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Birmingham Oratory GB 0432 Newman correspondence Birmingham Oratory This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 27809 JA The National Archives THE WRITINGS AND PAPERS l OF JOHN HENRY NEWMAN A BRIEF PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST­ compiled in connection with his Cause for Beatification January 1980 A brief list of all Newman1s published writings is given. Firstly, the titles of all his works which Newman edited into the Uniform Edition are given. Details of the first and subsequent dates of publication are not given but can be found in the Chronological list which is appended. A list of all posthumously published material is the second part of the breakdown. Lastly come brief details of the ephemeral material which was not reprinted in the Uniform edition or elsewhere. Newman's unpublished papers are numerous. Details of his correspondence are not given as all letters which are known have been collected and are being published in The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. All references are to the Archives of the Birmingham Oratory as all known papers, besides letters, are in these Archives with two exceptions and copies of these two papers are kept with the rest of the material at Birmingham. For convenience the list has been subdivided into nine general divisions. Some material (financial reviews, proofs etc) has not been individually itemised as it contains little more than an occasional note by Newman. It has to be said that few of these papers are of any importance for knowledge of Newman or the issue of his sanctity and even these few add hardly anything to the picture to be gained from his published works and letters. All are available for consultation. PUBLISHED MATERIAL I. The Uniform Edition [works republished as such between 1868 and 1881] SERMONS Parochial and Plain Sermons, 8 Vols Sermons on Subjects of the Day . Oxford University Sermons Discourses to Mixed Congregations Sermons preached on Various Occasions TREATISES Lectures on Justification Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine The Idea of a University The Grammar of Assent ESSAYS Two Essays on Miracles Discussions and Arguments Essays Critical and Historical, 2 Vols Historical Sketches, 3 Vols THEOLOGICAL The Arians of the Fourth Century Select Treatises of St Athanasius Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical POLEMICAL The Via Media of the Anglican Church, 2 Vols Certain Difficulties felt by Anglicans, 2 Vols Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics Apologia pro Vita sua LITERARY Verses on Various Occasions Loss and Gain Callista II. Works published posthumously Stray Essays on Controversial Subjects Meditations and Devotions Addresses to Cardinal Newman with his Replies Sermon Notes, 1849 - 78 My Campaign in Ireland The Newman Perrone Paper on Development John H. Newman on the Acta of Faith John Henry Newman: Autobiographical Writings Catholic Sermons of Cardinal Newman Newman the Oratorian; his unpublished Oratory Papers John H. Newman; The Philosophical Notebook John Henry Newman and the Abbe Jager; a Controversy on Scripture and Tradition The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, 31 Volumes (24 published) The Theological Papers of John Henry Newman, 3 Volumes (2 published) To be published: Unpublished Anglican Sermons of J.H.Newman, 5 Volumes (first 2 volumes should appear 1981 - 2, and two more shortly afterwards) III. Earlier Publications which Newman did not include in the Uniform Edition a. Items published individually: St Bartholomews Eve, 1818, 1819 (only partly published in V.V.) Memorials of the Past, 1832 (10 of these poems were not republished in V.V.) Tracts for the Times, 1833 - 41; the following of his contributions Newman did not reprint in the Uniform Edition: Nos 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21 , 31, 33, 34, 45, 47, 74, 75, 76,,79, 88. A is. Elucidations of Dr Hampden's Theological Statements, 1836 ^Verses on Religious Subjects, 1857 (3 of these poems not published in V.V.) ^2 Sermons preached in the Church of St Aloysius, Oxford, 1880 b. Articles contributed to journals The British Critic. 