The ULSPL will be governed by the current SLO-PITCH NATIONAL (SPN) Rule Book. Any exceptions or ​ ​ additions implemented by the ULSPL are clearly indicated in the document that follows and shall provide for circumstances not covered in the SPN Rule Book and/or complement, clarify or override an SPN rule. ​ ​

RULE 1 - The Playing Field

Section 1 – Base distance There will be a base distance of 60 feet. (this is an exception to the SPN rules) ​

Section 2 – Pitching There will be a starting pitching distance of 50-65 feet, with a pitching zone of 24”.

Section 3 – Batter’s area A slo-pitch mat will be used; the will include home plate and the mat.

Section 4 – Commitment line The commitment line will be 20 feet from home plate.

RULE 2 – Equipment

Section 1 - The ball ● Ball size will be 11 inches.

Section 2 - Safety base ● A safety base will be used at first; ● If the touches any part of the white base, it is a . If it hits completely on the orange portion, it is a ; ● If a play is made to first base, the baserunner’s first attempt to reach first base must be to touch some portion, of the orange base. If she touches only the white base in these situations, she is to be called ; ● If a play is not made to first base (e.g., a walk, through the or directly to the ), either the white or orange portion may be used; ● Once a baserunner has attained first base, and time is called, she must use only the white portion of the base. This includes: ▪ after over-running first base, or after rounding first base, if applicable, and the baserunner decides not to advance further, she must return to the white portion; ▪ after over-running first base, or after rounding first base, if applicable, and the baserunner touches only the orange portion and decides to advance further, she need not retouch the white portion; ▪ when tagging up, the baserunner must use the white portion; ▪ when there is an attempted pick-off play, the baserunner must return to the white portion. ● A defensive player must use only the white portion of the base at all times. If is called, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the runner is .

RULE 3 - The Game

Section 1 – Game times (this section is exclusive to the ULSPL and not in SPN rules) ​ ● Game-times are 6:30pm and 8:00pm; ● Umpires will use game times as a guideline to determine when open is called. No new inning will start after 1 hr and 15 min for each game. ● If Home team is AHEAD going into the bottom of the Open inning, they will NOT bat. The game will end, and the score will be recorded as is. ● If Home team is BEHIND, they will bat until 3 out, or until they take the lead (+1). At this point the game will end, the score will be recorded. ● Once Home team achieves the win at +1, Away team does not have to endure playing out their loss as the score is up further. Potential for friendly continuation of game if time left and both teams in agreement. Score remains the same (+1). ● Once an inning is started, it will be completed, no revert back. ● In the event of rain, darkness, or time limit, 4 (3 1/2 if the home team is winning) will constitute a complete game. Otherwise it is a rainout game and will be replayed in its entirety if it affects the season's standings.

Section 2 – Pre-game communication Discussions will be held at home plate by Co-Captains from both teams with the prior to the start of each and every game and are to include mention of any late players, the need for on deck batters and any courtesy runners. Any known injuries must be discussed with the umpire and opposing Co-Captains prior to the start of the game. Watches should be synchronized.

Section 3 – Defaulting (this section is an addition to the SPN rule on forfeit) ​ A team will default with 6 or fewer players. Default time is 10 minutes after the starting time. The score will be 7-0 for the non-offending team.

After the umpire has established a default, the teams may play a FUN game and players from other teams may be recruited.

Section 4 – Mercy rule There is a maximum of 6 runs per team per inning allowed during regular season; except for the final ​ inning. The umpire will determine the final inning based on time and will designate the last inning calling it “open”. This is part of current SPN rules.

Section 5 – Sliding Sliding is permitted at all bases, but not while attempting to touch and/or cross the scoring line, at the home plate / strike mat.

Section 6 – Infield-fly rule An infield fly is a fairly batted fly ball (not a line drive) which can be caught by an with ordinary effort when first and second, or when first, second and third bases are occupied with one or no players out. Any defensive player, who positions herself within the infield area, will be considered an infielder for the purpose of this rule.

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NOTE: If a fairly batted ball is to be declared an infield fly the umpire shall call: ‘Infield fly, if fair, batter ​ ​ is out!’, for the benefit of the runners. Failure to make the call does not preclude the batted ball ​ from being an infield fly. The ball is alive and if the runners advance they do so at their own risk and are in jeopardy if the ball is caught. The ruling is the same as any other caught or dropped fly ball. A foul ball is not an infield fly and if the ball falls untouched to the ground in fair or foul territory prior to first or third base and subsequently rolls into foul territory, it is just a foul ball.

Section 7 - Plays at Home Plate ● All plays at home plate are considered a forced play; ● If the runner touches home plate or the mat, the runner is out; ● Tagging will be allowed between the commitment line and the safety line at home plate.

Section 8 – Plays from the field ● Plays may be made from the field to first base. (this is an exception to the SPN rules) ​

Section 9 – Batter-baserunner ● All batters must attempt to run to first base; ● After reaching first base, the batter-baserunner, for injury or health concerns, may herself choose to be replaced by a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner will be the last player called out. There ​ are no exceptions to the last out option.

RULE 4 - Players

Section 1 – Punctuality (this section is exclusive to the ULSPL and not in the SPN rules) ​ Any late player is allowed to play up to 15 minutes after the start of the game. Late players will be marked as an out if not there when called to bat – OR – until the captain indicates to the umpire that the player is not coming and thus removed from the game.

Late players arriving after 15 minutes will be marked “present” but not playing.

