Evaluation of Steric and Effects in Phenols by Competitive Reactions of Dimethyl Ether Ions in a Quadrupole Ion Trap

Gerald F. Bauerle, Jr. and Jennifer S. Brodbelt Department of and , University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

Competitive reactions of dimethyl ether ions are used to probe the steric and substituent effects of substituted phenols and anisoles in a quadrupole ion trap. The relative percentages of protonation and methylene substitution from the reactions of dimethyl ether ions show a correlation with size, location, and number of on the aromatic ring. Although gas-phase basicity measurements of the phenols show no discernible correlation with the percentages of competitive reactions, semiempirical calculations show a good correlation between the trend in heats of formation and the trend in methylene substitution percentage. Reactions with deuterated compounds show that the methylene occurs on the ring. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633)

teric and substituent effects have been studied reactant ions, generated from dimethyl ether, undergo extensively in solution and have been shown to proton transfer, methylene substitution, and methyla- S have marked effects upon the outcome, mecha- tion [10] with aromatic compounds. It has been shown nisms, and kinetics of reactions [1]. In the gas phase, that protonation of phenol by isobutane as well as however, few systematic studies have been reported methylation of phenol by methyl fluoride and methyl that show these effects on ion-molecule reactions. chloride both occur on the ring [11]. With anisole, are known to affect gas-phase proton methylene substitution also occurs on the ring [10]. transfer [2-7]. Most aromatic systems show a decrease With the reactive sites located on the ring, the competi- in the rate of proton transfer with increasing size of tion between these reactions has allowed us to corre- substituents near the site of protonation, especially in late the relative abundances of the three types of prod- the ortho position [5]. Even highly basic compounds uct ions formed with the substituent effects of the may demonstrate low proton transfer rates if the pro- substrates. tonation site is sufficiently blocked [6]. Exceptions to As described herein, the relative extent of protona- the decrease in the rate of proton transfer have been tion versus methylene substitution varies with the noticed where the transition state for proton transfer number, position, and nature of substituents on involves a perpendicular, rather than a coplanar, con- the phenol ring. Two effects--steric effects and activat- figuration to the ring [7]. A decrease in the efficiency of ing effect--of the alkyl groups have been evaluated. In product formation from ionic acetylation of substituted addition, deuterated compounds, semiempirical phenols as the size of substituents at the ortho posi- molecular orbital calculations, and collisionally acti- tions increases has been seen [8]. The effect was not vated dissociation were used to study dissociation noted for meta substituted phenols. Another study mechanisms of the product ions and to gain further showed an increasing extent of fragmentation with insight into the reactions. increasing bulk of a substituent at the para position of a substituted 2,6-tert-butylphenol during methane chemical ionization [9]. Experimental Because of our ongoing interest in characterization All experiments were performed in a Finnigan (Finni- of structural factors that affect the reactivity of gan-MAT, San Jose, CA) quadrupole ion trap that used molecules in the gas phase, we have undertaken a the mass-selective instability mode for ion detection systematic study of substituent effects by comparing [12]. Dimethyl ether was used as the reagent gas for the relative extent of three competitive reactions for a chemical ionization of the phenols and related com- series of substituted aromatic compounds. The probe pounds. The dimethyl ether was ionized by electron impact, and the desired ions were isolated by using the apex isolation mode [13]. The ratio of m/z 45 to Address reprint requests to Professor Jennifer S. Brodbelt, Depart- m/z 47 ions was maintained at 4:1 at the beginning of ment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin, Welch Hall 1.202, Austin, TX 78712-1167. each reaction. The ions were then allowed to react with

© 1995 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Received September 16, 1994 1044-0305/95/$9.50 Revised February 20, 1995 SSDI 1044-0305(95)00229-7 Accepted February 20, 1995 628 BAUERLE AND BRODBELT J Am Soc Mass Spectrorn 1995, 6, 627-633

