Complete Local News ; O f A Population Of THE WEATHER Increasinf cloudiness and 1 8 ,5 5 6 mmVlll '* slightly warmer today. the Pogt Offlo<


Testimonial To Child Center Opening Dedication Of Pre-Pearl Harbor Two Awards For SirdFor Former Fire Chief Honor Roll Dec. 19 Fortress Gunner See Need Dedication of Hillside’s service Fathers Included Faces Another Delay honor roll will take place on Sun­ Only Six Register, day Afternoon December 19 at~2:30 jpomets In mittee that the date of opening the o’clock, it was annoimcea yester- In November Call Need.35 Minimum- For More oh the registration" of the children, Thompson, chairman of the Honor Reported Monday The proposed child care center since even the contracts for per­ Roll Committee. The oomplete'pro­ yid Rank for Hillside faced another delay to- sonnel cannot be let out until the gram will be announced later, al- For Induction At as registration up unt^ miijt committee knows . how ’mSSjr are Firemen Bllside Tops All though it is planned - to have a Newark Center ■* afternoon yesterday found * only six enrolled. The committee declared: band provide music and Hillside Illness And Armed jjroup Three Teams children cm the rolls. A mininfiiin “ “The registration is the tell-tale veteran groups will take a prom­ Several pre-Pearl Harbor fathers of 35 are needed to open the center. of thg opening of the center and inent part. are- included1 ‘ ip the November 4n- Service Result In [New Jersey The Child, Care-Commlttee of the until a quota of 35 children Is ob- The task..of—lettering—the-names ductibn call by . Local Board No, 3^ Hillside Defense Council, Mrs. Frank tained the center will not be on the honor rom s^ now under it was announced^ this week by Eld- “Serious” Situation Side High School’s unbeaten ward. pitied football team, the first W. El'eder chairman, did not dis­ opened.’!: way, vfith approximately 300 of W. Earle, chairman. The ’Citing the “very, serious’,h situa- guise its' keen disappointment over Additional days for. registration the 2,Q00 total already completed,. registrants reported for induction tor tion in the Firs" Department -here. /.. local school’s history, was Monday and those accepted received RUy hame^ ^hampljin of Group the results to date, considering R31 ha^e .been set as follows: • -Monday as el result of members being called the time and effort which has been December 6. 9 a. m. to 3:15 p.‘ m. the customary three weeks furlough to—Hie—armed- services.—plus- occa- — febnJU?y-the-New-Hjer-s&y-Inter^- to “arrange' their affairs. kStic Athletic Association last put-ihto-the“prQject up to'tfiisstsge; and +7T30 p. m. to fl p. m.y Tuesday sibnaT” illness of others; Public “twt on the basis of Its rating It was pointod-:ouf-by the com- December 7, 9 a.. m. to SriS^pTl^M Issue Warning Those tn the Novembw cmr jsre: Safety . Commissioner Harry R. |e Colliton ..point system' is the Edward1 Erxleben, 516 Edgar road, Vogel-advised toe. Townshlp-Gom- - • ranking team in the entire Elizabeth. mil ice Tuesday: njght. of., toe neces- ~ " r-^being "odt^pointed^-only By7 On Forged Checks E. J. Anderson. 49 Richard St.. New- Isity of trying to increase the per- (Jrotip 4 'Titans, Montclair ^and: 1 • ark. -• - ^ S^6hH®t^^wo^--iihTee-membersr-.'-v- List Volunteers For Warbing * that Christmas shopping fic. As anresult of this ranking' P. Prasa. 1407 Franklin st. Vogel pointed but that one .day helps ‘check thieves to pass wortlir -reoent-ly-4h ere-wer e -ohly 22 men on...- de also becOmes—although not ^vA /^am ltitur, 404 Harvard ave. officially—the top-ranking Hiltside Honor Roll less checks bn riished shopkeepers, duty whereas the normal comple-, Sgoup 3 eievbn“in New Jersey. ALBERT CHAMBERLAIN -G. H. Lindner, 38 Talmadge av®., ment is 27 m en and the commit­ Today’s Names Complete' Qhief •. Normah ii. Bianford of the Chatham, tee agreed' that*.- & f^w appoint­ jTfi!* Group 3 Section 1 "for North Gravenhorst, Donald * Hillside Police Department joined STANLEY LUKOWITZ JR. ^ K y the. title was awarded to Hillside officials, ijjj associates Record Of Cpininittee H. "W. Perlman. 71 'Milford, ave!, ments are necessdry although some-, Kohl High School in ’ Hudson and members'ip;the Fire Depart Gravenhorst, Normah ' t with Frank J, Wilson, chief of the Newark. Staff Sgt. Stanley Lukowitz what skeptical as to where toe men ftty. On the basis of -the figures Having previously published the Greco, Joseph A. v.. U. S.j Secrete Service, Treasury De­ J. A. Geron. 333 Yale ave. of *807 Gonant street, tail* gunner reould W found. ■ ment, heads of > nearby, fire depart- A. F. Meyer. 130 Pennsylvania ave side outranked two. of the four complete list of .'Hillside residents - Greco, .Victor Alfred' partment, and1 today listed a ley a .Flying Ferti’esa who- haa been Reappointment Made up 4 Champions, Perth Amboy ments. friends and acquaintances :ifiducted througlir th Selective Ser­ l a g t Massa, 1109 Liberty ave. missing since July- 28, haa bee Reappointment of Albert Luthen- paid honor to Albert'Chamberlain vice ' system for Hillside’s service Grunder, Edward M. Jr. precautions to cut down check losses C. W. Rule, 1334. Carrington at. awarded an Air Medal and on Oak atfer to the Board of Alcoholic pJentral Jersey and Vineland ,of Gyure, Robert p h Jersey. former ‘fire chief here who recently roll of honor,' The Times today pubr suffered by the public as a result Elizabeth, Leaf Cluster,, it was . learned her Beverage .OontrolNwas; voted for ,a* lishes the names of those who have Hale, Joseph ’ W. , H. J, Donnelly, 1418 Boa -pk- - his week. The Air Medal was re period of three years. The com­ Championships awarded by the .completed over 'twenty years in the of check forgeries. volunteered' their .services as pre­ Harding, Horace * Md^e government checks will be H. E. 'Cleveland,T23 Coe ave. •eived in September and-, the Oak mittee leased township land in the Nation were as follows department, at . a1 testimonial din pared by the local Honor Roll Com­ Hargreaves, Chester Edward : V. S. Garaffa, 1465 Maple ave. jeaf Cluster was presented early Westminster area to Richard1 B,_ Group IV ner tendered' last nighjj; by ■ Hillside mittee. Hargreaves, John Raymond 1 issued this year than at any other J. J. Loyko, 226 Long ave. his month to Mrs. Estelle Capro, Earl for truck farming at a rental ’ PNorth Jersey—Section 1, Passaic Lodge 1591, B. K' CV Elks, at 'the Hathaway, Hobart Heath timej.ih history. The latest Treas- J; I. Orlovsky, 113 Bailey ave. ; of $500 for a period of one year. - clubhouse on Hillside avenue* . If- the name of any member of sister:. 6f :the missing gunner, at lection 2. Montclair. __ -your--family-~has not appeared on Hausleri'i'Henry W.,-JiU-__ _ ury-iDepartment figures—indicate H . Krafskyr 380-Yale-a-ver.—tmi I To Alter Thumbing ; Central Jersey—Red Bank, Lake courage, coolness and skill displayed fire fighting career; Chief Michael Ahern, Joan’ Intrabartolo, Frank Joseph R /is especially to protect these L. Brody, 380 Union Ave., Irving­ Iby. this officer upon this .occasion David' O. Evans, contractor, - hds wood (tied). Murphy of Kearny and Chief Er­ Ahern? John J. .Itoh, Kenneth J. ton. * reflect great credit updff ""htonself •agreed to make changes in toe. ;^7 South Jerseys—Salem. / checks that the Seoret Service is nest Beckert of -West New Yor-lt- Ainsworth, Edward ' Jacobi^ James Albert ' waging its “KNOW YOUR EN- J. E. Eitelberg, 820 Canton st.. Eliza^ and* the.armed forces of the. United pTUfiiblng 'installations at- the plant , Group I Dr. Fred A. Roever" was ehairmedF Anderson, Heory ^ d obowitz, Henry I. DORB'm” drive .againstJ^the. mfian?, ' beth! ~r States.” of the Elastic-Stop Nut Oorp. here, “ r North Jeraey-M3§cfclon I/lNo^H committerTrr charges— — -Andrechyn,v Henry ■ i. JazoWsKC liester' “ esfc thief/’ the forger, who steals a: F. Winkler, 1503’ Liberty ave. ' Aqcordihg to Mrs. Capro,‘who has it was reported. Township Bkigineer ^Arlington; Section 2, Glen Ridge. Arnold, Wiliam R ivard Johnson, Clarenco ' > soldier’s pay, J Goldman, 1518 Liberty ave- received mail from buddies of her Henry Kreh Jr. was directed ,to. - ff~ ; Central Jersey—Mata wan, Me- AtfocHih, Paul A. Johnson. Harold J,_ , Chief Sanford warned ‘ that the T. Donnelly, 430 Longwave. brother since he was reported miss­ make a survey, of the .municipal ~-tuohen(tied). Sylvan Kohn Will BSfirgt, William A. Johnson,. William Scott Christmas season is always a. busy DT Hyland Jr., 148B Compton terr. ing, Staff >. Lukowitz wSs hot on building property before the town­ pr '.^outh Jersey—Riverside. - Bainbridge, William Jcmes, Harry V. ohe tor . the forger who takes. ad­ H. H. Wemischner. 10 ,Custeru pl.;, a .regular run of his own plane at ship finally takes title from the Catholic Schools Speak A t Service Barth, John Gharlton Jones, Ivor H., Jr. vantage pf busy stores to cash his Newark. . v the time but had volunteered for Columbia Building &- Loan Asso­ P North Jersey-^St, Cecilia’s, Engle- Basch, Ivan Jowitt, R. Normaai stolen checks. As a Christmas pre­ M. Kopystenski, 1260 White st. ‘ • duty on a special- r\in. She said her ciation of Eliabeth. The township '■*' WOOdr— Sylvan Kohn of Newark, official BerkoWitz, uolm W. J. Bumen, 67 Park ave., E. Orange. of ttye*^ Jewish* Education A ssq^^ Kelr, Beatrice Barbara caution, the Hillside Police Depart­ brother’s pilot has placed his nick- recently decided tp buy toe prop­ ; 7 South .Jersey—None selected. Berkowitz, R. H. •‘' King, John *W. ment and the Secret Service urge D. H. Wotfds, 7 Hilldale pi'. name7 “Luke” on the plane. A few erty. I Hillside’s standing throughout the' tion, ; will be the speaker ^Friday, L. . J. TelfeJ^ 188 Baltimore ave. 7 evening'December 3. at 8:4o~ p, m., Best, William - Knigfit, Joseph those who receive checks to ' fol­ members of the crew of the pi: A hearing behind closed doors was state is more , accurately pictured in Blake, Harold Knight, William L, low these four simple rules: M. S. Jacobson. 216 E. Vlencla. ave., which went .on the mission have held with Acting Recorder Antofa A. ' the following Colliton point rating at the Friday evening service at Bloom, Robert W. : BUrbAhk, Cal, Sinai Congregation on Maple ave­ gj Knok, Leslie, L. B. Be sure some member of the since been found; Mrs. Capro said Vit, Miss Grace Goodwin and Mrs4 , of the first ten teams: Blum, Morton Koch an, Daniel family is at home when checks are NW. J.