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Discover the Truth at: JFK Assassination System Date: 4/27/201 Identification Fonn

Agency lnfonnation

AGENCY : FBI RECORD NUMBER : 124-10306-10102


AGENCY ALE NUMBER : CR 62-75147-34-240



DATE: 10/15/1956 PAGES: 75





! v9.J I lnf 45946 Dooid: 32310693 Page 1· r --,


...: ,, . ....~ ..; . GOl'BffNMENT :O.!~TOR., FBI DATB: 10/l.$/56

. ·.,.. '··· :~·.:~~\~}.~::::~here 1B transmitted herewith two oopiea ot the ~e~·~~~·~ · General ·Investigative Intelligence Report ~or ....,...... '"" Division of the por1oc:l April 15, 1956, to · ·~s. 19S6 •. ·..

· Tb.ts is· an administrative repor~ aDQ the ... to "( ~,A ... Y.A.u,&a.A. •gents contributed to the various captioned o1'· thJ.a ) report: 1 :-; 1;: ,,.. OlnAHIZED CRIME SA LEON c. ULMER . ~ ~ ~ B• IBDIVIDUAL MOBSTERS SA LEON C. KELMER \...,. AJIQ. .BA~EBRS ~ .,..1 c. POLI'l'ICAL T~ WJD .. SA LEON c. KBLMER I \l· ORGAJIIZED CRIMI ..-:- .· .r \J ~. ' · ~"" D. P.OLICE EFFICIENCY SA ·AUGUST J. lUCEK ;:,.. (..'\. ·~· I -· Q' E. · GAMB~m ---- ..... SA LEQB c. KEL.V.Eii • "'.....

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NW 45946 Docid:3 2310693 Page Z LCK:mar - 1 -

NY 94-41.9


NY 169-C, NY 204-C, NY 842-C, ~TY 1449-C, as well as other reliable informants and reliable Police sources, state that the Syndicate still controls most of the v organized gangs in the Metropolitan area. The Syndicate, as previously reported, controls ma jor rackets in the , such as bookmaking, narcotics, numbers, gambling, garmant trucking, vending machines , juke,-boxes and many other rackets.

Mr. EmJARD JONES, Investigato:£> 1 New York City Anti~Crime Committee, advised that he had received information f'rom a confidential source, who has furnished him reliable ·information in the past, that on the afte~noon of May 18, 1956, there was a meeting.of about 35 of' the top racketeers / . who are members of the E~stern Syndicate of the United · Sta~es in Suite 20fr3 in t~e St. Moritz Hotel, New York City. Among those present at the meeting who could be identified by~ informant wer~op hoodl~ VINCENT ALO, 11 TRIGGE:'R MIKE .'~PPOLA, JOEfRAO, BENl'l~"LZVINl]! and ~iEYER L..4.NSKY . Also _._present at th~ ~et _ing was the notorious New York g$mb1er, TO~LO, gambler ARTHUR "LEFTY~RK, and Beach Fontainebleau Hotel owner B~~!AK . . .. . I I According to JONES, those present at the meeting \ decided that with FP.ANK COSTELJ.JO• .s conviction, his useful- f I \; ness as the head of the Eastern Syndicate wa~ at an end and that an election should be held for a replacement for COSTELLO • . Nfn.J York to~odlum YINCENT ALO w_as eeleoted _to replace COSTELLO as he! the Eastern Syndicate and Miami top hoodlum CSAHL ~ - · RIN~ vJas selected as the "enforcer." / Also at the meetin~ was New Yorl\: gar.1bler, JERR! RYAN, who had recently lost $35,000 in an open crap game at. the Hotel Victoria, New York City. RYAN was warned that, in the future, he was not to flash that kind of money.

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Mr. JONES advisad that Suite 200) at the Hotel St • ?1orit z was r ented on a long-term basis by a garment manufaqturer ~- one LEO MORRIS, who is co~ected with the furrier firm of Morris, Suskind. and Reich, 243 West 30th Stre~t, New York City. Mr. ~ONES advised that top hoodlum BENi'~ Y L'SVINE :and ·. Fontainebleau Hotel owner BEN NOV~( and NOVM~'s sister, own Laurels City Club, Sackett Lake, New York, which is a well known New York SQmmer resort •. In regard to VINCENT ALO, Nr. J ONES advised that · September 12, 1956, VINCENT ALO, ~R LANSKY and Maz.q_~ . . OGAN 1 o£ J~~s~eY. C~!Y, -~e~ -~?.,~ r..a8.'3., met in a suite on the '. · twelfth floor o'f "£ne HO'"'t.e! L~nc ln, l!ew York City. J . / ·---· · Ac cor.ding to Mr. J ONES , l·1ARI R~ , ~~J).e.r _or _the_. .H..~tel. . ~ ; tinc.o.l.n~ is a clos~ £riend o the ~ell kno~p l?-..999-J.U!!ll .. 0\VNEY ~\ UADDEN.. :tft.ADDEN stays at the Hotel Lincol':n wfi en in New York. · · ·AiiJO'NE"S"Stated that the manager of the Hotel tincoln is. a ~~· mob cont.act, and that· when VINCENT ALO visits the Hotel · 1 Li~coln, he shake$. hands with the manager, giving him a . $100 bill. . . . .

NY 1449-C advised in regard to the r 2cket s~t-up ./ in the g·arment area that 2 gangs control all criminal _ activities in the·se areas. He stated that one of thes.e :/ gangs~- which is h~aded by· , · ociitrols. the . Italian .element in these . ar$-as~ The other· gang consist·s .,/ of the control of the Jewish element which · 1s c.ontrolled by IviSYER LANSKY. Ttte info·rmant stated VITO GENOVESE is the biggest1{6odlum in the Vnited States today, and that o·n1y one man ·is stron~er than GBNOVESE in the Unit.ed States, and that n1an is F.I$HETTI of " Illinois.. He stat.e-d that because of' the vast pol-Je·r that GENOVES~ presently holds 1n the United States,. he cannot adequately place t .oo much control in one area·. Hence, his control in the garment area o-f New York City is loose, and tb.e Jewish G?Dgs apparently at the pres·ent time, have a striC'ter enforcement code to oontrol this specific area. The informant furnished the following information concerning. the control in the garment area by the Jewish Gangs: He stated that MEYER LMiSKY is presently the top man in th~s area. He continued that LANSKY r~cently \ I - 2 ------/ mf 4.5946 Docid: 3 2 3 10693 Page 4· ..

