Centres for the Study and Practice of Tibetan

ABN 62 003 584 385 : ARBN 123 109 624

2 December 2017 Statement by Kathryn James, National Director, Australia

In July this year, a number of allegations were brought against , the then spiritual director of Rigpa. These have been widely shared in the media and on the internet, most recently in an article by David Leser published today.

The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa worldwide have taken this matter very seriously and are working through the current issues with respect and compassion for everyone concerned, and in a way that is entirely consistent with Buddhist values.

Following the allegations, Sogyal Rinpoche decided to retire as Spiritual Director of Rigpa and has entered a period of retreat. The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa, having sought professional and spiritual advice, are undertaking the following actions:

1. Setting up an independent investigation by a neutral third party into the various allegations that have been made. We expect to announce shortly further details of this process that will be a first step towards healing and reconciliation.

2. Launching an international consultation process to establish both a code of conduct and a grievance process for Rigpa, which should be finalized by the end of the year.

3. Establishing a new spiritual advisory group to guide the Rigpa organization, comprising an Advisory Panel of Lamas and a Vision Board formed of some of Rigpa’s most senior and trusted students.

Rigpa has also instigated a worldwide consultation process to listen to its students and to strengthen Rigpa’s key values and culture. This includes open meetings for students at our centres and a process for bringing feedback together from across all countries. We would like to state clearly that there is no place for abuse in our community and we are conscious of our responsibility to provide a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for our members and the public.

As you would understand, it has been a time of reflection and contemplation about the future we would like to create. The Rigpa Board has been greatly encouraged by the warmth and genuine care and concern evident in the way students have come together to support each other. We also understand that each person needs to process these developments in their own time and we encourage people requiring more information or support to contact their local Rigpa Centre Manager.

Rigpa’s Vision and Mission show our commitment to an authentic Buddhist path of study and practice, as well as offering these to bring greater well being in society.

As always, Rigpa Centres in Australia and New Zealand continue to warmly offer people a place to study and practice and the Buddhist teachings together. Please know that you are welcome to visit your Rigpa local centre at any time. For all media enquiries contact: Catherine Paul [email protected] 0415 465 547