-Krutulis, 1128 St. Louis aVe. Grace; Greene over charges by the p Montclair, Group * nue. ' Hifi.topic will be “Judaism and Borst, Ronald Edward E. F. Mangels Jr., 1487 Center. st. women that Judge ViE~t61ff“th6Tfr' Democracy!”. . Kohl, Calvin H. • > due to be delivered. ’ Passaic, Group 4 ~ Bradford, Robert J. Kortz, Frank J. Print your name clearly oil F. A. Tichenor, 123^ N. Broad st; Teen-Age Center to ‘^flhut up"pr “keep quiet” dur-51' A 'social hour .And round table Britt, RojT P.. Diiiko^itZ, 161 Baltimore ave. discussion will follow. Kortz, John E. your mail box. Equip your mail box ing a session .of police court. Sev­ -(-Gmiin Page 6) Broderick, John W., Jr, Krichman, Leslie S. with a lock. C. Rapp, 410 Rutgers ave. eral witnesses were heard, Brogps, Barney F. , Kuchinsky, David Cash your checks in the same, P. J! Wdlshapl, 404 Yale ave. Survey Conducted Bfook, Florence E. Land, Jack place each month. This will make A. W.- Chambers 3rd, 1039 Prospect Brook, Webster W. Landis, Clifton D. identification easier. st. . Students Indicate Brown, Charles R.* Landis, Henry B. Do not endorse your check B. jCanales, 368 Rutgers ave,. Extends Writ In Brown, J."Leeds, Jr. La Point, Philip Merritt until you are in the presence of J. C. Bailey, 1138 Bank st. Recreation Preference W, L. Haid, 30 Hurden st. 3)on’t Wention J t Browne, Willard J. ■La Point, Raymond1 the person yoiMdU ask to cash it. A stiidy of. the operation of teem Suit Against Cox Bud^ake, Bernard • lawyer, Henry H, * Advice to Stores j. Jasinski, 414 Harvard ave. Thanksgiving Dinner H. E. Vashey, 280 Shelton terr. .age ,centei«& nieighboring 'muni- Budfilk. Henry ___ .. Libbor, Oden F.,-Jr,____ Upon— the- --storekeepers and all cipalitles h as been Completed by the Still vUflable to serve papera- on Burgess, Barbara. Belle ■ Lindenberg, Norman Louis others who cash checks;' toe police R. E. Blackwell, 410. Princeton ave Principal-Legion-Evidence H. W. Christenson, 281 Hollywood Hillside Recreation Board, it was Wilbur"1 H. Oox, suspended high Burgess, C. Kenneth Long, Richard D. and the Secret Service wish to im announced this week by Harry E. school principal, in the suit of his Burgess,. Charles William, Jr. Lozier, Frank E., Jr. , press the7following: Zinszer, chairman, as a. possible divorced wife, Mrs. Viola E. Cox, of The Township’s Turn. Burke, Munson Luck, James Lee Before cashing any check, de C. Masslmino, 1552 Maple ave. 8. Kremen, 1297 Avy st. guide to the conduct of toe proposed 124 Virginia street, who is con­ Bums, Ethel G. Lukaszewski, Antone J. ’ mdnd proper identification. Re center for Hillside;—The board is testing the iReno action, Advisory ■What kind of a Thanksgiving (Jinner did you have?- .There si r .. -Byrne, George Francis Lukaszewski, Charles C, member *that lodge cards,- Social Be H. Bekes, 18 Cedar st. several boys from Hillside with Company X, 181st Infantry, at Camp D, Mandzak-Jr., 1292 Bright st. ‘ also conducting a survey of the Master Grosman Monday granted .Byrne, John Nicholas Lyman, Robert F. curity cards, auto licenses, letters- local junior and' senior .high schools ^continuance of .a writ until De­ i Jivingston, La. Here’s what was on the menu for them: Boast Cacace, Ralph MacCartney, David T., Jr. and the iike also can- be forged and G. E. Breeoe, 106 Francis pi. J. P. Gehrlein, 141 Virginia" st. to learn what manner of recreation cember 2 1. ‘The writ, is an order, to ; turkey and giblet gravy, snowflake potatoes (We don’t know what Campbell, E. Stuart Magnier, Russell stolen. _ A forger's credentials are is most' deslred by the Students. It. show bause why Cox should not be : they are-either-), candied yams, green peas, buttered asparagus--tips, Campbell,- Randolph" “ ' MaHnkeh, L5 i|Ise E. -.. . often forgeries themselves.. Proper Is hoped to conclude this survey in retrained in his divorce action be­ E lettuce and siloed tomato, sweet sdokles, cranberry sauce, dressing, . Cantillon, Edward J. Mahnken, Walter J. identification can best’ be .deter­ FORMER RESIDENT VISITOR a,few days. Mrs. Francis L. Parrel cause of fraudulent residence and thread and'butter, mixed bandy, assorted fruits, mixed nuts, grapes, Cardaci, Alfred A! * Mangels, William J.. mined by asking ^yourself thjN ques- has been appointed chairman of a also asks for-^separate maintenance. . Carey,. Robert -P^.---— Mann, Cassius ©» “Hf THIS OHECK/IS RE­ A frequent visitor in Hillside is I lemon pie, coffee, lemonade and cigarettes. Now you know what- p.' F. C. Ben Rolston, formerly of committee, consisting of all board The suit was originally filed Sep­ Carragino, Robert Louis Martin, Louis (M. M.) TURNED, GAN I FIND THE PER- members, to expedite establishment tember 2 1 and. efforts to serve .Oox Ihappened to aU the- couldn't get. Caruso,. Nicholas R., Jr. Mason, Robert J. • Pennsylvania avenue, who is now stationed at Fort Dix. of the center. been made since November 10. Chagdon, * Margaret Mayer» Herbert ( Continued .on Page 6 ) “Since this is a Hillside project,” Counsel for Cox had advised him, Clark, Robert K. McCarthy, James W. " Mr. Zinszer said .this week, “it at after his suspension November 9, to i; ‘jtfany people have apparently received the Impression that the Coni in, Joseph A'. McGuire, James Frank oned becomes your project and it report daily at the high school for delegation of members, of Hurden-Looker Post BO, American Legion, Cohnington, Francis McGuire, Jbseph P. is the intention of the Recreation work! Whether he has been doing which appeared, at the Board of Education meeting last week, were . Connor, • Robert V. McGuire, Patrick Joseph Board to give , you accurate infor­ so has not been learned. If he has, Cook, William Q„ Jr, Sthfcre as a delegation of the Legion. This, we understand, is not the McLuskey, Annie . mation, concerning its progress from attempts to serve him there ap­ Cove, William Yates v Meade, Thomas ptS time to time. parently have not* met with success. base. The-Legion merely sent a letter to-the board,, as it did on Czemohus, Adam. J. ' ~ Mertz, Joseph J. COMING - - - DECEMBER 16th lanother occasion, calling attention to the rights of veterans in the “Thd Recreation Board' is alert Cox’s suspension will again come DeFilippo, Anthony Morse, Bren ton T„ Jr. to' its responsibilities to the Hill­ before the Board of Education at base of Wilbur H. Cox, suspended high school principal. The Legion DeGraw, Paul Stanley Motyczka, Frank L, side parents and will do everything a special meeting tonight, in the members present were there, merely as Individuals who decided to Dejlisanti, George Motyczka, John V. A Special Christmas Number possible to wiii their confidence and high school. What further action attend as a group, but were not officially delegated as represents- ’ Dierolf, Robert Frances Moynihan. Edwin T. approval." . the board will take depends on a Stives of the poet. The Legion as an organization Is not entering ^11, Albert Moynihan, J. Vincent Featuring report expected ‘from an investiga­ L ie controversy from any other angle except; to see that a veteran Dill, Samuel Muller, William J., Jr. ' tor engaged to probe the effect of Dolfinger, Harry J. ^receives( all the rights' to which he Is entitled. Muszynski, Edward his marital difficulties - on toe high Domerski, August J. Muszynski, Stanley, y- “CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Penalized $90 school. Doyle, James Myers, R, jj. Durst, Aloys L. . Nahomiak, John TO THE BOYS IN SERVICE’’— t We’ve heard several people say they don’t envy, members of the Dwyer, Rlch,ard A. . Ness, George In Chicken Case Pvt. Henry Lawyer f Board of Education their jobs In the-Oox case. The,-only point on M ott,. Stanley Edward Neuman, Henry P. DEADLINE EXTENDED ONE WEEK Penalties of $5 each on, 16 com­ At Greensboro, N. C. •. [ which ouster,proceedings against the principal could be based Is Farrell, Joseph J. Novack, John Robert plaints of violating to^lOeal' health l demoralization.' of thd students or teaching staff at the high school Felber, Michael J. Nulton, Hefiry G., Jr. - - All material imiat be to by Friday,'December 10. code, plus $5" additicmal on two of GREENSBORO, N, C.—Pvt Henry Resulting from his; domestio affairs.—Gan-you-picture the kind-of— Feldman, Charles — Nulton, Henry^G., Sr.------the complaints because warrants had H. lawyer.-son of. iMr. - and Mrs.- Fernandez, Stewart V. - O’Neil, John J. to be issued--^ total of ; ^90—were Otto Schneider, of lto4 South Long [evidence that would have .to be Introduced to prove this? And can Ferrigno, Carmen James O’Neill, Henry Since nearly every family to Hillaide, directly or imposed in police court Saturday by avenue, Hillside, N. J., has arrived [you picture parents of the students permitting their offspring to Finn, Robert George « J Orban, Henry Albert ----- indirectly, has a man or woman to service Thp Hillside. Acting Recorder Anton A. Vit on at the Greensboro Basic Training [present to y such evidence? We don't know about the teachers. Fischer, Frederick A. Orban, John Robert (M.M.). Konstantine Rock, of 234 Fitzpat­ Center, Army Air F o r j^ Eastern I Of course, there. are_ft few other points' involved—like ;the “sick Fisher, James W. Parratt, Clarence H. (MM.) Times will dedicate its 1943 Christmas edition to the rick street. Each complaint Was for Technical Training CkpRand.. [leave” trip- to Beno and failure to, report for work at the beginning Fisher, John F. Patterson, Hunt S., Jr. keeping -chickens on his premises While attached toJpB station Pvt. |o f the term, but"these are held hardly sufficient grounds,..mere. Floyd,. Richard S.. . Pettit, Raymond J.. bten in Service. one day, after Rock, who had no ) .is also thatm ystery letter, but so far as the jn M c Js concerned it ’ FoSs, Ethel Marilyn Policastro, Frank J. permit to keep them, had been still a case for Nicky Charles—or perhaps his yftfe Nora.. - , . Fradkin, Edwin Poppy, Clarence Frederick We will need your cooperation to' make this a suc­ directed to dispose'of them by. toe tion in military fundamentals. Gaffey, Frank B. Jr. Porch, OliVe R. , Board of Health* Arthur Warner, He attended Hillside High School, . Galik; William Porga, Peter J. cessful