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NY 94-419 , ' HYI-.ttE SEIGEL eats each morning in the :st~ge Re-staurant, . located at. 51st Stre-et and Seventh Avenue, w1 th the NEWMAN brothers. SEIGE4 has purchased part of the Reed Courtney Combine and -SEIGEL presently has offices at 140· West. 37th Street, Ne1·i ·York City• . The ini'ormant described these Offices as ·A Trucking O'f'fice in which SEIGEL operates from· a rear room. Concerning LEVINE,.. the !t:nformant· reported.that tEVIN$ has non-union shops ~hich make ·coats and dresses 1.n Farmingdale.; Long Island, New Jeraey and Baltimore~ · Maryland. · The informant stat&d LEVINE ~an be located at the Fabric, UlU, lo~ated at 500 Seventh Avenue. LEVINE ~wns a part in this flrmo

It is to be noted ~LMIE SEIGEL was arrested on February 3, 1956, at an apartment located at IvJiam1 Beach., , by Special Agents of the , for failure to ·for a e5o .g$I11bl1ng. ~;~tamp. SEIGEL's Dade County Sher~rr•s . Off~ce Number '191295. This raid~ · aec.or

Inf'ormants, NY 204-C, NY 169-C and NY 8tt2'!-C, as well as L1eut$nant WALTER CASEY,. of the B\Weau. Qf C~iminal In~ormation, ·New. York City Police Department, al.l advise~ that . the .t?JL_..l~~4~!'S .or_ J;b._e-..S-m~-~~~q_ ~!}' . / New York Metropolit1i¥anar~·a, a : . ·: . .. . · ~~L" ~ BLUE- = - . A" - Repo~ted naWUprime Minister . , -r

THDr1AS LUCHESE ... Asso.ciated \-Iith "TRIGG~R MIKE". COPPOLA,. 1n the Eas·t Harlem mob and influential garment district racketeer with politieal connecti9ns.

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lnf 45946 Doc ld: 32310693 Page 5· · · r-~ c:· \.._ I \. ' '; ( \. 0 -.. '-: 1:-' ~ LCK:mar - 7 -

N'Y 94-419

Lower East Side Ital-ian mob is headed by JOSEPH "SOClffi 1 ~ A, a top hoodlum, who-se center of operat1oQs fias be.en Fult~F'isn Marftet' ar~a Other - ~~j. . · t his mgh =- are TO?.fi LJ.lER, SALVATO " ,ANELLO, ANIELL . el CROCE, ,./ ...., PET~ o. Also appearin in the Lower Ea Side are. th .: IOG~~~~J. brother~, JOHNNY and FRApL whose principal !J /) t .· .1 r 11/-•. , ar,e' . f operat"j,.ons is~the g~rment · district. The DlPG~RDIA ,. . ', brothers t uncle is J:p . . LUMERI, with : Jirnm~le 1 · .:.....L ~~ garment; a~_!a tr~ld.~ .ke~ . and associate ·of FRANK .RBO, ?: ~ ~~~~x~ng rackE!~· ·. ~ - 'I · New York vJe.terfrc:mt J •. t I

The .New York ltJaterfront, according to Nel_t Yor~ . 16.3-C, and the New York- \vaterfront Commis. s!:oti~ is under the control of EDDIE MC' GRATH I a top ho·odlum. They stat~ t;be.t no murder de·cisions are made by- hoodlums on the Waterfront without the knowledge or bonsent of MC GRATa. Associated with ·r.w GRATH is MirCKEY BOWERS. • who is the Upper East Side hoodlum leader, a.nd has control of the raoket.e.ering on the pi·ers from 42nd Street north . to 57th Street, on the North River of New York. As;:sociat·ed with~~JERS in th1s -mol?l_a]:'e SON!~_E_~ELL, ALBE...'1.T AC~~ IS, · \ ~~ DANNY~·· JOHN, MICKEYJ~ANE, JOHN~~~ and ED\'JARD~AHY. 1 _:_,;:_- • ~ i• • ..r ( , l ' : I I h I I /.' f. ' /· / : . •J ~ 4.. ·East Harlent a:nd Harlem ; - -:-:... · ·-, ·. , .. . J • ·· • · ~ ~ ...... _~ , 1 )' .. ,· j : J • • , , { / , / ··/. , -.,;. The East_H.$.rlem Italian J1'l_Qb., which is also known 1 /as the 11'6th Street mob, i.s probably the most powerful : mob organization in New York~ It is strictly an Italian ,.. I mob headed by "TRIGGER11 MI I{l!! COPPO~ , and includes the '\ · \ t·ollow:i~g indiv .iduals who hav·e tremendous power in the · , ditfer.ent areas of the city: , 1V '.. ~-i · TOMMY " THREE FDT G~S BRO\~E SE, whose interes_ts principally in politics and in garment· area :I 1 ~\\ ·~e I I trucking. . I \ JO~ACCI, with · alias J~~etc~, whose \ criminal co~rol is ~n . ~l}e &~!:~~.F~ . - ~~~ :l.n r11.Q.tQ.illl Map~an. 0 \ Harlem num~!!; ;~~:4;:~~ ' · P~~rf~ . :t~r-~e.m · ~-~~ - - ~-~s: . · ~·~~~~~~~~~~~

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NW 45946 Docid: 32310693 Page 6 ,:. .•'

MBM - 2·

NY 94-419 - ~ _was -FBI #554810 VINCENT~ NYCPDlfB 5'8781 1· ·.1 - t/t -f. IJJ..:d.,: jj, · v, VINCENT AIIJ has been a big time gambling . J ~operator for many years . He spends most ot his time in . ~~ Florida where he has resided since about 1936. ALO has a · in ..Holl~oo~ Florida~ and an apazttment- UA_ ~~ .:~5 - ~~e~ . _side Erive_~ ew orli_ _dl~. It~- been reported tha£JUl)•s · . D'rotner-ln-law·~- , vntcEI-4"T" 'BANJOn NTRAL'PA, resides at ·this address . . ~ ..../ . . ) on Marcf 28 and 3oj 1956, Potential Cr1minal Informantlwas unable to identify a photograph OTHER 4 ot VINCENT AitJ # with alias : Jimmy Blue EYes·. The intorinant · stated he knew JIMMY~UE EYES by re~utationc:nly~ and that · JIMMY BLUE EYES, JO~~~Z :{Phone~ic), an ~~alian gam~er from Harlem~ ~MMY MILO~ with alias: Manlowe~ S~ and .. -=--- ':. ~j; C~ULLETS contl"'Oll~q~- ~~ck{t~s ,f;r-om _Harlem to ~ . ,XQ.t2Jf~X~: · The informant a~v1s~d that these individuals · ----~ - ­ . occasionally met at Barnita ·• s Restaurant, Jerome Avenue and Mount Eden Avenue, Bron~, New York. · On May 29, 1956~ NY 842-C acilV'ised that VINCENT AIJ) still controls a 11 Bo:ok11 in the Bronx. He did not lmow whether or not AW .actually runs the "bookH or if' he has· someone. o.perat:lng it tor him. •

On Jtme 25, 1 956~ EDWARD JONES;~ . Inires-tigator,. New York City Anti-Crim~ Co~ttee~ - advised that he had receiv~d info~ation from a reliable source~ who has furnished reliable information 1n the past to tne effect· that on the afternoon of May 18~ 1956, there was a meetlng ot about . . thirty-tive of the t .op racketeers who ar~ members or the Eastern Syndicate of the. United

