~r . Ho~~rd • Cha pi n • I • . Historical Soc iety 68 e.terman St. THE jEWISH. HO~"N·EWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND

Entered as Se~ond-Class Matter, N~v. 7, 1929, al the Pos1 Of. PROVIDENCE, R. I., AUGUST 5, 1932 5 Cents the Copy Vol. III. No. 45 6ce al Providence. R. I., Under the Ao: of March . 3 , 1679.

-~~~~~~~~., LEWIS GOLDBERG IS DOORS OF CLINIC Mr. Justice Brandeis By the Way NAMED FOR MASS. LOCKED AS PATIENTS SUPERIOR COURT SEEK TREATMENT A BOOK REVIEW BY MARK EISNER Tidbits and News of Judge Elevated to Dr. Cowles May Seek Court Decision To Fill Place of 5'>cial change and the realities of Jewish Personalities Position Refused by Frankfurter; in September; Patjents Treated When Mr. Justice Brandeis cele­ s seventy-fifth birthday last vested interests and ideas." SCHWARTZ Is Active in Jewish Affairs Free at His Office brate d hi By DAVID winter, tributes to the man and ap­ Mr. Lerner emphasize as do most of th other writers in the book, the 5 - (JTA) - Lewis New York, Aug. 5-(JTA)-The praisals of his work appeared in Boston, Aug. superb preparation of Mr Justice former member of the vestry of the church of St. Mark's­ Goldberg, his task Ul th court. Talking to of Public on-the-Bouwerie locked its doors on Brandeis for Massachusetts Department After establishin~ his private prac­ UtiHties and prominent Jewish af­ Monday to the Body and Soul Clinic One's Self indicated that tice he became whal Mr. Lerner calls fairs. was nominated Monday for the and, it became known, all That g3D}bling business down in will not be permitted to "P op! 's Counsel" - employing Massachusetts Superior Court by the cliriic and Long Beach which is so filling the open again after the month's suspen­ his skill in behalf of economic Governor Joseph B. Ely. spcciully in th New York papers is interesting but named to suc­ sion to which Dr. Edward S. CowJ,,s, social lilx-rulism, Mr. Goldberg was labor, railroad and anti-trust not for the reason that it is played up. Henry P . Lummus, who director of the clinic, consented after fields of ceed Judge low. He was perhaps the only greot PersonalJy; I can never get excited was elevated to fill the vacancy on a long period of controversy. in th rvice of the great about the importance of gambling Supreme Judicial The aclion of the vestry brings lo Lawyer nol the bench of the corporation , and lh<: only prominent raids. If people want to gamble, say Court, which Professor Felix Frank­ a close ten years of service on th I-let them gamble. Jews don't get de­ the clinic and the closing. it Ubenil capabl of concret n 3S, atten­ furter of Harvard Law School part of construcliv thlnk­ excited about gambling. Jmt as they is charged, is due to racial prejudice tfon to d, 1ls and clined. years gave hlm a detailed don't get excited about taking a prominent mem­ because the majority of the patients ing. The Mr. Goldberg is a · among judg s, of "schnapps." Those are not particu­ community and is treated are J ews. know! dge, uniqu ber of the Jewish corporat1om, and banks and larly vices to Jews. And while I with the Kehillath Israel The eviction notice is signed by Dr. unions, affiliated th ir m thods, of the I ctual r suJts don't do a lot of things that perhaps Congregation of Brookline. He is William N. Guthrie, r ctor of the on these other m mbers of our conomic and political forces a good Jew shouJd, still chairman of its Hebrew School Com­ church, together with and they have a The latter's communi­ and pract1c , and of Jh. I ults points, it seems to me, mittee and is active in Zionist work. of the vestry. . Mr. Ler­ rational point of view. Further­ was formerly Presi­ cation , according to the Herald virtu of our instltutio more Mrs. Goldberg conclud that Mr. Jus ti ce Bran­ more, say I, if you really are out to dent of New England Hadassah. Mr. Tribune, declared: ner the Stock w. His with the foregoing deis, as a r •suJt of t.hls background, stop glambling-what about Goldberg is an observant J e "In accordance e movements and the gambling djed '. in Palestine. of the corporation and .I is lmmcr d in th Exchange, what about father recently statements of his own age, in contrast In their social con­ rector, you are hereby notified that problems in real estate? ----,Ot---- to th transcend ntalism of Mr. Jus­ latter types of gam­ the use of the church by the clinic sequence, these tice Holm s. bling are far more pernicious than JEWS BR~ATHE MORE wiU under no circumstances be per­ pinochle playing. FREELY AS NAZIS mitted after July 31, 1932. We also Mr. Lerner, before attempling t.o But this Long Beach business in­ notify you specifically tha t the use of fo rmulate the philosophy o( Mr. Jug­ terests me for quite another reason. LOSE MAJORITY the church will not be permitted for llce Brandeis, poin out the difficulty Here, all the time we have been talk­ use by the clinic after the suspension of thi t.ask, re !ting from t.h fact that Mr. J u.,tice Brandel hi~Jf has ing about the 100 per cent. Jewish 230 Mandates; Socialists beginning Aug. l, 1932, and ending Nazis Secure never made such a formulation. With­ city of Tel Aviv. Well, here is an­ Lose 10 Seats; Bruening Party Aug. 31, 1932, nor at any time there­ MR. JUSTICE BRAND.EfS not 100 per cent.-almost 100 after. out a priori princjples, he has taken other-if in Strategic Position em pre­ per cent. Jewish city only some 20 "We trust that this letter is suffi­ e-ach t of facts and probl nume row periodicals. Felix Frank­ to him, and developed what he miles from New York City. Its Mayor 5-(JTA)-The Jews ciently definite and certain to cause arti­ sented Berlin, Aug. fu rter has collected si.x of these cor1.5idered a proper solution. A study is Frank-a Jew, and its Chief of Po­ of Germany breathed more freely you to remove any property that you an estimate of Mr. Justioo of St. cles, each of his opinions is neceSBary to dis­ lice-Grossman, another Jew--and so when the final election resuJts, broad­ may have on the premises Brandeis' judicial labors, from differ­ Mark's without further notice." This cover the coherent philosophy which on down tke line-almost the entire cast after midnight, made clear that ent points of view, varying from a . as a letter, dated July 26, WaB received by ba.c; d.c·veloped in this maruier. Prac- outfit, including the popuJation Adolph Hitler's National Socialist non-technical discussion of his social the manner is hwish. in Dr. Cowles, on July .215t. ucaUy ver -~ he, in whole, Party· has 'not ·gained a majority views, to a speciali.s~s swnmary of his Holmes, re-veal hls un­ respect, it is similar ---□--- oi Mr. J ustice And in another the Reichstag. For the second time contributions to the law of the regu­ by glowing n"tences, It is a beach city. Yet Hitler1s forecast derlying thought to Tel Aviv. within four months LEHMAN MAY BE lation of railroads. pregnant with philosophical meaning. compare the two. Who would think of dictatorship by the vote of the peo­ Mr. Frankfurter, in his pref­ Mr. J ustice Long Beach Mr. Lerner compares of trying to show off with ple has been blasted. REFUSED SUPPORT IF ace to this volume, warns us that it is stice Brandeis in Aviv has two polled 13, - Holmes and Mr. Ju as with Tel Aviv? Tel The National Socialists not a complete study in the nature of respect. While both are real ­ published in Hebrew, of 36,976,000 another daily papers, 732,000 votes of a total WALKER IS OUSTED Beveridge s "John Marshall," but that ists. Mr. Ju.stice Holmes' realism i9 and if you ask me, they are as good votes cast, gaining a total of 230 seats. it "has a much more modest inten­ on the of psychological, with emphasis and better than most of the English The vote represents an increase New York, Aug. 5-(JTA)-Tam­ tion. It is a collection of sketches, in human nature. Mr. States Naz.i poll of permanence dailies, published in the United 7,331,210 votes over the many Hall may refuse to support not a life-size portraiL" Characteriza­ Brandeis, on the other hand, of corresponding of 113 seats. this Justice -1 mean for towns 1930 and a gain_ Lieut. Gov. Herbert H.. Lehman as tion of the six essays constituting is an economlc realist, with his great­ size. Tel Aviv has art museums, con­ The Nazis received 37.4% of the candidate for Governor, if Governor book e.s "sketches" does not quite do the ever-changing pic­ in a com­ est interest in certs, lectures. total vote cast and even Roosevelt removes Mayor James J . them justice. Sketches they are, hut ture resulting from the interplay of and the Nationalists allied And Long Beach has hot dogs, bination with Walker from office, the World-Tele­ they do not partake of the casualness social and economic forces. gambling raids. with Dr. Alfred Hugenberg, who won so often associated with this term. ~ram states. Mr. Lerner believes that the ap­ 41 seats, he cannot hope to control the The opposition of Tammany Hall is These sketches show the care and which a mural painter pointment of Mr. Justice Brandeis rejoinder that Reichstag. threatened as a retaliatory measure. thoroughness That was a good Jewish lead.ers in Germany are his cartoons. And as was a Lurning point in the judicial the Jewish "cul­ Lieut Gov. Lehman has the support bestows upon young feUow gave to pleased with the results of the Reichs­ invaluable as a cartoon is in the process. He is one of those rare anti-Semite on the grounds in both of Governor Roosevelt and Al­ con­ tured" tag election to the extent that the Governor of painting of a mural will these sketch­ judges who insist upon constant front of the New York Library the fred E. Smith, former extra-judicial world, results failed to give the Nazis a ma­ and former Demo­ es be to the biographer of the future tact with the other day. The Jewish anti-Semite, New York State, who face unflinchingly the problem jority. cratic candidate for the Presidency of who attempts to paint a complet.e who prides himself on his cuJture and It is emphasized, however, that the of Mr. Justice Brandeis. of the reaction between law and so­ "AU the United States. portrait be­ freedom from bias, remarked: fight for the maintenance of Jew­ ---0--- While avowedly the occasion for ciety, and seek to close the gap the persecution that the Jews have ish rights must not be regarded as of these essays, Mr. Bran­ tween them. Other judges empha­ have mer­ the writing prec­ gotten down the ages they ended. N. E. B'NAI B'RITH deis' birthday is not the only reason size political theory and legal ited-and more." The Central Union of German Citi­ for their timeliness. Justice Brandeis edent. Mr. J ustice Brandeis is And that blond young man, stand­ zens of the Jewish faith, in a state­ CONFERENCE OPENS is much more than a great judge. He "geared to social change." ing around, took a good look at him ment to the Jewish Telegraphic outstanding exponent, and by Space does not permit of more than I is an and said: ''Well, looking at you, Agency Monday declared that ."~e SATURDAY IN MAINE reason of his position on the Su­ outline summary of the social and think you are right." · election results confirm that, within preme Court, with its veto power economic philosophy of Mr. .J:ustice "Aren't you a Jew?" continued the the German nation, no majority ex­ Lodges Throughout Northern New over State and National Legislation, Brandeis and the reaction thereto of blond young man. ists for the desire to deprive Jews of England to Meet at Old Orchard, the most powerful exponent of a so­ Mr. Lerner and the other writers in "No I am no Jew. I don1t believe their rights. This, however, means Maine, Aug. 6th and 7th cial and economic attitude. Today, the volume reviewed. Mr. J ustice in the Bible. I don't go to synagogue. nothing as far as the different po­ when all social and economic views Brandeis, often considered a radical, I don't take any stock in the Jewish litical combinations of individual par­ Old Orchard, Aug. 5-(JTA)-A are being questioned in every mind, is essentially a capitalist. He regards religion." ties are concerned. Should it come to conference of representatives of B'nai and discussed on every tongue, a present-day ills du~. not to the na­ "But, aren't you a Jew? Isn't your a Nazi-Center coalition, we are cer­ B'rith lodges throughout Northern study of those of Mr. Brandeis' is ture of our institutions, but to their father, your mother-Jewish? Wasn't tain that the Center will energetical­ New England will be held at Old especialJy significant and interesting. defects. The fundamentals of ms your grandfather and grandmother ly combat any open attempts against Orchard, Me., on August 6 and 7. An estimate of Mr. Justice Bran­ creed are liberty and individualism, .Jewish?" the Jews." The conference has been summoned deis' work to date is important for an­ yet he does not believe in laissez "That is beside the point. What The Central Union statement says by President BenjaIIJin J. Shoolrnan., other reason-it is only recently that, faire. He respects private property, my parents· are doesn't affect me," further that now that the Nazis have the newly elected President of Dis­ as a result of new appointments, Mr. but wishes it more equally distrib­ c:ontinued the Jewish anti-Semite. become the strongest single party trict Grand Lodge, No. 1. Reports of Justice Brandeis finds only rare oc­ uted. He has no objection to capitaJ, "Oh, yeah!" continued the blond in the Reichstag, the Central Union activities of the individual lodges will casion to dissent with the decisions but desires it to flow more freely. young man. "Try to teU that to the must conduct a stronger campaign be presented and steps taken to of the court. His dissents of the past Competition he considers essential. goyim when you are looking for a against lfoelous attacks upon the strengthen the scope and influence of are more and more finding their re­ His prescription for the diseases in­ job." Jews.~ B'nai B'rith throughout the section. wards in the expressions of the pres­ fecting society is the holding of busi­ The conversation then drifted to The "Juedische ·Rundschau," organ The conference will begin with a din­ ent majority, of which he is a part. ness to its social responsibilities by other topics-to war and peace, etc. of the Zonist Federation, stated edi­ ner and reception tendered by the The first essay by Chief Justice judicious governmental interve~ti?!l· "H I had my way," said the Jewish torially Tuesday that the elections President of the District, which will Hughes is a most eloquent tribute to No rights are absolute-responsibili­ anti-Semite, who has been reading have proven that the Nazis are not be held at the Hotel La Reine. the brilliance of Mr. Justice Bran­ ties and duties are most important. too many books without digesting losing their present strength in the Isidar Kadis, Field Director of the deis' mind and the originality of his He feels that one of the essentials in them, "I wouJd place a javelin in the Reichstag and that they may become B'nai B'rith Wider Scope, represent­ method. His power of analysis is attaining this is the lessening of cen­ hand of every child. Teach him war. menacing if law projects similar to ing National B'nai B'rith Headquar­ likened to "the knife and skill of the tralization, and the return to the The hfatory of humanity is the his­ the Prussian confiscation law come ters, will deliver a report of the-in­ surgeon exploring the operations of smaller business unit tory of war. Man, biologically and before the Reichstag. ternational work of the order on be­ the social organism with the purpose Mr. Lem.er points out that in none psychologically, requires war." The paper expresses the hope, how­ half of Jewry. of cure." He is called "the master of of his ideas is Mr. Justice Brandeis "I see you have been reading ever, that the Center Party will al­ ---□--- both microscope and telescope" - the absolute. In his aim to attain free­ Faure," returned another in the ways oppose measures aimed against latter in bringing in distant but re­ dom, justice and opportunity for group. "That fellow is cuckoo and he the Jews and that Hitler will be in­ LAST CONTINGENT lated facts. Mr. Chief Justice Hughes labor and others in capitalism, he ap­ has made you cuckoo with him. He fluenced by the reaction of public TO emphasizes the necessity of as many plies the pragmatic test. Without talks of the pugnRcity instinct as be­ opinion abroad, which has condemned OF AMERICANS possible points of view being repre­ prejudice against corporations, or for ing essentiaJ. 0( course, it is, but anti-Semitism. GENEVA SAILS TODAY sented on the Supreme Court, and unions, he studies each problem, seeks you don't need warfare t.o , express Next to the Nazis the largest dep­ implies that Mr. Justice Brandeis is for the underlying reason for its ex­ and cultivate the pugnacity instinct. utation in the Reichstag wiJI be especially valuable in this respect. istence, looks at the treatment of "You and I have no javelins in our composed of the . Socialists, who won New York, Aug. 5-(JTA) - . The Max Lerner's "The Social Thought similar situations in different coun­ hands now. The chances are that I 133 seats, which represents a loss of last contingent of the American dele- of Mr. Justice Brandeis" sees the jus­ tries, and says: "Is this instance good won't break your nose, though I am ten seats over their representation in gation to the World Jewish Confer- tice in the thick of the battle center­ or bad?" He is a sincere believer in tempted to, and yet we are both dJs­ 1930. ence to be held on Aug. 14 in Gen- ing around the economic issues be­ experiment. To him no rule is final playing right now the pugnacity in- The Catholic Center Party of for­ eva, Switzerland, headed by Dr. Ifore the court, and as pre-eminent in -we must learn by experience. He ' Stephen S. Wise, will sail for Europe sharply defining these issues, espe­ (Cont.mued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) today aboard the Europa. dally that between the "realities of (Continued on Page 4) Page 2 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1932

