An Organ of In terna tional


workers involved in it. In the eyes of the capitalist press-and the capitalist class as a whole-the The Coming Defeat of Imperialism workers are always wrong. The greed of the em­ ployers, their arrogance and brutality, their slave THE SUpreme issue between Imperialism and an .international meeting of the Socialist parties. driving and swindling, is never dwelt upon. We Demo cracy is being fought out at this very It is felt on every hand that the long nightmare is well recollect the howl of execration which ome � nt by the Socialist proletariat and revolu­ at an end, and that the undivided sway of Im­ ascended when the Welsh miners stood out against onary / peasant-soldiers of . It is being perialism over the minds of the nations is over. the Munitions Act, but when it was found that the t ;U�� out g�inst the overwh lming powers of But there can be no doubt that the Imperialist miners were unshakal:!le, it was also discovered o ? � ern of two hemispheres for our­ classes themselves appreciate the meaning of the that there were some matters requiring considera­ elve R :,> and the world at large as well as for the fight in Russia much better than the masses of the tion on their side. A somewhat similar howl is ss U lan peoples themselves. Do we realise this people. They scent the danger much more now arising against the striking engineers. All stup endous fact? The vast majority of Socialists keenly than those classes on whose behalf the the forces of capitalism are being brought to bear th roughout the world had capitulated to the Im­ Russian proletariat and peasantry are struggling. upon them, to break their spirit. Every kind of p erialist enemy at the very outset of the struggle. Their press and their diplomacy are being threat is being used to make them give in-from B ut the most down-trodden working and peasant furiously manipulated in support of the Russian shooting to penal servitude for life. These men cl asses in Europe have risen in revolt against him, Imperialists, and every artifice and chicane are who have sweated and toiled for numberless hours h ave smashed the head of the Tsardom, and are being used to discredit and to disrupt the forces in the factories and workshops, who have given now fighting at every twist and turn those who of the . But is it too bold freely of their blood and sinew and vitality, are would substitute for its yoke that of their own, to say that they are fighting a forlorn battle and now "traitors" and "wasters." It would be well the yoke of Imperialism a�d Militarism. For it is that they themselves are conscious of the hope­ if the men on strike took immediate steps to quite plain that if the war d is to end in the manner lessness of their efforts? Already the idea of apprise the whole organised working-class move­ em�nde� by the revolutionary people of Russia, peace-peace at the end of summer�is in the air. ment of the true facts of the situation. A clear �ha� IS, WIthout any party drawing any profit from Already curious rumours are in circulation as to statement ought immediately to be prepared and It In t�e shape of annexations or indemnities, the terms on which the rulers of this country sent to every branch in the country, Intern. ational Imperialism, which has set out to would be prepared to make peace-terms which and deputations should wait upon the Trades con �uer, to capture and to dominate, \vill have have nothing in common with the original pro­ Councils. Let the workers know the true posi­ received a blo,:, from which it ,vill never recover. gramme. Do they mean anything or nothing? tion. Let the rank and file judge, and in our F or 'th� first .tlme in its long and bloody career We do not know. But we do know that unless opinion their judgment wiII be such as to bring eapl ta l Ism Will have e . which . �lb ar ked upon a bUSIness the Allies accept Russia's terms of peace, they overwhelming support to their comrades in the '11 b'n ng mto It ment r�� nought but disappoint­ will lose Russia altogether, and then they will metal trades. n tm nt, and * * * * h . : the spectre of a revolution. find themselyes in a plight, from which no T at' what IS at l stake in the fight which the Americas and no Liberias or Cubas will save THE 'BUS STR IKE. revolu:10nar y . people of Russia is waging to-day them. And because we credit them still with It � a world-hist The 'bus workers of London came out on strike orical fight which potentiall; some amount of cool common-sense, we think that ar S a new stage on Sunday for the purpose of securing recogni­ � in the social and political they know this, too, and that therefore peace will eve Iopment of mankind. tion for t>heir Union and a 10S. increase in wages. have to be made. And it is the duty of the That its meaning is graduall All organised workers will naturally be at one t y being realised bv British working class to accelerate its advent and he proletariat of other with them in the attainment of these objects. The countri�s is shown by th� to see to it that its terms do not imply the �nrest which has increase in w�ges is long overdue-railway�en, . . seized them and which is finding enslavement of some hitherto independent race It. ' dockers, postal workers, and many other sectIons s ex preSSlO1l m teh e fforts made to bring about like the Arabs or the Persians. ��======of workers having preceded them in obtaining ad­ vances-and the rise in the cost of living has been such as to make their demand imperative. Out in Notes and Comments power in Russia-the B.S.P. and I.L.P. have de­ all weathers, subject to considerable physical and cided to send representatives to Petrograd. Our nervous strain, working long hours, the lot of STOCKHO LM AND AFTER. comrade E. C. Fairchild and another will repre­ t.hese workers is anything but enviable, and it is h sent the B.S.P., and J. R. Macdonald and F. T ere is frightful alarm in the breasts W. only when the 'buses cease to run that the public he av of our Jowett will reproesent the LL.P.