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NY 94-419

A meeting was held 1n Suite 2003, St. Moritz Hotel, New York City. This suite at the Hot·el St. Moritz, c ding t·o JONES, is rented on a long term. basis by LED , a furrier of the firm of Morris, Suskind and Reich, .. 3 est ·30th Stre==:' New__ ::~~~~ - ~i~r· " I_Y:f. ... · Among those present at the meeting who could .be identifie·d by the informant were VINCENT AIJJ, "TRIGGER MIKE" COPPOLA ft jOEY RAO. I BENNY LEVINE I " I . TOMMY MILO I ARTHUR 'LEFTY" CLARK anc.l BEN ·N.OVPJ.(, owper of the Fontainebleau .Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida. According to JONES, those present at the meeting decided that with FRANK CCSTELID's. conviction his usefulness as the head of the Eas.tern Syndicate was at an end, and that an e.lect1on should be held for a replacemen~ ,for COSTELLO. VlNCENT ·AIIJ was sele.cted to replace COSTELLO as head of the Eastern Syndicate. CHARLES TOURINE of was selected as the "en.t' " •· JERRY RYAN, a New York gambler, was at the •meeting . . He had recently lost $35,000 in an open· crap game at the Hotel Victoria, New York City. RYAN was allegedly warned at th1g .meet1ng that 1n the future he was not to flash that · k~idof money. · _ . · . . - 1 . On Dec:ember 23, ·1955, Mrlf 322-C advi~ed that .JAC ·· SKY, LANSKY, FBI Number. 791783, VINCENT AifJ and S · L- LAWR,EN~ATT, ~ Number 5036886, were in ·HollY""rOod,y Flol"ida. '-'l:IY" · · \-

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, __ _ ...... --' -· ------_,;,__·__ __._. -· - . lnf 45946 Doc ld: 32310693 Page 8 /"\ c) I . .,_) ··, \,..-I I .. ;....· lt'lBM - 11 ...._ '. I ' '-~ '"--;

NY 94-419

FBI Number 652552 NYCPD l~ber Bll3o63 11 Little Augie ano . ., 1. ' I - ~ '/,.' ..' .: ·: • //I .fl (1/, v ~ -- L .I ..c;:.,.... ':'" ,r_:_:_;y According t~ · P"ci"L l ·cARFANO OTHER 4 continues to be an important mEW}Q..e.,:r,..o~ ,... tlle._,.~~~'-cat~in N~ _York1 . and closely associated with F~ COSTELLO~ ~R - L*SKY, LONGY Zt•IILLMAN,. ALBERT ANA&T:SIA. ind the recently deported . According to ! _ CARFANO is presently connected with labor racKe a and the Italian lottery. He~ated on February 15, 1956, that AUGIE's J nephew, · LOUI ~. .I SALVIO, is a De~_QC;t!a,_t~~ .leader who runs the 11 mocratic Club" at Lafayette and Spring Streets, New York City. DI SALVIO reportedly is aware of CARFANO • s operations. iv \r . ~---- According to the records o·f the New York City Police Department, ANTHONY CARFANO~ with aliases; wa~ born in New Y.orlc Ci~y on November 11, ltj95. However, the. national list or the F .B.N. lists .CARFANO as havins been born in New York qity in 1898. New York Informant 169-C advised on July 20, 1956, that he heard that CARFANO is spending-the summer in or near Long Beach, Long Islartd, Nel'T York, and is supposed to .be behind a large· ·crap game, either in session or · proposed Ifor that area. . · ' ''The New York Herald Tribuen" dated March 16, 195!?, stated: "LITTLE AUGIE PISANO insisted on a secret rendezvous yesterday, wi t h New Jersey Police, before he would agree to questiontng in the attempted assassination of LOUIS SAPERSTEIN·, on Saturday, in Newark. "PISANO and his lawyer, HAROLD CORBIN, met Newark Police L1~tenant JOSEPH KINNEY apd four other of£icers somewhere in Manhatt~, and told them he did ·not know anything about the atte~pted killing of SAPERSTE~, former insurance · man. - 51 - lI - __ __, 1: . --5 94- _6_ D_ o_c_I _d :_ 3-2-31_ 0_6_9 3_ - P-ag_e_ 9 - --- -~- --· ------~----·------·-··· ......

·, MBM - 12 : ;> ..... ~ 1

NY 94-419

"Identified by SAPERST~IN as a m~ to whom he paid kickbacks in a union fund racket, PISANO said, that he had not been. ~n Newark in three years. PISANO. also had been indicted ror bripery, in ·New York County Jail, on ·SAPERSTEIN 1 s testimony, but the indictment was dismissed on a technicality. . Pote~tial Criminal Inf'<:>rmantl I on OTHER 4 A~st 24, ~956~ identified bankr.ollers of Italian lottery in the United States as JOE ADONISi VITO GENOVESE~ and : other bi§-shot syndicate members including "LiTTLE. AUG~" lCAIWANO...... On March 3, 1956, Mr. ED\t/ARD COFFEY., Vice- President of the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau, 405 Lexingtdn Avenue, ye·sterday advised that .en January 11, 1956, while ·having lunch, he no~iced the following individ':lals. havins / a conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel: FRANK 'ERICKSON ( "LITTJJE AUGIE"· CARFANO . , ', ' ' ~~tiM {li'Q.m.e£. Inl;eY)"'!. Revenll!! ,_ ;_;..J-. . J~'OONNELL {Bo~~ CosT&Ll:.&) F~IVORSKI, was, Federal Bureau of Investigation Number 70 .. 2029, carried as a top hoodlum in the { New York Off1Qe, is reported to associate with CARFANO~ · ·- 52

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NY 94-419

this source.'• MISHEL advised that OHAIT had' to acquire stops to operate the fleet of sixteen trucks and acquired· the stops the same way he musceled into Stern's Express~ NY 842-C, who has furnished reliable information relative to garment district racketeers, advis~d - on July 26, 1955 ~hat CHAIT hol~s a dominant place in the garment center areas1 or New ·York• He advised that approximately two months previously, according to undentorld talk, CHAIT allegedly bo~ht out THOiviAS LUCHESE, llith alias 11 Three Fingers Brown;" CHAI'l1 is reported to have paid an even million dollars in cash to LUCHESE fo~ his interest in the garment center area w1 th the understa."lding that thereafter LUCHESE and his associates would leav~ th1z area to CHAIT. The source sta·ced that the:.:oe was conaideratie ·talk in the underworld as to whether th1a move uould mean that the Jewish element was to bec~me cominant in rela.tions to the Italian element n~w reportedly in control of various activities in the_garment center area~

IRVING MISHEL advised in 19531 that Zenith Associate5, 570 Seventh A\'"enue, New Yox·k City, was a factoring firm which made loans to many of' the top hoodlums in New York City~ and cashed checks tor the top boolonakers and racketeers. This finn had connections w1 th the National Safety Bank, 38th Street and ~adway, New York, ~"ld the Pennsylvania Exchange Bankj

IRVING MISHEL advised that p!"ior to 19531 racketeers, who were in control of' the unions, association~ and concerns in the garment area of' New York City, were of Jewish decent; The pri11P.iPal racketeer~ere ABE CHAIT, MEYER and JACK LANSKY;, DUTCH 1TOLDBERG, l-IYMA1t""STROMBERG alias Nig-"r{osen, JOE ~MILLER, TOI·1 CUTTY, MORRI~PIRO, J~GER, HYMI&-~IEGAL, the NEWMAN brothers and others of' less notoriety~ IRVING MISHEL claimed these ind1 viduals had union connections and were in a position to-·either operate non-union shops, fUrnish protection tor non-union shops or operate under special contract with the International Ladies Garment Workers Union• - 5l3 ..

