Arxiv:2108.02336V1 [Cs.CE] 5 Aug 2021 Approximation to Capture the True Material Response with High Accuracy Efficiently

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Arxiv:2108.02336V1 [Cs.CE] 5 Aug 2021 Approximation to Capture the True Material Response with High Accuracy Efficiently AFRACTURE MULTISCALE MODEL FOR PERIDYNAMIC ENRICHMENT WITHIN THE PARTITION OF UNITY METHOD: PART I APREPRINT Matthias Birner Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany Fraunhofer SCAI, Sankt Augustin, Germany Patrick Diehl Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Robert Lipton Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Marc Alexander Schweitzer Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany Fraunhofer SCAI, Sankt Augustin, Germany August 6, 2021 ABSTRACT Partition of unity methods (PUM) are of domain decomposition type and provide the opportunity for multiscale and multiphysics numerical modeling. Different physical models can exist within a PUM scheme for handling problems with zones of linear elasticity and zones where fractures occur. Here, the peridynamic (PD) model is used in regions of fracture and smooth PUM is used in the surrounding linear elastic media. The method is a so-called global-local enrichment strategy, see [18, 1]. The elastic fields of the undamaged media provide appropriate boundary data for the localized PD simulations. The first steps for a combined PD/PUM simulator are presented. In part I of this series, we show that the local PD approximation can be utilized to enrich the global PUM arXiv:2108.02336v1 [cs.CE] 5 Aug 2021 approximation to capture the true material response with high accuracy efficiently. Test problems are provided demonstrating the validity and potential of this numerical approach. A PREPRINT -AUGUST 6, 2021 1 Introduction fracture growth) to validate the fundamental assumptions of our approach. As this paper provides a proof of con- cept, the reference cases considered are not too complex Peridynamics (PD) is a non-local generalization of clas- in geometry and loading. sical continuum mechanics [58] and naturally allows for the direct modelling of fracture phenomena and damage The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces within its original formulation [13]. It can give good the preliminaries of the PUM and PD theory. Section 3 agreement with experimental data [14] in complex defor- sketches the approach to use peridynamics to construct mation scenarios. However, the computational expense appropriate multiscale enrichments on a local sub-domain incurred by exclusive use of peridynamics for large prob- for the global PUM. In Section 4 numerical results are pre- lems where damage and fracture only appear across small sented, which validate isolated steps of the overall multi- regions and most of the body behaves linearly elastic, can scale enrichment scheme. Specifically, we validate that be needlessly high. Therefor adaptive approaches have PD and PUM simulate a similar enough physical problem been proposed for such problems, e.g. force-based blend- despite different model formulations, in order to be able ing [52, 53, 56], the Arlequin approach [22], the variable to combine them. The issues here primarily are the differ- horizon method [57, 41], or discrete coupling [37, 55, 61, ent treatment of boundary conditions and the underlying 38, 30, 20, 62]. These methods directly couple PD and fi- material models. Moreover, we show examples of infor- nite element (FE) models to overcome the computational mation transfer in both directions: using the PD computed expense. These so-called concurrent coupling approaches crack path in a PUM simulation and using a PUM dis- introduce a non-physical interface (or overlapping hand- placement as boundary conditions on a PD problem. The shake zone) where the two computational models, PD and results clearly show the validity and potential of the pre- FE, must agree on the computed deformation behavior in sented approach. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper a delicate way, and it is not obvious how computational with some remarks on future research steps. artifacts at this interface can be avoided in general. For example in [42] an out-of-balance force in the coupling region due to a lack of balance between the local and non- 2 Preliminaries local tractions is reported. For more general details we refer to the review paper [6]. 2.1 Classical continuum mechanics An alternative to the concurrent coupling approaches are Before we introduce the two models, we will look briefly so-called hierarchical coupling techniques where scale into the basics of classical continuum mechanics (CCM). separation is assumed, and a damage model together with Figure 1 shows a continuum in the reference configura- 3 an elastic model are utilized successively, exchanging in- tion W0 ⊂ R where a material point is identified with its 3 formation in a global and accumulated fashion, see e.g. position x 2 R . The reference configuration W0 refers to [19] and references therein. For instance, in multiscale the shape of the continuum at rest with no internal forces. 