Making clean, high-quality fuels from low-quality oil

IN THIS ISSUE Ruben Juanes: Exploring subsurface energy, from academics to industry

Changing the game: Building MIT’s capacity for a sustainable future

Carbon emissions in China: Can new policies curtail their growth?

Sustainable Energy class cultivates critical thinking

CONTENTS Energy Futures

Energy Futures is published twice UPDATES ON THE MIT ENERGY INITIATIVE yearly by the MIT Energy Initiative. 2 A letter from the director It reports on research results and energy-related activities across the Institute. To subscribe, send your RESEARCH REPORTS address to [email protected]. 4 Boosting biofuel production: Supplements help yeast survive 9 A new look for nuclear power: Floating on the deep sea Copyright © 2015 14 Carbon emissions in China: Can new policies curtail their growth? Massachusetts Institute of 19 Technology. For permission Making clean, high-quality fuels from low-quality oil: New insights into a promising approach to reproduce material in this magazine, please contact the editor. RESEARCH NEWS Nancy W. Stauffer, editor 24 MIT Energy Initiative announces new seed grant awards [email protected] 26 Recipients of MITEI seed grants, spring 2015 617.253.3405 27 MIT architects tackle India’s slum problem

ISSN 1942-4671 (Online ISSN 1942-468X) FOCUS ON FACULTY 30 Ruben Juanes: Exploring subsurface energy, from academics to industry

MIT Energy Initiative EDUCATION The MIT Energy Initiative is designed 32 Sustainable Energy class cultivates critical thinking to accelerate energy innovation by 34 Nine undergraduate energy curriculum development projects integrating the Institute’s cutting-edge launch in summer 2015 capabilities in science, engineering, 35 Energy minor alumni: Where are they now? management, planning, and policy. 37 Five years of graduates: MIT’s Energy Studies Minor comes of age 39 MITEI sponsors energy-related tours, events during IAP 2015 MIT Energy Initiative Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, E19-307 CAMPUS ENERGY ACTIVITIES Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 40 Changing the game: Building MIT’s capacity for a sustainable future 617.258.8891 OUTREACH 43 MIT Energy Conference: “There is no more important issue than energy”

MITEI MEMBERS Main cover image: Ashwin Raghavan G (see page 19) 44 MITEI Founding, Sustaining, Associate, and Affiliate Members Design: Tim Blackburn Proofreading: Kathryn M. O’Neill Printing: Artco

Printed on paper containing 30% post-consumer recycled content, with the balance coming from responsibly managed sources.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 1 UPDATES ON THE MIT ENERGY INITIATIVE A letter from the director

Dear Friends, Solar is a vast resource for the world to utilize, and it will almost surely be These are interesting and challenging critical to a sustainable future. We will times for energy. There are signs of have much more to say about solar emerging global action on climate in the next issue of Energy Futures Photo: Webb Chappell Photo: Webb change as we move toward the Paris when we report on “The Future meeting in December. In a joint of Solar Energy,” a comprehensive, announcement issued last November, multidisciplinary MIT assessment MITEI’s research, education, campus energy, and outreach programs are spearheaded China committed to capping CO emis- scheduled for release this spring 2 by Professor Robert C. Armstrong, director. sions growth by 2030, and the United after this issue goes to press (see States pledged to reduce greenhouse earthquakes and tsunamis, and sur- gas emissions 26–28% below 2005 levels rounded by an abundant, passive by 2025. In addition, in late February, Energy storage is of interest for uses source of cooling water. India committed to a major scale-up ranging from consumer electronics and of both solar and wind power by 2022. vehicles to residential and commercial Finally, we will need carbon capture equipment. But perhaps most important and sequestration (CCS). According to At the same time, existing businesses is large-scale energy storage, which is most projections, fossil fuels will are being stressed. Oil prices are critical for the successful incorporation continue to dominate the energy supply severely depressed relative to a year of solar and wind generation into the mix for the coming three or more ago, in part due to industry success in power grid—the subject of a recent decades. To protect the environment, bringing new technology to bear on MITEI symposium, which gathered therefore, we must capture the carbon producing shale oil. The electric utility experts to discuss promising grid-scale released as those fuels are produced industry is working hard to understand storage technologies and related issues and used and sequester it deep what business models will be like of regulation and market design. underground. MIT researchers have 10 or 15 years from now as distributed been leaders in this critical area, generation continues to grow, distrib- The power grid itself is clearly critical developing new, low-cost capture uted storage begins to emerge, and the to our energy future. Research is systems, modeling processes that will

“internet of energy” provides new ways needed to reimagine the architecture, trap injected CO2 underground, analyz- of increasing efficiency and reducing size, reliability, security, adaptability, ing public policy designed to incentivize emissions. As we tackle such challenges, and resiliency of our current power CCS, and more. we find that the MITEI model of part­ system. Such issues are being nering closely with the energy industry addressed in our “Utility of the Future” Taking full advantage of these and and bringing together all of MIT’s study, an ongoing analysis that involves other promising technologies will schools is more valuable than ever. MIT researchers and a consortium require collaboration not only among of industrial and other stakeholders. researchers across the MIT campus but I see the energy challenge before us also among experts and stakeholders as having two parts: By midcentury, Nuclear fissionis the only at-scale, worldwide. we must meet a projected doubling in zero-carbon energy-production technol- energy demand—the result of growing ogy we have ever used, but some To that end, in February, I traveled to global population and increasing countries are now limiting and even New Delhi, India, on behalf of MITEI to standards of living. At the same time, cutting back its use. It is hard to imagine speak about clean coal technologies we must dramatically lower the carbon a low-carbon future without nuclear, so and natural gas-derived fuels at the emissions of our energy systems to we must address concerns about cost, 5th World PetroCoal Congress. India is mitigate climate change. public safety, security, and waste the world’s third largest emitter of CO2; disposal. An article on page 9 of this its main energy source is coal; and its How can we double energy output while issue reports on a novel MIT concept population and economy are growing slashing emissions? I believe that five that tackles those concerns by floating a rapidly. Therefore, we cannot have key technologies can help—and MIT is nuclear power plant at sea, where it is a conversation about global energy working on all of them. away from people, unaffected by solutions without India’s voice present.

2 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 UPDATES ON THE MIT ENERGY INITIATIVE

Meanwhile, MIT researchers continue systems for making valuable biofuels Photo: Themistocles Resvanis, MIT the long-standing tradition of working such as ethanol and butanol (page 4). with collaborators around the world. Two projects involving international On campus, I’m pleased to report that cooperation are described in this issue. we received a terrific response from Photo: Webb Chappell Photo: Webb faculty throughout the Institute to our In one, teams led by faculty from call for proposals for undergraduate architecture are working with a energy curriculum development, nonprofit in India to create energy- under a multi-year grant from the efficient, earthquake-resilient, low-cost S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. MITEI is Over the past decade, MIT’s Kim Vandiver, housing for rural regions of that pleased to support the development professor of mechanical and ocean country (see page 27). The work takes of five new classes and the significant engineering, and his collaborators have place through MIT’s Tata Center for revision of four others, with work developed a leading modeling tool for Technology and Design, which tackles starting this summer (see page 34). predicting vortex-induced vibrations (VIV), a variety of challenges faced by The curriculum grants will build on the which can damage long cylinders deployed resource-constrained communities in strength of the core domains of the in ocean currents. Now, two of MITEI’s Sustaining Members—Lockheed Martin India and elsewhere in the developing Energy Studies Minor—energy science, and Statoil—are jointly supporting new world (see technology, and social science—and towing-tank experiments that will improve will add important new content in predictions of VIV response and fatigue The second project involves collabora- the study of electrical grids from both in ocean risers and other equipment tion between researchers at MIT and technical and regulatory perspectives. critical to deep-sea oil operations. Above: Tsinghua University in Beijing through Vandiver (left) and Don Spencer, chief the Tsinghua-MIT China Energy and Finally, I was delighted to deliver the engineer at Oceanic Consulting Inc., prepare a heavily instrumented cylinder for tests Climate Project (see opening remarks at the 10th annual in the National Research Council of Canada’s edu/CECP). China is now the largest MIT Energy Conference in late February towing tank in St. John’s, Newfoundland. emitter of CO2 in the world, and its (page 43). Organized by the MIT emissions continue to increase. In a Energy Club, this major event gathers project described on page 14, a CECP the world’s energy leaders to share team has examined how new Chinese their expertise, and it always adds to energy and climate policies can reverse the overwhelming sense of enthusiasm the constant upward growth of those and responsibility felt across the MIT emissions—without a major impact on campus to solve the world’s energy national economic growth. challenges.

Two other articles in this issue focus I hope you find this issue of Energy on MIT projects that take novel Futures informative and inspiring. MIT Photo courtesy of IHS Energy CERAWeek approaches to ensuring the continued is special in the way it tackles society’s Left to right: At this year’s IHS Energy CERAWeek, availability of clean-burning fossil grand challenges. I am deeply indebted Daniel Yergin of IHS and Professor Robert fuels or of non-fossil replacement fuels. to all of you—our industrial partners, Armstrong of MITEI led a special session at Researchers in mechanical and donors, alumni, and friends—for your which MIT Professors Donald Sadoway, chemical engineering are working on support in this enterprise. Sanjay Sarma, Kripa Varanasi, and Dennis a promising approach to converting Whyte shared their insights on game-changing heavy, sulfur-laden crude oil into clean, technologies that will reshape the energy future. MITEI led a delegation including high-quality fuels including gasoline more than 80 MIT alumni to this preeminent and diesel (page 19), and teams from Professor Robert C. Armstrong international gathering of industry, policy, MIT and the Whitehead Institute have MITEI Director technology, and financial leaders. More at demonstrated a simple but effective approach that could dramatically May 2015 increase the productivity of yeast-based

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 3 RESEARCH REPORTS

Boosting biofuel production Supplements help yeast survive

Left to right: Gregory Stephanopoulos Chemical engineers and biologists at MIT have found a simple way to of chemical engineering, Gerald Fink of make yeast produce more ethanol from sugars: Spike the mixture biology and the Whitehead Institute, and Felix Lam of chemical engineering are they’re growing on with two common chemicals. Adding potassium developing new insights and techniques that could one day dramatically increase and an acidity-reducing compound helps the yeast tolerate higher the amount of ethanol, butanol, and other concentrations of the ethanol they’re making without dying. Aided by biofuels that yeast can produce from raw materials such as corn and sugar cane. those “supplements,” traditionally underperforming laboratory yeast made more ethanol than did industrial strains genetically evolved for This research was supported in part by the MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund Program. ethanol tolerance. The supplements also enabled lab yeast to tolerate See page 8 for other sponsors and a higher doses of high-energy alcohols such as butanol, a direct gasoline publication resulting from this research. substitute. In other “firsts,” the researchers described the mechanism Photo: Stuart Darsch by which alcohols poison yeast; they defined two genes that control ethanol tolerance; and they modified those genes in lab yeast to make them out-produce the industrial strains—even without the supplements.

4 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH REPORTS

Manufacturers worldwide rely on yeast to convert sugars from corn or sugar cane into ethanol, a biofuel now blended with gasoline in cars and trucks. But there’s a problem: At certain Photo: Stuart Darsch concentrations, the ethanol kills the yeast that make it. As a result, a given batch of yeast can produce only so much ethanol.

“The biggest limitation on cost-effective biofuels production is the toxic effect of alcohols such as ethanol on yeast,” says Gregory Stephanopoulos, the Willard Henry Dow Professor of Chemical Engineering. “Ethanol is a byproduct of their natural metabolic process, as carbon dioxide is a byproduct of ours. In both cases, high doses of those byproducts are lethal.”

Five years ago, Stephanopoulos; Gerald To explore their novel concept, the researchers ran many parallel experiments in which they Fink, MIT professor of biology and a cultured laboratory yeast on defined glucose media, some with no supplements and others with supplements added, either singly or in various combinations. They then replicated the most member of the Whitehead Institute for promising combinations in this laboratory-scale bioreactor, a device that mimics the conditions Biomedical Research; and Felix Lam, inside industrial-scale fermenters. postdoctoral associate in chemical engineering, began looking at this growing yeast on the standard lab Both outcomes were surprising. problem. How could they make yeast medium, but to some cultures they Potassium, calcium, and ammonium are resistant to higher concentrations added potassium phosphate, a all critical to the nutrition and function- of ethanol? compound readily available in their ing of living cells, so what made the lab. The jump in ethanol production potassium special? And what about the Previous efforts involving genetic was dramatic. phosphate? After much testing, they engineering had proved unsuccessful. realized that the change wasn’t due to “Ethanol tolerance is one of those traits Figuring out why proved challenging. metabolic processes—or any pro- that’s sort of mysterious,” says Lam. Initially, the researchers focused on cesses—occurring inside the cell. The He offers the analogy of diabetes. the phosphate. After all, phosphate is impact of the potassium on ethanol “People know that it’s not one gene that an essential micronutrient for all tolerance occurred too quickly for cells says you’ll be susceptible to diabetes living things; and Lam knew well the to be mounting a biological response. or not. It’s a multitude of genes,” he importance and workings of phosphate And further testing showed that the role says. “Altering a single gene has not metabolism from previous research. of the phosphate, a natural pH buffer, prevented diabetes—or made yeast But the boost in ethanol production was simply to reduce the acidity of the more ethanol-tolerant.” persisted even when they used genetic mixture. “It had little to do with the methods to disable phosphate metabo- biology inside the cell but rather more Results from those earlier genetic lism in the yeast. In contrast, when with the chemistry outside it,” says engineering efforts did, however, give they replaced the potassium in the Lam. Experiments confirmed their the researchers an idea. Certain yeast potassium phosphate with sodium, reinterpretation: Just adding potassium that were somewhat ethanol-tolerant calcium, or ammonium, the positive and reducing acidity—with no phos- showed high activity in genes related to impact essentially disappeared. phate present—gave the same remark- phosphate utilization. So they tried able boost in ethanol production.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 5 RESEARCH REPORTS

Effect of adding potassium chloride and potassium hydroxide on ethanol output

140 Experimental evidence + Potassium chloride and potassium hydroxide 120 A series of experiments demonstrated + Potassium chloride the effectiveness of this approach. + Potassium hydroxide 100 To retain commercial relevance, the researchers mimicked conditions 80 typically seen inside industrial biofuel No supplement fermenters: They used a high density 60 of yeast cells growing on a high concen- tration of glucose—the simple sugar 40 extracted from corn or sugar cane. As Ethanol (grams / liter) their supplement, they used potassium 20 chloride to add more potassium and potassium hydroxide to alter the acidity. 0 0244872 And to challenge their method, they Time (hours) used an inbred laboratory strain of yeast known to be particularly sensitive These curves show ethanol production from laboratory yeast growing on glucose for 72 hours. to ethanol. Adding either potassium chloride (to increase potassium) or potassium hydroxide (to reduce acidity) pushes up ethanol output significantly from the baseline with no supplements. The curves in the top figure on this Adding both chemicals together boosts ethanol output by 80%. page show ethanol production from a single culture growing for 72 hours under four conditions: on the standard Relationship between viable yeast cell population and laboratory medium with no supplement ethanol production (blue); with added potassium chloride (red); with added potassium hydroxide (light blue); and with both potassium 110 2 chloride and potassium hydroxide R = 0.959 (black). Each supplement pushed up 100 ethanol output significantly, and adding the two together brought an increase of 80%. Moreover, in the latter case,

/ liter) 90 the yeast consumed essentially all of the available glucose. 80 Further examination showed that the elevated potassium plus reduced acidity Ethanol (grams results in an increase in cell viability 70 and thus in ethanol productivity. Indeed, raising potassium and reducing acidity gradually brings about increases in 60 300 400 500 600 700 the viable cell population—changes that lead to corresponding increases in Viable population (dry cell weight / liter integrated over 72 hours) ethanol production, as shown in the bottom figure on this page. “So the This diagram shows the amount of ethanol produced as a function of the viable population of yeast cells over the course of fermentation. The data show a direct correlation between total ability to endure toxicity is a principle viable population and ethanol production. Different combinations of supplements enable yeast determinant of ethanol output—and to resist ethanol longer, and the greater the viable population, the greater the ethanol output it’s the primary trait strengthened by from a given culture. our supplements,” says Fink.

