Amazon Documentdb Deep Dive
DAT326 Amazon DocumentDB deep dive Joseph Idziorek Antra Grover Principal Product Manager Software Development Engineer Amazon Web Services Fulfillment By Amazon © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Agenda What is the purpose of a document database? What customer problems does Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) solve and how? Customer use case and learnings: Fulfillment by Amazon What did we deliver for customers this year? What’s next? © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Purpose-built databases Relational Key value Document In-memory Graph Search Time series Ledger Why document databases? Denormalized data Normalized data model model { 'name': 'Bat City Gelato', 'price': '$', 'rating': 5.0, 'review_count': 46, 'categories': ['gelato', 'ice cream'], 'location': { 'address': '6301 W Parmer Ln', 'city': 'Austin', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'TX', 'zip_code': '78729'} } Why document databases? GET{id} { 'name': 'Bat City Gelato', 'price': '$', 'rating': 5.0, 'review_count': 46, 'categories': ['gelato', 'ice cream'], 'location': { 'address': '6301 W Parmer Ln', 'city': 'Austin', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'TX', 'zip_code': '78729'} } Why document databases? response = yelp_api.search_query(term='ice cream', location='austin, tx', sort_by='rating', limit=5) Why document databases? for i in response['businesses']: col.insert_one(i) db.businesses.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$price", ratingAvg: { $avg: "$rating"}} } ]) db.businesses.find({
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