Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. APRIL 5, 2020 And being found in human form, he humbled TERHAD himself and became obedient to the point of PP 8460/11/2012(030939) ISSN: 1394-3294 death – even death on a cross. Vol. 27 No. 13 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY Phil. 2:6-8 It is Passion Sunday without palms UALA LUMPUR: Don’t pared to previous years. This is very sad, but we expect any palms this Pas- believe that Jesus is always here and that He is with us. The Church is not merely a building and Ksion Sunday (also known as its large crowds. It is more than that. The Church Palm Sunday). And the distribution is essentially a community, and that community of palms later in the year might not starts from a family – the domestic Church (LG. happen. Art 11).” (See Page 3 for the full text) There have been many discussions on the is- Sebastian Francis of Penang Diocese sues surrounding palms, but the key point is that in his Pastoral Letter to the People of God has we are under lockdown orders from the govern- written the following: ment and so we will not be distributing palms “With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with and blessing them. Nor will we be putting them Jesus in our midst, I gift you the Holy Week Kit out for people to take. 2020. This kit is aimed at journeying with you The text for the blessing is associated with during the significant days of Holy Week as a Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. With the Move- family and household. ment Control Order, amid the Coronavirus pan- “May this new experience of Holy Week this demic, it is not prudent for parishes to plan any year be a time to strengthen your baptismal activity that would encourage people to leave identity as sharers in the Ministry of Christ” as their homes. Priest, Prophet and King. (See Page 3 for the In his Pastoral Letter for Holy Week, Bishop full text) Cornelius Piong of Keningau Diocese writes: The Arch/Dioceses will continue live stream- “The Movement Control Order is in force. ing Masses and other liturgical services during This surely will restrain this year’s celebration Holy Week — as many are already doing — so of Holy Week, beginning on Palm Sunday and their parishioners can participate remotely on- expending through Holy Thursday, Good Friday line or through other social media. What if everyone on Sunday April 5 in the morning, puts a branch on the door of their house and the Easter Vigil until Easter Sunday. For times of live streaming of Masses please or on the window, to celebrate Palm Sunday? (Missionaries of the Holy Spirit - Christ the “These Celebrations will be ‘crowdless’ com- see the box below. Priest Province facebook)

ENGLISH BAHASA MALAYSIA April 5 Sunday Mass April 4 Sunset Mass April 4 Sunset Mass MANDARIN 8.00am Diocese of Sandakan 5.00pm Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur 6.00pm https://www.facebook.com/sandakanparish https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchklOrg Diocese of Miri https://www.facebook.com/ Diocese of Sandakan (2nd feed) Diocese of Keningau dioceseofmiri/ https://www.facebook.com/sunny.osunduh 5.30pm https://www.facebook.com/ Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu keningaudiocese Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu https://www.facebook.com/shckk https://www.facebook.com/shckk 6.30pm 9.15am Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam April 5 Sunday Mass https://www.youtube.com/c/BishopCorneliusSimBrunei Archdiocese of Kuching Diocese of Keningau https://www.youtube.com/ 8.00am ArchdioceseofKuching April 5 Sunday Mass https://www.facebook.com/ keningaudiocese 12.00pm 7.30am Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam https://www.youtube.com/c/BishopCorneliusSimBrunei Diocese of Sandakan Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur 9.00am https://www.facebook.com/sandakanparish https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchklOrg Archdiocese of Kuching Diocese of Sandakan (2nd feed) TAMIL 8.00am https://www.youtube.com/ArchdioceseofKuching https://www.facebook.com/sunny.osunduh Diocese of Malacca Johore 8.00am https://www.youtube.com/MalaccaJohoreDiocese 9.30am Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur 9.00am Diocese of Miri https://www.facebook.com/shckk https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchklOrg https://www.facebook.com/dioceseofmiri/ Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur 10.00am Diocese of Miri IBAN 10.00am https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchklOrg https://www.facebook.com/dioceseofmiri/ Archdiocese of Singapore 11.00am https://www.youtube.com/catholicsg Archdiocese of Kuching Diocese of Miri 10.30am https://www.youtube.com/ Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam https://www.facebook.com/ 5.30pm ArchdioceseofKuching dioceseofmiri/ https://www.youtube.com/c/BishopCorneliusSimBrunei 2 Forum / Reflection HERALD April 5, 2020 The Gods that many worshipped have fallen his must be one of the great ironies: for lost time? the oil price plunging to around $20 a Listening to Trump and how he wants to Tbarrel, the lowest it has been for almost Sunday Observer reopen for “business as usual” by Easter is 18 years. Petrol is so cheap now and the streets By alarming. It doesn’t look as if some of these are deserted making it a breeze to drive. Yet, no politicians have learnt the lessons about the one is allowed to drive out there without good Anil Netto unsustainable path along which they have reason. taken this planet. So the expensive flashy cars, along with [email protected] And look at how their miserly budgets for the Protons and Myvis, will have to remain public healthcare have let down the people parked in garages. For unlike many of us, the if not billions of ringgit. Super highways along message circulating over social media summed when they needed it most. Will that change? coronavirus does not discriminate between rich which to drive flashy cars. it up: “When this is over, let’s remember that At least in the US, people now realise that and poor, between racial and religious groups. Today, all these lie eerily deserted, hardly a it wasn’t the CEOs and billionaires that saved Trump shut down the very agencies and let go A few years ago, I wrote a couple of pieces soul in sight. Construction cranes have stopped us. It was the janitors, nurses, grocery and food the very people who were supposed to monitor about soaring oil prices as demand kept rising swivelling. The grunt of bulldozers has been workers.” A colleague of mine added: “And and control epidemics. around the world. The way it was going, oil silenced. the rubbish collectors and cleaners too.” Recently, I listened to the Rotterdam reserves were rapidly depleting and prices Now we have retreated to our sanctuaries, How did we treat them during “normal Philharmonic Orchestra performing were rocketing. our homes – where