Mount Maunganui North

Neighbourhood Plan

March 2002 Acknowledgements

The time and energy provided to this neighbourhood planning process by representatives of the Mount Maunganui Progressive Association, Mount Mainstreet, Ngaiterangi Iwi, local residents and visitors, Isthmus Group and District Council is gratefully acknowledged. Contents

Section 1: Plan Purpose and Process

1.1 The Neighbourhood Plan: Purpose 4 1.2 The Neighbourhood Plan: Process 4 1.3 The Neighbourhood Plan: Urban Design Principles 4 1.4 The Neighbourhood Plan: Vision Statement 4

Section 2: Issues and Actions

2.1 Traffic and Parking – Key Issues and Actions 6 2.2 Land Use and Building Development – Key Issues and Actions 8 2.3 Commercial Area – Key Issues and Actions 9 2.4 Open Spaces – Key Issues and Actions 10

Section 3: Neighbourhood Concepts

3.1 Neighbourhood Concept Plan 14 3.2 Residential Street Cross Section Concept 15 3.2 Marine Parade Cross Section Concept 16

1 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 2 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 Section 1

Plan Purpose and Process

3 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 1.1 The Neighbourhood Plan Purpose 1.3 The Neighbourhood Plan: Urban Design Principles

Mount Maunganui north is developing rapidly. Its residential and The community workshops discussed and generally endorsed a commercial areas are changing and intensifying. There are broad set of urban design principles for the study area to: additional pressures on local resources from increasing numbers of visitors and residents. There are a range of views expressed about ™ Enhance connectivity – one area relates to and influences “good” and “bad” development. another ™ Strengthen public spaces – the area is rich in natural The Neighbourhood Plan is an initiative to draw local community features beaches and green spaces to be enjoyed and public planning into an integrated framework for the next ten ™ Promote mixed land use – particularly in commercial area years. A Neighbourhood Plan was developed from responses to with commercial, residential and leisure activities four groups of issues: ™ Ensure safety and security – thousands of people want to ™ Traffic and parking use and enjoy this special area ™ Land use and building development ™ Celebrate local themes and character – sun, sand, surf are important qualities influencing design and use of the area ™ Commercial areas ™ Balance vehicle access, circulation, parking convenience Open space ™ with good pedestrian facilities and routes. Priority actions will guide decision making on planning and development in Mount Maunganui north over the next 5-10 years. 1.4 The Neighbourhood Plan: Vision Statement

1.2 The Neighbourhood Plan Process The community workshops and Project Group process has generated the following vision statement: The Neighbourhood Plan has been developed through a series of community workshops. The facilitated workshops were held “At the foot of the ’s wonderful between November 2001 and February 2002. Mount (Mauao), the best beaches and kiwi holiday spirit live on through balanced The Project Group, consisting of representatives from Mount quality development, led by a community Maunganui Progressive Association, Mount Mainstreet, Tauranga District Council and local residents, has prepared the that treasures the natural environment, Neighbourhood Plan from workshop outcomes and in consultation public facilities and easy pedestrian with other interest groups including Ngaiterangi Iwi. access.” The Neighbourhood Plan covers the north-western end of Mount Maunganui peninsula from around Blake Park – Southland Avenue to Mauao (The Mount).

4 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 Section 2

Issues and Actions

5 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 2.1 Traffic and Parking – Key Issues and Actions


Pedestrians need to feel safer and have greater priority in ƒ i) Undertake traffic engineering design details to support traffic High street environment. calming devices in study area (Mount Traffic Study recommendations). Traffic Calming in ƒ Traffic circulating through the area is high volume and Streets there are periods of congestion. Traffic management ii) Prioritise traffic calming works programme and allocate funding High devices can assist in balancing traffic flow and pedestrian for construction through Annual Plan budget. access needs .

ƒ Considerable resources were applied to the Mount Traffic i) Prioritise the works programme and allocate resources for Mount Traffic Study, and several key recommendations emerged. detailed design and construction of the key traffic management Study Many of these have also emerged (independently) from recommendations of the Mount Traffic Study through the High community workshops. 2002/03 Annual Plan budget.

ƒ Mount Maunganui north needs a celebration of "arrival i) Allocate funding to develop detailed design of distinctive, local High Defining and welcome". signage and gateway treatment. "gateways" to ƒ There are various urban design solutions to assist in ii) Detailed design concepts to be costed and consulted on Mount Maunganui High defining "gateways" to the area; particularly on Totara through 2003/04 Annual Plan process, and funding allocated north Street, Marine Parade, Maunganui Road. for construction.

ƒ There is a range of views on providing a road link through to Nikau Crescent. The concept arose from the Mount i) Allocate funding to investigate the traffic management Traffic Study. benefits/costs of a road link between Salisbury Avenue and Road Link from Nikau Crescent. Ensure the amenity values of Coronation ƒ If the bowling clubs relocated, land might be available. Park are recognised and maintained. Salisbury Avenue There is an issue with the Information Centre and the High to Nikau Crescent proposed Surf Culture Centre in this location. This will need to consider the reserve value of the land and open space quality which would need to be accounted for and As a general principle any new road should not encroach ƒ reallocated for public reserve purposes. upon Coronation Park.

ƒ The intersection use would be influenced other traffic management plans for the area including Mount Traffic i) Allocate funding for further traffic engineering investigation of the intersection, having regard to other traffic engineering Salisbury Avenue/ Study implementation work. proposals for the area. Ensure pedestrian access across the Banks Avenue ƒ There is a need to ensure safe, efficient access for intersection and cyclist movement through the intersection is High Intersection pedestrians and cyclists in the intersection design and given due weight. treatment.

6 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 PRIORITY TOPIC ISSUE(S) RECOMMENDED ACTION(S) LEVEL

ƒ The current access is located at a very congested i) Allocate funding for specialist traffic engineering advice on the intersection (Maunganui Road/Adams Avenue). Is it in Hot Pools/ location, design and functionality of the Hot Pools/Camping the right place to meet future needs. The hot Camping Ground Ground vehicular access. This should be linked to the Mount High pools/camping ground access was considered in the Vehicular Access Traffic Study implementation work. (See Mount Traffic Study). Mount Traffic Study.

i) Detailed design concepts to be costed and consulted on High through Annual Plan process within 3 years and to involve City ƒ Main roads corridors have major traffic management Arborist. Street functions, but tend to have poor quality aesthetics. Environment ii) Allocate funding to develop detailed design concepts for main ƒ There is potential to visually improve the appearance of Improvements road street planting; particularly: main road corridors, based on a special planting/design (Main Roads) High theme, while recognising traffic management needs. Adams Avenue, Maunganui Road, Marine Parade and Salisbury Avenue. Banks Avenue, Prince Avenue and The Mall. Medium

ƒ Local residential streets can be visually improved by Street selective tree planting, underground power, and street i) Allocate funding to develop detailed design concepts for Environment verge and footpath treatment. residential streets involve City Arborist and in consideration of Improvements existing policies and strategies in place for tree planting. Medium (Local Residential ƒ There is potential to visually improve the appearance of ii) Detailed design concepts to be costed and prioritised. Streets) local residential streets based on a special planting/design theme.

There is a strong desire to encourage safe and efficient ƒ i) Ensure cycle racks are provided in public spaces at main use of cycles through study area. destinations . Medium There is a need to recognise and implement the recent Cycleway facilities ƒ ii) Identify and allocate funding for cycling actions applicable to Walking and Cycling Strategy, as it applies to Mount Mount Maunganui north area (see Walking and Cycling Medium Maunganui north; particularly accessing Pilot Bay and the Strategy). main beach.

i) Investigate parking demand/supply in the Adams Avenue/ High ƒ There is a need to urgently address parking pressures in Maunganui Road/Pilot Bay (The Mall) and Victoria Avenue. Adams Avenue, Maunganui Road/Pilot Bay areas, and Parking Strategy ii) Investigate increased parking supply using the Grace Avenue High the downtown Commercial area. for Mount properties (adjacent to Mount Drury playground). Maunganui North ƒ Parking area directional signage could be improved, iii) Investigate the feasibility of a multi-level parking building in High particularly for visitors to the area. central downtown Mount commercial area (off May Street). iv) Consider more definitive “Parking” directional signs. Medium

7 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 2.2 Land Use and Building Development - Key Issues and Actions