-that is, if they en- bor n governors recognise the important social service they ren­ fer lest the Stockholm con- can get there. It will be interesting to see what e ce sees the der. All the Trade Union and Socialist bodies O n � � resurrection of the International. attitude the British Government will adopt in re­ e pretext that the German Majority Socialists, in London should freely give them the greatest actIno- . gard to the issue of passports, in view of the fact possible moral support, especially as the usual I l> as agents 0f t eh aIser and C ount Revent- ?W, K that the delegates are appointed in response to the unscrupulous attacks are being made upon them . may delude the poor simpletons of the other �ectJon . . direct invitation of the Council of \Vorkmen and in the capitalist Press. Is it not time the orga­ s Into acceptmg a "German" peace where- uPon ' Soldiers' Delegates. Events are moving swiftly nised workers asked what the Trades Union d' presumably, the soft and feeble-handed I Iom ' on the Continent, and this step of our Russian Congress Parliamentary Committee, the General P acy of the Allies would have no option blit to comrades is of immense significance. We observe of Trade Unions, and t>he �bour fall in with it, they are refusing pass­ �ts that the Executive Committee of the Labour Party are doing? The whole organised working­ �O �o the anti-war Socialists (our comrade a r Party--or, we should say, the majority of it--on class movement ought to moye solidly forward f l chIld has already received r his billet doux its own initiative without consulting the move­ present o� the Foreig for a general advance in wages to meet the th n Office) and have decided that country, is taking steps to call an elr d . ment in the famine price of food, and it should not be left to OCI'1 e myrmidons, the Henderson and R. na d Allied Socialist Conference. One would have sections to carry on struggles against tremendous � u el "gangs" should refuse al to go there at thought that the hopeless fiasco of the one called odds. It is the duty of the great national bodies (' much the better, we are t So " almost inclined by the French would have taught to take the lead in this matter. Are they asleep? ) say If anythmg IS calculated It p '. to show up the our patriotic Labour leaders the foolishness of Are they too much taken up with feeding soothing : ocnsy o� our d rulers in this war of liberty and convening such a conference. Who is to att nd so that the mOcracy It � syrup to their affiliated organisations, y. is is this kind of proceeding, which to be merely a gathenng ' ' more this conference? Is it &hall not jar the sweet susceptibilities of the capI­ ff over, perfectly futile. Neither the e Ort . of capitalist Governmental agents masquerading talist class? What really is the matter with s of our I mpena l'1St governments of th · . nor those as Socialists? Is it to be an assemblage of Hen­ them? If sections secure advances the main e OCIa - emocrats of thirty-seven .st a nd 'I "s 1 D . years' dersons and Thomases and Vanderveldes? Or is mass of the workers are still without. Food ng", wh 0, m t h'elr blmdness' th eI. r . have become it to be truly representative of the Socialist move­ prices concern the workers as a class, and they tools an d stI ImagIne, va't '11 ' . In 'their pompous ment-with full representation from the United should secure advances as a class. It is time the 111/, that their names to carry weight, will avail States, Italy, Russia, and the minorities of bodies received a good shaking-up. �e m the rising national onc tide of International Socialism, France and this country? And what can the con­ more b�coming ••• of it\ . conscious of its honour and ference do? It is a bit late to talk of "Allied" m�sSl Minority Refused Passports. th On. That tide will simply go past now is fo� a German em av conferences-the universal demand <' j Ing them with their Our comrade Fairchild is in good company, and Ihe n oy t� new companions to meeting of the Intern tional to stcial-Democratic Party of Germany, has informed the of Y S of the "Neues Wiener Journal" that the USPICIOUS, should remain at the head will prevent the early realisation of that demand. Berlin correspondent m ve he and the other delegates of the Parly to the St�ckho!m suCceeded o ment. But Stockholm is to be • • • • Cob y an Conference cannot obtain passports from the Berhn police Russian . other effort initiated by the president. Haase has given notice of an interpellation in uncII THE WORKERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. Deputies of Workmen's and Soldiers' the Reichstag. an a rene � � We should like to know how the To our knowledge there has never yet been Reuter