
In this paper we introduce a biologically inspired Convolutional Neural Net- work (CNN) architecture called LGN-CNN that has a first convolutional layer composed by a single filter that mimics the role of the Lateral Geniculate Nu- cleus (LGN). The first layer of the neural network shows a rotationally symmetric pattern justified by the structure of the net itself that turns up to be an approx- imation of a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG). The latter function is in turn a good approximation of the receptive profiles (RPs) of the cells in the LGN. The analogy with respect to the structure is established, emerging directly from the architecture of the neural network. A proof of rotation invariance of the first layer is given on a fixed LGN-CNN architecture and the computational results are shown. Thus, contrast invariance capability of the LGN-CNN is investigated and a comparison between the Retinex effects of the first layer of LGN-CNN and the Retinex effects of a LoG is provided on different images. A statistical study is done on the filters of the second convolutional layer with respect to biological data.

1. Introduction arXiv:1911.06276v2 [cs.NE] 15 Oct 2020 1.1. Architecture of the visual system and CNNs. The visual system is composed by many cortices that elaborate the visual signal obtained through the

∗CAMS, CNRS - EHESS, Paris, France. †Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita` di Bologna, Italy. §This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re- search and innovation program under the Marie Sk lodowska-Curie grant agree-

ment No 754362. 1 2 LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE via the optical nerve. Each cortex receives information from previous cor- tices, processes it through horizontal connectivity, forward it to higher areas and send feedback to previous ones. Even though higher areas process more complex features, the structure is very complex and not totally ordered as described for example in (Hubel, 1988). For geometrical model of the we refer to (Hoffman, 1994), (Petitot, 2009), (Citti, 2006). The first neural nets have been inspired by a simplification of this structure, and present a hierarchical structure, where each layer receives input from the previous one and provides output to the next one. Despite this simplification, they reached optimal performances in processes typical of the natural visual system, as for example image classification ( (He, 2016), (Simonyan, 2014)) or object-detection ( (Redmon, 2016), (Ren, 2015)). More recently relations between CNNs and human visual system have been widely studied, with the ultimate scope of making the CNN even more efficient in specific tasks. A model of the first cortical layers described as layers of a CNN has been studied in (Serre, 2007). In (Yamins, 2016) and in (Yamins, 2013) the authors were able to study even higher areas by focusing on the encoding and decoding ability of the visual system. Recurrent Neural networks have been introduced to implement the horizontal connectivity (as for example in (Sherstinsky, 2018)), or feedback terms (for example in (Liang, 2015)). A modification of these nets, more geometric and more similar to the structure of the brain, have been recently proposed in (Montobbio, 2019). For a review of neurogeometrical model see (Citti et al., 2015).

1.2. Gabor filters as models of filters in V1 and CNNs. We are in particular interested in comparison between the set of RPs of simple cells in V1 and weights learned by a CNN. A classical result of (Olshausen, 1996) ensure that Gabor shape filters can be obtained by training an unsupervised learning algorithm on natural images. Since both the visual system and the CNNs process natural images, both V1 RPs and the first convolutional layer of a CNN are mainly composed by Gabor filters. We refer to (Daugman, 1985), (Jones, 1987), (Lee, 1996), (Petitot, 2009) LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE 3 for the visual system and to (Yamins, 2016), (Yamins, 2013), (Girosi, 1995) for rotation invariance properties of CNNs. Even thoug biological based models of V1 in terms of Gabor filters have been made in (Zhang, 2019) and (Serre, 2007) (who was able to study each layer of the cortex up to V4), it is still missing a comparison between the statistics of learned filters and the statistics of V1 RPs. In particular the statistic of the RPs of a macaque’s V1 was studied in (Ringach, 2002).

1.3. Invariance and equivariance properties in V1 and CNNs. CNNs are translation equivariant since they are defined in terms of convolutional kernels (see (Cohen, 2016), (Cohen, 2018)). Other invariance properties, strictly related to the invariance properties of the Gabor filters, are imposed to optimize the training process. In (Marcos, 2016) and (Wu, 2015) the authors learned a small number of filters, and then obtained a whole bank of filters by rotation. In (Barnard, 1991) the authors have studied invariances of neural net with respect to specific feature spaces. A way to achieve rotation invariance in classification task is to rotate every test image by S different angles as performed in (Fasel, 2006) and (Dieleman, 2015). In (Dieleman, 2016), (Laptev, 2016) and (Gens, 2014) the authors introduce one or more novel layers to face the rotation invariance problem. In (Dieleman, 2016) they propose four different layers that work on the input rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. A different kind of pooling is used in (Laptev, 2016) before the fully connected layers in order to obtain invariance with respect to different features. A kernel that finds out symmetries in the input connecting consecutive layers is introduced in (Gens, 2014).

1.4. LGN, Retinex and contrast perception. In the human visual system the process in V1 operated by Gabor filters, is preceded by a preprocessing operated by radially symmetric families of cells, both in the retina and in the LGN (see (Hubel, 1988)). The RPs of cells can be approximated by a LoG which is rotationally symmetric (for a review see for example (Petitot, 2009)). It does not seem that an analogous layer is present in classical CNN, but it is known that it is crucial for human contrast perception. It has been investigated in Retinex theory formulated in 1964 by E. H. Land in (Land, 1964) and further developed by E. H. Land and J. McCann in (Land, 1971). Several developments are due to (Brainard, 4 LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

1986), (Provenzi, 2005) and (Lei, 2007) among others. Variational approaches has been proposed by (Kimmel, 2003), (Morel, 2010) and (Limare, 2011). A geometrical model which make a first step in relating architecture of the visual system and invariance of RPs has been presented in (Citti, 2015). The action of radially symmetric RP is interpreted as a LoG, while the horizontal connectivity is modeled as an inverse of the Laplacian operator, and allows to recover the given image up to a contrast shift.

