in the



D.L. Beran

Chief, Community Development Division

Benghazi, Libya




Establishing the Division

Problem Survey Program Development Selection of Workers Pre-service Training Organization of District Committees In-service Training Initiation of Local Projects Assimilation of Program by the Libyan Government

Expansion and Enrichient of the Prograin

Office Organization Field Service Preparation of Instructional Materials

Summary of Financial Support




List of 94 Villages in Cyrenaica where Community Development Activities Operate. Criteria for Selecting Local Level Wor .ers Criteria for Ap'proval of Program Development Schedules Summary of Comunity Development Projects Sample Prograi Deve lopment Schedule Request for Allocation of Budget Forms Local Project Agreement Project Completion Form Contract for Aricultural Tools Project Curribul~rh .o£Fiel.Workers' •.hpol " Recreatlon Equipment Agreement Organizational Chart of Community Development in Cyrenaoa. PREFACE

Community Developnient, in Libya, is primarily concerned with two broad problems.

In the first place, because of years of occupation and colonialism, the structure

of local ,overnmont had been almost obliterated and conseauently the skills of ai-'-:overnment .,'hich were once nossessed by the le had been seriously impaired.

In the -econd place, and growin- out of th:; first, both individuals and groups of people feilt that the only ,.lace to secure helo for social and economic betterment the central government° Following, or acco!:.panying tkis3 t'er developed methods for securini help which utilized the pressure group-, and whatever other

elf-cen-tered influence mi.-ht .,ork. In such a frame of reference the work of

Community Development in Cyrenaica exists.

The immediate objective of the program of community development is to strengthen the provincial, district, and local units of self' government. Once that has been done, or the framework established whereby this .trengthening and developing can take placo, the next objective is to rebuild and develop in people at each of these

levels the ability to make an inventory of their social and economic needs and develop a willingness on thoir part, and the initiative, to introduce programs of action in which they will show a high dogree of -articipation so that these local and immediate social and .economic needs may be met, Once this change of attitude has beEgun to take place, necessity for the third phase of the work becomes ap­

parent. This necessity prompts the third specific objcctive of the program> that of providing the necessary lay ..nd profces-ional training, so that the

skills necessary for the efficient operation of local government and the projects

of community bettbrment are developed in the clientele upon which the burden of

functional leadership falls. -2-

In order to attack the problem outlined above and to achieve the objectives

an ap)proach must be made alon: z-v,.ral fronts. Not all need necessarily

move ahcad at thc a- - time or With "hC same srUed. But eventually, if the

job is to g-%t don-, an attack or an approach mu.-t be eade through earh of

.hese The be -rinnin:, is made through the sel:,ction for training of a corps

of local leaders fren about ei_-hty of the naturel neighborhood and community

centers of th,: Province. simultaneou.s; with this ic -,"Lu ostablishm-nt of the

,rovincial, ,listrict, and 2o-c.I com:munity developme:.nt councils ',hose primary

YeUr-.-,os, is co .dev.lop policy ard initiate prograns of action related to

:s>ecific .;octal and economic noods. iext comes the actual operation of cons­

;,ruction projects and the develop.n-it of activities aimed at meeting a spe­ cific social or economic need in each of the many n'eighborhood:3 and com­ murities. Following' in rapid succession is the dev. lopment of three other typk,,2 of activities whe.ul will serve to implement the. prorams which develop in the initial :3tages of core.unity developmnt. These include the operation of a literacy -ro g-a,,m thu, orgenization of a community rccroation pro eram in each of sevural villages, and the .-:taoisncnt of a film forum or village­ ni.eht progran in each of sev.r.l villages for the urpose of expanding the store of guneral knowledge and developing an aw" on th; part of the

eopc of' other needs which may not now b. apparent to them. Further than this is the need, which is met in all three of these aforementioned activities, to enrich their lives and to stimulate their thinking and action about the potential which they possess for both social and economic progress, Pinally, there will be the necessity to establish lay leadership training institutes at some future time. The community developmunt approach is concerned ',ith developing functional leadershir and so there must come a time wh.en every citizen will have an opportunity to receive additional training, on a short term basis, in the various aspects of health, agriculture, and social and -3­ economic improvement,

Community Dovelopmsnt is concerned waith dvalopin, within human beings the faith that they can, through their own efforts, improve thrmslv'.s sociall

::i; conomically. It helps achiev. thsa goals through :;trcngth : ning and

v ]obi 'thc already -risti , .govrnnental ir.,titutions :.n.I by expanding

heir ,ot'tial for serving the people° It ach.-ves these objectives through tire !iv ,opmont of functional luadorshii and moving forward on a series of ir­

.r;eu,,i.arfronts. !. INTRODUTCTIO

Community Dv:lopmrint, or Are.a Dev;.lo)mc.-t' as it is kImo',n in Libya, (I) was bo un here by 'r. Charles ii.rihtA. Th initial activities centored in Tripolitania with the intention that they woulO, bc expanded into Cyrenaica and ev.ntua1ly ov.r th,. *.hol,: natio-. In thc r'i antim', ..r. ?Iri

Th-1 first Coinunity Devflopmaa:t h.lviuor for Cjr-_rrica arrived in Benghazi on Januar- 31, 195'J a-nd .3ince that tine a .ro.'an of oforations hi!, been activated, regular monthly meetings of a 7'rovincial Community iGv,.lopment Council uzere re­ sumed, a corps of local lsv, .or;er:; was solsct and trained, and local com­ munity development -,ro,jects ir. 91 vil g (2) locat,.ii ir all seven of tho dis­ tricts of the Province ,wore initiated.


Problem Survey

The first step was, aft-r ;ting'ith members of the Provincial Com­ munity Development Council and :erticularly th- Nazir of Interior who is chair­ man of it, to spend approximatcly thrrc. -:)onthl, in visitinS all parts of the Pro­ vincu of Cyrcnaica. Each of -he six Districts (Iiutasarifias) was visited, beginning '(,ith a call on the district official (Mutasrif), his deputy (Kaimakam), the Police Commander, and t*, iCayor i-,fthed-unici-ality. 9he Purpose of each of these visit:, aside from becoming acquaintc. .,ith th ,2ovornmert officials, ,,as to g[.t from them ideas uoncornin- ..hat they considered to be th(, outstanding pro­ blems and the most nrssin& needs of the. people in their area, During these visits, trips *.ur.. madc to the various places in each arca problems were existing and ...,ere s.lf-hclu activities orc'osibl. of initiation, It was discovered from this ini.ial tou. that t er as a possibility of initiating something 2ihe forty-s ,vn local :,rojects for te imp!rov.-m-r.t of conditions in thc fields of agTicultur ;, education, cooprativ-, health, and oublic works,

-1. In Libya, cosmmunities a,, .- '1-no, them in mo't :-,rts of the world are largely non-existent. lany of the ,ople "ith hom v, ,,.ork are still nomads. The tribal sys;tom i!-s very much in eviL-,nc ;n, -. opitl live in various places, travelling ovr a larg. "area dependent u-on -luch conditions as rainfall and grazing oiportunitics. Little by little, the hrak is bein,- made a'.-,ay from a nomadic to a sed':ntary ,xictcnc_. Therefor-, th- term 'Ar Development" seemed more appropriate in the beginning.

2. See Appendix A.

3. See Ap endix L -5-

At the conclusion of the tour, the following summary was made:

1. There seem to b,,- a number of' rather well defined projects which could become t1,s nucleus -f Comunity Develomer.nt here.

2. Th.; needs of th, reoj.le have been. carefully .ecorded and correj:-_i1:: *"sorted by the vriou- officials with whoa ;.ve h'ave met,,

3. There see-as to be a ',:ee intorest in and enthusiasm for self-help projects.

4. Some of thL n.ods re ortcd are too -,a,.at in size to be attempted by Com:unit,;j.vU oprnot aloe

5. There is an accumulation of evidence to support the contention that a numbur of smiall local coopcratives shou r W tObli-hed i among tho first self-help projects intend.d to improve the economic condition of the pcopl.

6. It begins to that we ,;ill have to train a corps of local level workers in the principles and mothcds of doveloping self.-help -projects with the peoplea

7. There is considerable indication that as thce self­ help project, davelop %v; should avoid being short­ si&'hted to ti c.tont of di~rctin, our ei orts Solely toward economic d.velopment. At th:. sam time we need to assint thec poople socially and educ itionally thro Th a w ..- r,.ad -. op , i: .~,h ar,.% wher self--m-.p ,roj:cts are in o ortion> of oizch-aotivities as a litracy nye rwq film , rl-s, a circulating library, and a r:cr :%tior o1_-li.'

8. We must uard a 'eist :::a too narrow an approach to com:-unit;- h.'a !ialopm:t,.ny who can ma-e a contribution and assume a .der-hip roleo For instance, in one ,

From this it .ould to indicat tat ,,o need to enlist the hclp of and teach not only the villae€ors and farmers that the way to real uroiTen; is through learning how to help themnelvos, but -;very othjr 1-,crson as well who is to work with the 'eoople in rural areas, Thercfore, .c ought to sec to it that every student in the Al Alwelia Agricultural school, every public health *'orker, and ox;ry agricultural-eztcnision iorker have onc or two courses of instruction in communiLy development and rural leadership, This is not to say that we aru thereby expectin.; them to initiate or adtninister cc..u,,unity developm-nt projects .tlong vith their other duti1s, But it does say that if they know what the principles and methods of the self-help approach arc, they may begin to incor­ porate, add, and spread general understanding and practice dominated by this concept, The community developmcnt staff is -rcpared to assist in the dovelopiscnt of :iaterials for such courses of ins­ truction.

9. Finally, and probably most im ,ortantly of all, there is a need for a great quantity of information in the form of bockl,.ts, posters, film strips, films, and books about community development, These should be widely distributed to vari:us .'overnmentagencies, agricultural work..ers :ind schools, public health xor­ kers, educators and educational institutions, and to interested persons of the general, public.

10. Unless a broad base of understanding, knowledge and acceptance of these principles and practices is realized the economic betterment and the social rrozress we cherish .-ill be difficult to achieve.

