Kevin Hazzard | 357 pages | 31 Jan 2013 | Manning Publications | 9781617290268 | English | New York, United States in NET PDF Book

The Dynamic Language Runtime Chapter 9. As a of course! This looks pretty simple, we just acquire the lock, execute the passed statements and finally release the lock, even if exceptions have been thrown. One way to do this is to represent the program as a string and then run the rustc parser, e. I write a column for MSDN Magazine, and metaprogramming was one of the topics in one of the series I've written "Metaparadigmatic Programming" for the column, so this subject is not unfamiliar to me. Kermit Alexander II. For example, if we have a main. But there is a price, you can't for example use operators on values of the generic type argument. NET framework--no prior experience with metaprogramming is required. Divide Expression. The compiler sprinkles that in for you. FirstName ; Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. MakeGenericType , language independence and code re-use possible. SlideShare Explore Search You. Steve Brownlee Aug 13 ' Learn more. It is going to be possible. Div ; generator. Metaprogramming Python - Method Missing. They've also tried to include some practical places where these techniques are useful, though I do wish the examples had been a bit "larger", meaning they were integrated into the larger picture of a "real-world" system, but that's hard to do sometimes, and most readers sufficiently senior enough to read this book should be able to see how to apply them to their own problems. Bondy k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Tapas Adhikary. Metaprogramming in NET Writer

The DNX implementation with Roslyn is what gives us the ability to use these techniques, you can check out the implementation here. The packages Microsoft. We then need to go back to the root node, and tell it to replace the bodyBlock node with the newBodyBlock node It does this, but returns us a new root node. NET platform. Custom Object Iterators in JavaScript. With this …. Moskal, and P. TL;DR : This is a great book not perfect , but not an easy read for everyone, not because the writing is bad, but because the subject is a whole new level of abstraction above what most developers deal with. IO": "4. Abanoub Hanna. So our complete implementation looks like this: using System. Demo: Evolving Code Metaprogramming in. Refactoring and linting tool for Scala. Some other aspects of scoping and quasi-quoting require a more subtle approach. Launch step in which can be useful if you want to step through the compilation process. However in an imperative language such as Converge, variable assignment introduces a tricky corner case. In Python for example, there are two chief ways of doing this. Meta-programming in Nemerle, Add ; generator. In section 3. Some of the practical uses of the Reflection API are: Eliminating error-prone configurations Creating an informative string representation of an object. I then assess the relative utility of compile-time meta-programming in the context of a dynamically typed language, since this is one of the key novelties of this work. Whilst this is perhaps unappealing from a theoretical point of view, this approach is common in practise due to the low-cost flexibility it leads to. This temporary module is compiled to bytecode and injected into the running VM, whereupon the splice function is called. Buy the print and get the eBook version for free! Steele, Jr. I don't really see Prolog as meta-programming; it's more like an inference engine with a knowledge-base attached. One place is with operator overloading. Now we have our method, we need to implement our body. Linked Variables do not need to be declared before their use: assigning to a variable anywhere in a block makes that variable local throughout the block, and accessible to inner blocks 2. Imaculate Sep In Converge one issue that arises is that code which continually dips in and out of the meta-programming constructs can become rather messy and difficult to read on screen if over-used in any one area of code. So first things first, what do we need to do? The CEI module within the Compiler package is the officially sanctioned interface to the Compiler, and can be imported with import Compiler. Publication Type. The motivation for a TH printf is that such a function is not expressible in base Haskell. To avoid such problems, Converge forces variables defined outside of quasi-quotes to be explicitly lifted into it. We keep a reference to the tree itself, its root and the matching class declaration, as we'll need these later on. Tasks": "4. If a module is the main module of a program i. Hygienic macro expansion. Explore a preview version of Metaprogramming in. The current approach has one or two minor rough edges that require work before it is suitable for widespread use, but it has already proved sufficient to build three powerful and sizable collectively approximately 10, lines of Converge code model transformation system. Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code up to Java This review was posted to Amazon at the above link on 5 Jan , then copy-and-pasted here because I like posting reviews to my blog as well as to Amazon. Metaprogramming in NET Reviews