reports that Skoboloff is proceeding to the Stock­ gade a� . . sabotag the bourgeois Governments wiII strike when the workers have not been well justi­ holm Conference as representatIve of the Executive of the e th and Soldiers' no : ?ur day is coming, there can be fied in leaving work. Obviously men will not Council of Workm�n's DelegM('s. doubt ab �t eq It, If only we ourselves prove elect to go into the street, suffer all manner of * * * * Ual to it I privations and in many instances be brought to Conference...... Swedish "Left Win," the verge �f starvation, for the fun of the thing or TO PETROGRAD. The left wing of the Swedish Social-Democratic Party \vI n res for reasons of obstinacy or malice. Yet there has opened its constituent Congress last Sunday. More than ponse to the o invitation of the Council of never been a strike but what the whole fury of 200 delegatI'S and several foreign rrpresentatives were rkmen and Soldiers' Delegates-the real the capitalist press has been roused against the present. 2 THE CALL

is published by thp. Executive Com­ been proved true in the most startling and representatives The Call or answer Union correspondence, mittee of the . thorough manner, and noW it is very unlikely a and when the matter was placed in the hands of The Editorial Committee is prepared to consider man or woman could be found throughout the the Minis�r.y of Munitions, the officer appointed for publication articles from all friends of Inter­ length and breadth of the land who would deny by the Mmlstry was plainly told by the head of national Socialism. that our statements have been fulfilled to the the firm that no notice would be taken either of letter. And more than this, th� feeling of the department All literary communications, notices, advertise­ , the or of the Union. The Munitions great mass of the nation is swinging round Depart ments, etc. , should be addressed to :- n�ent was either afraid or too supine to definitely in favour of peace. Meetings and take actIOn, and as a result 400 men were upon The Editorial Committee of . The Call, demonstrations that were but recently impossible the streets for seven weeks When the firm was 2 I a Maiden Lane, are now not only possible, but gloriously success­ at length dealt with, on May 8th, the Chairman Strand, London, \V.C. ful. Folks who in their inmost hearts hated the of the Rochdale Munitions Tribunal, on fining Subscription Rates :-3 months, 6 war, but were afraid to go against the stream of them £35 with £21 costs, remarked that "it was IS. Bd.; months, 3s. 3d.; 12 months, 6s. 6d., post fref public opinion, are now openly giving free expres­ a thousand pities that Messrs. Tweedale and sion to their real sentiments. Now, therefore, Smalley made the attempt to get women to work is the time for action! Now is the time to boldly on t�ti�e. machinery without discussing the agitate for peace and to pour out our advocacy practicabIlity of the proposal with the men. The mbt 6tall of Social-Democracy. For we not only want firm had taken up an obstinate attitude." The peace, but a peace founded on the abolition of management have now decided to recognise the An Organ of International Soolallsm. capitalism. Unions and to remove the women from the work Thursday, May 17, 1917 Moreover, we owe a duty to our comrades in in dispute. So much for Rochdale but before Russia. We rejoice to see that a representative this settlement was arrived at other c�mplications ational Conference of Labour and Socialist had arisen. � The Struggle for Food organisations is being called to congratulate and The men from ochdale, where, . � by the way, encourage our fellow-workers in Russia on the the stnke was offiCial, and where those on strike are realising at last that It IS no THE WORKERS splendid sweep they have made of the most were receiving use passing pious resolutions appealing to the strike pay from the Unions sinister autocracy in the world. But there are appealed to other Government to secure the real national control of districts for assistance. A mas� difficult times yet ahead for them. meeting in Manchester the food supply, or to attend to the equitable dis­ What are we on Sunday April 22nd here in England, going to do to help organi ed by the newly-formed tribution of the available foodstuffs in the country. them sur: � Sh�p Stewards: mount these difficulties and defeat the middle­ Committee, a body They are heartily sick of the gang of profiteering representative of all Unions class bureaucracy which seeks to obtain control nd made up of muddlers who have been fiddling for famine all the � shop stewards directly represent- there? The B. S. P. Executive are calling upon the workshops time, completely indifferent to the needs of the 109 and departments, decided to our members and branches in every town and dis­ take people and co� temptuous of their misery, and they a workshop ballot as to whether a strike trict at once to get moving. In London, the should are now resolved that the time has come for them be declared in Manchester in support of members are summoned to a meeting on Sundav the Rochdale to express their demands in a way that cannot be men, and as a protest against the next, May 20th, for this purpose. legalising evaded or satisfied by windy speeches or posters Comrades, w� of the .action of Tweedale and Smalley earnestly call upon you all