An Organ of in Terna Tional the Coming Defeat of Imperialism
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An Organ of In terna tional Socialism No. 58 THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1917 ONE PENNY workers involved in it. In the eyes of the capitalist press-and the capitalist class as a whole-the The Coming Defeat of Imperialism workers are always wrong. The greed of the em ployers, their arrogance and brutality, their slave THE SUpreme issue between Imperialism and an .international meeting of the Socialist parties. driving and swindling, is never dwelt upon. We Demo cracy is being fought out at this very It is felt on every hand that the long nightmare is well recollect the howl of execration which ome � nt by the Socialist proletariat and revolu at an end, and that the undivided sway of Im ascended when the Welsh miners stood out against onary / peasant-soldiers of Russia. It is being perialism over the minds of the nations is over. the Munitions Act, but when it was found that the t ;U�� out g�inst the overwh lming powers of But there can be no doubt that the Imperialist miners were unshakal:!le, it was also discovered o ? � ern capitalism of two hemispheres for our classes themselves appreciate the meaning of the that there were some matters requiring considera elve R :,> and the world at large as well as for the fight in Russia much better than the masses of the tion on their side. A somewhat similar howl is ss U lan peoples themselves. Do we realise this people. They scent the danger much more now arising against the striking engineers. All stup endous fact? The vast majority of Socialists keenly than those classes on whose behalf the the forces of capitalism are being brought to bear th roughout the world had capitulated to the Im Russian proletariat and peasantry are struggling. upon them, to break their spirit. Every kind of p erialist enemy at the very outset of the struggle. Their press and their diplomacy are being threat is being used to make them give in-from B ut the most down-trodden working and peasant furiously manipulated in support of the Russian shooting to penal servitude for life. These men cl asses in Europe have risen in revolt against him, Imperialists, and every artifice and chicane are who have sweated and toiled for numberless hours h ave smashed the head of the Tsardom, and are being used to discredit and to disrupt the forces in the factories and workshops, who have given now fighting at every twist and turn those who of the Russian Revolution. But is it too bold freely of their blood and sinew and vitality, are would substitute for its yoke that of their own, to say that they are fighting a forlorn battle and now "traitors" and "wasters." It would be well the yoke of Imperialism a�d Militarism. For it is that they themselves are conscious of the hope if the men on strike took immediate steps to quite plain that if the war d is to end in the manner lessness of their efforts? Already the idea of apprise the whole organised working-class move em�nde� by the revolutionary people of Russia, peace-peace at the end of summer�is in the air. ment of the true facts of the situation. A clear �ha� IS, WIthout any party drawing any profit from Already curious rumours are in circulation as to statement ought immediately to be prepared and It In t�e shape of annexations or indemnities, the terms on which the rulers of this country sent to every Trade Union branch in the country, Intern. ational Imperialism, which has set out to would be prepared to make peace-terms which and deputations should wait upon the Trades con �uer, to capture and to dominate, \vill have have nothing in common with the original pro Councils. Let the workers know the true posi received a blo,:, from which it ,vill never recover. gramme. Do they mean anything or nothing? tion. Let the rank and file judge, and in our F or 'th� first .tlme in its long and bloody career We do not know. But we do know that unless opinion their judgment wiII be such as to bring eapl ta l Ism Will have e . which . �lb ark ed upon a bUSIness the Allies accept Russia's terms of peace, they overwhelming support to their comrades in the '11 b'n ng mto It ment r�� nought but disappoint will lose Russia altogether, and then they will metal trades. n tm nt, and * * * * h . : the spectre of a revolution. find themselyes in a plight, from which no T at' what IS at l stake in the fight which the Americas and no Liberias or Cubas will save THE 'BUS STR IKE. revolu:10nar y . people of Russia is waging to-day them. And because we credit them still with It � a world-hist The 'bus workers of London came out on strike orical fight which potentiall; some amount of cool common-sense, we think that ar S a new stage on Sunday for the purpose of securing recogni � in the social and political they know this, too, and that therefore peace will eve Iopment of mankind. tion for t>heir Union and a 10S. increase in wages. have to be made. And it is the duty of the That its meaning is graduall All organised workers will naturally be at one t y being realised bv British working class to accelerate its advent and he proletariat of other with them in the attainment of these objects. The countri�s is shown by th� to see to it that its terms do not imply the �nrest which has increase in w�ges is long overdue-railway�en, . seized them and which is finding enslavement of some hitherto independent race It. ' dockers, postal workers, and many other sectIons s ex preSSlO1l m teh e fforts made to bring about like the Arabs or the Persians. ��===========================================================of workers having preceded them in obtaining ad vances-and the rise in the cost of living has been such as to make their demand imperative. Out in Notes and Comments power in Russia-the B.S.P. and I.L.P. have de all weathers, subject to considerable physical and cided to send representatives to Petrograd. Our nervous strain, working long hours, the lot of STOCKHO LM AND AFTER. comrade E. C. Fairchild and another will repre t.hese workers is anything but enviable, and it is h sent the B.S.P., and J. R. Macdonald and F. T ere is frightful alarm in the breasts W. only when the 'buses cease to run that the public he av of our Jowett will reproesent the LL.P.-that is, if they en- bor n governors recognise the important social service they ren fer lest the Stockholm con- can get there. It will be interesting to see what e ce sees the der. All the Trade Union and Socialist bodies O n � � resurrection of the International. attitude the British Government will adopt in re e pretext that the German Majority Socialists, in London should freely give them the greatest actIno- . gard to the issue of passports, in view of the fact possible moral support, especially as the usual I l> as agents 0f t eh aIser and C ount Revent- ?W, K that the delegates are appointed in response to the unscrupulous attacks are being made upon them . may delude the poor simpletons of the other �ectJon . direct invitation of the Council of \Vorkmen and in the capitalist Press. Is it not time the orga s Into acceptmg a "German" peace where- uPon ' Soldiers' Delegates. Events are moving swiftly nised workers asked what the Trades Union d' presumably, the soft and feeble-handed I Iom ' on the Continent, and this step of our Russian Congress Parliamentary Committee, the General P acy of the Allies would have no option blit to comrades is of immense significance. We observe Federation of Trade Unions, and t>he �bour fall in with it, they are refusing pass �ts that the Executive Committee of the Labour Party are doing? The whole organised working �O �o the anti-war Socialists (our comrade a r Party--or, we should say, the majority of it--on class movement ought to moye solidly forward f l chIld has already received r his billet doux its own initiative without consulting the move present o� the Foreig for a general advance in wages to meet the th n Office) and have decided that country, is taking steps to call an elr d . ment in the famine price of food, and it should not be left to OCI'1 e myrmidons, the Henderson and R. na d Allied Socialist Conference. One would have sections to carry on struggles against tremendous � u el "gangs" should refuse al to go there at thought that the hopeless fiasco of the one called odds. It is the duty of the great national bodies (' much the better, we are t So " almost inclined by the French Socialist Party would have taught to take the lead in this matter. Are they asleep? ) say If anythmg IS calculated It p '. to show up the our patriotic Labour leaders the foolishness of Are they too much taken up with feeding soothing : ocnsy o� our d rulers in this war of liberty and convening such a conference. Who is to att nd so that the mOcracy It � syrup to their affiliated organisations, y. is is this kind of proceeding, which to be merely a gathenng ' ' more this conference? Is it &hall not jar the sweet susceptibilities of the capI ff over, perfectly futile.