Concept Note APRM Side Event – HLPF 2019 ‘Africa’s progress in SDGs 16 & 17: Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learned.’ HLPF theme: Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality

17 July 2019 (4.00:5.30 PM) Permanent Mission of the to the UN 305 East 47th Street, 5th Floor- New York ______Brief The side event aims to underline the role of pan-African organizations as well as international and regional actors in the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 ‘Africa We Want’, particularly SDGs 16 and 17. SDG 16 seeks to ‘promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’ reflected in Agenda 2063 as aspiration 3 - ‘An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law’ and aspiration 4- ‘A peaceful and secure Africa’. Meanwhile, SDG 17 focuses on fostering partnerships for development and reflect in Agenda 2063 as aspiration 7 - Africa as a strong and influential global partner. 17 African countries are foreseen to submit their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) during the HLPF 2019. The APRM side event, therefore, will shed light on the national experiences of African countries in domesticating the SDGs into the national development plans (NDPs) and tracking their implementation. It will also display the efforts made by the African Union Commission (AUC) and other regional and international partners i.e. UNECA, UNDESA, OECD and IsDB, to pursue such progress. Deliverable recommendations should be considered as outcomes of this event to enhance measures and instruments taken by African states and the

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APRM to enhance the monitoring and evaluation of SDG 16 and how to foster partnerships for the SDGs implementation in Africa in a broader context. Rationale and objectives • Since its formation in 2012, the HLPF operates annually on themes or areas of focus which define its activities for the year. From 2013 to 2016, its focus was on the transition from the SDGs and Rio+20 towards a post-2015 development agenda and the attendant imperatives. In 2017, the themes changed to a focus on the achievement of specific Goals in the SDGs framework. The HLPF 2019 theme addresses SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, and 17. These goals are visibly interlinked.

• In 2017, The AU Assembly assigned the APRM to support the AU member states (MSs) in the implementation of SDGs, particularly SDG 16, and to assist countries in preparing the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). In October 2018, the APRM organized a Regional Technical Workshop in with the participation of AUC, UNECA, OECD, UNDES, and 15 AU MSs to realize the African states’ progress in preparing their VNRs and realize the challenges facing these countries to galvanize the implementation of SDGs/Agenda 2063. Besides, the APRM drafted a chapter on SDG 16 within the joint exercise with the AUC, UNECA, and UNDP in conducting ‘The 2019 Africa Sustainable Development/ Agenda 2063 Report’. The report stocktakes of Africa’s progress in the implementation of the five SDGs that will be assessed during the HLPF 2019. The APRM research findings con SDG 16 though inferred critical theoretical and practical challenges for the effective implementation and reporting on this goal.

• The APRM side event provides an excellent opportunity to sensitize and dialogue with AU member states and stakeholders on the implementation of SDG 16 from an African perspective and imply recommendations and instruments to fill the gap analysis and practical implementation of this goal. It will also showcase of the outcomes of ‘Africa Governance Report’ drafted by the APRM Continental Secretariat in collaboration with Africa Governance Architecture -AGA.

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• The meeting will further explore how various countries have managed the “domestication” process, means of implementation and raising awareness and ownership on the implementation of SDGs & Agenda 2063.

• The side-event will be in the form of two- Panels discussion which includes the AU MSs – particularly those which submitted their VNRs in 2019- to reflect on their national experiences to domesticize Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030. The second panel will discuss the role of Partnerships in the implementation of both agendas. The APRM is inviting its strategic partners including the OECD, UNECA, IsDB and UN Global Compact, to reflect on this subject. Contribution to the HLPF 2019: ✓ Share experiences of countries that will be presenting their VNRs at the HLPF 2019 and how these experiences can be replicated at the continental level, with particular focus on SDG 16 and 17. ✓ Sensitize participants on current continental programs on monitoring the implementation of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063. ✓ Foster a debate on the national governance practices, mechanisms, and tools in Africa that mobilize public and private actors to achieve sustainable and resilient societies. ✓ Encourage ongoing discussions on the ‘means of implementation’ for SDGs, peer-to-peer learning on the development of governance mechanisms to implement the SDGs with a specific focus on Africa. Working Languages The meetings will be conducted in English. Simultaneous interpretation into French should be provided. Dates and Venue The Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the UN, 17 July 2019 from 4-5.30 pm. Address: 305 E 47th St, New York (4 min from UN HQ)

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Draft Agenda

Introductory Remarks: H.E Fatima Kyari Mohammed, Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations (5-10 min) H.E Honorable Omar Khayar Omar Defallah, APRM Focal Points Chairperson Ambassador. Ibrahim Gambari, Chairperson of Panel of Eminent Persons-APRM

Panel 1: African Countries’ Experiences in the Implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2063 (20 min- 5 min/speaker) (5mins/speaker) Chair: Prof. Eddy Maloka, Chief Executive Officer - African Peer Review Mechanism

Egypt: Domestication of SDGs: Establishing the extent to which the National Plans and the SDGs converge, and Identifying gaps between the National Plan objectives and the SDG targets Speaker: H. E Dr.Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform (5 minutes) - TBC

Cote d’ Ivoire - Means of Implementation: Resources assigned to the implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2063 (5 mins) Speaker: Mme. NIALE KABA, Minister of Planning and Development.

South Africa - National ownership and Participation: What are Governments doing to ensure significant public awareness and engagement concerning SDGs? (5 minutes) Speaker: Mr. Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu – Minister of Department of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation - TBC

Plenary discussion: (10 mins) Panel 2: Partnerships for SDGs: How can Governments and international organizations partner effectively? (20 min/5 min for speaker) Chair: Ambassador: Salah Hammad, Head of Africa Governance Architecture Secretariat, African Union Rami Ahmad, Special Envoy on SDGs - Islamic Development Bank, financial institutions role in fostering partnerships for SDGs and Agenda 2063. Oliver Chinganya, Director of African Center for Statistics, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Regional collaboration with AU/APRM to ensure the alignment of Agenda 2063/Agenda 2030 Marcos Bonturi, Director of Public Governance, OECD - Developing Global Hub for the governance of SDGs Lise Kingo, Executive Director, UN Global Compact – Business for SDGs implementation in Africa

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Closing Remarks –Prof. Fatima Karadja, Vice President of APR Panel of Eminent Persons

Contact: For enquiries, please contact:

Ms. Sara Hamouda, SDGs and Agenda 2063 Expert, APRM [email protected]. Ms. Julia Kiguru, Agenda 2063 Team, APRM, [email protected].

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