JEW NAMED DmECTOR OF j cert ~aster and impressario, has been MEMORIAL OPERA HOUSE appomted temporary managing direc­ ' tor of the new War Memorial Opera San Fran · A 5 _ (JTA) _ Ho~ in the Civic ~nter,. which will ClSCO, ug. have its formal operung wtth a grand Selby C. Oppenheimer, veteran con- I opera season next October.

PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES that the Book Review group of the Providence Section of Council of Jew­ I. C. T. Co., Inc. BUS ish LINES Although nothing has been said in Women will meet at the Jewish Terminal-I FOUNTAIN ST., Opposite Big these columns for the past few weeks, Center every second and fourth Bus Terminal nevertheless Monday the summer playground afternoons throughout the ONE for children has been carried fall and winter season. ---□--- ROUND on with WAY TRIP unabated interest. The Center takes pleasure in wel­ MOSLEM UNIV. COMM.l'l"t;_EE 15 Every coming this FALL RIVER, min. servire day from 9:30 to 5, the Cen­ group and hopes that ANNOUNCES 50c 90c ter serves as host their example THREE FACULTIES to hundreds of will be fpllowed by NEW BEDFORD, hourly service 1.00 (4rides) youngsters who participate in a many other Jewish organizations in 3.00 healthful outdoor the city. Jerusalem, Aug. 5 - (JTA) - The program. The play­ ' Moslem HARTFORD, 4 trips daily 2.00 ground opened July University Committee, in line 3.50 5th, will con­ with clude its activities with SPEAKERS the decision adopted at the Muf­ Telephone GAspee 4000 a picnic at ENGAGED ti's Moslem Lincoln Woods, Thursday, Aug Conference late last year. . 18th. recently announced The above Through the kindness of Mr. Abe V. The following speakers have been its intention of lines are being operated under the persona] supervision of Flink, definitely establishing three faculties at the out­ Treasurer of the Center, the engaged for the Center lec­ set. MR. HYMAN SCHOENBERG children will be treated with ice ture and concert course: Rev. John cl'eam and milk in honor of a birth­ Haynes Holmes, Sunday evening, Dec. day of a member in his family. Mr. 4th; James Waterman Wise, Sunday , .Jules P. Goldstein, President, has se­ evening, Jan. 5th, and the Compin­ A cured contributions from Colonel Jo­ sky Trio, Sunday evening, Feb. GLORIOUS VAC_4TION AWAITS YOU AT seph Samuels and Charles Brown to 19th. cover the expense of transportation Other talent is now being consid­ and other necessities for the picnic. ered and as soon as final selections It is expected that other members will be made it will be announced by of the Center will make contributions the committee. of candies and noise-makers. The THE NEW AGASSIZ children will be transported to Lin­ GETI'ING READY FOR THE FALL I coln Woods under the supervision of Executive Director Jacob I. Cohen With the c1ssistance of the City THE LEADING AMERICAN-JEWISH RESORT HOTEL and assisted by Nathan Pass, Mollie Public Aid Department emp]oyes, the Fineman and Gertrude B. Tarnapol. Center is now getting a thorough Beautifully Located In th Heart of the White Mountain., scrubbing, paintipg and cleaning MEMBERSHIP OVER 1000 Every room in the house is being BETHLEHEM, N. H. touched up so when the fall season The office files at the Center have arrives it will be spic and span to re­ DANCING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT revealed the news today that the Cen­ ceive thousands to partake in the ed­ Every Evening ucational, The Flume, Old ter membership for 1932 has reached social and cultural oppor­ In Our Magnificent THE MANAGEMENT HA Man the figure of 1025, including tunities offered by the Center. of the Mountain. Lost all Ballroom to the Scin­ River classes of membership. In spite tHJating REDUCED ITS RATE , Echo Lake, Mt. of the Tunes of Our g h nnd temporary luU in activities many JUST A REMINDER M err y Syncopating But Wi b to Emphn lze the Fact Endle Thal Jo P i c t u r e q u e n.nd members have sent their dues dur­ Dance Orches tra. Have the Established Standard Tho ew Monday evening, or g 1z, harming cenery. ing the summer months, thus helping Oct. 10th, lS an For ervice, Food end Enterl.iinment, been A.JI cted. us to increase the 1932 enrollment. important date to remember, because -----....-;::-~--=-=.:=::...:..==--=-==;..=== Center officials are certain that be­ on that evening the first J ewish so­ /:_:.;_-~_;- ~;.::;~::=:::::::::======-.. fore the fal] season begins and the ci al event of the season will take new year rolls around 1932 member­ place at the Arcadia Ballroom. The ship enrollment wil show still great­ )vent follows immediately upon the er increase. r:onclusion of Yorn Kippur and serves as a welcome relief after a day in the COUNCIL GROUP TO MEET Synagogue. Yorn Kippur Night dan­ ces have become an institution in Announcement has been made P rovidence and usually attract over two thousand people from thls city and nearby communities. GRAFTON POWER {tEFINANCING

