Mahindra Logistics Limited Mahindra Unit No. 3 & 4, '77 th Floor,F lo o r, TechniplexT ec h n iplex 2,2, Techniplex Complex, Veer Savarkar Marg, LOGISTICS Goregaon (West), Mumbai —– 400 062 Tel: + 91 22 28715500 Our Ref: MLLSEC/MLLSEC/107/2021107/2021 Toll Free: 1800 258 6787 18 June 20220211 Regd Office Mahindra Towers, P. K. Kurne Chowk, Worli, To, Mumbai —– 400 018 BSE Limited, (Security Code: 540768) C1N:CIN: L63000MH2007PLC173466 Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, E-mailE-mail Id: cs.mll(&,
[email protected] MumbaiMumbai— – 400 001.001. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., (Symbol: MAHLOG) Exchange Plaza, 55thth Floor, Plot No. C/1, “G”"G" Block, Bandra -Kurla-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai —– 400 051051.. Dear Sirs, Sub: ExExtracttract of Newspaper publication —– SecuritiesSecurities and EExchangexchange BBoardoard of IIndiandia (Listing(Listing Obligations aandnd Disclosure RequirementsRequirements)) RegulationsRegulations,, 2015 (“("ListingListing RegulationsRegulations")”) In furtherance to our letter dated 17 June 20220211 and iinn compliance with Regulation 47 and other applicable provisions of the Listing RegulationsRegulations,, please find enclosed the extract of the public notice published today, viz.viz. FriFriday,day, 18 June 20220211 in the Business Standard (in English language) and Sakal (in Marathi language) inin print and electronic versions. This intimation is also being upuploadedloaded on website of the Company: Kindly take the above on record and acknowledge receipt of the samesame.. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Mahindra Logistics Limited Brijbala Batwal Company Secretary EnclEnclosures:osures: As above Business Standard MUMBAIMUMBAI I| FRIDAY, 1818 JUNE 2021 COMPANIES 3 . < Mahindra LOGISTICS MAHINDRA LOGISTICS LIMITED Jet shareholders reject Registered Office: Mahindra Towers, P.