Active 4 years, 6 months ago. We can check that we get the expected output by adding a simple echo result. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. This temporary module is compiled to bytecode and injected into the running VM, whereupon the splice function is called. Essentially an outer quasi-quote returns the ITree of the code which would create the ITree of the nested quasi-quote. All programming languages suck! Fred Heath. Similar implementations will require a similar interface to allow two important activities: The creation of fresh variable names see section 3. The importance of nested quasi-quotes is they allow one to inspect and alter the code which creates an ITree i. Emit OpCodes. Minimal, simple, efficient, statically typed, compiled, meta programmable, safe and extensible systems with a Lua flavor. Combined Topics. Some of the practical uses of the Reflection API are: Eliminating error-prone configurations Creating an informative string representation of an object. The dynamic behavior of generics makes things like Linq, expression trees, Type. Is metaprogramming possible in ? Constant 2d , Expression. A small dart library to generate Assets dart code from assets folder. To match the fact that splice annotations in blocks can accept sequences of expressions to splice in, the quasi-quotes mechanism allows multiple expressions to be expressed within it, split over newlines. Steele, Jr. You might want to take a look at Ruby, which has a great deal of support for metaprogramming. Quasi-quote mode creates an ITree respecting the scoping rules and other features of section 3. Refactoring and linting tool for Scala. Growing a language. However this approach is inherently limited compared to the other approaches described in this section. It is going to be possible. Show and hide more. In so doing, macros themselves can then be as any other function within the host language, making this form of compile-time meta-programming in some way distinct from more traditional macro systems. Matthes, and M. Always remember: With great power comes great responsibility, so use the least powerful construct that does the job.

Metaprogramming in NET Read Online

Although the code from A. More Details Finally I used the experience gained from the Converge language and implementation to suggest how compile-time meta-programming might be added to similar languages. Transform your code in turing-complete ways. About Kevin Hazzard. TypeCheck: Fast and flexible runtime type-checking for your Elixir projects. Splice annotations as expressions can return any normal ITree. ACM, Oct. Unlike Python, each module is individually compiled into a bytecode file by the Converge compiler convergec and linked by convergel to produce a static bytecode executable which can be run by the Converge VM. Podcast Cleaning up build systems and gathering computer history. Refresh and try again. Extends python lists with LINQ functionality for clean, fast coding. While it's not possible in C , it's possible in alternative. Figure 1: Converge compiler states. Most of the languages which fall into this new category of compile-time meta-programming languages are statically typed functional languages. Sort order. Linked 3. Splice annotations in place of function names must return a Name see section 3. The current approach has one or two minor rough edges that require work before it is suitable for widespread use, but it has already proved sufficient to build three powerful and sizable collectively approximately 10, lines of Converge code model transformation system. Make googletest-like test framework from scratch. They've also tried to include some practical places where these techniques are useful, though I do wish the examples had been a bit "larger", meaning they were integrated into the larger picture of a "real-world" system, but that's hard to do sometimes, and most readers sufficiently senior enough to read this book should be able to see how to apply them to their own problems. Expressions Nahuel Garbezza Dec 15 ' Subsequently, in the remainder of this note, we will look at how to use the Rust compiler to do type-directed metaprogramming of Rust code. However, Converge is a more experimental multi-paradigm language than Python and its ilk. WordPress Shortcode. Collection of presentations for advanced Python topics. Clinger, and J. Develop Software For Yourself! Templates are expanded at compile time. Demers and J. Full disclosure: Manning Publications is a publisher I've published with before, and Kevin and Jason are both friends of mine in the. Many common use cases require introspecting a syntactic construct and generating code accordingly, most notably custom derive. It also provides a potential solution to related problems. The implications on the design of similar languages can thus be boiled down to the following two main requirements: It must be possible to determine all namespaces statically, and also to resolve variable references between namespaces statically. That's so Rusty: Metaprogramming. Although mundane in some senses, both examples open up potential avenues not currently available to other dynamically typed OO languages. Felleisen, and B. Most people insist on trying to metaprogram from inside their favorite language. Badros, and D. Perhaps significantly, the ability to tune a program at compile-time for portability purposes is the largest single use of the C [ 14 ] — compile- time meta-programming of the sort found in Converge not only opens similar doors for dynamically typed OO languages, but allows the process to occur in a far safer, more consistent and more powerful environment than the C preprocessor. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips.