzzi Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cecconi Mr. Greg Donahue Mr. and Mrs. James Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bialer Mr. and Mrs. John Cerminara Ms. Cathy Donnelly Mrs. Linda Galloway Mr. Sander Bieber & Ms. Linda E. Rosenzweig Ms. B.J. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Emil Drain Captain Joseph Galluccio Mrs. Mardel Bierwagen Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cheek Mrs. Marianne Dugoni Ms. Debbie Gamble Ms. Shawn Bittner & Mr. Stephen Olsthoorn Chevron Humankind Mr. Frank Duncan & Ms. Karen E. Shine Mr. Mark Garvin Ms. Diane Blackstone Mr. Vincent Chirico & Ms. Angela DiGiglio Ms. Anne Dunipace Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Gassman

8 ZZZ¿UVWVNLQIRXQGDWLRQRUJ Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gathy Ms. Stephanie Knauss Mr. Kevin Mulcahy Mr. Joel Sanderi Gathy Home Repair Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kober Mr. Thomas Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gelormino Kocher Farm and Tack Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mulqueen Ms. Barbara Sanders Mr. Andrew George Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Konneker Ms. Isbel Munoz Mr. Stuart Sanders Mrs. Linda George Mr. William Kraybill Mr. Rick Muroski John and Becky Sandifer Ms. Mary Jo Gerland Ms. Linda Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Santoro Mr. Mohammad Haroon Ghalib Rev. Kermit Krueger Mr. Richard Murphy Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Sawyer Ms. Nagham Ghandour Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuhns Ms. Hollie Murrin Ms. Stephanie Sawyer-Ames Ms. Kimberly Ghaney KVC Solutions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Musso Mr. and Mrs. David Saxon Ms. Cynthia Gibbons Olof Lönnroth Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Myers Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Saylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson Ms. Heather Laberinto Ms. Michelle Myers & Mr. Ashley Hogg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scheidt Ms. Kathryn Gifford Laborers Int’l. Union of North America Robert and Virginia Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Ferdiand Gigl Mr. and Mrs. Andre Landry III Mr. Eric Nagareda Mr. James Schlachter Mr. and Mrs. Brett Gilbreath Frank & Darlene Lange Matt & Candace Nelson Mrs. Arden Schlegel Mr. Ernest Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lauters Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nerone Ms. Faye Schmit Mr. Jeff Gleason Ms. Nancy Le Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Newman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schneider Mr. Theodore Glowacky & Ms. Ann Pokalsky Mr. Bob Lebda Ms. Angela Ng Mrs. Norma Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gober Ms. Ann Ledezma Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nightingale Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scholl Ms. Andrea Gold Ms. Jenny Lefkowski Ms. Deborah Nobriga Ms. Kathy Schroeder Mr. James Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Jason Legate Mrs. Dawn Nolet Mrs. Ada Laverne Schwartz GoodSearch/GoodShop Ms. Nancy Lemer Dr. and Mrs. David Norris Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Scirica Dr. and Mrs. John Goodsell Ms. Kate Lenaway Undercoffer Mr. Jon Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scirica Goshen Center School Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lesher Nutrition Depot Mr. and Mrs. William Scully Mr. and Mrs. David Gosselin Ms. Carol Lesiak Ms. Sharon O`Brien Mehervan Sethi Mr. and Mrs. William Grady Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Levitan Mr. Edward O`Connor Ms. Rosanna Sforza Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leyba & Mr. John Paul Leyba Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Boyle Mr. Thomas Shaer & Lisa Shelnitz Mr. Carl Greenfeld & Dr. Rachel Brandt-Greenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Gregory LiCalzi Sr. Ms. Sonja Och Kajsa Mr. Brian Shea Ms. Susan Griess Mrs. Ethel Lindberg Ms. Antonina Odindo Mr. F. Kevin Shea Mr. and Mrs. Jack Groom Lodge Martha Washington #38 AMLA Emil Og & Felix Lexberg Shell Oil Company Foundation HERO Matching Ms. Mary Gross Loiseau Construction, Inc. Ms. Ellen Olivier Gifts Program Ms. Beverly Groves Ms. Carol Losey Magnus Olsson Ms. Patricia Shiffner Dr. Diane Haggis & Mr. Douglas Haggis Mr. Steven Lower Ms. Michelle Omalley Ms. Amy Shook Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hahn