Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 Foundations of Ethics and Practice in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism Charles B. Jones Department of the Religion and Religions Education The Catholic University of America Copyright Notice Digital copies of this work may be made and distributed provided no change is made and no alteration is made to the content. Reproduc- tion in any other format, with the exception of a single copy for private study, requires the written permission of the author. All enquiries to:
[email protected] Charles B. Jones Foundations of Ethics and Practice in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism I. Defining the Problem This paper grew out of a longstanding dissatisfaction that I have had with Pure Land (jing- tu, 淨土) studies, and that is the dominance of a particular historical narrative which takes Kamakura-period Japanese Pure Land Buddhism as either the norm or the telos (or both) of all Pure Land Buddhism. Hindsight seems to make it easy to believe that, somehow or another, a kind of logic intrinsic to belief in Amitābha and his Pure Land led inexorably to the doctrines and practices of the Jōdoshū (淨土宗), the Jōdo Shinshū (淨土真宗), and the Jishū (時宗). The systems elaborated by Hōnen (法然), Shinran (親鸞), and Ippen (一遍), which negated the efficacy of human action and vested Amitābha’s “other-power” with exclusive salvific potency, became, as it were, the Omega Point of Pure Land Buddhism’s development, and all forms of Pure Land teaching prior to these figures are to be seen in their relationship to this Omega Point.