Section 2 – Playing time (this section is exclusive to the ULSPL and not in SPN rules) ​ Each player must sit equally (e.g. sit once before any player sits a second time and so on) with the following exceptions: ● With 11 players or fewer, the starting pitcher must leave the mound for at least one inning by the end of the 4th inning (she may play another position); ● With 12 or 13 players, the starting pitcher must sit at least 1 inning by the end of the 4th inning; ● With 14 or more players, EVERYONE MUST SIT EQUALLY INCLUDING THE PITCHERS; ● In the absence of either designated pitcher, a team may play their only pitcher for the entire game.

RULE 5 - Pitching

Section 1 – Pitching Zone Once a pitcher is set in position a maximum of 2 steps may be taken during the action of delivering a pitched ball. After release of the ball, 1 foot must remain within the pitching zone of 50-65 feet. The pitcher may not continue to move forward, other than the normal forward momentum from delivering a pitch.

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Section 2 – Substitutions (this section is exclusive to the ULSPL and not in the SPN rules) ​ Pitchers can be substituted from the field, but not from the bench. If a designated pitcher leaves the mound, then equal sits must apply.

a. Teams missing both designated pitchers may request a pitcher from the Spare/Wait list. If there are no pitchers on the Spare/Wait list, teams will be allowed to recruit a designated pitcher from ​ ​ another ULSPL team for that game. The substitute pitcher will be allowed to pitch, and bat, as any other player would, during a regular season game. b. If no other ULSPL pitcher is available, the team has the option of asking a ‘non-pitcher’ from its own team to pitch. If neither ‘a’, nor ‘b’ can be executed, the team will default the game.

Section 3 – Aspiring pitchers – THERE IS NO ASPIRING PITCHER DESIGNATION FOR THE 2019 SEASON ​ ● Aspiring pitcher are permitted to pitch a maximum of two innings per game; ● The following rules apply for aspiring pitchers only: a. An aspiring pitcher may not pitch before the third inning; b. Strikes cancel balls; c. After three consecutive walks the aspiring pitcher MUST leave the mound; d. An aspiring pitcher can pull herself from the mound at any time; e. If both designated pitchers on the aspiring pitcher’s team are in attendance, then one must be in the field when the aspiring pitcher is on the mound; f. An aspiring pitcher leaving the mound will be replaced by a designated pitcher from the field if both designated pitchers are in attendance. If only one designated pitcher is in attendance and she is on the bench, she may replace the aspiring pitcher without it affecting equal sits. ● After two innings of pitching in one game, the normal pitching rules will apply to an aspiring pitcher.

RULE 6 –

Section 1 – On deck There must be an on-deck player at all times; otherwise, the umpire will call a strike. (this is an exception ​ to the SPN rules)

Section 2 – Third strike foul ball rule The third strike foul ball rule is in effect. If on the third strike the batter hits the ball foul the batter will ​ ​ be automatically OUT. (this is an exception to the SPN rules) ​

Section 3– The batter The batter is out if the bat is thrown.

RULE 7 - Safety

Section 1 – Use of alcohol Due the ULSPL’s park permit with the City of Markham, its insurance and the SPN Rule Book, alcohol is ​ ​ not permitted at the diamond.

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Section 2 – Blood rule If a player has an open cut or is bleeding, this must be covered before she may resume playing. If there is dried blood on a player's clothing, she may continue to play without changing. Gloves in the first aid kit must be worn when attending to an injury. (this is an addition to the SPN rule) ​

Section 3 – On-field injury If a player is out of the game due to INJURY then it will not be recorded as an out, but if the player is ​ ​ EJECTED from the game, an out will be recorded each time they are supposed to be .

Section 5 – Jewellery Jewellery may be worn on the field of play, however any injuries/accidents due to jewelry causing injury is the player’s responsibility. The ULSPL will not be liable.

Section 6 – Braces Exposed metal braces are prohibited. Metal braces worn as a preventative aid must be covered with soft, pliable material.

RULE 8 - Protests

If a protest is registered, and if it is determined that a rule has been broken, the offending team will lose the game with a score of 7-0. The following process is to be followed:

1. The protest must be lodged with the Umpire by a Co-captain as soon as it is noticed and before the last out of the said game. 2. The Umpire will collect the line-up sheet from the team that the protest was lodged against, review it and make notes. 3. The Umpire will provide the Operations Manager with all documentation from the protest within 48 hours of the game. The Operation Manager will notify the President of the protest within 24 hours of receipt of the documentation. 4. The executive will hold a meeting to rule on the protest within 7 days of the . The Co-Captains of both teams should be present. Should any voting member of the Executive be from either of the two teams involved in the protest, they must declare a conflict of interest and decline to vote. (This rule is an exception to the SPN rules)

RULE 9 – Playoff Rule Changes

● There is no new inning after 15 minutes prior to the start of the next game. However once an inning is started, it must be completed even if the game goes over the time limit. The next time slot should be flexible in case a game runs over the time limit.

● Semi- Final and Final games will be a full 7 innings and will have official scorekeepers.

● For the 2019 Playoff season, a mercy rule of 7 runs will be put in place for the Round Robin Games (Friday and Saturday), with the exception of the last inning which will be open. ALL semi-final and ​ ​ final games on Sunday will have no mercy rule.

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● One pitcher may pitch the entire game regardless of number of players. All other players must sit equally.

Aspiring pitcher rules do not apply in the playoffs. Aspiring pitchers may pitch but they will pitch under regular pitching rules.

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