6 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH REPORTS

Impact of supplements on ethanol production from various yeast strains

The researchers note that adding the supplements slightly stimulates the Lab strain growth of the initial batch of yeast so that there are actually more cells in the +Potassium chloride +Potassium hydroxide culture over the three days. But the largest boost—by far—comes from Bioethanol, Brazil individual cells being able to withstand higher levels of ethanol. “The per-cell production rate hardly changes, but the +Potassium chloride +Potassium hydroxide cells stay alive much longer; and the longer they live, the more ethanol they Bioethanol, US make,” says Lam.

Other challenges +Potassium chloride +Potassium hydroxide

50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 The tests described so far involve the ethanol-sensitive lab strain of yeast. Ethanol (grams / liter) But yeast strains used commercially are carefully selected for their genetic This table shows ethanol production from standard lab yeast and from yeast strains used in predisposition toward ethanol toler- bioethanol production in Brazil and in the United States. In cultures grown under unsupplemented ance. So the researchers decided conditions, the commercial strains produce more ethanol than the lab strain does. However, when assisted by the supplements, the lab strain produces far more ethanol than the commercial to see how the performance of their lab strains do. When all three receive the supplements, the ethanol yields are comparable. yeast compared with that of several Thus, adding the supplements to the growth medium influences ethanol output more than do commercial strains—and how adding any genetic differences among these yeast strains. the supplements would affect the productivity of the commercial strains. the growth medium can “override” per liter; and unlike ethanol, it can be genetic differences between strains. used as a direct substitute for gasoline The results are presented in the figure in today’s cars.” Such high-energy on this page. The top two bars show Encouraged by their results, the alcohols are even more toxic to yeast production from the basic lab strain, researchers decided to apply their than ethanol is, but the researchers without and with the supplements. methods to other issues encountered in found that the boost in tolerance The next pairs of bars show results biofuels production. For example, extended to such alcohols as well. Both from cultures involving yeast strains commercial yeast are good at ferment- the lab and industrial strains were able used in bioethanol production in ing glucose; but they cannot deal with to withstand higher concentrations of Brazil (middle pair) and the United xylose, an important constituent in butanol when aided by the supplements. States (bottom pair). Not surprisingly, cellulosic sources such as corn stover the baseline ethanol production from and switchgrass. When they grew a those strains is higher than that from specially engineered lab strain on pure Explaining the mechanism the basic lab strain. But production xylose and added the supplements, from the lab strain with the supple- the ethanol yield jumped by more than The researchers believe that their ments is significantly greater than the 50%—a result consistent with the findings reveal the mechanism by baseline production from the two complete consumption of xylose. which ethanol and other alcohols kill commercial strains. In addition, assist- yeast at levels relevant to biofuel ing the commercial strains with the Another challenge is to make fuels production. Critical to the survival of supplements pushes their ethanol that are better suited than ethanol to any living cell is an electric potential yields up to roughly the same level today’s transportation needs. “Everyone across its external membrane, which as yields from the lab strain with knows that ethanol is ultimately a pretty gives it the energy it needs to bring in supplements. Thus, the combination of lousy fuel,” says Lam. “Butanol, for nutrients and expel wastes. That high potassium and reduced acidity in example, has a higher energy content potential is created by electrochemical

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 7 RESEARCH REPORTS

gradients, which are differences in while adding the two supplements may setting. If larger-scale laboratory or concentrations of ions (electrically actually reduce the gradients, the net pilot-plant tests take place and are charged particles) inside and outside result helps the cell to better maintain successful, Lam notes that it should the cell. sufficient gradients for its own viability be relatively easy to implement the at higher alcohol concentrations. approach at existing bioethanol plants: A yeast cell maintains two primary Just increase potassium levels and gradients: Concentrations of potassium If that toxicity mechanism is correct, control acidity inside the bioreactor. ions are high inside the cell and low then increasing the strength of the Given the already high performance outside; and concentrations of pro- two pumps by genetic engineering of certain industrial yeast strains, tons—the hydrogen ions that determine should help. Indeed, using yeast with making those changes could bring acidity—are low inside and high genetically augmented pumps but even more dramatic increases in the outside. Two “pumps” in the mem- ­ no added supplements pushed ethanol production of ethanol—and perhaps brane move those materials in opposite production up by 27%—not as high second-generation biofuels such as directions: One pulls in potassium as the level reached with unaltered butanol—than have been demonstrated ions, and the other pushes out protons. yeast plus the supplements, but still in the lab. Since both potassium ions and protons higher than the levels reached with the are positively charged, the gradients Brazil and US commercial strains. • • • are coupled. The interior of the cell must be electrically neutral and remain Thus, their targeted genetic changes By Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI that way; thus, when a potassium ion worked better than the “survival of the comes in, a proton goes out. fittest” genetics that typify commercial This research was supported by the MIT strains. Moreover, the effectiveness of Energy Initiative Seed Fund Program, the Based on their experimental evidence, the genetic modifications alone—in the US Department of Energy, and the National Institutes of Health. Further information the researchers propose the following absence of the physical supplements— can be found in: “toxicity mechanism.” At concentra- supports the researchers’ hypothesized tions achieved in biofuel production, toxicity mechanism and suggests that F.H. Lam, A. Ghaderi, G.R. Fink, and G. alcohols do not dissolve the yeast’s cell they have for the first time isolated Stephanopoulos. “Engineering alcohol membrane but rather make it porous. genes responsible for ethanol tolerance tolerance in yeast.” Science, vol. 346, The small holes in the membrane allow in yeast. issue 6205, pp. 71–75, 3 October 2014. potassium to leak out and protons to leak in, thereby dissipating the critical gradients. The potassium and proton Next steps pumps work hard to maintain the gradients; but as leakage increases, the The researchers already have pushed pumps can’t keep up, the gradients up ethanol productivity from the levels collapse, and the cell dies. reported here. In addition, they have promising initial results showing Adding chemicals that increase the production increases from samples of concentration of potassium ions and mixed raw materials actually used in decrease the concentration of protons industrial fermentations. And they are outside the cell helps the pumps do looking more closely at the impacts of their job. Having more potassium ions combining their two approaches— outside the cell makes it easier to bring chemical supplementation and genetic potassium in, and having fewer protons modification. outside makes it easier to send protons out. Perhaps just as important, when The technical and economic effective- the inside and outside concentrations ness of the supplementation strategy are more in balance, fewer ions flow will, of course, depend on its perfor- through any holes in the membrane. So mance at large scale and in an industrial

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A new look for nuclear power Floating on the deep sea

Left to right: Michael Golay and A novel nuclear power plant that will float eight or more miles out to Jacopo Buongiorno of nuclear science sea promises to be safer, cheaper, and easier to deploy than today’s and engineering (NSE) and Neil Todreas of NSE and mechanical engineering land-based plants. In a concept developed by MIT researchers, the are designing a floating nuclear plant that could provide enhanced safety, easier floating plant combines two well-established technologies—a nuclear siting, and centralized construction—and reactor and a deep-sea oil platform. It is built and decommissioned could be deployed in time to play a critical role in a low-carbon energy future. in a shipyard, saving time and money at both ends of its life. Once deployed, it is situated in relatively deep water well away from coastal See page 13 for information on funding and publications. populations, linked to land only by an underwater power transmission

Photo: Justin Knight line. At the specified depth, the seawater protects the plant from earthquakes and tsunamis and can serve as an infinite source of cooling water in case of emergency—no pumping needed. An analysis of potential markets has identified many sites worldwide with physical and economic conditions suitable for deployment of a floating plant.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 9 RESEARCH REPORTS

The Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant

Many experts cite nuclear power as a critical component of a low-carbon energy future. Nuclear plants are steady, reliable sources of large amounts of power; they run on inexpen- sive and abundant fuel; and they emit no carbon dioxide (CO2).

“More than 70 new nuclear reactors are now under construction, but that’s not nearly enough to make a strong dent in CO emissions worldwide,” This illustration shows the researchers’ vision of the Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant. In this 2 design, the structure is about 45 meters in diameter, and the plant will generate 300 MW of says Jacopo Buongiorno, professor electricity. An alternative design for a 1,100 MW plant calls for a structure about 75 meters in of nuclear science and engineering diameter. In both cases, the structures include living quarters and helipads for transporting (NSE). “So the question is, why aren’t personnel—just as offshore oil drilling platforms do. we building more?” in offshore oil and gas drilling, and out to its site. There, it will be floated He cites several challenges. First, while mooring it about 10 miles out to sea. off the ship, moored to the seafloor, the fuel is cheap, building a nuclear and connected to the onshore power plant is a long and expensive process The Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant grid by an underwater power transmis- often beset by delays and uncertainties. (OFNP) integrates two well-established sion cable. At the end of its life, it Second, siting any new power plant is technologies with already robust will be towed back to the shipyard difficult. Land near sources of cooling global supply chains. “There are to be decommissioned—just as water is valuable as residential prop- shipyards that build large cylindrical nuclear-powered submarines and erty, and local objection to construction platforms of the type we need and aircraft carriers are now. may be strenuous. And third, the public companies that build nuclear reactors in several important countries has lost of the type we need,” says Buongiorno. Compared to deploying terrestrial confidence in nuclear power. Many “So we’re just combining those two. nuclear plants, this process should people still clearly remember the 2011 In my opinion, that’s a big advantage.” provide enhanced quality control, accident at the Fukushima nuclear By sticking with known technologies, standardization, and efficiency. There’s complex in Japan, when an earthquake the researchers are minimizing costly no need to transport personnel, materi- created a tsunami that inundated the and time-consuming development als, and heavy equipment to a building facility. Power to the cooling pumps tasks and licensing procedures. Yet they site—or to clean up after the plant has was cut, fuel in the reactor cores are making changes they think could been retired. The plan also reduces melted, radiation leaked out, and more revolutionize the nuclear option. the need for site evaluation and prepa- than 100,000 people were evacuated ration, which contribute uncertainty from the region. and delays. Finally, the OFNP is made Advantages of shipyard mostly of steel, with virtually no need to In light of such concerns, Buongiorno construction, offshore siting deal with structural concrete, which— and his team—Michael Golay, professor according to Buongiorno—is typically of NSE; Neil Todreas, the KEPCO According to the researchers’ plan, responsible for significant cost overruns Professor of Nuclear Science and OFNPs will be built entirely in ship- and construction delays as well as the Engineering and Mechanical Engineer- yards, many of which already regularly emission of substantial quantities of ing; and their NSE and mechanical deal with both oil and gas platforms CO2. Taken together, these factors mean engineering students—have been and large nuclear-powered vessels. The that the OFNP can be deployed with investigating a novel idea: mounting OFNP structure (platform and all) will be unprecedented speed—an important a conventional nuclear reactor on a built upright on movable skids, loaded benefit for a project that is highly floating platform similar to those used onto a transportation ship, and carried capital-intensive. “You don’t want to

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Details of the Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant design

during earthquakes, and tsunami waves are small. Tsunamis become large Living quarters Helipad and destructive only when they hit the shallow water at the coastline—a con­­- cern for nuclear plants built on the shore. Maintenance hall Lifeboats Finally, the open ocean will provide the OFNP with an endless supply of Adjustable Adjustable cooling water. If accident conditions ballast ballast arise, seawater can be used to remove heat from the reactor: Because the plant is well below the water line, the neces- Turbine Control room sary flows will occur passively, without sector any pumping and without any seawater contamination. “We won’t lose the

Diagram: Jake Jurewicz G ultimate heat sink,” says Buongiorno. “The decay heat, which is generated by the nuclear fuel even after the reactor is shut down, can be removed indefinitely.” Spent Steam fuel pool drum Platform double hull The OFNP thus addresses the three main takeaways from Fukushima cited by Buongiorno: Stay away from dense RPV populations, protect against earth- Reactor hull quakes and tsunamis, and never lose Containment cooling to the fuel. Flooded Skirt with seawater

Ballast Designed for efficient operation, enhanced safety This cutaway view shows key features of the OFNP. The nuclear reactor and related safety systems are located in watertight compartments deep in the structure. The reactor pressure vessel The illustration on page 10 presents (RPV) is inside a containment structure, which is itself inside a dry compartment surrounded by a view of the OFNP in its ocean setting. seawater—a passive, continuous source of cooling when needed. Steam from steam generators The cutaway diagram on this page immersed in the heated water inside the RPV passes to electricity-generating turbines located shows the plant’s key features. The higher in the structure. Every 12 to 48 months, spent fuel assemblies are lifted up through the opening above the containment, and fresh fuel is inserted into the reactor. The removed assem- overall structure is upright, cylindrical blies are transferred to the spent fuel pool, which contains freshwater, is passively cooled by in shape, and divided into many floors, seawater, and has storage capacity to handle all the fuel removed from the plant over its lifetime. most of them split into compartments separated by watertight bulkheads. have a large investment lingering waters—and in water at least 100 The upper levels house noncritical out there for eight or ten years without meters deep. Thus, it will be far from components such as the living quarters starting to generate electricity,” coastal populations (its only onshore and a helipad. As on oil and gas plat- says Buongiorno. presence will be a small switchyard and forms, workers are brought out by boat a staff and materials management or helicopter for three- or four-week The planned site of the floating facility), and the deep water beneath it shifts. Food, fuel, and equipment and plant offers other benefits. The OFNP will reduce threats from earthquakes materials for minor maintenance will be situated eight to 12 miles and tsunamis: At that depth, the water activities are brought out by supply boat, offshore—within the limit of territorial absorbs any motion of the ocean floor and heavy loads are lifted off by crane.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 11 RESEARCH REPORTS

OFNP decay heat removal system flooded with seawater, which enters and exits freely through ports.