the analyte for 25 ms. Fifty scans were averaged for fixed time of 25 ms can be used to represent a slice of each spectrum. The reported results were obtained the rate constant curves. The reaction with a lower from an average of at least three trials conducted on activation barrier will occur faster and irreversibly and different days. Each analyte was introduced through a leads to a more abundant product. The activation bar- heated leak valve to an uncorrected pressure of 1 × riers are largely dependent on the specific structure of 10 -6 torr. Dimethyl ether and helium were introduced the aromatic substrate and, therefore, the relative through needle valves at nominal pressures of I x 10-5 abundances of the product ions can be correlated with and 8 × 10 -s torr, respectively. The manifold tempera- the reaction efficiencies. The result is competing reac- ture was held at 110 °C for all experiments. Collision- tions that provide a sensitive probe of structural fac- ally activated dissociation (CAD) of the products was tors that influence the gas-phase reactivities of the accomplished by isolation of the desired product ion phenol-anisole substrates. A series of phenols and and its activation by application of an ac voltage across anisoles was chosen for this study (Figure 1). Various the endcap electrodes at a q value between 0.3 and 0.5. alkyl-substituted phenols and analogous anisoles were The time of activation was 5 ms with tickle voltages used to vary the nature and position of the sub- between 450 and 600 mV. stituents. Compounds were chosen to block reactions Relative gas-phase basicities were obtained by ap- at certain sites or to restrict reactions in an area of the plication of the exchange method [14]. Proto- aromatic ring. nated dimethyl ether was isolated and allowed to react Product percentages from the reaction of dimethyl with two neutral, aromatic substrates. One protonated ether ions with these compounds are given in Figures substrate was isolated and was allowed to react with 2-4. Trends can be seen in the relative percentages of the other neutral substrate. This process was reversed [M + 1] + and [M + 13] + products. The formation of by isolating the other protonated substrate and allow- [M + 15] + is an insignificant process for all of the ing it to undergo proton transfer. The substrate with compounds and will not be discussed further. As illus- the higher gas-phase basicity will retain the proton. trated in Figure 2, the methylene substitution percent- Semiempirical calculations were performed by us- age initially increases across the series and then de- ing MOPAC 6.0 [15] on a DEC 4000 VLC (Digital creases. In a similar trend, there is an initial decrease Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA). Numerous chemi- in the percentage of the protonation process, followed cally reasonable structures were minimized by using by an increase. Apparently, the alkyl groups specifi- the AM1 hamiltonian [16], and the minimum energy cally activate the ring for methylene substitution. As conformer for each structure is reported. Heats of the number of alkyl groups increases, a steric effect formation were rounded to the nearest kilocalorie per that blocks the methylene substitution reaction starts mole. to dominate and then the protonation reaction be- Dimethyl ether was obtained from MG Industries comes the prevalent reaction. (Valley Forge, PA). Perdeuterated dimethyl ether was Possible reasons for these trends are derived from obtained from Isotec (Miamisburg, OH). The remain- the proposed mechanisms for these reactions (Scheme der of the compounds were obtained from Aldrich I). For phenol, the protonation percentage is greater Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, WI), and all chemicals were than that of methylene substitution, which indicates used as received. that the proton transfer is the faster reaction. The methylene substitution reaction has an intermediate Ion-Molecule Reactions with Dimethyl rearrangement that consists of a proton migration that Ether Ions slows the reaction. When methyl groups are added to Upon electron impact and self-ion-molecule reactions, dimethyl ether forms two primary ions: one at m/z 45 OH (CH2=OCH3)+ and the other at m/z 47 6 (CH3OCH3)H + [10]. The m/z 47 ion is an excellent CH~ CH~/~CH~ protonating agent, and the m/z 45 ion reacts with phenol 4-methylphenol 2,6-dimethylphenol 3,54imethylphenol aromatic substrates to give either the methylene sub- OH OH stitution product [M + 13] + or the methylated product (CH~2CH CH[CH~)~ ON [M + 15] +, dependent on the nature of the substrate CH CH:I [10]. In general, those aromatic compounds that have CH3 CH~ activating substituents will form the [M + 13] + ion, 2,4,6-trimethylphenol 3,4.5-b'imelhylphenol 2,6-diisopropylphenol 2,6-dI-L~-bulylphenol whereas those with deactivating substituents will form OCH~ CCHI the [M + 15] + ion [10]. CC~ 1 CH1 CH3 In these experiments, the reactions of the two types • of dimethyl ether ions with aromatic substrates occur CH~ CHICHI simultaneously and competitively in a kinetic sense. anisole 4-methylanisole 2,6-dimethylanisole 3,5-dimethylanisole Because each of the two competing reactions is pseudo Figure 1. Compounds used for ion-molecule reactions with first order, the ratio of product ions at a well-defined dimethyl ether ions. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633 STERIC AND SUBSTITUENT EFFECTS IN PHENOLS 629




5O • M+I

,9.° 40 [] M+13

D. • M+15 3O


.... 10

phenol 4-methylphenol 3,5- 2,6- 3,4,5- 2,4,6- dimethylphenol dimethylphenol trimethylphenol trimethylphenol Figure 2. Relative percentages of products from the reaction of dimethyl ether ions. The percentages are reproducible to +5%. the ring, electron density increases on the phenol ring, tive to the proton transfer process. Overall, as the which makes it more nucleophilic. Both (CH3OCH~-) number of methyl groups increases, the rate of the and (CH3OCH3)H + act as electrophiles in the reac- methylene substitution process increases faster relative tions, but the added electron density on the aromatic to the protonation process. This effect causes the dif- ring apparently stabilizes the intermediate for methy- ference in relative percentages of the two competing lene substitution more efficiently and enhances the reactions to become larger up to the point that three methanol elimination and formation of [M + 13] + rela- methyl groups are added to the ring. At this point, a



.::. ,

70 • .,,.