1.5. Our contribution. In the present paper, we introduce a new neural ar- chitecture inspired by the structure of visual cortices, and deduce from it the invariance properties of the filters of the first layer. In Section 2 we recall some properties of the visual system as for example the structure of LGN and V1 and the RPs of their cells. We described an interpreta- tion of the Retinex model given by Morel ( (Morel, 2010)) and a statistical study on the RPs of V1 cells in a macaque by Ringach ( (Ringach, 2002)). In Section 3 we introduce our new architecture called LGN-CNN. It is charac- terized by the presence of only one filter in the first convolutional layer. The new architecture is implemented in Section 4. It provides classification performances comparable to the classical one, but it enforces the development of rotation sym- metric filter during the training phase. As a result the filter approximates a LoG, and it is also a good approximation of RP of LGN. In particular, with this model we establish a relation between the architecture of the CNNs and the invariance properties of their filters, in order to find an architecture that gives rotationally symmetric filter in the first convolutional layer. In Section 5 we test our filter on contrast perception phenomena. Indeed we use the learned kernel to repeat and justify the Retinex model. We apply the radially symmetric learned kernel to an input image, then we apply its inverse (which can represent a feedback mechanism) and obtain a perceived image. We test the model on a number of classical Retinex illusion, comparing with the results of (Morel, 2010). Thus, in Subsection 4.3 we show that the filters in the second layer of the net mimics the shape of Gabor filters of V1 RPs. We have already recalled that this happens also in standard CNN. We compare the statistics of the filters with LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE 5 the results obtained on the RPs of a macaque’s V1 from the work of Ringach ( (Ringach, 2002)). By construction both in our net and in the visual system the second layer do not exhibit LoG, which are collected in the first layer. Also other statistical properties of the filters are present in our LGN-CNN. The proof of the symmetry of the filter of the first layer is collected in appendix A. It is provided in the simplified case of a neural network composed by only a layer composed by a single filter.

2. The visual system

The visual system is one of the most studied and most understood area of the brain. We will describe only the parts that interested the most our studies. For a complete overview see for example (Sundsten, 2001), (Jessell, 2000), (Petitot, 2009), (Citti, 2006) The retina is a light-sensitive layer of tissue of the eye which receives the visual stimulus and translates it into electrical impulses. These impulses reach firstly the LGN which is a part of the thalamus whose cells preprocess the visual stimulus. Then the impulse is processed by the cells of V1, whose output is taken in input to all the other layers of the visual cortex. We are mainly interested in the cells of the LGN and in the simple cells of V1. Each cell receives the electrical impulse from a little portion of the retina Ω called receptive field (RF). The RF of each cell is divided in excitatory and inhibitory areas which are activated by the light and that can be modeled as a function Ψ:Ω ⊂ R2 → R called receptive profile (RP). Thus, if the excitatory areas are activated the firing rate of the cell increases whereas it decreases in the case of inhibitory areas activation. Figure 1 shows the RP of a LGN cell that can be modeled by a LoG. On the other hand figure 2 shows the RPs of two simple cells of V1 modeled by Gabor functions.

2.1. LGN RP: neural interpretation of Retinex model. In (Morel, 2010) and (Limare, 2011) the authors have formalized the Retinex theory obtaining a Retinex Poisson equation with Neumann boundary conditions that reproduces the color perception effects of the visual system. Introducing symmetric random walks as Retinex paths on the Retinex algorithm, they have shown that it can be 6 LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

Figure 1. On the right: RP of a LGN cell where the excitatory area is in green and the inhibitory one is in red. On the left: Its approximation by a LoG. From: (DeAngelis, 1995).

Figure 2. First row: RPs of two simple cells of V1 where the excitatory area is in white and the inhibitory one is in black. Sec- ond row: their approximations by Gabor functions. From: (Sarti, 2011).

simplified as the solution of the following discrete PDE

(1) − ∆dIe = M(I)

where I is the starting image, ∆d is the classical discrete Laplacian and M is a modified discrete Laplacian where at each difference between the central pixel and one of the neighborhood is applied a threshold function. Ie is the solution to this problem and it represents the reconstructed image from I that shows the color perception effects expected from Retinex theory. In (Citti, 2015) a neural interpretation of the model has been introduced. The

RP of the LGN cell takes in input the visual signal I. Calling Gσ a Gaussian

bell, the RP is modeled as a modified discrete LoG, M(Gσ) ≈ ∆Gσ, and acts by LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE 7 convolution on the signal. Hence the action of an input image is the following:

OutLGN (I) = ∆(Gσ ∗ I) ≈ ∆I The horizontal connectivity in this layer is radially symmetric and modeled as the inverse operator of the Laplace operator ∆−1. It is simply the operator of convolution with the fundamental solution log(px2 + y2) and it allows to recover the function Ie: −1 Ie = ∆ ∗ OutLGN (I). As a result

∆Ie = OutLGN (I) ≈ ∆I, is the Retinex equation. In general this will not coincide with I, but will differ by an harmonic function. Our aim is to face this problem for an operator M, learned by the filters. If it is a good approximation of the associated ∆Gσ, then its inverse will allow to recover the perceived image Ie in problems of contrast perception. In Section 5 we will describe in detail the process.

