t . • ^ _ ^ / ,-x i.^^W-' ' *r'P ^' <5-5 • -v 7 •;-'pl:t ~y" V £> x rn^ww • TIMES-REPUBLICAN, MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA, OCTOBER 9,1920

quietly dropped her. That was yes­ of surprise to Jack to learn that an because that's not your name." ceri. hulls and, for enormous boiler, JS' ''••National League tion between Great Britain and Ger­ Millionaire sible. a slow tide of anger. "Oh, the devils! Jack's boarding hour.e was in the many us advertisements ' appealing to megalomania and tho speed craze. * "The name this precious j-oung To think up such a fiend's game! West Forties near Eighth avenue, in Batting Averages lady gave me was Uealrice Black- And then to get away with it! it's the center of that vast colony of If Georges Cnrpentier succeeds in From any other point of view they stone. That means nothing of course. too much for an honest man to boarders. His way from the Mada­ stopping Battling Levlnsky when the were unnecessary. No one needed all By that luxury for a brief ocean voyage. Hut her good looks were really not­ stand! I wish I could pay them off! gascar lay up Broadway for three By Associated Press. two faco each other in the Jersey able, even to my dim old eyes, and . . . I will pay them off. I have short blocks, then westward for a Simple comfort and convenience Chicago, Oct. 9.—Roger Hornsby, City ball park on October 12, will the HULBERT FOOTNER i will try to give you a description power now. That shall be my job. long ono. He passed thru the throng Frenchman even then be regarded as would have been better. Nor, except in rare cases, was there any real ad­ j • that will put you on your guard, If I live I'll square this account!" hurrying theaterward without seeing the St. Louis star, won the 1920 bat­ a worthy opponent for Jack Demp- vantage in cutting an hour or two should she ever bring her fascina­ lie registered his vow with an in­ anybody: he forgot that he had had ting championship of the National soy? Cnrpentier says he made the tions to bear on you. voluntary glance upward at his no dinner: ho forgot that his pocket off the running time. But it looked League with an average of .370, ac­ match with Lcvinsky for the express big and, therefore, had advertising ..' ^Ingenious, was it not" ,1 could "She said she was twenty-three, mother's portrait, it seemed to him was full of money and was tempted purpose of showing the American value. by none of the alluring show-win­ cording to llnal unoflicial averages well imagine that many of my tim­ but seemed, in unguarded moments to that the wistful face softened on him released today. Hornsby participated sporting public that he is a real be a Rood five or six years . older. in approval. dows. Shipping men know that there is aa orous wealthy acquaintances \vould | in 149 games and cracked out 218 fighter, but there seems to be a dis-^ The burden of his thoughts was: economical limit to the size and fall for it eagerly after all the agita^ She was a brunette with lustrous, The impulse to action brought Jack I hits for a total of 323 "oases. His hits portion to concede him the victory "It's a big job! A big job! I can't speed of marine units. Businoss de­ I tions .of the past few weeks, But to vvkvy chestnut hair and hazel eyes to his feet. Peeping thru the cur­ included 43 doubles; 19 triples and S in /advance. Of course, Carpentier is mands the vessel that will carry the of extraordinary size and brilliancy. tains he saw that darkness had fallen afford to make any mistake at the I , me it, smelled rank of blackmail. It home runs. the big attraction in this match, but James C. Dunn. most cargo and passengers for tho seemed to me that if I once submit- By hazel I mean gray eyes with a outside. start!" Nicholson, who started the season it would be a great deal more likely least coal and oil. The Vaterland ted. the Import would promptly be rim of brown around the iris. With "Good Lord!" he thought astonish­ In front of a corner newsstand he as pinch hitter for Pittsburgh and to be a tremendous success if it were [By Norlhan E. Brown.] burned immense quantities of fuel \ doub^d, trebled, quadrupled, and in- me she. phiyed a demure part, but ed. "How long have I been here!" was brought up all standing by a then became a regular outfielder, not regarded as a one man fight. Le- One doesn't have to be an athlete and needed a huge crew to transport • stead of 'securing peace I would