OR BODY ur OF OPPRESSION OVER THE MIND " ETERNAL HOSTILITY TO EVERY FORM XII—NUMBER 40. 1 850. VOLUME B1DDEF0RD, MAINE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 0. Editor anil LOUIS COWAN, Proprietor. race." •• In nil a.Id* bin In the ruir, while OoluncU Hub- formed rarn<«tnr«»," and ull How Jim 10 Jiew urieant 'utteck when oral und act to buy wuii.got " tbo muet vu before tho house, praiseworthy America aurpuMi Bucha- of Iodic* driven bard and Sticknov, with two hundred men, he, Kngluh to a of Intareating Diielotures-~Xr. a It mtn. in tho and look* of it* AND EASTERN JOURNAL be stnn Is pledged platform principles the South Deerfiold hand dirge. It ha* not l>een sincc the late hw attention in /root. of Europo growth UNION nan on played but If I *ew, I many year* dircrU'd carried out in the Slavery. waa touched I am not Tho whole nation haa a wlii proper spirit, was all iu such tost*, and o^legislator; James of one of the Skene and' the when male Tfca I'oko aoJ balara JmthI la a»Ml«W«d nuj good of exten- Willi, iitltimore, great- Colonel roy&Ilsta, population. Trait, at Ha. 1, Ontral W««»- tlie decisive worda of penunded •aptaa XT IV"M would he and if on the a the fami- on thia I hate aoinewliat hew- la Mm •*k" second Muuday a of tho came and, in a neat Clay home. The New York -Courier tell* tlnwo Wen the of thecoun- Ttr, with the tal M 4(1; aaqiufnal w uk< aiwiH—M gvntleman high<*9t nwpeetabilUj, ly, out, speech, Sunday that loyal people equipment* oa. Ilia «•- never vote to the doom of aa»l|id»aa a( ilw km rata* m r*s«lnJ phun. a of a conversation which consideration* in which the demonatrntion impoverishment, nets the lieru: the fir»t to discour tlio truth. "The t<> their own notion* report I would were CkaataM dm*. n, that ire should thtn,on the 4/A «f with Mr. Ik( iianav. ing and selling men for a living. tbttaaelrcf. llrown cnata opini had just held hud iu birth. About the time the Texas excitement ran woods aro full of Yankee*," orixl they, and being provided by M march to stizt the tho Advocate, a* never vote Kanzas to slavo labor, which by white with Marcus WATSON, Pr iattr. nut, U'e because I could of thing : 1 two hours vith State, wharf witli his solemn were killed or wounded mt button*; in abort orery variety pattern. ^ottrq. Mr Dkak Sis spcut To thr Edilort of th* Atlas: visage expanded, however, they as in u and Christians, be it our it. Tlw ami wore unuonua thought Iluchunau ut Wheatland. lli* how he could down tho river thus run the i>ripi*u<'ni gtincmi* yesterday, The letter mw received ysster- help some of the for slave- planning get gauntlet. to so a ca- following After noticing pleas Fremont and Victory. dutr uroid, if possible, direful iuiJ ar- without when ho hoard the drum sound of who had and belt* which their rank ; hut MM are is addwd At the fire-arm*, • grounds btnutifully tastefully from Ilei. Mr. Nuto. It Dr. said that tchrn they forsook money, Stark, lair.itr. Jleoce, he was for an day ry, Dewoy moot the colonel* and other offloera were t wcyma* making house is ami and fife, lie saw a half uniformed soldier with the main in the of mw yoks raise to»a.—av ouelu ranged, but hiti plain unpre- to * friend in this city. It giro*, I believe, thnr stand and advocated its ; remained body camp, with our suter southern Statoa, to former point, 1 a imuket and effur:. the hat tho about for New Orleans n liar*' the in their clothre; Iwy- tending in extreme—Mery thing the latent news in to hint, and will ho could not anoincr embarking mounted lifa and gave word, for. ordinary Atr— >'«»»» U 2V«a«Aa."— 1'urilam lunte the election of Mr. Bu- regard extension, go sicpM-iui bearing per{» |Msaca by Ilut the Texas banner. A struck him.