Lecture Notes of TICMI, Vol.13, 2012 Giorgi Akhalaia, Grigory Giorgadze, Valerian Jikia, Neron Kaldani, Giorgi Makatsaria, Nino Manjavidze ELLIPTIC SYSTEMS ON RIEMANN SURFACES © Tbilisi University Press Tbilisi Abstract. Systematic investigation of Elliptic systems on Riemann surface and new results from the theory of generalized analytic functions and vectors are pre- sented. Complete analysis of the boundary value problem of linear conjugation and Riemann-Hilbert monodromy problem for the Carleman-Bers-Vekua irregular systems are given. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation: 57R45 Key words and phrases: Generalized analytic function, Generalized analytic vector, irregular Carleman-Bers-Vekua equation, linear conjugation problem, holo- morphic structure, Beltrami equation Giorgi Akhalaia, Grigory Giorgadze*, Valerian Jikia, Neron Kaldani I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 2 University st., Tbilisi 0186, Georgia Giorgi Makatsaria St. Andrews Georgian University 53a Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi 0162, Georgia Nino Manjavidze Georgian Technical University 77 M. Kostava st., Tbilisi 0175, Georgia * Corresponding Author. email:
[email protected] Contents Preface 5 1 Introduction 7 2 Functional spaces induced from regular Carleman-Bers-Vekua equations 15 2.1 Some functional spaces . 15 2.2 The Vekua-Pompej type integral operators . 16 2.3 The Carleman-Bers-Vekua equation . 18 2.4 The generalized polynomials of the class Ap;2(A; B; C), p > 2 . 20 2.5 Some properties of the generalized power functions . 22 2.6 The problem of linear conjugation for generalized analytic functions . 26 3 Beltrami equation 28 4 The pseudoanalytic functions 36 4.1 Relation between Beltrami and holomorphic disc equations . 38 4.2 The periodicity of the space of generalized analytic functions .