(An Editorial from the Concord, N. :i., Monitor of July 28, 1932) !eivish Orphanage P•J blic Service Commissioners of News four states Tuesday considered the matter of permanent financing for the Grafton Power Company develop­ ment at Fifteen Mile Falls. Alto­ Children to be Given gether there is $32,000.000 involved, .and of this Full-Day Outing some $20,000,000 is now in Tuesday Every the forni of obligations which mature at Narragansett next December. Pjer Outdoor Sport Whl!t transpired at the meeti.flg to coPsider this situation was not made The Jewish Orphanage children's public, but presumably ways and horizon is brightened at present by Every Every means of raising the $20,000,000 in the coming of a "Narragansett Pier the course of the next . few months Day." Summer activities are in full Conv..enience Comfort was the primary objective of the con- swing at the Orphanage, and each ference. Certainly New England is has some particular flavor, but next interested in seeing the necessary per- week's main attraction is an outstand- Every manent financing accomplished. ing event. · The great public utilities are as Throµgh the interest of Mr. and Improvement vulnerable as other businesses a time Mrs. Benjamin Brier, the boys and of stress has shown. Whether one girls of the Home will be transported believes they have been over-capital- to Narragansett Pier the morning .of Every ized or not, there should be no one Tuesday, Aug. 9th, given a complete Social who would wish that the Grafton chicken dinner at one of the hotels • Power Company fail in the conver- there at noon, facilities will be pro­ Gayety sion of a considerable· temporary debt vided them in the afternoon for swim­ incurred in building up a New Hamp- ming and games on the sand, to be shire r esource To fail in the pro-: followed by refreshments before the cess would mean receivership and homeward journey to Providence. possibly bankruptcy for the utiljty, !Vb-. and Mrs.• Brier have invited and much grief to New England as a Dr and Mrs. Wolfenson and Miss Sil­ whole. verman and Mr. Katz, of the Home New Hampshire should be partic- . Staff, to accompany the children. ularly· interested, not that it will as a state have very much to do or say CHILDREN ENJOY MARlONETI'ES about what is done, but because it has benefited by the tremendous in­ vestments made in the With mid-summer upon us, some development interesting of Connecticut water powers, devel little playmates are pir­ opments the state or its ouetting their way into the hearts and citizens by home themselves could not have accom­ of the boys and girls of the plished without the assistance J ewish Orphanage of Rhode Island. I of out­ They t;ide. capital. New Hampshire, too, come from a world all their should' be concerned about own, of sunshine, and are gay, fan- ' the ability tastic of Massachusetts and Rhode Island . altogether charming little crea­ to carry this financial load tures. Already they have captured and the the New Hampshire Public Service Com­ imagination and affection of the mission might properly encourage Orphanage children. Thes.e genial. I conversion of the $20 000,000 temppr­ snritely marionettes-for that is what the ary debt into some form of perma-, newcomers are--are giving the nent nnancing. . youngsters of the Home their first This is just one more ' of the taste in "puppet-art." They furnish many "something jobs still left to be done in this pe­ to do" that is full of joy riod of readjustments, and · and fascination; they in valve the more riety a va- ' I',_:_:_:._-_-_-_--_-_.:_~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_---.--.--_-:._-_-:._-_-_-_-_-_-_.:_::::_:.._-_-_-_-_-_- rapidly these jobs can be accom­ of craft.s,--carpentry, sewing, I __--,_:_:_:_:_:_-:_-:~-:_-:_-:_-:_:_~~:.:.:.:.-.-.-======-­ play-writing and management,-and plished the sooner all New England FAMOUS SWIMMING will be restored to normal business as the busy fingers of childhood in GOLF More the Home CUISINE and activity. can select the thing that On the Sporty Entertainments suits him or her best, or has the most BOATJNG lure in it they bring in their wake White Mt. Courses, UNSURPASSED On Lake Opposite More a TABLE development of dramatic talenl as TENNIS the Hotel Conveniences Prices Reduced well as a splendid training in color, SADDLE sueech and rhythm On Our Own HORSES More Comforts . Because chil­ Jewish At You can play our sporty Nine dren live so near the whimsical Nearby Riding land Clay Courts Dietary Laws School Hole Course nil day every day, of make-believe, these tiny actors More Fun Sundays and Holidays seem like real playmates. excepted, .for . . . 50 IF WE ' ...... C At the end of the play, the chil­ KNEW WHEN TO EXPECT YOU, WE WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE A CHOICE dren were eager to see how the pup­ ROOM FOR YOU. WON'T YOU DROP US A LINE WHEN YOU PLAN ~O pets were manipulated, BE WITH US? and they got . LET US TELL MESHANTICUT I !ce::~~1 out of peeping YOU OUR NEW REDUCED RATES behind the j GOLF CLUB I NEW AGASSIZ HOTEL • • • CORN -POPPING HELD • • • BETHLEHEM, N. H . Cor. Oaklawn ON HOME n.od New London GROUNDS MICHNOFF AND SPIWACK, Managing Owners Ave., Cranston \ Tel Greenwood 1122 Al<;<> . on this week's calendar was "LET THE NEW AGASSIZ HOTEL MEAN HOME TO YOU" another event of interest, in the va- 1 ri-n;: JEWISH ,HERALD, FRIDAY, A,UGUST 5, 1932 Page 3