60 • M+I '.! ;: :?.':i.'. w 50 .., ,. >. :. %. [] M+13 G} ::y:.. :...: O. 40 • M+15 :i." ,:'. 3O • . ::-...

}i:::::f :i::i!:: 20

10 ~,,>> ,,,>: ,:.:.7 • :..,>..... 0 phenol 2,6- 2,6- 2,6-di-tert- dimethylphenol diisopropylphenol butylphenol Figure 3. Relative percentages of products from the reaction of dimethyl ether ions. The percentages are reproducible to ±5%. 630 BAUERLE AND BRODBELT J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633


70 .~" .~: 60 '

50 • M+I

o 40 [] M+13 O D. t • M+15 30


10 i

0 anisole 4-methylanisole 3,5-dimethylanisiole 2,6-dimethylanisole Figure 4. Relative percentages of products from the reaction of dimethyl ether ions. The percentages are reproducible to +5%. steric effect from the methyl groups significantly inter- In Figure 2, several poInts can be inferred about the feres with the formation of the intermediate for methy- positional selectivity of methylene substitution. The lene substitution. The proton-bound complex is less percentage of methylene substitution for 3,5-dimethyl- susceptible to the steric effects of the methyl groups phenol, where all ring sites are ortho or para to all and therefore an increase in the relative percentage of substituents, is less than that of 2,6-dimethylphenol, protonation is observed. where the ring sites are meta to at least one sub-

Methylene Substitution OH OH



H CH2 CH2÷

CH3 -- (M+13) +

Protonation m OH OH OH

+ CH3OCH 3

H H,. /CH3 H O (M+H) + CH3 Scheme I. Proposed mechanisms for the methylene substitution and protonation of phenol by dimethyl ether ions. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633 STERIC AND SUBSTITUENT EFFECTS IN PHENOLS 631 stituent. If steric effects are considered, it can be seen creases for the substituted anisoles as well, although that 2,6-dimethylphenol has three adjacent ring car- there is a slight dip in the trend for 3,5-dimethylan- bons that lack substituents, whereas 3,5-dimethyl- isole. The latter result can be attributed to a steric phenol has no adjacent carbons without substituents. effect that is similar to that noted for the phenols. The Therefore, methylene substitution should be favored methyl on the may partially block for 2,6-dimethylphenol, as verified in Figure 2 by a 9% attack at the ortho positions, which causes a decrease difference in the product of the methylene substitution in the percentage of methylene substitution. Because reaction for the two dimethylphenol . The same the percentages for the methylene substitution process logic can be used to explain why methylene substitu- of the anisoles are greater or equal to those of the tion is greater for 3,4,5-trimethylphenol than 2,4,6-tri- phenols, it can be inferred that the location of attack methylphenol. Although there are no ring carbons also is on the ring. without neighboring substituents in either compound, 3,4,5-trimethylphenol has two unsubstituted ring posi- Site of Methylene Substitution tions adjacent to the . The hydroxy group is smaller than a and therefore To confirm the site of methylene substitution, experi- has a diminished steric effect. Because both of the ments that used phenol-(ring-d s) were performed. From unsubstituted ring positions in the 2,4,6-trimethylphe- the proposed mechanism of methylene substitution nol have neighboring methyl groups, methylene sub- (Scheme I), it can be seen that the result of an attack on stitution is more sterically hindered and thus shows a the ring will be the addition of CH 2 with the loss of a relative abundance that is 11% smaller than that of deuterium to give [M + 12] +. An attack on the oxygen 3,4,5-trimethylphenol. In addition, the activated ortho would give the addition of CH 2 with the loss of a and para positions are all blocked in 2,4,6-trimethyl- hydrogen atom to give [M + 13] +. The results of the phenol, which should further decrease the extent of the experiment showed exclusive substitution on the ring, methylene substitution process. Semiempirical calcula- leading to [M + 12] +, with no detectable substitution tions were employed to give a better understanding of on the oxygen. Therefore, the methylene substitution site selectivity and will be discussed later. process occurs on the ring. Figure 3 illustrates the trend related to the addition To further affirm the proposed methylene substitu- of increasingly bulky groups to the phenol ring. The tion mechanism, CAD experiments were performed. initial activation effect of the added methyl groups Upon activation, the [M + 13] + ion of phenol shows causes the methylene substitution percentage to in- losses of 28 and 30 u to give ions at m/z 79 and 77, crease. As the size of the substituents at the ortho respectively [15]. If the m/z 79 ion is isolated and position increases, the steric effect becomes larger, activated, it gives the m/z 77 ion as a product, which which causes a decrease in the methylene substitution indicates a two-step reaction from the original [M + percentage. For 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, this steric 13] + ion to the deprotonated benzene ion may be blocking results in almost exclusive protonation. operative. A possible mechanism for the loss of CO is Figure 4 shows the corresponding trends for a series given in Scheme 2. This mechanism indicates an [M + of anisoles. The methylene substitution percentage is 13] + product structure that stems from methylene sub- substantially greater than the protonation percentage stitution at the ring. for anisole, the reverse of the case observed for phenol. This result occurs because a methoxy group can do- Gas-Phase Basicities nate more electron density to the ring than a hydroxy group, thereby activating the ring more effectively for To gain further insight into the competitive nature of the methylene substitution process. The relative per- the reactions of dimethyl ether ions, relative gas-phase centages of the methylene substitution product in- basicity measurements were performed for the aro-