NW 45946 Docid: 32310693 Page 11 .:v c \ (-·<. r.'IBM - 9 r ' 'L---}I. lI

Accord:inS to JONES:, thos·e present at the me.e-ting · -decided that with · FRA..~K COSTELLO 1 s conv·icition hi·s·' us.efUl- · nes~ as tpe head of the. ·Eastern Syndiaate was at· an ~nd and that an· e.lect;ion sho~'ld. be held for a rep1aceme.nt 'for COSTELLO. New York top hoodlum VIN~ENT PJ.1j was selec.ted to repla.ce -../. COSTELLO as head of ·the Eastern Syndicate and the . Miami top :hood,lum, .CHARLES TOURINE, was .se:le.cted as. the "enforc·er." JONES ad:vised tlrat: Suite :2003 of the: St. Moritz Hot:e: ~ . , Ne11r Y,ork City', was rented on a long. term l:ias·ia .by a . garment .manufacturer, one LEON MOR."qiS, lllho is 9·onnected with the tux-rier flrm· of Morris, 2.Suf;!ki nd and Rei ,ch, ·243 \'fe·st. 30th Stree~, lfellt York City. · · vlhen the above int'ormation was furnished t ·o the BUr.eau,,. they dlrecte'd -by le~tex- dated J~iy .lOi l 956,.. that· / .further deve lqpments c·oncerning the repo·rted appointm~nt of' V-INCENT·. ALO to. su~cee.d FRANK COSTELLO in underworld a;ffa:tr.s "-...... ··be f0.11owed . On July 17, ],.956-, MIVl 509-C ad:vised the- Miami· Or'f.i.c_e that he was . in Mi ami from New York City and that he· had.. :.- .. :· heard nothing .relative t.o· a meeting in N.e.w York. ·City . . VINCENT.""'ALO _was allegealy appoi nted to succee.d FRANK . gOSTE·:LLO~ . f ·.J..If. He st_at~. that w:hile it. was pos·sible that: CHARLES TOURitNE, alias ·J; CHARLIE · ·.. . I~, could have been named. the 11 enforcer, 11 he d i d ? not th nk ALO had enough standing fn. the sybdicat.e to. s.uc·ceed · · . FRANK COSTELLO.. . . -- rt. r 1h ·· ::: .,r)-/ t~ . ;~? , · - . ------~.:..__ On August. 21, 19.56, NY . .· -C advised SA FREDERICK · F. DALY that he· was -i-nformed ·by '"BoBP" GIOJ;IDJ\NO, a collee·tor Jl! 7". 1 for· the FJWELLI mob on the East Side, that. a meeting was he·ld ~ in ·Hot. Sprin.gs_, A;rkansa~, by the gambling syndicate to di:s,cus~ .. a ·replacement for FRANK COSTELLO and,. that a · meeting wa s .sc:heduled for the same place during September. Acc·ord~-· g to q;IORDANO, / no sp.ecif;tc ·'deci-sion was. r~ached ~~ CARMINE , OVE., . FBEp · . : . IARELLI, ·and a racket·e~ name~~IND~-I, ar . _all under cons era 1:on. t/ : · . . 0 L 0 S- ~­ I - 79 ·-



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l'fi 94-419 '

()q:• 'l' I l ' Secretaw, ·, . 'ea'su r. . OC§!l~ .05.,- Re,t_ail= Clerks Int~r- '·na ti.PAA;L4ssoc fa £;Lq~ The article .also. inc!uaesini'o·r• mation to the. effect that Assistant Dia·trict- Att.orney, BIRNS stated t hat the· DIO organization \iras· in the busines.s of "selling labor peace for a pri.ce. • II BIRNS stated. tha.t : DIOGUARDI of.f.ered · to pos:t: a $50, ooo:. 00. . oond- to . assure the fulfillment o·f hi s commitment to bar· strikes i n the ·t w.o compan;.te·s. · Th~~' rt . c1~ re_flacts t.ha:t GOLDSTEIN was re-ferred t:o, a:s .a '·go . . ween 11 i~. r.~la.tions betw~en . DIOGUA-RDI and ANTHO · .· RALLO, by -HOGAN. . . . -~ . ' . .· JAMES. J ·• . DvlYER, Ar~a Direct:or, N~w Yorlc: State - ·P~role Boa·rd., 320· Broadw~y , New. York 'City, ··adyised on. Aua;:u·st 16; 195..6,_. ·that JOHN DIOOUARI)I whi le incarcerat.ed at $ing Sing Prison on ~ugus ·t 3, 193]... , listed 'the fp~~~ng in_O.ividuals as · .fri.ends: .. . . · :· : . C~ . ROBERT - ~BDON ,.5J!l rrulrose Avenue _5_11· Mulros.e Ayenue Ctl~o.. , ,Jill ng.ifi Chicago,_ ITin.nors..

HA~¥ ~~ W: 1.EBERG ' Ludidw and Livings :ton s·treet:s New. Yor~, N~w Yor~---· ~-- · .. - -- """' - tolda • ...,... ~ ... MURRAV ~OSE . DONitf.TEO . _],ypQ .,, i'~~a.dw.a.y, ~~3--J~~~t-..~~~ .-~~ - -. New ¥.91!kc., _,ij,~lt-!~~-' New York,, New York --- · · - · · - · :- :- • • • • •• .;..:;.::.:...:,.: .c"'"~-- On May 7, 13, ~nd 29, 1956; Confi _ial, NY .1733-C, advise:d 'tha-t .CRAll ·CARL[NO clo:sely associiated ·with JOHN DIO a . · · h':is brother,. THOMAS DIO. • . · confiden:t.ial Informant NY 842-c, advfs.ed ·between May 12 and 18,_ J..~.2~!.;. . ~hat JOHN Dl:OOUARDI ·was a ·former partner of - CHARLI~O. J\1'!' . · - . . . ·--1._ . .JOHN O'MARA; ,Ne\'1. York . C+.ty Anti-Crime C.ommittee, advised that comm:tttee re.eords reflected the follow-ing assoc;tates of JOHN DIOGUAJU>I:: . ' .

