Open Space Strategy 2025

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Open Space Strategy 2025 City of Charles Sturt Open Space Strategy 2025 Defining the Future of Our Open Spaces BACKGROUND REPORT August 2015 2 3 acknowledgment contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS The development of the Open Space Strategy 2025 has The Open Space Strategy 2025 has been developed by 1 INTRODUCTION 4 been led by Allison Bretones (Manager Open Space, Suter Planners and WAX Design with the following people 1.1 Purpose of the Strategy 4 Recreation and Property) and Jamie Hosking (Coordinator playing a key role. 1.2 The Study Approach 6 Urban Design Projects). A Working Party also played a key role in guiding the development of the Strategy, with the Suzanne Suter, Suter Planners Principal (lead consultant 2 THE PLANNING CONTEXT 8 following members: for the study) 2.1 The City Character 8 Warwick Keates, WAX Design Allison Bretones, Manager Open Space, Recreation and Carina Sidwell, Suter Planners & WAX Design 2.2 Links to Other Plans and Strategies 12 Property Emily Moskwa, Suter Planners Jamie Hosking, Coordinator Urban Design Projects Corey Brown, WAX Design 3 2006 OPEN SPACE STRATEGY REVIEW 18 Janet Willoughby, Strategic Planner Open Space and 3.1 Status of the 2006 Strategy 18 Recreation In addition, Natalie Fuller of Natalie Fuller and Associates 3.2 Open Space Strategy Achievements 23 Mark Hannan, Strategic Planner, Open Space Pty Ltd played a key role with the consultations and Even Environmental Management Fung of Chris Sale Consulting provide QS input to the 4 KEY DEMAND FINDINGS 26 Kelly Mader, Natural Resource Management Officer costing guide and analysis. 4.1 Population Character Considerations 26 4.2 Expressed Community Needs 35 Various sporting, recreation and community members provided information and comments during the planning process and the involvement of City of Charles Sturt 5 KEY SUPPLY FINDINGS 38 Elected Members has also contributed to the planning. 5.1 Open Space Provision 38 5.2 Open Space ‘Types’ 44 5.3 Geographic Considerations 46 5.4 Gaps, Issues and Opportunities in Planning Precincts 50 6 OPEN SPACE OPPORTUNITIES 54 6.1 Open Space Provision 54 6.2 Recreation Destinations 56 6.3 Sport and Aquatic Facilities 61 6.4 Open Space Connections 64 6.5 Biodiversity and Nature 65 6.6 Landscape Design and Innovation 66 6.7 Water Management and Climate Adaptation 67 6.8 Place Making and Place Activation 68 6.6 Open Space Management 69 APPENDICES A CITY OF CHARLES STURT DEMOGRAPHICS INFORMATION B PUBLIC CONSULATIONS C OPEN SPACE LISTING 4 introduction 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Strategy In 2006 the City of Charles Sturt developed a The Open Space Strategy 2025 will replace the 2006 comprehensive Open Space Strategy that has guided open Strategy and provide a direction for open space and space planning and works in the City over the past 8 years. related recreation facilities and infrastructure for the next In that time Council has achieved a great deal with 10 years and beyond. The Open Space Strategy 2025 improvements to many parks and sportsgrounds as well as responds to current issues, trends and community needs, various stormwater management and environmental and recommends directions, strategies and projects to projects. The specific past achievements are outlined later guide Council with future decision making and resource in this report. allocation. The Open Space Strategy comprises of two reports including this Background Report. The Directions Report incorporates two key Appendices including an Open Space Guideline and an Open Space Matrix. The main focus of each report is shown below in Figure 1. Figure 1: The Reports and Their Focus Background Report (this report) Directions Report Outlines review and research Provides objectives and strategic findingsBackground and Report considers (this the report) issues and Directions Reportdirections for implementation and Outlinesopportunities review and researchfor open findings space and Provides objectivesto and guide strategic future directions decision for making and considers the issues and opportunities for implementation and to guide futureprojects decision making open space and projects Appendices City of Charles Sturt Population Data Appendix A: Open Space Guidelines Consultation and Survey Findings Provides guidelines to assist the AppendicesOpen Space Listing Appendix A: Openfuture Space open Guidelines space development and Population Demographic Analysis Provides guidelines to assist themanagement future open space Consultation and Survey Findings development and management Open Space Listing Appendix B: Open Space Works Matrix Provides a direction for key reserves Appendix B: Openand Spaceidentifies Works specific Matrix projects for future Provides a direction for key reserveactions and identifies specific projects for future action Page | 1 6 7 1.2 The Study Approach The Open Space Strategy approach has been A summary of the survey and consultation findings is The main planning ‘steps’ within the Open Space comprehensive and consultative. The study has involved provided in Appendix B in this report. Strategy study are summarised in Figure 2 below. consultations with the community as well as staff from The Open Space Strategy also involved reviewing across Council. In total 582 interactions took place documents and assessing demand and supply to through the consultations including: understand issues, needs and directions relating to open Figure 2: Open Space Strategy Steps space. Key documents are summarised in this report. 