Green Area Mapping of Ahmadu Bello University Main Campus, Zaria, Nigeria Using Remote Sensing (Rs) and Geographic Information System (Gis) Techniques

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Green Area Mapping of Ahmadu Bello University Main Campus, Zaria, Nigeria Using Remote Sensing (Rs) and Geographic Information System (Gis) Techniques Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Vol. 5(10), pp. 287-292, 18 May, 2012 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/JGRP12.024 ISSN 2070-1845 ©2012 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Green area mapping of Ahmadu Bello University Main Campus, Zaria, Nigeria using remote sensing (Rs) and geographic information system (Gis) techniques Idowu Innocent Abbas* and Yetunde Adedoyin Arigbede Department of Geography, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Accepted 16 March, 2012 Provision of quality learning environment is crucial to staff and students of any university. One of the most important parameters in planning and design of a campus is appropriate selection of land surface to develop green areas. This study identified and mapped land use-land cover distribution with emphasis on green area network in Ahmadu Bello University main campus, Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria. Linkages are key characteristics of green area and are formed by natural or man-made structures such as roads, pedestrian walkways, drainage ways and lake corridors. The study used Geo eye satellite image of the study area for 2009 to generate the land use-land cover and the green area coverage for future planning and monitoring and how they related with space on the campus. Green area covered a total of 618.57 ha (29%), commercial area covered 21.3 ha (1%), administrative area covered 42.66 ha (2%), academic area covered 319.95 ha (15%), recreational area covered 21.3 ha (1%) and open spaces accounted for 1109.16 ha (52%). The study also revealed that there was no particular order in which the green area within the campus was arranged. Key words: Green area, planning, remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS). INTRODUCTION Provision of quality living and learning setting is crucial comfortable conditions in natural settings. Green area for staff and students in university campuses. Buildings allows campus Rosa A, Deiana M, Casu V, Corona G, and roads are essential infrastructure to ensure Appendino G, Bianchi F, Ballero residents to undergo safety, security and comfort to the campus users. In as their daily activities such as walking, jogging, biking, much, green area also plays a crucial role for healthy experiencing nature, watching people, meeting friends, and responsive working and learning environment. displaying artworks and many more. According to Green area network is greenery and interconnected Tzoulas ( 2007), in campus, it can be greenery that open spaces formed by treed streets, waterways and promotes healthy society. This means greenery and drainage ways around and between urban areas, at all open spaces are not just amenities but also an spatial scales where people can use it to reach places interconnected network of ecological systems that of work or study (Toccolini, 2006). conserve air, water, microclimate, energy resources and Campus green area is composed of treed street, enriches human quality of life. walkways, drainage ways, lake corridors and trails Tolley (1996) suggested that students might prefer a (Benedine and Adamu, 2007). Green area network also university with a vast green area as a conducive place connects and organizes every fragmented open spaces to study. Campus greening is one of the approaches or buildings as well as facilitates the movement of taken to achieve environmentally good campus through p e o p l e in and around campus under safe and improving and maintaining all the landscape elements in campus as well as other recreational facilities (Habib and Ismaila, 2008). Campus green area n e t w o r k can be an instrument for greening a campus by *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. connecting every open space with other spaces, as an (+2348036421962 alternative route to facilitate user movement and social 288 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann. space for community integration in comfortable and Green area pleasant settings (Conine, 2004; Tan, 2004). Green area network in campus may also offer an opportunity to Green area in campus may become a communal space preserve the remnant green spaces that are almost because it offers an opportunity to congregate and disappearing from campus scene due to physical communicate through a simple greetings and smiling developmental pressure. (Bischoff, 1995). Over the past decades, with the uncertainty in future Flood plains and areas where drainage problem exist campus development, it is anticipated that universities are normally expensive to develop and can be controlled will continue to add new buildings and facilities in their by prohibiting development around them through green campuses to accommodate more students with the belt reservations (Wong, 2007). increase in faculty and staff. According to Lim (2006), Campus is a unique place with a distinctive campus is growing each year with