ISSUE #48 JANUARY 2020 All photographs and articles published remain the copyright property of the contributor and SMSC unless released. SMSC CLUB S&T MEETING The next meeting will be on Sunday, 2 February at 6:30pm at Wests Ashfield, 115 Liverpool Road, Ashfield, unless otherwise notified. Members and visitors are welcome and are encouraged to bring projects for discussion. ************************************************** ENDEAVOUR GROUP S&T MEETING The next Endeavour Group meeting of SMSC will be hosted by Janos Nemeth at 19 Short Road, Riverwood on Saturday, 7th March from 10am to 12 noon Members and visitors are welcome and are encouraged to bring projects for discussion After the S&T, Janos will show us his extensive workshop, if you’ve not yet seen it you will be disappointed if you don’t come. Janos would also like to dispose of a few unwanted books, tools and other small stuff. Some of them would be give-aways, some priced at very friendly prices. There will not be a full list until the items are put on the tables. There will be a few “Proxxon” tools on offer, a workshop vacuum, a super vice, “Unimat 1” items, a proportional divider, as well as small bits, self-made tools (eg. thickness sander) – and quite a few items from kits (blocks, dead eyes, etc). He would like to give the Club members an opportuni- ty to collect some good stuff before he lists them on eBay. The complete CHATTERBOX INDEX is now available at Please address all correspondence to SMSC and/or any members of the Executive Committee to the Secretary at
[email protected] Please forward all mail and contributions to CHATTERBOX to the Editors, Tom Wolf at
[email protected] or Mike Kelly at
[email protected] NEXT MEETING OF THE SMSC NORTHERN CHAPTER Following on from the extremely successful initial meeting, the next meeting will again be held at the home of Trevor Duxbury at 53 Gordon Ave, Summerland Point, at 11.30am, Saturday, February 8.