Dissociation of (M+13) *

B OH H0 * ~+H~ H -CO r H

Scheme lI. Proposed mechanism for the loss of CO from the [M + 13] + methylene substitution product of phenol. 632 BAUERLE AND BRODBELT J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633

o m m = e.m o.

m O


phenol 4-methylphenol 3,5- 2,6- 3,4,5- 2,4,6- dimethylphenol dimethylphenol trirnethylphenol trimethylphenol Figure 5. Relative gas-phase basicities of the phenols in Figure 2. Arbitrary units are used.

matic compounds. Gas-phase basicity is one measure stable products are those where substitution occurs at of a molecule's ability to bind a proton. In the absence the ortho and para positions, which corresponds well of steric blocking, a higher basicity of a compound with the favored products from solution chemistry should correspond to faster proton-transfer reactions [19]. The results also show attack on the oxygen to be that involve the dimethyl ether reactant ions, which highly unfavorable in relation to attack at the other causes a larger percentage of protonation compared to positions on the ring, in agreement with experimental methylene substitution. The relative basicities, as mea- work. For the other compounds, the most stable prod- sured by ligand exchange, are shown in Figure 5. The ucts are those in which methylene substitution in- gas-phase basicity generally increases from left to right volves the ortho or para position relative to the meta across the graph in accordance with work done on position. substituted [18]. This trend does not directly track the trend seen for the relative extent of protona- tion in Figure 2. Likewise, there is no direct correlation Conclusions between the extent of methylene substitution and gas- The competitive reactions of dimethyl ether ions are a phase basicity. The gas-phase basicity--a thermochem- viable method to probe the effects of substituents on ical parameter--does not reflect or predict the trends the reactivities of phenols and anisoles. The relative in the competitive reactions of the dimethyl ether ions. percentages of products from these ions are sensitive This result further supports a "kinetic-based" rational- to location, number, and size of the substituents on the ization for the observed trends of the competing reac- aromatic ring. Methylene substitution shows a greater tions. Steric and substituent effects of each aromatic response to activating effects of the substituents, substrate, rather than the stabilities of the product whereas protonation is less affected by steric effects ions, play the more important roles that influence the reaction efficiencies. Table 1. Computational results from the semiempirical molecular orbital calculations for heats of formation of Semiempirical Molecular Orbital [M + 13] + products (in kilocalories per mole) Calculations for Methylene Substitution Site of Attack Products Compound Oxygen Ortho Meta Para Phenol 193 171 181 170 The semiempirical results from the compounds were 4-Methylphenol 184 162 171 -- used to help determine site selectivity of the methy- 3,5-Dimethylphenol 176 150 -- 152 lene substitution reaction. The heats of formations for 2,6-Dimethylphenol 177 -- 161 154 the various products of the methylene substitution 3,4,5-Trimethylphenol 169 145 -- -- reaction are given in Table 1. For phenol, the most 2,4,6-Trimethylphenol 168 -- 159 -- j Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1995, 6, 627-633 STERIC AND SUBST[IUENT EFFECTS IN PHENOLS 633

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