Spherex: NASA's Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric All-Sky Survey
PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE SPIEDigitalLibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie SPHEREx: NASA's near-infrared spectrophotometric all-sky survey Crill, Brendan, Werner, Michael, Akeson, Rachel, Ashby, Matthew, Bleem, Lindsey, et al. Brendan P. Crill, Michael Werner, Rachel Akeson, Matthew Ashby, Lindsey Bleem, James J. Bock, Sean Bryan, Jill Burnham, Joyce Byunh, Tzu-Ching Chang, Yi-Kuan Chiang, Walter Cook, Asantha Cooray, Andrew Davis, OIivier Doré, C. Darren Dowell, Gregory Dubois-Felsmann, Tim Eifler, Andreas Faisst, Salman Habib, Chen Heinrich, Katrin Heitmann, Grigory Heaton, Christopher Hirata, Viktor Hristov, Howard Hui, Woong-Seob Jeong, Jae Hwan Kang, Branislav Kecman, J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Phillip M. Korngut, Elisabeth Krause, Bomee Lee, Carey Lisse, Daniel Masters, Philip Mauskopf, Gary Melnick, Hiromasa Miyasaka, Hooshang Nayyeri, Hien Nguyen, Karin Öberg, Steve Padin, Roberta Paladini, Milad Pourrahmani, Jeonghyun Pyo, Roger Smith, Yong-Seong Song, Teresa Symons, Harry Teplitz, Volker Tolls, Steve Unwin, Rogier Windhorst, Yujin Yang, Michael Zemcov, "SPHEREx: NASA's near-infrared spectrophotometric all-sky survey," Proc. SPIE 11443, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 114430I (13 December 2020); doi: 10.1117/12.2567224 Event: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2020, Online Only Downloaded From: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie on 16 Dec 2020 Terms of Use: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/terms-of-use SPHEREx: NASA's Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric All-Sky Survey Brendan P. Crilla, Michael Wernera, Rachel Akesonb, Matthew Ashbyc, Lindsey Bleemd, James J. Bocka,e, Sean Bryanf, Jill Burnhame, Joyce Byunh, Tzu-Ching Changa, Yi-Kuan Chiangi, Walter Cooke, Asantha Coorayg, Andrew Davise, Olivier Dor´ea, C. Darren Dowella, Gregory Dubois-Felsmannb, Tim Eiflerh, Andreas Faisstb, Salman Habibd, Chen Heinriche, Katrin Heitmannd, Grigory Heatone, Christopher Hiratai, Viktor Hristove, Howard Huie, Woong-Seob Jeongj, Jae Hwan Kange, Branislav Kecmane, J.
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