Mr. Wayne Lucas Mr. Alan Orme Mr. Christopher Short Mrs. Nancy Hamill Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lustgarten Mr. and Mrs. George Orso Asa Silfverberg Mr. Dan Hamilton Ms. Erin Luther Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Darren Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyford Ms. Victoria Ovelgonne Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson Ms. Carolina Hane Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch Ms. Heidi Overton Dr. Maura Simpson Tyler and Renee Haning Ms. Ashley Mack Mr. and Mrs. Allen Overway Ms. Margaret Sinclair Mr. Scott Hanks Ms. Sherri Madonia Ms. Julie Oxford-Sommers Petra Sintorn Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hanson Mrs. Anita Maemone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pacheco Mr. and Mrs. John Sipe Jr. Ms. Ann Harley Ms. Gloria Maffettone Mr. Mikael Palmer & Ms. Lisa Andersson Palmer Mr. Jesse Sipper Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Harper Mahomed Sales & Warehousing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Papp Dr. and Mrs. Michael Sisack Dan and Kathy Harper Mrs. Clara Makowski Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Paris Ms. Lisa Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malfara Ms. Monique Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey Ms. Debora Mallouk Ms. Holly Pastor Ms. Jeanne Marie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hawn Sr. Yamini Manickam Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pateuk Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazel Ms. Paige Mansell Mr. Dhiren Patra Softerware, Inc. Ms. Cora Hefley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marchiano Mr. Stephen Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sopher Ms. Jennifer Heinemann Mr. Kenneth Markley Mr. Nick Payne Mrs. Caroline Spayde Mr. and Mrs. John Hemmer Mr. Fernando Marques Ms. Jeanne Penney Dr. Mary Spraker Ms. Thelma Henry Ms. Nicole Marshall Ms. Elizabeth Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sproull Ms. Susan Hentz Mr. Timothy Marszalek Mr. Nicholas Perez Mr. and Mrs. Brian St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Herris Mr. Christopher Martin Ms. Stacy Peters St. Mark’s United Methodist Church Mr. Sean Hickey Ms. Kathy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Peterson Stanley High School Hidden Talent Art Studio Ms. Donna Martineau Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stano Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hirz Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Martinez Mr. Johan Petersson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Staton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hislop Mr. Thomas Marty Mrs. Patricia Pfeiffer Mr. Christopher Stefanos Mr. William Hoerle Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mason PG&E Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stenn Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. J. David Mast Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stephens II Ms. Laura Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maurer Mr. Bradley Phillips Mark Stepovich DDS Mr. Peter Holm Ms. Rosemary Maye Ms. Virginia Pickles Mr. William Stern Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mayone Pilates Studio of Friendswood Ms. Janese Stimmel Dr. Kristen Hook Mr. and Mrs. Richard McArdle Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Poole Mr. and Mrs. Ronen Strassburg Mr. Adam Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCabe Mr. Jay Poole Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stultz Mr. Larry Hornback Ms. Kimberly McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt Ms. Jennifer Suarez Ms. Jeanne Hotchkiss Ms. Doris McCue & Mr. George V.W. Ball Ms. Priscilla Alta Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suffield Kelly Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. James McGovern Ms. Judith Prichard Virginia Sybert MD Mr. Christopher Hussey P. J. & Lisa McGuigan Mr. Alan Prince Mr. George Sycip Ms. Sarah Hutchinson Ms. Caroline McGuigan Progressive Insurance Co. Tanglewood Group Ms. Patricia Jacklitch Ms. Christina McHale Ms. Kathleen Quinn Mr. Mark Tanner Steve and Nancy Jackson Ms. Claire McHugh Ben Raimer MD & Sharon Smith Raimer MD Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tasser Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jacobsmeyer Mr. Matt McLane Kalpana Raina Technology Marketing Corp. Mr. and Mrs. David Jansa Mr. John McTaggart & Ms. Kristine Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Mel Teetz Jay Hereford and Margaret Winsor Charitable Fund Mr. James Meier Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reeves Ms. Maria Tessinari Ms. Lisa Jewett Ms. Teresa Mendiola Ms. Cathy Register Mr. Marcus Thell Patrik Johansson Merck Partnership for Giving Mr. and Mrs. James Register Douglas Thomas MD Corey Johnson Mr. Gary Metz Ms. Jaime Resendes Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thompson Mrs. Sharon Johnston Mr. David Metzker Mr. and Mrs. John Retondo Ms. Heather Thompson Mr. Andrew Joncich Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michael II Vin and Lucia Ricci Ms. Kathryn Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James Jones Ms. Jill Micsky Ms. Carol Richardson Reine Thoren Mr. and Mrs. James Joyner Mrs. Laila Migally Ms. Pauline Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. James Thorn Mr. and Mrs. Hilel Kagan Mr. and Mrs. James Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rieger Titan HK Inc. Ms. Maria Kahn Mr. Michael Miller Ms. Paula Rivers & Mr. Steven R. McConnell Tom Sheridan Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Edward Kaier Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins The Towers Victorian Inn Ms. Tejal Kamdar & Mr. Jason Snyder Mr. Alan Milstone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roberts Ms. Shelley Trojanowski Ms. Grace Kataoka Ms. Regina Miozzi Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Robinson Joe and Melinda Trojanowski Ms. Marianne Katz Mr. and Mrs. Matt Molchan Ms. Alice Rodkey Tropic Supply, Inc./The DelVecchio Family Mr. Steve Kealey Mr. Josh Molsbee Ms. Shirley Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Roland Unruh Mr. Michael Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Mondi Ms. Martha Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ura Mr. Eric Kim Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mondi Ms. Lauren Roland Mr. and Mrs. Dietmar Urbat Kimco Consulting, Inc. Mrs. Patricia Mondi Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Ms. Libe Valdez Mr. Jim Kingsbury Moody National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruggiano Mr. John Valdez Mrs. Linda Kister Ms. Elizabeth Mooney Rushton & Company Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Van der Meer Jan Kjellberg Mr. and Mrs. L. Kristopher Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Ms. Fulvia Veronese & Mr. Marino DeMarzo Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kleinert, III Ms. Lisa Moran Ms. Jessica Sadelund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Verratti Mrs. Gail Kleintop Ms. Kassie Morgan Sabux, Inc. Mr. Matthew Vilim Ms. Margot Klima Mr. Daniel Morris Ms. Loretta Sahoo Mr. Keith Vitale Ms. Kellie Kline Ms. Virginia Morsman Mr. Lester Salamon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Voll Mrs. Susan Klopp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosunic Mr. and Mrs. Peter Salit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner

ZZZ¿UVWVNLQIRXQGDWLRQRUJ 9 Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Waldrop III Ms. Anne Harriman Ms. Jane Barry Ms. Sarah Davie Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wallace Ms. Judith Hartmann Mrs. Isabell Blanton DBG Services, LP Mr. John Walls Ms. Barbara Hawke Ms. Regina Bower Mr. and Mrs. David Denman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walters Mr. Mark Hawn Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Wandolowski Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Heslin II Mr. and Mrs. Bert Broekstra Dona Wood Family Fund Ms. Donna Warga Ms. Jill Hirschfeld Mr. Jovita Carranza Edwards Lifesciences Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Deshdeep Wasu Mr. Alexander Hoerle Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chaney Mark Fagan DDS Ms. Judith Watts Mrs. Brenda Hood Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Chapin Wen Fan DMD, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watts Ms. Katherine Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Corbo Dr. and Mrs. Phil Fleckman Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Weger Ms. Carole Jahnke CustomInk Campaigns LLC Ms. Bobbi Florian Mr. David Weglarz Ms. Ann Johnston Mr. Steve Day The Gaffney Foundation Mr. Nicholas Weinand Meera and Bharat Kamdar Dell Employee Engagement Fund GE Foundation Kris Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kass Russell and Carla Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gendotti Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keathley