issue, furnishing us with stories and letters from Rock's counsel, said the decision where he was a member of the Qgwlik, Marian L. Purchase, Thos. Arthur (MM. would be appealed. football team and Hi-Y Club. I__ Two Interpretations have been placed on the letter COx sent to dehowltz, Edward Andrew Rae, Margaret K. your friends. and relatives in the armed forces. Pic­ Warner himself had been found :—Pvt. Lawyer. entered the Army the BoardaSklng reinstatement aifd leave4 of absence for three, "Gillespie, Edward JOhn Ratkiewicz, John tures will be printed at the actual cost of (1.25 to •guilty by Vit 6f ‘contempt of court, November 17, 1943 at Fort Dix, N. J. months. One' is. that If the request were granted he would resign Gi^lett, Walter C, (Contiii/Ked on Page 6) but the sentence was suspended al­ 1 In good standing and seek employment elsewhere and the other is make'' a cut. though Vit still . disapproved ‘ his that he would do no such tbibg. butflght to the last ditch fdr his ' conduct. He said he had nothing to Hillside Radio Service - Also let us have the names and addresses of thole* retract.... ( rights here. - Advising the court that his client 388^ Long Avenus -to the service, who i|c( jiqt now get The Hillside Times earns only $29 a week and is .faced AUTO and HOME RADIOS TO MY. FRIENDS with the--cost 6t an appeal, E arn er REPAIRED Early In the Spring the firm which holds Hillside's scavenger every week. These wq will send a complimentary copy Due to ga# shortage, we Will ap­ declared jRock was unable to pay preciate your bringlnfi your set H e tract requested the Township Committee for permission to con- AND CUSTOMERS: of this number. the penalty at this time.. He paid Ittnue the ^ t e r garbage collection schedule through the summer '820 of it. however, under protest. Imanths. Citing the shortage of labor, the firm wanted to con- — I am now located in my own building at ------ADDRESS “CHRBTMASNUMBER^-EDlTQRr— - garbage collection twice a week Instead' of stepping up the- BJbmmer collection to three tlmes a week as-iCalled_for .ln the con- 316 HILLSIDE AVE„ HILLSIDE, N. J. K c T The committee -went along with the proposal, getting a pro- > Sefe Us for TIRE RECAP&NG |ta reduotlcm in the cost oi the work, It begins to look now as The Hillside Times Official Tire Inspection Station No. 3 Ilfs the township’s turn to make a proposal. On the south side JOHN C. HABERBUSH, WAverly 3-2466* j Sown it looks as though the twice a week program Is Being HIRLEMAN’S ESSO STATIQN iwn to onoe—so how about anoltoer cut In the price? Or Plumbing and Heating. HOLLYWOOD AYR., o.m .r CON ANT »T. . 1 something else be done about it, if posslWe? Page Six THE HILLSIDE TIMES,. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1943 Want Ads Are Read By Thousands, Cost Little, Get Results W A t T A D S Services YOUR MONEY OR HIS LIFE! dhttuarg CHRIST THE - - RATE - . KING, John J. Finnerty, pay­ CHARLES CAPRO SR. day masses at 7:30, 9, 10 Funeral'' services for Charles TWO CENTS. PER WORp 11 and 1 1 a. m* Children’s mass at 9 Oaprp Sr., of 1424 Hiawatha ave­ o’clock. nue, were , held Wednesday a t the Minimum Charge, 40 cents, Baptisms every Sunday afternoon HoneywelT & Honeywell Funeral at 3. o’clock .sharp. home, 1070 North Broad1 street. More than - one insertion charged a t, the rate of Burial was in Graceland ■ Memorial Park, Kenilworth. cute cent a word. Minimum charge 25 eents. ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBY­ Mr. Capro, who was S3, died sud­ TERIAN OHURCH, Rev. Arthur WANTED: WANT ADS ihay be left a t' The Hillside .Times denly at hie. home Saturday after a Northwood, pastor. 9:3(1 a, .m. heart attack. A former contractor, Office, 1443 North Broad Street, or telephone graded school and -Men’s Bible he had been employed as Watchman Class. 10:46 a* . m. Worship with WAverly 3-2465 up’ to 4 Pr-M,,..Wednesdays. by J. R, Watkins;-Go< ,of Newark sermon, “Christian Fellowship.’’ * '7 for the last eight years; Mr. Capro P.avrl 'nf Til mVlrB • Right jjnflH nr under. SI Addi­ p. m. senior and Intermediate United States when 16.- He had tional lines, 10.cents. iive$r ih Hillside 26 years. . FRANKLTN MEMORIAL METH­ -jvir. Capro leaves his wife, ’Mrs. Help Wanted—Mate and Female ODIST OHURCH, Rev. Frederick W. Poppy, pastor. 10 ai—m. Sun­ and Stove of Hillside, Corp. Charles day School 'for all. William Hock; Jr., with the Army in Hawaii; Sgt. MEN! Press Operator & Laborers Wanted superintendent. Morning worship Andrew1 at Fort, Knox, 'Ky., and \ J-**- 40455.—Sermoit—topic:—ffThe—Lo#t P. F. C, Peter Capro, in^feigland: a GIRLS AND WOMEN W ANTED Radiance.” ‘Evening service 7:30. daughter. Miss,. Lillian Capro, at ,Topic: J,What is, Worldliness?” home; and a brother Frank of. from 18 Years Up—Experience Unnecessary Brooklyn. . .. WORK-IN YQUR NEIGHBORHOOD! The Girl Scouts meet on Tuesday. evening at 7 o’clock. ‘junior Choir MISS ELLA FETSKE Light factory work, pleasant and -rehearsal—on— Thursday at 77 an# Miss Ellar FetsKerwho 'Hiade her the- Boy Scouts meet at? 7:30, .— -refined aurro uhdings. Defense plant.------home^-here-withr-her--brobher—Ed­ Senior -Choir rehearsal at 8 o’clock. ward, at 54 Madlng terrace, died GOOD PAY — STEADY WORK there on Sunday after a short ill­ ness. She was bom in Elizabeth, SUN TUBE CORPORATION the daijghter oHihe'late Errirat and is ! Lo n g a v e n u e h il l s id e , n . j . 5: 45 a7 iffr Church School; Hermina Fetske. -She was a'clerk Men’s Bible Class. 11 a. m. ser­ in the office of the Pure Products mon, “The Menace of the Appear­ Elizabeth. Help Wanted—Male ance of Evfl?' ,7 p. m. -Intermediate —Anothqr— brother, George— W- Christian Endeavor. Red , Cross U. S. Treasury Department Fetske, of Elizabeth, is the only meets every Wednesday from 10 other survivor. The funeral- mg a. m. to 4 p. m. EDGCOMB STEEL CORPORATION was brought'out that Howard Rick- 1 center will ,be. open six days- a week from the Daniel J. Leonard. Home «0 HILLSIDE AVENUE ! meyer, science instructor, w as'th elan d o n all school 'holidays. , for' Funerals', 242 West Jersey street, Elizabeth. HILLSIDE, N. J. r Sinai Congregation one -who circulated the letter, ap-1 Mrs. White) reported th at the pro- parently in an effort to find out the i posed - teen-age recreation..-center. ■ STEEL DISTRIBUTORS Rabbi,. Eliezer Cohen,, During the week* beginning No­ |txue~sen timent among teachers _br[will be-administered bV the Recrea- Control Of Floods vember 28, the schedule of services I the school so far as Cox 4s con- tion Board and the school board Urgently needed cerned. This was to-counteract a wjll furnish the equipment. Local {Continuid from Pag will be_ as follows: the finance, committee. EXPERIENCED SHEARMEN (Drop Shears) - Morning services, Bunday~8 a.- m.; published remark attributed to one officials WHITHSld1 a' conference soon of the members of thq hoard bo the with representatives of both the A letter was received from Police SHEARMEN'S HELPERS Monday through F riday 7».'a._ m.: Recorder Anton A. Vlt giving his Saturday 8:30 a. m. [effect that Cox had lost-the respect senior and junior high schools to FLOOR LABOR (handling Steel Bars and Sheets) the teachers. Rickmeyer is said complete details, with conduct explanation of complaints made of Mincha services, Sunday through nqsflvli Igefttment hy M iss: Orane. Also can use part time help racking steel. Friday.,!.; ^O^^ mrr’Saturday, 5 p. in, tp-be- a ^lose-f riend“ Of-the-princW-the^enterH^lte;-lef t as -much—as- pal’s., it happened that the letter ’.possible in the hands of the. young Ooodwlr.. ~Vlt denied telling her 667 All work inside heated warehouse. Maariv. services' Sunday through “Shut up”, saying he cautioned Miss Thursday1 5:50 .p, m.; Friday ‘ Kab- was being circulated on a day .when people^ It. is proposed to have Sat- This Is ‘TESSJENTIAL WAR WORK” and a permanent business. several board members were in the. urdky night dances with table ten- Goodwin and Lei’ mother and Mrs. bolas Shabbos and JMaariv immet* Grace Greene to keep quiet. A C6i>y diately lowing the Mincha serv­ high school. to confer bn. another nis and possibly other forms of Women matter and one of the letters came’ diversion. Of the letter will be sent to Miss ices; Saturday 6 p. m." ’ ~ Goodwlrr and a meeting will be held For Sale a HOOVER Sabbath Religious Hour, Friday to their attention. They took im- . letter’n’OM the Ladles-Auxiliary with her and Judge Vlt in .the near Authorized Factory Brand 8:45 p. m. with Social Hour follow­ mediate steps t^. balfc its circulation. 0f Maj. John A. Davenport Post 1722, ALL DIABETIC, 100% whole wheat I future. The dispute was the re­ ing Thanksgiving service. Mrs., Emmet T, White, one of the v. commended the.boardand sult of a disagreement between. Miss and Spy Bean Foods—Sun Dried I FOR SERVICE CALL Children’s services under,-the di­ board members^present,. said there high school authorities for • permit­ ■Fruits—Ikfish Goat Milk,, Natural: was no attempt whatever to coerce Goodwin and William Rudden, ‘THE HOOVER CO.” rection of the principal, Boas LiGhtr ting those in service to^tterid high whioh name to court and Vlt dis­ Wheat Germ. RELES HEALTH' 1143 E. JERSEY STREET man.-Friday’ 4?30 p. m. and Satur- anyone, but it was felt out of. place school ' football games without FO&D STORE, 941 Elizabeth Ave., missed.. ; * to do iLIZABETH,. N. J. E.L. 2* 1223 day;.-0T3D to circulate- such material in ;-the charge. Albert Vreeland, basketball Elizabeth. school. ’ Town Responsibility Hoover Cleaners Bought Boys’ Breakfast Club' under the: coach, was renamed to that post With winter weather just ahead Any age—Any condition supervision of- Rabbi Eliezer Cohen? Raphael then assured the audience a t a fee of. $150 for the season. the entire case would be handled Vogel asked what . the township’s Used. Furniture - Bought- Sunday' 9:45 a. m. responsibility was in closing a street Daily Hebrew School classesV Mon­ wi,th dignity arid in accord with proper OVideijce. fof sleigh-riding. Hie attorney will day through Thursday, 3:30 to 6:30 give his- opinion In this matter BEST PRICES paid for used furni­ Help Wanted—Male Board’s Action Opposed Hillside Student ture,; washing machines,- sewing p. m?; Sunday 0 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. which stirred. up- some discussion Rfeal Woman’s ’machines p it household articles. ■~Hanjid^teomg3^asou o™ T rand^-7The charges thife far, ’Dubiri of I I n S p e e c h C o n te s t last year. Vogel will also Investi­ Call EL 2-9645, Beyer,.. 