. r ~'' . . · . :_ QijORQ // s: .. ~. , · Clerk, :also known as George . I ' ~ega~ ·anQ. as Qeorg~k~r-the Pf:ganizer ·in the New ~o.rk ;V v area-fn t.he UAW-AFL...... , .. _ . . .' --- ~ · =-~ ·: · · - .. ··-· .. · ...... /:..l'v... t-7-·. .::;,:'t-.·~- ·t.'''. ·· _...t?t · ).'.· &l~ ...... q.,.•• ·~r~J,;.;.• ._\_' ·,, · •• - ·• .. .·. J)Y~ JOSE~HEN,. on the ·staf·f of the IUA\'1-AFL, New / ~ork area-r_requldtly s~en ··on ~la~destfiftf trips' by ., ··· - 87 I I I ""-- .· ...... ·--...;- ··-·.. -:.----~.--. __...;..- ... - ·--·- - --- .. -----··4 _....._~__:..----' lnf 45946 Doc id: 323 10693 Page 1·3 () ..~ EJD: 20 (_.,··'""'

NY 94-419

. The New Yorlc City· Antl-Crime C0rmn1 ttee files contain -information to the effect t~at JOHN DIOGUARDI had the following girlfriends: . . ~KE, d~.ncer .and model; A'DET.F~ERT,. ..§ecretary t!'o Local· 102, UAW-AFL7' . 7\ .. _

. These reco~ds further reveal that DIOGUARDI \'laS said to be contribu·ting to ·the support c:f a blonde girl o·f extr.action. for a: number of. years, however, her identity never was revealed. . ... ~ . :S:n an. arti·c.le in the ·•t1ew: Yor.k Times" of' March 10, 1956, N.ew York 0ounty Dis.trict At·torney. ·is quot!e'd .as ·having stat~d that evidence. i s hi·s. posse·ssi.qn shows - that CORALLO--DIO group was to .influence the outcome .of .the. ~oint Terunste~s Council Elections~ ·(the CORALLO · nef'ers to ANTHONY' CORAIJ.~O and the DIO . re~e rs to J:qH;N D!OOUARDI'). -

. On AUE;,"U.St · ·11., . 1956, Conf.l dent:ial. Informant 84.2~0 advised that he has a l'ong 'timt:; acquaintanceship wi·th .DtOGUAJWI·.. He stated that· CHAL1:LES TUSO, -(FBI II '3e~87 3 · ), .was in tha e~rl;{ 1930 ts a . partner ot DIOGUARDI • s and that togethef',·'t!hey. · ~01nmi tted .-an armed. robber·y for w~ich Tus-o · wC\s . appreh~nded . and convicted, but refused to implicate.:· DIOGUARDI in the.. . 'liolation thus allowing D:DOGUARDI. ·to- escape. ' detec.. . ,tio.n .•

';rhe in~orma:nt · s~ated . thap .D:J:OGUARDI was sub- . sequen,t:J:y arre:s.ted· :a:long :with. _hi:s :-. uncle; JAMES PLUMER!, for and was committed·. to· Si·n·g S:ing .Peni tentary .and subse.quent.J,.y ~ s·~.rv.ed. time· along ~lith:' TUSO . v.Jhile a:t . .S.:i:ng . Sfr~g., PIOGU~HDI w9-8 . very closely associa-ted ~~i th J.OE BER!JER•

On· .July :11, .19507 DIO. was intervi.ew.ed. -in: c'on­ ~unct.;Lon· w;f"th the. .:)..nvest:l..gatnm ()f. the case e:n'\;i tled 'ABRPJIAM .-..TELVI, ·wa·s · (Decea.sed) et al,; VICTQR RIESEL­ ·viCT.IM, 0BSTRUCTION Ol:i\JUSTICE-CQNSPIRACY". in which case D:EOGWARDl · is pres· a subj:ec.t • . At the· time or the ·- int.erview ,. DIOGUARbJ! · s.aid i n· the· :event that he had or d.. ev.eloped any· in~ormat:(on conee1~ning the Riesel att.a:cl<:, or·ng any other· .cr:ime, . he ·would not furnish it to · the Federal B,1..lreau o·f Investi 'ga ~tion o.r an:v other law enf()rce- , ment agency. · · ' 90 .I I __ _,..,:._.:..-- _)

\ mf :5946 Docid:3 2310693 Page 1·4 ..-----~------· -- ---

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NY 94-419

The~e are two other gambling operating in at the present time. One is located at the Varadere International Hotel at Varadere Beach, Cuba, which is located approXimately 80 miles east of . The other gambling is located in Santiago de Cuba at the Casa Grande Hotel. The city of Santiago de Cuba is located in the eastern part of the island of CUba and is approximately 700 miles tram Havana. With reference to the possibility that gambling in Cuba is controlled by a syndicate headed by MEYER LANSKY or other individuals, it is noted that , who has operated the gambling casino at the Tropicana for many years, is also running the gambling casino at Oriental Park Race Track. His brother, EDDIE CELLINI, has been placed in the casino at the Hotel Nacional as a floor man in the gambling room. Also, inf'orma tion has been received from Lt. HERmERTO HERNANDEZ of the Cuban National Police that the license for operating in the gambling casino at the S~s~ouoi had been issued by the Cuban Gove~nt to. OSC,\R_ ~HEMENDARIA, who is an associate and director of the Topicana Night Club. It appears likely, therefore, that there is some sort of tie-in between at least four of Havana's gambling casinos. This matter is being followed, and the Bureau Will be kept advised. NY 1449C advised from March 15, 1956, to Marqh 31, 1956, that at the present time, two gangs control all / criminal activities in the Garment Area. He said one of these gangs which is headed by VITO GENOVESE controls the / . Italian element in this area. The other gang consists of / the Jewish element .which is c&:r:ltrelled li>y MEYER LANSKY. · I The informant stated VITO GENOVESE is one of the biggest/ . hoodlums in the United States, and that on' man is stronger than GENOVESE 1n the United States, and that man is FISCHETTI or Chicago, Illinois. He stated that because or the \ vast power that GENOVESE presently holds in the United States, he Calll)Ot adequately place too much control in· one area. Hence, his control 1n the Garment Area of New York City is rather loose, and the Jewish Gangs app~rently at the present time, have a stricter enforcement code to control th!s speclf1c area.

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lni 45946 Docld: 32310693 Page 15 ~M- 16

.NY 94-la9

. BENJAMJlr .J4WINE.· :ts un . extremely wenlthy· .. garment m~~~.£1u~~r.. 7 an~ r~~~~~~ He .is. repo.·rtedly one or ~tfic ·m<::>s t. pow.e.rf.ul 1ndiv·~duals .in ·the· garment industry racl~c:t 'picture.

