Unclaimed Bank Balances
Unclaimed Bank Balances “Section 126 of the Banking Services Act requires the publication of the following data in a newspaper at least two (2) times over a one (1) year period.” This will give persons the opportunity to claim these monies. If these monies remain unclaimed at the end of the year, they will become a part of the revenues of the Jamaican Government. SAGICOR BANK BALANCE Name Last Transaction Date Account Number Balance Name Last Transaction Date Account Number Balance JMD JMD ALMA J BROWN 7-Feb-01 5500866545 32.86 ALMA M HENRY 31-Dec-97 5501145809 3,789.62 0150L LYNCH 13-Jun-86 5500040485 3,189.49 ALMAN ARMSTRONG 22-Nov-96 5500388252 34.27 A A R PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES CENTRE 30-Sep-97 5500073766 18,469.06 ALMANEITA PORTER 7-Nov-02 5500288665 439.42 A F FRANCIS 29-Sep-95 5500930588 23,312.81 ALMARIE HOOPER 19-Jan-98 5500472978 74.04 A H BUILDINGS JAMAICA LTD 30-Sep-93 5500137705 12,145.92 ALMENIA LEVY 27-Oct-93 5500966582 40,289.27 A LEONARD MOSES LTD 20-Nov-95 5500108993 531,889.69 ALMIRA SOARES 18-Feb-03 5501025951 12,013.42 A ROSE 13-Jun-86 5500921767 20,289.21 ALPHANSO C KENNEDY 8-Jul-02 5500622379 34,077.58 AARON H PARKE 27-Dec-02 5501088128 10,858.10 ALPHANSO LOVELACE 12-Dec-03 5500737354 69,295.14 ADA HAMILTON 30-Jan-83 5500001528 35,341.90 ALPHANSON TUCKER 10-Jan-96 5500969131 48,061.09 ADA THOMPSON 5-May-97 5500006511 9,815.70 ALPHANZO HAMILTON 12-Apr-01 5500166397 8,633.90 ADASSA DOWDEN SCHOLARSHIP 20-Jan-00 5500923328 299.66 ALPHONSO LEDGISTER 15-Feb-00 5500087945 58,725.08 ADASSA ELSON 28-Apr-99 5500071739 71.13
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