the enrolment of new community with green spaces such as stree ts, students; more space will be needed to accommodate square s, amphitheatres, courtyards, smal l h o s t e l s , road signage for managing traffic flows, new gard en s a nd l akes. It al so accommodates buildings schools for new courses as well as parking space. such as student centers, offices, halls, childcare Turner (1984) explained that the uncertainty in the facilities, shops and sports arena. The activities student’s enrolment was complicated as the university conducted in and around these buildings, physically and is changing in unpredictable ways. This turns socially occur throughout the day (Balsas, 2003) and the campus into a clog development area. consequently the campus tends to suffer from the Speculatively, green area network organizes the site pressure of development in order to cope with the planning of the buildings, open spaces and road rapid emergence of communities demand for their systems as well as structuring community (Khalid, facilities and amenities. Habib and Ismaila (2008) 2006). It means that the network enables the campus explained that campus sustainability has become a planners to create a quality physical environment that global issue among the university administrators, policy provides conducive milieu for working and learning as makers, planners as well as stakeholders. Balsas well as establishes identity to the institution (Dober, (2003) t h u s suggested that the development for 2000). campus infrastructure should be provided or maintained Simultaneously, the planning of the network maximizes without jeopardizing the quality of campus environment. non-vehicular travel which emphasizes the planning of In recent times many universities hav e gone through integral pedestrian routes. In other words, the green many physical changes. Inevitably, campus is losing network connects one cluster of buildings and spaces to its green spaces due to the increasing need for more another that facilitates users’ interaction with ease and spaces for parking, new buildings and campus housing safe under shaded and pleasant conditions. area (Balsas, 2003). The green areas in the study area are not In the National University of Singapore, Wong (2007) comprehensively mapped and planned. The master plan found that there are hot and cool spots at many parts of focused on administrative and socio- economic the campus. By using thermal satellite image, cool spot components of campus planning and less on the indicated by the green colour, which means that the environmental component thus there are no polices to area is highly vegetated and yellowish colour, indicates guide the encroachment of the green areas by other land hot spot, which means the area, has less or no uses which has led to green area decimation in some vegetation. The study also noted that the temperature parts of the University. It is in line with this that the study differences between these two areas are as high as 4°C decided to identify and map the green areas and see how in the afternoon and 3.3°C at mid-night. Clear they network to be of importance to learning in the study indication, that greenery plays an important role in area using the techniques of remote sensing and keeping the campus microclimate comfortable and geographic information systems. gives more benefits for user outdoor activities. Remote sensing and geographical information system give a more precise and up to date data on extent, area coverage and spatial distribution of green area for future Study area planning and policy formulation. This therefore necessitated the aim of this research to identify and map Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria green area network for future planning and monitoring. was founded in 1962 from 3 previously independent By this, the study identified and mapped the land uses institutions; the Nigerian college of Arts, science and and land covers on the Ahmadu Bello University main technology, Institute of Administration in Tudun Wada campus, Samaru, Zaria and also looked at the green area of Zaria, and the Regional Research station of the area network and connectivity for future campus Ministry of Agriculture now the Institute for Agricultural planning in relation to its physical characteristic and Research. spatial distribution. Ahmadu Bello University though situated in Samaru, Arigbede and Abbas 289 Figure 1. The study area. Source: GIS analysis. Fig. The study Area Zaria in the Sabon Gari Local Government area of b) ArcGIS 10– This was also used to compliment the display and Kaduna State. It is located on latitude 11° 15’N to 11°3’N processing of the data, database design and analysis using structured query language (SQL) for data query. of the equator and longitude 7° 30’E to 7°45’E of Greenwich Meridian. Figure 1 shows the location of the study area within Sabon Gari local government. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MATERIALS AND METHODS Spatial distribution of land use - land cover The study used Geo eye satellite image of 2009 covering Ahmadu This involves identification of the various land uses and Bello University, Zaria that was sourced from land covers from the satellite image.
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