KASHRUTH CONTROVERSY . IN KU KLUX KLAN MAKES ITS ...... _: ...... - dence Hebrew Institute Ladies' Asso- PATERSON BREAKS OUT ANEW REAPP~NCE ON '.J'HE COAST : Jewish Home for the ◄ ciation; Touro Fraternal; Providence The Iron Hand In ' Zionist District; Temple Emanu-El ' Ag d f R J N Sisterhood; Beth-Israel Sisterhood· a Velvet Glove Paterson, Aug. 5 -:- (JTA) - The Los Angeles, Aug. 5-(JTA)-While : e O • • ew~ , Jewish Community Center; R 1'. Kasnruth controversy that raged here the Ku Klux Klan has been consid- : By M. P. OSTROW By BERNARD M. GOLDOWSKY for_ a considerable length of time and : Workmen's Beneficial Association; that was believed ered a dead organization throughout ______- - - Pawtucket; Newport; Out of Town; settled when a com­ the country Several years ago my mittee of prominent citizens inte.r­ for the past few years, Outlet Company; Trade Organiza- attention was 200 WORKERS TO LAUNCH MEM- tions, Captain, directed to an advertisement of the vened, has broken out anew with several incidents within the past six ' Ben1·amin N. Kane. charges BERSHIP CAMPAIGN SEPT 6 It is the hope of this commHtee Bay View Hotel, Bay View, Maine, by Rabbi William Wittenstein months in and around Los Angeles that appeared in that "50 per cent. of the meat sold ' that between 1000 and 1500 mern bers an automobile route indicate that it is still ftourishing to will be enrolled in this campaign. guide wherein the management an­ in supposedly kosher butcher shops some extent in the Southwest At a luncheon meeting at in this the Nar nounced boldly, "No Jewish Patron­ city, is not in accordance with Some time ago the police of Comp-- ragansett Hotel, held age Solicited." Jewi:,h Dietary laws." Aug. 2nd, it was ton a few miles west of Los Angeles, unanimously voted to officially DEDIC TIO I immediately brought that matter Rabbi Wittenstein also charged launch a membership campaign for A N OF TEMPLE AND to the attention of the distributors the were called upon to tear down Ku the benefit of the Jewish Home for of Vaad Ha'Kashruth, kosher meat su­ Klux Klan posters urging the recall SIUM BA TORAH, SEPT 25 the said "Guide" and at the same time pervisory body, with mismanagement of several officers for their failure to the Aged, to commence on Tuesday, U addressed a letter to the management Sept: 6th. The committee felt that nder the ~ -dance of the Ortho- of the Bay of funds. enforce the prohibtion laws. d Rabb' th tat · View Hotel, saying, among this date would be the most logical ox IS o e s e, a most rm- other things, "The Jews have out­ time to begin without interfering pressive and inspiring ceremony will lived many Hamans and Fords and. with the Community Fund Drive be carried out on Sunday, Sept. 25th, will be found doing business at the EVERYTHING IS OPEN -EVERY DAY Two hundred workers, consisting of at 2 p. m. old stand long after the management ten lady captains and ten men - On this occasion, the Synagogue of the Bay View Hotel is gone and tains, each with teams of ten, will be within the Jewish Home for the Aged forgotten." , EVERYBODY HAS A GREAT TIME AT organized to cover the entire state institution ' will be officially dedicated In the following issue of the thus giving evecy Jewish man and and new Torahs will be brought in. "Guide" the advertisement of the Bay women an opportunity to participate The committee in charge will consist View Hotel was missing. . as a member in the work of Jewish of all the Orthodox Rabbis and the I am reminded ... of that incident at ·CRESCENT PARK · Home for the Aged. Mr, Samuel M . Presidents of the various Congrega­ this time because recent events con­ Magid is in charge of the Initials Gifts tions in the state. There are three vince me WHERE YOU that the state of Maine still COME "JUST FOR FUN" Committee and will continue the Temples and twelve Orthodox Syna­ has its full quota of bigoted summer work with his committee until the gogues in the city of Providence and hotel and camp keepers. Four out SHORE DANCING KIDDIES' DAY official date of the drive. The fol- four more in the state that will be of six who advertise in a newspaper lowing teams will be organized. represefited on this committee. The call special attention to the fact that DINNERS Every Saturday EVERY THURSDAY Ladies' Association of the Jewish ceremony of bringing in the new To­ they cater solely to a "Christian With Watermelon Night ALL RIDES Home for the Aged, Mrs. J ennie rahs under a canopy or Crupa, to be Clientele." , Goldsmith, Captain ,· Mrs. - met by a delegation and music and How ver, although the new · $1.00 - $1.50 Ladies' Night, finally the inscription of the letters Monday tain; Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. in the phraseology, "Christian Clientele" new Torah, has been carefuJly conceals Special 5 O 'Clock Wednesday N_ight .sc Borod, Captain; Miriam Hospital; planned in accordance with the J ew­ the anti-Semite's iron hand Temple Beth-Israel; Temple Emanu- ish customs by Rabbi in a velvet glove, it is, nevertheless, Bake Daily Ol~ Timers', ThUJ'sday Age LimH., 3 to 83 H. D. Bachrach, a vast improvement El; Hadassah; Ladies' Auxiliary, J ew- Rabbi J oshua Werner, Rabbi 0 over the old . W. classic, ''No J ews or ish War Veterans, Mrs. Hoffman, Cap- Werner, Rabbi l. Bick. Rabbi Shis- Dogs Allowed." MIDWAY FREE ACT BATHING tain; Ladies' Union Aid; Montifiore I d Perhaps in the near future we shall Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent; J ewish ga an Mr. M. P. 0Strow. be favored with another modification, Crescent Inn Steak and Chicken Dinners Shady Picnic Groves Mothers, Alliance of the North End; --,- or else those Maine summer hot.els Women's Pioneer Club; South Provi- and camps will be own d or managed LADIES' SSN. ORGAN1ZJNG by Jews. Who can tell? BRILLJANT DONORS' L CHEON Many, if not the majority of hotels in Sarato~a Springs are own d or At a meeting of the Executiv managed by J ws sine the d y the Board of Ladi s' Associalion, th J ewish bank r, &:Ligman. was re­ pleasant President, Mrs. Jennie Goldsmith, fused admittance to Judg Hilton's a Grand way Unfon Hotel. What impowered to organize a Donors' Luncheon to be given som time dur­ W J ws have an ov r-abundance .,-::!"'!::::~·~ ing January or February. Each on, of patJcnce. For centuries w have of the been welting and hoping for another ·:: ladles who will participate in this luncheon will undertake to rajse day. Bul like' the lighthou in the to midst of a dark cook a meal I and troubled sea we twenty-five dollars during this pe­ riod. Unique and ingenious ways and must continue to light the means have been devised by the la­ way to tho who are stiU groping in J :rlh'.:o dies t-0 raise this amount in order a medl val darkness oJ intolerance. not to burden the community with We must continually and persist­ too many solicitations. Thus, some ently flood the dark spot of b1gotry of the ladies are r aising their pro with the golden light that emanates rata, acting as chauffeurs, whlle from the Synagogue, Home for the others are giving private entertain­ Aged, Orphanage, Hospital, Dispen­ ment parties in the form of bridges, sary, "Center," etc. musicals, etc. One of the ladies is Incidentally, at this writing the raising her quota by selling cherries Jewish Home fo r the Aged of Rhode which she purchases on the trees of Island is in urgent need of a dues­ a fanner. paying membenihip for its mainte­ nance. ,:· This" luncheon will be combined also with the idea of oommemoratin~ Those who are blessed with the the 20th anniversary of the Ladies wherewilha.J - never mind losses - :\,. Organization of the Jewish Home for should not waH for some one to ap­ the Aged and the Ladies' Unlon Aid proach them in this hot weather, but Society. A nwnber of ladies are al­ should enroll at once by mail ready at work in raising this amount ---□--- and various committees will be ap­ London Roumanian Legation pointed to work out the details of the Says Bronstein Proved Head arrangements in order to make this lunoheon, not only a financial, but Of R.evolutionary Committee also an outstanding social event. London, Aug. 6-(JTA)-The Rou­ manian Legation in London, in a MRS. LENA BEBAR MOURNED BY statement to the Jewish Telegrapruc GUESTS OF HOME Agency, recently, declares that Sam­ son Bronstein, tortured Zionist leader The old folks at the Home are of Yedinez, Bessara bia, was identified mourning the loss of Mrs. Lena Be­ as the President of the committee har, who passed away on Aug. 1st. which endeavored to form revolution­ Mrs. Bebar was 85 years of age and ary organizations in the villages. bad been in good health until the The statement, addressed to the very last moment. The funeral ser­ J ewish Telegrapruc Agency, is dupli­ •t vices were held from the parlors of cated in communiques sent to other You d on have . to ''potwatc h'' 2n e Iectr1c · - range Max Sugarman, the undertaker. London papers, including The Daily All the guests in the Home filed Herald, which featured the Bronstein T cooks for you automatically. Th6 ~lectric range measures out to the procession and a highly im­ torture. the exact pressive ceremony was carried out by The Roumanian Legation, which b¥ I amount of heat required and times the cooking been silent on the Bronstein case for ' the reciting of the El Mol Raichmim. wjth split~second accuracy. Come In and let us explain how it all this time, now states that as far does back as May 7th, the District In­ this and. why you never have to bQste a roast or supeNise DONATIONS spector of Czernowitz took disciplin­ any cooking process with an electric range. Think how pleas­ ary measures against Capt. Panisoara ant it must be to spend your usual. M. Fowler, a gift of cash; Sweet's The inspector allegedly discontin­ cooking time with your Bakery, one month's bread; Mr. . and ued his further inquiries because a family or friends, and to be free from cooking cares. Think Mrs. Barney Taber, three feather pil­ public trial haa been ordered, which how pleasant it must lows; John Keating, vase; Mrs. I. was postponed because of the 5\llll· be to have ,walls and woodwork stay Singer, five pounds of coffee; Wash­ mer court recess. spic and span,to have shining pots and pans, and a kitchen ington Finance Corp., curtains; Sie­ Obivously there is a di.,crepancy gal's Meat Market, GS cool as your other rooms. And what a convenience Is to meat; Mary and a contradiction in the statements it Brown, books; Mrs. J . Kenner, pil­ issued by the two legations abroad. · cook this quick, economicai way. Don't ~it lows; Mrs. S. Deutch, Mazuzahs; inasmuch as the torture of Samson any longer to begin to enjoy cooking comfort. George Samdperi), set of "Ain Ya­ Bronstein began on May 7th and kov;" Nathan Zisquit, books; Mrs. lasted through the night Minister Install a modern electric range now. Then Goldie Richard, set of Mishnais; Mrs. Charles A. Davila, Roumanian envoy you will learn how pleasant it is to cooli N. Brown, curtains, Victrola records, in Washington, moreover, has stated Hebrew books; Sweet's Bakery that an investigation of the torture of electrically. towels. Bronstein before on May 29th.

