Most publicity ever given one long service to cluh . . . Tom shot in golf was that on I>ew to retire after he and Mrs, Wil- Worsham's eagle on the 410 yd. son take European trip . . . 7 2d in nosing out Chandler Most complete advance pub- Harper at Tam O' Shanter . , . licity copy a circuit event ever It ivas a great break for exten- got, as far as we recall, was sive TV hook-up coverage . . . that on Labatt Open at Mont- TV viewers saw the shot better real . . . Small U. S. interest than Worsham or most of those in the event didn't get much in gallery at Tam . . . "The of the publicity used In U. S. Chin" went all out 011 a des- papers . • . won the peration drive and got about HERS GRAFFIS event at Summerlea, Montreal, 300 yds., with downhill roll, with 15-under 265 .. . Burkemo on the last hole . . . Then he slapped St 5 strokes behind . . . Wire service copy re- into the hole with his Double-Service club ferred to event as Montreal Open and which has about an 11-iron loft . . . Wor- Summerlea Open ... Papers naturally very sham's visor, the club and his ball also shy about giving free advertising to tour- appeared on TV7 programs after the miracle nament sponsors, shot , , . Wild excitement in homes and eluhs as shot was viewed on screens, Ted Long-worth resigns as pro at Wa- verly CC, Portland, Ore., to become new Worsham's finish, cutting down Harper sales representative for Stan Thompson from $25,000 first money to $10,000 second, custom-made clubs and Bag-Boy carts . . . recalled Sarazen's acute observation some Ted succeeded by Howard Bonar, formerly years ago: "The second guy pays off his pro at Alderwood CC, recently sold for caddie in private." $600,000 to city for airport expansion . . . Conrad Rehling, U. of Florida golf chmn. Before he came to Waverly, Ted had a lot of Physical Education dept., has written to do with early development of Byron "Golf for Physical Education Teachers and Nelson and . Coaches" that will be published in spring Andrew Bracken now golf coach at U. by W. M. C, Brown Co. , . . Contrary to of Florida . . , 18th annual Sioux Falls some reports Snead did not deliberately (S. D.) invitation tournament at Minne- break his putter at Tam O' Shanter . . . haha CC drew record field of 506 players He leaned on it and the shaft broke . . . for 18-hole round , . , Field split over 2 Probably lueky for Sam... The putter was days . . . Pro Ed Livingston and manager not true to him. Max Richmond put on event that Sioux elected capt., U. S. Falls Chamber of Commerce rates its best team . . . Team consists of Jim goodwill-trade development promotion .. . Turnesa, Jackie Burke, , Merchants contributed $1940 in prizes . . • , , , Cary Prize distribution wide so community cus- MiddlecofE, , Jr., and tomers get the edge over pot-hunters. . . . Hogan and Harrison had enough points Colin Kidd, pro, now operating Crystal to make the team but don't want to make Springs GC, Burlington, la. , , . Competent the trip . . . Fred Corcoran will manage Colin doing fine job of golf promotion at the team . . . Team will play match against this beautiful spot where scenic attrac- U. S. pro challengers at Reading, Pa., Sept. tions of which Colin and Mrs. Kidd are 18-20 . . , Ryder Cup matches Oct. 2 and 9, justifiably proud are the Kidd kids, Doro- and match against continental European thea and Mary Jane . . . Lanier Reed, pro, pros at Paris, Oct. 6 and 7. Tullahoma (Tenn.) G&CC, wrote a fine Tom Wilson, pro at Brunswick (Ga.) CC, compact series of golf instruction articles honored by club members at party for his for Tullahoma News and Guardian. Craig Wood recovering in New York from heart attack . . , Word is that he'll be OK after few weeks' rest . . . He's one of "Better color the grandest guys in the game and we'll all shoot off rockets celebrating his recov- ery . . . Tom Crane, sec.-treas., National and root growth Golf Fund, Inc., advises directors of fund of favorable ruling of Internal Revenue Service on distribution of National Golf with AGRICO" Fund money to qualified welfare and char- r * ity organizations . . . PGA Relief and Benevolent funds qualify, Joe Ezar again booking trick shot ex- ill hibitions . . . His mall address is care of Mrs. Joe Ezar, 1610 N. 16th St., Waco, Tex. . . , Joe's in line condition physically ... He spent the past five years in Pacific § ! jl Northwest in timber business ... He went hroke but came out never looking better . . . Eddie Duino, Jr., son of pro at San Jose (CaJif.) CC, suffered severe head in- jury while practicing to left of first tee at the club and getting hit by ball from the tee. Sime Brain, superintendent Lt. Wm. C. Gordon, Jr., son of widely known pro who is at Tam O' Shanter CC Worcester C. C., Worcester, Masti. (Chicago dist.) and pres., Illinois PGA, missing in action in Korea July 19 . . . Bill. "Better color and root growth result from use Jr., was on his 62nd mission, returning of AGRICO COUNTRY CLUB Fertilizer," says Sime Braio, superintendent at Worcester Country Club, Worcester, Mass. "Feeding