2.2. Statistics of V1 RPs. As first discovered by Daugmann, RPs of the pri- mary cortex V1 can be approximated by Gabor functions defined as follows: √ √ 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 (2) h(x , y ) = A exp(−(x / 2σx) − (y / 2σy) ) cos(2πfx + φ)

0 0 where (x , y ) is translated and rotated from the original coordinate system (x0, y0)

0 0 x = (x − x0) cos θ + (y − y0) sin θ y = −(x − x0) sin θ + (y − y0) cos θ. Recently, Ringach in (Ringach, 2002) has proved that RPs are not uniformly distributed with respect to all the Gabor parameters, but they have a very par- ticular statistics. The approximated Gabor filters were obtained using the Inde- pendent Component Analysis and the Sparse Coding. Ringach defines (nx, ny) =

(σx ·f, σy ·f) where nx and ny estimate the elongation in x and y directions respec- tively. They are rescaled by f which indicates how far the shape of the filter is with respect to a Gaussian; in particular, if f = 0 the function h in (2) simplifies to a Gaussian since the cosine becomes a constant. These are the main steps he followed: • Recording the RPs from several simple cells in V1; 8 LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

• Fitting a Gabor function defined in equation (2) to the RPs;

• Comparing the results on (nx, ny) = (σx · f, σy · f) plane. Figure 9c shows the statistical distribution of RPs of V1 cells in monkeys in

(nx, ny) plane obtained by Ringach in (Ringach, 2002). In (Barbieri, 2014) the authors have studied the same statistical distribution with respect to the Uncer- tainty Principle associated to the task of detection of position and orientation.

3. Introducing LGN-CNN architecture

In this section we introduce the main novelty of this paper, a CNN architecture inspired by the structure of the visual system, in which LGN cells’ RP is approx- imated by a LoG. Since LoG is a rotationally symmetric function, we aim to find a CNN whose first layer has this property and a LoG shape. For a review of the structure and the layers that compose CNNs see for example (Lawrence, 1997) and (LeCun, 1998).

3.1. Introducing LGN in a CNN. As far as we know, the action of the LGN has not been implemented in a CNN. As we have already discussed in Subsection 2 the RP of a LGN cell can be modeled by a LoG that acts directly on the visual stimulus. Our aim is to build a CNN architecture that mimics this behavior in order to strengthen the links between CNNs and the visual system. Since the LGN preprocesses the visual stimulus before it reaches V1, we should add a first layer at the beginning of the CNN that reproduces the role of the LGN. Thus, we introduce a first convolutional layer containing a single filter that eventually should obtain a LoG shape. In particular, if we consider a classical CNN we can add before the other con- volutional layers, a layer `0 composed by only one filter Ψ0 of size s0 × s0 and a ReLU function. Note that after the first layer `0 we will not apply any pooling. In this way taking a classical CNN and adding `0 will not modify the structure of the neural network and the number of parameters will only increase of s0 × s0. Furthermore, Ψ0 will prefilter the input image without modifying its dimensions; this behavior mimics the behavior of the LGN which let the neural network to be closer to the visual system structure. LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE 9

The theoretical idea behind this structure can be found in a simple result on rotationally symmetric convex functionals. In particular, if we have a rotationally symmetric convex functional F that has a unique minimum ω then ω is also ro- tationally symmetric. Indeed, since F is rotationally symmetric, F (ω ◦ g) = F (ω) for a rotation g. Thus, since the minimum is unique, ω = ω ◦ g and this implies the rotation symmetry of the solution. There are several results on symmetries of minimum for functionals as for example in (Lopes, 1996), (Gidas, 1981). Our aim is to extend these results in the case of CNNs in particular on our architec- ture that we name as Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Convolutional Neural Network (LGN-CNN). We have also studied the modifications that occur to the filters in the second convolutional layer in our architecture. In particular, we have tried to compare their shape with respect to the RPs of a macaque’s V1 from the work of Ringach in (Ringach, 2002). Thus, we have followed the same steps by approximating the filters obtained after the training phase with a Gabor function (2) and plotting them on the

(nx, ny) plane. Indeed, we can compare the elongation in the x and y direction which characterizes the RPs of simple cells in V1. This analysis should enforce the link between our architecture and the visual system structure, at least as regards simple cells in V1.

4. Applications of LGN-CNN

4.1. Settings. In this subsection we are going to describe the settings in which we have tested our architecture. We have used MATLAB2019b for academic use. We trained our LGN-CNN on a dataset of natural images called STL-10 (see (Coates, 2011)) that contains 5000 training images divided in 10 different classes. The steps we have followed for modifying the training set are: • Changing the images from RGB color to grayscale color using the built-in function rgb2gray of MATLAB; • Applying a circular mask to each image, leaving unchanged the image in the circle and putting the external value to zero; • Rotating each image by 5 random angles augmenting the dataset to 25000 images; thanks to the previous step no boundary effects are present; 10LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

Figure 3. Architecture of LGN-CNN.

• Cropping the 64 × 64 centered square that does not contain the black boundaries.