Specific design features allow for Gap response to various types of interrup- Auxiliary heat tions in normal cooling operations. exchanger Generally, pumps bring in cool water Seawater from the low ocean layers and discharge in Core Steam generators the used, heated water to the warm makeup surface layers, thereby preventing Seawater tank “thermal pollution” that can threaten out the local ecosystem. If that cooling process is temporarily disrupted, heated water from the reactor is allowed to circulate naturally to a special heat exchanger within the flooded chamber (see the figure at left). If a more serious Permanently flooded problem (for example, a pipe break) compartment within threatens the core, distilled cooling the platform hull water from inside the RPV is released into the containment (always keeping Reactor hull the core submerged), and seawater from the outside compartment fills the gap Containment around the containment. Heat is effi- Core Reactor pressure ciently transferred through the contain- vessel ment wall to the seawater, which is constantly and passively renewed. At all Distilled cooling water times, the cooling water and seawater are kept separate so that contaminants cannot flow from one to the other.

In the unlikely event that—despite continuous heat removal—pressure This diagram shows the reactor core and steam generators immersed in fresh, distilled cooling inside the containment builds up to water inside the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). If operation of the cooling pumps is interrupted, dangerous levels, gases from within the the cooling water can flow passively though an auxiliary heat exchanger immersed in seawater. containment can be vented into the If a more serious problem such as a pipe break occurs, the cooling water is released from inside ocean. However, the gases would first the RPV into the containment structure, and seawater can be allowed to enter the normally empty space around the containment. Heat from the cooling water will pass through the containment pass through filters to capture cesium, wall to the seawater. The seawater flows naturally through the structure, so it is constantly iodine, and other radioactive materials, renewed, providing an infinite source of cooling when necessary. minimizing their release. Current research is tracking the likely dispersion The nuclear reactor (either a 300 MW and associated critical components are and dilution of such materials to ensure or a 1,100 MW unit) and its related housed within a reactor pressure vessel that any radioactivity in the water safety systems are located in watertight (RPV), and the RPV is located inside a remains below acceptable limits even compartments low in the structure to compact structure called the contain- under such extreme circumstances. enhance security and safety, provide ment. Surrounding the containment— easy access to ocean water, and give the but separated by a gap—is a large overall structure a low center of gravity chamber that extends to the edge of the for increased stability. The reactor core cylindrical structure and is constantly

12 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH REPORTS

Promising , abundant Continuing research This research was supported by the MIT potential markets Research Support Committee. Further The researchers are continuing to information can be found in: The MIT team believes that the OFNP work on various aspects of the OFNP. may be “a potential game changer” as For example, they are developing J. Buongiorno, M. Golay, N. Todreas, far as the economics of nuclear power optimal methods of refueling, a detailed A. Briccetti, J. Jurewicz, V. Kindfuller, D. Fadel, is concerned. It provides the economic design of the mooring system, and a G. Srinivasan, R. Hannink, A. Crowle, and M. Corradini. “Offshore small modular reactor advantage of “factory” production of more thorough model of the plant’s (OSMR): An innovative plant design for multiple units, yet the units can be large hydrodynamic response in storm societally acceptable and economically enough to benefit from economies waves. In addition, they are establishing attractive nuclear energy in a post-Fukushima, of scale. In addition, unlike any type of a cohesive OFNP protection plan. post-9/11 world.” Proceedings of the ASME terrestrial plant, the OFNP is mobile. The plant design provides considerable 2014 Small Modular Reactors Symposium, “If you build a power plant on land, security: The reactor is deep in the Washington, DC, April 15–17, 2014. it remains at the construction location structure within multiple hulls; the for 40 or 50 years,” says Buongiorno. high upper decks permit an unimpeded J. Buongiorno, J. Jurewicz, M. Golay, and “But with the OFNP, if after a decade 360-degree view; and the physical layout N. Todreas. “Light-water reactors on offshore or two you need the generating capacity minimizes approaches for attackers. floating platforms: Scalable and economic 100 miles farther up the coast, you Working with security experts, the nuclear energy.” Paper 15366, Proceedings of can unmoor your floating power plant researchers are now investigating ICAPP ’15, Nice, France, May 3–6, 2015. and move it to the new location.” additional strategies involving state-of- the-art sonar and radar systems, The viability of the researchers’ idea submarine netting and booms, and a depends, of course, on whether team of armed security guards. there are locations with the necessary physical attributes—deep water rela- While much work remains, Buongiorno tively near shore but away from busy says, “We anticipate that the first shipping lanes and frequent massive OFNPs could be deployed in a decade storms—as well as economic and and a half—in time to assist the massive other incentives for adopting the OFNP. growth in nuclear energy use required to combat climate change.” A detailed analysis identified many potential sites. For example, regions of • • • East and Southeast Asia have limited indigenous resources, a high risk By Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI for both earthquakes and tsunamis, and coastal populations in need of power. Countries in the Middle East could use OFNPs to fulfill their domestic needs, freeing up their valuable oil and gas resources for selling. Some countries in coastal Africa and South America rely on power supplied by generators running on imported diesel fuel—an expensive and highly polluting way to go. “Bringing in an OFNP, mooring it close to the coast, and setting up a small distribution system would make a lot of sense—with minimal need for infrastruc- ture development,” says Buongiorno.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 13 RESEARCH REPORTS

Carbon emissions in China Can new policies curtail their growth?

Valerie Karplus of the MIT Sloan School Researchers from MIT and Tsinghua University in Beijing are collaborating of Management (left) and Xiliang Zhang of to bring new insights into how China—now the world’s largest emitter Tsinghua University pose on the Tsinghua campus. In their joint research, they of carbon dioxide (CO2)—can reverse the rising trajectory of its CO2 are using a novel model to investigate the impacts of Chinese energy and climate emissions within two decades. They use a newly developed global policies on the country’s future energy energy-economic model that separately represents details of China’s use, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic activity. energy system, industrial activity, and trade flows. In a recent study, the team estimated the impact on future energy use, CO emissions, and This research is supported by a group of 2 sponsors including Eni S.p.A. and Shell, economic activity of new policies announced in China, including a price both Founding Members of the MIT Energy on carbon, taxes on fossil fuel resources, and nuclear and renewable Initiative. See page 18 for a complete list of sponsors plus a publication that resulted energy deployment goals. The researchers conclude that by designing from this research. and implementing aggressive long-term measures now, Chinese policy Photo courtesy of the Tsinghua-MIT China makers will put the nation on a path to achieve recently pledged emissions Energy and Climate Project reductions with relatively modest impacts on economic growth.

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In November 2014, the presidents of (CECP). “But with strong action, China’s three years ago. “In our joint research the United States and China delivered a targets are credible and within reach.” we use a model that was built with joint announcement committing their methods largely contributed by MIT but countries to new, aggressive measures Her assessment is based on studies with detailed data and insights largely to curb carbon emissions. Those that she and her CECP colleagues at provided by our Tsinghua colleagues,” pledges were seen as a breakthrough MIT and Tsinghua University had been says Karplus. in global climate change negotiations. performing before the joint pledge was Until recently, binding commitments announced. The work was motivated Specifically, the researchers calibrated were in place only for a group of by policy changes that were already the model using domestic economic developed nations together responsible occurring within China. In January 2013, and energy data for China in both 2007 for about 15% of global carbon emis- an extreme episode of bad air quality and 2010. And rather than combining sions. The new action involves a and subsequent public outcry led to all the energy-intensive industries into developed nation and a developing the adoption the following September a single sector, they divided that group nation that together represent 45% of a new air pollution action plan. into six distinct sectors—both within of all emissions today. Moreover, it A few months later, Chinese policy China and within the 18 additional breaks a longstanding stalemate makers at a major government summit regions that represent the rest of the between the United States and China pledged to tackle environmental world in the model. That disaggregation in which each has been waiting for problems by using new market-based is important for two reasons, says the other to act first, and it sets the instruments, including an emissions Karplus: Those six sectors differ in stage for other developing nations to trading system that will put a price energy intensity and growth trends, and declare their commitments to the on CO2 emissions as well as taxes on in China—unlike in many developed global effort. fossil fuel resources that will incentivize economies—they make up a significant firms to conserve energy. share of economic activity and account China’s pledge represents an ambitious for a large share of emissions. Finally, target for a rapidly growing country. “So whether it was for reasons of bad the researchers incorporated into the The country pledged to turn around air quality or greater concern about model changes in China’s economic the constant growth in its CO2 emissions climate change or deeper interest in structure that may occur as per capita by 2030 at the latest and to increase market reforms, the winds of change income increases over time. In particu- the fraction of its energy coming from were blowing,” says Karplus. “And we lar, the main driver of economic growth zero-carbon sources to 20% by the thought, ‘Well, we need to model this!’” gradually shifts away from investment same year—approximately double A theoretical analysis could produce (for example, in infrastructure develop- the share it has achieved so far. The insights into how such policies might ment) and toward consumption. commitment raises serious questions: affect China’s energy system and carbon Are those goals realistic, and if so, emissions, and it could shed light on In their analysis of China’s policy what new actions will be needed to the level of carbon tax that might be initiatives, they assume two scenarios accomplish them? required to achieve a given emissions with differing levels of policy effort, reduction—information that could help plus one more scenario that assumes “To meet its new 2030 targets, China guide Chinese policy makers as they that no energy or climate policies are in will need to take aggressive steps, further define the details of their plans. place after 2010—an approach that is including introducing a nationwide generally viewed as unsustainable but price on carbon emissions as well as here serves as a baseline for compari- preparing for the safe and efficient New model, new analyses son. The detailed assumptions for each deployment of nuclear and renewable scenario appear in the table on page 16. energy at large scale,” says Valerie J. To perform their study, the MIT and Karplus, assistant professor of global Tsinghua collaborators used the The Continued Effort (CE) scenario economics and management at the China-in-Global Energy Model (C-GEM), assumes that China remains on the

MIT Sloan School of Management which MIT researchers and Tsinghua path of reducing CO2 intensity (carbon and director of the Tsinghua-MIT graduate students developed while the emissions per dollar of GDP) by about China Energy and Climate Project Tsinghua students were visiting MIT 3% per year through 2050, consistent

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Policy assumptions in each scenario Policy assumptions in each scenario

Measures No Policy Continued Effort Accelerated Effort

Carbon price required to achieve Carbon price rises to achieve Carbon price No carbon price ~3% per year reduction in carbon ~4% per year reduction in carbon intensity intensity

Crude oil/natural gas: price + 5% Crude oil/natural gas: price + 8% Fossil resource tax No fossil resource tax Coal: 4 CNY/ton (~US$0.6/ton) Coal: 10% of the price

Feed-in tariff (FIT) Surcharge on electricity prices to Surcharge on electricity prices to for wind, solar, and No FIT finance FIT; reduced scaling finance FIT biomass electricity costs

Economic hydro Achieve current target of 350 GW Hydro resource resources are Same as the Continued Effort in 2020 and increase to 400 GW development deployed with no assumption by 2050 policy constraint

No targets or measures Achieves the existing target of Same as the Continued Effort Nuclear power to promote nuclear 58 GW in 2020 and increases to assumption in 2020 and development policy energy development 350 GW by 2050 increases to 450 GW by 2050 with an extension of commitments It also assumes higher resource taxes In the CE scenario, total energy use is the country made at global climate talks on fossil fuels and greater deployment well below the No Policy case, and that in 2009. Importantly, the researchers of nuclear electricity beyond 2020. decline generates disproportionately find that a carbon price is needed to high reductions in emissions. Carbon achieve such a reduction in carbon Impact on energy demand emissions level off at about 12 billion intensity; the needed improvements in and emissions metric tons (bmt) in the 2030 to 2040 energy efficiency and emissions do not time frame. The CO2 charge needed to result from normal equipment turnover The top figure on page 17 shows total achieve that outcome reaches $26/ton and upgrading, as they have in the energy demand over time for the three CO2 in 2030 and $58/ton CO2 in 2050. past. The CE scenario also assumes scenarios, plus the actual breakdown of Deployment of non-fossil energy is the extension of existing measures primary energy use by source in 2010 significant, and its share of total energy including resource taxes on crude oil, and estimates thereafter from the AE demand climbs from 15% in 2020 to natural gas, and coal; a “feed-in tariff” scenario only. The bottom figure shows about 26% through 2050. Nuclear power expands significantly to 11% of total that guarantees returns to renewable total CO2 emissions between 2010 and electricity generators; and increased 2050 for each of those scenarios. primary energy in 2050. Coal continues deployment of hydroelectricity and of to account for a significant share of nuclear electricity (here assumed to be With no energy or climate policies in primary energy demand (39% in 2050). mandated by government). effect (the “No Policy” scenario), total The share of natural gas use nearly doubles between 2030 and 2050, while CO2 emissions continue to rise through The Accelerated Effort (AE) scenario is 2050, with no peak in sight. Rising the share of oil use increases slightly designed to achieve a more aggressive emissions are mainly due to continued over the same period.