my greens with Agrico regularly," he goes on to say, "I have found that a good healthy turf lias eliminated weeds and crab- grass. For supplementary feedings of nitrogen, I can certainly recommend Agrinite. This high-nitrogen plant food gives a longer period of feeding and excellent color and growth." • Order Agrieo now — it's America's pre- Score a "birdie' mier Golf Course Fertiliser. Contains both organic* and it) organic plant foods. Ask your SEED THIS FALL regular supplier, or write to The AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO., 50 WITH Church Street, New York 7, N. Y. took over your turf requirement* end like man/ of the nation's leading clubs * Organ ie derived from you'll find Scotts select seed assures AGRINLTE, the better outstanding turf. Use Scotts this Foil (tiver8% nitrogen) 100% organic plant fund and win enthusiastic player acclaim. For weed control use Scotts 4-XD. Dry applied in a jiffy — safe — sure. Write for recommendations and prices. O M Scott & SONS C( AGRICO Marysville, Ohio Country Club alia Palo Alts, Calif FERTILIZER cOCWtM. ARE FAMOUS FOR CHAMPIONSHIP TURF from strafing trucks when his plane was hit by ground fire and crashed ... No chute observed by others with him on mis- OOOD sion ... He is 24, been in Army years . . . Graduated as civil engineer from mean _ Rose Polytech .. . The multitude of friends of Bill and Mrs. Gordon are joining their hopes and prayers that the splendid lad will come back in good shape. J. S. (Curly) Hartman, pro-mgr.. Mason SCORES City (la.) CC since 1945, lias signed 15- year lease on old Rocky Point course at Tampa, Fla. . . , Hartman will restore course which was closed down when It became part of Drew Field during the war . • . City acquired the course site when buying land for Tampa's International air- part , . , Course, once considered one of Moriila West Coast's finest, will be known as Tampa Municipal GC. Norris Morgan, pro at Greenwood (Miss.) CC, says Mississippi Women's State am- ateur played recently at his club disclosed class of college girls' golf that shows amaz- ing development. . . Six players from each of 12 U. S, Air Force conferences played in Air Force-wide championship at Eglin Air Force Base course, Valparaiso, Fla. FEED THEM WITH , . . Course, formerly Chicago CC, later JPo^WM^TOP DRESSING When that approach runs true to the flag and the long putt falls, scores go down and players are happy. Only with velvety smooth, well fed greens can these condi- tions exist. Feed your greens rich, nourishing compost prepared with a Royer Compost Mixer, Complete- ly shredded and blended, uni- formly textured, with all refuse removed, the Royerated top dress- ing spreads quickly and evenly, yielding its food values to hungry greens. Additionally, the Royer conserves time and labor. Reports show sav- ings up to 89% in the time needed for manual preparation, with a correspondingly low labor cost. Send for Bulletin 46 giving com- Davis grass seed will give your greens, tees and (air- plete information. ways that needed lift after a hoi scorching summer sun. [lluttroted Ii at a Texas Lei us take care of yoyr fall seeding requirements. a Model "NO" OSS country dub. ROYER FOUNDRY Er MACHINE CO. GEORGE A. DAVIS, Inc. 171 PRINGLE ST.. KINGSTON. PA. mi nonrmiEii «rsn«ir, cmcuso J8, iiiiKoii Valparaiso CC, was abandoned during war and restored last year . . . It's an Al course . , . Bud Werring is pro . . . American Le- gion 9-hole course at Albany, Ga., being rehabilitated by Hugh Moore . , . Hugh is donating his services to help provide good golf facilities for Albany youngsters. . Maurie Luxford, widely known for his valuable services in Southern California golf development, has opened oil Ices as public relations and publicity counselor at Best Choice 4432 Talofa Ave., North Hollywood, Calif. . . . Julius Bonis. Peggy Kirk, and Prank in the Rough.., and Mrs. Frank Cosgrove (latter being owners of Mid Pines (N. C.) CC, have fastir ritary cutters and mowers bought Pine Needles course, at Mid Pines, WOOD'S from St. Joseph-of-the-Pines, Inc. , . , Pine A stroke of good purchasing! Needles will he operated In conjunction with Mid Pines course and club, across For rugged, brushy roughs or grassy the road. fairways—the onswer's the same. Jack Smith, past 5% years pro at Beau- FASTER THAN REEL TYPE mont (Tex.) CC, now pro at Amarillo (Tex.) CC . . , Second annual Southern OR SICKLE BAR—WITH NO Calif. PGA clinic draws large crowd of MAINTENANCE WORRIES golfer patients to Walter Keller's Sunset Will replace two ordinary mowers Fields Fairway range in L. A, in many coses and virtually eliminates Hogan finished with birdies In winning upkeep and sharpening. at Carnoustie, Oakmont and Augusta Na- tional this year, a birdie in winning at Oak- USE for: Cutting toughest roughs -shreds completely,eliminates raking• mowing grass neatly down to 1" along fairways • cutting weeds and brush the size of a man's wrist • mulching leaves-no raking or hauling, all these in half the time!