— his men the onet in luuul, and a cartridge-box, air or unostentatious Democracy. bo ree.d with interest all. l'ermit ino to not Influenced the excite- thought trim/.' IIo had promised plun- powder- obanr.ii. by tlietn. Ho by 7 or Next lie sent hi* trunk ou board the of the British horn orer the (boulder. But what cajieclal- man himself ia tho very impersonation add that the Kansas Committee, tho tliorc are causes for day der camp. IJ10 homely apeccli Men of the North, who rein«rnil>cr Clothing ment of day ; good was never first boat to and as the 1 It uniufod him wu* the of uncouth rxer unufTtictod 1 at the Warren strwl exist ho start, just captain mnd<> him when in of tho enemy, variety Tb« dcctl* of your Mrw, |lortoua, Republicanism. hare their headquarter* it, liut it these cause* did not l.y tight Wher® are ? " of an They mora in life, sent there the bell for the last time, Wills stop- ho* often been cited : Now, men, worn tho officer*—lingering# Join in our p*.in violations. agreeably dis*uppcu IkUrty! For n -Uv or two after the election lie gave cordial and reception, will bo forwarded. A member of is a tide in tho world which will ped hoard, dragged tho night they carefully rising were uu Xoveiuber an I and took from his tbeat- l»o a Moat of tho thu* noticcd tha Hark! Hie |«!m of anxi "v •» felt in this for the whore- and talked with us with tho freedom of tho Committee will bo there from 2 tho Tho Czar medi- occupied stateroom, must l»e oura, or Molly Stark will troope citj daily away 1 «r« sweep system. of Million* of voioca ringing, "alliance" felt na if I had ricnl wardrobe a solder's coat with buff widow!" levied , tho yeomanry tha about* of c-.rtaiu notables of the old acquaintance. 1 Mill y P. M. tho afternoon. Ladies wish- tates freedom to his serfs. All tho world hastily I ha lliey are tinging, during Olorioua aong tho issue breast uml three rows of button*, a Itaum s >on found assailed on ev- fain II r. known him all my life. Ho said to aid reccivo information there. demands tho freedom of all men—and "with ehaj>eau himself country. Fremont and victory! ing may " an immense a rod and a There wero In c that Mi«m. in this election wns tho Union of 1. B. with plume, wish, but he defended hia worka regular regiment* alto," Uimk! It nfidentlj reported involved II. «H|uul calmness and confldcnco lie waited tho ery aide, bravely. choru» South had of false whiskers. the tirno that Ilia two of "which for want of timo and cloth Join the great they're tinging, ClifT r! an 1 Appleton were netting up with these States an equal*. That the Lawrence, Kansas, ) result." pair Uy piccea urtiliery, advantageously •aid, Fremont and tho Aboli- the Wt under Jim wait wero not in uniform. Then* victory! the 1 t : and the dubious remark* which submitted to the aggressions of Sept. II, 18{»0. \ This extract is from a letter written by got fairly way, planted were very effective, and hia troops, jet equipped with hut sword had *tuuilard* with vuriou* emblem* und II rv Wed- a that well Mr Dear Friend :—I lmvo returned the stage hang- if alow in wero in action.— app the Argus of Tuwdaj and tionists with patience might just tho Rev. Dr. Way land present week, fully equipped, march, steady fore»t-«U«l mountain*, 'border liia hide. on hi* wa« mottoa *orao of which had for u> a Come from your c the admiration of tho world, and from with tho ruffians,' in the Providcnco Journal of ing gracefully Drawing For tw;i hour* the of lire-arms very D#i : lrmed thin belief. challenge my captivity and publishod hy discharge from the held* of tilUgc, a Come your * was and find letter mo. ans- he hesitated moment, but to tho conatant •ntirieal signification.M t> haro it, that they have gone to considering the firo-oating propensities, your awaiting My Thursday. glove*, relying aaid havo been like rattling Come forth from city and Tillage, States must tho door " I mint to tho credit