CO2 reduction—4% per year—and reliance on China’s domestic coal includes a carbon price consistent with resources. In 2050, more than 66% Under the AE scenario, CO2 emissions that target. It assumes the same feed-in of all energy comes from coal—more level off in the 2025 to 2035 time frame, tariff as under the CE scenario, but than 2.8 times the current level, which peaking at about 10 bmt—about 20% now the assumed cost of integrating is already widely viewed as untenable above current emissions levels. The intermittent renewables is lower. within China. carbon price rises from $38/ton CO2 in

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Demand for energy in the three scenarios

300 2030 to $115/ton CO2 in 2050. Those prices are substantially above the levels 250 in the CE scenario, but CO2 emissions now peak as much as a decade earlier. 200

Under the AE scenario, non-fossil 150 energy accounts for fully 39% of the primary energy mix by 2050. Wind, 100 solar, and biomass electricity continue to increase through 2050 (as they do in Primary energy (exajoules/year) 50 the CE scenario), and nuclear is now 16% of the total energy mix. Despite its 0 relatively low carbon content, natural 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 gas is eventually penalized by the Biomass Solar increasing carbon price. Between 2045 Wind Hydro and 2050, natural gas actually starts to Nuclear Natural gas decline as a share in absolute terms. Oil Coal Coal’s share drops dramatically—from No Policy – Total primary energy Continued Effort – Total primary energy 70% in 2010 to about 28% by 2050, with peak use occurring in about 2020. In This figure shows total energy demand in the No Policy, Continued Effort, and Accelerated contrast, oil’s share of energy use Effort scenarios, with the primary energy mix shown for the Accelerated Effort scenario only. Both levels of policy effort significantly decrease total energy demand relative to the baseline continues to increase through 2050. No Policy scenario, which assumes that no energy or climate policies are in effect after 2010. The differing outcomes for coal and oil are largely due to the availability and

Total CO2 emissions in China in the three scenarios cost of substitutes. Coal is the least expensive fuel to displace; it has many 25 substitutes, including wind, solar, nuclear, and hydro in the power sector and natural gas or biomass in industrial 20 processes. In contrast, fewer substitutes are available for oil-based liquid fuels used in transportation; and switching to 15 the alternatives—for example, bio- based fuels or electric vehicles—is a

relatively expensive way to reduce CO2 10 emissions. “As a result, oil consump- tion is relatively insensitive to a carbon emissions (billion tons/year)

2 price,” says Karplus. “So China seems 5 CO set to account for a significant share of global oil demand over the period being considered.” 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 No Policy Continued Effort Accelerated Effort

The decreases in energy demand in the Continued Effort and Accelerated Effort scenarios (shown in top figure) bring about even greater reductions in CO2 emissions. While the Accelerated Effort scenario involves more aggressive measures than the Continued Effort scenario does, it causes

CO2 emissions to peak about a decade earlier and brings more substantial decreases thereafter.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 17 RESEARCH REPORTS

Relevance for the new will be trusted and valued by policy This research is supported by Eni S.p.A., Chinese pledge makers in both countries as they work the French Development Agency (AFD), ICF to strengthen the bilateral relationship.” International, and Shell International Limited, The findings of the Tsinghua-MIT founding sponsors of the MIT-Tsinghua analysis have direct relevance for Already Chinese policy makers are China Energy and Climate Project (CECP). current policy making in China. Under benefiting from the CECP, according to (Eni S.p.A. and Shell are also Founding Members of the MIT Energy Initiative.) the new bilateral agreement with the Professor Xiliang Zhang, CECP lead and The Energy Information Agency of the United States, China needs to start director of the Institute of Energy, US Department of Energy and the Energy reducing emissions at or before Environment, and Economy at Tsinghua Foundation also supported this work as the year 2030. In the AE scenario, the University. He says, “The work of the sustaining sponsors. Additional support researchers find that by starting CECP has played an important role in came from the National Science Foundation now, China should be able to meet helping policy makers in China under- of China, the Ministry of Science and that 2030 target at an added cost to stand the challenges and opportunities Technology of China, the National Social the economy that rises to just 2.6% of that will accompany the country’s Science Foundation of China, and Rio Tinto China’s domestic consumption by low-carbon energy transformation.” China, and from the MIT Joint Program 2050—a relatively modest impact on on the Science and Policy of Global the country’s economic development. • • • Change through a consortium of industrial “While we are currently working on sponsors and US federal grants (listed at detailed calculations, we expect that By Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI Further the economic cost will be offset—at information can be found in: least to some extent—by associated X. Zhang, V.J. Karplus, T. Qi, D. Zhang, reductions in the environmental and and J. He. Carbon Emissions in China: health costs of China’s coal-intensive How Far Can New Efforts Bend the Curve? energy system,” says Karplus. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, Report No. 267, The CECP researchers are continuing to October 2014. study how different energy and climate policies in China could be used to support the achievement of the China- US agreement. For example, they are looking at the carbon trading system now being tested in several regions of China, in particular, examining which provinces win or lose under the carbon price and how policy design choices can mitigate uneven impacts. And they’re investigating how a carbon price affects air pollution and how air pollution policies affect carbon emissions.

Karplus stresses that their work is not meant to be a crystal ball that tells the future. “It’s really intended to develop our collective intuition of the level of effort required to change China’s energy system,” she says. “And because the CECP involves both Chinese and US contributors, we are in a position to offer analyses and outputs that we hope

18 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH REPORTS

Making clean, high-quality fuels from low-quality oil New insights into a promising approach

Left to right: William Green of chemical New findings released by MIT researchers could help energy companies engineering, Ashwin Raghavan of mechani- implement a long-recognized process for converting heavy, high-sulfur cal engineering, and Ahmed Ghoniem of mechanical engineering are developing crude oil into high-value, cleaner fuels such as gasoline without using new computer models that will help energy companies implement improved hydrogen—a change that would reduce costs, energy use, and carbon processes for converting low-quality dioxide emissions. The process involves combining oil with water crude oil into clean-burning, high-quality fuels, including those that will be under such high pressures and temperatures that they mix together, needed by the transportation sector in molecule by molecule, and chemically react. The researchers have the coming decades. produced the first detailed picture of the reactions that occur and This research was supported by Saudi Aramco, a Founding Member of the the role played by the water in breaking apart the heavy oil compounds MIT Energy Initiative. See page 23 for a and shifting the sulfur into easily removable gases. They also have list of publications. formulated models that show how best to mix the oil and water Photo: Stuart Darsch to promote the desired reactions—critical guidance for the design of commercial-scale reactors.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 19 RESEARCH REPORTS

More than a third of the world’s energy needs are met using oil, and our reliance on that convenient, high- energy-density resource will likely continue for decades to come, espe- Photo: Stuart Darsch cially in the transportation sector. But converting crude oil into lightweight, clean-burning, high-quality fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel is getting harder. In the past, oil found in the ground tended to be lightweight, clean, and easily made into high-value fuels. Now, more and more of it is heavy, thick, tarry material that—when refined—yields a higher fraction of Critical to the research is this two-dimensional gas chromatograph, which uses a two-step lower-value products such as asphalt process to separate the chemical components in an injected sample. The researchers use along with solid chunks of waste called the device to determine the chemical makeup of their starting materials—even complex mixtures such as crude oil—and of the products that exit the reactor vessel, obtaining data such as those coke. Moreover, newly discovered oil presented on page 21. contains ever-higher concentrations of sulfur, a contaminant that—when mix, so the molecules can’t “see” one and mixing behaviors that will produce burned—produces gases that are now another and chemically react. But using the desired reactions and reaction strictly regulated because they interfere “supercritical” water solves that products. Combining those new with pollution-control systems in problem. Under extreme conditions— insights, the researchers are developing vehicles and contribute to acid rain specifically, at pressures and tempera- new computational tools to help and smog. tures above 220 atm and 375 C—water guide energy companies that want to goes into a supercritical state in which implement the new process. “Testing Processes now used to upgrade and it is as dense as a liquid but spreads out designs and operating conditions at desulfurize heavy crude oil are expen- to fill a confined space as a gas does. large scale and extreme pressures is sive and energy intensive, and they Add oil to supercritical water (SCW) almost impossible,” says Ghoniem. require hydrogen, which companies and stir, and the two will mix together “Our goal is to provide computer typically produce from natural gas—a perfectly, setting the stage for the models that companies can use to high-cost process that consumes desired chemical reactions—without predict performance before they start valuable gas resources and releases any added hydrogen from natural gas. building new equipment.” high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). “So there’s a lot of interest in finding Industrial and academic researchers alternative processes for converting have demonstrated that mixing heavy Tracking the chemistry low-quality crude oil into valuable oils with SCW produces lighter hydro- fuels with less residual coke and for carbons (compounds of hydrogen and When crude oil is mixed with SCW, removing the sulfur efficiently and carbon atoms) containing less sulfur the hundreds of chemical compounds economically without using hydrogen,” and forming less waste coke. But no present can react together in different says Ahmed Ghoniem, the Ronald C. one has understood exactly how it combinations and at different rates, Crane (‘72) Professor of Mechanical happens or how to optimize the pro- in some cases producing intermediate Engineering. cess. For the past five years, Ghoniem compounds that are then involved in and William Green, the Hoyt C. Hottel further reactions. “The challenge with One approach calls for using water Professor of Chemical Engineering, SCW processing is that you have to let rather than natural gas as the source of have been working to close gaps in the the oil and SCW mix together long the hydrogen molecules needed for key fundamental knowledge about the enough for the reactions that remove chemical reactions in the refining chemistry involved as SCW and oil sulfur and break down large hydrocar- process. Ordinarily, oil and water won’t molecules react and about the flows bon molecules to happen—and then

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Breakdown of hexyl sulfide, without and with supercritical water (SCW) Non-SCW experiment SCW experiment

Non-SCW experimentNon-SCW experiment SCW experimentSCW experiment

These results are from experiments in which hexyl sulfide—a large, sulfur-containing compound—was processed in a reactor vessel by raising the temperature without adding water (left) and by mixing it with SCW (right). In each experiment, samples were removed from the vessel at regular intervals up to 30 minutes. All of the samples taken at or after 10 minutes include smaller hydrocarbons, some with bound sulfur. But only the SCW samples include pentane, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2). The presence of the last two products indicates that the water (H2O)—the only source of oxygen—must be reacting and providing the hydrogen atoms needed to remove the sulfur as hydrogen sulfide (H2S). stop the process to prevent further Results are shown in the figure above. To further clarify the chemical reactions reactions that form products you don’t As expected, both sets of samples and how they are affected by tempera- want,” says Green. include a variety of smaller hydrocar- ture, pressure, and SCW concentration, bon compounds, some with bound the researchers combined their experi- Based on a series of experiments, sulfur. But the SCW samples (right) mental work with theoretical modeling Green and his team have defined key brought some surprises. The products and analysis. Based on those studies, chemical reactions that take place, how include pentane—a smaller hydrocar- they identified the whole series of quickly they occur, and the intermediate bon not seen in the absence of SCW— chemical reactions by which hexyl products that are formed. As a sample and carbon monoxide and CO2. Since sulfide breaks down and releases its sulfur-containing compound, they used water is the only source of oxygen in sulfur in the presence of SCW. Accord- hexyl sulfide, a large molecule made the mixture, it must be reacting with the ing to that “reaction mechanism,” the up of 12 carbon atoms, 26 hydrogen carbon compounds. In addition, in the sulfur-bearing hexyl sulfide is first atoms, and one atom of sulfur. To test SCW experiments, less of the carbon broken apart, forming a smaller mol- the impact of the SCW, they performed goes into heavy compounds that are ecule with the sulfur atom in a very two parallel experiments. In one, they likely to lead to coke formation. The reactive form. In the absence of water, heated hexyl sulfide without adding appearance of the samples supports that highly reactive sulfur-bearing water; in the other, they mixed the that conclusion: The non-SCW product molecule would join with others like hexyl sulfide with SCW. In both cases, is dark brownish-black in color, while itself to form a long chain and eventu- they removed samples from their the SCW product is a light yellow, clear ally become coke. But in the presence of reactor vessel at regular intervals up liquid consistent with coke suppression water, it reacts with the water, and the to 30 minutes. by the SCW. products ultimately include lighter hydrocarbons that are readily converted

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 21 RESEARCH REPORTS

Computational fluid dynamics analysis of flows and mixing as oil is injected into supercritical water (SCW) Figure: Ashwin Raghavan G

These results from the computational fluid dynamics model show flows and mixing as oil is injected from above into SCW flowing down a pipe from left to right. (The sidewalls of the circular pipe are not shown.) Interaction between the two fluids causes the formation of two vortices—coherent swirls that spin in opposite directions, mixing the streams together. Those vortices—shown here as gray tubes—are initially separate structures, but they soon break down as the streams mix. The colored cross sections show concentrations of oil and SCW at five locations along the pipe. Blue indicates regions of cold oil, while red indicates regions of hot SCW. The intermediate colors where the red and blue meet are mixed layers with varying concentrations of oil and SCW. As evident in the cross sections, the two oppositely spinning vortices drive the oil downward toward the center of the pipe and the water upward along the sidewalls. Moving down the pipe, the layers between the oil and SCW become more and more diffuse as the two streams mix together.

into valuable light fuels. The sulfur the hydrogen atoms needed to convert microscale at which chemical reactions combines with hydrogen atoms to form the sulfur to hydrogen sulfide can be occur. The trick is to encourage and con- hydrogen sulfide, a gas that can easily provided by water rather than by trol optimal mixing. Using a stirring be removed and dealt with using hydrogen gas, as in the conventional device is impractical, given the extreme existing technology. process,” says Green. “And our empiri- supercritical conditions. So the cal data show that the new SCW researchers must generate such mixing Green notes that some of those reac- method does make less coke than the naturally. “We need to know what tions came as a surprise. “People conventional process, for reasons that drives the speed and patterns of mixing didn’t expect them,” he says. “But we we’re now trying to clarify.” so we can select equipment designs were able to discover that they were and operating conditions that will either occurring and how fast they proceed support key features of mixing for a and how much energy is needed Mixing without stirring long time or let them decay faster,” to start them.” By knowing those says Ghoniem. “energy barriers,” the researchers can The results described thus far elucidate determine the reaction rates under reactions and reaction rates under To understand the details of flows and different operating conditions—critical different conditions. Knowing what mixing, the researchers are using information for the overall model of those conditions are inside a practical three-dimensional computational fluid the process. reactor is a parallel challenge. When oil dynamics (CFD), a method of simulating is injected into flowing SCW, interac- fluid flows within a well-defined region. Those results define—for the first tions between the two flows determine Such modeling involves equations time—the key roles played by water in how mixing and heating proceed, first that describe the flow, mixing, and the SCW system. “We confirmed that at the macroscale and then down to the energy transfer between streams of