Brofce All Records This Past Summer—

Among Golf Course Men who have carefully evalu- ated the materials avail- 7models.... able, the dual Hetbicide- Fungicide action of PMAS one to fit your needs perfectly, both has placed it high in favor hydraulic lift and pull types. and hiehighel r in sales than ever before,

VVRfTEfor literature describing mowers PMAS is the answer to year 'round con- for golf course main tenon ce. trol of Crabgrass, Copper Spot, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Pink Parch, Snow Moid — At all supply dealers, or write

WOOD BROS. MFG. CO. W. A. CLEARY Corporation Box 148A, Oregon, Illinois NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. PNEU-MAT-RUNNERS STANDARD WIDTH!! Are Spike-reilstont, I0"-I4"-3Q" Tough and Durable 34"-41 "-48" Protect Clubhouse

Floors from Spikes TRIAL SECTION! 14" it 60"—S 10.00 Provide Soft Rug-tike 20"k24"'—S 4,00 Cushion Under Foot Past paid Are Reversible for Added Wear Write Todoy for Details

SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC, 122 East 25th St., Mew York 10, N.Y. land Hills in 1951, and a birdie in winning: 's shot by 2 ft. . . . Horton at Merion in 1950 , . , And maybe be Smith's average of 242 yds. for 3 drives in blrdied last holes in other of his major fairway won accurate driving PGA contest. triumphs, but those five are all we can re- Jackie Fung's $1,500 first prize in Tri- member right now. angle Round Robin financed trip of her hus- T. Burke, now mgr. Tamarisk CC, Palm band from Honolulu . , . Jackie plans to Springs, Calif. , . . New Mexico Institute of make enough as pro to finance education Mining and Technology, Socorro, host to of the Pung children , . . The women's first Socorro Invitation, including pro- Round Robin, suggested to sponsor Jack amateur , . . lauded by writ- McAuIiffe, pres. of Triangle plastic pipe- ers covering PGA as brightest new "per- making company by Fred Corcoran, drew sonality" in golf ... In losing to Walter well at Shackamaxon CC despite tropical Burkemo in final, Torza pleasantly played weather , . . Frank Stranahan married his best without souring when things went July 17 to Ann Williams of Dallas, Tex., wrong . , . Burkemo and Torza are type at First Presbyterian Church, Chicago . . . of stars the galleries love . . . Nothing was She's a lovely kid and luck of getting her written about it but Burkemo's recovery is more than full treatment for curing any from combat injuries that threatened to disappointment Frank might have felt at cripple him permanently—-if he survived being omitted from Walker Cup team. — is as miraculous as Hogan's recovery. About same difference between pros and Swell party celebrating Charlie Jones' amateurs in women's major championship 25th year as pro-supt. at Champaign (111. > golf as in men's ... In first USGA Wom- CC . . „ Charlie and wife given presents en's Open at CC of Rochester, N. Betsy including $2,500 bonus for his service to Rawls and Jackie Pung tied at 302 (Rawls club . .. Little Steve Gaydos' smash of 285 won play-off, 71 to 77) . . . First amateur yds, to win driving contest at PGA beat was Pat Lesser at 315 and tie for sixth

FLEXI-COMB Reduce Thatch Smoother Cut Overcome Weeds

Flexi-combs fit Toro and Worthington mowers . . . Simple depth adjust- ment . . . Lock out of operating position when combing is not required.

'ZOedt 'Poittt 'Pnodetete (fatfronatuut "We** Point, P*. place . . . Lesbia I.obo, San Antonio, Tex., 19-year-old girl who's won in all starts this year, is prospective sensation in women's golf, say Texas pros , , . Daughter of Mexi- can-American parents would be great with more competitive experience, according to pros . . . Acute money shortage limits her play • • . What? . . . Money shortage In Texas? Already talk in Texas about Hogan- Nelson match for $25,000 or more; winner take all . . . Only talk so far . . . Nelson's got partisans who claim that if he'd go to work on his golf again he could beat Ben . . . But Byron appears to be interested in golf as fun now. Wm. F. Gordon Co. modernizing five old holes and building four new ones at Law- rence v ill e (N. J.) School , . . Old course at famed prep school was built In the 90s . . . Tom Walsh, former PGA pres. and pro at Westgate Valley CC (Chicago dist.), col- laborated with Ben Chlevin of Chicago Park District in feature article on golf Instruction in August issue Extension mag- azine, national Catholic monthly. xltr. - Joe Kirkwood, prior to his exhibition at Butte (Mont.) CC, got 27 on par 34 course Hmm , . . Joe got 3 deuces . . . Lin Storti, Butte

AMERICAN n GUARANTEED STIMi l MR D (ket(hwz*e Playground Equipment EQUIPMENT

Unsurpassed in Designt Safety and Performance

It's the plus factor that makes American RULE 200 YDS 250 YDS BEPUCE TLBf | REPLACE TUHr] the most respected name in Playground SIGNS Equipment. Plus in design—American 300 YDS PLEASE leads the field. Plus in performance—Ap- KEPL4CE TURF |[REPLAC E TURF j Establish jomverfEquipment stronger, more ruggedly tocal rules— built to assure a lifetime of perfect repair- PLEASE CUT eliminate KEEP OFF OF BOUNDS free service. Plus in safety—for American playing craftsmcn are aware of their responsibility delays. 10 NOT WALK| |LEVEL SAND 1 for the safety of your children. Thus, with |. THRU SAME) AFTER PUTIN! American you receive far superior design WRITE REPLACE KEEP OFF , and performance and unmatched safety, FOR DIVOTS THE GREEN FOLDER -fr WRITE FOR LITERATURE AMERICAN PLAYGROUND DEVICE CO. STANDARD MANUFACTURING COMPANY ANDERSON - INDIANA Box G Cedar Falls, Iowa WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF FfNE PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT pro, got par, and Bill Jelliffe 1-under . . . During his present tour Kirkwood has been GOLFERS IMPORTS, INC. doing the beat scoring of his life . . . Add to golfer's superstitions: will Box 26 Hillside Manor play only with a ball with No. 4 marking, NEW HYDE PARK, L.L, N.Y. says Vinne Richards, Dunlop sports sales mgr. . . . Dick Naughtin, pro at Lake of Tel.: Fforol Park 4-4115 • Bayside 9-9566 the Woods CC, Mahomet, EL, says since second 9 was opened recently play boomed __ Sole Agents for __ so much that the 18 is now about as The NORTH BRITISH RUBBER CO.. Ltd. crowded as first 9 used to be. Edinburgh, Golf Course Supts.' Assn. to have 1955 national convention In St. Louis In mid- North British SS (American siie) golf balls January • . . Watsonvillc (Calif.) GC, North British rubber riding boots owned by Fat Markovieh and Joey Key, (Men's and Women's Sizes] had attractive 18-ft. float promoting golf North British rubber spiked golf oxfords in Watsonvllle Fourth of July parade . . , Fat and Joey have built fine new pro shop [Men's and Women's Sites) at Watsonvllle which they took over a year ago. Sole United States Agents for Sawano CC, Quincy, Fla., has architect JAMES INCE & SONS LTD., Walt Ripley designing and building 9 new London, England Gene Tift Bermuda greens . . . John Jay Hopkins, sponsor of U. S.-Canada PGA Fine grade of Tartan umbrellas matches and International Twosome event, and umbrella seats made member of R&A . . . only golfer among sports celebrities re- Agents for the Pro Line of cently invited to lunch with Pres. Eisen- Macintosh Poplin Reversible Windbreakers hower at White House . . . Babe Zaharias For men and women in two-tone brown and tan Rampants to match with jackets All-service, self lined Poplin jacket with wool collar, waistband and cuffs Top Quality Cashmere Sweaters imported from Edinburgh