Any ELECTRIC RA~GE OUR ELEVENTH SEASON will be installed, ready to use Make This Your Best JI acation, Come t,o for a small initial payment Forest and Stream Club Balance on easy monthly ttrml WILMINGTON - VERMONT Listen in WJAR, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 10 a. m. Eleanor Lynn's Electric Kitchen of the Air An lde(ll Adult Camp 3½ Hours from Providence SEE ELECTRIC RANGES AT YOUR DEALER OR THE ELECTRIC SHOP Private Golf Course on the Premises. Social and Athletic Activities Under Direc­ tion of Lou Novins and Bal Fimberg. Season Rates - $30.00 ;t>er Week THE NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR RESERVATIONS ADDRESS, FORES'll AND STKEAM CLUB Electric Shop ISi 51 We,stminster St. WILMINGTON - VERMONT TELEPHONE WILMINGTON 55 BRANCHES - ARCTIC-BRISTOL-WI\RRHI-EAST PROVIDENOE-OLNEYVILLE-WASHINGTON PARK-EAST 6REOIWICH Page 4 THE JEWISH HERALD; FRIDAY, AUGUST s·, 1932 .

mentlaw. ·of · that important branch. of our munist· representati· on in the history l of the German Reichstag. Tbe ast essay, "The Jurist's Art," Adolph Hitler's party vote ex- by Walton H. Hamilton~ is fascinating ceeded the vote received by Hitler to the lawyer, and cannot but be in- Tidbits and News of teresting to the layman. Should the during his p residential candidacy by 300 TlfE JEl'nSh dOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND Jewish Personalities rea.der have noticed the a bsence of Th~~trategic p osition remains in the P\JBLISHED E'\'"ERY WEEK IN THE YEA& BY THE anth essayChi flike that of Mr. Justice h a nds o f the c a tho 11c· Cen ter p a rt y By lJAVID SCHWARTZ ( en e Judge) Cardozo in "Mr . of former Chancellor Heinricli Bruen- JEWISH \>RESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Justice Holmes," also edited by Mr. ing, inasmuch as Hitler cannot hope Frankfurte r, where Holmes' style is (Continued from P age 1) extolled, this deficiency is eXPlam' ed to control the Reichstag not even if b he makes an alliance with the Com- Ml'. £R M. COOPER, President . - - !.Y ~- J:uunilton . ~onversationally, m unists and that is considered as a s ti net. Busmess-Love-Sports· f - haall an_ d Bm hisd early opinions, Mr. J us- virtual impossibility, since the Com- I forms o f lif e o ff er expression or t t tree ran eis has a literary style com - 116 Orange Street, Providence, Rhode Island instinct. War is therefore unneces- parable to that of Mr. J ustice Holmes.. munists have not in the past allied sary as far as this instinct is con- He deliber::o tely abandoned this for a themselves with any other group. T.e]ephm1e: GAspee 4312 - 4313 " I ., • Should the Nazis combine with the cerned. c. ear, simple style, eschewing color or · N What is the matter with me? Here r hetoric, believing facts and ideas ationalists and the Center Party, JOSEPH M. FINKLE, Editor I was standing at Columbus Circle, clearly communicated speak for them- they could easily control the Reichs- the Hyde Park of America. selves. tag. Whether or not Dr. Bruening's . . party will choose an alliance with the 0 n one corner, ChrJS tian evangel- His skillful use of extra- legal ma- Member Jewish Telegraph1t: Agency, Inc., With News Correspondents ists were soap-boxing for a doctrine terial in his opinions, obscures the anti-Semitic parties is not yet known. All Over the World once urged by some Jews called fact . that he is, according to Mr. The J ewish population anxiously I Jesus, Paul, etc. Hanulton, the best technical lawyer watched the returns of the elections, Subscription Rates: Five Cents the Copy. By Mail, $2.50 per Nearby was standing an Irish Com- on_ the bench. Employ in

Ha.met street announce the birth of a daughter at the Miriam Hospital P-ERSONAL • • • Mr. and Mrs. Peritz Forman of Is­ Women's News land Park entertained for a few days ~ .· SOCIAL the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benjamin of New York City. joyed it very much. l gained six Plans are progressing for the bridge recently had as guests, Miss Marcella • • • Jewish Council Camp pounds during my stay. Once to be sponsored by the Women Pio­ Baron of Taunton and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip Olev of Riverside left Rec e iv es more I want to thank you all. neers' Club, Tuesday, Aug. 16, on the Julius Klick, also of Taunton. Sunday for a week's stay in New Committee "S-mcerely yours, lawn of Mrs. Arthur Einstein's home • • • York. Note from Little Camper ,, '' in Shawomet. Mrs. Einstein is the Mrs. Rose Koplan of Riverside has The Council of Jewish Women is chairman. as guest, Mrs. Theresa Weiner of New (Continued on Page 8) well pleased with the good health • • • York. Mrs. Saul Rothschild, Camp Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen of this mittee Chairman of the Providence record made by all the children • • • whom it afforded the opportunity city, who are spending the summer Section, National Council of Jewish at Ocean Grove, entertained during - Mrs. Morris Fishman is the guest received this note upon the this summer for having a wholesome, of Mrs. Jack Fishman of Fall River. Women, or­ the past week-end, Mr. and Mrs. return to the citY. of one of the young happy vacation at the regularly ·························1 ganized camp at Ashland, Mass. These Samuel Poulten and son, George, of • • • girls sent by the Council to camp Chelsea, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Max OIJove of Bay &u•" li.Snmrl~~ girls benefited immeasurably by the this summer: had as Sunday outdoor activities, good feod and ex­ Gilb~rt and family of Chelsea,, Miss street, Riverside, "Dear Mrs. Rothschild:- guests., Mrs. S. Moverman and R - IKA~l!E> :J ' cellent care which they received Saclye Chorney, Miss Ruth Fish, San­ "! am writing this little note to Phyllis and Jean, . while at camp. ford M. Chorney, Abe Kriss, Irving daughters, Evelyn, let you know how much I. ap­ all of Providence. ' A vrutsky and Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. New SANIT~RY Proeett preciated the kindness of you ---10--- Poulten, all of Providence. • • • and the Jewish Council for send­ They will have as house guests for Guests at the Royal HoteL Block Our equipment coNJisb of Ute ing me to camp. Filled Dime Books Are the following week, their niece, Miss Island,_ during the past week, were latHt type 11l&ch1nery that dry "I've had a fine time, and en- Anna Levine, of Malden, Mass., and the M1sses Sally Cohen, Irene Bern­ cleans, 1hampooe and aanJtiue Received for Benefit Mrs. Mary Barron of Mattapan. stein and Anne Bernstein, all of this your rurs, brin1in1 back the of New Home for Aged • • • city. lustre of a aew ru1. Moth.I aDCI Mr. and Mrs. Morris Foster and son, • • • rerm ■ are poeitln]y kiUed. JEANNETTE , have returned to their home at Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kerness of Is­ the ben­ Jerry Books filled with dimes for 14 Kipling street, after a month's stay land Park will have as guest for a Fund of the new We Call for and Deliver BEARMAN efit of the ·Building at Sharon Springs, N. Y. few weeks, Miss Florence Herman of Jewish Home for the Aged, have been New York City. Phone PLant.atlon, 7808 ANNOUNCES received by the Chairman of the • • • • • • Committee, Mrs. Milton M. Fuld, from Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rice of 82 New Location At Marion avenue, Edgewood, are Mrs. Samuel Gladstein and Miss the following: Sylvia Fishman are entertaining their A spending the summer at the Ocean ROOM 214 House, Barrington. nieoe, Miss Rhoda Fishman, at their Mesdames C. Alexander, William summer home in Riverside. KINSLEY BLDG. Adelman, A. Abrams, J . E. Adelson, • • • • • • Miss Molly Abrams. Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Finklestein Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Broniman of 108 B of Camp street announce the engage­ OF ALL CLEARANCE Mesdames J . Biller, B. Blacher, D. ment of their daughter, Miss $16.50-$22.50-$26.50 Blacher, H. Blacher, A. Blackman, N. Ethelyne M. Finklestein, to Mr. Harry Braverman, Brownstein, Backman, H. Featherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. IBaker, ,L. Boja.I) Beeker, L. Baker, R Marks Featherman, of Natick, Mass. Blumenthal, A. Berger, B. D. Basok, I. • • • .DRESSES Berger, M. Beeber, H . Burt, B. Brom­ Mrs. Joseph E. Gartner entertained GARAGE, Inc. berg, B. Brier, M. Bliss. a t luncheon last Thursday in honor lll!!ii~ At $5.50 - $7 .50 C of her birthday, at her summer home Mesdames Chusmir, H. Cohen, C. in Matunuck. WASHING BLUE OLINE and $10.50 Craft, S. Cumberson, C. Colitz, Co­ Guests included members of the CREASI MOTOR OIL kin. Woodbox and the Sadler cottage. POLI HJ G SUNOCO IMONJZI TEL. PL 8177 • • • 19 ORMSBEE A VE., Off Smith t., near State Hou e (Names to be Continued Next Week) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zarchen and daughter, Phyllis, of Providence, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zarchen and daughter, Arlene, of Central Falls, will spend the remainder of the sum­ . ZINN'S- mer at Barrington Beach. • • • 00 133 MATHEWSON STREET Morton Zisquit and Harold Leavitt $1 · .Lubrication --o-- were the week-end guests of "Happy" and Lester Bernstein at their sum­ ANNOUNCE REDUCED PRICES mer home in Narragansett Pier. --o-- • • • FOR ALL MAiffiS OF CARS The Misses Bessie and Lillian Feld­ • 35c man of this city are the guests of Miss HERE'S WHAT YOU GET BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON Alice Seidman of New York City. COURSE MEAT DINNER - - - - 50c I-Wipe aJI Alemitc lilting . FULL • • • 2- se wire brush on pring . DINNER • 85c Miss Anna Lucksnianskv of Cen­ FULL COURSE CHICKEN tral Falls has just returned from a 3-- e GreenJub • in high pr ur,c fitting . Dairy and a La Carte at All Hours Open from 11 a. m. to 9 p. m. two wee~s• vacation at Old Orchard, 4-0il aJI brake rod.s, throt1le connections and clevis pin . Me., where she was the guest of Miss 5--Grease mu t go th.rough both , ld of Bolt . Mary Novick. 6-Use SpeciaJ lubricant in Universal joints. • • • 7-Check the level o! Tran mis ion Grease. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gentile of River­ 8-Check amount of difiereTitfal lubricant. side entertained the following Sun­ 9--U content of these is over 5000 miles old recommend changing. day guests: 10-F1ush and change clutch oil if a wet clutch. WEEK-END Mrs. M. Rich and sons, Miss Mar­ 11-Spray prings with Greeneze, the famou penetrating oil. lene Rich, Miss Selma Eugene, H. 12-Spray body bolt cushions with Greeneze. Gorfine and Dr. L Gorfine, all of this 13-Grea e waler pump w ith our peciaJ water pomp Grease. city. 14--Lubricate steering gear hou ing, fan and all other Alernite fitting • • • under . Grace Lofsky of 23 Detroit avenue l~Oil all park controls and throttle connections. SPECIALS with our pecial light oil. was given a surprise party last Sat­ 16-OiJ generator, starter and distributor urday in honor of her 12th birthday 17-Oil Hood Clamps and Hood Lacing. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 18--Wipe away all excess grease from alJ fitting . Lofsky. Table decorations were in 19-Luhricate clutch throwout bearing. flesh and maize. Prizes were won by 20-0il door hinges and locks then wipe with cloth. Claire Guny ~d Miriam Knasin. 21-Drop of oil in top of steering wheel. SILVERBROOK The hosts were assisted in receiv­ 22-Test oil filter and if in poor condition suggest changing. Butter th 22c 23-Test battery and fill to proper level. ing by Miss Lillian Buan of Wash­ ington, D. C., and Miss Rose Levin of 24-Test air in tires. 25--Wipe off steering wheel and ends of fenders. this city. 26-Check gasoline. • • • 27-10% Discount if you are a Certificate holder. FANCY Mrs. B . Constantine of Longmeadow 28-Good for all makes of. car. Potatoes NEW 15 lbs 2}c entertained at a three table bridge 29-Wash al] windows if customer can wait. on Tuesday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Fine, Mrs. Harry Uffer and Mrs. A. Greenberg. PIMENTO, WHITE, COLORED • • • Mrs. Harry Uffer of Longmeadow DUTEE W. FLINT entertained at a bridge on Monday CORPORATION LOAF CHEESE LB. afternoon. Three tables were in play. Prizes for scoring were presented 133 DORRANCE - CORNER FRIENDSHIP KELLOGG'S to Mrs. David Uffer, Mrs. Benjamin Riffkin and Mrs. Harry Fine. • • • CORN FLAl(ES 4 PKGS. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levy of 33 Kipling street announce the birth of RED SALMON can 17c a daughter at the Miriam Hospital. • • • 3 cans 25c Kaplan is at her sum­ , SALMON Mrs. Joseph __ PINK y1,,,_, mer home in Island Park. LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 cakes 17c • • • Miss Claire E. Greenstein has re­ HIGH SPEED TIRES and TUBES BLUE LABEL CATSUP 2 lge. bottles 29c turned from Atlanta, Georgia. where ' she was the guest of Miss Ida Zin­ DELMONTE SARDINES ~ 3 cans 25c ger. WHILE OUR STOCK LASTS • • • BUY NOW ENCORE MAYONNAISE 16 oz. jar 19c Miss Sarah Askins and Miss Gladys Askins, accompanied by their We Are Selling FIRESTONE Extra Value Tires RAJAH SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. jar 15c nephew, Harold Kushner, have re­ turned to this -city after a week's stay At TAX .FREE PRICES Rajah Sandwich Spread 2 8½oz.jars 25c in New York. • • • WE ALSO SELL IVORY SALT 2 pkgs. 15c Miss Marie Zuckerman of this city will be the guest of Miss Ethel Ozer­ RAISIN BREAD loaf 7c an of Narragansett Pier for the next two weeks. • • • y,,,,_,__ , BLUEBERRY PIE EACH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shore of Hope street are leaving on Saturday, Aug. !>, from New York City, on the S. S. SPARK PLUGS AND BATTERIES ~~iEs DOZ. Europe for a five weeks' tour of Eu­ I BLUEBERRY rope. • • • Mrs. Irving Nager of Island Park entertained last week Miss Freida DUTEE W. FLINT of Brookline, Mass. Mr. and A & P FOOD STORES Goldman CORPORATION Mrs. Nager also had as guests, Mr. OF NEW ENGLAND and Mrs. Joseph Bornstein of Bos­ 133 DORRANCE CORNER FRIENDSHIP ton. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. • • • PHONES: GASPEE 235~2356 .. . IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Miss Minnie Wolf of Island Park Page ·6 TIIE JEWISH ~. FRIDAY, ,4UGUST 5, i932