be there were moments when 1 saw that His watch informed him that it glimpse of the staring headlines of played in ninety-nine games and was v'.nsky seems to bo looked upon and cavort about a diamond or so:n^e little cargo and comparatively few letting -myself in for a life of con- she could do the haughty and imper­ was eight o'clock. He picked up the the night editions. the runner-up to Hornsby with a merely in the light of an animated other sport area to star in spor3i'tr passengers. During the war, her lux­ tipijous alarms. I might its well die ious too. She was tall for a woman, lamp, and with a last look around (To be continued). mark of Ml, while Young, of New- punching bag to be used by the There's James C. Dunn for instance. urious appointments were torn out 'i about five feet seven 1 should say, the strange room turned to leave. Frenchman in a demonstration. Such Jim's short and stocky—quite a bit to make is possible to-crowd great v J|t onqe. ^Anyhow, I thought. /it York, in 153 games, acquired an aver­ *• ^ASB't.posfeiibl^ that every rich man and of a very elegant figure which He had a feeling tlxit that place Cut This Out—It Is Worth Money. is tho power of publicity. If the too stocky to play shortstop or rival numbers of troops aboard. It is esti­ age of .355 for third place. Max Carey on the bases or Tris , Wfipld submit, and they ppuldn't ver^ seemed slimmer than it wn.s. Veight marked a turning point in his life. He Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c Brooklyn, which won the pen­ match were scheduled to be held in mated that it would take, nearly $10,- Speaker in the field. But that didn't f well assassinate -116 all.' - My chance 'about a hundred and flirty-live. would never again be quite the light- and mail it to Foley & Co.. 2S35 Shef­ nant, finished tho season with France, no doubt Levinsky would 000,000 at present costs to restore She walked with a peculiar undulat­ hearted boy that had entered it. field Ave., Chicago. 111., writing your come in for as much attention as keep him from giving Cleveland, O., the liner to her former condition. ,As m was as; good as another's; ,, , four batters in the "300" its greatest sport thrill: ing motion, bobbing her head slight­ He had forgotten the dog. The lit­ name and address clearly. You will class. They were Z. W heat Georges himself. Over here the Bat- shells, the Leviathan could t>e used \y "So J turned the polite young man ly with each step. When she was tle beast seeing his purpose, and It was Jim Dunn's "take a chance" down, and took' my own measures. 1 receive in return a trial package con­ with .:s28, Konetchy, .30S, Grimes .30fi j tier is an old story. He never was a only as an emigrant ship, but it is taking dictation I noticed on the in­ terrified of being left alone again, spirit, his pocketbook and his good said that to break even she must closed my ofllce down-town, and taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com­ and Mvers .303. In team batting j sensational fighter, so that there is dex finger of her riglitv hand a largo threw himself against Jack's legs pound, for coughs, colds and croup; Cincinnati little to say about him, but it ^ould fellowship that turned the trick. He's have 4,000 passengers a trip and no H carrier my busiirtess under my hat, Brooklyn was tied with the man Cleveland fans had been pale ihole, round in shape and of the in a desperate appeal to be taken Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides for second place with an average of not be surprising if ho proved to be waiting between voyages. Her speed ? at the letter he be denied. Jack finally picked him "f understand there'y an old moon-^ the French boxers in particular have does not necessarily pay.—San Fran­ • thoy do; get mev you will know all given a close race for home honors by But from the time he made his cisco Chronicle. T had just read deeply stirred by feel­ up and thrust him in his coat pocket. shine still in the- neighborhood." his teammate, Meusel, the former made a poor show'ing, yet it is ex­ second plunge—the $55,000 deal for - the circumstances." ings new to him. Youth "generally He settled down quite contentedly, "There is," answered Farmer Corn- pected that Georges will prove to be yiio next entry had been made nine hanging out 13 while the latter made Tris Speaker to play center field— He Feels Ten Years Younger. is profoundly unaware of the hearts