Thus, after these steps we have obtained a rotation invariant training set com- posed by 25000 64 × 64 images. We have applied the same steps to the test set but we have rotated each image to just one random angle. Since the images are 64 × 64 we have decided to use quite large filters in the first and second layer (7 × 7 and 11 × 11 respectively) in order to obtain more information about their shapes. Figure 3 shows the architecture of our CNN. Let us note that between each convolutional layer and its ReLU function there is a batch normalization layer b. The input is an image of size 64×64×1. Then there is the first convolutional layer `0 composed by only Ψ0 of size 7×7 followed by a ReLU R. Thus the second layer `1 composed by 64 filters of size 11 × 11 receives as input a matrix of the same size of the image. Note that the stride is 2 and that the spatial dimensions half. 2 After that we apply a ReLU and a max POOLING pm with squares of size 2 × 2. The third convolutional layer `2 is composed by 32 filters of size 5 × 5 × 64 and it is followed by a ReLU and a max POOLING. Then we apply a convolutional layer `3 composed by 32 filters of size 3 × 3 × 32 followed by a ReLU and a max POOLING. The last convolutional layer `4 has the same filters as `3 followed by a ReLU and a max POOLING. Eventually three fully-connected (FC) layers of size 1000, 500 and 10 respectively are applied giving as output a vector of length 10. Here we apply a softmax σ in order to obtain a probability distribution over the 10 classes. The functional that models this neural network is the following LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE11

3 2 1 2 4 2 3 (3) F (I) := (σ ◦ FC ◦ FC ◦ FC ◦ pm ◦ R ◦ b ◦ ` ◦ pm ◦ R ◦ b ◦ ` ◦ 2 2 2 1 0 pm ◦ R ◦ b ◦ ` ◦ pm ◦ R ◦ b ◦ ` ◦ R ◦ b ◦ ` )(I)

A cross-entropy loss for softmax function defined as in equation (4) is applied to the functional (3) where ze is the label selected by the neural network and y(I) is the true label.

X (Fz(I)−F (I)) (4) L(F (I), y(I)) = F (I) + log( e ze ) − F ze y(I) z We have trained the neural network for 30 epochs with an initial learning rate of 0.01, a learning rate drop factor of 0.97 and a piecewise learning rate schedule with a learning rate drop period of 1. The mini batch size is 128 with an every-epoch shuffle, the L2 regularization term is 0.02 and the momentum is 0.9.

4.2. The first layer of LGN-CNN. After the training phase we can analyze the neural network we have obtained. In this subsection we focus on the first layer. Figure 4 shows the filter Ψ0 and 4b shows its approximation with minus the LoG which is really close to Ψ0. Moreover figure 5a shows the 2D image of Ψ0 obtained after the training phase. Then in figures 5b and 5c we plot a 2D approximation of Ψ0 as a 280 × 280 filter and minus the LoG in which the rotationally symmetric pattern is clearer.

In order to quantify the rotational properties of the filter, we compute the correlation between the filter obtained in the first layer of the CNN and a new one, obtained via a rotation invariance symmetrization. We wil test the behavior of the first layer of LGN-CNN for different values of the L2 regularization term and adding more convolutional layers. In particular, we added to the previous architecture described in Subsection 4.1 two convolutional layers composed by 32 fiters of size 3 × 3 × 32 (each one followed by a batch normalization layer b and ReLU R ) after the third layer `3 and its corresponding batch normalization layer b and ReLU R. We have added other two convolutional layers with the same characteristics after the layer `4 . 12LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

(a) Filter Ψ0 of first layer (b) Minus the Laplacian of of LGN-CNN. Gaussian (LoG).

Figure 4. Comparison between the filter Ψ0 and minus the LoG. We can see that Ψ0 is really close to a discrete approximation of a LoG.

(a) Filter (b) Approx- (c) Minus Ψ0 of first imation of the Lapla- layer of the filter cian of LGN-CNN. Ψ0 of first Gaussian layer of (LoG). LGN-CNN.

Figure 5. The first figure shows the 7 × 7 filter Ψ0 of the neural network. To better visualize the filter Ψ0, we provide an approxi- mating 280 × 280 filter and minus the LoG. Comparing the last two figures it is possible to see that Ψ0 is close to a LoG. LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE13

The normalized rotational invariant filter is obtained by the following procedure: • Using the function imresize with scale 3 and bilinear method to enlarge the filter; • Rotating the filter with imrotate by 360 discrete angles between 1 and 360 degrees and summing them up; • Applying again the function imresize with scale 1/3 and nearest method to recover a filter with the same size of Ψ0; • Normalizing the filter by subtracting the mean and dividing it by L2 norm.

0 We call the filter obtained in this way ΨS and we estimates the correlation 0 0 between Ψ and ΨS using the Matlab function corr2. In table 1 we have reported the correlations with different values of L2 regu- larization term and for two LGN-CNN architectures, the one we have introduced in Subsection 4.1 which is indicated by ”LGN + 4 layers” and the deeper one de- scribed in this subsection indicated by ”LGN + 8 layers”. All the other training parameters are provided in Subsection 4.1. As we can see for ”LGN + 4 layers” architecture the L2 regularization term that let Ψ0 to be the closest rotationally symmetric filter is 0.02. This is the filter we have shown in figures 4 and 5 and we have used through the paper. The table shows that the rotational symmetry of Ψ0 is stable with respect to variations of L2 regularization term and adding convolutional layers.

