Charles Spencer | 352 pages | 11 Sep 2014 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781408851708 | English | London, United Kingdom Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I PDF Book

It is almost as if Spencer's primary source of information came directly from Robertson's much clearer, detailed, precise book which analyzed the ground breaking legal relevance of revoking monarchal impunity and bringing a tyrant ruler to justice. Even with the surplus of information presented; the flow is smooth, precise, and makes sense. An interesting account of the events leading up to and after the execution of the Stuart king, Charles I. He does not mention the analogy between them and the war criminals tried by the Allies at Nuremberg. Spencer does not list in his bibliography the manuscript version discovered in About Charles Spencer. The reprisals lasted for twenty-five years, finally ending in , when Dame Alice Lisle, widow of one of the regicides, became the last woman in to be beheaded for . God forgive them," evoking some say, purposeful On the chilled winter day of January 30th , biting winds blowing off the frozen Thames would have easily sliced through the two shirts beneath his doublet, as Charles I ascended the scaffold erected at Whitehall to offer his final speech to whomever in the crowd could hear it and, to those who sealed his impending fate - his 'king-killers:' "I have forgiven all the world and even those in particular that have been the chief causes of my death Let me conclude by echoing what I said at the beginning: the means and methods used by Charles II and the Royalists during the Restoration to bring the regicides to justice were barbaric and succeeded in ceding much of the moral high ground to their victims. Others soon hide: in England, in Europe and even as far as the new colony of America. Recounting a little-known corner of British history, Charles Spencer explores what happened when the Restoration arrived. By showing genuine sorrow and seeking a pardon you might spare your life, and you might just spare your property, but you were still going to prison for life. He grabbed his chance and went to the House of Commons, and said that he had nothing to do with it. Preview — Killers of the King by Charles Spencer. Others ran for it, to Europe and America, which turned out to be the right thing to do. I guess if history had been different this would be a different book. Some history books can be quite dry and boring when trying to just give straight facts. Unless you are an completist, this book is not really worth the time. On January 30, , the King of England was executed. However, the ones who never rescinded or willingly gave themselves up fled abroad or hid, and this is the main chunk of what Charles Spencers' book is concerned with. Spencer's brush-over on questions of the significantly egregious issues that brought Charles to trial; why was the axe chosen over life imprisonment; why the relentless, vicious pursuit of the regicides across Europe and as far as America: led me to choose one of his bibliographies for further reading, bringing me to a copy of The Tyrannicide Brief written by British barrister Geoffrey Robertson which surprisingly revealed, when the two books were compared, an uncanny use of the same extractions, details, points of interest, inferences, discourse, quotes and assertions. A new edition of Sa Excuse me while I gush All along he refused to recognise the authority of the court. That was one of the surprises in my research: how incredibly important the property side was. But beware it is not a book for those with a squeamish disposition. The vast majority of this book is set following the Restoration of Charles II, and does read like a cat and mouse across Europe of the various regicides who are wanted for treason. On the whole I found this book to be quite dull - despite being on an interesting topic and being well-written - hence the 3-star rating. This remarkable aircraft, designed and built to combat the emerging fighter strength of the Axis nations in the lead-up to World War II, made its name in the air battles over Britain and France in the first years of the Jun 01, Carolyn Harris rated it really liked it Shelves: history , royalty , royalhistorian-com-book-reviews. It was incredibly dense and detailed, but not about the details that really mattered. Jan 03, Michael Flanagan rated it liked it Shelves: history. Jun 28, Christina Rothfusz rated it liked it. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. A popular uprising had overthrown a Monarch, something that would become more popular in the next years starting in and onwards. Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I Writer

Read more: Has history been unfair to Charles I? I should begin by saying that I come to bury Charles I, not to praise him. An impressive book in the sense of the amount of work needed to uncover the fates of the remaining regicides eleven years after Charles 1st was beheaded in , after the Restoration and ascension to the throne of Charles II in yes, Britain was a Republic for just over ten years. Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley. He developed property in London, which is where the name 'Downing Street' comes from as that was one of his developments. The highlight of the book occurred early on. It includes more than species, including dragonflies, bees, wasps, beetles, bugs and flies, all of which Some died very brave in the face of a public execution and knowing they would not have a proper burial, being disinherited and leaving their families poor. This beautifully illustrated pocket field guide is packed with information on the marvellous variety of insects that inhabits Britain and the near Continent. But it quickly dissipated as people got to know Charles II better. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. In addition, the barbaric cruelty with which Charles I's executioners were treated during the English Restor I should begin by saying that I come to bury Charles I, not to praise him. Mar 23, Richard rated it liked it. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. The bodies of and other notable New Model Army Commanders were also exhumed and hung in their shrouds, their skulls later stuck on pikes outside Westminster. He was a very intelligent lawyer, and put together the various constructs of the trial. And as his stock fell, the thirst for the most vicious revenge fell away. Showing Well written and informative on a topic I know very little about. Related Searches. This beautifully illustrated pocket field guide is packed with information on the marvellous variety of Definitely more readable than a dry history textbook, but the footnotes and aim at historical accuracy take away from the smooth reading experience of a historical novel. Nov 25, Sean Barrs rated it really liked it Shelves: 4-star-reads , historical , non-fiction. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I Reviews