only his no>;zle and his bright eyes ta&scl. "My hoy Josh is the^uide to an exception to tho rtile. the town knew him and swore by v . . months later. "_1'_ , 14. Any man or woman suffering from of the aged. The feeling is that the showing. % it. And I want to say it brings in Other leading batteres: Roush, him. They've never had occasion to' "My dear boy: lame back, headache,(stiff joints, sore i- old have had their day, have cooled "Well I guess you must he accus­ more money as an exhibit than it Cincinnati, .337; J. Smith. Cincinnati, Walter Maranville and Dick Ru­ swear at him. He said in the spring r " "The long evenings are ha rd to get off and hardened, and practically tomed to this mode of travel," said ever did as a liquor factory."—Wash­ muscles, rheumatic pains or any .329; Z. Wheat, Brooklyn, .32S; Wil­ dolph were suspended and heavily of 1916 he would give Cleveland a other symptom of kidney or bladder - thru. My eyes tire with reading, ceased to t'xist. It came with a shock Jack. "I'm going to call you Jumbo ington, Star. flag in three years. Missed it by a liams. Philadelphia, .324; Kayrs, Bos­ fined for deserting the Boston Na­ trouble will -he interested In this ««nti tlry thoughts are not cheering. couple of seasons, but the war had ton, .324; Stock, St.. Louis, .319; tional league club in Philadelphia letter from H. Bryde, 925 Garden St, ."'1 have tried playing solitaire, but it just boforct the end. of the season by something to do with that. i tieemsVlike the hurt resource of the Hollocher, Chicago, .31S; Daly, Chi- Hoboken, N. J. "I could not bend WHEN INDIANS TOOK FIRST WORLD'S SERIES GAME cago^.311; Meusel, Philadelphia, .308; George Grant, president of the Dunn was born In Marshall county, - loeble.mlnded.,- I have got me a Iowa, Sept. 11, 1866. Began life as a down for some years, as I can now. •r Konetchy, Brooklyn, .30S; See, Cin­ Braves. Maranville was fined 5500 little dog for company, picked him up messenger boy for the First National My wife had many a time to put on ••i-4 cinnati, .30S; Fournier, St. Leftis, and Rudolph $240. Tho players or* off my shoes. I obtained relief j^alf-stal-ved, but he's a great sleepy­ Bank at Marshalltown. Became a 4 s .306; Grimes, Brooklyn, .300; Dau- Jumped tho club to go to Attleboro, head. , " bookkeeper next, then went- in busi­ with Foley Kidney Pills. I feel now bert, Cincinnati, .304; Myers, Brook­ Mass., where they were booked to „• think of you more and more. 1 ness for himself and finally landed Iff as if I were ten years younger." Sold lyn, .303; Flack, Chicago, .300. play in a "little world series" i^ame. everywhere.—Advertisement,- •'? ..*•: • V'':slVvJ dared go to you and make "I have grown tired of persistent vio­ the contracting business. As senior '•A thyself known. But I have put it member of the Dunn-McCarthy Com­ The American league season ended lations of tho rules of this club by Rea I Meaning of ''Paraphernalia.." - •oi'f too lon^j. I know now' that T shall some of the players," said Grant, pany, he heads a giant railroad con­ '-4 • Yievcr go. This, is the only rriedium with thirty-nine batters hitting .300 tracting firm with contracts all over Paraphernalia means all that a or better, and to George Sisler, the "and tho the season is over I have woman'can claim at* the death of her -I can use to communicate with you. imposed these penalties on Maran­ the country. He broke into ^ -'You will know me after T am gone. phenomenal St. Louis first baseman, because he wanted to own a ball husband beyond her furnitiire. In the went the honor of topping the list. ville nnd Rudolph and intend to en­ club and not because he saw in it Roman law her paraphernalia includ­ •Who knows, perhaps I shall have force them. Neither man will be re­ •t Xleft a friend here after all." Sisler finished with an average of more dough. j ed the furniture of her chanjber, her .407. .In 154 games he cracked out |stored to good standing until he# has wearing apparel, her jewels, etc. Several pages of good advice fol- He treats the team members as if 237 hits for a total of 399 bases, [made reparation for his desertion, they were all his own "family." He Hence the word comes to mean per­ j&lloved here; . cynical. humorous, which included 49 doubles, IS triples refers to them as "my boys" and pre­ sonal attire, fittings, anything for. Itricndly, out of the old millionaire's am!'19 circuit drives. He also tied