L2 term LGN + 4 layers LGN + 8 layers 0.01 88.3 % 85.40 % 0.02 97.15 % 90.79 % 0.03 93.06 % 91.41 % 0.04 95.61% 92.58 % 0.045 93.55 % 94.79 % 0.05 95.44 % 94.11 %

0 0 Table 1. Correlation between Ψ and ΨS varying the L2 regular- ization term and the number of layers of the LGN-CNN architec- ture. Best rotationally symmetric filters are selected in cyan for both architectures. 14LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

Figure 6. On the left: filters from LGN-CNN. On the right: their approximation with the function (2).

4.3. The second layer of LGN-CNN. Since we would like to enforce the link between our architecture and the structure of the visual system we have decided to study the filters in the second layer comparing them with some real data obtained on monkey in (Ringach, 2002). Therefore, we have trained two different CNNs, a LGN-CNN defined by the functional (3) and a classical CNN defined by the functional (5) in which we have eliminated the first convolutional layer `0 and its following ReLU R, characteristic of our architecture.

2 1 4 2 4 1 (5) F (I) := σ ◦ FC ◦ FC ◦ pa ◦ R ◦ ` ◦ pm ◦ R ◦ ` (I)

Let us note that in both architectures `1 contains filters with Gabor shapes after training. This is a well known results on the filters of the first convolutional layer of CNNs as for example in (Serre, 2007), (Yamins, 2016); however, the introduction of a first layer composed by a single filter does not change this behavior, enforcing the link of our architecture and the visual system structure. Indeed, we have studied the statistical distribution of these banks of filters confronting the results with the real data of Ringach. In the case of LGN-CNN we have not approximated the filters in `1 directly but the filters obtained by the convolution with the filter in the first layer Ψ0. We have approximated the filters in the banks using the function (2); figure 6 shows some of the filters of LGN-CNN and their approximation and the same LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE15

Figure 7. On the left: filters from classical CNN. On the right: their approximation with the function (2). occurs in figure 7 in the case of classical CNN. Let us note that the mean relative error decreases from classical CNN to LGN-CNN from 60.13 % to 44.69 %. This suggests a better regularization of the filters in our architecture that can be seen directly in figures 6 and 7 where the filters in classical CNN are noisier. Figure 8 shows the relative errors that occurs by approximating the filters of the second layer of LGN-CNN by a Gabor function compared to the approximation of filters of a classical CNN. They are plotted in increasing order w.r.t. the relative errors attained. It is clear that the relative error of filters in classical CNN is greater than the relative error in the case of LGN-CNN; this suggests that introducing a new convolutional layer with a single filter better regularize the filters in the following layer. We follow the same step as Ringach in (Ringach, 2002) by plotting in the

(nx, ny) plane. In order to compare the plots we looked for the distribution that best fits the neural data. In particular, it approximates the points closer to the origin with a line y = αx and then it approximates the rest of the points with a line starting from the end of the previous one. Figure 9 shows the three plot we would like to compare. Let us note that introducing LGN-CNN modifies the elongation of Gabor filters in `1. In particular, in classical CNN the filters are often more elongated in the x direction as we can see from the slope of the interpolating line in figure 9a. In figure 9b we can see 16LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

Figure 8. Relative errors referred to Gabor function approxima- tions of filters of LGN-CNN in figure 6 and of classical CNN in figure 7. On the x-axis there are the filters ordered w.r.t. their approximation relative errors and on the y-axis the relative error itself.

that the slope changes greatly and that the filters become much more elongated in the y direction. This behavior is the same in the case of RPs (figure 9c) in which the distribution has a similar slope of LGN-CNN. This enforces more the link of LGN-CNN with the structure of the visual system motivating us to pursue in this direction.

5. Retinex algorithm via learned kernels

In this section we would like to test the rotationally symmetric filter on Retinex effect and contrast based illusions. We described in Section 2 how the model of (Morel, 2010) have been neurally interpreted in (Citti, 2015) and applied to LoG. The same procedure can be applied to our approximated LoG. We need to find a function Ie such that


(a) Distribution (b) Distribution (c) Distribution of filters in `1 of filters in `1 of RPs of sim- of classical CNN of LGN-CNN ple cells from defined by func- defined by (Ringach, 2002). tional (5). functional (3).

Figure 9. Comparison between the statistical distribution on

(nx, ny) plane of filters of a classical CNN, of our architecture and of RPs of real data.

This simply means that we need to compute the inverse M˜ of the operator M associated to the filter Ψ0 of the LGN-CNN. By definition the inverse Mf of the operator M satisfies

(7) M ∗ Mf = δ

Applying the steepest descent method, we obtain an iterative process, which can be formally expressed as

(8) Mft+1 = Mft + dt · (M ∗ Mft − δ).

||MfT +1−MfT ||L1 The algorithm will stop at time T when dt < , for a fixed error  > 0. Thus, ||M ∗ MfT − δ||L1 <  and indeed MfT will be a good approximation of Mf. Finally, we can compare the image I with the reconstructed one Ie and see if any Retinex effects occur.

5.1. Study of the inverse operators. In this section we are going to show the inverse operators obtained through the algorithm described by equation (8). 18LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

(a) Inverse of discrete (b) Exact inverse of a Laplacian. Laplacian log(px2 + y2) in the interval [−5, 5].