• Happenings of Interest ID the Women's World ORGAN OF THE LEAGUE OF JEWISH WOMEN' S ORGANIZATION~ All news for thia page MUST be in th.ii office by Tuesday PAULINE CHORNEY, Women's News Editor --·------~------·--~~---- FORMS FELLOWSHIP OF F AITIIS Local Council Women ''For Quality and Service" Cieveland, Aug. 5 - (JTA) - A branch of the World Wide Fellowship Announce Activities of Faiths has been organized here by FALSE COLORS .·.E. S. CRANDALL'S Rabbi Abraham Nowak of the Tem­ for Ensuing Year DAIRY ple on the Heights. By NIN A KAYE P rovidence Section, National Coun­ (:4 -=- - _ O_ D_ C-~-=- -,..-!• cil of J ewish Women, through its re­ Prope~ly Paste~ ! cently elected President, Mrs. Louis MILK and CREAM If you've ever been lonesom e in "I hope you won't think 'I'm dis­ H. Bornd, has issued an outline of DUCLOS the country, you'll unde rstand how courteous," he said. ''I just drove up various types of activities to be fur­ "A,HEALTH BUILbER" Betty Brenner felt. The week-end to camp. They told me you don't OPTICAL CO., INC, thered by it during the coming club /;I.. Frien~ to the Jewish People cr owd had come u p to the camp· and need any introductions here, just to season. the air was alive wi th la ughter . The wait in the stag line and cut in. It PRESCRIPTION Mrs. Morris Gershman, as chair­ 12 Lowell f',.ve. West 4358 m oon hung p ainted in the summer does seem rather abrupt." man of education, will offer four OPTICIANS sky and the water sparkled with the A desperate desire to make him like study groups: ( 1) Art, (2) Interna­ myria,d stars it reflected. The music her came over Betty. No onP had tional Rela tions. (3) Lit r lure, (4) Artificial Human Eyes of Hal H aliday's orchestra was croon­ ever liked her when she had been her P arliamentary Law. ing, beckoning and couples moved own shy sell. Men always left her Mrs. Benjamin R ssman, as art THE 188 Empire Street across the glistening fl oor or wen t to after lhe first dance and crowded leader, will arrang a pilgrimage in Providence GAspee 1203 sit on the veranda, together in the around girls like Harriet. "Weren't November. Announcem nt will b - ...... ,_ lll _a_ t~ summer darkness. you lucky," she .laughed, "to draw me mad later in the year or her plans L.H.MEADER -b- · But Betty did neither of those lhe very first?" in detail. The inlernation I relations things. Because she couldn't bear to H e blushed. "Well, the truth is.. I group will be formed again under COMPANY sit on the edge of the glistening floor, thought I'd better tell you, before Mrs. Samuel Wach nheimer, meetings IF LOCKED OUT with a smile frozen on her fac , try­ anyone saw it, that your lip tick is all to be held the fourth Wednesday 0£ FORESTRY in g to look as. if she were enjoying smeared." each month, beginning. September, at DEXTER 8868 herself, and because she couldn't sit For a moment Betty was mortifi d. Mrs. Wnch nheimer's home, 395 Lloyd TREE SURGERY alone on benches that were made for But sh e had made up her mind sh avenu , Th li terary group will again two, she crept away to the dressing wasn't going to be the shy, sensitive. be h ad d by Mrs. Louis Kromer, E. C. YOW lonely girl she had always been 75 WESTMINSTER ST. room. "How careless of me," sh e said lighl- m tings lo be h ld the s cond and d DEPENDABLE Tbere wasn't anyone there and ly. "Every time l go out on the fourth Mondays, a l 2:15 p. m., at th Providence, R. L Betty went to the long mirror and veranda, I've got to r m ember to fix J ewish Community Center. M rs. Da­ Auto Keys of AH Kinds, Lock th vid Adelman, 114 South Angell str e t, GAspee 5557 Repairing, Grinding and Sharpen­ faced the slim girl in white lace at my face all over again." she saw there. "There's not a thing Betty wasn't s ure, but it seemed to is in charge of registration for thls ing, Edge Tools, Shears, Lawn course. It is proposed lo hold a par­ Mowers, K.nJves; None Too Big, :,:,r?n~ with my dress," she murmured. h er he s tiffened. Before ither of Its Just as ~retty as anyone, else's. them could say anything, Al Parkow liamentary law eta I d by Mrs. None Too Small. I'm not a ravipg beauty, but I m not cut in J ames E. Ch ·s man, at th Worn n's 342 Weybosset St. Near Empire exactly ugly either. ~ut why, oh, ''~king pretty hot tonight, ~tty," R publican Club, in September, the why. do they leave me m ~e corner, I he said. course consisting of six meetings, ECONOMY 1 when t;1.~re aren l enough girls to go Betty said nothing, her eyes fol- with Mrs. David Adelman in charge. INCORPORATED Mrs. Harry Wachenheimer, chair­ a round • lowing the stranger as he left the ' LAUNDRIES The girl in the mirror didn't seem floor. "Who was that?" she ked. man of foreign-born, in conjunction to have an answer fo r Betty. She "That? Oh, a college p.roie sor or with Mrs. Althea M. J en cks, stale su­ DEXTER 8353 I Lorraine Mills pervisor of adult education, is form­ turned forlornly away as the door something slow like that. I heard hi, OUR LEADER ooened, admitting a sudden burst of name but I didn't catch il He sat ulating planB for the coming year; Remnant Room she hopes for th.e co-operation nnd sound. at my table for dinner and didn't 547 MINERAL SPRING AVE. int.ere t of a large ~oup of the coun­ Harrie t Felman. her nose sadly in o~n his mouth. He's a frost. Now cil membership In this piece of work. PAWTUCKET, R L need of powder d ashed into the don't go getting sw eet on him, just Mrs. Arthur K.Dplan, chairman room. ' ' when I'm beginning to be intcre ted WOOLENS COTIONS of social service, will endeavor to "Whew," she breathed, "I had to in you yourself." have all council members inter sted 10-tis. RAYONS SILK slip away to get my breath; I didn't Betty Wc1nted to tell him sh e'd been in one or more of the following proj­ intend to enter a dance marathon sitting there all evening without his ects: (1) Hospital Visiting, (2) Nur­ ·NftelY Mzithinelroned Open Daily Smithfield Bua when I came to this camp. Why, becoming inter sted in her. But she sery School, (3) Making Laye ttes for 8:30 • 5:30 to Mineral Betty, I didn't see you. Why so sad said nothing. She knew Al Parkow the Miriam Hospital-a n w piece of and wan. fair maiden?" WilS the leader of the liveliest bunch SHlaTS tOllARS Saturdays • work, (4) A Motor Corps. lt 8:30 • 5:00 Spnng Ave. Betty stood watching Harriet as sho in camp. She knew iJ he'd danoe with Mrs. Charles Hoffman, se-oond v.ice 10tEitr4 3 ♦ Unrestricted Parking deftly pow dered her nose. What was her a while, others would be cutting president and chafrman of ways and th ere about h er tha:t made her one in and her vacation would be made. means, has already definite plans for of the most popular girls in camp? She was right. Cheeks flushet. One of them grabbed her Betty didn't hear. She turned away For the 585 NORTH MAIN ST. Enjoy the " Cream of Quality" in and she danced away in his arms, her and hurried toward her bunk, tears Home­ Cal) ANgell 3772 for Orders the many delicious flavors. head thrown back, a laugh on her blinding her eyes. the Store lipS0meone else drew Betty into his "I sent him away," she cried. "And the Office C- - a- :a _ t1 _ 1:1 _~~ .. u- D-~~ ~ arms and they were out on the dance I could have kept him!" ~~~···I Building floor. Betty threw her head back as ---101---- HOME . MA.DE ICE CREAM Harriet had done, forced a_ laugh to the MADE FROM FRESH SWEET CREAM h~r lips. Then she looked into her TWO SAN FRANCISCO JEWS Factory partner's face and something queer HONORED BY RELIEF POSTS Call Fresh 25 Flavors of Ice Cream and Sherbet, Including Many ran down her spine and made her Gaspee Fruit Flavors. Large Assortment of Sunda~s ashamed of the scarlet mouth, the AT TWO EAST SIDE STORES empty, provocative laugh, San F rancisco, Aug. 5 - (JTA) - 9768 She didn't know him, hadn't seen Two leading members of the Jewish for D. A: RIGNEY him before, and yet, looking into his COIIUTJWlity, Judge M. C. Sloss and Estimate Cor. Brook and Benevolent smiling b:rown eyes, ·Betty knew, as Milton Esberg, have been honored 721 HOPE STREET every woman knows. that here was with appointment to places at the head National Awning and Decorating Co. Boston Post Road - At Attleboro-North Attleboro Line a man who meant more to her than of the two principal, relief movements 220-222 SOUTH MAIN ST. J,,-----..------❖ merely a dancing partner. in the city and state. THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1932 OF . INTEREST . TO MEN NEWS ) J r _ . •••• COL-LEG.E .COUNTRY CLUB SPORTS