Mr. and Mrs. Mark Evans Matt & Cristina Goebel Mr. and Mrs. Bill Westlake Kelly Mill Elementary School Ms. Carly Findlay Mr. James Griffin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wiese Ms. Anna Kennedy The Fred R. Fernandez - Irma R. Rodriguez Hacienda Gardens Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wiklund Ms. Marsha Kent Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Heyson Mr. Michael Wilburn Mr. John Kilmer Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Godby Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoerle Wilcox Sportsmen’s Club Dr. Samira Kirmiz Ms. Sue Green Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hollenbeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willcox Ms. Carmen Klafter Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hugenberg Ms. Barbara Williams Mr. Matt Kozinski Mr. and Mrs. John Havrilla Robert Hyde DDS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Kuzik Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hecke Mr. and Mrs. John Jessiman Mr. Thomas Wilson Laborers Int’l. Union of North America Mr. Stephen Henry JK Painting and Decorating Ms. Ann Winters Laborers` Local 225 Mr. and Mrs. Marty Hollingsworth Jr. Mr. Kevin Kelly Ms. Elizabeth Wirstrom Mr. Harry Lancaster III & Ms. Jane G. Henderson Mr. William Horton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klafter Ms. Debra Witmer Dr. Leslie Potter Lawley & Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Knabe Ms. Amy Wittman Mr. Thomas J. Lawley, Jr. Industrial Packaging Systems Mr. Robert Kraybill & Ms. Durreen Shahnaz Mr. David Wohlfarth Ms. Kelley Linn The Isidro J. Gonzalez Living Trust Songbae Lee Mr. David Wright Mr. James R. Lowe The Karlssons Joseph McMurray DMD Mr. and Mrs. James Wu Mr. Thomas Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Albert Yan MD Mr. and Mrs. Rick Malatesta Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Klafter Ms. Debie Montana Genet Yonis Mrs. Margaret Manning Laborers Int’l. Union of North America Mr. & Mrs. Todd Mooney Mr. Kevin Young Mr. and Mrs. Omar Marrero Ms. Lynn Langford Ms. Edie Nordlund & Mr. Bob Nordlund Mr. and Mrs. Mike Young Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason Mr. and Mrs. Paul Licursi Mr. David Norris Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zawacki Dr. Erin Mathes Kyle and Deann Look Ms. Marcia Ohlwiler Mr. Eric Zugerman Mr. and Mrs. Simon Morris Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lynch Amy Paller MD & Etahn M. Cohen Mr. Glenn Neurohr Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lyngaas Mr. and Mrs. James Pate $250 - $499 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nichols Ms. Nancy Mantel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petelin AmazonSmile Ms. Kristine Norton & Mr. William W. Wall Ms. Dorothy Martin Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Snehal Amin Mr. Timothy Ohlwiler Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Potack Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Anadale Ms. Lavanya Palakshareddy Ms. Amy McKee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Proscia M. Annab Ms. Patricia Patock Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNelly Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ricci Anonymous (4) Pearland Pediatrics, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melton Gabriele Richard MD, FACMG Aquatic Attractor Ms. Claudia Penas Drs. Leonard and Ellen Milstone William Rizzo MD Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barta Ms. Esther Pinto MMG Renovations Mr. and Mrs. Craig Saylor Mr. Todd Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Poselenzny Mr. Joseph Morsman III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaffer Mrs. Heather Bauman Ms. Kim Price Mr. and Mrs. David Murray Mr. Eric Schweighoffer Mr. Kenneth Beck Ms. Marguerite Pullen Ms. Meghan Nesselroade Ms. Jennifer See & Rachel See Mrs. Ann Benedetto Mike and Glenda Queen Mr. and Mrs. Warren O’Brien Jr. Drs. Pedro and Lucy See Mr. and Mrs. Marc Benedetto Mamal Rahimi Ormco Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sellecchia Bergseth Brothers Ms. Ella Rajnys Mr. and Mrs. Juha Paakinaho Sewer & Tunnel Miners Union Ms. Aimee Bigham Mr. Max Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pedtke Charitable Foundation Mr. Joseph Shank & Ms. Patricia Pairman Ms. Renee Bizzell Rare Kids, Inc. Peterson Commercial LLC Ms. Nomi Silverman Ms. Jane Graves Blackford Mr. John