ASSOCIATION NEWS. Preston, Lynchburg, Va
ASSOCIATION NEWS. Preston, Lynchburg, Va. ; Nicholas Senn, Chicago ; Cathe¬ rine Slater, Chicago ; Edmund H. Stevens, Cambridge, Mass. ; Eugene S. Talbot, Chicago ; Fred C. Valentine, New York ; Competition for the Senn Medal.\p=m-\Pursuantto a resolution J. Henry Woods, Brookline, Mass. adopted by the Section of Surgery and Anatomy of the The following party sailed from New York, Saturday, July 3, Medical American Association, June 4, 1897, I have been 1897, by the North German Lloyd Express Steamship Werra : appointed by the Chairman, Dr. Reginald H. Sayre, as Chair- Dr. Catherine Slater, Aurora, 111. ; Miss M. Costigan, Chi¬ man of the Committee charged with the awarding of the Senn cago, 111. ; Miss Isabel Mclsaacs, Chicago, 111. ; Dr. Harriet E. Medal for 1898. The other members of the Committee are Garrison, Dixon, 111. ; Dr. I. N. Wear, Fargo, N. Dak. ; Dr. A. E. Abrams, Conn. ; Mrs. Drs. H. O. Walker of and S. H. Weeks of Hartford, Abrams, Hartford, Detroit, Mich., Conn. ; Mr. D. A. Bishop, Jersey City, N. J. ; Mrs. Bishop, Portland, Me. Jersey City, N. J. ; Miss Bishop, Jersey City, N. J. ; Dr. W. 1. A gold medal of suitable design is to be conferred upon H. A. Bonwill, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Miss E. Lincoln, Provi¬ the member of the American Medical Association who shall dence, R, I. ; Miss Anne L. Gorman, Providence, R. I. ; Mrs. present the best essay upon some surgical subject. Lillian Condell, St. Louis, Mo. ; Miss Grace Reynolds, Sugar 2. This medal will be known as the Nicholas Senn Prize Hill, 111. ; Dr. B. T. Whitmore, Chicago, 111.
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