enthusiastically by appealing to them not to eat. Food Vigilance to take the introduction of the dilution clauses of the up your old role. The people will look to us as new Munitions Bill. Committees are being formed in all the 'important The ballot was taken in their natural leaders in the coming days. We are some �Ianchester workshops towns throughout the country, at the instigation and the strike was convinced that their confidence in the B. will dedared on May 1st. of the Workers' National Committee, and all S. P. be fully justified. Let us remember, also, the The methods that have been sections of the organised working-class movement adopted by the many comrades who are in prison, performing employers to secure by means of are combining in the various localities and mass­ their control of forced labour, or are amidst the horrors of the the political machine, such in ustrial ing behind these committees. Vigorous propa­ . ? arrange­ battlefield. Their eyes are turned to us. Let us ments as are most ganda campaigns are being planned for the pur­ lIkely to be m line with their be worthy of them and of ourselves and rise to own economic i terests have been duly pose of securing the united support of the entire ' ? noted by this great occasion. the men working class, and in this way the pressure will on stnke. It has not passed without notice that become such as to be irresistible. We urge all the introduction of the new "Dilution" 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Bill which, if carried Socialists to play an active part in the work of in its present form will allow the employers to "dilute" in any these committees, to give freely of their time and class of work and which will allow the Rochdale firq! to spare no effort to make the food agitation suc­ What means this Strike? to do legally what they have just been fined for cessful. Social-Democrats, with their understand­ doing By McLAINE. coincided with the Government decision to ab ing of the capitalist system, with their knowledge w. olish the Trade Card scheme and to go behind their of the forces the workers are up against, with their At the moment of writing the greatest strike promises to the Unions. If the Trade Card propaganda experience and ability, and their since the outbreak of the war is in progress. To scheme was deliberately esigned to divide the clarity of vision, must do all in their power to give the very cautious admission by Mr. Bonar Law d Unions and to cause bickerings and disputes to purpose and direction to this struggle for food­ that 30,000 men had left work, has now been arise between the various sections of workers it for life-because that is what it now amounts to. added an equally cautious admission that the dis­ certainly did perform what was hoped and By holding meetings and demonstrations, by forc­ pute has extended to other centres. expected of it. The Government is now able to ing the local public bodies to arrange for town's It is not possible to fix upon one definite, clearly point to those Unions not covered by the scheme meetings, by organising the women of the work­ defined reason for the great stoppage. The in­ and to say that it has been set aside in response ing class who are compelled to wait in queues, and sults to which the Engineers in this country have to a demand from the members of those organisa­ by spreading broadcast easily understandable been subjected, have caused such a feeling of tions. So diabolically cunning are Our rulers Socialist literature, the Vigilance Committees, if resentment to arise that the whole industry was that they are prepared to initiate schemes which will they do their work thoroughly, will soon bring like a powder magazine, and but a match was be accepted as satisfactory by one section about radical alterations in the methods of food needed to set alight the highly inflammable but which will force other sections to protest against control and distribution. Nor is that all. While material that the Government's own actions have what appears to be favoured treatment, and then the provision of municipal food kitchens and the ignited. The Munitions Acts with their com­ the Government can with some truth point to a municipal distribution of food are all right in their p�lsory arbitration clauses, th� delays in dealing way, the complete Socialist solution is the vitally With wage applications, delays often extending demand from the workers that the arrangements shall be set aside. essential matter. This food agitation will present over a period of months, the positively Prussian The position now that more men Socialists with splendid opportunities of implant­ methods adopted by Chairmen of Munition appears to be the ing in the minds of the workers the principles of Tribunals, the fining of workmen while employers are likely to be called up from engineering industry, and that a further extension of dilution Social-Democracy and preparing them for the task speaking generally, have gone scot free, the pro: opportunity of of overthrowing the capitalist system. The time posed payment by results, the speeding up and will give the employers the replac­ ing those men by women or other cheaper paid for half measures has gone by. The workers must rate cutting, the non-payment of the promised workers. What the engineers are mainly con­ no longer remain satisfied with weak and ineffec­ rates of pay to women and other classes of cerned about, of course, is the after war tive palliatives which only touch the fringe of the workers brought into the industry by means of position and the possibility of the Labour Market being problem-they must consciously aim at the accom­ the various dilution schemes, the sweeping aside flooded with a surplus

