What's New? Newsletter Monday, September 14, 2020

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Is there “something” beyond what is called the “real world”? That “something” (which the website's author arbitrarily labels the “Nth Dimension”) is the broad topic of the website. The website features (1) this weekly newsletter, (2) articles and videos about alternative beliefs, , cymatics, mysticism, the New Age, numerology, occultism, parapsychology, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion, santeria, spirituality, the supernatural, tarot, witchcraft, and other related topics as well as (3) special offers relating to the topics.

These topics are viewed with healthy skepticism (i.e., an open but critical mind) for the ultimate purpose of making one's life better. That is, personal development, making more money, enjoying better health, having lasting, loving relationships, and so on and so forth.

This weekly newsletter features (1) From the desk of Doctor T, (2) featured guest posts, (3) featured guest videos, and (4) links to articles, videos, resources, special offers, and older newsletters. Caveat! URLs were “live” as of the date of publication. Please report “broken” links.

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Table of Contents

● New! From the desk of Doctor T: The (Part 1) The Biorhythm ● New! Featured guest post: A 13th Sign? by Dean Praetorius ● New! Featured guest video: The Night Sky (6 of 23) by by Michel van Biezen of Loyola Marymount University


● Article: Tarot Decks Totally new! https://www.ZeteticLibrary.com/ARTICLES/Tarot_Decks.pdf Unlike anything else! ● New! Video: The Zodiac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPGGAftH8oY CLICK HERE ● New! Resource: Blogs / Websites - Astrology (Updated) https://www.ZeteticLibrary.com/PDFs/Blogs_Astrology.pdf ● Special offers: Check out amazing offers! https://www.thenthdim.com/special-offers ● Older newsletters: https://www.thenthdim.com/newsletter-archive

© 2020 Dr. Anthony Rodriguez 1 What's New? Newsletter Monday, September 14, 2020

From the Desk of Doctor T

The History of Astrology (Part 1)

Natal Chart

This post presents a brief history of astrology (from the Latin astrologia). Astrology is the belief that celestial bodies influence who we are, what we do, and events here on Earth.


The astrologers of yesteryear are the astronomers of today. There is evidence that lunar cycles were observed thousands of years ago. [1] However, modern astrology began in Babylonia (nowadays Iraq) about four thousand years ago. Stargazers watched the night sky, recorded their observations, and related the positions of celestial bodies to events here on Earth such as weather patterns (i.e., seasons). Later on, astrologers included other events such as wars. And, thus, established astrology as a tool for divination and fortune telling. Horoscopic astrology, which is based on birth dates, followed shortly thereafter.

From Babylonia, astrology expanded to the Greeks, the Romans, and the Arabs. The Indians, the Chinese and the Mayans in Mesoamerica also practiced astrology. And, eventually, astrology expanded to the whole world.

Claudius Ptolemy

Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-170 AD) was an Egyptian astrologer. Ptolemy wrote The Almagest, a catalogue of stars. The Almagest was a significant milestone in the history of astrology. [2]

Claudius Ptolemy

Abu Ma'shar

Abu Ma'shar (787-886 AD) was a Muslin astrologer. Abu Ma'shar authored several works on astrology. According to Robert Zoller, “The Persian astrologer Abu Ma’shar (787-886 AD) had a profound effect on and the modern-day student of the Western Predictive Tradition will be well rewarded by close study of his works and their influence.” [4]

© 2020 Dr. Anthony Rodriguez 2 What's New? Newsletter Monday, September 14, 2020

Page from the Book of Nativity

Abu Rayhan al-Biruni

al-Biruni (973-1050 AD) was an Iranian scholar who was well-versed in astronomy. al-Biruni authored the Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology in which al-Biruni stated “the comprehension of the structure of the Universe, and of the nature of the form of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is between them, attained by rehearsing the information received is extremely advantageous in the Art of Astrology.” [5]


Guido Bonatti

Guido Bonatti (c. 1207-1296 AD) was an Italian astrologer who authored the Book of Astronomy. According to Christopher Warnock, “The 'Book of Astronomy' was a key source for later traditional astrologers.” [6]

Guido Bonatti

Upcoming Post

The History of Astrology will continue in an upcoming post.


[1] Cocharane, D. (2014). The history of astrology. From YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dmyamlCHjLQ [2] Claudius Ptolemy. (n.d.). From Famous Scientists. URL: https://www.famousscientists.org/claudius- ptolemy/

© 2020 Dr. Anthony Rodriguez 3 What's New? Newsletter Monday, September 14, 2020

[3] Brennan, C. (2011). Vettius Valens. From The Website. URL: https://www.hellenisticastrology.com/astrologers/vettius-valens/ [4] Life and Work of Abu Ma’shar. (2012). From Beyond the Heaven. URL: https://beyondtheheaven.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/life-and-work-of-abu-mashar/ [5] Warnock, C. (n.d.). Islamic astrology and astronomy of Al-Biruni. From Renaissance Astrology. URL: https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/albiruni.html [6] Warnock, C. (n.d.). Guido Bonatti and his 146 considerations . From Renaissance Astrology. URL: https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/bonatti146considerations.html

Special Offer

(With Corona Rescue Package)


© 2020 Dr. Anthony Rodriguez 4 What's New? Newsletter Monday, September 14, 2020

Featured Guest Post

A 13th Sign? by Dean Praetorius

To view, CLICK HERE (Opens in a new browser window)

Featured Guest Video

The Night Sky (6 of 23) by by Michel van Biezen of Loyola Marymount University

To view, CLICK HERE (Opens in a new browser window)


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© 2020 Dr. Anthony Rodriguez 5