1J7 JEJoliy- NAILING MACHINE operators and Mrs. Sam Strojrneyer, 228 WUliamson the Legion delegation skid, ap- XT ' . . , _ . , gate the parking of trucks on the general factory workers for box avenue, will, become Bar Mitzvah parently are based entirely, on ru- wiahFm^hfS?yleiiiiini^ n r p L ^ ^ west side of Bioy street .near'Roufe Shop, • 1 Q0 percent war work during this Saturday morning ser* I mor; and the board's -riandTihg of | S S L wU1 ^ e 39 during the afternoon. He Cold perience not ihepessary, paid while ['the' case is1 .opposed by naany peo- gcfiool in the • state semi-finals immorous declamation December :l3. Arthur Rittelman of ihe Hillside Furnished Room For Rent yqu learn. Good’bus transportation I ple. He said the su^>ensibn has al-’ West End Civic Improvement-Assq- Apply Chatham Building Materials C r w ^HcnAncinn i ready ‘ prejudiced' many. * persons at Newark University.’ ‘He will de-, . . . ,, , , . ^ ■ E f llS Summit. Ave., Chatham. U OX s u s p e n s i o n liver, 'SChe Noblest Instrument,” of Work LARGE AIRY RO9 M next to ;| g ain st the principal and-lhat the >N. J. Chatham 4-5878. I. (ContmigQ i excerpt from Clarence fifty’s play, sf el they had ho No Parking” bath, private home, for one or two R W board-had no right-to ^suspend the “Life With Father” ' _ I^Bns to put there. It was sug- gentlemen;' '5 minutes to bus ' t Il-I8^2tff affects the &hool system Raphael man merely on rumor alone. He gested the street be painted at that 50, 49. WaverlV 3-0170, -11-26 ------—------I assured J ^ } on delegation that] sai^ the case would • reverberate side denying the parking privilege - • ■ ------*—i-----—------— ---- - DISH WASHER WANTED, appty Cox would receive’ a fair hearing throughout a much larger territory at this hazardous point. LARGE, heated,. furnished| chef; bus boy—for- dining room,) ®^d X. ^ ^ and. Ceglowski| ^igm H;fiisi4le and that “the Main [ Acknowledgement of refund-of a A T the RCA plant in Harri- room;' single or- couple near apply Mr. Bernhard, Winfield Scott iaaea it was necessary to obtain an i Steeet of HlHside is the Main Street 1 $10 0 by Hillside’s in- buses; jeferences required, 1464 J Hotel, 323 North Broad Sj;., Eliea- nvestigator s report, -before iurti^i^{-Qf--^merfoa^ --- * — x * . son there are now available many action i& taken T dieted former plmnbing inspector Morris Pl.,~cor. Clark St. . W .beth. 85 1 11-2642-16 Raphael responded that the per- * was received from the Hillside Na- oppdrtunities^for women to do the .kind . Since the case' of the suspended i sons 'ho gave information to the I I tionai Bank. The bank had been principal will- require' expenditure hoard on ifrhich' it felt impelled to charged for a plumbing permit. of tfiey’pe fitted to do best, Painting and Decorating- of an unusual amount o t time and I would-be cooperate! $ 1 1 0 effort outside the routine duties of, a prceacutfng the charges; To 6fl- FAINTING, paperhanging and dec­ the bowd’s attorney, Ceglowski was set Dubln’s remarks. Mrs. Knox told It's real woman's-work. Always .has orating. For quality work- call engaged tp represent the board. | that of thirty persons to whom shel been. If you can knit, you’ll find this work, Ernest Stay,, 367 Yale Ave., Hillside. WANTED Questions Service ----- had spokcryUbotit the case, twenty- gHFONy » Phone- UN -2---54rl6.-— ------1- 1S-44 • -Mrs: Emma- WT-Knox; -of ; 95- Hur- nine' apptoVed the action of ’Erie] * ^m ckin yt/tc-A tth eJil easy. SHIP REPAIR den street, in an attempt to coun­ board. teract the Legion!s stand for the It's light. You .work sitting down. No Real Estate For Sale rights of a veteran, pointed out that No Gallup Poll tin U.S.WAR BONDS * WITH WAR BONDS WORKERS Cox's veteran status is based on “We are hot conducting a.Gallup back-breaking stooping and lifting. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY six wefeks in the Students Army poll,” -Raphael .^interjected; “A man A two-family home ‘ in the most For Essential War Work Training. Corps at= ^Colgate Uni=. is held to be innocent until he is It's clean. No heavy grease to roughen beautiful street in 1 Hillside.. To Keep ’Em Sailing versify during “the la st‘war. She proved guilty.” , - Superbly built. with 1 1 rooms,, 3 —» p~or Victory . ' said she was out to see everything Mrs. Charles Blazier, president - of- See us for your WEARING APPAREL NEEDS handSj or grime to harm your complexion. sun parlors, 2. open porches, 2 tile possible done for every Tjoy and girl the High School &-T. A., denieef a” "baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 steam heat in the service of their country, but rumor- that she is‘ acting as a repre­ It's pleasant. Music while you work. -furnaces," 2 separate entrances; SHEET METAL WORKERS left a questionable inference regard­ sentative of the association, < de- copper weather stripped throughout; ing Cox’s service. . | claring she is interested merely as~aT SOLOMON’S G6od food—dances—even a swifnming BOILERMAKERS Z- “One of Hiltside*s Good Stores** double hardwood floors; unsual Dubln- took' issqe- with her, de­ citizen arid-taxpayer. pool l Besides good pay you also get medi­ Woodcrest _ hall- and dining rooiri . CH1PPERS & CAULKERS claring it made bq difference what • The board announced approval of 1299 Liberty Ave. WA. 3-9507 Hillside, N. J. wails; ornamental ceilings; §0x150 ' RIVETERS a •'man’s actual service record was its application for a child care cen­ cal’attention—group life insurance—sick' ft. as long :a,s he., was in ' the armed ter here and> in response to ques?' ■ Will accept 30% cash- and give ELECTRIC WELDERS forces and ready to* do his coun­ tioris said it could not set a definite ..benefits. r a 5% mortgage. . EL 2^9833. try’s bidding, Ivor H. Jones, former date for opening of the center for Move ill: one apartment now. chairman of the Local Assistance several reasons. Numerous legal It's essential war work. There isn’t a ‘Price $12,500, formerly' "sold for Board, asserted that remarks such papers have to be properly signed L. B. SHAWCROSS $20,000. LABORERS as those of Mrs. . Knox should be and filed, the preinises at Hurden- Accountant, Auditor, Notary Public fighting front where our men don’t have Theresa M; Renseri, Sole Broker. ruled put of order by the board Looker School must be prepared and Weekly, monthly bookkeeping service! to have equipment that uses radio tubes. wlthoi apd given”no consideration in judge­ qualified personnel . must- be en­ rax return* prepared and filed BRING YOUR DEPOSIT ALONG ment of the case. • gaged . It was Indicated the, person MAYFAIR THEATRE BUILDING 1018 NO. BROAD ST. Ideal home, choice* location,' off j The Times learned the day after in charge. must hold a -teacher’s cer 1460 NO. BROAD ST^—WA 8-8285 ELIZABETH, N. J.—EL 2-2899 Full-time or part-time work. Maple Ave., $7,500; convenient to | the meeting that Cox enlisted hi the tificate, in the meantime registra schools, shopping, etc. ' TODD Army a t the age of-jB-while- arsto- tion will begin at -Hurden-feooker Six rooms, sun 'pitrlofTY-car gar­ SHIPYARDS C0EP. dent at Colgate University, Harrill- School next Monday during school Part-time work is available on the age, oil healtr You’ll buy and en­ (HOBOKEN DIVISION) N.- Y’.’, on September 18,- 191$ -hours and ^4 f jadditional time is joy it, Apply" to the nearest office of the and that he was accepted on beta* needed lt will be announced later. following schedule:. Theresa M. Rensen, Sole Broker U. S. Employment Service 1 . He book the basic officer A week’s fees in advance will be EL .2-9833 Of the War Manpower Commission training course while Colgate was required. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY entirely under the supervision Need Full Attendance 7 p,ifi. to 11 p.m.' NO PLACEMENT? PEE Army and' Navy authorities. Oh Board4 members pointed out that Business Directory Proof of date and place of birth required. November 1 he requested- trAnsfer^ the budget fqr the center;- which 5 :30 p.m. j:o 9:30 p.m. to tits Air Corps but all such tfans-% shows a deficit', is predicated on Beauty Parlors fers “were - halted“ by sigiflrig"nf fmi~attendance' by'^rieast 35 chilV Armistice. ■„ He was honorably dis­ dren .arid since attendance is rardly charged December 18, 1918. 10 0- percent continually, the, ulti- DR. SYDNEM’S. Tar Shampoo re­ Before' entering the service, The lieves dandruff, itching scalp. Help Wanied^Fenude matolieficlt will probably he greater.' Only 25c. Wood’s Maple Barber Tipies was informed that .Cox However, the board Is not permitted Beauty Shop, 1554 Maple Ave., WOMAN WANTED to help arouiid worked in munitions plants. to spend' public funds to operate m WA; 3-6463. bakery. Call at once. Jones’. Pies Polling Teacher Sentiment the center and the deficit 4$ being —— j— r Inc.T--Route 29, Hillside.. 12-2 Kirkpatrick then , made “ inquiry underwriteen by the Hillside ^De­ regarding reports he had. heard fense Council and other contffbu- Tailoring ... «—— — ———^ 1 about1 a.letter or card being cir­ tors. Mrs. Raya Bernstein, presi­ RCA VICTOR DIVISION RETURNING FROM COAST culated among teachers of the high dent of Hurden-LOoker School P.-T, J. m e r t e l Merchant Tailor. Glean­ Mrs. Harry I. Luftman and her school to ' find out how they felt A., urged the- board to open the ing, Pressing, Dyeing and Repair­ about the principal’s behavior. It center as speedily as possible. The ing.,-Wa. 3-0206. 1423'N. Broad infant son Michael will arrive at RADIO CORPORATION their Newark home today. ■ They St., opp. Mertz Ave. are flying Jn from California where Major Luftman is stationed. Mrs. RECONDITIONED LAWN MOWERS Trucking Luftman had been making. her OF AMERICA BEYER MOVING & TRUCKING. I home on the coast hut Is returning LOWEST RATES IN TOWN. to-J,t|ty with her parents, Mr. and Sussex and Fifth Streets, Harrison, N. J. ‘__pal] after 5 p. m . J __ Mrs. Joseph Bjraelow, of Goldsmith JOHN A. MINORI — , • : 117 Hollywood Ave. ^ EL 2-9645 Avenue, Newark Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 1500 FR A N K L IN . ST, W Averly' J-3049 through Saturday, or Thursday night until 8

ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH Persons in war or essential activity not considered Elizabeth Averiuc aFY^Ibur ^ S ! 'A rthur Northwood, Pastor A SAVING HABIT ... . SHQP AT ~~ without availability statement 9T30"arm^" Gr¥ded ' Sunday S^bbI^ ^ Men’s Bible Cl ass . - Szarko’s Liquor Store— 10:45 a. m. Morning worship‘with,sermon, “Christian Fellowship.” 1317 LIBERTY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. , 7:00 p. m. Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor. Call WA 3-0659 for Free quick ddi.ery - ; - Hi K, H KEGS BEER - - - COOLERS FOR m ax BUY M O RE WAR BONDS THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1943 P a g e F iv e

Evening Contacts To Rdcrait WA.CS t~P. Morris Junior High School, BEGINNING > t - a point la the "MerleOberon Star ue, on - Tuesday evening Da- Northerly line/of Hillside Arena*, Need More Women i 1)43, at 8:30 p, m., at which where th* same is lntsrseotsd by ths PATRICE MUNSEL, BABY OF “ THE MET" at any ■. time and plaoe to Of Mayfair Film ' letlng may be. adjournod, For Nursing Course. point being distan hundred ninety feet .('310.0') East­ The dramatic story'” of St cou­ pATRICE MUNSEL, American ival of the year, and the first erly, measured alQng said North­ “^ randhiothers, expeot&nt mothers, r of the Townhhffi' Oom- erly line of Hillsid^ Avenue from rageous woman who marries within matinee, - 'Tttwnahlp of Hitiiide. ■ the enemy’s gates in order to “save' of smTUl cHildr&i and rela­ As in previous years, the tickets HOWARD J. SLOT, tives of service men should be es­ the 1.943 .Auditions of the Air, isV liehlgh Valley Railroad; thence (1) her oountry, even though her heart at the'age of eighteen, one of‘the 111 be sold at regular box office Township 01erk.. North 12 'degrees 18 minutes. East, ~wa»" with h er hiave you pecially interested in the American INANCE RELEASING, , along said existing Easterly line of mando, is promised patrons-of the Jtcect uross home nursing course to be conducted Wednesday evenings joined the Metropolitan Opera. the office of. the Near East College L Mayfair Theatre, when “First Comes Association, 50 West 50th Street, Courage," a Columbia picture co- from 7:30 to. 9:86 o’clock at the Blessed. with a fine n&turaW&Qlge: TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE, COUN­ A. P. Morris Junior High School New York City. Telephone: COlum- TY OF UNION. AND STATE OF- starring .Merle Oberon sa d Brian and a musical intelligence, she has ia 5-3040, v NEW JERSEY. Aherne, Opens here on Saturday. It on Coe avenue. The course has accomplished in two'and a half been delayed until the required This benefit performance offers • is said to be a powerful theme, years of intensive study and dili­ an opportunity for lovers of opera flfty feet* (150.0 woven -into a; background- - of ro­ number ,are enrolled. It was orig* gence the equivalent of ten years’ mance, . Intrigue and action. . inally .t& b g ‘held at the Practice to secure good seats at reasonable House at Coe and Woodruff ave* work. Singipg is not an “accom­ irices. People living in the suburbs Miss Oberon and Mr. Aherne, nue but this has been dosed for plishment” with her, but a natural eallze how difficult It is to attend In the leading roles, portray lovers the winter.: gift the opera unless they happen to be who are forced to put their per­ A class from l •. to 3 p. m. on sonal lives aside for the exigencies regular subscribers. 'of ,war, snatching brief moments •Tuesdays at the Hillside Recreation The American Colleges In the Center has been started but women Near East have been carrying on together when duty to country per- m ay-still join, —Applications fer 1s a woman nf high birth In spite Oi\War conditions. Without Norway, he a British Commando Captain. continuous for the past eighty They had loved Jpefore the war— years, and 'they have been teach­ 1 lovem terftistea1 ing—the very—principles of fie? conflict. mocracy for which the United Na* Robinson In ‘Destroyer’ High School tions -.are now fighting. As non­ \ Reports coming in ahead, of Cage Schedule sectarian institutions, open to all --^DestroyerV- -toe^Golumbia—picture, people without regard to race or Women who. euli»t in the Women’i ■ Army Corps Decembers------creed, they have been teaching which will be presented -at the during the current WAC All-States recruiting campaign T0--Grahfdrd leaders of many nations the prin­ Mayfair Theatre on Satu^Joy, in­ will wear this type of identifying emblem of their State 14—Union dicate that it'is a vivid sACen story, ■ml Service Command. Members of the WAC All-States ___^17=dLQpen) ciples of human justice and the of a group of ’ average flgfoting Companies will go through basic training together. 23—Belleville Home necessity of Hying peacefully to- - Thanksgiving ^Amerieans aMard ^ shiiy-they-hem Women in all States are heeding the slogan, “Speed 3ianaary= = . . . : : : gether. They are so recognised by toufld and which they grow to love. Them Back — Join the WAC1” the “people m that part of the 4—Roselle Park Home ... a time sutapart once a year for giving thanks and praise to “It"is said, to be an exciting—sea- 7—Railway world, and America can well be drama, but one that does, not sacri Away God for His mercies,. Thanksgiving in times of peace is jo y -. , . The stronger out attacking %ar-< 1 1 —Plainfield Home proud of them. . fiee' the .tender jemotioxxs for the 14-rRegionM Those who have the—great re- ous and"1iappy* Thanksgiving in time o f war is serious. I t is saxe ~ni sheer ; &bectaCUlftr effects, mles_At_the tfont. t.ha sooner wil]; triet is- in th & P o st Office Build­ Home come the day * of victory. Every- — 18"- Joffcroon- --—- Away- aoQnslblUty of working out a new a time for giving thanks,, yes-^and it is a time for again -preferring, evidently, to give us a ing in Elizabeth. "The office hours .: 21~Bellevfllr ~ “ world order "for The" future can.. ^-heart’s- view- Qf-men--:at-war andi women Who loins the .WAC “adds Away PATRICE MUN8EL remembering wnat we have to be thankful For. are from 8:30 'to 5:30, including 25—Weequahic Away build upon the foundations of'these «meh-in^-love, new strength to-our-armies as surely This Thanksgiving finds, men and women all .over the as any soldier, By fazing 'over ah' holidays-- -In order—to accommodate 28yLinden - Miss Munsel*wiU appear In “The educational institutions so - skillful* - 8 Edward G. Robinson is the star women who- ..w.ork_:during the • day worldTockea in struggles—in wHiij^ many wiU die, iri which Army fob’ behind the-lines, she February— -Tales-Qf- Hoffmann” on Thursday ly fostered, for three generations, o f. the picture, in (,the* role of it frees a fighting man : for- combat and-find4t inconvenient to come to 1—Union by men and women of courage and~~ many will suffer great loss and injury. It is a w ar that is "Chief Boatswain’s Mate called the Recruiting Station for informa- afternoon, December thirtieth, in training. ■ 4-rRahway .. . Home ability through sacrificial service beginning to be wop—for those who believe in hunianlty. Bojey. S e ,is .an oldJJavy m an who tlon* the. ,WAC personnel is cooper­ ' 8^-Weequahic Away the Sixteenth Annual Benefit of the Magy thousand more Wacs are and devotion, It is a war fo r Thafiksgiving. Jg working as a welder on a^new needed a: ■ once to take over vital ating with the- civilian chairman ip. •IX—(Open) g* Near East College Association. The ‘“Ship th a tis to replace-ffie did ^ohn each community , in Union County in. As both the State, and War De­ We. a t H yatt, fire thankful for thejright to work w ith our Army jobs. ;Lt! General’ Bat-ton K. 15rrIryWgton cast includes Ezio Pinza, Martial partments have r e q u e s t e d the Paul’Jones, which went down fight­ Yount,, commanding general of ..the arranging a time for evening meet­ county tournament Singher, Lily DJanel, and Jarpifla* hands for the Victory of the Allies. We are the soldiers, of ing. When, the new “Jonesy” is ings with women 4ri their own com­ begins, American Colleges in the Near East AAF Training Command, has de­ Novotna. Sir Thomas Beecham will to carry on at all costs duriiig the the home front. Every effort, every moment of every day, kfjjMtoched, Bbley .gets back in the clared : in connection with the cur­ munities. Get fii topch with your conduct. “The Tales of Hoffmann’ ‘ Navy , so that he may be part of local .chairman at once to see about war, the purchase of tickets, for is put into the equipment that our fighting men use—xitiL rent recruiting campaign to enlist has not been given by the Metro* -her crew and h elp give her- the the job that' you oan do in the* Batteries Stolen this benefit- performance can be' bearings for planes, ships, tanks and guns. We give thanks tor many thousand ait-w a c s , that politin Opera Company for a num­ considered a contribution to the •-‘‘soul” -of -the old- ship—the -one ”0ur Air-WACS are: vital; to the. 'V7AC. - -The--Hillside -chairman is the mven who use the tools of Victory that we have .made. that had become as much a part of Mrs. Hemy Nultbn, 251 Nottingham ber of years. This will be the first war effort proper. functioning of th e . Train­ From Gas Station We-give them our best—and in their ever-increasing vie-— “Boley’s life, as his home and lovely ing Command. And we need many. way, Elizabeth 2-0444. -v daughter. Oiem Diehl,' operator rot a • service tones, we shall find cause for the real day of Thanksgiving thmisands mom” - The Elizabeth office will be open station at Hillside* and Chestnut Annual ‘Christian lowing benediction from the Bible: General Yount’s command is thp on Priday evenings from d:30 to 8 :31) ayenues, reported to police last ‘‘AT^iet-the-peace^of^-God'-rule-i'E when Peace is ours dgain.