God forgive them," evoking some say, purposeful On the chilled winter day of January 30th , biting winds blowing off the frozen Thames would have easily sliced through the two shirts beneath his doublet, as Charles I ascended the scaffold erected at Whitehall to offer his final speech to whomever in the crowd could hear it and, to those who sealed his impending fate - his 'king-killers:' "I have forgiven all the world and even those in particular that have been the chief causes of my death Enlarge cover. Get A Copy. Useful developmental tips on biting, mouthing and teething and great play suggestions make this an essential purchase for anyone looking Some history books can be quite dry and boring when trying to just give straight facts. This remarkable aircraft, designed and built to combat the emerging fighter strength of the Axis nations in the lead-up to World War II, made its name in the air battles over Britain and France in the first years of the The later Romans who turned a man into a de facto saint. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. To be trialled in such a way must have exasperated him. Read more The regicides were a colourful and eclectic collection of individuals and their stories of flight, exile, assassination or execution are fascinating and Spencer really manages to bring them all to life. It isn't for the faint of heart, however- it contains all the grisly details of what happens during a drawing and quartering that you never wanted to know. I was pre-disposed to love this book as it covers the era I studied in university, this is a beautifully written account of, what is, a dramatic and complex period, meticulously researched with some superb and well- chosen quotes from the various sources. I enjoyed this book on several levels. Jul 03, Jonathan rated it really liked it. After he had been hanged, resuscitated and castrated, and while he was being gutted, he managed to swing a punch at his executioner. The ones who were executed died piously, bravely, believing that they had done right to stop the conflict in England during the Civil War. The executions were terrible, too. Jan 08, Anthony Nelson rated it really liked it. If I were them — if I believed the king had to die — I personally think that they should have murdered him. He agreed, and returned to a tumultuous welcome. The author then progresses to the Cromwell years and the Protectorate and eventually to the Restoration the award of the throne to Charles I's so Charles II. Feb 09, Viviane Crystal rated it really liked it. If you just want the story of what happened to Charles I, and especially to the men who signed his death warrant, it's all here. William Goffe and his father-in-law Edward Whalley cleverly evaded capture in the new world such that their lives, deaths and burial sites are incompletely known. Overall the book provides a good and for me riveting read on who these men who killed a king were and how the returned establishment hunted them down mercilessly; some did successfully disappear but for many they were caught and their families shamed and ruined. Relatively little is said of Oliver Cromwell and, were this a film, Richard Cromwell would barely receive credit as an extra. The highlight of the book occurred early on. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from a farcical aquatic ceremony. Others thought that no more than a handful of people would be held to account. For someone like me without much knowledge in this piece of history it was an enlightening read.

Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I Read Online

Home 1 Books 2. George Fleetwood might have died in Tangier or ended his days in Boston, Massachusetts. He always took the last word of advice, which is not good in a crisis such as a civil war. I am not going to go into great depth with this review, the whole matter is unsettling to me and I am not entirely sure why. Recounting a little-known corner of British history, Charles Spencer explores what happened when the Restoration arrived. Henry Marten was a very interesting character. Feb 24, John-Paul rated it liked it Shelves: history-world. Your guide to the Roman empire: when it was formed, why it split and how it failed, plus its most colourful emperors. His death warrant was signed by 59 men. Two of the men who should never have been executed were the colonels who were on the scaffold when Charles was killed. He grabbed his chance and went to the House of Commons, and said that he had nothing to do with it. For those interested in this historical period, Spencer offers a very readable, carefully researched and fascinating account of the end of royal abuse and the rise of popular sovereignty in 17th Century England. Other Editions Naturally, given its subject matter, I was excited. There is, for example, a detailed description of being drawn and quartered that conveys clearly the lengths to which vengeance was exacted upon perceived felons. The second is the trials and executions later of those who committed this act of regicide Charles Spencer does a good job at delivering this tale of murder, intrigue and betray. It was incredibly brave — and also very clever: it led to a quick death afterwards because the executioner was so humiliated. Sort order. Well written and informative on a topic I know very little about. The accounts are vivid with details and the personalities beg to be further explored or to become the subjects of historical fiction novels. Audio MP3 on CD. Jun 02, Geevee rated it really liked it Shelves: politics , british-history , exploration , british-monarchy , religion , favorites , cromwell-stuart-to-william-iv. Dorislaus was assassinated in Holland; Huncks bought his life by giving evidence against Axtell. Without the Lord Protector the reformists were completely vulnerable and quickly fell to the rising tide of royalists. Second, it would be common sense for a mouthpiece of the regicides second only perhaps to John Milton to set his fellow regicides in as positive a light for posterity as possible. Because men owned the wealth of a family, if a man had his property confiscated there was nothing left. He had given up hope, and nobody was paying him any attention apart from a few diehard royalists. And as his stock fell, the thirst for the most vicious revenge fell away. The regicides were a colourful and eclectic collection of individuals and their stories of flight, exile, assassination or execution are fascinating and Spencer really manages to bring them all to life. I think Charles played on this extremely well; he carried himself with Christ like bearing as he approached the block. With dramatic flair, Charles instructed the axeman: "I shall say but very short prayers and when I thrust out my hands..