11 of the 25 articles which Newman contributed, between 1836 and 1842 were not republished later The British Magazine. 1 article and ten of the poems in the 'Lyra Apostolica1 series, between 1833 and 1836, were not later republished British Review, 'Duncan * s Travels1 , 18 24 Quarterly Theological Review, "Cooper's Crisis', 1825 Catholic University Gazette, 12 minor articles of the many which Newman wrote between 1854 and 1856 were not republished The Month, 'Saints of the Desert1 , 1865 - 66 The Undergraduate, No 1, 1819 c. Works edited by Newman Remains of R. Hurrell Froude, 1838 - 38 [edited jointly with Keble] Hymni Ecclesiae, 1838 Lives of the English Saints, 1844 - 5 [Newman contributed the Lives of Saints Gundleas, Edelwald, and part of that of Saint Bettelin] Hymn Tunes of the Birmingham Oratory, 1860 Hymns for the Use of the Birmingham Oratory, 1854 Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church, by W. Palmer Fabulae quaedam ex Terentio et Plauto ad usum puerorum accomcdatae, 1889 [individual plays had been published at different times since 1864] 4 CA^A Aut; .--A f d. Works of others with Prefaces or Introductions by Newman Preface to Sutton's Godly Meditations, 1838 Preface to Sutton's Disce Vivere, 1839 Preface to Wilson's Sacra Privata, 1840 Preface to Sparrow's Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer, 1839 Preface to Nelson's Life of Bull, 1840 Preface to Wells1 Rich Man's Duty, 1840 Preface to Bowden's Thoughts on the Work of the Six Days of Creation, 1845 Memoir prefixed to H. Wilberforce's The Church and the Empires, 1874 Preface to Hutton's The Anglican Ministry, 1879 Newman contributed Prefaces to the following volumes of the Oxford 'Library of the Fathers': The Catechetical Lectures of St Cyril of Jerusalem The Treatises of St Cyprian St John Chrysostam's Commentary on Galatians and Ephesians The Historical Tracts of St Athanasius [Newman's notes as well] ADDENDUM '0n Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine' in The Rambler, 1859 UNPUBLISHED PAPERS I. Theological and Philosophical II. Devotional etc, III. Congregational IV. Juvenilia and Undergraduate Work V. Papers of some biographical relevance VI. Manuscripts of published work and related material VII. Educational VIII. Financial and Administrative IX. Miscellaneous THEOLOGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL I. 1816 Scott v. Mant on Baptism A.9.1 1*.1816,17 Texts to prove the Divinity of Our Lord and the Holy Ghost A.9.1 ^ .1817 Texts to prove the Divinity of Our Lord, the Holy Ghost, and A.9.1 the Holy Trinity if-1817 Texts in support of the Athanasian Creed A.9.1 S". 1817? Trinitas or Humanitas A.9.1 C 1821 Doctrines in the Articles objected to by men in general A.9.1 "). May 1821 On the necessity of a thorough reception of the doctrines A.9.1 contained in the 9th Article and the first part of the 10th t. June 1821 Comment on Phil. 2. xii & xiii A. 9.1 ^ v June 1821 A Collection of Scripture passages setting forth in due A.9.1 order of succession the doctrines of Christianity (o June, July 1821 . Papers on Conversion A.9.1 Jan 1822 Dialogue. Merton - Spenser A.9.1 7 Oct 1822 On the Apocalypse A.9.1 1822 or 23? The Nature of Holiness A.9.1 1822 - 23 Texts from Lightfoofs Works etc. A.9.1 1823 Abridgement of Spenser's chap. lib. i de jud. Sabbato A.9.1 April 1823 Remarks on Herbert Marsh's pamphlet on the Bible Society A.9.1 Nov 1823 Extracts from Bishop Hall's Heaven upon Earth B.6.9 1824 Transcription of pencil notes in Sumner A.3.4 1824, 25 Analysis of the Epistle to the Romans C ^\A.9.1 J 1825 Notes on Bentham and other authors on Miracles B.6.9 1826 Hebrew Work A.9.1 13 Feb 1827 Remarks on Infant Baptism A.9.1 1828- Disputation with Arnold for B.D. A.9.1 1828 Remarks on the Covenant of Grace A.9.1 1828? '0ut of a sinful and lost race 1 Nine Articles A.9.1 1828? Infant Baptism and St John's Epistle A.9.1 1830 - 31 Questions to the Tutors of Oxford A.6.19 ^-Jan/Feb 1832 Preparatory work for Ari. A.12.11 1833 - 34? Inchoate Compositions connected with the Tract Movement D.6.3 1833 - 34? Note on Association of 'Friends of the Church D.1.10 1834 Holy Baptism A.9.1 1834 Preparatory work for Anglican Convocation . D.4.16 1834 The State of the Church of England in 1688 D.5.13 1834? Critical Remarks upon Dr Chalmers Theology A.9.1 1834? Fisher against Laud D.6.3 1834? On Marsh's Comparative View D.6.3 1834? On Faber's Difficulties of Romanism D.6.3 1834? Philpotts' answer to Butler and Lord Grey D.6.3 1834, 35? References to Bramhall D.6.3 1834, 35? Subjects for Lectures (V.M. I) D.6.3 1834 - 35 Mss for projected edition of Dionysius Alexandrinus B.2.8 Aug and Dec 1835 Notes on Apollinarianism B.3.5 & 8 5 Nov 1835 Memorandum on the expression "Justification by Faith only" B.2.9 1836 Paper on the Hampden Controversy D.6.3 1836? On the connection in Doctrine and Statement of the Books of the A.11.2 Apocrypha with the New Testament 3 May 1836 Paper on the History of the Breviary D.6.11 26 Feb 1836 On the Epistle of St Barnabas B.3.5 1837? A few rough notes and extracts on Justification B.2.9 1837? 0'Brien on Faith B.9.11 12 March - 7 April 1837 Reliquiae 1838? On the Eucharist A.9.5 1838? 2 Papers on St Ignatius and his theology B.2.8 23 April 1838 Plan of Lectures B.2.8 1839 Attempts at an Introduction to Bishop Sparrow's book A.9.5 1839? Fragment on Incarnational Heresies B.2.8 1839? Notes on Monophysitism B.2.8 1839? Note on Forgeries B.3.5 1839? Antioch B.3.5 1839? Note on the physis inplying hypostasis B.2.8 1839? Note on General Expressions B.3.5 y­v July 1839 Notes on Eutychianism and Apollinarianism B.3.5 23 Aug 1839 The Monophysite Heresy B.2.9 1840 Lectures for Confirmandi B.3.6 March & April 1840 Catechism B.3.6 1843 Preparatory notes for the English Saints project A.15.5 19 Sept 1843 Note on the Homoousion B.3.5 1844 Patriarchate of Syria (Paper A) B.2.8 1844 Literal Interpretation of Scripture (Papers B & C) B.2.8 March 7 1844 Copybook on Development B.2.8 1844 - 45 Papers and Fragments on Development B.2.8 Jan 15 1845 Mostly textual notes on St Athanasius A.23.11 1845? Proofs of eventually unpublished note on Pseudo-Ephesine Creed B.3.II.1 1846? Notes on Dionysius Areopagitus B.3.V.
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    Catholic officials seek permission to exhume Cardinal Newman’s body LONDON – Catholic officials have applied for permission to exhume the body of a 19th-century cardinal whose cause for sainthood is expected to soon progress to beatification. They want to transfer the remains of Cardinal John Henry Newman from a grave in a small cemetery in the suburbs of Birmingham, England, to a marble sarcophagus in a church in the city where they can be venerated by pilgrims. A July 14 statement said that the Archdiocese of Birmingham was now in direct contact with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Sir Suma Chakrabarti, to obtain the necessary permission to exhume Cardinal Newman’s body. “One of the centuries-old procedures surrounding the creating of new saints by the Catholic Church concerns their earthly remains,” said Father Paul Chavasse, provost of the Birmingham Oratory and postulator of Cardinal Newman’s cause. “These have to be identified, preserved and, if necessary, placed in a new setting that befits the individual’s new status in the church,” he said in the statement issued by the Archdiocese of Birmingham. He said the Vatican had advised the archdiocese that this would be the normal course of action. “We hope that Cardinal Newman’s new resting place in the Oratory church in Birmingham will enable more people to come and pay their respects to him, and perhaps light a candle there,” he said. Father Chavasse added that he felt certain that many people would “surely wish to honor this great and holy man.” He said the government decision on the exhumation was expected in the “near future.” Cardinal Newman’s cause took a step forward in April when Vatican medical consultants ruled that an inexplicable healing in August 2001 was a result of his intercession.
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