THE INTERN ATIONAL As we reported briefly last week, the United III III Socalist Council of the B.S.P, and I.L.P. i$ summoning a great National Conference to be held at Leeds on Sunday, June 3rd, to organise The Stockholm Conference . passing? I t is necessary for the French Minority to act, the internationalist elements in the British on ...(censor) .. , r In res onse to Longuet's telegram, the Stockholm Con­ for she is mistress of the hour; it is ere c ha the fate of the world, The inactivity of the French working-class movement and to initiate a move­ � � s been postponed, the General Conference will depends t place bef Minority may produce the destruction of the Russian revo­ ment to compel the Government to bring its war �� �� . �re. June 10th, probably later. Now that e sSla� �oclalIsts an Inter­ lution and the triumph of the war." An officer comrade policy into line with that of the revolutionary national have decided to call the SocIalIst Conference sections of the assured Dridzo that the French soldiers admired Russian democracy. The circular of invitation Soc' ' at which all example of IIS ovement in all countries shall be represented, Russian army, and that they would follow the it i;� o �� with great to the Conference, which has now been issued to . ope� that something like a real meeting of the the latter-a statement which was greeted Int ern tl applause. all the Trades Councils and local Labour Parties � Onal WIll take place. But will the British and Fre � Governments * * * * and Executives and Branches of the B.S.P., S \ grant permits to the anti-war 0;;/IStS even at the request of ? The Independent Soolal Democratlo party of Germany. I.L.P. Women's Labour League, Women's t the , H �, ,;ega,rd to the projected Stockholm Conference, fact that the recent conference of the A v � I wnte It is an interesting Int�rnational League, and Women's Co-operative � s :-"If the Conference meets at Stockho;m German Minority, which decided to form a new party, was in Ol' er to reconstitute GuIld, reads as follows :- un d the Socialist ranks it must be well held at Gotha-the same place where in 1875 a unifiedparty erstood that we . ' ., "The events which ha\'e recently taken place in Russia ,0n ong<> r WIS 1 to renew our tIes wIth was formed by the fusion of the Lassallians and the Slidek um, or I I I call for a reply on the part of the British Socialist and Legien . � � Thomas, or with Renaudel, or with Marxists. Further, Comrade Bock, now 70 years old, who It enderson or Bissolati. We must go to the split of the German party, Labour movement. It is considered desirable and neces­ Stockh�l� ;ot presided over the final act in for the purpose of fraternal handshakes, also presided 42 years ago over the oonference which sary by the undersigned that a conference shall be con­ but in 0 de to prono vened of representative organisations to congratulate and which { � unce a definite sentence of divorce, brought the unified German Social Democracy into being. t e.. acts have, for pronounced encourage our Russian comrades upon the success they before us. the rest, already It is satisfactory to learn that with the exception of a few Extreme Left Socialists following Karl Radek, for have achieved in overthrowing the reactionaJlf forces of The German ma' . that JOnty h��e elected Ebert, Schiedemann, whom the new party is even worse than the old, the oountry and establishing real political freedom. Muller, Molkenbuh and "The newly enfranchised Russian democracy are Stoc 1', hscher to represent them at the adherents of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg have kholm Con f erenoo. beooming increasingly despondent of the Great Britain Trade The Committee of the German joined the new organisation, and are working loyally, U'lons are sending accompan which they once considered the home of liberty and pro­ Legien t� , three delegates to y though as a critical left wing, within it. On the other .' elr secretary. Ebert, writing in "Vorwaerts," gress. Dissatisfaction has moreover been manifested on th . hand, the Haase-Kautsky group have seel1 the wisdom of .-=��! ct, says, accord�ng to the "Journal du allowing a large degree of liberty of action to its more revo­ against the reactionary forces in this country nominating Peuple:� �e . and selecting individuals ostensibly to represent the b ' .' German SOCIalIsts have from the very lutionary wing, in order to have a united party waging egInmng of the war the Labour and Socialist movement of Great Britain. In co worked untiringly to bring about merciless war against Imperialism and the wal'. mon action of the International for peace. Our efforts Russia, where the people have assumed control over their an� .. .. * our hopes have been discussed 00 often that we dare own political circumstances, they are repudiating the policy n?t actually believe that the Stockholm Conference w'll Celebration of the First of May. of imperial conquest and anne",ation, and declare re­ lel p , Y ? ractical results