Neither the Robins nor the Indians, fers to sit on the bench "with them show or decoration. tstpre of experience. A very different Tris Speaker, manager of the Cleve- contestants in the world's series?, can when.he can spend a few days with i'flas jtlyde was revealed from him land Indians, lot second place in the j boast: of being good base runners the team. He wires congratulations the world knew. But for the moment ilumber of runs scored, having regis- j ccllectively. According to the last is- every night during the season, usual­ *jQc}c skimmed over this part, hastily tered^ 1"7 times, and gave Rice, of sue of figures on base stealing the ly "setting up" the cigars when the in lifS ..anxiety to learn more of the Washington a close race for the Robins were last in the National team wins. 'facts bfeflftrifhg on his benefactor's end. 2^^ stolen base honors. Rica led the League in this tfespect, having pil­ And the fact that the Cleveland *AFhe-M«afe«ntry was only thiaee days league with 58 thefts while tlie St. fered only sixty-Mine bases. Five Na­ team and the Cleveland park have / 161d: " -*7; ••.••• Louis star pilferred 41. tional League clubs, the pirates, been kept clean of scandal show what t , "Three years have now elapsed Tris Speaker in addition to piloting Cardinals, Reds, Giants and Cubs, type of men he has working for him. since I told you of the first threats the lndiaus to the league champion­ stole more than 100 bases each. In |against my life. The threats have ship, pla.^d in 130 games and was the American League the Indians fifty bases, his hits induing eight ^becrt 'ffenewed from time to time. the. runner-up to Sisler with An tanked fifth, with a total of seventy- doubles, seven triples and two home - That I am still abon* gr ound is due average of .385, two points in front four to their credit. Three clubs, the runs. The batting spree started Sep­ I V> £ :• j, to no ' ick of effort on the part of of Joe Jackson, the White Sox slug­ Browns, White Sox and Senators, tember 6 and he was . going strong / V my enemy,^ I am sure. More and ger, who up to the time of his sus- stole more, than 100 sacks apiece in when the season closed September ^ " more I feel that one man is behind pension for his part in the "baseball (this league. Bernie Neis, with ten 12. On the whole season he leads the •" • it all. j One attempt has been made scandal" had for an average of j steals to his credit, and 'W heeler Mint league in hitting with a mark Recent^/, in tSsedtycfChicsgo, ^ \ ou my 'Jifev that I know of, and no .382. Johnston, with fourteen, were the of .370. In his few times at bat a prominent can, burdened [ ••••••• cioxibt others. My supposed room in •with crccsdvo.fcl:, went upenf-. "Babe" Ruth, of New York, who leading base stealers of the Robins, against American League he the operating t^L'c and hr d £ '-the Madagascar has been entered. proved to be the big star of the and Indians, respectively. has hit the ball hard, if not safe. :r pcuntie 'of Cecil carved f . But my real abiding-place is still my league thru his ability to slam out I from fcis fcu^c, cumbcmcrac body. ' • secret, I believe.- Bill Whittaker, the Fort Worth Yc^rsesotho fcnr.n!a for izi l-j- home,runs, wound up in fourth place) Tommy Griffith announced at the djction^was "diet"—"excrciss." "Now I want to tell you of a new among the batters with an average \ ciose of the 1919 season that he was who will get a trial with the Tcdd7 it ia "Tzl.o Marmola iVe- i* . direction their activities have taken. of ,::75, with Eddie Collins, cairtain ' thru with baseball. The sudcess of the Boston Red Sox, is no youngster, and 3criptioa Tabled." Friends te!l "About three "weeks ago in the of the Chicago White Sox, behind j had done much to he is further handicapped by the fact friends—doctors Cell their petients, flocl< of begging letters that assail him with .371. Ruth who set a rec- i Tommy to thought of some oth- that he has but one eye, but he's a until thoussndo lmcw and use thb| tl!rn convenient, harmlcco method. „ . me every day there was one which ord of' 54 home runs also brought the jer business, as he believed that it was durable piece of pitching material who can show youngsters a thing or^ ^They e_t what they lite, live as j. caught my attention. It purported record for rims scored in a single j not for him to get into a world's ser- thoy like, and still lose their two, to bo from a young girl