Sure.' You need a clean Sole U. S. Agents for club for a elean shot. GEORGE NICOLL Clubs: World famous Pin-Splitter irons LEWIS Henry Cotton Woods and Irons Gem Putters (Hickory or Steel Shafts) - cial service can moke Available as complete clubs, or heads only an extra special friend on any course, Imported Kestrel floater golf ball ''Shines" the golfers' clubs in a jiffy with Imported Cliffco Golf Bags quick-andeasy auto- matic brush action. Can be coin operated, Famous Throughout the World. too, to pay for itself. Sole Agent, New York, New Jersey for Worry-free service for years and years and years. Add a big mea- FOLD A- FAIRWAY sure of pleasure for your members or pat- CON-VOY GOLF CARTS rons . . . "shine" their _ clubs with the popu- for Metropolitan New York ASK FOR DEALER Jar Lewis Golf Club DEMONSTRATION Cleaner. Write for prices and details. G* B. LEWIS CO* WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN 8 lbs. heavier than when she went into hospital for operation and lookes fine. Rut ledge "LIGHTWEIGHT" Valuable publicity in junior golf promo- tion in Springfield (Mass.) Sunday Repub- lican rotogravure section on 5th annual Berkshire Interscholastic tournament at YVyantenuck CC, Great Barrington, Mass. . . . Event sponsored by pros of Allied Golf Clubs of Berkshire County , . . Clem Raf- ferty, Wyantenuck pro, especially vigorous booster of kid golf . .. Joan Toski, IG-year- old daughter of Benny, pro at Forest Fark CC, Adams, Mass., won girls' event, beat- ing former tourney record 9 strokes. Suppose we've got to horn in a Yankee brag somehow but we really think 19-year- Floats Like old Marlene Stewart, Canadian winner of British Ladies' championship, is much bet- a Feather ter after last winter and spring golf in Florida than she was before . . . And she was great before. At fast — a tart where lhe bag load is centrally Orville Clapper sends picture of what's balanced. Handle adjustable to owner's height. Made for regular or compartment bag. Baked left of Exeter {N. H.) CC clubhouse after enameled metal body. 10" ball bearing wheels, $50,000 damage done by June tornado . . . rubber tires. Occupies small space. Comes Shell of clubhouse and uprooted trees make knocked down in compact box. Easy to assent- a sorry view . . . Damndest hottest, most ble — only three parts. 119.95 humid tournament weather golf's ever had has been this summer . . . Heat prostra- CADDY SAVER tion case at Women's Western 53rd am-

Ro|U when C osrd Never hps to h* Carried!

Best cart value you tan get. Has a spe- cial new ratchet PHILLIPS control that holds handle firmly in CAM LOCK any position — it cannot slip. Takes any style bag. light- weight but strong. Open or closed, it's GOLF SPIKES easy to pus!) or pull anywhere. Fits club locker, car trunk, rear seat space. Ball bearing wheels with semi -pneumatic tires.

With 10" wheels $28.95 With 12" wheels 32.95 BeckJey-R a Is ton STROKE SAVERS Easiest of all clubs to play. More than 1,000,000 That Answer sold. Square grips, short shafts. For shots with- to Ldit Spikei in 50 yards of the green where yj of the game CAM LOCKS have bean added to th* is played. Putter 31", Approach Cleek 32", regular LARGE BASE ipSk*. The CAMS Chipper 33". Right or Left Hand. Each $9.95 hold iplkt fait In poiitlon. Will not Send for Literature and Discounts rough loia. THE RUTLEDGE COMPANY F. C. PHILLIPS, INC. 3337 Belmont Ave. • Chicago IB, III. STOUGHTON, MASS. wm ateur champions hip at Camargo Club, Cin- cinnati, O. . . . Weather is only detail WWGA officials can't guarantee as OK. . . . Men and women pros say they've never before been beaten down by heat and hu- midity like this summer. George S. May put on delightful cock- tail party and dinner before Tarn's Ail- American and World tournaments honor- ing foreign pros . . . Some American pros and press and wireless guys and wives also guests . , . Norman von Nida made gra- cious tribute to George for services in pro- moting international goodwill through golf . . , Norman said George would be knighted as Sir George, Prince of Good Fellows, for Inquiries for quotations and special analyses of this service if he'd been a citizen of British grass seed are handled quickly. Any usual or commonweal th, unusual grass condition peculiar to your area may Mary Mozel, now Mrs. Francis Rowell, require a particular knowledge of seed habits returns to tournament golf by winning the based upon tests in different sections of the coun- Oregon State women's championship, 1-up, try. Our results of such tests are yours for the over Mrs. Harold Weiss ... Mary, once one asking. of the girl stars, has been out of golf since 1949 . . , She underwent spinal surgery The larger users of lawn seed ASK WOODRUFF and for months was strapped In a brace and rely upon Woodruff answers. . . . With her brother Joe as tutor she Oept. en developed a new swing with very short F. I. WOODRUFF I SONS, INC. backswing . . . She applied for and received CMH. Tilt da (Htm i]>7 ». LI ttliiti SitriEMt* reinstatement as an amateur.


Experts all over the country are finding green and tee trouble stem from hard packing.

Bent roots must have oxygen and they can't get it thru a hard, fine packed top layer.

The answer is the use of a uniform coarse sand that is clean and free from hard packing fines. Spike tooth the green, clean, apply uniform coarse sand and drag.

We'll ship anywhere — bagged or bulk

NORTHERN GRAVEL COMPANY 407 East Front St. Muscatine, Iowa A. F, (Musi O'Linger, jr., says Semi- nole CC, 18-hole course at Sanford, Fla., Men KJU KNOW bought by N. Y. Giants and operated on semi-public basis with May fair Inn guests and local membership, is installing modern GFHUAJFF MILORGANITE fairway watering system, among many 1&1 fceite* ! other improvements . . . O'Lmger has been year-around pro there for 4 years . . . Wm. (Sonny) Ryan, pro at Madison (3-D.) Greenkeeping Superintend- ents, who know the score CC, married to Miss Jean Baikley of Min- when rt comes to the successful neapolis in ceremony at clubhouse, at- development and maintenance tended by more than 100 members. of exceptional greens ond Joe Horgan, 72, who caddied for Horace gaod fairway turf, specify Rawlins, winner of first USGA Open at and use more MILORGANITE thon any other fertifiier, A Newport (R. L) GC In 1895, died re- carload o year usually takes cently in Kings County Hospital, Brook- euro of the requirements for tf . L . lyn . . . He was born in Brooklyn , . . o well-kept 18-hote course. ' He caddied for many national champions MILORGANITE produces vigorous, healthy, weed- and other winners of lesser titles , . . He on d drought - resistant turf that was widely known in American golf and keeps your Club membership had an accurate and astonishing memory and guests bath happy and and the good will of his fellow men. enthusiastic. USGA boys' junior had record entry of The services of our Agrono- 715, with 128 qualifying sectional!y in 42 mists and Soil Testing Lab- districts for at Southern Hills oratory are available for CC, Tulsa . . . Winner was Rex Baxter, tho asking. Amarillo, Tex., who defeated George War- ren III, Hampton, S. C., 2 and 1 in final THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION 18-hole match . . . Lot of class in Army MILWAUKEE • WISCONSIN

The New "PEERLESS 600 GRINDS Your Mowers EXTRA Sharp

Designed for heavy-duty mowers — but sharpens all mowers wifh speed and precision.

No disassembling! . . , Engine, wheels, and handle all remain irt place on the mower while shar- pening, Heaviest mowers easily positioned. PEER- LESS adjusts instantly for exclusive " Hook" or straight line grinding . . . By far the most accurate mower sharpener ever Built by an old, reliable manufacturer built. Write today for full THE FATE-ROOT-HEATH COMPANY information. Dept. G-9-P, Plymouth, Ohio championship, bringing field of 60 from U. S. Army posts to Pebble Beach (Calif.) GC where championship was resumed after lapse since 1948 . . . Winner was Corp. Tommy Nieporte, 1951 intercollegi- ate champion, with 295, two strokes ahead of Pfc. Billy Maxwell, 1951 National Ama- teur champion . . . Golf having big play at military installations. Unusually heavy crabgrass crop in mid- west this summer . . . U. S. and British Walker Cup players at Klttansett can play either IT, S. or British standard ball as they choose . , . Kittansett at Marion, Economical, Trouble-free Mass., 0,518 yd., par 70, on account of narrow fairways and winds rated about Golf Course Watering as tough as any If, S. course, except Pine No golf course watering problem is too tough VaJley, on which Walker Cup matches for Buckner sprinklers. A wide range of have been played. performance to choose from. Each item developed to do particular jobs efficiently. Third 9 at Saucon Valley CC, Bethle- Buckner's Perfect Curtain of Water is your as- hem, Pa., designed and built by Wm. F, surance of, uniform distribution without waste. Gordon Co., opens next month . . , Sir Suckner (toilers offer t Guy Campbell in Golf Monthly of Edin- complete service from individual units to Per- burgh says Hogan is "most accomplished, manently installed sys- tems. Write for com. versatile and convincing of all great golf- plete Information. ers he's seen" . . . Sir Guy has looked them CfMPD MANUFACTURING over for almost SO years. ^ J\_L>I JCjAV COMPANY, INC. Wm. E. Stltt, 60, executive sec., Oak- Box 232 * Fresno 8, California mont (Pa.) CC, died Ang. 1, in Presby- PETERSON CAST-IRON GANG-ROLLER

SPECIFICATIONS — Individual sections are Entire frame is made up of bolted steel U-bars. of fine cast-iron, beveled on the outer edge, Model 9-TRC—- Triple- toller, each unit con- 21 in. dtam, x 18 in. width. End frames are sisting of two sections, with a rolling width of heavy cast-iron, with dust-proof bearing of 9 ft. Weight t50(l lbs. housings, furnished with Zerk fittings. Sec- All hitches are drilled to take a plain pin, tions run on cold-rolled steel axles, supported or a Fulton Hitch —B-6. in Maple bearings, which are replaceable. Ask your dealer for delivered price.

Distributed by- A RTHUR D . PETERSON, Inc. 209 East 49th St. • New York 17, N. Y. terian Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa„ of a heart attack ... A native of England, he came from Canada in 1921 to manage Oak- mont . . . He retired as manager in 1949 . . . He was in charge of 8 national cham- pionships at Oakmont and one of the best beloved, most competent of club managers , . . He was made an Oakmont member while managing the club . . . He Is sur- vived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Fuhrer, and a son, Wm. A, /herever you may be . . . and Art Vogt now pro at Daytona Beach whatever your turf requirements . . . (Fla.) CC . . , Bond salesman Ted Rich- the Mock reputation for quality and ards of Long Beach, Calif., won 1953 specialized service can be helpful in USGA Public Links title at West Seattle, solving your problems. Wash., coinse . . . Remember when bond Mock's are leaders in distribution of salesmen who were hot golfers used to get all the newest developments in modern expense account memberships at the fan- turf grass seed, sold either pure, or ciest private clubs 7 . . . Pro instruction mixed to your specified formula. Your of students at R. J. Reynolds High School, Winston-Salem, N. C.. paid for by Bahn- inquiry for information or quotation son Gray. will receive immediate attention. Lester Bolstad, U of Minnesota pro, and Wally l" 1 rich, Austin, Minn., tournament "For custom-tailored turf.. circuit contender, get great publicity in Twin City newspaper features . . , North vs. South California team match for Gar- MOCK SEED COMPANY field trophy during California Seniors PITTSBURGH 30, PA. tournament at Pebble Beach and Monte- NEW in DESIGN with IMPROVED FEATURES • The FERGUSON NIGHT CRAWLER GREEN AERIFYING MACHINE


1. No domage to putting surface. The Night Crawler tan be used any time. A. Turns around on green while in operation. 3. Mare holes per squore foot. 7. No mechanical dutches — tam operated Irom Deeper penetration under alt conditions. one lever,

4. Fait (18 greens In two days). S. Climbs steep banks and approaches. 9. Operates easily — not a man-killer. 5. Clean tutting tines will not transplant trobgiais and Poa Annua. 10. Straight-in straight-out aerification.