----- largest In the Air Forces and is de­ for the convenience of .. those who Wednesday the theft of auto bat­ Science Service ypur hearts, to: the .which- also ye , ☆ . ☆ ☆ ‘Lassie Come H om e’ pendent upon skilled personnel tp' wish to take rthe' mental alertness teries from his" station. The1 thief &rfr~£8Ued i n 'pn # bod/r * and be ye accomplish its1 mission" of training -test- -that—is—required1 for enrolling broke the- front doqr to gain en­ First Church of Christ, Scientist, tKahkful." (Colossian .3, verse 15) Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors needs more A t Loew ’s Theatre the technicians who service, the na­ in the Women’s Army Corps. trance. Elizabeth, N. J., held its annual men and women to help on theproduction line. Employment tion’s warplanes- and the pilots, ■ “To, fill urgent requests from $11 Thanksgiving Day service at 10:30 Office, open Mondays through Saturdays, eight a,m»Jo Jive of a love Another service, station , owner, L£OAI. NOTICE The story, th at almost gunners, - radio, men, and other spe­ .command, areas, some 600,000 WACs ■John MacDonald, who operates a o’clock yesterday, momipg .in. the p.m. All applicants must bring statement of availability; passes belief, that of a small boy cialists who fly them Into combat, are needed.; I t is vital to the war station gt Liberty avenue and Crann church edifice at 1250 Fairmount and a gorgeous collie dog, brl Information . concernirig the ,155 effoyt that these, demands be met street, reported someone broke a avenue. The Thanksgiving Day different kind of entertainment to jobs women afe called ’ upon * to do. as soon as possible/’ says General window in an apparent attefnpt to Proclamation of foe President of , th e .' screen in Metio-Goldwyn'. In the United States Army is fur-’* George C. Marshall, Chief Of Staff. the United . States and ' a Lesson-. H Y A T T BEARINGS Mayer’s adaption, of Eric Knight’! enter- but t was . frightened away nished by the Y. 8 . Army Recruiting How soon is it possible? It is up when MacDonald, who “happened to Sermon , entitled1 “Thanksgiving” DMshu of GENERAL MOTORS story “Lassie ’ Gome Home,” now Stations, /T h e. station for this dls- to you! •be inside, turned on the lights. were read. Golden Text: “What FOURTH STREET . ' HARRISON, N. J. mowing a t Loew’s Theatre in New­ shall I render unto the Ijord for ark, co-featured With “Passport tp all his. benefits tx>w.and me? . ..I RARITAN ROAD, CLARK TOWNSHIP, N, J. Suez” the stray of the most furious Sun Team Moves New Theatre Has M l- offer to thee the sapriflee of battle of the Lone Wolf thrill-lashed Approve McLean thanksgiving, and will call upon the : career. Up In Alley Loop Holiday Features As Prosecutor name, of the Lord. (Psalms 116:12, 17). Sermon. Passages Itom the In • this simple "story '"1 A special holiday shoy? opened at (Tome: Home;” a YoHKtlire farnlly Standing of.Jhe Teams Bearing out previous reports, Rep- IClng James version of me Bible mm “Pet.’ the .New Theatre, Elizabeth, yester*, resentatlve Donald H. McLean of include: . __ * . and a beautiful collie introduce day .and will conHnuB today aftd' .to­ new type of fllm.tb the screen. Sam -43§xbe P * 17 ’• 10 ,630 Hillside “Was' recommended for th e "And God1 is a'ble .to makS all S^n— | - • .13' .519 • morrow. The prbgram inolude§ the, post of Union County pirosecutor at grace abound toward you*; 'that ye, ©arrablough (Donald Crisp) owns the 41m version of, the book “Mission . dog Idolized by his son. Joe (Roddy Extrusion 12 15 .444 a meeting of the executive commit­ always having all sufficiency to. all '•General . 11 16 .407 1 to Moiscow,” by the former­ tee. of .'the Union County Republi­ things, may abound to every good • McDowell). Through poverty he is bassador tO-Russta, Joseph iB. Davies, forced to sell th e . canine to a In-the Sun Tube Bowling League can Committee at a meeting last work:” (II. dor. 9:8).' .Correlative Make T h is ... and Wait Disney’s technicolor fea­ wealthy nobleman (Nigel Bruce) Friday_ evening on Hollywood alleys, Thursday night to-Elizabeth. j passages from-“Science And Health Sun won three games from Extru­ ture, “Saludos Amigos/’-iGreetihgS McLean is expected, to finish his with Key to the Scriptures” by Who takes Lassie from Yorkshire Friends”). to his : Scottish estates. B ut the; sion, and Tube won two games from term as Congressman:, which her lias Mary Baker Eddy include: General. There Will be two feature attrac­ held..for about'.twelve years. The “Christians rejoice in secret dog, tonglng for _hsr.:young- master, tions for the three day hill begin­ escapes, and! makes her way, a - Schonfeld was high ■ the. term of the prosecutor is for five beauty and bounty, hidden from night, averaging 186.2. ning Sunday also. Cary* Grant to years and pays' $7500 annually as the world, but known to God. Self-* . thousand miles, back to her young “Mr; Lucky/’, ^ith L|raine Day $nd master. The animal braves perils Tube agalnstj $10,000 for a member, of forgetfulness, purity,, and affection Bun tele 167 ,165*: 153 Alan Carney, and Lupq Velez and Congress. are constant prayers. Practice not and starvation, Is befriended and Leon ~ Errol in “Mexican Spitfire’s even sometimes menaced, by Mfidly Marsnick | 147 145 114 profession, understanding not be­ Pflug | 178 . 147 166 Blessed1 Event/’ are the co-features. lief, gain* the ear and right hand -farmers, in & vivitUand. compelling Request features for next Wed­ drama. iBSfihart' -:;T5&--'-461-- 126 Studying Law At of omnipotence and'they assuredly nesday and Thursday wfirW'Trimr- teall- down infinite blessings.” "(p*. Filmed in Technicolor amid gor- Totals *. 644 " l 08 .569 ro?e Path” with'Ginger Rogers and New York University . loL General -Joel- McCrea and- “I Cover-., the, .^phrist Nobertozzi, of 1241 Baker Following, a solo entitfed “Psalm M p m m . 165 .Waterfront” | with Claudette Col-. street, is studying law at Nevr York _ Crisp ao/i young McDowell are. Korn ■ of Thanksgiving”,ytestimonies ap- Warner — 136: berL — University. He is to toe fre^im ^i propriate for the qpcasion were Intriguing togehier as they were In Storeh * ■ *185 ' 117“^ 188 class, having- graduated f rom Hil 1 -given-byrChriafeian- Scientister " - - „ "Hnw Preen Was My Valiev” .and "Schonfetd • 186” ...M? 167 side'High School last June. The service closed" wifii' the fol* . Elsa L&nchaster plays an under­ Completes Course At standing and sympathetic mother, Totals - m 573 576 Dame May Whltty and Ben Webster Sun Naval Air Center givejmagnifleeni performances & the Prescher . 161. 5 136 177 NORMAN Okla.—Rbert Forrest MArket 2-7632 Old Scotch couple who befriended Kysel 137.. .1 6 1 , 168 Carey, sonof.M r. and Mrs. D. Q. the starving and exhausted animal. Griffith 204 15.8 139 Car4y, of 1139 Bank street, HUTside. J. Patrick O’Malley -plays the bin? NORMAN S. BRODY & CO. Eatkiewicz — ~Tflir~SHIS 208- Nv, J:, has completed the course at "tal dog trainer.' Lassie the oollld, the Naval Air Technical Training establishes herself as a new .canine Totals ,6 6 8 . 624 690 Center here and. has received the CONSULTING .star, with her amazing Intelligence Extrusion rate of seaman first class Isi avia­ and personality. — ted— tion- ordna-ncer— — ACTUARIES and ACCOUNTANTS '.‘Passport tp Suez,’’ .latest,..lone Bosstoger ....163: 12 2 ' 168 Carey enlisted on February 13, Wolf drama, concerns' Itself^ wiffi Marchak . 164 164 136 In 'New Ydrk and has , been a t­ TAX WORK—FEDERAL and STATE the exciting efforts of th e ' Lone Ross, . ' .156 148 .148 tending the school since July 9. , Wolf In thwarting Axis agents' at­ He is a graduate of Hillside High ACCOUNTING * AUDITING tempts to obtain the. layout of the Totals ; 635 584 565; School. defenses of the Suez Canal. Lovely 1060 BROAD STREET NEWARK, N. J. Ann Savage and Sheldon Leonard provide the love interest -arid Erie Stimulate^Writing Blore plays the valet. The spy. film Stars Warren William as the “Lone Men In Service • LOEWS Wolf."..... The clubhouse of Maj. John A. Davenport Post 1722, V. F. W., Will ■be opened to the public to • encour­ age writing letters to Boys in the service, It was announced tills week, 2 0 9 '^ CONSECUTIVE BUD’S 5 to. 7-ifc.jn, . BOODVMcDOWAU-DONAUICnSP ■ Polnttog to reports of foreign cor­ Parking Station' PASSPORT TO SUEZ respondents that one of the chief M m ___ Will im at “ IDW 2 complaints of mer. overseas is 'the NOW OPEN lack of sufficient mall from homa DIVIDEND the post decided to take this action Next to to help overcome the 'complaint: THit BOARD o r MAN AtiEKb HAS DECLARED Mayfair Theatre Stationery* will be furnished and ; a d iv id en d a t th e r a t e o f 1% per foreign born residents and others WEEK BA ISJ5 CkmUrti itj7 flTTN.. MON.. TUE8. ' - - ROYrZT, »« Wed, A Thurs. 2 Request Features 764-768 BROAD STREET,NEWARK I jN.J. ELIZABETHTOWN „ VTKBTJF. O B ER O N and BRIAN AHERNE in ~>QGn«er iftOGERS—Joel HeCRJEA “PRIMROSE PATH” BLOOMFIELD AVE. SPRINGFIELD AVE. “FIRST COJiES COURAGE” CUAUDjTTE COLBERT Cor. Cliftcni Ava. Cor. l « D i St. CONSOLIDATED GAS CO. Edwftrd G rR obinson in “ DESTROYER’’— . 1 'I- COVER THE -SAT, NlTE at lllSO P. . Tht \jir Savirngj B*mk m Hew Jnjfjr — George Murphy 1 'THE HATOB OF 44TH ST.' WATERFRONT” Pgge Four THE HILLSIDE TIMES,- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1943