ƒ There are a range of views on this matter, with no clear consensus emerging from the Workshops. ƒ There is a concern that high density housing/apartments are adversely affecting the amenity values of their i) Allocate planning resources to research the options for residential neighbourhoods. Residents want a say in the High managing residential environment change at neighbourhood rate and form of change in their neighbourhood. level. This should be a special, locally-focused research and ƒ There are some property owners who wish to realise the consultation for customised, local area planning solutions. economic potential of their sites and investment without ii) Consider better methods under the District Plan to enable local undue planning constraint. High Residential H – people to participate in the decision-making for higher density Residential A Zone ƒ The difference between Residential H and Residential A development proposals, (i.e. seeking greater density than the Boundary and zoning and development opportunities is generally Residential A standard in the Plan). Associated understood and the difference should be maintained. iii) Investigate the use of design guidelines for comprehensive Planning Controls High ƒ There are concerns expressed, but not easily quantified, developments seeking greater density than the Residential A about the bulk, design and appearance of higher density, standard in the Plan. (This also relates to i) and ii) above). multi-storeyed development, and the level of on-site iv) Restate clearly the recent changes to Visitor Accommodation High parking provided. rules and parking standards in the District Plan to local interest ƒ The changes to the Visitor Accommodation provisions of groups . the District Plan are not well understood by local residents, but appear to have provided a process for local input into new proposals. The same should apply to higher density housing/apartment proposals.

ƒ The value of existing “greenspace” – public parks and i) Ensure local neighbourhood reserves in the Mount Maunganui streetscape is recognised in areas subject to residential north area are maintained and enhanced for the benefit of Ongoing intensification. It is important to retain these public Public Spaces in residents and visitors. amenities and add to them through purchase of further Areas of neighbourhood reserves as population increases. ii) Ensure new developments pay appropriate Development Residential Impact Fees to enable purchase of additional neighbourhood Ongoing Intensification (Note: this issue is to be considered as part of the reserve land in areas subject to residential intensification and Residential Intensification Study and the Infill Area SIF to enhance existing facilities. Review.)

8 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 2.3 Commercial Area - Key Issues and Actions


ƒ The standard of maintenance for Phoenix is generally i) Revise the maintenance schedule and implement to a higher Project Phoenix considered to be poor. specification. High

ƒ The use of building floorspace, at street level, for non- commercial uses (e.g. car parking, residential) when those buildings are located within a Commercial Business Commercial Uses i) Allocate resources to assess a District Plan change to control Zone, is not supported. and Building land uses at street level in the Commercial Business Zone, High Frontages ƒ There is a general view, emerging from the workshops, particularly downtown Mount Maunganui. that non-commercial uses adversely affect the continuity and amenity of local shopping centre.

ƒ There is a general view that Mount Maunganui needs a i) Review District Plan rules to ensure hotel complex supported, Tourist Hotel quality hotel/conference facility. particularly within the Commercial Business Zone. High

ƒ There is a general view emerging from the workshops that further commercial zoning is needed in selected i) Allocate planning resources to review and consult on the nodes – rather than adhoc, ribbon development along amount and location of commercial zoning in Mount main roads . Maunganui north. This could be either: Commercial Uses (a) New commercial zoning nodes at Adams Avenue, The & Zonings ƒ Ribbon commercial development reduces the coherence High and amenity of established shopping centres. There are Mall intersections with Prince, Pacific and Salisbury, or several intersection locations in Mount Maunganui north (b) Special policy areas within the Residential H Zone to that could support commercial activity investment, enable retailing/restaurants/ cafes in such locations. particularly retailing and café-style activities.

Commercial Area ƒ See comments under Traffic and Parking Section 2.1. i) See actions under Traffic and Parking Section 2.1. Parking

9 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 2.4 Open Spaces - Key Issues and Actions


ƒ Area of significance to iwi. Needs sensitive restoration i) Re-vegetation plan for old quarry site in consultation with High and management of pathways. Ngaiterangi Iwi. Preference to be given to hardy, native species, Moturiki and softening the land/sea edge at 'Shark Alley'. ƒ Old quarry area untidy and has poor soil conditions. This area needs further landscaping treatment. The sea wall ii) Main pedestrian pathway to be kept "low key", to discourage Ongoing could be less intrusive. pedestrian use over Moturiki.

i) Review Coronation Park design and maintenance to thin ƒ There is general consensus that the planting is too plantings, open up the space and improve pedestrian/user dense, people feel insecure and the park layout and security/safety. Changes can be actioned through Facilities and Coronation Park appearance could be improved, particularly along Reserves budget with additional funding and should be done in High Maunganui Road. conjunction with plans for bowling green relocation, road link and surf cultural centre.