Wrife for the name of your nearest Night Crawler deofer BERRIEN TOOL & DIE. Inc. re, Mich. DIVISION OF SOUTH BEND SCREW PRODUCTS, INC., SOUTH BEND, IND. rey Peninsula Sept, 21-34. Lawson Little writing1 book on golf for teen-agers . , . John Handwerg says he plans to lease Shaekamaxon CC, near Elizabeth, N. J., effective Jan. 1, 1954 . . . Oscar Kumbel of Teaneck, pres., CC of N. J. in River Vale, N. J., named as pros- pective lessee . , , Shaekamaxon members seek to prevent lease . . . Victoria, Tex., hopes to open, new muny course this month . . . R, Cail Byers and W. G. Acker of Pickens, S. C., among those DUBOW organizing club which expects to have 9-hole course playable in 1954. Symbol of Coif Club Excellence Alex G. McKay has resigned as supt., .nil BETTV BUSH (Belly Buib, famous professional women'i golfer, ii Goose Creek CC, Leesburg, Va, . , . Mac the newest member of our Advisory Golf Stag) now is building 9-hole course at new PREl'.l SI ON-BUILT COLF CLUBS GRADUATED GOOSE-NECK [RONS Shenandoah Retreat, 20 miles from Lees- LAMINATED and PEKS1MMON WOODS burg . . . Paterson (X. J.) News runs COMPLETELY NEW and entertaining series of biographies of local DISTINCTIVELY STYLED pros . . . El Dorado, Ark., Lions Club For MEN nn

PORTABLE PRACTICE NET THE IDEAL NET FOR INSTRUCTION AND PRACTICE SAFE • DURABLE • COMPACT • EASILY SET UP INDOOR or• OUTDOOR Shag Boy Portable Golf Net, designed and made by a PGA pro, AT THE GOLF CLUB is always ready to set up in any space 16' wide, 9' high and 20' for deep. Made of steel tubing, high grade netting and canvas it is LESSONS end PRACTICE easily postable and quickly set up. All exposed frame padded for safety. Both the back, and the target drop are made of extra For HOME « PRACTICE heavy, durable canvas. Mildew proof canvas at bottom stops ball escape. Stakes furnished for outdoor installation, . Front frame •— SCHOOLS, • COLLEGES 8' wide x 7' high x 5' deep. Back frame — 6' x 6'; wings 4' x 6' high. Frame and net shipped as one unit — weight approx. INDOOR 77 lbs. GOLF SCHOOL• S Write for detailed description and pro price. RECREATION CENTERS SHAG BOY CO. (formerly CENTRAL STATES TEESIT CO.) INDUSTRIAL PLANTS 612 Chaffee Rti, Fort Des Moines, Iowa new 9-hole course . . , Lynchburg, Va., Recreation Dept. study construction costs on 9-hole muny project. MAX FAULKNER (British Open Golf Lawrenceburg, Tenn., businessmen shar- Champion) says: ing with city the cost of building golf .. undoubtedly one of the most sensible cluh . . . Ijawreneehurg Democrat-Union, Items of golfing equip' reporting progress of financing, says, "One ment / have ever seen" of the major considerations which lias entered into the negotiations with indus- trialists for the establishment of factories in Lawrenceburg has been general recrea- /t's thegrSi tional facilities, witli particular emphasis on a development of this (golf club) kind. l/mbre/k $eat-$tick In fact, such an item is considered not At last, a walking stick, a comfortable transportable only important, but vital." seat, ond a full-siied umbrella all In one. Many styles available with gay colored panels; plain green, James Stravino, owner and pro, opens maroon or black, or Tartan covering. Luxury models his 9-hole Birch Run CC near Olean, N. Y. with leather sling seat. , . , Yakima, Wash., considering construc- " FEATHER WATE" SEAT-STICKS Several styles with all-metal or leather tion of muny course at airport . . , Long seats in various colors or Tartan Beach, Calif., considering adding 9-hole, design. Made in rustless lightweight 27-hole, 9-hole short course and range, alloys. There is a "Featherwate" for and 18-hole establishments as part of every member of the family—incIud- long-range golf facilities plan in city ing junior ! where present 27 holes of muny golf aver- A "Feather wate" Seat-Stick f* a must for all American Sportsmen age more than 200.000 players a year . . , and Women. Long Beach muny operation highly re- Full details and Trade terms from: garded as model of service, promotion and GENERAL SPORTCRAFT CO. LTD. community advertising. 215 Fourth Avenue, New York 3, N.Y. (Continued on page 76) Made by BUTTONS LTD. BIRMINGHAM 6, ENGLAND


Stop Shower Complaint* — Keep your club members happy, comfortable, sate —- banish "booby trap showers." Have your plumber insfatl POWERS Thermostatic WATER MIXERS. They always keep the water temperature where the bather wants It, No unexpected shots of hot or cold water. No waste of time or water. Phone your plumber ioday for e quotation on installing Powers Milters. They are tops for comfort, safety and economy.

Offices In Over 60 CWet, See your pftone book.

