GUINDON JOURNAL Number 55 2020 Our Goal is to serve as a communicator for researching and tracing the Guindon Family history. Our primary focus will Inside this issue: be the ancestors and descendants of François Guesdon & Marie Molay’s GUINDON NEWS 2 son, Pierre Guesdon, born 24 Sep 1662, St. Pierre du Martray, Ville du IMMIGRATION OF 5 Loudun, township Chaelleraut, FRANCOPHONES diocese Poitiers, Poitou, France. JULES GUINDON 8 RENAUD/GUINDON 14 Guindon Journal Editor: Laverne Aitchison E-mail:
[email protected] GUINDON 15 MIGRATION (French) GUINDON IN CANADA GUINDON IN UNITED STATES GUINDON 26 MIGRATION Alberta Arizona, California, British Columbia Colorado, Connecticut, (English) Manitoba Florida, Georgia, New Brunswick Illinois, Indiana, GUINDON PLACE 22 Nova Scotia Ontario Maine, Massachusetts, NAMES Prince Edward Island Michigan, Minnesota, Quebec Montana, New Mexico, FILLES DU ROI 23 Saskatchewan New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, WEBSITES 24 Australia, Argentina, England, Guam South Dakota, Texas, Vermont GUINDON JOURNAL 2020 #55 COVID-19 virus Thinking of all of you as we live through this challenge in our life with social distancing and what the future holds. With modern medicine and public health measures we have learnt to live with emerging viruses. The transition will not be easy– will come at a cost of life and livelihood. But we managed to control SARS; we developed new treatments and vaccines for Ebola and have changed HIV, a potentially life-threatening virus, into a chronic manageable infection. With good hygiene, a reasonably effective vaccine and medications and a prepared medical system, we have learnt to live with influenza. Thus, should it come to it, we will find a way to live with the COVID-19 virus – just as we have managed with the others.