Program Development

Aftor making the preliminary "survey of the Province of Cyrenaica, a detailed report was prepared and urcsented to the Provincial Community Development Council. In this report it was suggested that :;. begin the work in one or two areas in somewhat the nature of a pilot or demonstration project. It was sug­ gested that the Community Developmcnt Advisor ;ould select two or three potential local level workc[rs and go to a chosen area and begin community development activities. The nature of the work in this area would be to conduct meetings the redple, bewithbegin to havy them identify problems and make the beginnings of an attack on one or mor, of these. oroblenis. The local level workers who accompanied him wjould be in constant training' under the direction and guidance of the Advisor, When sufficicnt tim.-: had elapsed, and it was f:lt that one of these work ,rs was sufficiently capable of handlinl- the :iituation, he. would be ,, left with complete responsibility for th, area or village in .:hich the work was begun and the-. Advisor and the rmining workers ,ould go on to a new village or area, possibly picking up another on,'-. or twe itombers for similar traLining, This approach was opposed, -rompted by a sirit of urgency imnossible to was deter. Aside from this was the fact that, throughout this there seems K to be a principle that whatever you do in onc; -)lace must be( done in ucquaL amounts : nd "proportions in all other places. The plen wvhich v'a- fina-.lly approved by the *Council was as followvs; -7­

1. At the Provincial lovel there w.ould be a Community Development Council iade up of the 11azir of Interior as Chairman, with members to be directors of Interior, Agriculture, Education Public Health, and Public '7orks; and the Aerican Provincial Directors of Education, Health, and A;hriculture. The Comunit:y Dv:-.lopment Advisor serves a5s Executive Secretary 'the Council. 2. In each of the six districts of th Province, a district Community

Developms:nt Committee was to bc :stailishol. The members of this Committee vvero to b-, five in number. It was to be headed by the District Comiission.,r (iutasarif), two members rould be from divisions of' the &'overnment an,, th<. other tw;o members must be layr pcrsons of somn, ieiportarce aen- omoin.nce in the area. The principal activity of th. district comrnmitt : w..,as to revil local project proposals as they co:.:, in froin the 1 ,oole.

3. At the local level, there w..r, to be twelve local level workers (LLW) in each of thc siL districts of the Province. These !en ..'ould work vith th. people c ottin- theis to identify needs and pro­ blems and, once they had placed a priority on one pressing3 need or problem, they were to outline this in the form of a formal project proposal hich thc y would present to the district comr ittee. The district committee would then study the project proposal, secure the necessary, technical advice anJ as-istance, and if it met the criteria Jehich had been ,established it would be aprovd and sent on to the Community Developm_- t effic,.- Hero, after car,:ful study and analysis, the project ,:ould be finally approved and the obli',ation for the reloas, of funds .- ,ould be made.

This method of operation of the w-,ro gram was finally approved by the Provincial Community Devolomvnt Council,

Out of these several deliborations a plan for community development began to emerge. Each Mlutasarif began to to-ll u. that if the various little villages in the Province wLre to have certain basic facilities such as a mosque, school, dispensary, slaughterhouse, latrines, and social center the movement from a nomadic toward a sedentary state aould be sti.mulat.:.d, at the same time arresting an unhealthy population migration trend toward th, largr urban centers. Because of this community development plan which was conceived by the local officials it must be conceded that the facilities to be dc3reloped will be all inclusive and that each community will begin to provide facilitie;s w.hich are of social as well as economic im-?ortance. In -thm.r ,vords, wewill begin to experience a "circular causation of a cumulative dev..lopment" of social and .,eonomic facilities.

Following th-. adoption of basic -:olicy a .:ork plan for the project was drafted which included these steps leading tow.ard th. ovontual ahsorption of the program by th-. Government of Libya,

to . a Ia Dates Act vity Begin Complete Remarks

1. Arrival of Community D,,vlopment Advisor, D.L. Beran, Jan. 1958.

Cenduct problem survey Feb. 1958 May, 1958. Report was made

e,.ctivat:. Provincial Com­ :-unity Dev.lopmont Council June,1958 Meets monthly

'. Selection and tr ,ining of local level workers. June 1958 Aug. 1958 This is an on­ going process­ in-service meotings every month. 9. Organize district Ccmmunity Devclopmejnt committees. Sept. 1958 Nov. 1958 Continued by follow­ up in-service meetings with them. 6. Organize local Cemmunity Development Comn-ittees Feb. 1959 This is a con­ tinuous] activity until every village and rural in the Province has on­ tcred into a pro­ ject, 7. Initiate in-service education program Oct. 1958 This is an activity that never ceases. 8. Initiate local projects Oct. 1958 This is an on­ going activity which nevr comes to a halt, As a village coepletes one project it goes on to another. To the date of this report ].2 suoh projects have been initiated and ano-­ ther 64 are ready to begin, avaiting ajival ,onof' ..r.ore)y t funds. -9-

Dates Activity Begin Complete Remarks

9. Select and train fild service workers. June 59 July 1960 Three field service workers carry film, recreation, and litcracy progrm.u to 64 villages on mobile units, In 1960 there will be onc field service worker for each of the six districts.

10. Complete sociological studies of the region. Mar. 59 Oct. 59 About sevnteen articles /ere prepared under the direction of Dr. David S. Tillson. This -,art of the program is now ter­ minated. ll Initiate Field Service activities;

Villag night meetings Sept. 59 These are on-going and will Recr-ation July 59 continue for the life of Literacy work Apr. 60 the project.

12 Develop Rural Develop­ r.mnt Institutes for lay leadership training. May 1961 This will be an on-going activity .Jhich should never coas.: Once it is begun much or most of the time of the Advisors should be occupied ,ith it,

13. Complete refinement of the program operations. 1965 -68 Although this is never complete, the U.S. assis­ tance should terminate by 1968.

14. Assimilation of the Program by the Government of Libya At the time the project began it was estimated that it *rJonld ope­ rate until cr through the year IK, In vieV of thl. fact that Cc:munity 0>velop­ mont is a :e. idea for t;>in country, and that there is no such do':rt. nt or divi­ sion of t., o-v,.rnimnt . sec.s ].o.'ical that it Snhoura o'ak %;sevJr year before it ill find a. pk:riranent place in the govern:. ntal structure. At t~e moment a nr..' razarat'. of 2ocial 7lelfare has been established in one Frovince which may indicate the beginning of a recognition of this type :-' activity as a responsibility of governm nt..

* Selection of Workers

Subsequently the first steps toward thQ. selection of local level workers vere taken. From the very first, ovw: rv effort *.;as made to place the res­ -ponsibilitv for adinistration and supervi.sion of thl,, fi.lid projratn of community development in the hands of the prop rly constituted Libyan , ovoni,':ntal agency, This, for Community Development, bccm.;. the Iazar:at of Int;rior, The Nazir of Intcrior s~nt out a c:zll to of each his six districts .1kinC, the. chief officer to submit a list of names of men in his area wia.o :.ij.t p s.ibly be selected as local level workers. Criteria (1) 'aore established for this selection and from this list submitted by the districts, the office of' th. Nazir of Interior sel-:ctcd the 'groUp of m,n who wer6 to th be 2utL.r. Local Level Workers (Amil ,ihali), In the sa..e way a supervisor for each of the six districts was selected at a later date as well as a local level worker-at-large to service the entire Oasis district in the vicinity of the isolated desert tow of i:ufra,

Pre-Service Training

In August 1958, a one-month training school for local level workers was established at th El Awelia Agricultural School near Barce. The principal objective of thce school was to explain to thm thL principles, the basic philosophy and the methods of op..rati,,n of Community Dovelopment, Technicians from each of the branches of gov'.rnicnt ..ith -.,hom they mi-ht be concerned in their problem solving activities -acre in so that the w,,orkers would be oriented to the various agencies. In like manner, the UTSOM technicians in agriculture, health, and education canie to explain their programs and t. orient the. workers in such a way that they might l1ow upon whom to call for help in solving community problems.. Considerable use of film-strips and films -,-;as made in this training program. A serics of ton mon agraphs outlining th, fprinciples and methods] of Community Devol:)p-­ mcnt and the role ,,f Iocl tl-m level .orker in comtunity developme-nt was prepared by the Advisor and usre the as cor: ,.f the training proCoTm.o A flip chart and filmstrip on Co,..munity Development oas also prepared for this purpose. After this 7. school, the oraters weznt to their res~ectiv. areas and by late September we began to be enraged in the actualJ,;ork of Community Dev-e'loemo.:nt "atthe level. In the weeks after the school, the staff began visiting these men in the, field for the purpose of assisting hm ,.,ith their newly developing program and problems and for thc purpose of ovaluatine,,- the effectiveness of the training program itself.

1. See Appendix B.

4-' Organization of ,District Committees

The placing" of ,orkers in the field implied the anticipation of project proposals by the- Tcool Threfor,.-, as soon as the local lovel ,;orkers * began their -,ork, it 's necessary to assist each ',Ath-ttasarif the organization of a district cor.unity developmcnt cc-mritte. This wa, donre durin-, the month of Octob..r and by Novrsber 1958 these five-nan District Cm:ittees in operation. As proj:.cts cori: in fron ta . opl- throu-h t!.'.loc. lev .1 .,orkor, the Committee exarine.s th-.m in . th nu.ds -nd the ivrnm..nt':ro -ram in ope.ration in the area, To assist the, C :,.,itt . in its ,r .,f evuluatin; the project proposals criteria (1) wre. dvised b, C aunity lo"lo,.s t offic- During; the months of October and ct;v...mber,.ch . tin ,:ith th. di'strict conmitte lthe staff of th- Comiimunity Dev.. lo:.; ".fficfvri ,st QV se cIi t-ria in consid, rac d.tail, FroiJ tiae to til.1. Ther:2tft.r, ltrthur ro.-fxanination-: of th,; critri ar .aide as the need arises.