struggling season in the league up to 15S. • | jes. He was released by .ttie Boston two. three or four poundsof fataweek. .: to make her way in New York as a Simple, effective, harmless Mar­ The Cleveland club, which won tho |Braves in May, 1914, and thkt fall the mola Prescription Tabletsjare sold ; visiting stenographer, ana asked me pennant, had ten men, including I Braves won a pennant and a world's Boxing champions like money, but by all druggists— a good size'box if I could give her occasional work. Chapman who was killed, in the .300 j series. Ten months before the Red's there are times when they will not for one dollar. Or if you prefer accept even money for their efforts. you may write dirert to the Mar­ ^ Ail affecling note of simplicity seem- A part of the crowd, Managers Rob class. Besides the deceased short- I won their pennant and world's cham- mola Company, 98 Garfield Build- > .ed to distinguisli it fronji the usual This was demonstrated in the inson and Speaker, and Griffith be stop, the leading Cleveland batters j pionship the Cincinnati club released ins. Detroit, Mich. type of such letters. 'Why shouldn't were: Speaker, ..385; Evans, .355; j Griffith. It is no wonder that he was Benny Leonard-Jack Britton match "Veven Silas«Gyde do a good act?' I ing thrown out at first by Sewell/ Uhle, .344 ; Nunainaker, .333; Sewell, |disgusted. He passed up a big offer billed for Cleveland and postponed asked myself, and sent for her to in first . .329; O'Neill, .321; Jamieson, .318; ! from C. II. Ebbets last spring, did twice before it was finally called off. come to the public writing room of Leonard and Britton might have veteran manager, handles his team •Smith, .316; Gardner, SOS. 'not go to the training camp and the hotel. St. Lewis topped the league in team jturned'down all entreaties to rejoin staged their meeting on the third along the old lines of play. Speaker, night, but the air was chilly and EURALGIA •: : "Previous to that I had been dic­ baby pilot of the majors, has per­ batting with an average of .307 while i the Robins until the season was EASED AT ONCE BY THE tating t<^ public stengraphers wher- Cleveland was second with .302 and > more than a month old. Then he gave both decided to pass it up. Leonard OLD RELIABLE REMEDY- fected new and daring styles of play. declared he could not afford to take a , ever I happened to drop in. They The meeting of the two managers be­ Chicago third with .295. ! in to Lfncle Robbie, rejoined the team : didn't* know me of course, and thus It was a case of the old school vs. I the world's series. And the new Other leading batters: Jaeobson, I and finally he has reached the goal chance on an outdoor battle with the fore the game wa<: doubly interesting mercury descending toward the 45 ^ my business secrets were safesuard- the new when the Dodgers and In- J school drew first blood. Robinson, a therefore. It -atf) the fans a chance j St. Louis, .335; Evans, Cleveland, |of his ambitions—a world's series. mark. Britton was in favor of caling ^ ed. So you see it was at somewhat dians clashed in the opening tilt of [ product of the famous Oriolees and a to compare the two types. .355; Uhle, Cleveland, .344; Rice,' • P of a sacrifice that I engaged my Washington, .340; Tobin, St. Louis, ! If Babe Ruth is to get $100,000 for the mill off after the first postpone­ ITS UQUID - QUICK EFFECT pretty petitioner. .339; Felsch. Chicago, .339; Murphy, j going into pictures, as it is claimed ment. They were to receive $30,000 :| She was extremely pretty, and Chicago, .339; Judge, Washington, j he will, the mighty slugger can thank each. TWO SNAPPY PLAYS IN WORLD'S SERIES OPENER .333: Nunamaker, Cleveland, .333; J Charley Chaplin. ii seemingly well-bred. Her modest Gilmoiir Dobie is going to the Railroad Time Table manner carried out the promise of Weaver, Chicago, .331; Meusel. New t Chaplin put big money Into Ruth's York, .329; Cobb, Detroit, .329; Sewell ihend. The pair had been hobnobbing football situation at Cornell, or he is CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN. her letter. Perhaps I am not suf­ not going to stay. According to ad­ ficiently experienced with the sex. No Cleveland. .329; Dugan, Philadelphia, ' in Los Angeles when Ruth was out GOING WEST. < .v'v'-.' S , .324: Brewer Washington, .324; Milan 'there on a barnstorming trip last vices received, from Ithaca, the grid­ No. 11—Denver Special 1:55am