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fluids. But with supercritical fluids, is driven downward near the center it practical to continue producing key parameters such as viscosity and of the pipe, and the water is driven high-value fuels from all kinds of oil density are in ranges not seen under upward along the walls. In the first for decades to come. normal (non-supercritical) conditions. cross section, the interface layer Nevertheless, the researchers were between the oil and SWC is thin and able to use powerful computers to sharp. In subsequent cross sections, • • • accurately solve their CFD model, that layer expands and diffuses, accounting for the complex changes showing the extent of the mixing. By Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI that occur as fluids move from normal to supercritical conditions. To their The researchers conclude that most surprise, they found that supercritical of the fluid mixing and associated heat This research was supported by Saudi flows do indeed behave differently. transfer is due to the swirling action Aramco, a Founding Member of the MIT For example, they become turbulent of the vortices. However, they note Energy Initiative. Further information can be found in: earlier than do comparable flows under that the mixing rate and heating rate normal conditions. differ—and that both influence the Y. Kida, C.A. Class, A.J. Concepcion, chemistry that occurs in regions where M.T. Timko, and W.H. Green. “Combining In one practical implementation of their the fluids are mixed. Given design and experiment and theory to elucidate model, they simulated mixing between operating details—the kind of oil; the role of supercritical water in sulfide SCW and oil near a “tee” junction pressures, speeds, and temperatures decomposition.” Physical Chemistry Chemical consisting of a horizontal pipe with a of the incoming flows; shape and Physics, vol. 16, no. 20, pp. 9220–9228, 2014. smaller pipe coming into it from the size of the pipes; and so on—the CFD top. SCW flows through the horizontal simulation can predict “how this natural A. Raghavan and A.F. Ghoniem. “Simulation pipe, and cold oil—here a sample mixing process will progress and how of supercritical water-hydrocarbon mixing in hydrocarbon—is injected into it through temperatures will change at different a cylindrical tee at intermediate Reynolds a vertical pipe. The figure on page 22 locations over time,” says Ghoniem. number: Formulation, numerical method and shows how the SCW and oil mix as laminar mixing.” The Journal of Supercritical they flow down the pipe from left to Continuing research Fluids, vol. 92, pp. 31–46, 2014. right. (The walls of the circular pipe A. Raghavan and A.F. Ghoniem. “Simulation are not shown.) Initial interaction The researchers are continuing to of supercritical water-hydrocarbon mixing in between the two streams causes the generate new knowledge that will a cylindrical tee at intermediate Reynolds formation of two coherent swirls called help SCW processing become an number: Impact of temperature difference vortices—rotating structures in the economically viable commercial option. between streams.” The Journal of Supercritical fluids shown in the figure as gray tubes. For example, they are clarifying the Fluids, vol. 95, pp. 325–338, 2014. At first, the vortices are separate reactions whereby carbon-carbon bonds swirls that spin in opposite directions, are broken in the heaviest fractions, M.T. Timko, A.G. Ghoniem, and W.H. Green. mixing the oil and SCW together. including asphalt. They are quantifying “Upgrading and desulfurization of heavy Moving along the pipe, the vortices the different rates at which various oils by supercritical water. The Journal of break down, and mixing rates decay. oils will diffuse and mix in SCW—an Supercritical Fluids, vol. 96, pp. 114–123, 2015. effect first discovered in their modeling The colored circles in the figure show analyses. They are taking a closer mixing between the two fluids at five look at inexpensive catalysts that can cross sections located along the pipe. help encourage the breakdown of large Blue regions are rich in cold oil; red hydrocarbons and are stable enough regions are rich in hot SCW; and to be regenerated and reused. And regions shown in intermediate colors they are exploring the possibility of have varying concentrations of the two linking SCW processing with other fluids. The oil enters the cross section environmentally friendly desulfurization at the top and water at the bottom. and upgrading technologies to create As the spinning vortices form, the oil a combined system that will make

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 23 RESEARCH NEWS MIT Energy Initiative announces new seed grant awards

The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) has addressed include improved batteries Scalable three-dimensional announced its latest round of seed and ultracapacitors for energy storage, battery electrodes grants to support early-stage innovative more efficient conversion of energy Electrodes used in today’s rechargeable energy projects. A total of $1.65 million resources into valuable fuels, new batteries are basically flat—a design was awarded to 11 projects, each approaches to desalinating brackish that makes them inexpensive to manu- lasting up to two years. water, and novel methods and materials facture but vulnerable to mechanical for oil and gas drilling and recovery. failure and leads to a trade-off between Including the latest round of grants, the storing a lot of energy and delivering it MITEI Seed Fund Program has sup- quickly. Associate Professor A. John ported 140 innovative, energy-focused Opportunities for new faculty Hart of mechanical engineering is research projects for a total of nearly leading work to develop battery elec- $17.4 million in funding over the past As in past years, the winners this year trodes with a novel structure that will eight years. The program supports include a number of new faculty provide mechanical robustness as well researchers from throughout MIT’s five members who will pursue creative as high energy density and fast delivery schools to collaborate in exploring new ideas that could have a significant simultaneously. The team will fabricate energy-related ideas, and it attracts a impact in the energy field. The follow- electrodes, explore how their geometry mix of established energy faculty as well ing five projects are being led or co-led influences performance and durability, as many who are new to the energy by four faculty members who came to and conceptualize methods for their field. Funding is provided by MITEI’s MIT last academic year (2013–2014). large-scale production. If successful, Founding and Sustaining Members and the new electrodes could one day be by philanthropic contributors. Multi-dimensional materials for the key to improved high-performance improved thermoelectric performance batteries for uses ranging from portable “The MITEI seed fund awards build on When a thermoelectric material is hot electronics to electric vehicles. our successful track record of support on one side and cold on the other, it for innovative thinking around key generates electricity—a behavior that High-speed printing of two-dimensional energy challenges,” says MITEI Director could be useful in harnessing the materials for energy systems Robert C. Armstrong, the Chevron energy in waste heat from, say, car Atomic layer sheets of graphene and Professor of Chemical Engineering. engines and power plants. But so far, molybdenum disulfide could be used “There is tremendous potential in these the conversion efficiency has been too to make ultra-thin, flexible energy innovative early-stage projects. This low for widespread use of these devices and storage materials. But round of grants includes important promising materials. The problem is current methods of growing and collaborative research efforts that seek that high electrical and thermal conduc- printing such two-dimensional layers to address key global energy and tivity generally go hand in hand, so are typically slow, wasteful, and effec- climate challenges.” temperatures in an electrically conduc- tive on only limited types of surfaces. tive sample will quickly equalize. Hart and Professor Jeffrey Grossman This year, MITEI received a total of 60 Assistant Professor Joseph Checkelsky of materials science and engineering proposals from across the Institute. of physics will be synthesizing novel are combining their expertise in preci- Applications came from 82 researchers materials with nanoscale geometries sion engineering and computational in 29 departments, labs, and centers that permit fine-tuning of thermal and methods to investigate a novel printing (DLCs). Twenty-five applications electrical properties separately, making process that will permit the high-speed, represented collaborations between two possible conversion efficiencies high large-area, continuous printing and or more researchers, including 21 that enough to be commercially viable. His stacking of two-dimensional layers spanned multiple DLCs. first task: to build a device that can onto a variety of substrates. In the measure the conversion efficiencies of final phase of their project, they Each of this year’s winning proposals— the materials he and his group fabricate. hope to use their printing process to listed on page 26—was chosen for its demonstrate new device concepts. potential to advance critical energy- related research. Examples of topics

24 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH NEWS

In-situ and above-ground chemical specially designed and well-tuned to “MITEI seed funding was among the oxidation strategies for treating work together to produce methanol early funding I received which laid the hazardous flowback water generated efficiently and selectively. Once the foundation for basic research that from hydraulic fracturing process has been optimized, the ultimately led to the startups LiquiGlide During hydraulic fracturing (fracking) research team will begin developing a and DropWise, which I co-founded,” operations, the natural gas that prototype device for direct methane-to- says Varanasi. “These awards can be emerges is accompanied by water methanol conversion. incredibly instrumental in helping to containing potentially hazardous move projects from the research stage chemicals, some injected with the into the real world.” fracturing fluids and some picked up Past successes underground. Removing them before The MITEI Seed Fund Program has the water is recycled or discharged can Past MITEI seed fund awards have awarded new grants each year since be difficult and costly. Assistant Profes- helped launch a number of successful it was established in 2008. For more sor Benjamin Kocar of civil and environ- startups. For example, Professor information, go to mental engineering is examining of Materials Science and Engineering research/seed-fund-program. strategies for reducing the contami- Donald Sadoway’s work as part of nants that reach the surface and for a seed fund project led to the founding • • • degrading those that do. One strategy of Ambri, a company that is developing calls for supplementing the injected novel, low-cost, long-lifespan batteries By Melissa Abraham and fluids with strong oxidants that will for utility-scale energy storage. Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI transform natural minerals in shale FastCAP Systems, under founder and surfaces into a form that will bind and CEO Riccardo Signorelli PhD ’09, is retain hazardous constituents, thereby commercializing breakthrough ultraca- immobilizing them below ground. Other pacitor technology that received early work focuses on new methods of support from a seed fund grant treating complex organic mixtures awarded to Professors Joel Schindall above ground using inexpensive and John Kassakian of the Department photocatalysts activated by ultraviolet of Electrical Engineering and Computer light from sunshine or artificial sources. Science with then-graduate student Signorelli. Associate Professor of Electrochemical methane upgrading Mechanical Engineering Kripa Varanasi’s at carbon-supported catalysts past seed fund projects have led to Methane is an abundant, low-carbon two startups. One, LiquiGlide, has fuel, but it is difficult to store and created liquid-impregnated surfaces transport, so huge amounts of it are that are designed to be hyper-slippery simply wasted. Converting methane gas to viscous fluids, ice, hydrates, and into liquid methanol would permit the more. And Varanasi’s collaboration widespread use of this valuable with Karen Gleason, professor of resource, particularly for transportation. chemical engineering and MIT’s associ- Industry performs that conversion but ate provost, led to the formation of in a two-stage process that is both DropWise, a company that is commer- energy- and capital-intensive. Assistant cializing technology to make durable Professor Yogesh Surendranath of coatings on steam condenser surfaces chemistry is developing a method of that can dramatically improve efficiency converting methane into methanol in in both electricity generation and a single step inside a device operating desalination, thereby reducing fuel at low temperatures. Key to the process costs and greenhouse gas emissions. is using a combination of catalysts

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 25 RESEARCH NEWS Recipients of MITEI seed grants, spring 2015

Multi-dimensional materials for improved thermoelectric performance Joseph Checkelsky Physics

Encoded hollow particles for use Photo: Pangkuan Chen, MIT as proppants Patrick Doyle Chemical Engineering

Multi-wave imaging of subsurface With support from a 2014 MITEI seed grant, Niels Holten-Andersen, assistant professor, and heterogeneity: Characterization Pangkuan Chen, postdoctoral associate, both of materials science and engineering, have and monitoring of geologic hazards, combined selected photo-luminescent lanthanide complexes with polymers to create novel gels infrastructure, and fluids and liquids with controllable light-emitting properties. The vials shown above contain a series of these light-emitting gels under ultraviolet light, demonstrating that the researchers can tune Michael Fehler the gels to emit a desired color. The gels display color changes in response to various stimuli Earth, Atmospheric, and such as changes in temperature, pH, mechanical stress, and exposure to toxins such as cyanide. Planetary Sciences Stephen Brown Earth, Atmospheric, and In-situ and above-ground chemical Hierarchical CNT electrodes for Planetary Sciences oxidation strategies for treating capacitive-based brackish water Daniel Burns hazardous flowback water generated desalination Earth, Atmospheric, and from hydraulic fracturing Evelyn Wang Planetary Sciences Benjamin Kocar Mechanical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Carl Thompson Scalable three-dimensional Materials Science and Engineering battery electrodes Electrochemical methane upgrading Brian Wardle A. John Hart at carbon-supported catalysts Aeronautics and Astronautics Mechanical Engineering Yogesh Surendranath Karen Gleason Chemistry Chemical Engineering and High-speed printing of Office of the Provost two-dimensional materials Robust nano-engineered composite for energy systems ceramic surfaces for harsh environments Data analytics for behavioral A. John Hart with applications to corrosion and energy efficiency: Linking mobility Mechanical Engineering fouling mitigation and energy services through Jeffrey Grossman Kripa Varanasi ICT-based behavioral feedback Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering P. Christopher Zegras Urban Studies and Planning High-temperature supercapacitors Moshe Ben-Akiva based on nanostructured surfactant Civil and Environmental Engineering ionic liquids T. Alan Hatton Chemical Engineering

26 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH NEWS MIT architects tackle India’s slum problem

India is facing a housing crisis of epic proportions, with an estimated 700–900 million square meters of new residential space required annually to accommo- date its burgeoning population. In many cities, housing needs are being met by slum dwellings, but MIT researchers are Photo: Madeline Gradillas G working to provide a better solution— one that is energy-efficient, environ- mentally sustainable, and ultimately safer for low-income residents.

Under the aegis of MIT’s Tata Center for Technology and Design, three faculty members from the Department of Located in one of the first three neighborhoods slated for redevelopment in Bhuj, India, this house Architecture have teamed up with an shows the typical use of found materials for slum construction. Indian nonprofit to work on a Rajiv Awas Yojana Slum-Free City Plan of Hunnarshala Foundation, a nongovern- provide a blueprint for methods that Action for Bhuj, a city in Gujarat that mental organization with strong will enable residents to weigh in on the suffered major housing losses during community ties, Mazereeuw’s team designs for all new neighborhoods the earthquake of 2001. interviewed residents from numerous being developed under a slum eradica- slums and conducted 52 in-depth tion effort sponsored by the Indian Working to create not only a plan for studies of existing housing. In the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty the city but also a model for cities process, they discovered that slums Alleviation. worldwide, the researchers—with the actually have an advantage over other help of well over a dozen MIT graduate low-cost housing options in that they “The work Miho is doing is helping us students and postdocs—are employing provide opportunities for street-level understand if you’re building walls, a three-pronged strategy for develop- micro-entrepreneurship. where should the walls be,” Ochsendorf ment that includes new designs for says. safer, more sustainable neighborhoods, “People make shops. People rent out buildings, and construction materials. spaces. Their homes incrementally Ochsendorf and his team are conduct- grow as they gain income, gain family ing associated research focused on “To solve the problem of housing at the members,” Mazereeuw says. “They can addressing the omnipresent risk of scale that India and the world needs, keep adding on, so that investment earthquake devastation in Bhuj while solutions don’t live in one discipline,” keeps growing and their assets keep enabling slum residents to continue to says Tata researcher John Ochsendorf, growing.” Such benefits are not build their own low-cost homes. a professor of architecture and of available in the high-rise housing Currently, researchers are working to civil and environmental engineering. typically built for low-income residents. adapt a construction technique known “To really move the world forward, as confined masonry to the conditions we need solutions that solve multiple Mazereeuw and her team are therefore in India and to popularize it. problems simultaneously.” designing mixed-use, low-rise housing that will give residents the flexibility Common in South America, confined to expand their homes safely as needs masonry interconnects a building’s brick Flexible housing options arise. In collaboration with Hunnar- walls with poured concrete corner shala, the researchers have been columns in order to engage the full wall Assistant Professor of Architecture working on three neighborhoods that in transferring seismic loads to the Miho Mazereeuw is leading the effort will begin construction this summer. ground. “Typically, a concrete frame will to examine Bhuj’s needs at the neigh- Ultimately, Mazereeuw and her col- resist earthquake loads but the bricks in borhood level. Partnering with the leagues at the Tata Center hope to the walls aren’t considered part of the

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 27 RESEARCH NEWS

resistance strategy. If anything they’re Ochsendorf’s team of researchers is construct housing with structural considered a hazard,” Ochsendorf says. therefore developing a new, environ- systems using more renewable, less “In our mind [confined masonry is] mentally friendly kind of brick that expendable resources while making about the best way to build an earth- substitutes waste boiler ash for some them more environmentally acceptable quake-proof house out of brick.” of the clay and dries at ambient tem- from the point of view of air quality and peratures, eliminating the need for a particularly comfort?” says Tata The researchers want to use brick kiln. This work has already led to a researcher Leon R. Glicksman, a because that’s the material most startup business, eco-BLAC, which was professor of building technology and familiar to residents. However, tradi- a finalist this winter in MIT’s $100K mechanical engineering. tional Indian brick-making strips clay business plan competition. from the landscape, destroying arable Glicksman, a member of the MIT Energy land, and uses inefficient kiln-firing, Initiative’s Energy Council, is leading a which produces significant greenhouse Designing for the long term team examining the thermal perfor- gas emissions. “We’ve arrived at a scale mance of existing housing stock and where it’s no longer possible to satisfy The third element of the Tata Center testing the effectiveness of low-cost the country’s demand for brick with the project focuses on passive techniques local options for insulation, such as rice raw materials they have,” Ochsendorf for making homes safer and more husks stuffed into burlap sacks. The says. “It’s kind of the perfect problem comfortable without adding significant team is also exploring various building that combines energy, environment, energy demands. “Starting at the designs to maximize natural ventilation. and economics.” lowest level, the question is, can you “If you design the openings of buildings properly you can use just buoyancy- driven natural ventilation. If you have one opening at a low level and another opening at a higher level, if there’s a temperature difference between the

Photo: Ben Miller, MIT Photo: Ben Miller, inside and the outside, you get a chimney effect and that chimney effect will essentially drive air circulation through buildings,” he says.

