NO COTTON. Wear synthetic clothes (nylon, polyester, acrylic) that do NOT get soggy when wet. Use a swim as your base layer.

Water that don’t let gravel in are a must! Old , Aqua or neoprene booties are good. Closed toe and heel protection are needed. Crocs, Tevas and Keens are not so good….


. Wear polarized with a retention strap (“croakie”). Be sure to tighten it! Eyeglasses will need a retention strap, too!

Wear a with a sun visor, a chin strap or a clip. If it’s cold, wear a or ear warmer.

Sailors need sailing gloves. Wear vinyl garden gloves over them if it’s cold. Garden gloves work well for paddlers, too.

Core Protection: Rule of 140 Add the air and water temps. If the sum is less than 140 degrees, you’ll need insulation, like a neoprene , Hydroskins, and/or polar fleece. See the attached detail sheet for specifics.

If it’s windy or rainy, you’ll also need a spray or or windbreaker.

If the air is hot but the water is cold, put on your wetsuit and jump in the lake before launching. A wet-wetsuit will keep you cool above the waterline and warm below it.

Sailors will be chest-deep in the water to launch, maybe a capsize or two, and again when landing.

Paddlers will wade into water launching and landing – and a possible capsize in between.

Local and On-line Sources: See attached detail sheet for info.