Richardson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Block Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sampona Mr. Peter Philips Dr. and Mrs. Robert Silverman Mr. and Mrs. John Bouhan Scelba Enterprises LLC dba The Learning - Pitney Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swenson Heather Brandling-Bennett MD Experience of Roseland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ponzo Ms. Janie Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brandt Ms. Mary Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pretak Mr. and Mrs. John Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brinkley Mr. and Mrs. David Schell Mr. and Mrs. David Purcell Toyota Motor Sales, USA Ms. Kerri Bruce Mr. Stephen Schweighoffer Ms. Suzanne Ragg Mrs. Margaret Vernet Dr. Anna Bruckner Mr. Armando Sciullo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rice Vestal Central Schools Dr. and Mrs. David Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selvaggio Lee and Ken Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wohlgang C & G Industrial Supply Terry and Rusty Sharkey Rock Roofing and Construction, LLC Ms. Denise Yong Capitol Dance Company Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Shulman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saylor Ms. Nancy Yu Caravan Beads, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schell Dr. and Mrs. Ruey Yu PhD, OMD Central Hose Social Club Mr. Jeffrey Simon Matthias Schmuth MD Mr. Henry Chauncey Jr. Rama Shankar Singh PhD Mr. Harold Schoendorf Ms. Renee Churnin Dr. John Smaha Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Shea $5,000 - $9,999 City Of Parma Employees Ms. Betty Sparaco Mrs. Janet Showers-Patterson & Allergan Foundation Ms. Marcia Clayton-Hollimon Sarah Spencer Foundation Mr. Day Lewis Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Briggs Dr. and Mrs. John Compton Mr. and Mrs. David Spruill South Troy Timing Association Mr. Tim Dang Costco Wholesale Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spruill SR Lotion Flint Center Brittany Craiglow MD Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sundik Chris & Laura Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cronin Mr. and Mrs. David Stevenson Ms. Katie Swenson Mr. John Schoendorf Crown Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tobey Texas Gauge & Controls, Inc. Select Equity Group Foundation Cum Laude Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Unruh Jr. TWWC, Inc. D/B/A Tony Walker & Co. Mr. Martin Shkreli CVS Health Foundation Reverend and Mrs. Franklin Vilas Volume Salon Tang Fund Mr. Mike Daversa Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weinert Ms. Mary Anne Wegmet Dr. Eugene Van Scott Mr. and Mrs. John Deering Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake Mary Williams MD & Peter Elias MD Ms. Roberta DeLuca & Marla E. Capsambelis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wetzel Ms. Edna Wong $10,000- $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dennison Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wornom Ace in the Hole Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Karen Dewling Mr. Christopher Williams Jeanette Ziemek DDS The Ambrose Monell Foundation Ms. Lorraine Drago Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Williams Galderma International S.A.S. Dr. and Mrs. James Stark Draper Mr. David Witt $1,000 - $4,999 Mr. Jeff Hoerle & Ms. Allison Draper Mr. and Mrs. Drew Earhart Wrinkle, Gardner & Co., P.C. Dr. Mark Ajlouni & Dr. Connie Ajlouni Mr. George Loening Ms. Carolyn Bacica Fahey Mrs. Sherry Zailer Anonymous (4) Dr. and Mrs. David Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zavitz Mr. and Mrs. James Babcock Mr. and Mrs. David Fasanella Sherri Bale PhD $100,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Femminella $500 - $999 BeAed Lennox Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Fiore Jr. Ms. Laura Alessio Ms. Gioia Bianchi-Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frost Rex Amonette MD & Johnnie Dacus Amonette Mr. Brian Brager Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gagliani Anonymous (5) John Browning MD Gerland Team, Inc. Kjartan Armann MD Dr. Brian Cheng Glacier Tek Inc. Mr. John Armstrong Keith Choate MD, PhD Mr. Joao Alberto Graca Ms. Kim Auer Dr. and Mrs. Jason Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grams Azteca America Mrs. Marie Cox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hamilton Ms. Claudia Barry Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Daugherty