Figure 10. Comparison between the inverse of the discrete Lapla- cian and its exact inverse operator.

We start from the classical discrete Laplacian operator and then we will move to some convolutional operators, in particular a discrete LoG and the filter Ψ0 of a LGN-CNN. In order to compare the inverse operators we will show the 2D plots obtained by selecting a slice of the 3D inverse operator itself. We firstly start by comparing the inverse of the discrete Laplacian with respect to its exact inverse operator given by the function log(px2 + y2). Figure 10a shows the approximation of the inverse of the Laplacian and 10b shows the exact inverse in the interval [−5, 5]. We can note that the approximation we obtained is quite similar to the exact one. In figure 11 we have compared the inverse operators of a LoG and Ψ0 where figure 11a shows the LoG inverse operator whereas figure 11b shows the Ψ0 inverse operator. They have almost the same inverse operator and we will see in next subsections that their Retinex effects are the same.

5.2. Application of the algorithm. In Section 5 we have introduced our model and in Subsection 5.1 we have shown the inverse operators for some operators M. Now we aim to test our algorithm and our different operators to see if Retinex effects occur. Let us note that Retinex is an algorithm that mimics our color LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE19

(a) Inverse of LoG. (b) Inverse of the first layer of a LGN-CNN.

Figure 11. Comparison between the inverse operators of a discrete LoG and the first filter Ψ0 of a LGN-CNN. perception and does not try to improve the image quality. Indeed the grayscale values should modify towards our color perception intensity values.

5.2.1. Circles on a gradient background. We start with a simple grayscale image (see figure 12a) in order to see how the different operators work. We are using the same image as in (Morel, 2010) and (Limare, 2011) in which they obtain remarkable Retinex effects. It has a background that shifts from white (value 1) to black (value -1) maintaining the gradient constant from left to right. There are also two gray dots (same value 0), the left one with a brighter background, the right one with a darker one. Because of the different backgrounds, our visual system perceives the two dots in a different way. Indeed the left one is perceived as darker with respect to its true color whereas the right one is perceived as brighter.

We first consider the discrete Laplacian operator since we expect to obtain the same Retinex effects as in (Morel, 2010). Figure 12b shows the result obtained with our method. It is clearly the same result of the experiments performed by Morel and the values obtained in the position of the dots are close to -0.9 and 0.9 (indeed really close to completely black and white dots) whereas the entire background is gray with 0 values. 20LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

Thus, we have considered the exact inverse of the Laplacian operator log(px2 + y2). From figure 12c it is clear that the Retinex effects occur to the gray dots. Fur- thermore we can note that the contours of the two dots are more defined w.r.t. the discrete Laplacian. Also in this case the values in the position of the dots are close to -0.9 and 0.9.

Then we have performed our experiment with the inverse of a LoG. We can note from figure 12d that the Retinex effects occur also in this case (with values close to -0.9 and 0.9), similarly to the Retinex effects of the discrete Laplacian. Also in this case the contours of the dots are not completely clear. Finally, we have tested the inverse of the convolutional operator Ψ0 of a LGN- CNN introduced in Section 4. In figure 12e we can see that this operator shows Retinex effects where the values of the dots are close to -0.9 and 0.9. In this case the contours of the dots are even clearer than the ones obtained with the LoG and the discrete Laplacian.

To summarize, we have shown that our method reproduces the same results of (Morel, 2010) in the case of the Laplacian operator. Furthermore we have tested it on other operators obtaining remarkable results. It is particularly interested the case of the convolutional operator Ψ0 since it is able to show Retinex effects even if it is a learned filter with no a-priori structure. This result enforce the link between the biologically inspired architecture of the LGN-CNN and the visual system.

5.2.2. Adelson’s checker. We have also tested our algorithm on the Adelson’s checker shadow illusion as in (Morel, 2010) and (Limare, 2011). Since we are more interested in the Retinex effects of LoG and Ψ0 operators we have analized their abilities on the grayscale image (see figure 13a). It shows a checkerboard with light gray and dark gray square with a cylinder on it that shadows a part of the squares. In particular, the square labeled ”A” and the square labeled ”B” have the same grayscale value (in our case, since -1 is black and 1 is white, they have -0,4953 value). The illusion is built in such a way that, even if they have the same value, they are perceived in a completely different way. Indeed square ”A” LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE21

(a) Starting image with two gray dots on a gradient back- ground.

(b) Retinex effects of (c) Retinex effects discrete Laplacian. of applying exact in- verse of Laplacian.

(d) Retinex effects of (e) Retinex effects of LoG. Ψ0 of LGN-CNN.

Figure 12. Comparison between the Retinex effects of some op- erators on starting image 12a. which is outside the shadow and surrounded by light gray squares is perceived as a dark gray square. On the other hand square ”B”, which is inside the shadow and is surrounded by dark gray squares, is perceived as lighter. If our two operators work well they should reproduce the same behavior of our perception, in particular square ”A” should have a smaller value whereas square 22LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

”B” should have a bigger value. Figure 13c shows the Retinex effects obtained with the LoG operator. In particular, the value of square ”A” changes to -0,6553 whereas the value of square ”B” changes to 0,02351. Thus, we have studied the behavior of Ψ0 operator whose results are shown in figure 13e. Even in this case Retinex effects occur where the value of square ”A” changes to -0,6035 and the value of ”B” changes to 0,2348. Figures 13d, 13d and 13f highlight the two squares ”A” and ”B” in the starting image and in the recovered images using the LoG and Ψ0. In this way it is even clearer that the Retinex effects occur with both operators. To summarize, we have shown that the filter Ψ0 considered as a convolution operator shows Retinex effects really closed to Retinex effects of LoG. This enforce again the link between the structure of our architecture and the structure of LGN.