THE POWERS REGULATOR CO., Sfcokie, Illinois • Over 60 Years of Temperature Control. 19,4 TAe Original 1953 WILLIAM B. LANGFORD GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT FULNAME Balanced Topographical Design GOLF BALL MARKERS Member : American Society at Golf Cftone Arebiterla Prompt Delivery TelppUnrl KF>HTI>fti> 6£0] Cincinnati 6, Ohio 2405 Grace Street, Chicago, Illinois

O. P. Donohue, formerly with Allis- spring ateel blade, Timkin bearing equipped Chalmers and with Power Products Co., malleable spindle assembly and ball bear- has been made vp in charge of sales of ing equipped idlers. Armstrong Products, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. The Model 42 mows and shreds a 42-in. The Armstrong company makes small en- swath through grass, weeds and brush. gine accessories and components, among them being a new and well received re- wind starter for use on small power mower SWINGING AROUND GOLF engines. (Continued from page 23) Koyal Canadian Golf Assn. Green Sec- tion's first Maritime turf conference, at WOOD ROMftf FOR CUB TRACTOR USE Frederic ton, N. E., Sept. 23, 2S . . . Cen- tral Plain Turf Foundation conference, will be at Kansas State Agricultural col- lege. Manhattan, in October , . . Harvey Rockwell, golf writer for San Francisco News, wrote interesting column of Charles Wilson, USGA Green Section's Western director . . . Charlie says that during his 14 months on the Pacific Coast he found every course using too much water be- cause players demand soft greens . . . Charlie also said when clubs can get chairman-supt. combinations such as Jim Wilson and Ted DeTata at Green Hills and Maynard Garrison and Paul Paulson at San Francisco GC, they've got a pri- mary essential in working out a satisfac- A new single blade rotary mower for tory' maintenance program. use with the International Cub tractor has been added to the line manufactured Annual fall turf conference sponsored by Wood Brothers Mfg, Co., Oregon, 111. by USGA Green Section, University of The mower, called the Model 42, can be California and Northern California Grass mounted underneath the Cub tractor in a Council to be held at Davis campus of matter of minutes giving excellent maneu- University of California, Oct. 8 . , . New verability and enabling the operator to York Metropolitan Golf Assn. had issued watch the mowing without turning around. 6,962 handicap cards to members of 167 The cutting height is adjustable from 0 to member clubs as of July 17 and hopes to 6 inches by means of either manual or hydraulic lift, depending on which equip- issue 9000 cards before season closes . . , ment the traetor has. That'll be about 3600 more than in 1952 . , . In Westchester 67 clubs are repre- The machine has a V-belt drive, built-in skids, 5/16 in. by 2 % in. heat-treated sented in cards issued ... In Long Island

EUGENE "SKIP" WOGAN • BENT GRASS • GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT Stolons end Sod. Washington — Cl— Design, Supervision and Construction and other recommended sir4ins.

110 Summer St. Manchester, Mess. HIRAM F. GODWIN Phone Manchester 309 2234>6 Grand River Ave., Detroit 19. Mich. 47 clubs and in New Jersey 53 clubs. State Turf Assn. Bulletin, has postponed Over 2000 competing in hole-in-one con- his 6 months sabbatic leave until next test at Golfland range, Sacramento, year. Calif., sponsored by Sacramento Union Increased prices at Tam O'Shanter All and the Junior Chamber of Commerce . . . American and World championships About $3000 in merchandise prizes given brought in $11,000 more at the gate by 120 merchants, including every pro In with about 60 per cent fewer people . . , the city . . . Tommy Lo Fresti and Frank Rain every day except one . . . George S. Dolle hosts to the event . . . Scotty Chis- May won't repeat the $4.80 weekday and holm and Max Kaer supplied entertain- $6 (plus tax) charges next year , , . Price ment . . . John F. Cornman, Cornell uni- will be $2.50 (plus 20 per cent tax) every versity turf specialist and editor, NY (Continued on page 82)