113 community surveys were completed Project Set Up . 308 e panel surveys were completed The demand analysis has assessed the implications of . 3 comments were made through the online discussion demographic characteristics and considered the Project Set Up Document Review forum consultation findings. 9 pins were dropped on the online mapping tool The supply analysis has involved reviewing maps and Document Review . 1 direct email submission was made Demographic and Trend Analysis information and understanding the character and the . 6 people attended the CCS open evening issues and potential opportunities associated with open . 30 people attended the CCS open day Demographic and Trend Analysis space. This involved some site visits (the sportsgrounds, Mapping and Data Analysis . 45 people participated in planning activities on the waterfront open space and key recreation parks), aerial Eagles Community Day assessments and data analysis. 19 children from Pennington Primary School MappingIssues and and Opportunities Data Analysis Identification participated in a planning session and Mapping . 6 young people from the CCS Youth Advisory Group Issues and Opportunities Identification participated in a planning session and MappingCommunity Consultations . 10 young adults at the Seaton Community Centre were interviewed . 32 older adults were interviewed at the Henley and CommunityDemand Consultations and Supply Analysis Grange Community Centre and the Cheltenham Community Centre Demand Staffand Supply Planning Analysis Sessions Staff PlanningStrategy Sessions Development Matrix and Guidelines Development Strategy Development Matrix and Guidelines Development Page | 2 Page | 2 8 planning context 2 THE PLANNING CONTEXT 2.1 The City Character The City of Charles Sturt is a relatively large and diverse local government area covering an area of 56 square kilometres. It was formed on the 1 January 1997 through the amalgamation of the former City of Hindmarsh Woodville and City of Henley and Grange. The City has a total of 36 suburbs stretching from the coastline in the west to the Adelaide Parklands in the east (only 3 kilometres from Adelaide City) and from the River Torrens Linear Park in the south to beyond Port Road in the north. It has 12 kilometres of coastline and the coast and the River Torrens Linear Park define the character of a large part of the City. The main characteristics and features in the City of Charles Sturt that influence the character and development of open space include: . The coastline, including natural vegetation and dunes along the coastline, high profile coastal parks and Coast Park (walking and cycle pathway). West Lakes, including the lakeside parks, aquatic facilities and pathway connections around parts of the Lake. River Torrens Linear Park, including natural settings, recreation settings and the Linear Park pedestrian and cycle trail. Connections to the Adelaide Parklands and key facilities such as the Adelaide Entertainment Centre and Coopers Stadium in the east of the City. Large parcels of open space spread across the City of Charles Sturt including a number of good sized sportsgrounds and recreation parks. Page | 2 10 11 The size of the City of the Charles Sturt and the different character of areas results in a high level of diversity between the various suburbs and areas across the City. To assist in responding to this diversity, five Planning Precincts have been defined through the Open Space Strategy as follows: . Precinct A: The City’s East . Precinct B: The City’s North . Precinct C: River Torrens Linear Park (RTLP) Areas . Precinct D: The Central Area . Precinct E: The Coastline A map of the Planning Precincts is provided on the following page. The Planning Precincts consolidate the precincts used in the 2006 Open Space Strategy to better reflect the connections within the City and to reduce the number of precincts. The Planning Precincts aim to reflect and draw together the different characteristics of the City of Charles Sturt. They enable a targeted approach to planning in addition to planning for the City as a whole. Map 1: Open space planning precincts Page | 2 12 13 2.2 Links to Other Plans and Strategies City of Charles Sturt Community Plan 2013-27 A number of studies and plans previously or currently The Open Space Strategy builds on Council’s Community The Open Space Strategy will recommend specific being developed or participated in by the City of Charles Plan 2013-27 and the timeframe of the Open Space directions and projects that aim to contribute to achieving Sturt are relevant to the Open Space Strategy. Particularly Strategy has been aligned to the Community Plan the objectives and strategies in the Community Plan.
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