6. Conclusions

The study of the role of the LGN in the visual system and the rotation invariance properties of the RPs of its cells has leaded our research to the introduction of a CNN architecture that mimics this structure. In particular, we have added to a CNN a first convolutional layer composed by a single filter which attains a rotationally symmetric pattern. The filter Ψ0 has inherited this property from the modified architecture of the neural network. We have also shown that it is not only rotationally symmetric but it also obtains a LoG shape that approximates the RPs of the LGN cells. In order to study these similarities, we have shown that the Retinex effects of the LoG and Ψ0 are really closed to each other. These behaviors enforce the link between the visual system structure and the architecture of CNNs. Furthermore, we have analyzed the statistical distribution of the filters of the second convolutional layer that attain a Gabor shape even with the introduction of the first layer. We have shown that the statistical distribution becomes closer to the real data of RPs of simple cells in V1 (from (Ringach, 2002)) enriching the connections with the neural structure. We have then faced the theoretical problem regarding the rotation symmetry of the first convolutional layer. We have studied the solution of a convex functional composed by a convolution and a ReLU. Thanks to uniqueness of such functionals, LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE23

(a) Grayscale Adelson’s (b) Grayscale Adelson’s checker shadow illusion. checker shadow illusion: the two squares.

(c) Retinex effects of (d) Retinex effects of LoG. LoG: the two squares.

(e) Retinex effects of Ψ0 (f) Retinex effects of Ψ0 of LGN-CNN. of LGN-CNN: the two squares.

Figure 13. Comparison between the Retinex effects of some op- erators on grayscale Adelson’s checker shadow illusion. 24LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

we have shown that the solution Ψ0 has to be rotational invariant. Then we have built an architecture composed by a single filter Ψ0 and a ReLU in which Ψ0 has attained a rotationally invariant pattern close to a Gaussian. In the future we will face the theoretical problem regarding the rotation sym- metry of the first convolutional layer for a general LGN-CNN. Furthermore, we will analyze the modifications that in a LGN-CNN occur to the bank of filters of other convolutional layers of deeper architecture, comparing them with neural data. We will also introduce an autoencoder associated to this architecture, which can reconstruct perceived images with the Retinex effect.

Appendix A.

A.1. Rotation symmetry of Ψ0. In this section we define a setting in which it should be possible to study the rotation symmetry of Ψ0. Let us consider the architecture of a LGN-CNN in which we can split the first convolutional layer composed by only one filter from the rest of the neural network which will be fixed. Thus this first layer can be approximated by a 0 2 0 1 2 function Ψ : R → R, assuming Ψ ∈ Lloc(R ). A general image can be defined 2 1 2 as a function I : R → R where we assume I ∈ Lloc(R ). We can consider a 1 2 subset Γ ⊂ Lloc(R ) of all the images where for each image I is defined a labelling y :Γ → R, where y(I) is the corresponding label to image I. We require some rotationally invariant properties on this set Γ. In particular, 2 if we consider a rotation Rθ of an angle θ on R plane around its center then the

composition Iθ = Rθ(I) = I(R−θ(x)) is still an image and we can also assume

that Iθ ∈ Γ (i.e. that the subset Γ is close under rotation). Furthermore the

rotated image should maintain the same label, i.e. y(Iθ) = y(I). Since the images we will consider in this problem are greyscale ones (thus with values between 0

and 1) we can also assume that the images are normalized with ||I|| 1 ≤ 1. Lloc 1 Summarizing all this proprieties we can assume that Γ is a compact set on Lloc, 1 Γ = {I ∈ L ; ||I|| 1 ≤ 1} loc Lloc Thus the rest of the neural network will be defined by a non linear functional

1 2 1 2 (9) C : Lloc(R ) → Lloc(R ) ,C(f(x)) = max(0, f(x)) LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE25 which is one of the more frequently non linear function used in CNN, called ReLU. And then we can define Z 1 2 1 2 0 0  (10) F : Lloc(R ) × Lloc(R ) → R ,F (I, Ψ ) := C (I ∗ Ψ )(z) dz. R2 Then F (I, Ψ0) is the label that our architecture associates to the image I and should eventually approximates y(I). Thus our aim is to find a function Ψ0 in such a way that F approximates well the known functional y(I). In particular we would like to minimize the following functional Z (11) min |F (I, Ψ0) − y(I)|dµ(I) 0 1 2 Ψ ∈Lloc(R ) Γ where the integral done over the set Γ is a Bochner’s integral (see e.g. Section 5 of chapter V of (Yosida, 1995) and (Mikusinski, 1978)). Our aim is to find a function Ψ0 that attains the minimum of (11) where F is defined in (10) and C is defined in (9). We would like to find out if there exists some rotationally invariant properties on the function Ψ0. Let us note that the functional defined in (11) is convex thanks to the convexity of the function C defined in (9) and continuous. Then the existence and uniqueness of a solution is guaranteed (see e.g. Section 1.4 of (Brezis, 2011)).