Realty Transfers - —(2)==5lPreeKblder /Urokawj for -The A£gm MSI I B S ™ i S f i s S r S Treasurer, advising that Kosst K.- aiiUacb was granted two weeks leave ithout pay, trpm, Qnt. 25 to Nov. 6;


KENT STORES New Jersey9s Largest Cleaning Factory FALL SPECIALS Beautifully Dry DRESSES Cleaned and Pressed

,f%senG^Wit-hou^pa^f-or-t-hP6e-mon-l-hS- froni Oct. 16, was on hoil '"fe'SSr'A *.™ Woman Severely ing W. Seward Lyon of J aSar't In Collision -a-msmber—ol-Tlie-Board-

ad using of the temporary ■

.Treei Commission,S a pending l Civil i Ser­ vice Examination, effective Sept. 28, a t $8,650.00 per annum, was on roll

Lerav -Bantrv. nf

M EN’S MEN’S loti account of sickness, effective Oct. 3 SHIRTS SUITS BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED

Committee, .releasing to the County

Auto Repairs No Matter How Little You BONDS OVER AMERICA vising amount forwarded State. Drive, Your Car Needs These State Highway Dept, re high way Fall Services. lighting reimbursement agreements BEAUTIFULLY DRY CLEANED - -1 Change motor oil Early in the 19th cen­ AND SKILLFULLY PRESSED • Change rear end and tury a storekeeper and John Audubon wool, rayon; silk, dress—more. transmission lubrication gristmill operator at — Plus Imgtrotone. ferred to. the Road Com­ 'Henderson, Kentucky, • Radiator drained and mittee. flushed. Board of Children's Cuardfans, ad­ took to studying birds vising how the changes which haramn. as aft antidote en­ Your motor will run hotter _ effective JuryX IS«7 nui and added much to — with plugs c le a ii^ aiid' ad­ on the County as w man’s knowledge of justed or renewed and air dances, was referred 1 ornithology. H is name filter cleaned for extra is a byword to this M ens j j f \ c mileage. day. I t is John J; Household Service Audubon. MacDONALD’S GARAGE CURTAINS (per pair) . . 49c Overcoats OS/ Esso Dealer and Anto Repairs Plus Lustrotone .1480 No. Broad St smployed on the temporary basis. Plain, plus lustrotone Shade Tree> Commission. a4vle....0 Tel. Waverly 6-0034, HUMde hal^pseph Walsh was appointed Act- WOMEN’S FUR TRIMMED Only th e knowledge of BLANKETS COATS ...... i.49 despotism, destruction, killing, maiming brings ■ Plus lustrotone one to the surface of Single ...... 29c Nazifsm. I t has no place Double . . . . , . 4 9 c for gentle souls; only MEN’S HATS . . . . . 3g'c H im m lers, Schleichers, Plus lustr otone COAL and COKE Von Papens, Heydrichs. Pins lustrotone QUILTS . ... — 79 c SKIRTS and SWEATERS . 19c Cotton, plus lustrotone ELUDING SUPPLIES Plain j plus lustrotone Now Serving The War Industries W illiam Hale Coal Co. NEILL & SPANJER 1874 Liberty Ave. Phone UNionville 2-2244 Wiiiniri* Mahogany - White Pine and Hardwoods BACH LOAD DELIVERED IS CAREFULLY WEIGHED 1860 Liberty Ave. Tel. TOionville 24717 Who’s Who In Business A, Convenient Directory of Men and Firms Ready to Serve You Efficiently in Their Special Fields. Save Time,. Energy and Money by Utilizing This Guide to Help You Get What You Need.

Electrical Repairing Funeral Service Consoli Cleaners LOBIANCO ELE^fRIG ELECTRICAL WIRING — RADIO REPAIR WALTER R. LEE We Solve Your Electrical Troubles Director of Funerals 1460 Chestnut Ave. - Hillside, N. J 14 BURDEN STREET— ------HILLSIDE, N. J. 1283 8A U M AVEKPE______\ ___HILLSIDE, JStj, ELizabeth. 2-0143 • El.izibeth 2 4347— Z, . iV — .OPEN 7:80 A. M. TO 8:00 P . M, DA ILY---___ rfrrrn jf, . . ... T h e h il l s id e t im e s , Fr id a y . No v e m b e r 26, 1943 JJageJThree §

“Informed pobUc opinion to th. most po ■Pon mUjorernment. "A too PM itaaii m U. 8. Supreme Courts tetorprotera b«HnM the g HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PAGE people. To allow It to bo i

smoothly. Army uniforms constitute the (Stmga Occasionally, when embarkation lulk oif the work. Other equlp- w troops ls’ iii progresa, a pusn or- n ie ir r "CUnsisis uf Held— pauketsr Printed and t*ublished every Thursday, at "It’s A Date der ^suddenly comes through. Uni­ 1443 North Broad Street, Hillside, New'Jersey mackinaws, blankets, comforters, by NEWS OF OUR forms and other equipment must leggings, overseas caps, shirts, blouses, THE HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING. COMPANY be moved from the camp to the ties. Kent Consolidated Cleaners Sidney Silverstein ...... Business Manager- , Today' p la n t«fey midnight, and all work have been doing the work,, for Camp! Robert Kaplaji ...... , , * ______. .. . Editor Junior Woman’s Club military cleaned and pressed and returned Kilmer for over a year and for bridge. by noon of the next . day. An all Camp Shanks for nearly a year. Telephone WAverly 3-2465 MENwWOMEN night emergency, schedule makes Card party of Hurden-Looker this - achievement possible, with IN THE SWEAT OF EVERY MAN WHO LABORS School P.-T. A. civilian' .work being temporarily Omega Sigma iPsi .Sorority party. halted/-,. Send In Your News i A " ^ eforiLuRy wlio.owna liU home IN UNIFORM family, is now earning approximately $92 weekly. His is mot a temporary ,iyar jo b . He 'works in the aommvmieations indus- try. He is an almost invisible speck in what ia so popularly A. Christmas party. PROMOTED I Completes Course Perlman Wins Rank December 7 'lia lUkl-Hl^lmse-oiass ft gflfl'fi a i l M l —^ailHHI! yjifl 1 At Tactical School Of Second Lieutenant "Meeting of~ Woman's Club of Mllsidie. -that this country can producer' Frank J. La Tora, of 118 Frances EUher* E. Perlman, son of Mr. and place, was awarded ‘ a certificate Mrs. A. A. Perlman, of 180 Grum-. Board of Education meeting. Jjttt JjlJp middle class American is worried. Every other recently for completion of an in­ i man avenue, who recently graduated Christmas entertainment of Cal- tensive . course of training at the from the officer candidatc school at in Coolidge School P. T. A.— ^ week when he receives Me check, he finds that $46 has baett Tactical School of the ’Second Ser-^ Miami Beach,* Fla., has bpen pro­ December 14 • Command at Hackettstowii moted' to the rank of second lieu- Township Committee meeting. "deducted—taxes, bonds, uid-age insurance; -etc. He is wo'rried- I tenant. He is ^ now administrative Tora,' veteran of fffie first December 21 -toeAuse^M elFtlpjfty^sM ^ instructor iiTtfie Air Corps at Boca Board of Health meeting. World-War and-aetive-in-local-^vsU- Raton Field- Fla. the possibility of gradually ^accumulating savings, th at .is, say- eran oiroies, is a, sergeant in Oom- pany" A, Sixth Battalion, Infaht¥y7 —Towj^sHlp-Pommittce meeting, . rnffToyer" whieh he. Sail !SBr3S5r'Hfffi®vi3ffil^"jud^Senfc“ Thel of. the New Jersfey State" Guard. A CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST son,-Prank La Tora Jr., is. serving . ^Ancient and Modem Neoromancy, $45 taken from him every two weeks is subtracted from, his overseas;— M » Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, check by the company for which he"works, He never sees it. Denounced" is the Leason-Sermdft Kent Doing Work subject for Sunday, November 28. For Army Camps I t goes direatly to the Federal -government w-here4t-i8“&vent-H*lly- Miss Agiies Lyman Golden Text: “Be meroiful unto ,turned over to various agencies to be applied to "essential” me, O God: for man would swallow —Army- uhlfbrms_ahd quartermas-~ Sworn Into WAVES ter’s supplies need plenty' cleans ;^ltifltiest-among"tBSip,7So'8ial Security.. Money that tliis man me up; he fighting daily oppresseth Miss Agues Lymhr., of 2?! Arthur me . . . What time I ani afraid, I ing‘and that’s where the Kent Cpn- labored long hours to earn, and which he has never even seen,1 street, daughter of. Mr" tad Mrs, will" trust in thee.” (Psalms 56:1, 3). sohdatfed Cleaners, -of 1400 Chests nut avenue comes in. . ' is expended( by unkndwn officials thousands^of miles away, who, Prank J. Lyman, was sworn . into Sermon Passages-from the King the WAVES recently as an appren­ James version of the Biblb include: The Hillside Kent plant is busy know or care nothing about his personal affairs . tice seaman. She will soon be or­ "I will say of the Lord, He is -my part of its time cleaning and press­ dered to the U. S. Naval Training refuge and * my fortress: my God; ing between 25,000 and 30,000 gar­ . Start-your children.on the right road to. ’. This man, this ordinary American citizen, does not begrudge School at Hunter College, N, Y. ■ in him will I trust.” (Psalms M:2); ments a week for two army camps., Thrift—by allowing them To fl&posit their ■ Miss Lyman attended Hillside Correlative passages from.‘"Science Camp Kilmer , at New Brunswick, in the slightest, the money given to the government from his High. School and1 Essex Junior Col­ and Health with Key to the Scrip-' and Gamp Shanks, Orangeburg, owit savings in our bank. Give them a check for taxes*

T T stands on a desk in one of New Jersey's telephone test centers. No NEW **“ electric fan or breeze coming through the window is needed to stir it GREEN FLYER SERVICE into action — always it flies straight out from its standard. Irvington to W estfield ,e/ like th a t little flag?*, said th e m a n a t th e desk. "Keeps reminding me HEN you brush your For Ipana is designed not only teeth—don’t forget to mas- to dean the teeth but, with mas­ of the all-out way the war job must be done at home,” Route No. 7 Bus Service to SEND Wsage your gums. For bright sage, to aid the gums. Each time . teeth, a sparkling smile depend you brush yotir teeth, massage The trained men in New Jersey’s telephone test centers watch over Irvington — Hillside — Union — Kenilworth largely on firm, healthy gums. a little Ipana onto your gums. Garwood — Westfield Don’t take dances with "pink Notice'that exhliarating “tang" the cables, wires and central office apparatus of the statewide system. The tooth bhish." —exclusive with Ipana and mas­ FARE — 5c PER ZONE • If yotir tooth brush shows a sage. That’s evidence of gum* w ork goes on endlessly to m ake sure th a t " troubles” are fo u n d an d repaired tinge of “pink"—see your den­ circulation speeding up-help-* Zone I —Irvington to 5 Points, Union tist at once. He may say that ing to make gums firmer, with ail possible speed. They use highly sensitive testing devices and have Xmas Cards yours is another case of "JUxy” stronger. Zone 2- - Union to Cranford gums—gums denied exercise by With Ipana Tooth Paste and always on hand complete service records of every cable, instrument, switch­ Zone 3- -Cranford to Westfield Now . today’ssoft, creamy foods— massage help yourself to' health­ gums that need the extra stimu­ ier gums, * sparkling' teeth, a board and other equipment within the area they serve. lation of Ipana and massage. more attractive smile. I t takes giving the best to th e jo b to serve A m erica’s w ar needs . . . th e GIFT HEADQUARTERS Made in Hillside by kin d o f all-out effort symbolized by the little cardboard flag v on the We Call For and,D elfcer BEST FOODS MODERATE BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY telephone man’s desk. „ s u p e /h diner PRESCRIPTIONS ROUTE 29 near BLOT ST. HILLSIDE new TinsWiWCfn Management of Gabriel A. Gabriel — 60 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. Table and counter service. Bring the family. You will like out food and our service: IPANA TO OTH PASTE THE HILLSIDE TIMES, Ml PAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1943