One long-term goal of this project is to reduce the need for air conditioning. While air conditioning is currently a pipe dream for India’s poorest residents, the pattern in other countries such as China has shown that as economies improve, energy consumption rises precipitously. “The hope here is that as we develop housing and people move up in economic status, they’ll find that the more passive solutions are very comfortable and they won’t necessarily go to the solutions that use exorbitant amounts of energy,” Glicksman says.

Glicksman’s team has built five tiny Graduate student Michael Laracy (left) and postdoc Thomas Poinot hold up the environmentally one-room demonstration units in Bhuj, friendly eco-BLAC bricks they developed at MIT to substitute for the kiln-fired clay bricks (seen which members are using to test the stacked behind them at an Indian paper mill) that are ubiquitous across India. performance of different kinds of

28 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 RESEARCH NEWS Photo: Nipun Prabhakar Photo: Madeline Gradillas G

insulation, roof designs, and natural ventilation, as well as to demonstrate the advantages of the new systems to residents. Persuading the local population of the need to change their traditional building methods is a critical part of the Tata Center project and a key reason for partnering with Hunnarshala, the researchers say. Below: “This is a notion of development that Construction staff isn’t the conventional one,” Ochsendorf from the Hunnarshala says. “From what we’ve seen and Foundation, an learned, we think it’s far more effective Indian nongovern- mental organization to work with local partners that can help working with MIT us work out the challenges … [and] pilot on slum eradication, innovation at a smaller scale before MIT graduate student and architect Madeline Gradillas, left, installs mock up a double- scaling up.” thermal sensors in one of five test units built in Bhuj, India, to assess layer roof assembly. the performance of different insulation techniques, roof designs, and This roof design is Noting that the mission of the Tata natural ventilation controls. She is accompanied by Pradip Rangani, intended to improve a project manager at the Hunnarshala Foundation. The photo at top left home insulation Center is ultimately to develop solutions shows one of the test units from the exterior. in Bhuj, India. for resource-constrained communities around the world, Ochsendorf says the team has found India an ideal proving ground for research. “The problems in India are the problems in so many areas around the world, so if we can develop solutions that work there, we

can develop solutions that work any- Photo: Madeline Gradillas G where,” he says.

• • •

By Kathryn M. O’Neill, MITEI correspondent

This research was funded by the Tata Center for Technology and Design.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 29 FOCUS ON FACULTY Ruben Juanes: Exploring subsurface energy, from academics to industry

Ruben Juanes was in middle school professional led Juanes to broaden defeat the purpose of carbon capture.” in northwestern Spain when he first the way he thought about subsurface Juanes is now investigating natural knew what he wanted to study in life. flows: He expanded his focus to include mechanisms that hinder that buoyant “I had a very, very inspiring teacher for not just water but also oil and gas. Now migration. His hope is that understand- two years in a row. I really think that the topic of his research had become ing those mechanisms could lead that was what sparked my interest in “three-phase flow”—the three phases to the development of techniques for the sciences.” He was enrolled in an here being water, oil, and gas. preventing the escape of CO2 seques- experimental sciences course that “was tered in geologic reservoirs. designed as a first exposure to mostly Since then, Juanes has studied flows the natural sciences,” he says. “We of all kinds but particularly the simulta- Another situation where underground learned about things like photosynthe- neous flow of multiple fluids through flows don’t behave as might be sis and the greenhouse effect and the porous media—a topic that requires expected is when energy companies laws of mechanics and gravity.” an understanding of the intricate inject water into an oil reservoir—a roadwork of cracks and fissures that standard method of increasing the yield He had another life-changing “first fluids find their way into while traveling of oil from a well. Often the water is exposure” around this time, too. “I still underground, as well as the interaction injected in one location and extracted remember…. When I was maybe twelve between the different fluid phases. from another. “But some of the fluid or so, I learned about MIT and I thought, you inject arrives very early, and some oh, I would like to go there one day.” Much of his research is dedicated to of it arrives very late,” Juanes says. “It flows related to energy and the takes forever, to our minds.” This is a It was only a matter of time. Juanes, environment. For example, recent work signature of anomalous transport— the ARCO Associate Professor of Energy has focused on carbon capture and meaning behavior not described by Studies in MIT’s Department of Civil sequestration (CCS), a process of classical theories. (While “anomalous” and Environmental Engineering (CEE), great interest to energy companies may imply “unexpected,” in the world has been part of the Institute since working with coal or gas and seeking of subsurface flows, unanticipated 2006, when he was hired as an assistant to make their operations more environ- behavior is not the exception but rather professor. mentally friendly. The “sequestration” the rule, notes Juanes.) One possible part of CCS involves taking carbon explanation is that flow is fast through

As happens in life, though—and in dioxide (CO2) that has been captured fractured networks and slow through the underground multiphase flows that at power plants and other sources and the remainder of the reservoir. Juanes Juanes now researches—there have injecting it into geologic reservoirs, and his team are working to verify been some unexpected twists and turns thereby preventing it from reaching such mechanistic explanations for along the path. Juanes’s journey the atmosphere. anomalous transport, with a goal of into academia began during his under- creating models that can—with very few graduate years, when he worked with To determine the effectiveness of that parameters—simulate the subsurface a professor who had done his PhD process, Juanes and his team study flow of critical fluids. in the United States and was a ground- how CO2 behaves underground. Under water hydrologist. “That was my first the high temperatures and pressures In performing such work, Juanes and exposure to actual research,” he says. of reservoir conditions—typically at his team typically run laboratory

“At the time I didn’t think hydrology 2 kilometers deep—CO2 goes into a experiments and computer simulations. would turn out to be my lifetime new form. It is neither a gas nor a liquid A different project takes them out into academic path, but it did.” but rather a supercritical fluid. It is the field—or to be more precise, out like a dense gas, so it has low viscosity, by the lakeside. This work focuses on During graduate school, Juanes is mobile, and is less dense than water. the natural processes by which lakes performed his PhD research with a “As a result, it is buoyant with respect release methane, a powerful green- professor at the University of California to water and will tend to rise in the house gas. At the bottom of every lake at Berkeley who, before joining the subsurface,” Juanes says. “But you is a layer of fine-grained, organic-rich faculty, had been a researcher for Shell. don’t want CO2 to rise all the way up sediment that naturally produces Working with this former industry to the surface…because that would methane. “This methane will eventually

30 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 FOCUS ON FACULTY Photo: M. Scott Brauer

Ruben Juanes, the ARCO Associate Professor of Energy Studies in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

be released into the lake,” Juanes says, While Juanes thrives on collaboration professor, a researcher, at the forefront “but in a very irregular, episodic, with other scientists, he is first and of whatever it is that you do.” But in his point-like fashion.” How the releases foremost a professor, and his students mind, what really makes MIT special is occur will determine whether the and their education are incredibly the students. He feels he has been methane traverses through the water important to him. He and his peers in “blessed with fabulous students over column and reaches the atmosphere. CEE are continually thinking of new and the years.” To explore that process, Juanes and better ways to challenge and prepare his team deploy a multi-beam sonar the young engineers under their He cites one specific part of the teach- system on the lake floor that records tutelage. For example, Juanes and ing experience as most rewarding: with tenth-of-a-meter and single-second some fellow CEE professors recently “witness[ing] the evolution of a resolution the venting of methane launched a plan to give the topic of grad student.” To him, there’s nothing bubbles from the sediment layer. energy a more prominent place in their as fulfilling—from an academic department. “[We] feel strongly that perspective—as seeing students evolve Juanes’s research into underground we can have a positive presence, a and mature and become the world flows of oil and natural gas brings him positive offering, when it comes to experts in their field. “To see the into direct contact with scientists who energy education,” says Juanes. confidence they display, the knowledge work in the energy industry. These They are working to incorporate more they amass, and how they’re able partnerships, he says, have been some energy-related topics into their current to, along the way, go from being of the most fruitful collaborations he’s class offerings, and they are looking students who are on the receiving been a part of. “The most successful into a broader revamping of CEE’s end to really being mentors to the new projects scientifically—the ones where overall curriculum. Juanes envisions batch of students coming in—that we’ve published the best work—were these larger changes as “a kind process, I must tell you, is magical.” the ones where we had the closest of ‘energy track’ in the new flexible collaboration with the sponsor,” Juanes curriculum in our department.” • • • says. “In many ways [working with industry scientists] has sparked our Juanes feels strongly about both MIT By Francesca McCaffrey, MITEI creativity in ways we perhaps did not and his students. “[MIT] is a very anticipate. They have very practical stimulating place,” he says. “It really Ruben Juanes has just been awarded an problems, and that forces us to step challenges you to rise up to the occa- energy curriculum development grant. outside of our comfort zone.” sion, to go past what you are comfort- See page 34 for details. able with and really develop into a

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 31 EDUCATION Sustainable Energy class cultivates critical thinking

Cross-listed among six engineering departments and a mainstay of MIT’s energy minor curriculum, the class known as Introduction to Sustainable

Energy (undergraduate level) or Photos: Justin Knight Sustainable Energy (graduate level) provides an essential survey of tech- nologies for addressing the 21st century energy challenge. But it fulfills an even broader purpose, according to Michael Golay, lead instructor and professor of nuclear science and engineering: “I prefer to look at it as a course in critical thinking,” he says.

The class “tries to teach students how to evaluate a new energy technology and identify the challenges it must overcome,” says co-instructor William Green, the Hoyt C. Hottel Professor of Chemical Engineering. “We have Guest speaker Eugene Sweeney, leader of the well control team at BP, discusses offshore students adopt the perspective of drilling and production during the energy technology–focused portion of the Sustainable an investor, consultant, or an inventor Energy class in fall 2014. trying to make a new product success- ful, and ask if the technology will Mechanical engineering major Cath- Minor when it was launched six years make more energy than it consumes, erine Fox ’15 says that learning from ago. MITEI also has provided teaching if it can be produced at the right scale experts in different fields was the most assistant support to the class. and for the right cost, and if regulatory valuable aspect of the class for her. issues might be showstoppers,” “You hear a lot in the media about As a result of its broadened audience, says Green, who sits on the Energy renewables and fossil fuels, and taking the class enjoys high enrollment Minor Oversight Committee. a deeper look at a range of technolo- and attracts students not only from gies, at the calculations behind them, engineering departments but also from With the participation of MIT faculty allowed us to debunk some of the the Department of Urban Studies and from a range of disciplines, the class myths.” Planning and the MIT Sloan School of ponders the plausibility of energy Management. Golay notes, though, that technology solutions using multiple Launched in 1996 by Golay along with “this is a real engineering course, not lenses, including economics, public a colleague from nuclear science and energy for poets.” Students who lack policy, and science. It is an approach engineering and three faculty and staff some of the engineering fundamentals students appreciate. members from chemical engineering, “have to work harder, but they’ll get the initially graduate-only class has a lot of help.” “There is no other class at MIT where evolved into a school-wide elective. such different viewpoints can be found “There was a lot of interest at the Undergraduates face engineering in one place,” says Anisha Gururaj ’15, undergraduate level for a broad energy problem sets and exams, and graduate a senior in chemical engineering and course,” says Golay. Acknowledging students taking the class must produce a Rhodes Scholar. “I came out of the this demand, the MIT Energy Initiative a case study of a new technology class realizing that the energy crisis is (MITEI) stepped in to help develop demonstrating analysis from a variety extremely complicated in part because an undergraduate section of the class, of perspectives. The primary text for the different technological solutions 22.081J, which became one of the key the class is what Golay describes as an come with their own problems,” she says. requirements for the Energy Studies “encyclopedic book on energy, a real

32 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 EDUCATION

doorstop”—written by Golay and his colleagues. This serves as scaffold- ing for a sequence of sessions that begin with such basic energy topics as thermodynamics, and energy conversion and transfer (part of what Golay calls the “toolbox”); next examine energy in context; then interrogate specific energy technolo- gies, from wind power and fusion energy to biomass, nuclear, and solar technologies; and finally look at energy end use globally, with a focus on economic and social tradeoffs. Sustainable Energy students review a flow chart of the cogeneration of electricity and steam heat While the class includes field trips to at MIT’s Central Utility Plant with plant engineer Seth Kinderman. energy-related facilities, it most promi- nently features a host of expert lectures sending its chief bioscientist to talk and windfarms sunk by community by MIT researchers, many of which about biofuels and the head of global opposition. Students come to realize, prove memorable for participants. exploration to discuss deep sea drilling. says Golay, that “the problem is not so “We try to bring business realities much about technology but about Gururaj recalls Christopher Knittel, and context that faculty may not be organization—economic incentives, the William Barton Rogers Professor as conversant with,” says Andrew taxes, ways to amplify efforts of the of Energy Economics at MIT Sloan, Cockerill, the company’s director of private sector.” For most students, discussing “the ethics of driving a university relations. “We talk about how says Green, this is an entirely new way Hummer, addressing what it means to to use energy technologies at scale, of thinking. “They come in focused face the social cost of something.” and students see that there are some- on invention, but we want them to see Fox recounts Donald Sadoway, the times conflicting needs in having the constraints, the rules the world John F. Elliot Professor of Materials a reliable and clean source of energy.” operates under.” Chemistry, “hammering home the point about physics limiting current battery The class has not remained static in • • • storage.” Both students remember the content: In recent years, it has focused way Anne White, associate professor of increasingly on climate change both By Leda Zimmerman, nuclear science and engineering, helped because the “evidence becomes more MITEI correspondent them scrutinize the headline-grabbing and more conclusive,” says Golay, and claims made by designers of a new because students are deeply motivated Development of the original Sustainable fusion reactor. by the issue. “We tell them climate Energy class was led by Golay and Jefferson change is one of the biggest things Tester, then an MIT professor of chemical Instructors make it interesting for going on in their lives, and there’s not engineering and now professor of sustainable themselves, too. “We have fun going a lot of time to figure things out.” energy systems at Cornell University. Others who played an important role in founding the through the periodic table identifying all course and—with Tester and Golay—in the elements you can make fuel out of,” The class does not sugarcoat the producing two editions of the textbook were says Green. “Students learn it’s hard to challenge, emphasizing that while there Professor Michael Driscoll of nuclear science is an urgent need to move away from get away from hydrocarbons, even when and engineering and Drs. William Peters and you’re making something artificially.” fossil fuels, “there is nothing at hand Elisabeth Drake, both then affiliated with the that gives us a realistic prospect of MIT Energy Laboratory and the Department There also are guest lectures by indus- doing it in the short run,” says Golay. of Chemical Engineering. try experts. BP, a Founding Member of The class offers examples of promising MITEI, participated in several sections, biofuels hung up by patent litigation

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 33 EDUCATION Nine undergraduate energy curriculum development projects launch in summer 2015

To keep the undergraduate Energy Studies Minor current with the ever- changing landscape of energy science, policy, and technology, the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation has provided funding for developing new Photo: Benzhong Zhao G classes and adapting existing ones. Nine projects will launch with this support in summer 2015. Five of the projects will create new energy-focused classes, and four will adapt classes already in MIT’s curriculum.

This microfluidic device will be used in the new Reservoir-on-a-Chip class to help students visualize and model the behavior of a stream of water injected into a porous medium filled New classes with oil—a technique used to displace oil during the development of a petroleum reservoir. Energy Management for a The viscosity difference between the injected water (here dyed fluorescent green) and the Sustainable Future oil in the device produces a fingering pattern that propagates outward. Harvey Michaels, Sloan School of Management Political Economy of Adaptations of existing classes An elective focused on the Global Energy Markets demand side of energy in the built Valerie Karplus, 22.081J, Introduction to environment, including technology, Sloan School of Management, and Sustainable Energy services, analytics, and policy. Christopher Warshaw, Michael Golay, Political Science Nuclear Science and Engineering Fundamentals of Smart and A multidisciplinary option for the Designing an online class. Resilient Grids Energy Studies Minor’s Social Science Konstantin Turitsyn, Foundations of Energy requirement 10.28, Chemical-Biological Mechanical Engineering examining how political and economic Engineering Laboratory A technical elective emphasizing motivations and constraints shape Jean-Francois Hamel, the integration of novel technologies energy systems. Chemical Engineering (renewables, storage) into existing Incorporating clean energy. power systems. Reservoir-on-a-Chip Ruben Juanes, 6.061, Introduction to Hey Atoms, What Have You Done Civil and Environmental Engineering Electric Power Systems for Me Lately? An Energy Studies Minor elective James Kirtley, Jeffrey Grossman, and a core class for the energy Electrical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering resources track in Course 1’s new Computer Science An elective introducing first-year flexible 1-ENG major, where students Incorporating energy storage. students to the challenges of energy will be involved in emerging research generation, storage, and distribution on the physics and visualization ESD.162J, Engineering, Economics, at an atomic scale. of subsurface reservoir flows. and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector Ignacio Perez-Arriaga, Engineering Systems Division Adapting for undergraduates.

• • •

By Amanda C. Graham, MITEI

34 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 EDUCATION Energy minor alumni: Where are they now?

computers, or investing in other (LMAES), Amadeo looks forward to educational media. It’s great for them, making those plans a reality. because they get the extra money and their buildings get updated. It’s a Photo: James Rudd win-win for everyone. How did you first become interested in chemical engineering?

How has your time at MIT played into In high school I got really involved what you’re doing now? with a biodiesel project—working that project from the ground up, learning I still think about the classes I took [at how to make my own biodiesel proces- MIT]. In particular, the classes in sor out of a 10 gallon water heater, building technology and the economics getting involved with the chemical of energy have played into what I do reactions that happen during that now. I was really glad that MIT offered process, and then producing the [the Energy Studies Minor] because it fit biodiesel and actually getting it up to what I was looking for really well. [standards] to run in diesel engines. Chris Carper SB ’10, From that project, I knew I wanted Mechanical Engineering to pursue chemical engineering.

To energy minor alumnus Chris Carper, What’s been the best part of working in how our offices, classrooms, and labs the energy sector? use energy is one of many factors that make buildings fascinating to study— As an engineer, I love working on and to improve. As an energy engineer something tangible but also innovative. at Honeywell, Carper hopes to help For example, my work at LMAES has people make smart energy choices by taught me that the possibilities for thinking with a long-term perspective. designing and synthesizing molecules Photo courtesy of Desiree Amadeo ’11 for improved battery electrolytes are seemingly endless. [It’s] exciting seeing How did you know you wanted to how your work can improve the tech- become an energy engineer? nology to make it more efficient and lower in cost. Energy storage is going to I’ve always been interested in buildings. play a huge part in the energy sector, I focus on energy efficiency in commer- so I feel very privileged to be playing a cial buildings, and buildings are surpris- significant role in a technology that ingly complex. They all use energy in could be at the forefront of that market. different ways. Each one is unique—like Desiree Amadeo SB ’11, its own little puzzle—and that’s what I Chemical Engineering like about what I do. What are you most looking forward to From creating a biodiesel processor in right now? high school to developing artificial What is the best experience you’ve had hydrogen-producing nanoparticles I’m looking forward to continued working in the energy sector? at a startup out of MIT, Desiree Amadeo improvements and upcoming mile- has had her mind on alternative energy stones that will enable our flow battery The most fulfilling part is being able to for some time now—and she has big to get out into the market in just a help school districts save [money] on plans for its future. As a research couple short years. We are moving their energy bills. It’s money that they and development engineer at Lockheed full steam ahead, and I feel ready for can put toward paying teachers, buying Martin Advanced Energy Storage the challenge.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 35 EDUCATION

What have you enjoyed about working How has your energy minor played at ENVIRON? into the work you’re doing now?

I’ve [learned that] California’s regula- I think it was pretty vital for me getting tions and goals toward climate change this position, actually, because most and energy efficiency are really of our work is engineering-focused.

Photo: Bryan Tan Photography Photo: Bryan Tan impressive. We’re helping with permit- So just having a basic understanding ting for new developments, and we of where the energy [in a new develop- essentially have to meet these very ment] is coming from, where it’s going, strict standards—one of which is trying and how much is being used, has been to become zero net energy for all really helpful in . . . understanding new residences by 2020. I’ve gotten what’s going on with these projects. to spend some time looking into the most cost-effective and efficient • • • ways that you can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases. By Molly Tankersley, MITEI

Shaena Berlin SB ’13, SM ’14, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Current status of Energy Studies Minor graduates, 2010–2014

With her master’s in atmospheric science from MIT, Shaena Berlin moved 12% cross-country and became an air quality Other: Gov’t, NGO, unknown 28% associate at ENVIRON in California. Industry What she found was that energy plays 10% a role in everything, from housing Startup developments to the atmosphere.

How did you first become interested in energy? 11% Consulting 9% [Energy] permeates all of the policy MITEI Industry Members decisions, all of people’s everyday lives, so it seemed like a logical thing to try to be involved in. I was interested in air and in atmospheres, 30% but I wanted to do something more Graduate school applied with that rather than basic research. It made sense to look into Of the 89 Energy Studies Minor alumni to date, roughly one third are working in industry, and how energy could relate to air quality another third are pursuing graduate degrees. The remaining third are split among consulting firms, and atmospheric science. startup companies, government, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

36 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 EDUCATION Five years of graduates: MIT’s Energy Studies Minor comes of age

Since its launch in fall 2009, MIT’s Energy Studies Minor has been engag- ing undergraduate students who want to broaden the expertise they

obtain in their major with a deeper Photos: Justin Knight. understanding of energy and associated environmental challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective that links natural science, social science, and technology. In 2014, the energy minor was the third largest of almost 50 minors offered at MIT. The class rosters below demonstrate the growth and breadth of the program since its founding. (Because MIT Commence- ment occurs after Energy Futures goes to press, the 2015 energy minor gradu- ates will be listed in our next issue.) Christian Welch ’13 (Mechanical and Ocean Engineering) answers questions during his team’s See page 38 for a list of departments final presentation in 15.031J, Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies, in fall 2012. The class and abbreviations. fulfilled Welch’s Social Science Foundations of Energy requirement for the Energy Studies Minor.

2010 Ying (Lucy) Fan, ChemE Ethan Bates, NSE Martha Gross, MSE Chris Carper, ME Latifah Hamzah, ME Jeff Mekler, AeroAstro Kirsten Hessler, MSE Jeffrey Huang, ME 2011 Russell Kooistra, PoliSci Desiree Amadeo, ChemE Columbus Leonard, CEE Riley Brandt, ME Jean Mario Martin, ME Tim Grejtak, ME Roberto Martinez, ChemE Yoshio Perez, ME Perry Nga, ChemE Nicholas Sisler, ME Cat Thu Nguyen Huu, ME Juliana Velez, ME Uuganbayar Otgonbaatar, NSE Erik Verlage, Physics and Physics Rasmus Wallendahl, CEE and Mgmt Pedro Salas, Econ Teerawut Wannaphahoon, ME and Econ Bensey Schnip, Math Mitchell Westwood, ME Scott Sundvor, ME Ashley Wong, Mgmt Alex Vaskov, ME Kesavan Yogeswaran, EECS Sean Vaskov, ME Paul Youchak, NSE 2013 2012 Shaena Berlin, EAPS Since graduation, Ying (Lucy) Fan ’12 (Chemi- Jessica Artiles, ME Sara Rose Comis, ME cal Engineering) has applied her training William Bender, ChemE and Econ Jackson Crane, ME in the energy minor to professional work in Matt Chapa, NSE Vivian Dien, MSE energy market analysis and renewable energy investment management. Brian Chmielowiec, ChemE Christopher Hammond, ME Zac Dearing, PoliSci and Econ Timothy Jenks, ME Brendan Ensor, NSE Nityan Nair, Physics

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 37 EDUCATION

Prosper Munaishe Nyovanie, ME Departments and abbreviations Brian Oldfield, ME Nathan Robert, ME and Physics Aeronautics and Ron Rosenberg, MSE Astronautics (AeroAstro)

Melissa Showers, ME Photos: Justin Knight. Architecture (Arch) Casey Stein, DUSP Biological Engineering (BE) Christian Livingston Welch, MOE Chemical Engineering (ChemE) Trevor Zinser, ME Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Earth, Atmospheric, and 2014 Planetary Sciences (EAPS) Ignacio Bachiller, ME Economics (Econ) Jacqueline Brew, ChemE Electrical Engineering and Ronald Chan, ME Computer Science (EECS) Alix de Monts de Savasse, ME Management (Mgmt) Daniel Eisenberg, ChemE Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Jad El Khoury, ME Mathematics (Math) Taylor Farnham, ME Mechanical Engineering (ME) Ryan Friedrich, ChemE Mechanical and Ocean Brian Gager, MSE Engineering (MOE) Samantha Hagerman, ChemE Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) Jacqueline Han, PoliSci Juliana Velez ’11 (Mechanical Engineering) Physics (Physics) Jenny Hu, Mgmt examines part of the low-cost device for Political Science (PoliSci) Jacob Jurewicz, NSE and Physics cutting scrap solar cells she helped design Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) and build in EC.711, D-Lab: Energy for use in Marc Kaloustian, ChemE Nicaragua. Claire Kearns-McCoy, ME Charlotte Kirk, ChemE Johnathan Kongoletos, ME Erica Lai, MSE Zainab Lasisi, ChemE Lisa Liu, EECS Phillip Marmolejo, ME Matthew Metlitz, ME Jordan Mizerak, ME Mateo Pena Doll, ME Sidhanth Rao, ME Jonathan Rea, ME Manuel Romero, ME Christiana Rosales, ME and Arch Anthony Saad, ChemE Dhanansai Saranadhi, ME Samuel Shames, MSE Katherine Spies, ME Maria Tou, ChemE Aleyda Trevino, Physics and Math Akshar Wunnava, ChemE Left to right: Zainab Lasisi ’14 (Chemical Engineering), Samuel Shames ’14 (Materials Science and Engineering), and Jenny Hu ’14 (Management) graduated with 32 other students in the largest class of Energy Studies Minor students to date.

38 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 EDUCATION MITEI sponsors energy-related tours, events during IAP 2015

Every January, MIT students, faculty, and staff take part in the Institute’s Independent Activities Period (IAP), when they are invited to step outside their comfort zones, dabble in unfamiliar areas, and encounter a richer view MITEI Photo: Dylan Ayers, of the world. In 2015, members of the community could fill their days and nights with new experiences ranging from touring a nuclear fusion reactor, to using Fermat’s rule to analyze election results, to trying a (very steady) hand at the art of the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

Each year, the MIT Energy Initiative Those on the Energy Underground: MassDOT and MBTA Facilities and Tunnel Tour were given (MITEI) sponsors a number of energy a first-hand look at what goes on in the MBTA Operations Control Center, shown above. IAP events and helps publicize other Screens paneling the room monitor everything from weather to in-station security cameras and energy-related activities organized by the status of trains traveling the tracks. Participants learned how America’s oldest subway faculty and students across campus. system operates on a daily basis, as well as how it handles weather emergencies—a particularly This year, MITEI’s offerings included timely topic this winter. tours of the Kendall Cogeneration Station, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Operations Center, the MBTA Operations Control Center, the Aramco Research Center, the LEED Platinum Artists for Humanity Photos: Justin Knight building, and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Wind Technology Testing Center. MITEI also offered information sessions for undergraduate students interested in learning more about energy-related undergraduate During IAP, MITEI organized a group tour of From left: During a tour, Andrew Motta, research opportunities (UROPs) and Veolia Energy North America’s Cogeneration operations director for Artists for Humanity, Station in Kendall Square, Cambridge. The describes highlights of the group’s LEED MIT’s Energy Studies Minor. facility generates electricity to power the Platinum-certified studios to MIT graduate region’s electrical grid and provides steam student Yuqi Wang, Dylan Ayers of MITEI, • • • heat to Veolia’s 220 customers throughout and MIT postdoctoral fellow Ornella Iuorio. Boston and Cambridge. Within the plant, natural Behind Motta is a vent that provides cool By Francesca McCaffrey, MITEI gas is burned in an electricity-generating air to the building. To save energy, Artists combustion turbine. Heat remaining in for Humanity’s studios were built without the exhaust gas is used in a heat-recovery air conditioning. Instead, fans situated steam generator to produce high-pressure on the building’s roof blow air down a shaft steam. Some of this steam is exported, while and into this vent at night, when the outdoor the rest runs a steam-driven electric power air is coolest. As a result, the building generator. A recent reconfiguration of the starts each day cooled to a comfortable facility, including a 7,000-foot steam pipeline temperature, with no need for the constant extension, is estimated to reduce greenhouse energy expenditure of air conditioners. gas emissions by approximately 475,000 tons per year. Giving the tour at the far right of the photo is Veolia’s Director of Network and Distribution George Hengerle.