BENJ·~'\MIN LEV!N;E re.sidcs act: U36· -~5th A.veri~C ~.. .N • '/ wnere he :rep<::>:rtedjl.y owns th~ . ~n.t.ire :puild ng.. ·Jfes!ding --~...... -wit:h him are his sons. ~ ARTHUR ..and .. ·HERBEST . ·.,;.; ,V//V f.i~ J, ' ., ·, ·. . . . · BENJAMIN ·LE'v.'INE \'ras prcvious:ly r.cporte'd residing at. 1136 Fifth Avenue. ., .New York City, ·wher.e. he ·had: unl~sted · numb¢r TR : · 6~.9670. .A chc.e.k <::>.f ·tne Telephone ~. Company rec·o·rds by SA .ROBERT n. W.tJIDEN ·in Se.ptcmbe:r, 1956,. reveal:cd \. that TR 6-96(.0. iEJ -po ·longer subscribed to by BENJ:AMIN LEV:J:NE. i :Nq listing._ either pub:l:tshcd' or un;pub lishcd wns tound. f'o·r BENJAMIN. LEVINE ~·t tni·s adqress. LEVINE's sons,, ARTfJUR and · HE~ERT 1 co~tinue ta have listed te~~phone numbe~s at the 1 • -·~ 1136 Fifth 1\'?em.~<::'~ .l~.c~ ~?.:lc · _!_i ty2 ac.tdress·. /V / ,·~ · The Augus·.t 29·,_ 1956-, c\i.i ti"on of the. new~ paper~ 1 ~ -Ne.w~day_., u retlcc·ts on page lC tha,t -BENJAMIN LEVINE re- sides at 1496 . &.y Boulevard., Atlantic Beach,. ·Long., New York. 'l'hls. srune article reflects that: LEVINE has a · rr ~90 1 0.0:0 hous,e n:t this aQ.drcs~ and it· de$c.ribes LEVI~E us ( 11 ~ .: :Mr·. BIG" o·f' ·the. garme-nt racket . . - , ;1._)1:

~ 1449-C advised in March, 1956, that MEYER LANSKY' was the tc::>p man ip th~ garmqnt area, and the informant · plac'ed BENJ.~'\:MIN LEVINE under .Lt~SKY. .LEVINE, e.ccord:t:ng to the. informant, ao~tro~s all qf the co.nt·ractors :tn th~ indu.stry and. decides which cont.ract.ors \'till d·eal with the garment manufacturers-. The informant advised, addition­, tha·t LEVINE has non-union shoos whic.h make co·ats arid ·· dresses: in Farmingdale., Long Island: Baltimore, Maryland: and in New Je. r~rey ·. ,/ 128 ·-

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I Nlf 4~946 Doc id;32310693 Pa~~: ~ ··------. ·------

MBM - 18

NY 94-419

According to JONES 1 those present at the meet- ing decided that with FRI~ COSTELLO's conv~ction, his usefUlness as the head of the En. tern Syndicate w·n.s at an end, and that an election sho ld held for a replacement tor COSTELLO. VINCENT ALO was ~ ected to replace COSTELLO# and Miami top 11 hoodlum, CHAR.LE~ ' ORINI 1 was chosen as the "enforcer, - I .· I, fUrther that Suite 2003 at the Saint Moritz Hotel was rented on a l ong term basis by a garment manufacturer, one LEO MORRIS 1 who is ,connected with the fur firm of MORRIS, SUSKIND and REICH 1 243 West 30th Street, New York City. JONES advised also that BENNY LEVINE and hotel owner, BEN NOVAK, along with NOVAK's lilister own Laurels City Club, Sackett Luke, Ne\'r York, whi ch is a \·Tell­ known New York summer resort.

NY 99-C advised on Jul~r 6, 1956, that BENJAMIN LEVINE reportedly owns the following companies: Olive Coat Company Sunray Coat Company Royal Mist Coat Company Kolmer -Freeman According to the informant, LEVINE would probably have "partners" running the above companies fQr him. The informw1,t advised, additionally, that the ....- · "mob" had a "piece" of LO~CHNEIDER : s business (ladies ' suits and coats) and the in o~1ant specifically mentioned BENJAMIN LEVINE and JOE MIL as having a part. An anonymous letter received by United States Attorney, PAUL WILLIAMS on August 30, 1956, in connection with the VICTOR RIESEL case reflects TOM CUDDY ahandles the LEPKEE· GURAH piece for TOMMY BROWN, LANSKY# BENNY LEVINE and IRVING SHERMAN. " .

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that in so rar as he knows, LUCHESE is mixed up with the garment indust1, and certain garment unions, but did not know his direct connection. This informant advised that it is more or less common knowledge in the underworld that LUCHESE along with others has connections with certain unions and gets a piece or the union welfare funds.

NY 1449-C furnished the following informat~on from March 15, 1956 to Ma.rch 31, 1956 in connection with the Garment and Trucking Investigation. This informant advised that MEYER LANSKY is presently the top man in the New York City Garment Area. He is represented by Attorney MOE POLMCOFF, 430 Park Avenue, New York City. LANSKY controls DAVID DUBINSKY of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU); LANSKY dictates all policy to this Union Head . Underneath LANSKY, the informant : places one BENNY LEVINE. According to this informant, LEVINE controls all the Contractors in the Industry and is the man who allocates which Contractors deal with the Garment Manufacturers. Below LEVINE, the informant places on the same level, THOMAS LUCHESE and ~liE SEIGEL. He stated that LUCHESE controls the Cutters and the Contractors in the Garment Area. On April 9, 1956, Mrs. JESSIE BANKS, 1038 Capouse Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, advised the Philadelphia Office that she is employed by the Harvick Sportswear Company, 100'7 Capouse Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, where she serves as chairlady of Local 109, I awu. Until the fall of 1955, the plant was owned and ope d by Oscar Zinn, but was at that time sold to · .;, ROBER'r .. SHIA (PH), allegedly the son of' 'l'hree Fingers Brown . · Young BROWN was rumored around the plant to be ,; a West Point graduate. He normally visited the plant on Tuesday and remained until Fri~ay, returning to New York Citt for the weekend. He was always accompanied by the plant manager, (FNU) St. Geo~ge. ..

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lnf 45946 Doc id: 32310693 Page 18 I I ' EJD-7 ( ..._ ,J - ,(

NY 94-41_9 - =· ABJ'.."ER ZvliLLlYIAN, was : "Longy" ZLllman, etal

irLONGY 11 ZWILLMAN has been known for many years as one of· the mos:t · ·powerful members of the Syndi cat~ in the Uni.t ·ed States.. Of late .years, ne has assuineq the status of a re.sp.onsible, succ·e·ssful businessman. . ~ . . Or.l March 31, 1.956, NY 1449-C a,dvj_ sed· that ~YER · ~NSKY t~~s ip control or· one bf. the two gangs which c-qntrol.J~d all c~:1-minal activities· in the .garment .distr.i·ct in New York· City. AccOrding to ·the i;oforinant, on ~rch .30, 1956, ZUILLMAN and LANSKY went to the· .· office of .Attorney rJIOE .POLAKOFF, 43.0 Park Av·enu.e; Ne.w ~ Mork Gi:ty, who represents· Lf\NSKY, to obt~in legal aid ~ for Zli/J;LIJt!A:N in his inc onie tax. di :L'fi cul t i .(;!.s • The ·following i s extracted from the. colUJ'nn of VICTOR RIESEL, entitled "r.ful ti -Barreled Purpose ln Sap~erstein Shooting," which appeared .in the . 1'1Ja~ch .14,: 1956, ed.ition ·of the· 11 New· York ~'lirror, . " and con­ cerns· ·the ·shooting of SAPERSTEIN in Newa1~k ., . New Jersey. · ·

