California Institute Special Report Supplement: Base Realignment and Closure – Detailed Recommendations for California Closures May 24, 2005 Michael Freedman and Tim Ransdell California Institute for Federal Policy Research, 419 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-3700 Fax: 202-546-2390
[email protected] This report is available on the web at . A pdf version is available at . An excerpted list – detailing only the California recommendations – may be found on the web at . A variety of other California-related realignment and base closure information is available at . The following is a compilation of the Department of Defense’s detailed Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) recommendations that refer to California installations. These excerpts contain each of the Pentagon’s recommendations in its entirety, including information about bases outside of California. The additional information is included to provide some context for the recommendations that affect California bases. To find information for a particular base affected by the BRAC recommendations, use the index on the following page. The text of the recommendations has been copied in the order it appears in the Pentagon’s “Detailed Recommendations” which can be accessed in PDF form on the Department of Defense’s BRAC website at . The California Institute has also created a condensed set of “Detailed Recommendations” that only includes language that specifically affects installations in California.