Franklin Nulton, all of.Hillside; and 1 Announce Engagement NuMh westerly Richardson Gets p m Wattrick, of .Miilbuig. A Fesiiiftbtiial Given Ired feet (80OJC 01 Miss Shirley Hull W $ S S r ® Middlebury Post Social ltems= parting . gift was. presented to the Golden .Chain Patron or ^formerly -guest of honor who- has since been j Mr. and! Mrs. Lemuel AFJHUU, of MIDDLBiBURy, Vt.,' NOV. 21_ inducted into the Naval service. 898 Revere drive, announce the en­ Wiliinm J. Biobardeoii, son of iir. Games were played and refresh- gagement of their .daughter, Shirley and Mrs, H. P. Riohardson, of 258 =By SALLY McGHEE= InSfits served; Arlene, to Aviation Cadet Charles Ogdeii way, has been. named to the" ‘ranklin Curtis, 11,7 son of E^igeneT executive council of . the. Lodge, MR AND MRS. WALTER ark; Miss. Julia .Dellmire, of Maple- Surprise Shower Given Curtis, of HUlcrest, Clinton, Iowa, opsnrff "sputa!"'T®errter*fg“ HORNING* fcf Liberty avenue, en­ late Mrs. Curtis. ■ ' 1 eivilian and Navy men on the Mid- ’ tertained for the holiday . Sirs. Ralph V. W.. Myers', Mrs, C. Lapp, Mrs. I. For Mrs, Lionel R Drive, held at Pembroke College, honorary chairman of the" dinner, V the creditors of said deceased to ex-; ike effect twenty (20) days . al hlbit to'* th e subsbribei® under oath rat .publloatidn thereof afteivfin; November 17*19. Fifty girls ^solicited was .toastmaster. 'Mrs. Raphael! or. affirmation their claims and ae- the State of New Jersey HOLLAND SHADES— Side Hemmed' served conmiittefe in: charge nmnds a^inst- the" estate of said de> Pembroke' students "and^f aculty—in ceased within six montfts==4^raMaia With Pulls—Bring to your roller * an raise $12Q0., / of reservations. / date of said order, or they will be Miss Resky, . a; graduat&„of. Hill­ — The’_prder, which has 20 Links in forever; barred _.froan prosecuting or i07 ELIZABETH 'AVE.. ELIZABETH V EL. 2-4469 side High SclKJOfj is a freshman at New-jersey, * New York, Connectic recovering the same against the sub- Pembroke. • cut arid Pennsylvania, will launch a4 Victory ship-in January through fts Service Men Benefit purchase of $2,000;000 in war bonds I HERRIGEti, LINDABURT & subject to flooding; and in February, will preMfent the TfiERBpORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY From Proceeds Of Tea HERRIGEL, Proctors, THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OP THE In the Navy OD Is government with a fleet of' twelve . 1060 Broad* St. TOWNSHIP ,OF HILLSIDE, IN THE Mrs. Am y Yeager 'Newfcrk, N. J. a COUNTY OP UNION AND,, STATE OP- The Hungarian Mothers Victory Jeeps. Over 350,000 cigarettes: have Pees J7.80 • • , Nov, 18-5' Club held another tea party recently beeh sent to memitoSrs"of tfre armed l COATS and SUITS at the home of Mrs, J. Bllinskyp ot “TOWNSHIP OF IIILLSID .SECTION- 1, -There shall- he con-. Recapping forces abroad- and thousands of the Dressmaking - Alterations OUTMANEUVER and DESTROY Silver-avenue. ®f- the proceeds of members have, donated to the Red Puts New Life in Tires the p^rty, $10 was donated to-the [Cross blood bank, many qualifying 213 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE Red Cross, $10 to the U, O. and for_ the _ Gallon GSUb. It adds to the span of tire- the ENEMY fifteen boys In the service were sent Hillside, N. J. Phone: EL 3-3806' life.— makes for safe and Mrs. Raphael also' made the pre- easier driving. It doesn’t cash gifts. sentatlon of a gift to . the grand Hostesses were Mrs. Kovacs, Mrs, •worthy matroh. . cost any more to get the Marczinka and'Mrs. Nyulgszy, best recapping. Let the Seal Others from Hillside who attended] of Quality and Safety guide the dinner were Dr, and Mrs. Mil- HERMAN you — the sign of Certified ton M. mien, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Master Treaders. In this J. Rosenberg and “ Mr. and Mrs. GELHAUSEN Dr. Saftiuel J. Preston [Walfeer iM, Leitoo. Surgeon Chiropodist BASS-BARITONE Day Offloet ’ but for Real Home Heating Comfort It’s 38 CENTRAL AVE., NEWARK Announce Engagement' Of HOWARD J. BLOY. . SEtSTfO'N*' 8. "The improver MA. 2-6113 _ Z \Corp. Margaret Chaddon rlbed in Section 1 of this i 1473 Maple Ave,r Hillside v t A ^ t, Townshi p Clerk. j hereby- authorized to be n Teacher of Singing A & B SALES . Phone W A.-0-3481 Mr. and Mrs, William Chaddon, I VACATING AND EXTINGUISHING | \ instructed''as a general irhp TiOURS: 6:80 P. M. - 8:30" P. M. of Chapman street, have announced PUBLIC RIGHTS IN A PART OF there Is hereby appropriated Available for concert CORP. ORANCE DISC the engagement of their daughter, RAMSEY* AVENUE, IN THE TOWN­ 6000 00 SHIP OF HILLSIDE, COUNTY* OF $ . , Including.,; ,$260.0 Choral and choir director 39-53 Long Aveiiue Corp. Margaret Chaddon. of the UNION AND STATE OF NEW >wn payment .now available' Anthracite WACS, to Pvt; Vificent Donnaruma, lrpose by -virtue of the dppi Hillside, N. J. son -of Mr. and Mrs. V. Donnaruniaj N ew ark Ave. Telephone Tha original trada-m arkad hard coal —> PETS of Boston, Mass.- Cmp. Qhaddon is Elizabeth N. J, EL. 3-4980 a guaranteed fuol that assures the lit* • CANARIES a graduate of Hillside High Bchooi and before her! enlisMerit was fem- r -^most In heating comfort. Identified for . Guaranteed Singers ployed by Mundet Cork Corp., Pvtr . (Rereiriafter referi - - your protection. Donnaruiria=rwas attending Boston i igh Valley Railroad not • ZEBRA FINCHES mlty with' th6 dedicated *la University* before . enlistment! VHfiTREAS, the Overhead D/sfrfbufed by . ~ • FISH TANKS Both are stationed' at Hendricks "Field; Fla; ■-y ' '' . > | • -v • REED DOG BEDS • CHICKEN SCRATCH Music Features Meeting HIRLEMAN’S ESSO STATION DANIEL LEEDS-MILLER, Inc. and Supplies I Of Mother-Daughter Club~ COAL FUELOIL COKE The Mother-Daughter. club... of ^ Hollywood Ave., comer Gonant St. [WATTS PET SHOP the "Hillside* Avenue School P.-T. A. 1356 NORTH BROAD ST. HILLSIDE, N. J. jreld a meeting- lost Thursday_af£ef-_ 1193 E. GRAND ST, .noon at "whid)i Mrs. Thomas ‘Cham­ EL 3-8706 Phones t EL 2-7123, W A 8-1988 ELIZABETH, N. J. berlain sang _tWO,compositions, ac­ companied by Mrs. Walter Leibd. Joan Leibo and Joan Lilien played piano solos and a""3uet; ~ All "members participated Th com­ munity . .singing, j^anned -by tti8 en­ tertainment committee .and led by Aliee Cantor, Johanna -’GMeltzer, Marcia Bennett. Cha'rlotte Schpee and Ina Kirsch- Refreshments werers|.ryed.;by Mrs. William Grav- enhorst, COMPHER’S ESSO STATION


Furs Held On A Deposit next patty —bring tha gang In tor a CQATS MADE TO ORDER AT WHOLESALE PRICES Vrilclng’’ goad unit an ant EXPERT REPAIRING and RESTYLING Brunswick Maplawajn. Every comfort and convenionca fea- 4 EL. 24819 tura (or pour greater bowling pieuura. Special conaideratioa TICHEXOR’S SERVICE STATION 1151 ELIZABETH AVE. Elizabeth, N . J. to bowling parties 1222 North Broad Street ' For Reservations Call For Reservations Call EL 3-9156 lim e leU sljie, la te. WA 3-9846 OPEN ALLEYS Saturday & Sunday PIN BOYS W ANTED v MacDONALD’S ESSO STATION LIBERTY 1480 North Broad. Street - (3)um wnd$ —ffflalchea - ALLEYS If f id J h f K i l o w a t t — NON-STOP WAR WORKER 303 FLORENCE,AVE. WA 6-0034 U7 ‘ESroad S i, Q ipibeth , ~~ ' ' Near Liberty -Avenue "• 4 Green Flyer buses No. 6 arid 7 • This powerful war worker keeps New Jersey 's w ar plants humming d a y and ; f •top, within orte bloogof alleys. -night. Be. never, sleeps. He never t!£SS./He just keeps right an toppjying " electricity needed for the production of planes, tanks, guiis, ships’and other war goods. Reddy'Kilowatt works all the time— fdr Victory, ..,4,, ■

Electricity jt Cheqp . . . but Vitol to War Prsduct on, Da net Wdife It in Your Ftome . WEIMER’S ESSO STATION.

- Liberty and Long Avenues -PUBLICQS11 1 '.u ) SERVICE We Cater fo Small Parties Cochrane’s EL. 3-9323 ' ~ U N 2-3001 1 fe P S T A I i b W A R .B~pn 0 $ ,0 k S r A M P s ★ COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1274 North Broad Street