· "He i s LOUIS SAPERSTEIN, muic ter.~ e.xtra.ord'ing~y of union welfare funds. lje .dipped .i n for almost. $1,.000,000.00 • . "And he kicked· back to a of. union men. and un~er'World prote.c.tors from ·coast-to-coast. . He did bus:i.nes.J> under the protec~ion of ·one .o·r . the board of dire·ctors of the Cl"!ime. Syndt.cate-ABNER (LON(} IE) · Z\'il!L~IAN:·. ZWILLMAN .go·t: hot rec.ently when the . Int:ernal .Revenu·e S.ervi ce cracked down. Lil

11 · \vi th ZWILLNAN for the moment otherwi se occupied, the mob started· after s.ome· ·or· his friends in t .he l~b'or 11 section. of the . und·er.wor1 0. .• · ·

On July 6, 1956, NY 99.-C. 1\lrnish~d. th~ in:Co~ti on ;: . . . A •. ·~IIHER, .Auc_t.i._qn~r, .J:_l Conunerce Stree·t, . -lfewark, 'New·ey,. :is· alle~· dl.Y . friend:l:Y Wi'E·~d~·-- st·ate·s Ditf~t.rict= cm\lt't Judg_e ·· . ·.. LLI (phonetic) ot ' t.J,J, .:.N·ewa-rk=wh·o .ptes:raed ov~r ~n ·. recent trial· of JOSEPH ,.---- ''b9C" STACHER, which trial resu1 ted in ~TACHER Is acq~i ttal, 0

·; 0'7 - _:.,.\..} l -

-~~o..:..===·-::.=.::- -·= ·· · - -""=""'~· ==-== - " ~ · ;.._____.-" lnf 45946 Doc id: 32310693 Page 19 LCK:ecf - -15- .

NY 94-419

.Gulfstream Parle The informant. stat ed that the Ryder .Brothers have. the c:>f this trac·k. COPPOLA, RYAN,. and BROOKS particularly control bookmaking at this trac·k. During the past· ·season, all three would handle a:ll · o~· the large· pl·ay at the Club House., while RYAN and BROOKS t .c:>ok care of the cus ·tom~rs in the -bo.x a·eats., The informant etated that ·he has· often seen FRANK RYDER in cc:>nversat·ion with ~~IKE COP.POU· .in. t .he Club Hquse . ·

. The . informant· stat~. d· that he has reason _. to. bel'ieve· that while he is ne·~eat the t ·r ack, MEYER LAN~KY is repres ent~·d by PHI OVOLICH, who ·resides on Jefferaqn Stree~~~ ~P!1~Bo , and who is often in Nel't YC5fl~ iti ene company of: BENNY LEVINE...... ('II) .

I Hialeah. R~c~•Track . .. The .informant·. ~·tat ed that JO~ALA . FLh is th~ .bo·ss of. pol-ice at this track, and ·that the same--­ conditions tha t -exist at Gulfst·r eam exist at Hj,alean. I.. GAMBLING

A. Boo~akihg . NY .1449-C adv·iS'ed that ·HYMIE SEIGEL, t4ho ·is a trouol.e·shooter for the· .Internationa l Ladies· G~rment I \'lorker.s Union_,. is . the head shylock for the garment . indust·ry and .f'urnishe s loans in this capacity to who are :g·o·ing in. th'e red a:t ·exorbitant inte·re·st rates·. SEIGEL now. cont.rols · approximat.ely 10 t ·o 14 boolanakers in .the ·New Yorl~. City area· and· is r eferred to a~ the man who took BVGSY SEIGEL-'s plac:e in the .-garinent industcy. This .informant st.ated that HYMIE SEIGLE eats e.ach m9rning 1p the Stage Restaurant located at ·51st Street· and .Seventh Avenue with th~ ·NEWMAN brothers.· The -inf·orm·ant· stated that SEIGEL

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NY 94-419

B. ·Gal-irnent D1·s·tr1ct - ILGvro ·Criminal control in the garment district. is the ~ubject o,f a pending invest.~gation in the .Nettf York Office .under the caption· .Garment - Trucking l!nvestigation and .Anti_-Racketee-ring, Bureau file number. 9.1-1794, New York file 92-3.05.

·In this connection NY. 1449-0 on March 31 1 1956, advised that at. the P.I'esent time two ,gang~ · c.ontrolll.ed :all c.riminal ac~civ· it:-ies in the garment area: of ~ew York City. He s'tat:ed that ·one of thes.e gangs., wh:tch is· l;leade.d by VITO GENOVESE,. comp:rise·s, the control Of the. . Italian element in areas~ ·The other ·gang· ·c:onsist·s of the controi of the · Jew_ish element :wh~ch .is. controlled by MEYER LANSKY. ·The informant stated VIT.O GENOVESE 1:s the bigg~st .po.C;>dl-um · in t ·ae United States t :oday, a:nd that 6n1y ·one man: is ·s-t·ronger than GENOVESE in· the :United St:at·es, and ·tha:t -man -is, FIC.HETTI of .Chicago,. Illinoi-s. ~e stated that ·"Qecat.:.~e or the vast _power that GENOVESE hold:s. in ·the United States, he. cannot_ adequately plac.e t .oo· much c·ontol in one area. Henc·e·, his control !l.n the. Garment: Area of New York' C-1 ty is rather loose, an~ 'the.. Jewish Gang·s apparently a:t the present time, have a · stricte.r enfo·r_c·.ement . cod'~ to cont·ro1 this specific area • the .c.ourse of t'hie discu~s:ton ·with the informant,. the in:f.ormant .furnished the. following m.ronnation - conce1~ning the. control in the ·Garment Area by -the Jewish Gangs·: · · He stated that MEYER LANSKY :is pr· the top man in this area. He .contin1.1ed that LANSKY recently move.d from the... E.sA:le.X H0.use, New :York City, and is pre.sen-t ·ly re, a:t the S'an .Mor.itz Hotel, New Yo-rk City.· Acco·rding to the in::f'ortr).ant ,_ LANSKY is pres·ently repre&ented by Attorney MOE POLAKOFF of !~30 .Park Avenue, New Yo.rk City.. H~ stated that this A~ ·tomey handle's. all le'gal business for LANSKY,: and - 247 ;_

' ) '-....:.£ : ..:-..~-· ~-!";:cc;. •.~ --=~----=...... :·- ·-· :>,_.:.__~_ ..._ ;,._~,.,:;-=c_--=<-=.;·-""... _ .:-=-=~- -'-"- - _._....:.::.__-...... ::.....;.:::. _- --=. ·-=-=-~--~. - ..-. · -...:.: --·.-·- ___ __ .....