In-Servicc T.rai nin-

The fir'st visits tr ;ach district in October and > vember of I953, revealed that, inspite of the training school orientation, tisre",'erc still many misundurstandin-s and much lack of inforcration , to th:-. objectivs of conmunity develo-oment and th- functions ,f th,. local [oevel vorker, It ws t...n decided by the offic. staff, the Provincial Com..munity Developui.nt Council and th. Mutasarif that for an-unspecified numbcr of ,onths. , would hold a i:,esting' each month with all the Local Level -orkers in -,ach di,-;trict in th oFfic,- of thj eIfutasarifo At ,these, meetings considerabl.e emphasis ,.s place d on 2efining th. functions local of the levtel worker, discussing the prcinoiple f e,orkin w.ith aople,dministering details associated ,li tei rieckly reports and th proj.ct proposals and the usual problets in human rclations, !Luch use of audio-visual aLids -.;as i*ade in all these • meetings. A new, filrstnri and fli s-clrt ,as conpl t,- d in December a-nd during .mber the Dec and January -etings this be(,an to b,:. used as a pnrincipail training device, T'..s flip---chart "Building A Stronc.. ;r Libya"... 1,, exp lains what Co;.imunity Development is, h w pcopl,, c.:n initiate action to solve their own problcms and thu ways by hich tlimy can use the advice end technicail assistance of their governmental agencies. The flip-chart *was found to b. : v ry suucessful training aid and several of the local level workers requested that its use be extended to the local areas and used with the peopli themselves-i. A monthly news letter to all local wor­ kers and district committee members was also starte d as a further in-service training tool.

By this time it became apparent that the utasarif would have to have assistance if he were to properly sup~rvise and administer this new dopartmont,. Therefore, it was decided that in each district a supervisor would be employed whose responsibility would be, t, a&inister and supervise th,. pro.gra of community development in that ditrict and .,ho -,,rould report to th; lIutasaLrif and the District Comittee. It was decided also that in the future, a training program for these field supervisors and the: -ffic(, staff of Co;,ieiunity Dov'lopEInt would bc imstituted. At a latur date a local levl . Jorkras surgpli,,d to s~rv- th. hugo Oasis area in the Kufra District,,

1. Sec Appendix C. Initiation of Local Projects

Actual projcct initiation did not b24n to tak for. until jarly in Octobor 195J ,c!:t ,f the 1 ontb 'llt.;oibor '1a' usod by the local lovcl workers to becone accusto cd t¢ thir o: rol- By oerly Octohor a Lou projects began coming in, but it qavluite app:rnt that thoro had booen certain omissions in the training progra) s .diat~ly ti, oorauuity dcvc:Io 'r.;:t . ffic2 sorsonncl began follow-up visits to t. local u.orkers a- dis;trict committeu in an attempt to correct th dofici,.nci-o. 'y .'ircl 1)60 on, hm:drer two (102) projects had been approved (- A > Jix D for detail') 2h..y roT:rcsont rixton, diff:;r, nt types of community social :hflr .7incon ic.prov,n!. ,rs ,'r scrtt re.d about in all parts of the Frovincc. as sh,.n by 1' l-, I blol.,


Distribution of Coa.unity Dov, opntz Pro,j cts in CyrunaicaLilaya

by ;ys s and Districts.


Type Acdabia Barc'. 3, da Bcnohazi Dorna ufra T,

School 4 7 3 5 3 3 2.5

Mosque ropair 2 3 4 3 3 2 17

Wells ()2 2 10

Cometery v;alls 1 5 2 1 9

Agriculture Tools 7 1 1 9 (2) Mosqucenters 1 1 4 1 7

IrMi gati on Channels 1 4 5

Play fields 1 1 1 2 1 6

Latrines 3 3

Roads 1 1 1 3

Slaughtorhouse 2 2

9 1. 48 individual ',olls.

2. used also as Arabic school: . ubl'.c. bath, mrnd public latrinos, is tri ct Tra . ePr 1; dsa ],raz± , aLi':-a Tohruk Total .) J:. 3 cns ,,1'y 1 1.

A: >1.. i . ' 2 2

11.1' 1. 1,:-,

.J:"3cr-oir I

....O,-I, "-...... "L7. 6 8 ].02

;T.icsec.e .:unic'dc -;wo ,rojccts r: irre;ient - variety of activities which arz io,,ally t:t., 'itr.m-1' to o] c tasic ;3ocial rnd economic needs. It shoud be ,.ienti,-ncd i::".,- .i. _A ;.< , i:rch .9 lhr:re are also on file sixty nine (69) oth.r_ c Cc-,. for 1vih 'si ot,,cr; 1::;). tc'd and which represent a similar diverL2ity of tyies ht onno .2c i:rocu.-:,ed because there are no funds reriainin:- for thic olervnt of . tul.:2 for 'o ...r i ca-ar

'T a jo r o" e0 i, tI t]r [- 1 >o2 level v~orkcr once select a -? prohl:)ir.l .4io& they co:-,e: cpioL)rity t c i c .mity,JIr they prepare a J-.roL&u,...... ,:.,:e.c A om,, 'i zub t it to the district coLP­ munity develc,:y:: .n iht ccc o . ,o;.tte they examine it, .zyi" call uro .1 ]L2iC...O . or -i C' C .....'... ,.',t,and if it i 2 t "-rv"o ir as r 1 .. irr...... 7),t: l on 'y ffi co. After i na.ion...t ..... i na . c ' the ;uin of £L 1000.000 (about it:OOi ,- . a ab , c , 'r. ogins, If it S-ceeGc.- L , -: - , to.e Yr'vLnoial Community Do- e.:.7r.onr " : . -y tn-.; Cice it has been ;v"p!,-CveO by 11:. , ,x . ,...... ' . ,.x: -.)._,rocescing is begun 1, " . orm r,:,I'. :.'Phi iZ )r:" ,C"_o. t , I1 ±: -- i. : ?oon of-1g ia documentp esentative with :J: iL'L. l T ., : .0 -fl... c " thit ,7fetig a repree ti o+ , ,"i.,'ot . . a]c rT's , 'o :,fo2o,e ::t up a committee for the =j' pu-. os of ma03 ... sr _..t.n,,, to ::]'o - G th .:s eeting the Community ...... 0 c t.,.ntp 1op] , : ,h... c:.( .tions under which they are c o at thou Troj,-ct anC& the i-,-,to :bicht: ron-y ..iuY(plicd is to be nut, <, , .'er;rni ( . .' ? lix ,3) '; th:: :,V ...... , one c Y 'oen:-left with the ]r)1 coj1itto one lof-t in th-1 1 .a : .nd :ithird copy ket on file in h Co.>.iunitj L.o. -J.'.. for .3umar. of the project is then ±o.'ally over to th_ ournedoc, ,a-of :c1op.le to 11o deucsiited in the district 1: :, .jn " c ou.ntanta t : c.cff e i;h,.:i-h,.n,.. . ri,"on1,, itL ..zor ,:,am$..,nt. 4. of' '.,,>.. i*4. e :,,ecified in

th.o er,-r e th,,. )r;.z enetn;: th. I "cvo 0.711 !in-, te .xr

V. ro 1hua 'oJiCl r. i::o t a-o jct 1 '; hol.vever. ia all is-roup of' ror, .uon v i1 (7, T~la ~-6 1o.-. a rrt. In~~~~ thos. cwt ~ : rA 5'1v o o~wf 1,7 ch inf:i ..gricultura1 t 0 0 1 sm 'a 11 onp I I aCh :d 1 -0 oC, t 1iJ v :2ou-. ouch az; a coop..rativ:'. 1'tti 20OiUO J. ~ %d, ~ ~ o c Ca

provc; 1, it i-I n ' 1(i 'T'oo . c i.t1 i mt~1jn0 wlui- oh hac­ b c., n iv"a tc ci or uiutr + 1 v 'd Jo flhreL or four x:..r,,! ThcIO ;ao '3 3~o P 0 t''_ *0t a 11 20 _ t Oil S U 1 1 L)

but an %60itar ) I;-oanliva. a I .o.' I _,u i-i n tl 'ai ar j ..

tills I 1' 'r C 0 U 1.1', 0012 t 1 7"071

faa'~ ~ ~ r--r 02 r. I't~iv l o o j'~lrJ'y~~l o o' rna-

fo 2 t 1il 1.t1Vi O1 I C1. Ui ron 'u for oo 1 a zi I .kC,1l

t USC' or.' C ;_.' 22 o t K' to urc wsi ot":c t of tools aiaqut or rt'Ill t'! a t1 oum "7cviUlfa h vcntua-l t~iil ~L.'~i L . 1CCoo- r'a ta~v Y.' t r m 1 i'r of the aor c-t (_cu'or -tL 1 O .1L o a::-i~c i t'riVnC' orits of

o)uttin ,~ . 4-id 1 ' Unt,- L)" or., "in- roour, d -i: Io 1)1, -, £u auaat of all1 th account. L m Jo oh.d i~,-a r, ot_32 i r r -i Lat to: tua: Commnuity ido.-;.lopm nt of 'i co by b -V t,)- f: r; r.a' -ron t offic,. of tho di sta act accountant,

B-, jrch 1 t'Y t n:(f tl !r -7u'i i b rin 'ad hkA:n 'r!'ind anid rer ourr r, , I , I-a I A '.a.:tc 2.c '' '32V1'.. - rv~zocf tt'l; oot~ ' "o :r, c"'ro v -' " a 1, thrL tii. ala; aosiz­ tinatj inl 7..'. ( '2 il-i t:,- bi'unit 1'L 10 i r c~ o 1.,PO0 5 aa u am

anomrov::l ;votivati:-. Th.y ,.. r cu)r 3 1' J" r c *. a r~o~ nn thu fiu.(' J -a'' orrli- u t. L-C . c . a..1,a-,trtivo detailin 1a1 2'.'t J" 4. "'-nom.Advisor z

dlivotod to 1.I o' ' '' p oil 1'] ? 0 fhs tm Cc~ 14s I-I u t i ' a. "ra . r 0' .. U t ;j t aIIt,-,

Lia. .'1!270 a t 'AIbm i ''t! 'r '_n 'uded vac'n on

c)co ber )0 1-j .u,;3 .rvi,;r,. ::n'v ' 1 i4 1 t-- V"v r , Iilaty '''2 toh om]I. 1 V-1~~azcorirI ] 2 ao rvto t a -Z02.t-of' Tnt r-'or. _1hal1u Coi;i.ui ' I o' ,-.I: cOntaC 1 o'.- 'C o00 , L 1 .o 1asr~uini t'lj