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 39 CAMPUS ENERGY ACTIVITIES Changing the game: Building MIT’s capacity for a sustainable future

It was an event “choreographed in true MIT fashion,” stated Julie Newman, director of MIT’s Office of Sustainability. This meant that the Institute’s March 2

conference, SustainabilityConnect, was Photos: Justin Knight emphatically multidisciplinary and designed to promote systems thinking. From the wide range of campus pre- senters and panelists to the paper-free, real-time, online agenda, the daylong forum signaled its singular purpose: to make MIT a game-changing force for sustainability in the 21st century.

On the job for 18 months, Newman has been assessing the Institute’s standards, practices, and aspirations related to energy and the environment; synthesiz- ing input from a multitude of sustain- ability stakeholders, including the MIT Israel Ruiz, MIT’s executive vice president and treasurer, observed that the Institute is currently in one of the largest construction periods it has ever experienced, offering opportunities to Energy Initiative, the MIT Environmental ensure that new buildings and renovations respect—from the earliest design stages—principles Solutions Initiative, and the Climate of efficiency and sustainability in their energy, water, waste-handling, and other systems. Change Conversation; and convening new campus working groups—in such opportunity here, but we don’t have the Judging from the testimony of panel- arenas as design and construction; right metrics for sustainability.” ists, the Institute already has begun waste, stormwater, and land manage- pushing the edge on key sustainability ment; and green laboratories. Faced To that end, SustainabilityConnect issues. For instance, construction is just with the task of drafting recommenda- invited approximately 125 staff, faculty, beginning on MIT.nano, a research tions, Newman proposed to bring and administrators to share their and fabrication facility that—like most together key players from across MIT expertise and to discuss the most laboratories—is particularly energy- in the belief, she said, that “innovation effective ways of improving and intensive. The project’s director, Vladi- emerges from collisions.” reinventing the systems that make MIT mir Bulovi´c, the Fariborz Maseeh Chair run—such as the energy mix that in Emerging Technology and associate This gathering came at a critical powers buildings, the flow of materials dean for innovation, said he would moment for MIT, as Israel Ruiz, execu- through campus via procurement and like this center, which will host up to tive vice president and treasurer for the waste management, and the ways in 2,000 researchers, to “show the best Institute, explained to attendees. “We which people move to, from, and paradigm and practices.” are in one of the largest construction around campus. The conversations also periods MIT has ever undertaken, and it covered the imperative to collect His team identified more than 100 is an opportune time to think what the meaningful data and measure out- different sustainability options, such as campus should look like in 2025 and comes, set aggressive policies, assess bigger air purifying filters that require beyond,” he said. There are billions of risk and strengthen resilience, and work fewer air exchanges per hour and dollars at stake, not just in new con- cooperatively with neighbors in Cam- less energy to operate, and a means of struction but in deferred maintenance bridge, Boston, and beyond. MIT could reutilizing heated air. Running the for the old buildings. “The elephant in serve as a living laboratory for innova- numbers, Bulovi´c noted, demonstrates the room is the age of the campus,” tive, proven sustainable strategies, that it is possible to recover any addi- noted Tony Sharon, MIT deputy execu- suggested Newman, ultimately scaling tional costs for sustainable measures tive vice president, who is in charge of up its solutions to make a global impact. quickly and that there are “even extra this capital renewal. “There is a huge energy savings after point of payback.”

40 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 CAMPUS ENERGY ACTIVITIES Photos: Justin Knight

Members of the panel “Framing Our Future: How Can MIT be a Game-changing Force for Campus Sustainability?” (from left): Frank O’Sullivan, director of research and analysis, MIT Energy Initiative (moderator); Henry Jacoby, William F. Pounds Professor of Management Emeritus, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, and member, MIT Climate Change Conversation Committee; Jeremy Poindexter, graduate student in materials science and engineering; John Charles, vice president for Information Systems and Technology; Bina Venkataraman, director of global policy initiatives at the Broad Institute; and Vladimir Bulovi´c, associate dean for innovation and professor of electrical engineering.

Look around campus, advised Bulovi´c, Speakers also addressed critical issues These kinds of vulnerabilities are shared and “you’ll recognize a tremendous of risk and resilience. Nathalie Beauvais, with Kendall Square and other parts number of opportunities” for energy a project manager with Kleinfelder of Cambridge, noted Henry Jacoby, savings. Associates, is developing a comprehen- William F. Pounds Professor of Manage- sive assessment of climate change ment Emeritus, Joint Program on the Such opportunities might include vulnerability for the City of Cambridge. Science and Policy of Global Change. new energy sources. Another speaker, She projected an enhanced threat of “This is a game we need to be in, not Jeremy Poindexter, a second-year flooding on the MIT campus due to just for ourselves but to support our PhD student in materials science and increased precipitation between now communities,” he said. “The campus engineering, described a class project and 2030. This risk, she said, along is really the city, because we don’t that identified campus rooftops with with the likelihood of more frequent survive, or sustain, unless the city we’re “the potential for providing up to extreme heat events, suggests that MIT in sustains as well.” 4 megawatts of solar capacity…and should look now for ways to protect these are buildings where we could infrastructure, especially vital systems James Wescoat, Aga Khan Professor in install solar systems immediately such as its power plant. architecture, pointed out that disaster without the need for any serious resilience could be more than just a retrofit work.”

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 41 CAMPUS ENERGY ACTIVITIES Photo: Justin Knight

Task Force, a group of faculty, students, staff, and representatives from key administrative areas who will together shape the vision and plan of action for campus sustainability at MIT. “We think of it as mapping components together, providing a systems response,” said Newman, “because making decisions through a sustainability lens means integrating questions of energy, transport, stormwater and land man- agement, design, construction, procurement, and materials.” Bina Venkataraman, former senior advisor on climate change innovation for the Obama adminis- tration and now at the Broad Institute, said that MIT could inspire and empower communities and companies by modeling new technologies and innovations at scale. These are questions she believes the Institute will revisit frequently over risk-management or building-design hackathon and competitions to spur time. But, she says, “I feel reassured question but “rather a visionary principle new approaches to campus energy after this forum that we have the ability for campus planning.” He suggested it innovation. Some groups wanted to not only to embrace complexity but might be useful to broaden the concept set guidelines for new and renovated to think collectively and creatively— of resilience to include ecosystem and buildings to ensure their survival just the kind of capacity-building we psychosocial well-being. In particular, in 10-year storms. Others suggested need as we embark on the long-term he noted “enormous opportunity for using sensors and digital technology commitment to sustainability.” the outdoor campus, the environment to create real-time data feeds on outside of buildings, to become a great air quality, energy use, and water • • • laboratory.” use—available to the entire MIT community—to track progress and By Leda Zimmerman, Since MIT stands at the intersection of to help people make decisions that MITEI correspondent research and practice, Bina Venkataraman, address climate change. director of global policy initiatives at the Broad Institute, said that MIT could Some groups targeted the creation of For videos and other materials from help originate a marketplace for climate a sustainable campus by seeding an the forum, please visit change risk information and also model urban canopy, capturing stormwater new technologies and innovations for reuse as gray water, and launching a at scale. Such a venture might really community farm with compost gener- inspire and empower communities ated onsite. “One thousand flowers and companies to make constructive blooming is the nature of a living lab,” decisions around policy and to prepare said Jason Jay, senior lecturer and for a changing environment. “MIT can director of the Sustainability Initiative at and should evolve the role of scientists the MIT Sloan School of Management. and campus operations to develop It will be hard to know “all the cool a clinical practice for climate change,” stuff going on, so we should have a she said. way of accumulating this learning and institutional memory.” In workshops, faculty, students, and administrators wrestled with ways to In the coming months, the Sustainabil- integrate sustainable principles and ity Office will begin channeling these practices into the fabric of MIT. Many ideas into a set of recommendations warmed to the idea of organizing a for the newly appointed Sustainability

42 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015 OUTREACH MIT Energy Conference: “There is no more important issue than energy”

At the conclusion of MIT’s 10th annual kicked off the conference by summariz- Energy Conference, panelist Cheryl ing a dual challenge: On the one hand, Martin, director of the US Department he said, the world is expected to of Energy’s ARPA-E research program, need to double its energy supply by

declared, “There is no more important Photo: Justin Knight 2050, thanks to a combination of issue than energy.” population growth and rising standards of living in developing nations. At Urging students to work to supply the same time, there is a need for sufficient energy for a growing popula- drastically reduced emissions from tion while reducing emissions, Martin present energy-supply systems, which added, “It needs every discipline to are still mostly based on fossil fuels. be in the game.” “How do you double the output and still reduce carbon emissions?” The student-run event, held this year Armstrong asked. on February 27–28, was founded by David Danielson PhD ’08, then an He suggested five broad areas that MIT graduate student and now the Professor Robert Armstrong, director of the could contribute: a major growth US assistant secretary of energy and MIT Energy Initiative, welcomed attendees to in cheap, reliable solar energy; better this year’s MIT Energy Conference and outlined director of the Department of Energy methods for storing energy; improve- his view of the world’s energy challenge and (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency five key technologies that can help. ments in the adaptability and reliability and Renewable Energy. Danielson, of the electric grid; increased use who also founded MIT’s Energy astonished to find only one course in of nuclear energy; and the development Club—now the Institute’s largest that field, and no energy-related student of affordable and dependable carbon student group—returned to campus organization. Now MIT has dozens of capture and sequestration systems. both as a keynote speaker and as researchers working in the solar arena; moderator of the final panel discussion and the Energy Club has more than Other keynote speakers at the confer- at this year’s conference. 5,000 student, faculty, staff, and alumni ence were Thomas Siebel, founder members and organizes more than and CEO of C3 Energy; William Colton, “The last 10 years have been a wild 100 events every year. Danielson also vice president for strategic planning at ride in energy,” Danielson said, reflect- pointed out that five of the club’s past ExxonMobil; Ahmad Chatila, president ing on dramatic and unexpected presidents are now working at DOE. and CEO of SunEdison; Dirk Smit, changes including the shale-gas boom, vice president of exploration technology the rise of extreme weather events, And MIT research is having a real research and development at Shell Oil; and a steep drop in the costs of solar impact, he added: Among the 17 initial and William von Hoene Jr., chief and wind power. advanced research projects that DOE strategy officer of Exelon Corporation. funded when Danielson started working Danielson observed that MIT’s long there, one was by Donald Sadoway, the • • • history of cross-disciplinary research John F. Elliott Professor of Materials has been especially relevant to Chemistry, to produce a low-cost liquid Excerpted from an article by energy and combating climate change. battery for utility-scale storage. While David L. Chandler, MIT News Office “This interdisciplinary culture is a this “phenomenal idea” was first seen critical element,” he said. “The divi- as risky and speculative, it has now led sions really blur.” to the creation of a company that has To read the full article, go to raised $50 million and will be installing edu/2015/mit-energy-conference-0303. For Danielson also reflected on how far the its first grid-scale batteries this year. more information about the 2015 MIT Energy Institute has progressed in energy Conference, go to research and education. When he Robert Armstrong, the Chevron arrived on campus, in 2001, as a student Professor of Chemical Engineering and interested in solar power, he was director of the MIT Energy Initiative,

Spring 2015 | MIT Energy Initiative | Energy Futures | 43 MITEI MEMBERS

MITEI Founding MITEI Associate and Sustaining Members and Affiliate Members

MITEI’s Founding and Sustaining Members support “flagship” MITEI’s Associate and Affiliate Members support a range of energy research programs or individual research projects MIT energy research, education, and campus activities that that help them meet their strategic energy objectives. are of interest to them. Current members are now supporting They also provide seed funding for early-stage innovative various energy-related MIT centers, laboratories, and initiatives; research projects and support named Energy Fellows at fellowships for graduate students; research opportunities for MIT. To date, members have made possible 140 seed grant undergraduates; campus energy management projects; and projects across the campus as well as fellowships for outreach activities, including seminars and colloquia. more than 300 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in 20 MIT departments and divisions. Associate Members Alliance for Entergy Sustainable Energy Hess FOUNDING MEMBERS China General Nuclear Iberdrola BP Power Co., Ltd. ICF International Eni S.p.A. Cummins IHS Cambridge Energy ExxonMobil EDF Research Associates Saudi Aramco Enel Shell

Affiliate Members 8 Rivers Capital Gas Technology Institute Guillaume P. Amblard ’87, Natalie M. Givans ’84 SUSTAINING MEMBERS SM ’89 Gail Greenwald ’75 Robert Bosch Asociación Nacional Roy Greenwald ’75 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. de Empresas Thomas Guertin PhD ’60 Ferrovial Generadoras (ANDEG) Harris Interactive Lockheed Martin Aspen Technology, Inc. Lisa Doh Himawan ’88 Schlumberger AWS Truepower, LLC Andrew A. Kimura ’84 Statoil Larry Birenbaum ’69 Paul Mashikian ’95, MNG ’97 Total BlackRock Massachusetts Clean John M. Bradley ’47, SM ’49 Energy Center Bill Brown, Jr. ’77 New York State Energy William Chih Hsin Chao ’78 Research and Constellation Energy Development Authority David L. DesJardins ’83 Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. Cyril W. Draffin ’72, SM ’73 Philip Rettger ’80 Jerome I. Elkind ’51, ScD ’56 Doug Spreng ’65 Ernst & Young LLP George R. Thompson, Jr. ’53 Dennis Fromholzer ’75 David L. Tohir ’79, SM ’82 Fundació Barcelona Tomas Truzzi Tecnológica (b_TEC)

Members as of May 15, 2015

44 | Energy Futures | MIT Energy Initiative | Spring 2015

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MIT architects tackle India’s slum problem

MIT researchers affiliated with the Tata Center for Technology and Design are teaming up with staff from the Hunnarshala Foundation, a leading Indian nongovernmental organization, to design, test, and demonstrate housing for low-income residents in India. Their goal: to provide options that are energy efficient, environmentally sustainable, and safe in earthquake-prone regions of the world. In one project, they are constructing tiny one-room structures—such as the one shown above being built by a Hunnarshala staff member—and are using them to assess the thermal performance of new kinds of low-cost insulations and roof assemblies as well as designs for natural ventilation. Other work focuses on developing safer, more sustainable neighborhoods and designing construction materials based on readily available materials. For more information, see page 27. Photo: Madeline Gradillas G