Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON ELECTORAL MATTERS Reference: Conduct of the 1996 federal election BRISBANE Friday, 4 October 1996 OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT CANBERRA JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON ELECTORAL MATTERS Members: Mr Cobb (Chair) Senator Conroy (Deputy Chair) Senator Abetz Mr Laurie Ferguson Senator Minchin Mr Griffin Senator Murray Mr McDougall Mr Nairn Matter referred for inquiry into and report on: All aspects of the conduct of the 1996 federal election and matters related thereto. WITNESSES PATCHING, Mr Robert Edwin, 115 Brandon Road, Runcorn, Queensland 4113 ................................................... 240 SMITH, Mr Graham Francis, 8 Borambil Road, Shailer Park, Queensland 4128 ................................................... 256 ORR, Mr Graeme David, Acting Secretary, International Commission of Jurists (Queensland Branch), C/- Faculty of Justice Studies, QUT (Kelvin Grove Campus), Locked Bag 2, Red Hill, Queensland 4059 ..... 267 JOHNSON, Mr George Charles, 18 Vennor Drive, Ormeau, Queensland 4208 . 278 HUGHES, Professor Colin Anfield, 23 Arrabri Avenue, Jindalee, Queensland 4074 ................................................... 290 JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON ELECTORAL MATTERS Conduct of the 1996 federal election BRISBANE Friday, 4 October 1996 Present Senator Conroy (Acting Chair) Mr Laurie Ferguson Mr McDougall Mr Nairn The committee met at 9.08 a.m. Senator Conroy took the chair. 239 EM 240 JOINT Friday, 4 October 1996 PATCHING, Mr Robert Edwin, 115 Brandon Road, Runcorn, Queensland 4113 ACTING CHAIR—I declare open this hearing of the inquiry into the conduct of the 1996 federal election and matters related thereto and welcome the witnesses and others in attendance. We will be taking evidence today from Mr Robert Patching, Mr Graham Smith, the Queensland branch of the International Commission of Jurists, Mr George Johnson and Professor Colin Hughes.
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