Already the French and English The French Socialist Party and the General Confedera­ peatedly in favour of peace without annexation_ and indem­ �oclalIsts have refused to negotiate with us on questions nities. They have, moreover, called upon the common tion of Labour called upon the workers to celebrate the In which we are interested. They do not even want to First of May only "in spirit," not coupled with deed. The people in all the belligerent countries to throw oyer their enter into communication with the Executive Committee reactionary Governments, which are at all times in favour f Zimmerwaldian group of the Confederation and some trade ? �he International. However, as Troelstra has well said, unions in the building trade called upon the workers to of oonquest and imperial aggrandisement. It IS certain that one will investigate at Stockholm the '.'Not only is it the duty of the German and Austro­ mea celebrate the First of May by a one-day strike. At the ns of obtaining peace as quickly as possible. As for Syndicalist headquarters a meeting was held on the Hungarian working class to repudiate the dreams of con­ us.. we �eclare that we reject any policy of annexation. " quest of their rulers, but it is clearly the duty of the he morning of May 1St, in which about 5,000 people took part. f Germany Minority have elected Haase, Bernstein, The papers which attempted to_report the proceedings were working class of Great Britain to repudiate aims and K. autsky, Adolf Hoffmann, and Litz as their representa- aspirations---

Here and There Topical Pars from The Movement THE Russian Revolution Yes, I must talk about I it ; I can't help it. It seems to me so splendid. TAere is no swerving of the Juggernaut of Capitalism KENTISH TOWN.-This branch held an excelleltt The spirit of the people seems to me so fine, so when the lives of men, women, and children are endangered meeting on Sunday morning at Parliament Hill. Speaker by its progress. But when its path lies across a graveyard, revolutionary, that I sometimes find myself was J. T. . Subject ; "Liberty anll Capitalism must needs tread warily. Messrs. Caird and Capitalism." His address was most attentively Iistenel I am open to correction, wondering if it is true. Greenock, have written to the minister of the Old to by about people. The food for thought he dis­ Co. , 300 but I don 't know of anything like it since the great West Kirk, stating that "it has become imperative to tributed was most nourishing. As no "dividends" or "pe.­ French Revolution of over a hundred years ago. enlarge our shipbuilding yard," and pointing out that the cents" will be paid the branch propaganda fund benefits only way they can effect the requisite extension is by the Then also the revolutionary spirit seemed to have by 30s. collection.-T. W. H. removal of the church and the churchyard to another site. thoroughly permeated the whole people. When The letter further pleads that ; "We would undertake at our SOUTHWARK.-Comrade J. Birns addressed a verr the King was flying for his life, he found that own expense to take down the church with the utmost large crowd at East Street on Sunday morning last. His subject was "The Russian Revolution," and the crowll every stopping-place was a danger-point, and he care, and, so far as practicable, to re-erect it stone by stone, so that when again erected it may be the identical was very enthusiastic. Collection, liS. 4d. ; literature was discovered and arrested before he got clear church, the windows, ornaments, mural tablets, vaults, sales, 7s. 7d. away. etc. , being carefully set aside and replaced in their exact WALTHAMSTOW.-We had a very interesting and * * * * positions. " Yes, it's all very fine ; but what do lovers of educational address by Mrs. Coates on Sunday last. Her Robbie Burns think of removing the dust of Highland Mary "But it is not the social revolution." know, subject was "The Russian Revolution." Over 70 copies of I to some unhallowed field ? The cynical proposal has met dear hearts, it is not-not yet. But the sweep the Newbold's pamphlm were sold. Ninety members were with the unanimous opposition of the Church Trustees. people have made of the powerfully entrenched present at our last branch meeting, and the branch is shortly starting open-air propaganda. despotism is nothing short of a marvel. It went * * * * down, so to speak, without striking a blow in its Comrade J. D. R. MacKay, who was arrested last week BETHNAL GREEN.-An immense crowd assembled in Victoria Park to hear the debate between our C ade own defence. Who would have thought, a few as a military absentee, and released on bail on account of omr his pOSition on May Day Committee, came again before E. W. Cant and Mr. Morant (a well-known anti-Socialist) short months ago, that the cruel, centuries-old the magistrate on Wednesday. Like all his predecessors, on "Is this a Capitalist War ?" Mr. Morant was never in autocracy would have collapsed in the manner it he was handed over to the military authorities. He is it, and the audience showed their appreciation of the case did? It only proves that "you never can tell." now in custody in Dumbarton Castle, awaiting court­ stated by Comrade Cant by a collection of £1 IS., and by martial, having refusf!d to obey orders. numerous applications to join the branch. * * * * But on deeper reflection, the marvel of the * * * * S HEFFIELD.