lnf 45946 Docid: 32310693 Page 21 ~, LMK:.atp - 9-

NY 94-419


Inves tiga·tion in the c a s e .entitled GAR M~T TRUCKING IN VESTIGATION, ANTI..;RACKETEERING,· dis·closed the r ·ollow;ing information concern:trig MOR~I'i K:r . AMA~ '· who is ·alleged to be· one of the lea:ding ·racke·.teers in ~e ..gar ment i'ndus·try: . . NORRIR KLAMAS, accordfng to informa.t.!i.on. obtained fi'0m ·the NeW' Yo:rak City. An~i-Crime c·ommi ttee b~sed qn .. a. 1952 investigation; wa·s the ·Executive DirectQr of the t1aster Truckmen o~ Ame,r1ca·,. 200· l~Tfls ·t 34th 'Street, New Yor'k,. ·New York, an s.s~ocia:tion of ke.i _garment :tpdu~try ·truckment ·operating in the New York C!i t y a rea·,.

The An ti-Ol'ime· Comnri ttee also reuort~d the. t· it had reeeive.d ·an anonymous letter in Oe··cember,, lC?r;l, a~vis· ing · that "·f1oe ·Klemas. was the collector for. Johnnie Dio who. helps run the trucking rac·ke ts in. the ~arme~ ·t 1 n d· us try. •·, u The New :(ork Ct,ty .A:nti !"'Crime .Col'Tl!lli .ttee r ·eoorted that in· th~ SI-!il'lng or 1952., t10E KLP-Y.1A.8 had been observed 1n the Cavali .er· Restaurant with o~.e .THOMA~ MARDT0. • NY 842- c , · who· ha s furni·shed· r .eliable ·information 6n Garmen-t C.enter .rac·ke·teers,. ·advis.ed that Y.OE K :r~l4AS . wfis one or tne 1e·ader.s in tne Ma.s ter. Trucking As s oci~ tion . :J,.n 1948 who organize.d the so-c ·al1e~ Ital·i an fae1;lon in the Garment Center.,: which tried' to control or· th~· . .trucking business from the Garment Center Trucking As .so~- ia tion.. This e.ffort f'ail.ed, and the f~rmer group was dissolved in 19}+·9. The recor


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LMK::a tp· -13:... . NY 94-419 I ·i r-usm.:L sta.ted that d uring 1953 · the c.ontrol of the a forementioned indi vidtmls had g i yen 'll.ray to the I·t .a lia.n ·r ae tion which included JOE qTRACCI , ·a:l-ias .roe ' Stre·tch, MI KE COPPOLA, TB.0M:.\ 8 r..UCKF.SE, a lias "-Three Fingers Br0tvn." 1: JAME.s PLtJro/.RJ;, ali as Jimmy Doyl~,. the DLO brhthers, JOHN, THOW.S -and ~ANK , MOE )(I/\M,\ .C!., BT-:'Nl~ Y s·QUINT (phonetic)·, . FAT TONY RALERNO , ·.ffiANK CARBO., EDniE ·coco,. and other·s. · . . . . , · One JOE DI AMOND was re pol~ted by NY '842~S .as a repre.sent a tive of AN'J;HONY BONJ\SBRA and JOHN "Bath ?each" .opDo ... in the · garmen~t qen ter.. · ·

Files of the New :~o rk · C.fty An ti-Crime Committee indicate receip·t of information Jn 1954 tha t .JOE O! AM:OND ass:ocia ted OimO, . HORRI~ KLRMA. ~ and IZZ~ $' CffilAR~Z an d tpat DIAMOND wa s not only c.onne·cted1 in the garment district bu~ was a mob~ ter. o·ther I·few York City Anti·-:o'Crime Coromi ttee sources described DIAMOND a s close t o JA~'!E S PIJTJIWRI and to HARRY KLAR.. ~ · -- ) NY 842-C ·adyised. tha ~ e.~ .organ! ~ a tion to which he referred as the. Mas·ter · Trucking Ass.oclation .\ was · made 'up of the Ital i an r acketeering element. .j The in·rormant .advised that in 1948 and 194·9, t h is I' assoc ·~·e.tion · tr.ied. to. btic~ ABE CHAIT f or contro1 of true k·· the 'gE!. r~en .t . canter· area.. At ~h a t time, they were unsuccessf.ul,. Recently, Ma.s·ter., Tr uckin·g ha ·s . been showing g~~a t s treng·th and· ...;ts reporte<:f1y ·making he ~:dw ~y· against CF..A IT in the garment . c e nte~ truck industry. · He s aid this e.s.socia tion is . made up of the follow~ng :



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NY 94-419 GENERl\1; CRIME CONDITIONS IN WESTCHESTER COUNTY YONKERS RESIDENT AGENCY 1 YONKERS 1 NEW YORK A. Organized Crimes Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety JAMES MC CUE, other higl1 police. officials and NY 1427-C have all indicated that they have no \knowledge of organized cri me in Yonkers, New York. B. Individual Racketeers and Mobsters NICHOL4~TENNI, with alias NI~RY, was identi­ fied as "vlestchester Garbage King" during tliis recent trial in Uti ca, N~~~grk on i ncome tax evasion for failure to pay ' the government $100,000 tax. He was connected with the Getty Square Recreation Company and the Oakmont Holding Company, as well as bei ng the head of the westchester Carting Company, a concern engaged in collecting commercial refuse.

Testimony was int ~~oduced in the recent tria 1 of RATTENNI that showed he had invested up to $35,000 between 1946-1950, the period that he is charged with tax evasion. The name of RATTENNI and FRANK COSTELLO were mentioned publicly tn october 1953, when the Roosevelt Raceway indicated they had been tl"\Jing to buy back a " Tainted" block of 6400 shares of stock worth $179 1 000 from the Old Country Trotting .· Associati on. Th~t. s ck was then held by RATTENNI's wife, CHARLOTTE SWINGL '. TTENNI. RATTENNI was described thea as a reputed associa of g~mbler, FRANX COSTELLO. ~ < :' ~ I : - . ' · ~ ~ . .

THOMAS rll!LO 1 SR., with a l ·ia a·es, ··-FBI .# 1085e8, 25 Lamartine Terrace,- Yonkers, New_Jork is reported to have been associated with FRANK ·coSTELLO, THREE~FINGERS BROWN and other top New Yorl< City racketeers. MILO is still considered as the "KING PIN" of gambling activit ~_ es in lower Westchester County.

Information has been developed that on May 18 1 1956, THOMAS MILO, SR. attended a meeting at the St. Moritz Hotel, New York City, with about 35 top racketeers who are members of the "Eastern Syndicate". Among those present were VINCENT .ALO, "TRIGGER MILE" COPPOLA, JOEY HA0 1 BEN~VINO, and MEYER LANSKY


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