2 FEM like FE methods two FE calculations are carried out The deformation f : [0;T] × R3 ! R3 of a material point in a nested manner, one at the macroscale and the other at x 2 W0 to the so-called current configuration W(t) at time the microscale (in the vicinity of every quadrature point t 2 [0;T] is given as of the macroscale model). Obviously, such approaches (t;x) := id(x) + u(t;x) = x(t;x) (1) yield a tremendous computational cost and are typically f not trivial to implement which prohibits their widespread where u : [0;T] × R3 ! R3 refers to the displacement use. A number of multiscale PD concepts have been pro- posed [36, 54, 60, 3, 45, 60, 44, 32], however, many open u(t;x) := x(t;x) − x. (2) questions remain. The stretch s : [0;T] × R3 × R3 ! R3 between two ma- 0 We will pursue yet another approach to overcome the terial points x and x in the reference configuration W0 is computational expense of PD based on the partition of defined by unity (PU) approach [47]. The overall process we envi- s(t;x;x0) := f(t;x0) − f(t;x) = x(t;x) − x(t;x0). (3) sion is to construct a combined PD/PU simulator which automatically determines the region where PD should be employed so that the resulting local PD approximation 2.2 Partition of unity method can be utilized to construct a respective multiscale en- richment function for the global partition of unity method Partition of unity methods are a class of methods to (PUM) approximation to incorporate the true material re- numerically solve partial differential equations (PDEs). sponse including fracture growth with high accuracy effi- They were introduced in [39] to overcome limitations in ciently. In this paper, we present the first steps towards the the choice of basis functions of classical finite element realization of this process. Namely, we study the compati- methods (FEM). The key concept of a PUM is the use of bility of the different material models and the methods re- a compactly supported PU, that covers the computational quired for combining them. To accomplish this we seek to domain W. To each PU function ji a local approxima- outline the transfer of information between them. To this tion space Vi is attached, which yields a global, finite- PU end, we study several reference cases (with and without dimensional space V = ∑i jiVi, that is then used in a 2 A PREPRINT -AUGUST 6, 2021 3 of dimension ni, where i are spaces of polynomials of W0 f : W0 ! R W(t) P P degree d i . The spaces Ei denote so-called enrichment spaces of dimension dEi . The latter are arbitrary functions locally incorporated into the simulation, which we can x choose with respect to the problem at hand. We can ei- x(t;x) ther obtain the Ei from a-priori analytic knowledge about the structure of the solution to a problem. This is e.g. done in 2D fracture mechanics problems, where we have Figure 1: The continuum in the reference configura- 3 an analytic expansion of the solution around a crack tip tion W0 and after the deformation f : W0 ! R with available. Or the enrichments themselves are results of det(grad f) > 0 in the current configuration W(t) at time other simulations. In the PUM the global approximation t. space then reads as PU V := ∑jiVi = ∑jiPi + jiEi: (8) Galerkin approach. An advantage over classical FEMs is i i the ability to incorporate arbitrary basis functions. Here Observe, that we do not assume the discrete functions the intent is to use only a few problem specific basis func- dPi dEi ! tions, thereby requiring less degrees of freedom (DOF) PU s s t+dPi u = ∑ji ∑ ui yi + ∑ ui h; (9) to attain the desired global accuracy. Well-known in- i s=1 t=1 stances of FE based PUMs are the GFEM by Duarte and i.e. the employed basis functions, to be interpolatory. That Babuskaˇ [17] and the XFEM by Moes,¨ Dolbow and Be- j lytschko [40]. The particular meshfree PUM employed is, the coefficients ui do not necessarily correspond to in this paper was introduced in [47] and is referred to function values at specific points. We therefore use the as the PUM in the following. All computations in this direct splitting of the local spaces Vi presented in [48] study were carried out using the PUMA software frame- to enforce Dirichlet boundary conditions. By the above- work [49] developed at Fraunhofer SCAI. In the follow- mentioned flat-top property of the PU, it is possible to ing we present only a very short review of the PUM and construct a basis transformation that guarantees numerical refer the reader to [47] for details. stability and linear independence of the basis. The latter is of special importance when using enrichment functions Given a computational domain W, we assume to have a that are computed on-the-fly.
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