Congressional Record—Senate S4806

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Congressional Record—Senate S4806 S4806 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 10, 2005 our values are universal. Speaking on Chad, I met with President Deby and EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AP- Darfur last year, he asked: also with members of the joint com- PROPRIATIONS ACT FOR DE- How can a citizen of a free country not pay mission—Chadians engaged in diplo- FENSE, THE GLOBAL WAR ON attention? How can anyone, anywhere, not matic negotiations between the Gov- TERROR, AND TSUNAMI RELIEF feel outraged? How can a person, whether re- ernment of Sudan and the Darfur ACT, 2005—CONFERENCE REPORT ligious or secular, not be moved by compas- rebels. We met with the rebels them- sion? And above all, how can anyone who re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- members remain silent? selves. People want peace. We met with pore. Under the previous order, the Senate will proceed to the consider- Mr. President, I just returned from people in the African Union in Addis ation of the conference report to ac- the region. Unfortunately, the Govern- Ababa, Ethiopia. company H.R. 1268, which the clerk ment of Sudan denied me the visa that Bringing these players together—not will report. I needed to visit the camps inside to mention the parties in the north- The assistant legislative clerk read Sudan. Instead, I went to Chad, where south agreement in Sudan, the EU, as follows: there are about 200,000 displaced refu- NATO, and U.N. Security Council The committee of conference on the dis- gees from Darfur. members—is a full time job. It needs agreeing votes of the two Houses on the What do the Sudanese have to hide? the attention of an individual to make amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. Why would they prevent a U.S. Senator sure that those negotiations don’t go 1268), making emergency supplemental ap- from visiting. In the camp I visited in adrift. We need that attention now. It propriations for the fiscal year ending Sep- Chad, I received reports of continued tember 30, 2005, to establish and rapidly im- is critical. The Darfur Accountability plement regulations for State driver’s li- attacks on civilians, as well as a grow- Act asked for this, encouraged this, ing fear of an imminent humanitarian cense and identification document security and it is not happening. It is not suffi- standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing crisis afflicting the 2 million displaced cient enough to have a one-time trip by the asylum laws of the United States, to Darfurians. But it is when monitors are the Deputy Secretary of State to unify terrorism-related grounds for inadmis- denied access, when there are no re- sibility and removal, to ensure expeditious ports, that the atrocities are always Sudan to think that we are paying construction of the San Diego border fence, the most grave and can continue. enough attention or putting on enough and for other purposes, having met, after full We need transparency. This is not pressure. In fact, we don’t have an am- and free conference, have agreed to rec- about one Senator. The Sudanese have bassador in the Sudan. We don’t have ommend and do recommend to their respec- an official representative to the Afri- tive Houses this report, signed by a majority obstructed access by African Union of conferees on the part of both Houses. monitors. Human rights advocates and can Union. We need to be paying atten- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- journalists have been denied entry. Hu- tion. That is why Senator BROWNBACK pore. The Senate will proceed to the manitarian organizations have been and myself offered the amendment to consideration of the conference report. harassed and, when they actually get the supplemental. That is why we have (The conference report is printed in there, some have actually been killed. asked for additional funding, some of the House proceedings of the RECORD of We need to shine a light on this prob- which was included in the supple- May 3, 2005.) lem. I visited some of the victims last mental, and I am grateful for the fact The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. week in eastern Chad. Here is a picture that Senators DEWINE and BROWNBACK, SUNUNU). The Senator from Mississippi of some of the folks in one of the DURBIN, LEAHY, and OBAMA were able is recognized. camps. Hundreds of these men and to provide $50 million more for the Af- Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, the women desperately want to go home. rican Union. But some of the humani- Senate now has under consideration They were in Chad because of the bru- tarian assistance was pulled back for the conference report to accompany tal violence in their own country, reasons allocated to other difficult H.R. 1268, the fiscal year 2005 emer- brought on by the Sudanese Govern- places that also demand need. gency supplemental appropriations ment. They were chased from their vil- bill. This bill was requested by the lages. None of them felt safe to return. It is essential if we are going to stop President to carry forward the spend- None of them would return. this killing, stop the genocide, that we ing and accounts of the Department of This sentiment matches what we react now, that we pay attention, that Defense, the Department of State, and hear in Darfur, where we were last fall. we do the things that will allow the Af- other agencies and departments of the Hundreds of thousands of civilians were rican Union’s deployment to be suc- Government through the remainder of in these IDP camps, approaching 2 mil- cessful—only 2,200 people in an area the this fiscal year which will end on Sep- lion. Meanwhile, the Darfur refugees in size of France. We need to have a min- tember 30. Chad are barely getting by. I can tell imum of 6,000, maybe as many as 10,000. The bill was passed in the Senate on you that the conditions are difficult. That mission needs to be financed. The April 21, and we began conference dis- U.N. agencies and humanitarian orga- supplemental was where we could do cussions with our colleagues from the nizations are doing everything they much of this. Some of that we stepped other body on April 27. A bipartisan can, a heroic job of getting assistance back from. majority of the conferees reconciled to these camps. But I have to tell you, differences between the two bills and Our values as a nation and our na- there is a serious shortfall between a reached agreement on the provisions of tional security require us to speak up quality of life that is just sustainable a conference report on Tuesday, May 3. and reality. The terrain in eastern and confront these problems. The House approved the conference Chad is dry, infertile and, frankly, the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- report on May 5 by a rollcall vote of 368 environment is bleak. It barely sup- pore. All time in morning business has to 58. The conference agreement pro- ports the Chadians who live in the now expired. vides a total of $82.041 billion, slightly area. There is not enough water and Mr. CORZINE. I thank the Presiding less than the President’s request of certainly limited amounts of food. It Officer. I hope my colleagues will con- $82.042 billion. Almost $76 billion in needs to change. emergency supplemental appropria- sider this legislation when we bring it That is why we need to speak out and tions is provided to the Department of back to the floor. It needs to be fought we have to be forceful. That is why one Defense to cover the costs of con- for. of the provisions in the Darfur Ac- tinuing the operations in Iraq and Af- countability Act I think is most impor- I thank the Chair. I yield the floor. ghanistan. tant, and that is the appointment of a Title II of the conference agreement special envoy. f provides $4.128 billion for international Mr. President, stopping genocide is a programs and assistance for recon- moral challenge that requires courage CONCLUSION OF MORNING struction and the war on terror. Title and resources. But it also requires at- BUSINESS III provides $1.184 billion for domestic tention every day—real diplomatic en- programs in the war on terror. And gagement to make sure we are moving The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- title IV provides $907 million in relief the ball forward in this process. In pore. Morning business is closed. for the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. VerDate Aug 04 2004 03:30 May 11, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10MY6.016 S10PT1 May 10, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4807 Finally, division B of the conference Mr. COCHRAN. How long does the I am here today because some Mem- agreement carries the House-passed Senator expect to talk? bers on the other side of the aisle have REAL ID Act and other provisions re- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Probably a half decided that despite a constitution lating to immigration issues. hour. that is renowned worldwide and used as This conference agreement embodies Mr. COCHRAN. I have no objection, a model for emergent democracies, de- a genuine compromise between the two and I have no objection with that being spite a confirmation rate of 95 percent bodies on legislation that is of utmost done in spite of the agreement we have of President Bush’s judicial nominees, importance to our troops who are de- reached on the time for debate of the and despite the other pressing prior- ployed in the war on terror and for our supplemental.
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