SWloco gasoline and motor oils. Blue ZETA BETA TAU TO HOLD Los Angeles, Aug. 4 to 8, it was an- s p RT NG Sunoco is a high-test gasoline at no IN LOS ANGELES nounce& Why pay more? Try CONVE:lll"TION National officers of the fraternity O I premium price. a tankful and be convinoed The who will attend the Pacific Coast con- WO R D time your oil is changed, try the Seattle . Wash., Aug. 5 - (JTA) - , include Judge William S. L next vention New Mercury Made Sunoco Oil and Drawing delegates from all parts of National Presi- u.'fWS u,,.n.,.,u Ft"' -r J~,,.,,.'/1 u-RAJ.D Jy 1;,0/ff#C Evans of New York, ~•#T:.:.:_.=..:,:111:=...•~G:,.::"':!''·::~~·!:":!:'":=!:!:...... ::.:.__:Ji!!!20l!L!= __ ..,!;:::;;::::;;:;-: see how differently your motor acts. the West the Pacific Coast regional dent and Lee Dover, General Secre- :;:_-:;;;::;~...:":!!:..l~..!!"::i•~•''..!! to Tau, oldest and If there is anything to be done canvention of. Zeta Beta tary. Zeta Beta Tau eight active at the fraternity will LOOSE TALK AND RUMORS CHATIERINGS your car, Jet Abe Goldstein and largest Jewish college alumni members of the fraternity JUST I of your needs. States, will be held in Benny Leonard is very hopeful that "Speedway" take care in the United represent Seattle. With the Olympic games under- "Speedway Special" for find them- he will get a chance at Baby Face Here is the way most sport writers the month of August-Your car will rheavy with copy, but think McLarnin. You will remember that selves ove be washed, thoroughly greased and o_f the plight of a writer of Jewish the cherubic faced one is the gentle­ Jewish fighters with lubricated, springs sprayed, rear end sports. He must indulge in detec- man who beats battery regularity. Benny thinks he can and transmission checked, tive work and is confronted with such tires gauged even the take him. filled, radiator flushed, problems that wouJd stump cleaned-all for $2. Abbot. Where, oh, What has happened to that West­ and upholstery astute Anthony Just drive up and say "Special" to w.here, are the Jewish Olympic per- chester County Country Club started ·gentlemen-its object Abe at the "Speedway." The garage formers? Sol Furth, the hop, skip by three J ewish right be non-sectarian and to prove is located at 19 Orynsbee avenue and jump expert was finally located was to Canal street that J ews and Gentiles could club off Sm1th s~t above at his parents' home in Maine and House. l1 you want Center Tradion. to togelher happily. I hear that the only before the State started off for the long trek back called for. call Plantations h e gels back applications filed were two Jewish your car Los Angeles, but even if 7976 for "Speedway Service." Means Safety there his chan~s of placing in his ones. Besides Sol there Three young Jewish boys from the ---'□--- a& how Goodyear puta event are slight be no Jewish tracksters. Albert East will be sent to Culver City this SIXTY -FOUR P LESTINE TRACTION us t"4center­ will Schwartz, the swimmer, is my one month to compete in the National JEWS APPLY FOR BIDJAN bla hwk:, bioc:ka of rubber bright spot and if he can spurn the Junior Tennis Championships, Marco - keen-edged - deep-alot­ water for a place I'll have a column Hecht, J ohnny Nogrady and Bill Fried­ Jeru.!alem, Aug. S-(JTA) - Sixty­ c.d-to dig In . grip and all set . . . . m&n are the trio that has been picked. four Jews, the majority of them bold. More •topl Th• AU­ I never did consider chess as an The boys will not have to pay their Communists have registered for set­ W•ther Tread 19 ■ b~ athletic sport, but I can't pass up the own expenses. tlement in Bira Bidjan. me -n why mUJJon■ more news that one of the best amateur Speaking of expenses reminds mess where p«>pl• rfde Oil Goodyear chessers in the U. S. is a J ewish boy of the recent Seabright the players that -nr.. Come la-we'll dem• from New York named Isaac Kash- the club Wonned will lheir hotel bills would be paid only WEST SHORE OD11tratel dan. This 26-year-old young man be a member of the U . S. Olympic so long as they stayed ln the tourney. chess team and is in line for honors. The boys revolted, demanding to be GOLF CLUB Last w eek in Portland, Oregon, he supported until the tourney was over Sandy Lane, ha womet, R. I. club ad­ took on 34 ofponents simultaneously and why not? After all the 20 Minu1e, fl'Olll ProVJdeoce gate. The players and won 31 o the matches. He played missJon ls at the T KE ROUTE 117 -llllA the number one board for the U. S. receive the valueless trophies. The team in the matches played at Prague least a club could do would be to s A PUBLIC COURSE some weeks ago. Among the experts the boys through. The club brought Telephone Warwick Neck 619 Kashclan is considered one oY the first up the question of wnateu.rism, but lfoli Rates Afler years they $1.00 11 Doy. ten U . S. players. As long as I am they are a lrille late. For 4:30, E.'l:ccpt unday is no rea- have been supporting the entry lists talking abou t chess there hip Elllirc Season, $35.00 neglect that game throughout the w k. Jus t another Member son why I should Y O'CONNOR. PRO. (for arguments), contract xample of the sanctimonious hypoc­ CHARL of games BILL. o .e v N Y. PRO. bridge. If the U. S. were to have a risy of the tennis moguls when 1hey team it would be very much J e wish, find lhaL the question involved is with Karns, Jacoby and Culbertson money. in lhe lineup. The last named has ------TffiE BARGAINS worked out a very romantic back- f'~====~=~~=====~, ground for himself, but from unim -11 r L. H. BOROD fh:~~a~~:, ~~:~:ks ~~da1!1h w:~1~ 0. H. C. NEWS I not be lost on by Ely's prominent I,;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..'. ears. PARTY HELD TIRE BUYERS Sometimes an athlete actually AUTOMOBILE TODAY YOU eU. The Alex writes a book hims . full to ca­ Golf Book, which Simon & Over a dozen machines HAVE IT ALL YOUR OWN WAY! Morrison with Order of Hebraic Com­ Schuster issued recently, was really pacity on this fact. And remember: and it radeship members and fri nds, mo­ With everyone talking econ­ written by that professional Sunday l?,ood less than eight long tored to Point Judith last omy-with many people won­ Goodyear Tires· are so took him no afternoon it down on paper t.o his and spent an enjoyable they outsell any otlier tire years to get the sun. Sam dering if they can get good Morrison, who is not one bathing or basking in town, throughout the satisfaction. camera man, surprised tires at a low price - it's a here in of us, is unquestionably the best golf Berditch. our state, all over America ••• today. His everybody by taking moving pic­ whale of a comfort ro look teacher in the country the par­ in sales incidentally, don't tures of almost everybody in at the facts about tires They've been leading J ewish publishers be projected COAL COKE first thing about the game, ty. These pictures will !?,et for 17 successive yearsr know the of Hebraic ••• Today you can have put over the book with a on a screen in the Order They're first-choice with the but club rooms at some fu­ Goodyear Tires-the ~est resounding cash register bang. Comradeship S. OLNEY & SONS 2 to 1. date. JO quail ty in Goodyear history­ public by more than Louis Grudin, poet, philosopher, ture J C. why take a second-choice and advertising !Jnfortunately the sudden shower at the same prices you'd pay So prize fighter, artist into street his physical attributes caused almost all to get 45 Weybosset Street tires! • • • when first-choice costs no man, is putting than usual, but indj­ for second-choice digging ditches around his clothes earlier more? to use by motored to indoor re­ Drive around and check up farm up in the wld conntry of Con­ vidual parties Telephone Your Orders NOW sorts in all parts of the state. necticut. S635 Lowest Prices of Any Summer Agar, who has been called GAspee 6817 - Nathan BOAT PARTY QUOTA 30 Yearsl vc1crious names, not the least compli­ MOTOR In mentary of which is "The S tormy FILLED of Soccer," has been elected Petrel demand fo r res­ President of the American League for Owing to the great brou ght ervations for the annual motor boat THE the coming year. Agar, who there over here some party by members of the club, the first Hakoah team as in Co. a soccer magnate that wilJ be no room for outsiders John T. Cottrell years back is have sig­ 67 played the game himself. He no the pasl Thirty members Pawtucket, R. I. has to go Sunday, s EACH longer owns his own club. The nified their intentions COAL LUMBER that is the boat's ca­ IN PAIRS Brooklyn Wanderers were his last Aug. 14, and AND e. I noticed in the handout pacity. ventur in charge hope to BUILDING MATERIALS from which I so smartly gleaned the The committee ' make this affair the best motor boat Office: aforesaid information, that the pro­ St., Pawtucket 30x3½ Reg. Cl. will party ever. A program of field events 28 Exchange fessional soccer league matches Telephone Perry 178 TUBE 940 in September with an and prizes for the winners is being start early program will be Yard: eight-club circuit. The All-Star Ha­ arranged. Complete $3. "76 EACH, Singly posted next week. Foot of Water St., Pawtucket koahs will enter a team. 293 the ---0,--- Telephone Supertwist Cord Of course it's too late now, but Latest Lifetime Gu~nteed Maccabee Organization missed a Ahe H. Goldstein grand opportunity to grab themselves GOODYEAR SPEEDWAYS off a nice slab of publicity by hold­ Operating the N cw country Any Road ls Now Prices-Mounted Free ing traclc meets all over the Cash and sending the winners to the · Speedway Garage A Golden Trail tryouts. Olympic I WITH . Each Full Each · Full Each jn Tube Goldstein, well known to l Le.b io Tube O.enJze Abe H . I " OTenl.ze PaJra Providence people, is now RICHFIELD • Pa1ra HATES hundreds of SOME OF MY PET managing and operating the new e1.1s ..-.4-0-21 ··-··· $3-98 $3.88 e1.os 5.oo-19 ...... --. $5•3• ss.:14 Professional baseball managers who Speedway Garage.. GOLDEN GASOLINE ! '.4.50-20_.___ 4-3:I 4.:11 1.00 5.00-20 ········-··· 5.49 5.33 1.31 keep insisting upon the need of a The Speedway Garage, Inc., is a No Extra C0;9t for Richfield 0 5•53 1.33 4.50-21 __. 4.38 4.:15 , 1.05 5.00-21..... C.-.. . S 7:I Jewish star to draw customers modern super-servi~ station located Golden's Extra Quality 4.75-19 ____ s.14 s.oo 1.08 5.25-18---··-·· 6.16 5.99 1.17 through the turnstiles. only three minutes from downtown. f.75-20 __ s.:z:z 5.08 1.00 5.25•21 __ ·•·4 ··•· 1.33 Jewish professional prize fighters At the garage you could get your Richfield OU Corp. who capitalize a natural respect for car washed, greased or polished by of Massachusetts their parents in the papers, but who experts 'and at no loss of time to ~u lo Lanuoa Oil Co. i,rivately pass the old folks \!iy. You yourself. All you have to do is have 355 Allens Ave., Providence know the kind. they give the old folks one of the attendants drive you to a home in the country and mortgage town and tell him what is to be done it up to the hilt or the kind who gives to your car-and then you don't have mother money and then sues her to to worry abo',)t parking facilities. GOODYEAR.~C back. · ROVIDENCE TUBES ~ get it When you are through with your aa low as Those idiotic athletics who wear shopping or the theatre, just call the HOTO Jewish insignia on their athletic clothes garage and your car will be deliv­ and then allow said clothes to get so ered to you-1hat is what is called, P ENGRAVING CO. filthy only a rag man would touch "Speedway Service." them with his stick. The Speedway Garage, Inc., is Makers of Halliones owned and operated by Abe H. Gold­ stein. At Temple Emanu-El, Abe is and Line Plates Durfee' s Auto Supply Station SOME OF MY PET LOVES the "Chief' of the Boy Scouts and Stuffed chicken neck. an active member of the Temple's Athletes who know how to win. Men's Club. Abe is at the garage 15 PINE STREET 1207 BROAD STREET can be a good loser. It's the and he personally supervises the Anyone GAspee 7904 NEAR ROGER WILLIAMS PARK ' gooa winner. the modest victor that wor~ and sees that the customers get Telephone to find. (Sounds like a Hearst "service." is hard 1 . editorial, but it's so). The Speedway Garage sells Blue THE JEW1SH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUpUST 5, 1932 -Page 8 - Max Makowsky of Wood Simons of New York and Mrs. SOCIAL COLUMN Miss Sadye Plans Being Completed Raymond J. Makowsky, street, Bristol. These exercises marked and the Misses Ruth Simons, Theresa of the Training Camp Saltzman, all of Is Honored on the conclusion (Continued. from Page 5) Mauner and Ruth For Hebrew Sheltering Bristol, for the season. this city, have just returned from a Miss Celia Lucksniansky of Central motor trip to the White Mountains Outing, Goddard Park C.M. T .C. Governor's Day Falls is being entertained by Miss and Maine. Shirley Katzman of Oakland Beach. • • • Louis Strashnick, chairman of the At the annual Governor's Day and Oscar Trottier, Inc. spent the past Sunday, Aug. • • • Miss Miriam Berman ouitng to be held on Prize Day. of the Citizen's Military PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Mrs. Rebecca Horovitz of Riverside week at Narragansett Pier. 14, at Goddard Park, for the bene­ Camp at Fort Adams, New­ Mrs. Training entertained as week-end guests, • • • fit of the Providence Hebrew Shel­ port, held last Thursday, Raymond J . Plain and Bock of New York and Miss ety, reports that plans are Flora Betty Gertz and Miss Lillian tering Soci Makowsky of Bristol, was the out­ I Decorative Goldstein of this city Mrs. progressing. Mr. Strashnick Betty of this city were registered at rapidly standing Rhode Island student sol­ ' Gertz announcement of the following -...._,__ Work the Surf Hotel, Block Island, the past made dier. ~ ' that is assisting in the ar­ week-end. committee He received prizes for being the FOR RENT • • • rangements: oustanding Blue student of the Sec­ - Wilk, David Bat­ ·oNE OR TWO ROOMS Zuckerman and Miss Morris Cohen, Joseph ond Battalion, of which be was Miss Frances , Charles Adelberg, Max City of Newport In Elmwood Section; Refined Tillie Texerio of this city have left L. Shore talion Adjutant, the r _2J-, Kopit and Abe Res­ the outstand­ ...... being C Glantz, Jacob $5 gold piece for ~~;E:, .. Jewish Family; All Conven­ for a two weeks' stay at Narragan­ , nick. ing student in the battery and the · Travertine and iences. Address sett Pier. being • • Sons of the Revolution prize for Limestone BOX NO. B-17 • the outstanding Blue student from J_j THE JEWISH HERALD Mrs. William Schloss has changed Suhscrihe Now to from 146 Irving avenue, Rhode Island. 10 Whitaker St. DExter 2886 116 Orange St., Providence her residence Makowsky is l:he son of Mr. to 50 Blackstone boulevard. The Jewish Herald Young