*trativ-, d~ Ail III, EX7A1X~1.A D ~ C~fTT~' '' Ai

Off .ice Or[gani ZatiOil

In .trd~r -;or tlh.. )xTfic .c:ui to iorl lm .tr and sorvic ! thc.i progrc-m 9 ii 'ta i i i 1 C into icrn-rtr,iwi Phe ."dninitrativ-: .6ction Is, urn.:;r e di io- o0'i llu : n t uA 1'szoon- Sibilitics irnclud" ;-*;rnlral office. .t 2m rr-mi-,.m ort a.n d a. i.3tanc2 in )ro Jict clrocolsmnL IC~it d'rr:I (.'Straining­ and is under t:dir .zczaon r. -Pti-,mh 1 :iCiVl 1i_ of tjli Q'-trt ;t incl'Ad?o 9 -OtPrc.r:crroI~vi-ion of 1h:- fic di rvicoro 'a third (.I,;- : t:t:1 ; ac ;. K~e ~ dir, ctlon JX Dr. David. S .71liwcr- until1 hir ~r 2rt to : t_, Trrti, disor wa ad!!ad to as :1st in ths:ios inrt :. ct o-' _arow:C

Faid Sarvico

T Ai )hui of thl~ conmuni dvci~y 1o-rnt .,i a .rai in C, ranai ca has i.rohably the, atsa~. t at rn i 1 . anv' For it i,, thrloi! I-, o tli LA 'U--,.. .,i ll li b111 to have -,heir ioje !o.nY n. t!" t can~ do 1,o ir.'i':rovo thcmilves Socially tu'ta con ,-i illy. A Fic1 ri rv *' orlcr 1 2sA.nuc1 to J!ac!> t-w.o districts Ho travels a-, u t in a VO1,-sVI" on _Acllwu i~ucp on :ih _ch din t;iout :'d a c-,cncrator, poJcctoil si ir, ) -it ..tnd .nhatov i"+ ot'L.r u'rlc;r difur roa3r..A.iol- and lite­ racy ;.ork. T'M' fi',ld scrvic- o)ut~' _pc.. n froi vil cto vl lla in h: two dist'ricts stimulati!-:; r r- ton cLiviiijlas ,uctiii r i "-i't ;h proai,,anz, dIihn 't.a c a s'c' D ri mist- ac's so tati-0or,9 59 a Fi':.-LI hrvic .0ork--ir .chool lr corfv' ' ui0 of tainin nie-. Tor this 1 ~Zjob (s-_- lA)t; dix J for -ro,_ ri~). It t'!:;o .1 ow- , another t"'-.erty da, in-service trtininL- 20>001 i-f Dacamo "ou or I rv' co has boen prociucod: to iv-Ii!ic-i.tancr_.. il i-i'cc o Is 'L"rci major divisions o4 fiQ].d 2c.rvicc, -,or:. T: ,1;in!- -:arar' soth, nsu htmr CLotail *ihsor of tcs immn

Rflocr ri t on

In tlI. . o f' I95v n r.:cr_-,atinir conticr-' %w.r ..stablishcd in v trius Yart; of 'U-J.. Provit-.-- !At oachl of th:3se

contors twao lcy'-' _Y -G to ia .rv-, a.. rci sation 1P adca' . for tho ;4 ua.:or Thi ma JuC. or., -in coor .. aa on -i-th the A aarata of Educa tion 'T1,: r cr' ticn 1ir z a s d 0t"oth" ul-s Toachor T mr Col I , nc t", rk u; caamriorof their studDnt to~ c in io nc'nc. T ' .''ani; nasa of a 1 r r am 0 of r ;cr-.,ation A1-Lch _ill Pc _x;1andcd tc -cov'.r a ';-roxmA-tly 'orty-six vil~.La i~ 1'r V"'"' Eachv 'cosuit'11 b ro vidd ar ,t hc ± l i.' fr ItyTposE Of rucr. itional s ~ i aqlcn .ho '. t ra-ino d in n-.c r at ior t t'i Ara'b --s Fu- ( a, r .ial1 3,di.cati, oin C . t, .,q, -;rvis 7, th,-li -ork of mir it n thLI - v'ri ons plan(Ofl2 H-)' to iacnvii.1 I 1p it organize a community recr..:ation coriimitto:, and helps them get the ecquipmcnt installed and put to u;ec A one­ week recreation trainin,. school ,,as op-rEated during the month of July 1959 for the purpose of training; the t-,enty-to boys for the summer recr;ation programl. The equipmcnt beinj supplied each community and the vroject agreoment .zhich they make is shown in Appendix 1.

Villagae-Nig ht Pro,-Tams

oeorat.e in about si-.ty-fol r communiti- The essential '-art of thes- projiras is the Cilm forum activity. Each fielJ sorvic worker o s from villa,, to viilage with a packet of films built around a core film .- hich deIls .iith some problem of Coim.ty )ev loi.wnt, a)riculturc, health and sanitation, or basic educahtiono Jowingwft~r thf. film he holds di.,sions -:'ith th, ncople in ,jhich h.. tri'"s to bring out the lessons to ,:. learned from t. film _.nd make them aware of its imrnlication, mapplication to their com­ munity and its frobl-mso Por th_ purpo::-, of op-rating this phase of the p2 Loram, a enrator :.n1 projection o uipmcnt has been mount.d on trucks ,,ith each "ilcI service ,orker having one such unit,


In a similar fashion th field service worker begins literacy work in each village in his district. Flip-ch:rts, handbooks, and easy to read supplementary informational rea s are widely used i.n this part of the work. A flip-chart has been produced for use in dovilopinL; the initial vocabulary of about seventy words, Follo';:inj this two morei basic readinL, books are used, When one.. a basic vocabulary of sevoral hundred w-ords has been developed a sories of easy-to-read books cre distributed .n each villag. 3euides off rin- a r-petition ..f th:. basic vocabulary, thes. books supply information on .- variety of subjects. Once this part of' -,.. litrac, work is %lell slished a ,;ial. newspaper .:ill be producod regu!-rl,r to supolemnt the basic materials and to maintain skills once the-y are ostablished a -,,ell as to add to th.. stort of knowldg and information.

The basic r,.ading books bein.e adapted and produced are'

Mlahrioud And Hii ?anil;; (flip chort) JMiahmoud In The Field And At :iom- (boolct) Mahmoud And His :ieighbors (booklut)

Supplem-,ntary Informational i.adeis used are; -17-

Coope- .Ion How Tv Establish Cooperative Societies How To Vrito A Letter Primary Spel in . arid Reading Do You 'lant Troductiv Animals ? Hybrid Corn Do You >nt ttr Crops ? Don It hotr or) Thoi . orld I;' Y, 1. As]k The Doctor Battlos ill n. Sody Tallow on ,oney

Pr*:.2aration of Instructior.-li-. tria.s

A very important part of thu task of servicing the areas sorved by the Community Dev cFIsmet Division is that of preparing materials which can be used for in-service trainin, n well as for th.: purpose of stimulatin. the t .in]'.in,' of ,oL ton.,rd oxaminin tl cir local social and economic needs. 1) to the time of this report ouch m' rials as the folio:ing have been prepared

1. A set of ton monoSrapho on th-, principl,-s and practices of cor.mun-ity dcve:loprnnt,

2. A flip chart ind filmtrip on the .....h enoral subject. 3. A monthly n slctter Mich oc to all. district committees and local l 1o­ 4. Research a,"]4 w...'hich trwat such subjcots as tribal organization over... t.1 or.%I.ization of th,.; Province, and i .. u subj..cts of i socioloicAl '.d anthropological natu-, Field rvi .. .o:rer. 1arndbook W' midk; in litracy rocr,:tion, ',.filn s;tudy a.nd hi. cunsion, 6. A col laction . "Rleadings in Comnunit: Development" for trainin:. pur.os-;u. 7- Completed !,.oto, aihic history of communit- development in Cyr. n ica.

In the future it is anticipated that other materials will be • roduced to supplement the ,ctivities of the program, Some of these 'v,,ill be,

1. A documentury film history of community development in Cyrennica,. 2, Trainin;.; films ash filmstrips 3. Wall nlo:xspaper 4. Informatticnal r,-ndcrs to wupplement the literacy program 5. Filmstrils about cooporatives, and selected subjectu in health, sanitation, omemating practi ces, and agricultural practices, -18-


Tables II, III, and IV .;hich follow' sho;J the financial support that ha; been provided by the United States of Araerica to operate the Community Dev.-Ionmnt Division in Cyronaic:a, Libyna The data for thc yeais 1958 and 1959 ie based on past records and reports but the amounts showa for 1960 are purely :;stimatcs and riot yet approved,

Table II.

Financial Support Provided for U.S. Technicians and Participant Training in thc U.S. or Third Countries,

1958 3991960 Item, No. -nt. No. Ar11t No. Amt.

U°3. Technicians - 1 11,OO.00 2 319000.00 2 36,000.00 i"articipants 0 2 7,200.00 10 309000.00

Table III.

Commodities Purchased from Off Shore to Support Project Activity.

Code No. Article 1958 195 1960

710 Generators $ 2000.00 $ ­

720 Projection Equipment and parts. 3950.00 3200.00 505.00

820 Cars and trucks 7700.00 3600.00

8E!0 Films 1350.00 2000.00 538.29

890 Instru cti onal mat erials. 2000.00 856.6

899 Miscellaneous supplies and parts. 800.00 500.00

TOTALS- $ 15000.00 $ 8000.00 $ 6000.00 -19-

Table IV.

Funds Provided for ether Costs of

Community Devclopmcnt in


I tem1 L959 1960

01 Personnel 25,493.00 4697280 63,174,00

02 Loceal Travel 2810.00 8295.00 15,526.00

03 Misc. O],cratinl Costs 5300-00 19,567.00 10,000.00

04 Lands and Buildins ......

05 Audio Visual support 5000 00 9000.00 12,000.00

06 Maint,;nancc 1800. ,0 3675.00 5500 .00

07 Contractual ervic-s 1100.00 ...... 4800.00

08 Supplius 875.00 3920.00 6000.00

09 E]quipment ... 1..... 015.0 4000.00

10 Project Th ln t _15 622,06 200,000.00 250,000.00

TOTAL 212,000.00 292, r0,00.00 371,000.00

Bud<.'t Total for Each Year C'2,7, 000.(0 ., 77,0.00

(Total of Ta-l, III "rod IV)

It h. n tad t~ft-il tic major shure of tW. budjet each year h-s Cona for the support of comunity improvemont :rojects as 3ho:vn in Table IV, Item 10 Project Developmcnt. This fund has supported 102 nrojects in practically every part of th Province.

Sinco thurc is no eta'j=lishd ds :rtm rt or division of Coimunity Development in ith-er the lr Froviscial 'ovo-rn-ieit of Libya there has not been an appropriation for thc purpose c." supportin- community dev lopment activity in the governmntal budr ,to T', -h Province of C. r:naic-: has, howver, rade a sizeable contribution in zind -ach year to-,.,rd furtherin5: , *rogram. This has bCn in the form of, -20­

L..ds and Buildin.-s Service.s and faci Lities of the lzaratc of Interior ,Servic-s and faciliti::s of the i:.tas-rifias Loo:,.l contributions of labor, cash, and materials 2n i:neerin scrviccsz Advice and services of' locil o fici:JIs 'ind coimmunity le -'rs

2he cJit,,.t v."lv.e of this contribution by years is rhor.n in Table V,

Table :

, tod V.lVat oJo t2 Contribution in Kind by Tlh ...ov.rni t of Cyren ca Tow,,ord Su]:port of Coamuni ty D l10o pr n t,

Year lI Libyan 7ounds In U.S. D.Dollars (@ $2.80)

1958 z 308,000.000 862,400.00 1959 400,000.000 lyl2, 000.00

1960 (anticipated) 500,0%.000 1,400,000.00


The abov. outline includes pr-ctically 3v:rythins., that is contemlated for initiation in the Comunity Development :,rogrrmr in Cyrenaica in i' -ponse to the needs which de-vclop-;d out of the initial. survey of the rovince .v'hen once this has been put into full and complete operation, the orincipal activities of the Communit.' Dv.,lopment office nand its -advisor:, should be that of assisting in refining the program :o that it .,,orks smoothly,-. and so that the otaff of Libyan personnel is helped to the point whcre they c,n eventually cormpletoly a- ovor every aspect of its adriniltration and operation. There Is one direction in ;,hich further ox-,ansion might be made. There iu a need for a Trainin -.Ins.titute -:f a permanent n!-tur, to be used for the purposu of training t,- pe.opl. of the villages of th,-e "rovince Thi.: should operate on a year-round basis fer t -rms of two to on month duration, , To these traininG' institute sessions Jill com r,,rcrsentatives, both old and young, from each of the villa&'es for th,, purpose of receiving instruction in such fields as health nd sanitation, .griculture, homemaking, literacy, co-ops, and to simply expand their gnor.l k-owledgc and dcvlop :r.ator skill in working togothor, -21-

Spmctim.-, in Th: future, -' t-- .. crlie -os .;ible mome-nt, tiel rescnt PO it-f orko... -uc-u, rvi or; z-uld be'ndoned. In f,-act, , exper'ience :2 tcndc, to dicta, th.L t',hou1..n-' h v be. 'n in tho first place. t.c To th1 li. o-1 l1 : hose l''>iort)r : constant ,':,rid heavy drain on the bu-:t a Fi I 'rvi C- .'r m in i Li. :t.ict :.-uli b.: more thn :decquate. w1ll If a treined ou..'::. i;; C-curc.or :ah 19: trict Gould stiImnlat­ the dl v. -. m ;n of o:... o:uunit,,- . -:-ni' T .'c '.i't th<'c in d.v lopin:J, community i .rovceint .:roj. -t:3, a-nd dir :ct to -'Lrio :t.:r fi-! i ,.,rvices in hic district. T:-is ch- ' ,;i!1 b. consider'" ly -': i.r to i .r:t. .. I',r .t,-r rxw-onsibility ..ill be plaC (I on th1. . : idi. r:' c-f . o 1 . rteco' vt1t n tioI - "ncrci ara ,eo nt and itlil -Lv Ic on. C_('-:n, iI rc' : b-:c o , ,rshi


0 The [orjoioin: .t rrort ,.hich ccvr: ' -icd in ti,:r:. Janu:ery 26, 195' u:) to : - d ine1l in . c ,1'.0 o, it , , f , firstLov.rtour of the :vrit,' a: Advi or ,"!...... t:i'u Co- .. t ­ 0 -H )ivi ion oper.tin­ in Cyre:anicai": ' ro1 r- ' : lop -1 - 1C t. F, or. the arrival of th.. Advisor, T'.,r u ...... ffor. c) -" r oiia Direc .or.inJ of U L.I c o :e ie - ...:',]cu d, r : ncih ,r.:"~ ±.n.!<,,th [ uit ,it t..rotl.,. ..i 'VIfhilosophl­ :,!jl,-, Th,

princi']e -. .-n,n . th comr nity ( i 1-vc ,, I at!ctic;:.a,,r cc I:tdh Lc:n-,I]opcdd and w,-c under: tood by -rsi of ol .it the selection .?f lo,: l level .,or.r; th:ir subs.:.i .t tininp od I ., -)ntiof th.. field service workcrs tl, e:pasi 'nd ni h of, i) t ... o ,i ., t.i:dc possible. ,principal weanoess in th arl -taes . dis-r o-,or-imnat, concrn with construction ." projectc :l too little ievelopi:ent of f. attitud-: , s-lkills of the reop.; th-rmoelvcs As- th field aervices continuc to dov,r t-n nultiplc coinimunity sorvicc-: cte of co.eiunit Lv'k-. lo;m: n L s-houl d bcin to .- r an(. 3rov,, in .importance.

Community Dcv.1o-mm-nt .rejects %nu,Servicec neo :,.11 seven .nolitical division, of th Province of C r'-i c-. Gov "nme: :'ioa2 1 on th-, ,-ro;'incial -district and lo .:ul hav-.. thrco ug-h ].tt--, ic t cs-.-'uv cation, )r:ss -and radio , come-ndcd to- effort-, -f th- Conmunit- Dv-.t Division. Each -ef nin-'ty­ four villa'u3 has felt thc influcnc. -f co::uiit-i d_! .,cork, As the villa.ers constantly reiind tc ; te e.v.c-.ith -tL.. r own eyes and " their hands havw touch,;d 'h nid Arcr ' . ,oi- I ain an, againC-ich they hi., I ;hoir Unuiur:- .,ClSI"'i . that Aceri. 1 v ; ontri'buted this money .h.ouL-h the taxos th..;y - d T r, rn-intion their concern .tht th., coplc- of Anmorica, in turn, 1,-uc d a.-r- t t to eoplU of C-ren.aica are conscie'nticus in tihe-ir . .. ttwr-:i----"--t,-t :u,id to ,ooed ue


Ninety-four Villages in Cyrenaica Where Community Development Program Operates ------

Agedabia District (13) Barce District (19) Derna District (14)

Agh ela Far zugha Labrac is hi r iarzotii Ghcirhub Bri gha Barce Gubba Zl;:eitina Tecnis Ein i±&ra Sultan Gardis _-l Abid Ras El Hilal A'te lct Tolmeta Lathrun Ja1o Batta Kars a Ojela Bayada Butafal Sidi '.akhlouf Azziat Berrish Haj Mohamed ichili Arghub El Halib Bukarma Um Er 7em Agedabia Celina Timimi Jekerra Gabr Salah Tirt Sidi Dakil Wadi Ginan El Gasrein Benghazi District (18) El Aelia Ghirib Tobruk District (11) Magrun Gasr El Libia Solug Gasr Iegdem Ein Gazala Gi ar dina Tobruk Gheminis EI Adem Guarsha Beda District Cambut Sabri Marsaluk D:r El Kish Liessa Bir Lasheb Ruesat Hania Gasr El Gedi Benina Beida B,-rdia .; Reonia Cyrone M,.usaid Abbiar Appolonia LMarassas 51 Kuefia Safsaf Genzur Sidi Khalifa Faidia Driana Slunta Tocra Marawa Kufra Oasis Area (6) Hmida Ziwait El Arghub Tica Gasr E1 Migdim Ribiana Sidi ,iahous Garnada Buna Om-tr Mukhtar Buwaima vary Tu4. iri Tazerbu APPENDIX B



1, Must read and write Arabic

2. 'Must be well thought of locally

3. Must be old enou h to command respect

4. Must be young enough to be active

5. Must be­

a. Intelligent

b. Self-sacrificing

c. Want to help his -:.eople

i. Have no Police records

e. Able to attend Trainin Schools

f. Willing to work full time, for £L 12.000 monthly



Before a project is approved b,' the Liutasarrif's Committee and by the Are' Development office it should be examined to determine w1hether it meets the following conditions ­ 1. ',ill this project when completed be of economic, social, or education-A value: to the comunity w;hich c'Lrries it out and to Libya?

2. Is thi.s project truly 7. com.lunity-led or --roup-led project ?

Does this ,roject ;prir from 'lhe desires of the local people thenselves ? Does it hav :-fficien!t community support, to carry it throunh to s-,uccessful completion ? "'ill this project d.-vloo i P-,cility of v'alue to the public _t large or to a . a'-ou, of' voL ? Deos it avoid holni. one, Si- alonr, r one sm11 fu ily at the exerse o,' lerner ,' erol c i. area

3. Does thi:: project -erovide for a ..ortion of self­ help effort by the local ;;eorfle tE- selves'

A rough Suideline ii gur 4'or illustration mi±ht be 50% contribution from the local j.eople 507p, contribution frot outside t,,e comnunity, i from tWi: Provincial governncint or fromi! LAJS 7,:h-i "n-.. the rercontage of loc 1 ,l-h.:Ii t.he > .r i:,o r . ::.urac of the real inter.;t in the project of " oi. The higher the percentag.e,- of oci. -, -herlp, th- reatcr is the number of projects ; can cirre out th s year with the funds avail e

4. Does this project etriotl; avoid providing for ,ja-es for laborers fromr! !AJS funds ?

In Area Development !,rojects people cannot be paid from LAJS funds for ;.%orki4' on 7,rejects ehich ,,'hen completed will benefit rueinly themselves. Local peoplu can collect mone;, of course., to hire their ouin laborers if they wish.

5. Will the c.,rryin2 out of this -roject holp build local leadership in the cormunit:y co:,corned ?

71ill responsible local peolo be in charge of planning and supervision of ,roject ac;ivities ?

6. ill the carryin :out of thi.. project help the roople of this region rcalizo their latent ability zo adopt and to carry through for themsl.t ad,litional projects of economic and social benefit to themselves ? -2- Appendix C, p#2.

7. Is there a Loca. Lovel WJorker who works among the people concerned with th'.s project and has he sent in a Pro,ran Development Schedule for the proj-ct

8. Has; the Pro:.LTam Development ichedule for this project b<-,n prepared proprly ?

Are all Iuestions -nswsrod 'nd "]ll facts required report :d completely and -:tccurately ? Has thi- pro­ ject b.:eon al:.nned thoroughly, so that it can be car­ ried out a:s .vritt2n, :itho-t jor ravi.ions ? Are finre:cial cstimat': rasonai 7 Jill '."responsible loc1l -Lrson i:-ch r ;.. of *andlin 7 rr,;ne and sup­ plies for thi !roject ?

9. Does thi:s project r.uirc less than ZL 1000. from LUJS sources ?

If it rcuir>:-mor it must 1) approv,.,d also by the Provi-.cial Area Devealopmecnt Council,, A'PL MIX D


Proj. Ob. Doc. CYMMT7,TY COITRIBUTYIONS Maan Dist. No. No. Activity CD Labor Cash Material Total Trs. Contribution 1. 2 3. 4 .- 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 1. 59/100 UL gha losque 60.000 000.000 66. GOC 120. G 2. 59/101 000 144C 890. 500 Jallo Toad 225.000 ...... 150.o000 375.000 18oo 900.000 3 59/112 -1 Ghum:iy ,,,ell 75.000 .... 118.0 193-000 18 318. 000 4 59/116' centre 535. 000 ...... 750. COO 125.000 4800 1336 .200 A 5 60/10 Sidi -isi i r mosaue 150.000 .... 310. CO 460.000 1800 9(5.500 B 6 I 7 60/13 Ogell: well 150.000 .235.OOC 385.000 360c 342.500 A 8 60/78 Antel-t school 180.000 235.000 135. 000 550. 000 4320 1684.000 9 60/108 Allub school 324.000 ...... 276. 00 0 60c. &1000 7200 494.500 10 60/107 Arb well.;in 24.000 ...... 14.0C 38.000 144 30.000 11 60/28t -utai cl well 90.000 ...... 17.0 107.000 1800 199. 000 12 60/280 Duzarig well 150. 000 100.00.1-.... 250. 000 3000 416. 500 13 60/279 verAihwell 13.500 ...... 17. O0C6 30.500 270 53.50 14 60/365 Ac-,cdabia pla-ield 1350.000 ...... 540.OO 89. 27sC 4529.900 15 60/366 L-afia sclool 360. 000 ...... 54. 000 904. 000 7200 2010.000 16 60/367 uihat school 360.000 ...... 894.000 1254.000 3600 2365.000

All funds are in Libyan Pounds ( 42.80 rate) APPENDIX D - 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B 1 60/79 Barcu playfi Id 1635.000 .... 76.o0(, 1711.000 38160 3749.000 A 2 60/154 Toknis mosquc cenor 375.000 .... 200.000 575.000 9000 2065.50') R 3 60/109 J rdis cl Abid cemetery 60.000 90.000 200.000 350.OOC 1440 566.800 .wall. C E 4 60/155 Buka.rma school 450.000 ..... 350.000 800.000 IC500 2271.400 5 60/156 Haj MIohamcd school 450.000 ..... 325.000 775.000 10500 2271.410 6 60/157 Colina school 450.000 0... 286.600 736.60C 10500 2271.400 7 -40/158 Sidi Ifakhluf school 450. 000 .... 295.000 745.1 10500 2271. 400 8 60/159 Gaur Slioh school 450.000 305.000 755.000 10500 2271.400 9 60/160 Lidi Dffil school 450.000 ..... 330.000 780.000 10500 2271.400 10 60/161 -l Oasrjin school /150.000 ..... 440.000 890.000 10500 2271.400

B 1 Slunta wlls 75.000 ..... 75.000 900 100.000 E 2 59/43 .Agriculture tools 500.000 500.000 500.000 I 3 59/44 Faicia rnosquc 75.000 75.000 298.000 18oo 556.000 D 4 59/84 ?zu-sa c.m.-t-ry ;vall 120. 000 160.000 280. 000 2400 568. 500 A 5 59/85 BJida rhouse 70.000 7 5. 145. 000 1480 477. 500 6 59/87 1 Hunia school 227. 500 180.000 407.500 5460 772.800 7 59/88 S1 1w.e Juu 125.000 312.000 1437.000 3000 882.000 8 59/11 100.000 253.000 353.000 240q 882.000 9 59/11C c, S u-hterhouse 60.006 82.000 142.000 1440 451. 5C0 10 59/119 S a:a school 227. 500 150.000 377.500 5460 775. 600 11 60/1 Agriculum! tools 604. 900 604. 900 604.900 12 60/2 Agri iurai tools 724. 000 724. 000 724.000 13 60/19 F midiLmsque ccnt-r 150.000 220.000 370.000 300C 548.000 14 60/20 Pcid- cemecry wall 300.000 420.000 720. 000 4320 840.000 15 60/21 I r cils 108.000 110. 000 218.00o 3592 594.100 1 60//11( ous 1r cianncls 150.000 90.000 240. 000 3240 609.000 17 60/111 Liarav.:-nossu* center 120. 000 120.000 2880 810. 000 18 60/112 TTania mosquc center 100.000 250.000 45.000 395.000 2400 994.000 19 60/113 Slunta mosque center 120.000 120.00 2880 810. 500 20 21 60/162 Safsaf dispensary 240.000 150.000 50.000 440.000 5760 951.500 APPLIDIX D - 3

1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l0.

22 23 60/11,, Mossa animal market 24 108.000 30.50 60/163 Slunta cam ty wall 225.000 138.500 2592 720. 300 25 225.000 60/115 1j;rawa road 150.000 5400 1122.000 26 150. 000 300. 60/16 - I'h-ol 210.000 000 3600 )06.000 27 60/16.; -. s ,a ,;.t 2,0. 000 4320 9o1100 "0~~~~~* wil,. 28 60/1'7 . o .0 2-100 ,;2 10014 0-00.:00 29 6,0,/l!18 ry -call 150.000 100.000 2./..ra..• l i,' -250.000a 25 0 3 6 0 112f).,112.) co 200. 000 1 C,. 000 126,1r. oc.o 1 06,4. 000 Ari1"ul itools. 30 60/119 1r tools"b 200. 000 1064. 31 60/120 P a - oou 126 .0C 106.. oo tools 200. 000 32 6/1s._ , - uools o000 126.0C 33 200.000 106l.000 126 0oO n_ iva , 125- 000 16 r.000 150.000 27 5.0 C 3000 S", 7. 000 B5/ .r-, st1dium lO. E 850 100.85' 2 5)/55 Drirn so.oo1 37.500 1500 '37.25o N 3 59/86 R jd ~rm Woo! .- 000 g2.5o090 195. 300 3 138. G 4 59/127 £'ria.L mos-I- ropair 500 13 .500 13F.500 5,u/126 50.000 5C.000 1:1 S' ­ 150.000 100CD 1200 73.500 A 6 59/128 000 3,j,. ­3k,0 . so_ 15.1:.7n. 000 *Z 7 16C/1-'55/12); 100.000 5u/1i if.-ra '1-i -8 25)r) .', 3a360 00u. 650.Oo.00 I /rdil-v:3 11os0u10.a 60/17 00 100. 000 60/17 1 lls IC0. 000O io: 25. C 2160 0 180.000 73. CO0 25 5320 370.700 10 60/360 ,ro 75. 000 25. C 0 32C 53c'.000000 150.000 280. 11 000 3. cc60 28,. 000 60/361 7v.,nin io u. 67.50000 - 15. 12 60/362 >j. 2. 500 162C5 sclhool 195.1953000 000 13 6C/363 Ab f rii:. 80.o0 r.-srvoir 90. 000 275.000 :68c 853.000 1 6 6rA .zaia so603oI 25. 000 115.000 2160 583. 000 15 562.500 $73. 000 , Aiibt I diba road 150.000 1035.500 020 2147.400 200.000 350. 0C' 3600 274.000 APPENDIX D - 4

1. . 2 . 4- 5.•...6. <.7- u. 8. 9. Y3o. D 1 59/49 Geigub mosque 135.000 140.000 27,5.000 2700 966.000 E 2 59/50 Labrao mosque 243.000 .300.030 543.000 2700 1329.OOC R 3 59/62 LJr. mosque 135.000 140.000 275.00C 27)0 9S6.000 N 4 60/3 _rtuba ;vitcr Caan 1is. 378.000 35.000 413.000 971Z, 745.000 A 5 59/73 umamsur vater chananels. 6 59/72 5b2. 500 ..... 290.000 852. 500 13300 "55 535.0000 7 59/118 Derna Cemetery wall 225.000 190.000 415.000 540) 8 791. 00 9' 60/16 Ui Rn orm spring r10aars. 37.000 10" 140.000 50.000 227,006 900 117.00) 11 60/122 Tinird latrines 180. 000 85.000 265.000 360C 12 60/123 -ltrines 302. 000 180.000 200.000 143.000 523,000 3600 548.900 13 60/124 Idi J-nan ,tr 1ahnIlf- 250.000 430.0)0 3600 14 60/125, Ti-i mo-uc centre 108.000 510.000 40 00% 148.000 21CO 30'.000 15 60/126 1*.br " Z: ; .ry ,rall 270.000 120. 000 350 000 5400 459. 500 16 60/127 Ltrr. -an­ c ris. 35".000 17 60/128 UX. 1&trinos!'rem 152.000 195.000 240.500 18 60/148 587. 500 3120 533.000 19 60/1 Lcrni:_z : orts club 90.000 161.000 271.000 1/18 :u, 1500 466.000 f:rr ools •.59/73 20 60/270 Ittiaia Sports club 36.000 69.0-c: 105.000 720 171.500

K 1 60/80 Ribianm school 161.700 150.000 38.500 350.20C 2772 356.750 U 2 60/149 "u1abmosriuo 187.500 42.000 229. 50(9 6000 2100.000 F 3 60/150 Gtuf school 187. 500 42.000 229. 500 6000 1" R 4 60/151 2a ;rbu school 187.500 42.000 225.500 60o0 1686.000 A 5 60/152 irosque 150.000 42.000 192.000 <200 1686.oo S 6 0/1 53 l ,i mosque 187.500 42.000 2;w: 500 6000 1686. 000 7 60/262 -lditi. >:litotso­ i t. cts 2 6 8o2. APPEflDIX DJ 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T 1 59/56 Harjia school 225.000 50.000 275.000 0 2 59/71 500 (53.000 Cambut mosque 270.000 380.000 65c. 00u B 3 60/22 Tobruk com-t-ry 5,00 665.000 ;vall 1125.000 700.000 1825.000 27000 1765.000 R 4 60/23 Tobruk sifort, field 1230.000 925.000 2155.000 27000 2133.000 U 5 6o/ii iirsaluk school 450.000 390.000 84C c0cX 900 808. 000 K 6 60/40C - school 1035.000 370.000 2405.000 30700 858.000 7 60/399 r'alb dikes 900.000 450.000 235?.000 18000 300.000 8 60/401 Thr l Ashab niosue 1035.000 210.000 1245.000 20700 735.000 APPI-,iX D - 6

Cornmuni ty,, Contributions. District No. of Projects Labor ITan CD Cash !uaterials Total Hrs. Contribution Agedabia 15 4046.500 235.000 4160.000 8441. 500 69774 16426.950 Baroe 10 5220.000 p0.000 .807.60o 8117.6oo 1L!2100 22282 .000 Buida 31 3606. 000 3440. 500 6644. 900 13691. ,O0 80924 2 t518.600 Benghazi 15 2213.350 100.000 1961.500 4-214. 50 15480 8137.250 D.rna 17 2911.500 535.000 3159. 500 6606. 0r (1620 983.900 Kufra 6 1061.700 150.000 2/8.500 145. 200 31572 10182.750 Tobruk 8 6270.000 ...... 3.75.003 9745.000 13200 7917.000

TOTALS.... 102 2 6 4550.500 22,397.0 9 7 .550 54670 95,448.450

All funds are in Libyan Pounds ( $2.80 rate) AD-. APPENDIX E

Area Devclopmcnt Program Devulopmu:t cchedule.

Date Received by AD

Project Activity o of District

Project Activity Title­

Locte'd at and submitted through (name of place) (name

Action Reports. (Sign) Approved by- Sup ervi sor Techni ci an District Council

Checked by. Auditor-,

Reviewed by3 Provincial AD Office z

Federal AD Office


1. What activity is involved ? (Give complete description and all supporting information) AD-8 ...... page 2.

2. flow maiy people will be involved in it ?

3. "low long will it take to complete the project ?

4. T ere will th people meet to plan and carry on the work ?

. o': often ,,-ll they ?

6. Under whose leadershi" ?

7. 1o-:.will the %ctivitybe administered and supervised ?

These are goals of Area Development. Uhich ones :ill be realized through this project ? (Please check th3 itms that apply).

Wa.ill stimulate the latent abilities of the people

b. Vill help build local leadership

c. ill help peolle learn how to work together

d. Will hcln people learn how, to plan for their own betterment

e. Will hoe teach people how to solve their own problems

f. 'Vill help people improve their standard of living

g. Will help peoplc improve their social well-being

h. Wlill help people improve their physical well-being, thoir health.

9. In which of the folloin& ,_,ys will this project help the people improve their economic condition ? (Please check the items that apply),

a. ill conserve and make bettor use of water

b. Will put more land in production

c. Will conserve the soil

d. Will increase income through increased agricultural production

o. Will mahe work easier or more efficient, will reduce loss of tirue or mo,,ey.

f.- Will ir:iprov 'hc health of the workers

10. In which of blie followin," ways ill this Project help the people improve; their soci-al -elfare ? (Please check the items that apply).

a. Will inorase people's ability To work t,;Zother cooperatively. AD-U ..... page 3

b. Will increase poople's desire to ongags in additional self­ help activities.

__c. Will add to the fund of general knowledge of the people

d. ,,ill incroaso w;o Gii,-hile use of peoile's leisure time

e. Will bcnefit theD womcrn of the community

f. Will benefit th, childrcn oC tho community

g. '.ill benefit the young men of the community

h. Will benefit thu elderly pcopl of ht]ecommunity

i. ',Will Ilp the: people to encourage religious education

11. Has the Local Level ilorkor vorkcd closal. \,,ith the people in planning this proj ,ct of scIf-hel' 12. Does this :ro jct srriu, from the truz dlsires of the people thcmsolwu= '2

13. Will this :roject aid a grou1 , of reople in the a:ea rather than just one LAan or Cn, small family ? 34. Possible lnch of the Project Ictivity (Itemize the -waork

schedule shoing th, beg-inni-1. date, stcps, and completion date for eaca stjj and total activity).

Job Job ~oWn Ba_ e CCm 4 etioi

15. ,laturials or moncy to be contributd by th- pcoploi (Itemize, give all details such as iiumbor of' worko's contributing labor and estimate of cost per hour). JW _ *.+ "Dag 4 )ao gi++ 4

16. iAturials to be contributed or paia from other sources: (Itemize and -,xplainin completo detail) Show date each will be nooded4

,iatc',rial i7eeded Possible Souruo Date Needed

17. D~etail of Budget,

Itemize Details Value in £L under each hoad Local Oth.r Sources


Other Needs:

TOTALS k (carry to "Obli-ations" soctiong part IV, I:. 2, of next page). AD-8 ..... page 5


for Project Activity Numbor of District 1. In submitting this schedule of Project Activity for approval, I certify that.

a. a thor,ugh survey has be; m:-d of th(e existing problm b. tho reoomrrndation for coat.2ibution:- are fair and reasonable for both parties. c. that r.quests for contribution, arc :asr a on actual current fair market pric3 for labor and aterials rcquired.

Local Level Worker II. Further, I certify that approval and assistance of tho iollo,;Ang tech­ nicians has been obtained for this Project,.

Losal Level Wcrker IIio Wc curtify that all tErms of this sch..dulo of Project Activities havu been reviewed, that they are in accordance ,vith the terms of tho Area Developmn Project A-19-C policies and aims, that. ti. xp-.ndituros iivolvrd are nc(ssary, and that the cost of labor and materials as indicated is fair, roasonablc, and based on actual currant fair market prices.

Members of District Douncil,

Iv. To the Accounting Department of LAJ3 Please obligate funds against ta budget of Project A-19-C as follows: 1. The amount authorized for Project support is EL 2. The amount of this current request is £_ 3. Balance remaining is r a eF(:,J-n71-avjor APPEI'DIX F AD- REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF BUDG.LT -IJMS.


TO _

The Area Development offic heroby roquc.sts the allocation of funds and tho prcparation of vouchers for the purposo out­ lined below f.r the furthering of the program of Proj)ct A-19-C.

I. ACTIVITY (doscribe it)



IV. CONDITIONSt Ploase make vouchers availablo agctinst tho above needs at tho following dates and for these amounts.


Projoct I;ad-r_ V" "DIX G AD-35 Certificate of Receipt of Supplies and Funds for Local Project Support

"I. We, the undersigned Local Level Worker and Committee Members, are responsible for adrministering-

Project No. of the District of for the purpose of4

2. We further certify 6nd declare that furds have been reccaivod from the Area Developmunt office of Cyrenaica and ar to be used for thj folloving,

Quantity Item Unit Cost Total Cost

3. The sum of £L was received for support of the following services,

Service rendered Name of prso, being paid Total paid

4. No part of these funds will be used to pay a contractor. 'hbor of numb pooplo in th, area vill bQ contributed and no

pcrsons will bu paid out of thsa funds oxcpt tiG ones namod in item (3) abov,.

6. YiEc, th.; undursignod, certify that tho statmcnts madc abov2 are true and accurat.;. Vie furthur duolarc that all th, matorials and servic,-s for which funds wuro rucoived -rill b; used for the purpose as outlined in paragraph (1) and in thc

Project Proposal subitted.

Local Level VWorker Date

Mudi r Date

Local Committee Member Date

Other Committee Members

I hereby declare that the above mentioned men are responsible for the administration and supervision of th- supplies and zo-viccs for which Area Development, funds havu been obligated.

Mutasarrif Date APPEITDIX H AD - 32 CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF LOCAL PROJECT DLV.,LOPIvL,Y SUPPORT AND PROJECT COIIPLETION. W'.h th undcersignod, do hereby certify that th- following conditions and. provisions have been met concerning th, administration of Project No. of tlh District of __ for thu purpose of.

1. I , the Local Level Worker assigned

to the Area, supervised the progress and activity daily.

2. A total of local people worked on the Project. 3. About local paopl,; v,.orkd on the Project epoh day

and contributed their labor. . The sum of ZL. was collected to assist in the Project. 5. The names of the workers who were paid out of Project funds and the amount paid aruo- Nam, of worker Work he did Total Paid

6. Tho sum of £L in Local Project Development Support was receivud from thu Area Elavolopment Offico aiid was used to purchase the following services and supplies: Quanti ty Service or Material Amount Ruceived AD - 32

I hereby crtify that th. abov mentioned services and supplius wore dolivrud and used on the Project described abov.

N..2 Local Lcv,.l d.. Date

On behalf of tn Area Dev,;lopm,;nt Cominrttue for thu district of I crtify tiat the above Project ;as approvAd for oir Area, that tho statements m.iade above are tru. and -curate-, and thet tY, services -:nd. upplies specified hav, boon rcceiv..d .Lnd re used for thy. purposes s ttd abov.0

On behalf of th-. district Ar,,i Dv.iorm,,r t Committe. and the pople of

_ __ho hav.- operated the Projct, I further certify that th, projoct, as outlined in the Project Prposal, and for which thu above suppli6; and servics hav, bon provided i.- no,-, complete.

fliefurthr rkqujst the Ara I.w:lopm-nnt cfficc of the Province of Cyronaica to relcase to us all rixhts to th,; Project and relinquish all farthor rosponsibi­ litios for its operation and mintenance.

Ilutasarrif Date

I hereby certify that Project No. of tho district of for the purposj of,

has bon completed. The Anaa Development Office of Cyrenaica hereby relinquishes all fu-ther responsibilities for it- operation and maintenanc; and releases to t,, District and to thc people of the Area 2ll rights to it

Dated at Libya this -rly of


Area Divolopment Advisor APPENDIX I


I, tho undorsigned farmor of w1_roby agroe with th,. Area Devlopment office. and thu Mutasarrifia of

C;-' ,,zic , on this day of in the year to t'l, folloving contract condition.l :.hicli ar, dF crib-d bulow.

T. The Ar! Dcvelopment offic "ill provid,; the farmo," namod

above; who is also a of ta,.. ,iJ Cw.ub cf

with an -_'dvanco of funds for L,hu jurpose of purchasing the following

agricultural and/or economic duvolopment tools, matx-rials, or equipment. u: tit It em Cost TOTAL

2. The total value of the, abovo m,,t. nn,- .r:A',,((s is £L

3. I vdll pay back th( total ar..cunt, of th,.; -lue of the above articles in

year's time at th, rau-h. o' FL por year.

Paymeznt ,vill b, w.amd,. throug th:.;. AD Clu7b. of to th: office

of th ac, ountait -.T th., L.*A)uz,,arr~if:*a% o:. ______

4. It is understood tlhat cach membur -.i'Il install the abovu mentioned articls pirovide for their usi; ,1Ao thorn.

5. It is understood that rtpaymlnt to t .'ID Club and to the Accountant

of the Mutasarrifia will be madu once each year on AD 2

6. Further Conditions.

The following plan of o2,;ration of tho above mentionod AD Clubs vill be obo crvdI

1. A grouo of farmors :who ero in n.d f "..ioultural tools, e&quipnmont, or supplicu-:- will or 1 ':nizc, .-n AD Club or 3ociuty w.ith officers such as ,hairman, vic.-chairman, scrct-ry and trcuror. They ,rill proparu a Project Pro;)osal in oh theythi itemilso thu sujpli ; or materials or iuipm ui:.thy ncd a.nd -tho cctima L d co:t. A± tor it has boon r,.s_,ntcd :- d a,1prov d bYU h: district AD Co..mittsu., bhe AD Offico .:ill consider thn proposal :;nd if it is approv, d ,ill advance the money .cuco3ry ti buy thu it,_ms listed abov.

2. Zach farmer will sign th,; .lbovc agrc,_mont at thi tim he roceives tho items IiL.t*L abeve.

3. Thc AD Club and its offic-,rs arc to bu responsible :or ,ollectiro tho yoarly paymei nts from chu farmors.

4. 'R.ptaymnt funds !,ill bi: hept in th2 accountant office of tho utasarrifs.

5. A roport is to b,) mido cach yoar tr: tho AD offico by thu AD CLUB and by tha District accountant to show%tho record of lunds dis­ tribut,:d under thO tOrms of this agrucmcnt, the ronayinr ts that have beon inado. ana ti,. further usc; of thc funds that .rc returnod on this rovoldrng basis.

6. Funds arc to bL deposit.d by tho of thi. AD club and kept in trust for th-rm in th,. offic., of th,_ district accountant. Those rp nnt fund,- !I,;y Ghun bu'on a revolvin:g bsis by tll,, farmers or mm,,,bu rs oi ;ha club, to ,ither builh cait, l for the wr .tual cstab ichmon~oa uoo( r._rativ, or to as ist tnucm in nurchasin-; further tools and fcarialsfor agri0ultIr"l or C:Cooomi, dOIulms.!o

7. All fun,; mus;, b, used for econoric 1und ;riculturnl dovolopinent.

I, tho undor i gnu , agr .. to hi conditions ::; a'atLarov.. Und hereby sign my narrw to signify my good faith _,nd vliingn~&ss to accun U th,,sc conditions for the roce:ipt of assistance and th .: rp:ym-unt of thIc mon:..y advancod to help no moot my economic and agricultural needs.

iined~ ______AD -- 13-

I, , heroby agroo that I have received the articlcs specificd in the above agromont with a value of L.

and thorefore I focl mysolf oeligat,.d to the terms of the. above agrcOmont. Tho2 articl-z w,--re r;ccivod by me on tho day of 19


We, the undursignod members and officors of tho AD Club, of

agree to thd above conditions and will opuratc on this basis.

Signed this day of _ , 19

Mombo r s Chairman

Vice Chairman _

Secretery _


We, the undorsignod, certify that tllo above namd pjrsons and officers of

the _AD __ Club ar,, eligiblc for tha aid being grantod. t We further signify our willingnuss to suporvisG th Jir activttius and .x')rt tho necessary financial controls.

Chief Accountant of District utasarri2 of District APPENDIX J



1. Oporato gonurator

2. Operate motion picturez and filmstrip projGctor

3. Throading, caro anu repair of film

4. Tuach howv to uo., ,. film , t aichirg, duvic; including tho dLutails %!Yid ida, to put ccro-wj on ,.tch pack t.

5. Praciic,; -1c' I-1 to ru:i throu,'h hi film pro,'ram domonstrating w- . of tti.g up, oro.parinj tho audieoo,, t 1I'lll and dis"cussion.

6. Notify th t'. -C d dcp-,rtwint of Social Affairs by ltt,-r of t,. s d nul-nifilm bein; 2hown.


1. Car of ihc car

2. Chucking of gas, oil, greaso and tyros

3. Simplc repairs

4. Driving tosts

5. Demonstrate repairs a.d caro


1. Show th. P-kistan filmstrip

2. Usu of thei FSW's 1Handbook

3. Discuss content of caoh film in tho book

4. Proparation of daily reports

5. Shcdulu

6. Toward Boi-Gcr Citizens (Mabruk). APPENTDIX K AD- 36


Tho follovving Rocroation Lquipmnnt has bon ruceived on ......

.from the Area Development Division by

located at in tht district of Cyrenaiea,

under tho following conditions, to which we agrec.:

1. This aquipmcont xill b, mad availabl to all men, women and children in our arsa and v.Jithout chrgD. 2. Space for the proper ins ta.llation Wts blon providod.

3. It is undorstood theft ,,; -uill b , r,--ionsible for maintenanco and rcplaccmont of parts from ro-,o on

4. We have ths follow,,ing.

a. Two baskotball goals and net

b. Two basketballs

c. One vollyball sot

d. On.- volleyball

;. One soco-r ball

f. On, badLriton sit

g. 0-i,: hesesho, sot

h. ___.On, dartboard ot

i. On. bas,;ball

j. One bat

k. One tablc ior pingpong

1. One tabl, tennis sot

m. On6 play ball

,. _n. Jno punmp AD -36 -2­



5. This equipment wll be stored at.

. Th. folloing pursons xii b,. rosponsiblo for its cars and use.

Signed this day of _ 19' by the local Committee

in charge of tho Recreation Project at ( Namc of

Agrsd to by. A-provod by






Orjani zatioan Chart of Commuity Dovlopmont in Cyr naica.

Nazarato of Interior

Provincial Communit v..opmn-t Council Nazir qf Inte-rior.. Chairman Chiie.f, CD Divi-*,ion. ...6x,.c. S,2cy Lombors Provinci'.l 2i.ctor; of Eduction A gric , 1.t-,ur,. 11[althl Iut.rior, Public Works. USOM rOf of A6-ricultur',gtaticrs

__ du... >tion, Ibalth.

Community Development Office

Chief, Community Dov.1opmnt Division Training Advisor

Rdmi niistration Socri;tary Training Adms. isst. Dir. ctor Typist Field Surviou We 1eers Fil Clerk Recr ti on I.rans t.or

District CD Committcs

On, in aoh of ., uix districts of th Provinof.

Locol L v2I Workers Supervisors Onc in ;arh villa&, or arca in tachdistrict Ono in ach of six 12 that ha a 1)rojLect in oporatio. Distriot~ '~VRoar ation~cormmitteesc in an­ 46 in a-is Total of 72 in tho additional .or of 16 villags, Kufra Oasis Araticipatd tot;al Provino o. ARLA DLV..4LOP NT STAFF



Eustapha Ftita iMuftah Sahil Admiristration ..... ffic j routino ­ WarL.hous,- - 'rnsportation -Fild Training - Project Proccsx,- Projcct Discusoions - LLi rnonthly FSW R~fljrt ,3c l ;kin t- -- 6. m/Timtin - FV.10 Activity.

Younis Ey Saraya Mohcmad.d Hilali Chocking Local Lcv.:l T.iorkors VAokly Field Servic.. Workcr - Litaracy Ruports (H .urs) - Othor offico duties. Program - Cinema Program.

Yaczub Amin ilabrlik Darrat

Field Sorvic Workcr - Literacy Assistant to Hustapha Ftaita - -yping Program - Cinoima Program. jArabic - Lspatciing clerk - other Ibrahim Abubaker

Jubril Zarwaly Field 8crvicj Workr - Litoracy Progrim Cinoma Progrum. Translator Faraj Hassi

Suporvisor of R-cr-ation Program - Litoracy Classus - FSW .

Mohainud Shormaddu

Asst/ to Faraj Hassi and a FSW ros ,rvu - Cinema Program - Literacy Classes..