man ever fooled me for long. For iron wizard met some strenuous op­ two weeks she came every day that > Washington, .323; Hendryx, Boston, (winter. No. 1—Overland Limited ...3:02 a m •"I. -V-s> j. .323. | "I hear you are. going into the position when he started to work No. 3—China & Japan 8r£5am I needed her. \ She was not a very- v |movies," said Chaplin. with the squad last month, but he j j^0 23—Ames Passenger ....11:15 am expert stenographer but filled my killed it in the budding stage with simple demands. I noticed on her M Del Gainor, of -Milwaukee, tops th»» ' "Well, 1 don't know," said the Babe, No. 15—Des Moines Pass'ger 5:30 p m \/yW -v*V batters in the American Association who had hoard of some fabulous sal- iron hand tactics. The opposition No. 19—Pacific Express 6:39pm part a willingness to enter into more is said to have come from the squad, personal relations with her employer, ujth an average of .3S6; altho he aries. "'They offered me $10,000. Do No. 21—Siioux City Special. .12:55am a couple of the veterans taking oc­ GOING EAST. but I didn't blame her lor that, poor played in only thirty-seven' games, 'you think that's enough?" Gover Hartley of Columbus was the "Naw, don't: think of it," says Char- casion to buck on Dobie's instruc­ No. 4—Des Moines Pass'geft- 9:07 am girl. A hundred millions 1 supposed tions in favor of some of Cornell's No. 12—Denver Special 1:«0 p m was enough to sugar even such an best batter among the regulars, ley. "If they don't give you $23,000 / having made an average of .351 in held out until next year. And if you staid methods. Dobie heard .the No. 30—Clinton Passenger ..3:17 pm pld pill &s Silas Gyde. complaints thru, then invited the No. 6—Atlantic Express ....8:25 p m h- "But ft week ago in amongst the eighty games. break the record the 'berries! will Dressen of/St. Paul registered more just roll into\ you." « complainere to leave the squad. No. 22—Chicago Special ...11:55pm bundle of completed letters she left After the workout, Dobie took the No. 20—Pacific Limited 8:10 am frith me, had been slipped by chance runs than ahy other player in the We'll say that $100,000 will certain- league. He counted 131 times for his ly buy a lot of "berries", even at pre- bunch inside and gave them a No. 14—Denver Special 6:14 am the pagft^of a letter she had been straight from the should$r lecture in No. 16—Chioago, SIoi^jc City writing1 on her own account. The be­ club. Mostil of Milwaukee was his vailing prices. closest rival for scoring honors with 1 ———— which he declared he would not stand Special ..12:21am ginning was missing, but the piece I Nob. 4 and 15 daily except Sunday. 125 tallies. 1 it's a wonder Eddie Roush has not for any reference to the past. Tho had was sufficiently significant. I blow fell hard, but since that day he No. 1 stops to receive sleeping ca- will paste it below." Bunny Brief, of Kansas City, and long ago been nicknamed "the ball passengers for Fremont, Neb., and Bubbles Hargra"ve, of St. Paul, put hound." For If ever there was an has had the undivided attention of The Inserted typewritten page read the entire squad and as a result is points west. up a nip and tuck race for outfielder who hounds the ball Roush e follows: bending the situation to his own par­ honors, but the Kansas City slugger is the gent. Eddie gives chase to ev­ MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS. "—where the old man sleeps. You nosed the St. Paul catcher out bv ticular plan. •' ery ball hit to the outfield arid to Effective April 1, 1919. 41 . say you are sure he-doesn't occupy one curcuit drive. Brief cracked out his bed in the Madagascar, but I most of those hit to infielders. He NORTH BOUND. 23, while Hargrave slammed 22. covers a wider range of territory Bigness and Speed. No. 1—Albert Lea Mail (ex­ ^•y haven't been able to find out any­ r >,v; v f Dressen in additipn to being the than any other fielder in the National " Because she is too bi'-?, too costly cept Sunday) 8:43 acq thing to the contrary. Apparently • to refit and maintain, the steamship ~ii \ 'V-.4Sr best run getter nosed out Rapp of League. He backs up Neale and Dun- No. 9—Mason City Mail (ex­ be comes down from his room to give V* " Leviathan may never go to sea again, j cept Sunday) 6:05pm St. Paul for the honors in base steal- can on almost every ball they catch In that case the liner, once the pride ; I me dictation. He never has me up