-A tremendous meeting on the Russian Revolution was held by the Trades Council in the Mon­ growth of revolutionary feeling is at least Scotland has special quarrel with the Food Controller a gomery Hall last Friday. W. C. Anderson, M.P., pl'esided, partially explained. When we remember that over its oatmeal supply. When Devonport was in tall d s e and the speakers were J. Fineberg (B.S. P.) , Councillor oatmeal was 4s. 4d. per stone. He has now fixed the price during long years thousands of noble men and S. Barlon (B.S.P.) , and H. Nevinson. On Sunday at 6s. 5d. per stone, a maximum which will immediately W. women have preached revolution in Russia at the Fineberg spoke to a large and enthusiastic meeting i. become a minimum. But observe what a charming gift of J. the Engineers' Institute, organised by the Joint Council of price 'of life and liberty ; when we recall the long bullion he has arranged for the food pirates. On April the B.S.P. and I.L.P., where the Russian Revolution was and continuous martyrdom of these noble spirits, 17th he fixed the price of milling oats at 55s. per Ibs., 312 again the subject. the numbers who have been sent to Siberia, who which should have meant a reduction of 9d. per stone in the have been imprisoned, and tortured, and driven oatmeal produced therefrom, or IS. 2d. per stone below the WIGAN.-Though the weather was dull and threatening price now fixed by the Food Controller. This IS. 2d., then, a large crowd turned up on Sunday evening when comrade mad, and murdered, the wonder of the present is actually filched from the workers by Lord Devonport, Cochrane, of S. Salford, was the speaker. A magnificent glorious achievement is tempered with the con­ and handed over as an absolute free gift to the profiteers. speech, remarkable for its cogency . and lucidity, was viction that we are now seeing the blossoming of In some quarters the erratic endeavours of the Food Con· rewarded with a great ovation. Splendid collection, 3' the seed that has for so long been sown, and which troller are attributed to illness. Is it a case of "Dizziness Bryan pamphlets and 78 "Calls" sold.-Karl. a� Usual" ? has been fertilised by the blood of those who have W;\ R I NGTON. J . Fineberg addressed on Satur R � day dared all and suffered all in their service to the evenll1g a good meetll1g to congratulate the Russian Revolu­ Shinwell was charged in a Glasgow Polke tion, organised by a local joint committee. Rev. H. Ogden cause of the people, and to destroy the enemy Councillor Court on Friday with assaulting a member of the "Scottish was in the chair, and Rev. Donald Fraser (Liverpool) also which crushed down the workers of Russia. am I Patriotic Federation" with a piece of metal gas pipe. The spoke. glad and proud to have lived to see these days. case was a further sequel to the disturbance at Ramsay LIVERPOOL.-Inspired by the presence in Liverpool of * * * * Macdonald's meeting in Glasgow a month ago. According a number of our Russian comrades from ship in the port to the evidence of the complainer, Shinwell shouted, "Keep Two proverbs peculiarly applicable : "Imitation the East branch pitched their platform once again at Edg the - out. Use your bolts. If you don't, I will," and � is the sincerest form of flattery," and "Go thou that he aimed a blow at witness's head. Witness affirmed Hill Lamp last Sunday, and a splendid meeting was held. and do likewise. " that six or seven others had iron bolts and loaded ropes, Comrades Mrs. Walker and Thompson spoke, while transla­ ...* which was corroborated by police and other witnesses. The tions into Russian and an address in Russian afterwards case was adjourned aftf'r thp. evidence for the prosecution made in English comrade. Collec­ I noticed the other day that the Cunard Steam­ 145. 8d. , i wasera ur givene by a Russian was heard. tion l t t 78. 9d. "Calls" sold out.-Tm, ship had issued its report for 1916, and showed Co. £ * * .. ... Teller. a profit of 2,501,840, which is an increase of ••• £780,673 over the profit of A dividend of Dalrymple, who runs the Glasgow tramways, and spends 1915. 10 per cent. and a bonus of 10 per cent. comes to his spare tlme devising posters for the amusement of the CORRESPONDENCE. cit.izens, succeeded last week in covering himself with the shareholders. Very 'S'nice. No wonder there . general ridicule, even the "Glasgow Herald" remarking are so many patriots about who shout for the war apropos that "there are some offences against good taste, Dear Comrade,-It is urgently necessary to draw the to continue. It pays, my brothers. to say the least, which may not be committed with im­ atrtention of the advanced elements in Britain to the punity. " Dalrymple had the cars placarded with details "Military Service (Conventions with Allied States) Bill" * * * * regarding the food consumed by prominent citizens on a that was read for the first time in the HOllse of Commons Rubber, too, is as good as gold, these war times. ci>rtain day. The Lord Provost responded nobly. Com­ on Tuesday, May 8th, and that "enables His Majesty ill Talk about gold mines, why rubber, steamships, pared with his Spartan menu, Lady Bilsland's food Council to carry into effect Conventions which may be the mutual and one or two other things beat gold mines t'conomy was a Gargantuan feast. One felt that the Lord made with Allied and other States as to Provost might have gallantly shaded the contrast to spare liability of His Majesty's subject s '1I1d subjects of the hollow. They're out of date. From the City necessary Attied and other to military service. " It is the thp lady's feelings, even IF it were to do some States article of the "New Statesman" recently, I take "xaggerating. But the parson who subsists mainly on tea Parliamentary legalisation of the destruction of the Right the following :- and coffee (unaccompanied) is a sure winner. The grace­ of Asylum and of the violation of the elementalY rights either the smallest of foreigners ! G. Dividend less person who suggested that he was TCHlTCHERINE. Di\'idend the biggest is obviously lacking in respect for last year. this year. "ater or -- Company pr cent. his betters. If only the thriftless working class would p cent. Per lnsulinde follow this good man's example, we would have no fear of ...... , ..... 10 10 Escot Rubber Estate, ...... 10 25 German competition after the war. 'fAIL ORIN G' London Asiatic ...... 10 ,0 * * *' * Luiggi Plant at ions ...... 65 85 LADIES' COSTUMES, SUITS, &c. &c. Sumatra Consolidated ...... 7 ...... 7� � Th" tremendous revolutionary feeling inspired by events Customers called on at any time with patterns Damansara .. , ...... ,...... 2.2 � 30 within mites of Charing Cros�. Self_Measure­ Russia found volcanic expression at a monster demonstra­ 25 • * * in ment Forms. PATTERl" S POST FREE. * tion held in St. Andrew's' Hall on Sunday evening. It was All T.U. Labour. But it appears that even rubber and steamships a portentous meeting, crowding Glasgow's largest hall and have to yield pride of place to the humble but overflowing into the street, where a meeting of even greater F proportions was held. The speakers were ; Wm. Shaw, E. C. AIRCHILD necessary potato. I read in one of the latest OF ADDRESS ; Vicarage Rd., president of Glasgow Trades Council, Mrs. Helen Craw­ NOTE CHANGE 35 Leyton. leaflets of the War Emergency : Workers' furd, Women's International League, M. Jaskiewitz, F. National Committee the following balance-sheet of Himmetfarb, W. C. Anderson, M.P., Robt. SmiIlie, and acres of potatoes grown in the Fens of Lincoln­ Geo. Lansbury. The proposal that the example of Russia BRITISH SOCIALIST PART) 48 1916 :- �hould be emulated in this .country and to this end that a shire in Workmen's and Soldiers' Committee should be formed, Jewish Social Democratic Organisation, West End London Branch. hrO�lE. was received with vociferous acclamation, the audience £ s. d. .9 tanding to cheer and wave their caps. Not less virile By tons Eating O ato at £1 per ton . . Lansbury appealed CINDERELLA DANCE 308 P l l's I . .1388 0 0 was the determination manifested when 50 tons Sped at £12 10S. per ton ...... , . . . 625 . .. 0 0 for immediate and definite action for John Maclean's At tb andos Hall, Maiden Lane, Strand, W.C. rel"ase. S. On SATURDAY, MAY 19tb, 1917. Doors Open 6 p.m. Commence 6.30 p.m. IJr NOW READY ... d. TICKETS ONE SHILLING EACH t , To Rent, Seed, :\I anure, and Labour (both INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST LIBRARY, horse and manual) H. 2 ...... , ...... ,..... 1300 11 0 may be obtained at "The Call " Office, (a Maidcll B lance profit ...... W.C. 2 ...... 2713 0 0 The Politics of Capitalism Lane, Strand, £4 013 0 0 WALTON NEWBOLD, M.A. By ]. T. SPECIAL NOTICES No so bad, this, my comrades. And a few half-pence. Usual terms WALTHAMST OW B.S.P.-William Morris Hall, hours after receiving the leaflet passed stalls post to I Onc Penny ; free, three Somers Road, Palmerston Road. Branch meetings, selling ·'seed" potatoes at 3d, per lb., and long Branches. Thursday, 8. 15 p.m. Embroidery class, Wednesdays, 6,30 queues of men and women waiting to buy them. p.m. Sunday School (William Morris Hall and Council Maiden Quite peacefully. No rioting. dear no ! BJ{ITTSH SOCIALIST PAJ{TY. 21a Lane, School, Wood Street), 3 p.m. Social and Dance each Oh, lecture by Glad to get them. Revolution? Not likely ! Strand. London, W.C.2 Saturday. Sunday, May 20th, Carl Quina. Admission free. Bravo, our brave Russian fellow-workers. SOCIALIST PORTRAITS Hurrah ! Three cheers for the Russian Revolu­ INTERNATIONAL Striking photograpbic reproductions (tastefully Hip, hip, hooray ! But not here in England. AND THE WAR. tion ! mounted) of tbe portraits of That's quite another story. We'll put up with Essays I" SoalaJlsm and War. By John Bryan. One one of the most barefaced bits of robbery ever I.-Dr. KARL LIEBKNECHT penny, post free three half-pence. practised on the workers-the potato extortion­ n.-JOHN MACLEAN How Europe Armed for War. By J. T. Walton Newbold, Post free and remain quiet. If we kick up a row at all, M.A. New and revised edition, IS. 3d. CABINETS. 9d. Eacb po It free. 5!d. Usual terms to branches. well, we'll have a go at those damned pacifists, IS. (Actual size of print 12 those peace cranks who want tQ stop the war. But ENLARGEMENTS. free. incbes by inches) 4/6 post Department, as to putting up a fight against the food-robbers, 7t B.S.P. Literature :ua Maiden Lane, Strand, London, why, bless your heart, we enjoy being robbed. USU AL TERMS TO BRANCHES. W.C.2. We always have been robbed, so --. Literature Dept. 21a Maiden Lane, . w.e. B.SStrand,.P. London, W.C.2 Prinlrd by tbeNational Labour Pr... Ltd. 74 Swinton St.. Lendon. RA�BLER,