Rotes: Minimum iniertlon $4.00 for SO words; PGA member now with large New England Club, additional word* 20c each. Bold foe* type, 25c. desires employment at club with smaller membership. per word. CI an If led coll. reserved far kelp or 25 years golfing experience, including Club Manage- services wanted and for tale at used equipment. ment and Greenkeeping. Excellent instructor. Mar- ried. No children. Address Ad 915 % Golfdom. Under no circumstances are we permitted to divulge the name and address of those placing the blind CANADIAN GKEENKELPER — lit YEARS AT ONE OF CANADA'S FINEST CONDITIONED CLUBS DESIRES advertisements. Responses to oil box number ads WINTER EMPLOYMENT AT SOUTHERN COURSE. should be addressed to the box number and mailed ABLE TO BRING ANY COURSE TO TOP CONDITION. AVAILABLE FOR 5 MONTHS AFTER NOV. 1ST. to GOLFDOM; replies ate promptly forwarded to MODERATE SALARY ONLY AS THIS IS TO UE SUP- advertisers. PLEMENTARY INCOME. REFERENCES. ADDRESS AD t»16 % GOLFDOM. FOR SALE — Scenic 9 hole cog rse with modern club- house :II years old) both fully equipped, Pro shop, PRO OR CREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION. LONC dining rooms tor 150, tavern find living quartern EXPERIENCE, COMPETENT, AGREEABLE. MODER- Located in Fox River Valley district of Wisconsin. ATE INCOME SATISFACTORY. EASTERN OR Good reason for selling, $65,000 with substantial SOUTHERN LOCATION, ADDRESS AO 917 % down payment. No interest on balance. Address Ad OOLFDOM. 918 % Golfdom. PROFESSIONAL - GREENKEF.PER — MIDDLE ACE, Claws A PGA professional, married, one child, desires MARRIED, PAST TOURNAMENT PLAYER, EXCEL- osition . s pro or assistant pro for the winter months, LENT, WELL-KNOWN TEACHER, CLASS A LIFETIME S ow employed as successful pro-manager at northern MEMBER P.G.A. GOOD PLAYER. PRESENTLY EM- club. Excellent teacher and promoter. Highly recom- PLOYED AT CLUB. WISH TO CHANGE FOR 1951 mended. Address Ad 919 % Golfdom. SEASON AT »> OR 10 HOLE COURSE. ADDRESS AD •>36 % GOLFDOM. HEAD LOCKER ROOM MAN ACE 31 WITH 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE — EXCELLENT REFERENCES — DE- WANTED: Used equipment for golf driving range. SIRES POSITION WITH COUNTRY CLUB FOR Specify make, age. condition, price and when avail- WINTER SEASON OK l'J5-t SUMMER SEASON. Sam able. O'Brien, 6703 Military. Omaha, Nebr. Gold, 5000 W. Yliet Street, Milwaukee 8, Wise. Greenkeeper wanted for nine hole Country Club golf FOR SALE — Active 9-hole Golf Course and Oountry course. Should have some experience and willing to Club. 1 mile outside city. Population in and around follow suggestions from the greens committee. Would city of 75,000, Only Green Fee Course. Good greens, consider young Pro-Greenkeeper, Begin April 1st, tees and watered fairways. All equipment in good 195i. Seven months open. Address Ad 927 % condition. Clubhouse constats of Bar, Club ltoom, Pro Golfdom. Shop, Locker lioom and living quarters. Located in Texas, year around golf play. Address Ad 920 % Golfdom. Supt.-Pro wanted to supervise construction of 9-hole all-grass city course, maintain course, promote and teach golf. Salary and concessions. Address: Dr. PRO. competent, energetic, reliable, young; doing very F. W. LeHaron, Worlaiid, Wyo. well on summer job at good club, wants winter job, Nov. to April. Will work as teacher, shop man or on course. Address Ad 921 % Golfdom SUPT. •— Long and successful service with prominent midwestern club noted for fine course condition, wants new connection. Highly rated by club officials Wanted — to lease with option to buy, golf range in and other supts. as alert, informed, conscientious Florida. "Would consider teaching at a dub. P.G.A, worker who gets fine results, Address Ad 92fl % member twenty-five years. Address Ad 032 % Golf- Oolfdom. ' dom, Supt. nationally known for excellence of results on Club Manager—-would like to lease or have conces- new and on established courses that need rehabilita- sions in club for coming winter in Florida. Would tion, desires change. Thoroughly experienced, reli- consider managing a small hotel or motel. Address Ad able, vigorous man who builds and maintains soundly 923 % Golfdom. and with economy, Remarkable record of putting southern courses into fine condition. Address Ad 929 WANTED—JOB IN SOUTH NOV. THRU MARCH by % Golfdom, Class A PGA member, 3S yrs, of age with best of references, Mel Roewert, Midland 0C, Kewanee, 111. GOLF PROFESSIONAL—DESIRES TO MAKE CHANCE, PAST SIX YEAHS AT CIRCUIT TOURNAMENT SITE. Presently employed as Pro-Manager and desire change 16 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING MEN, for next year as Pro or Pro-Manager, Have owned my WOMEN AND JUNIOR ACTIVITY AND GOOD WILL, own restaurant. Class A P.G.A. member, U5 vears AND IN PRO SHOP MANAGEMENT. TWO COLLECE old, excellent credit rating. Available for interview, DEGREES. CLASS A PGA MEM1IER. TOP REFER- Frank Hheplak, Picat.inny Golf Club, Dover, N. J. ENCES. ADDRESS AD 940 % GOLFDOM Vol. 27 —No. 9 • SEPTEMBER, 1953

CONTENTS The Business Journal of Golf


Swinging Around Golf 3 Highlights in Planning Pro Christmas Selling By Herb Graffis 25 Turf Development Procedure That's Successful in S. W. Rr Bub Dunning 2R Playground Golf Added to D. C. Recreation Program. By Mi lit Christiansen 31 Roy Byrd, Home Club Pro, Is Big Builder of Golf fir Ed Satter field 40 Co "operative Monthly Sessions Great Help to Supts. 44 Attractive Practice Area Essential to Good Club By Wm. t. Gordon 48 Open Display Makes Sales With Member Self-Service By Danny Junes 52 Wm. Thayer Brown, Spalding President, Dies 56 Clover and Crab Grass Control in Greens and Fairways By O. J. Noer 60

SWINGING AROUND GOLF (Continued from page 79) day of the 1954 tournaments . . . First GOLFERS PARTY prize for World championship will be $50,000 . . . Next 59 same as this year; FLYING WITH TEAM $10,000 for second down to $200 for last place . . . Tournament players OKed the to Ryder Gup Matches division with $40,000 between first and second money. HURRY — Get your reservation in without delay if you want to join the golf University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Dr. party flying to England September 25th Irving B. McNuIty, asst. pro, botany, has for the Ryder Cup Watches. As of August initiated a research program investigating 25th several seats were still available on the B.O.A.C. plane chartered for members herbicides tn eradication of turf weeds . . . of the U, S. team and others who want to USGA Green Section to meet, Sept. 15, 5 make the trip. One way flight (going) p.m., at Oklahoma City G&CC during Na- cost is only $250, no baggage limit, and tional Amateur . . . Total entry of 1,290 includes bar and meals on piano. Tourna- for this year's USGA Amateur, the 53d ment arranged for the party so bring your . . . 177 sectional qualifiers will be joined clubs. Joe Byrne Travel Agency Is han- by 23 U. S, and British Walker Cup play- dling all arrangements. For complete in- ers and U. S. and Canadian amateur formation communicate with: champions. Fred Corcoran, Manager — U. S. Ryder Cup Team Bill Wotherspoon back on pro job at Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Southern Hills CC, Tulsa, Okla., and con- Fifth Ave. at 58th St.. New York City valescing steadily after his session at or Mayos , . . Big days at Chicago district Tom Crane, Exec.-Secy.. fee courses honoring grand pros , , .Tom Walsh Day at Westgae Valley and Harry Professional Golfers Assn., Pezzullo Day at Mission Hills. 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago 2, III.