If You Tracie ffigb .Speed Thein lnOa Tires and New , Tubes

That more motorists may experience the thrift of using the Gold Standard of tire values - Firestone High Speed and High Speed Heavy Duty tires­ Allowance On here is an opportunity to make a 20% saving below Your Old Worn tax free prices. You can save this $6 to $26 per set by trading in your old worn out tires and tubes Tires & Tubes of four during this sale.

This greatest sale in our history ends on Satur­ d~y night This is positively the greatest oppor­ tunity you have ever had to equip your car with the tires that hold All World's records for safety, mileage, speed and endurance. Only Firestone tires have the patented construction features of gum-dipping and two extra cord plies under the tread.

A TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF YOUR SAVING: 31-6.00-19 HIGH SPEED eo.da Saturday night. Sale PRESENT LOW Less 20% On a Set of Five You may never again buy TAX FREE For Your You Save the of One Tire tires at such unbelievably PRICE Old ✓Tire Price low. prices. Don't delay. IDGH $11-so SPEED Drive in today and equip $11.80 $2.36 your car with these cham­ PROPORTIONATE SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER SIZES pion tires at these sacri­ fice prices while they last.

This 20% Allowance on New FIRESTONE High Speed Tires & Tubes is Baaed on Our Present Tax-Free Pricea. • Do Not Cor:.fuee REMEMBER! With Other lncreaaed Lists.