ing. Dressen stole fifty bases while ; d is also in position to back up the No. 5—North Star Limited un of the German merchant marine, wi'l j H there, tho J have complained about (daily) 1:35am his rival negotiated forty-nine. shortstop and second baseman in be broken up for junk. J Je the noise down-stairs, etc. I got in other leading batters: Brazill. St. case balls get thru them. There's not Local freight (except Su«i..6:30am '•7:1' touch with the chambermaid that As the Vaterland, the Leviathan . Paul. .370: Hill Toledo .366; J. Henry ! an outfielder who takes more steps was built to carry passengers across 1 SOUTH BOUND j does up his room as you suggested, Minneapolis. .337: Hartley, Collunbus, in a game than Roush. T'nless the3r No. 2—St. Louis and Kansas j She doesn't suspect that the bed is the Atlantic in the greatest luxury j .3.">1; Thompson. Columbus. .342, are hit right at him he runs, after nnd at the highest speed. To find ; City Mail (except Sun ). .5:50pm I-., not slept in every night. I understood Russell. Minneapolis. .339; Rapp. St. practically every other ball hit in No. 10—Peoria Express (ex­ -V that she has to make it up in the room for palm gardens, ballrooms, j WW< Paul. .335; Good, Kansas City, .334 ; the game. swimming pools, gymnasiums, con- ; cept Sunday) 8:30am i; - mornings, like all the other beds. So 4- Wickland. Toledo, .334 ; E. Miller. St. pso. 6—North Star Limited 9. t think you are mistaken in saying Paul, .333; Rondeau, Minneapolis. Tris Speaker of the Cleveland In (daily) 2:15a m I that suite is a blind. Give me a rmrn Local freight (except Sun.). .7:00 a n» .333; Tincup, Louisville, .331; Kirk.', dians. according to a bulletin sent out [ little more time and I will make Louisville. .330; Stucker, Kansas Cjty, STORY CITY BRANCH I sure thru one of the clerks itanth l>y the publicity agent for life in- .325; Brief, kansas City, .319; .Mostil, suranee companies, is the holder of Leave Arrive whom I am friendly) if S. G. haAn- : "5-> u m (except Sunday ...5:00 pm •X' V m Milwaukee, .319; Hjatt, Toledo, .31s a $10".000 policy. That's a lot to be other suite somewhere in the hotel. Wade, Minneapolis, .3,10. 5:00 pm Passenger (daily) .. .8:25 a TO , • M. C. worth dead, but Tris is one man 4.1; Silas Gyde's ms. resumed: , £ who's worth as much on the hoof, ' CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN. V More "Guardians" Wanted alive, as baseball values are ratmed. "Corn Belt Route." •( -J "When my young lady came the The Camp Fire Girls movement, is GOING SOUTH. following day I observed a certain M growing so rapidly thruout the coun­ Frank Wetzel, outfielder of th'- No. 1—St. .lot- & k". C. Lim. 4:fi5am anxiety in hf.r glance. Evidently she try that there is a general demand Flint Mist I.eague team, who joined "A few minutes more, Peg£7 No. 3—K. C. Mail and Ex... 9:07 pro was not sure where she had lost that for "guardians." Only those equipped the St. Louis Browns after the close dear, and Pruldy will be b.ick No. !>—K. C. St. Joseph... ,10:10 a m' tel}-tale paper. She sounded me dis­ Evans out at second in third (at left-) and Johnston out at first in sixth. for service by a knowledge of their of the Mint season, made a remark­ with the Kemp's Balsam. Then, No. 55—Des Moines Mail ....7:13 pm creetly. I was careful to show her duties can be put in charge of a group able record for hitting in the final you can go to sleep and forget * GOING NORTH, an unchanged front, and she finally of girls, so courses are Doing estab­ that horrid old couch." In the third inning of the opening ficed to second. Te died there, how­ the sixth inning Olson got his second week he played with Flint. In eiir'it No. 2—T-win Cities Lim. ...11:28 p m mn*» up her mind that I had not ever, when Johnston of Brooklyn on John-ston's sacrifice, but was lished in centers under the leader­ games, twenty-three times at bat. he No. A—Chicago, St. Paul Ex. 9:30am seen it. I continued to give her work mme of the word's series Evans of nailed Burns' bounder and threw to ship of Miss Edith M. Kempthorn^ ;, KEMP'S BALSAP.G stranded there. made twenty-two h s. for an av­ Will Stop Tbat Couffh No. 51—Daily ...... 7:55 p m 'just as before, and after several lays the Indians walked and was sacri­ Kilduff, nipping Evans off the bag. In national field secretary. erage of .937. He hit l^r a total tf No. 6—Chicago Flier .10:35pm \

t.' 7 4* ii'iflhiai mil'i r unit i ftff