1 2 Remark 1. Let us consider two function f, g ∈ L (R ) and a rotation Rθ of an angle θ. Then

f ∗ Rθ(g)(x) = (R−θ(f) ∗ g)(R−θ(x))

Proof. Z Z f ∗ Rθ(g)(x) = f(x − y)Rθ(g(y))dy = f(x − y)g(R−θ(y))dy = R2 R2 0 then we substitute y = R−θ(y) whose Jacobian has determinant equal to 1 Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 = f(x − Rθ(y ))g(y )dy = f(Rθ(R−θ(x)) − Rθ(y ))g(y )dy = R2 R2 Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 = f(Rθ(R−θ(x) − y ))g(y )dy = R−θ(f(R−θ(x) − y ))g(y )dy = R2 R2 00 0 then we substitute y = R−θ(x) − y whose Jacobian has determinant equal to 1 Z 00 00 00 = R−θ(f(y ))g(R−θ(x) − y )dy = (R−θ(f) ∗ g)(R−θ(x)) R2 26LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE

and this conclude the proof.  Now we can demonstrate the rotationally invariance of Ψ0.

Theorem A.1. Let Ψ0 be a solution to the problem (11) where F is defined in (10) and C is defined in (9). Then Ψ0 is rotationally invariant.

0 Proof. Let us consider the rotated solution Rθ(Ψ ) of an angle θ ∈ [0, 2π].

Z Z 0  | C (I ∗ Rθ(Ψ ))(z) dz − y(I)|dµ(I) = Γ R2 and because of remark 1 Z Z 0  = | C (R−θ(I) ∗ Ψ )(R−θ(z)) dz − y(I)|dµ(I) = Γ R2 1 2 R R Since for a general f ∈ L ( ) it holds 2 f(Rθ(x))dx = 2 f(x)dx, then R R R Z Z 0  = | C (R−θ(I) ∗ Ψ )(z) dz − y(I)|dµ(I) = Γ R2

Finally, since Γ is close under rotation and y(I) = y(R−θ(I)) by hypothesis Z Z = | C ((I) ∗ Ψ0)(z) dz − y(I)|dµ(I) Γ R2 0 0 Thus Rθ(Ψ ) attains the same value of Ψ for every choice of θ. But thanks to the uniqueness of the solution of this problem because of the compactness of Γ 0 0 and convexity of the functional (11), Ψ = Rθ(Ψ ) ∀θ ∈ [0, 2π] and this concludes the proof. 

Remark 2. Let us note that the first part of the proof of theorem A.1 is valid for a general LGN-CNN. In particular, if we have a solution Ψ0 to the minimization 0 problem (11), then every rotation Rθ(Ψ ) of an angle θ ∈ [0, 2π] is still a solution. The uniqueness of solution in theorem A.1 guarantees that Ψ0 is rotationally invariant whereas for a general LGN-CNN this does not hold.

A.2. Testing the theorem on the same architecture. In this subsection we are going to face the same problem of the proof in Section A and see if the rotational invariance of the first convolutional layer of a LGN-CNN is attained. Since we are going to use a simple architecture composed by a single convolutional layer with a single filter and a ReLU we do not expect that it will attain a LoG LGN-CNN: A BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED CNN ARCHITECTURE27 shape as in Section 4. Indeed, in the previous case the architecture of LGN-CNN has other convolutional layers whose aim was to further analyze the image and in particular the contours of the objects. This is why we have expected in that case that the LGN-CNN behaved similarly to the LGN and the V1, i.e. Ψ0 had a LoG shape. On the other hand, in the test we are performing now we can only expect a rotationally invariant filter as stated in theorem A.1. To perform this test we have built a new dataset of images starting from the dataset MNIST (a set of digits images, see (LeCun, 2010)) and the dataset Fashion-MNIST (a set of cloths images, see (Xiao, 2017)). They are two similar datasets, composed by grayscale images of size 28×28. The aim of our LGN-CNN is to classify the input as a digit or a cloth, indeed if the image belongs to MNIST or Fashion-MNIST dataset. The new training set has been built by taking the first half of MNIST dataset (30000 images) and the first half of Fashion-MNIST dataset (30000 images), for a total of 60000 images. We have followed the same steps for the test set (for a total of 10000 images) and we have randomly sorted the training and test sets. Then each image has been labeled by 0 if it is a digit and by 1 if it is a cloth. We have built a really simple LGN-CNN architecture that contains only a first layer with a single filter Ψ0 of size 13 × 13 followed by a ReLU and by a fully connected layer. We have trained this neural network for a total of 25 epochs obtaining an accuracy of 98.55 % on the classification task. Figure 14 shows Ψ0 of this LGN-CNN architecture. We can observe that it has a rotationally invariant shape as we expected from theorem A.1. Then we have tried to approximate the −x2−y2 0 filter Ψ with a Gaussian with the following formula G(x, y) = αe 2σ2 . Figure 15 shows Ψ0 and its approximation by a Gaussian. The rotation invariance of Ψ0 is now enforced thanks to the approximation obtained with a rotationally invariant function as the Gaussian.


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Figure 14. Filter Ψ0 of LGN-CNN obtains after training.

(a) Filter Ψ0 of first layer (b) Gaussian function. of LGN-CNN.

Figure 15. Comparison between the filter Ψ0 and a Gaussian. We can see that Ψ0 is really close to a discrete approximation of a Gaussian fitted to the data.

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