of the tno> with Cir- to understand. He ridiculcd tho wer must bo brief, in order to the Tho citizcns of tho United on his power, he of the drum. Stark, in hia Hut iuy hoal of the free ! Whc to condole tho Oatend difficult Tory go by peculiar opened dispatchta, Join the great with its "that not* how thia of and said next mail. very soon docido whether slavery, into the cabin which wax filled with passen- it to a "continued of thun- regiment*," continue* he, Aa from their wwiww founUina cular I i date. Wu crn'l *»jr doctrinus Squatter Sovereignty, {compared clap my'a Are wa* to ba mean to out ou the *'-m^l that the of a territo- havo lost in this last raid. Over brute force, or tho universal intelligence the time all was confusion find the and after them evil fooling; contrary, they from ocean tn ocean, waa !.'* ahadow. viv: people everything by upon IIcft»ians, proving Echo, only principles, and was would rather do u* honor.— when oumo to form a CO in this immodiato ami conscience of tho wholo peoplo; who the ofBcor wan. A gencr.il rush stormed tho works with irrtwistihlo u* though they Fremont and victory! V>« a 11 report confidently that Governor ry had the right, they families neighborhood fory.— whether tho coiutitutijn itself shall mado (or tho but he had not A* wo marched tho grcut tent of (Jen. 111. Well.- U ia town, and we hare boen aauured State Constitution, to say whether they havo had thoir houses burned, and in most protect register, yet A Hessian oyc-witne*s declares that this time hy or was con- ho invited in and ooiu* in somo the from violation our dearest rights, becomu his namo down; tho captain the reikis with (iate*. tho hrigadier* Far in ihe Wea» rulia ihe thunder. a i' ir friend of hi*, that he, (the Gov- would or would not hare Slavery. That by casos ull their contents; eases, put fought deaj oration, preming by and remediless ho not At of and variou* refresh* The tumult ol battle m raguitf, nau aumiueu mat tho ami in tho instrument of intolerable Milted but did know. length, within of the loaded cannon to mandcr* regiment*, ernor) !? trd aoniething drop the other night. this lcgisUti >n Congress head of household murdered, eight pace* w a wero act them. Gatea i* I** Wtirr* bleeding Kanaea waging not in wounded. I cannot into detail.— however, feeling littlo curiosity himself, < take suro aim at tho artillerists. Tlio lat- merit* before Pliiin ..trae* is aaid to l*e in awful con- the was with tho people, and many go oppression. Warfare with power wear* Slavery I to sit Under such circuuistanccs every Christian ho walked up to Jim, und said, "Sir." ter wero slain tho cannon Tho tweon and year* of uge; torti »» r the and tho sonsiblo rulo was, am ablo up, lteing completely ; captured, fifty elxty wilh toea wbu »urroiiad Iter, pecting intrnnfird Liquor Congress, only just " Struggling citizen is bound to remember that Sir to said Jim, hi« his own thin Imir ; inactive and friend* * this bo exercised tho worn out the of the hut 15 certainly you,'.' touching and Canadians took to flight, and j grey Lo »lir implore* you lo day her Law, t!i grants, tho return of that could by people by hardships royaliatk '.cadciny with individuals are and ou account of the wonknem of hit tx came to form a Stato Gov- without a morsel of or communities to tho woods. The Gcrimtnii sfill ly, Will you lo Slat try tray her? Jud- !' .1 i* to the bench ; and nlao it ia re- onljr when they day*, twice food, equally chapoau. escaped amcnahlo to tho laws of eternal and " Will do mo tho favor fill wear* At head Never »ha (halt be Irev! waa to himaeU to ndmiasion into tho even a drink of wholosouio water for 24 justice; you Jto register their and fought bravely, oyea, constantly spectacle*. port.. I, tii it bo heard talking ernment, preparatory j kept ground, 1 neither tho a we mot who trcutod Hurrah' his words, on tho and onso in that, so long as God exists, pros- name, so that I can fstate- i there was not a left. Ktnm and quarter* uiuny officer*, about .• iliere will lie to make motions at Union. I giro you almost very hours, sleeping ground, your provido cartridge Swear thai you'll never betray her; nor the of a nation can Ik; room for then took to their broadswords u* with all |HMnihlo tho S a:.!315 >ard thia uintor. lie Kiid, if ho should bo elected, ho felt Jat- a noisome dungeon. perity perpetuity you." his dragoons politenoM.—Iritng'i Kan*a« ahall be frr«' " yet secured tho of wrong. We with said Jim, and to and en- Lift II '. -S. Littlo has taken the c.ir-t tor isfiod the would be flnUly wifo and many of the neighbors had by perpetration Oh, pleasure," and the infantry their loyoncfs, of Washington. IV. Slavery question My aro of to tho ho flourished in 111 ■ ho a of all of ever inc alive.— upon by every principlo relig. walking up register, deavored to cut their to a road tho Cm;.. i, «•- mo where else, and madam ru- nettled, provided could carry portion given up hopo seeing cajjcd way Marv-h' we hare aworn to support b«-»; t<» •' Iv.\t etd ue; !< trwit hi* friend* with on the strength Free-Soil ism, sectional, anything, every- Friendships. be Ihi* color i-» n to Freedom lo Krt thi# an rumor on tbo street chanan sound question ding, Ac., hope principles pliment onlj p remarks. It is almost needier* to bred in Tim total of tin* the aton-* To Kan-taa ahall Freedom be tho Northern I found the box sent last on re- ern triotic say often among youthful companion* height pedestal, given; Tlu I. wo heard of Moses McDonald, he Mr. Calhoun, and Democracy spring my your mooting, F. Wayusd. from that tho tot ihtanl ! tiio of lifo! Then anu ihe galea of November, The '. that wu seen of K. Wilder Far- might do They havo dono and oudurod heroical- and 1 ho was tho hurricane dock hand* on our Our tho lato Horatio and ol voK-ea are for it on the that it and thus fur tho is but nt a was fat in circumfereneo, day promenading .ey throbbing pulse*. j sculptor, Grornotigh, MUlioua rin«ini», let, lc> w.i- itridea broom stick in hot pur- uvea apologise ground ly, victory ours, twenty-ono linked arm in arm with tho and faith in each other, in whatever is in hi* art in I'arii. This mak J Uioriou* Ihe son* ihey are ainging— in tho Constitution ; but terrible cost of valuable lives. n«ir seven feet in diameter. Tho in captain lovely, studying suit < t! t tho dissection is recognised thoy cavitjr nhantom, pauper know* no limit*. Then the second bronxo statuj now in II n- Fremont and victory! estab- charter wot was near tho I warm-hearted Southerner. virtuous, heroic, gro.it say it is right. Tliat God himself Six of my personal friends—thrco of them which tlio placed Hurrah! bill. Kiid tlio Southerner, "I know how it is for attachments to grow tjii; still another of is to lw lished and that it has tho liiblo for its near to me—havo fallen tho most and to ndmit a child, "Major," frequent Washington Join the great chonaa they're unking, 8. II. 1 Jam** Todd and Nathan it, very by root*, largo enough .-nan, ! havo Iwn on a mission to collect urins, I at whos} stainless and tender on tho centre ol tho Common in that ant! ! foundation. If we do not sustain these brutal murders tho last throe weeks. but tho last had closed you up, sincerity placed Fremont victory Cura:n; were in this on during during eight years 1 reported citjr ammunition and recruits, but 011 thin sub- ionmneo we smilo iu after when, alas, The Frankliu statue stands in front men in dtfencc of our wo de- Our hearts fail us not and our Mr. llarbcr, in hi* "Historical Col- years, city. 'it as been s-vn on board Institutions, yet, hope up. Mondav having of course Ira mum, in oonso- in to e.m «, time ha* of tho Hall. serve The contest is Obvi- is tho (iod thut will tho narrative of ject you may many hardly brought City 1 Foco en-roule for eternal infamy. In of Justice, bo bring lections," give* following [ | of tin* skow Loco of tlio Iratweon tlio United to for what it ha* taken Tho Hon. R. C. tho JELxsrellanrons. between Buchanan and Fremont.— us out of ull conllicts with wiekednoss tri- tho event which nmdo tlio "Charter Oak" quence treaty 'enough couipenmto Winthrup originated Salt Hi- r. Moro Journal. ously | anon.—Ttmp. hero States and Mexico. For my I could ! we wander through the for the Franklin Statao and delivered Fillmore is not in tho rac<\ So man^ umphant. famous: part away Together plan Brooks. soo all the rascal* liko on tlio fields as enchanted We tho address at tho A Firey Speech from Mr to that ho is. ) I to offer a more ac- "Sir Edmund Andres tho hung dog* through grounds. inauguration. protends say purpost) particulur being appointed " Ar.ct'^r Turn of the Screw- wa* htnvU I consideYhis ar- trees dream dream* splendent with tho triuinplis The day lino, tin* profusely Tho Columbia South C&ruliuiin bm • On the whole, therefore, count of these things for publication in lirst Governor General of New England, " Whatever bnalnois have wo vow and think to win. In the docoralod, and tho of length Un lur liiu httd will bo seen election wliire I somo of Boston the next rived in Boston in 1G8G. From my may been, fondly proewsion groat ■ketch of a that was deliv- telegraphic beyond peradventurc—and your papers by December, speech recently means in tho ardenttiCN* of that time our secret soul* with emblematic devices suit* tho record ofa mob that on the 11th inst., that thoro can 1» found in tho this he wroto to tho of Con- I find I have exhausted my pure amply suppli.^ cnxl Preston S. Brook*. Somo of ita jus- regret is, mail. place Colony bj I fear not Ira able to are arid in the undiw.il clear- ed to tlio occasion. Tho Frank- broke in ILiltimore, wholo South a man who will voto for Yours as ever with lovo, to their charter, but without cause, in fact, I shall transparent, interesting are rich and :— publican meeting singlo necticut resign sagee amusing Or- wo 17012 particularly > until I to Now ness of our communion look lin medal scholars between the andeM ucd some of the loaders, a- him. If could see him, and hear him KritRAUi Xite, Jr. ■uccca. Tho met as usual, in Oc- my got through years With rtfbrenco to tho castigation of Sena- thoy assembly juy panago ♦ ♦ ■ ■ each other. and numbered 3(N), their w c.i was Mr. William Gunnison, I beliovo ho would get every and tho continued ac- leans." 18'Mi, wearing tor Sumner, ho could with mong talk, firmly tober, government ujf, profound " our our heart* are At the closo of Mr. tlus the streets.— Southern rote. The Comervfttivo until tho last of tho Don't mention it," said tho captain. Our joys, griefs, wholo medals. Wiuthrop's that it was the result of a sense ol formerly city, through Clergy. cording to charter, binoeritjr, I exclaiuitxl the Southerner united in a freo whoso address the fact wot to various this ii.. ... 1 to southern men line 1 have scribbled this off ao month. About this Sir Edmund, with ••1 havo it," friendship strength telegraphed State and hi* relative had boon very hurriedly, In nil there aro in. tiino, dutj—his profession? prominent " 1 a sweeter and nobler and received in re- n»e northern men for (ear will not be ablo to read it. suitoand moru than follow me." and cloaoncns foretell |K>inU congratulations slandered: and he felt culled on to re- ■port, apologies you who their attain- his sixty regular troops, vilely dividual*, by influence, Tho trio to the clerk's office lifo than the fairest of have turn fr >iu tho of twelvo citii*. The ta>; :''it