ƒ Good facility for small boats. Well used by visitors and i) Develop a maintenance programme for the Pilot Bay boat ramp High locals. and boat channel and allocate funding to support this programme ƒ Ramp area needs to be maintained, particularly the depth through Annual Plan and budget process. of channel and launching area. ii) Allocate funding to investigate the use of the upper level camping Medium Pilot Bay Boat ground area (opposite the boat ramp) for a multi-space, boat Ramp and ƒ There is a parking problem with boat trailers and local traffic congestion. trailer parking area. This to include improved pedestrian links Environs from Adams Avenue to Mauao base track and Pilot Bay foreshore ƒ There is poor pedestrian accessibility through boat ramp to the Mauao base track. entrance to Mauao Base Track. Pedestrians do not feel safe through this area although it is a major and well iii) Investigate the potential of a new small boat ramp facility at Low used pedestrian pathway. Tauranga Bridge Marina (south end).

i) Allocate funding to extend BBQ, picnic tables, seating, showers etc at selected locations on beachfront reserve, eastwards along High ƒ Pedestrian access to beachfront reserve across Marine Marine Parade. Design of these areas need to be addressed in Beachfront Parade could be enhanced through physical works at an integrated manner along the length of Marine Parade. Facilities, Access, main intersections. Safety at Main ii) Allocate funding to develop detailed design of new intersection Medium Marine Parade ƒ Visitor facilities on beachfront reserve could be enhanced treatments at Marine Parade that assist pedestrian movement Intersections further eastwards at key locations. across the road. iii) Detailed design concepts to be costed and consulted on through 2004/05 Annual Plan and funding allocated for construction. Medium

10 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 PRIORITY TOPIC ISSUE(S) RECOMMENDED ACTION(S) LEVEL

ƒ Mount Drury playground a major district facility that is well used by visitors. i) Retain funding in 02/03 Annual Plan for new play equipment in Te High Mount Drury and ƒ There is potential to modernise the Mount Drury play Ngaio Reserve. Te Ngaio equipment and enlarge the total facility to give greater Medium Children's capacity (e.g. Memorial Park). ii) Allocate funding to redesign and upgrade Mount Drury Playground playground. ƒ Te Ngaio reserve play equipment 'out of date', and should be modernised.

Pilot Bay ƒ There are a range of views on whether pedestrian access i) Allocate funding to assess the various options (including 'do Foreshore – along the Pilot Bay foreshore should be physically nothing') for pedestrian access along Pilot Bay foreshore reserve. Medium Pedestrian Access improved.

ƒ First two rows of sites from the beach front intrude into i) Remove the first two rows of camp sites along the main beach beach environment and restrict pedestrian access to and reclaim as esplanade public space, and picnic area. Medium Camping Ground Mauao base track. ii) (Main Beach Extend boardwalk concept from "Oceanside" corner, past or Medium Frontage) ƒ There are opportunities to create a better physical access through the Surf Club area to new picnic area and Mauao base to base track, and public picnic space adjacent to main track. This should become the primary pedestrian pathway to beach and beyond the Surf Club. base track.

Banks Avenue ƒ Valuable passive park in area of residential i) Neighbourhood Reserve Management Plan should address the Reserve and Pitau intensification. Park probably under-utilised because of design layout and planting of Banks Avenue Reserve and Low Road Reserve design, layout and vegetation of reserve. changes actioned through the Facilities and Reserves budget.

i) Focus on species such as Pohutukawa, Puriri, Karaka, Brazilian Pepper Tree in planting programmes along local streets and General Mount ƒ The 'sub-tropical' planting theme is foreign to the area. public open spaces and reserves in consultation with the City Maunganui North Consider greater use of plant themes. Aborist. Ongoing Planting Theme ii) Council to initiate a “Street Smart” type programme for local residents to discuss and donate local street trees.

ƒ There is no need to "re-invent the wheel". Recognise the i) Ensure the objectives, policies and implementation actions in the Operative Reserve extensive public process in developing the reserve key Reserve Management Plans that apply to reserves in the Ongoing Management Plans management plans for Mauao, Main Beach – Moturiki – Study area are recognised in detailed Works programmes and Pilot Bay. activities on reserves.

11 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 12 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 Section 3

Neighbourhood Concepts

13 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 3.1 Neighbourhood Concept Plan

14 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 3.2 Residential Street Cross Section Concept

Residential streets in the neighbourhood area can be gradually upgraded or landscaped in conjunction with residents to improve visual appearance and soften the impact of buildings.

Schematic only 15 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002 3.3 Marine Parade Cross Section Concept

Marine Parade is an important pedestrian and vehicle area street treatment should aim to reduce the visual expanse of the carriageway, broaden footpaths for pedestrians, maintain cycle and vehicle thoroughfare and provide pedestrian refuges to improve street crossing safety.

Schematic only

16 Mount Maunga nui North Neighbourhood Plan – March 2002