family and neighbours (if times”? Many of us “looked down” on their Beethoven’s classic Ode to Joy, each performer Worse, the emissions from fossil fuels were we are in touch with them) provide welcome jobs, their low wages reflecting society’s playing from his or her own home. The result pushing climate change out of control. We solace and solidarity from the virus encircling perception of their jobs. Hopefully, we will was magnificent. (Seach YouTube for From were rapidly heading to the point of no return, us. look at them in a new light after this. us, to you). Their message was simple: “We’re if we were not already there. Spare a thought for all those crammed into Indeed, once this is over, hopefully, the sense adjusting to a new reality and we’ll have to find If the good Lord wanted to save humanity, small low-cost flats in high-rise buildings; for of compassion, social solidarity and connection solutions in order to support each other. how could He stop us, given that He had the migrant workers and refugees who are too with one another that we have rediscovered “Creative forces help us, let’s think outside allowed us free will? afraid to come forward to seek proper medical will remain. Many are hoping that humanity of the box and use innovation to keep our The other cruel irony is that the pandemic care and food supplies; for the elderly living will be able to “reboot” itself and start afresh, connection and make it work, together. has given us – and the world – a respite. In a on their own. charting a new, more sustainable direction for Because if we do it together, we’ll succeed.” way, we should be “thankful” that the death This pandemic has also provided an the planet. The gods of humanity had created in the rate from this pandemic is not as high as others opportunity for humanity to rediscover the But it won’t be easy. Corporate Greed is chase for wealth and power have fallen. in the past. That said, the death toll is heart- bonds of solidarity that unbridled capitalism a wild beast that won’t be tamed so easily. Perhaps it is time for the musicians and poets, wrenching as doctors and nurses struggle to was fraying and threatening to break Before the pandemic set in, we had built so philosophers and dreamers to take over from save lives. completely. many luxury high-rise condos, many of which the celebrities and sports billionaires and All the while, we had built golden calves Many ordinary people have risen to the were left empty. Cars were choking the streets. the tycoons in cahoots with elite politicians. of our own to worship. Entertainment and challenge of serving the sick: the front-line And yet, they still wanted to build more towers Maybe that would lead to a happier, more Celebrities. Sports played by billionaires. hospital staff and the uniformed personnel and highways and theme parks. harmonious world. Wealth. Power. And plunder of the natural advising people to stay home. Not an easy job Once the pandemic is over, yes, we have Humanity is at a crucial crossroads now. world. when many just want to go out, with or without to revive the economy – for many people are Will we re-open for “business as usual” or will We built massive structures to congregate in, good reason. suffering now. But will corporate greed once we follow a new path towards a new world, shop and entertain ourselves. Gleaming towers Other frontline workers are providing again take over and plunder the planet in where justice, peace, love and compassion will of concrete, glass and marble costing millions, essential services we once took for granted. A search of ever more profits, perhaps making up reign? Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering he restrictions due to the coronavirus fering. will prevent us from assembling for In the mystery of the Redemptive Suffer- Reflecting on our Sunday Readings TPassion Sunday. We can still remember ing of the Lord, we participate in the cross of what Passion Sunday signifies to us. Two of Christ. St Paul put it this way in his Letter to sure we all have, we cannot help but realise Palm Sunday of the the Gospels from the weekday Masses of the the Colossians: “in my body I am filling up that, for that person, pain is secondary. The Passion of the Lord Fifth Week of catch my attention. In one what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on only thing that matters for him or her is Christ. Readings: Isaiah 50:4-7; Gospel, Jesus condemns the religious leaders behalf of His Body, which is the Church.” Moreover, his or her very suffering provides Philippians 2:6-11; of the Jewish people for refusing to recognise We all are. We all are making up for what is us with the experience of Christ’s Redemptive Gospel: Matthew 26:14 – 27:66 the Messiah. The question that occurred to me lacking. But how can there be a deficiency in Presence. He or she is making up for what is was, “How could those who spent their lives Christ’s sacrifice? The answer is this: we are lacking in the Cross of Christ: the participation Cross. We bring His healing to others by al- in religion miss the Christ standing right in entrusted with the proclamation of the King- of His people. lowing them to experience the Power of the front of them?” I am convinced that their fatal dom of God. The only way we can do this is We focus on the cross today, and throughout Cross at work in our lives. We are called to flaw resulted from their deciding that they had by living the Life of Christ. That is why we this Holy Week. We unite our pains to Jesus’ participate in His Redemptive Suffering. — all the answers among themselves and within are called Christians. We make Christ real in pains. We receive His healing through His By Msgr Joseph A Pellegrino themselves. We can easily make this mistake the world. Our living His Life includes our ourselves. God’s Presence in the world is far embracing His Sacrifice. We unite our pains greater than we could ever imagine. His Pow- and sorrows to the Lord as our part in making er is deeper than we could ever achieve our- the presence of the Suffering Saviour real in selves. Wrapped up in themselves, the Jewish the world. leaders missed the Power and Presence of the I wish I could tell you that pain does not ex- Lord. If we are wrapped up in ourselves, we ist and that you can make it go away with your will also miss His Presence. mind. The pandemic that is the coronavirus The second Gospel from this week that has certainly reminded us of our human con- caught my attention contained Jesus’ procla- dition. Suffering is part of our lives. One of the mation that when He is lifted up, He will draw great beauties of our faith is that there is value all people to Himself. The suffering of our in every aspect of the Christian’s life, even Lord was necessary for all people. Christianity those aspects of life that are full of pain. There- is not just a belief system for a select group of fore, we give it all to the Lord. We give Him people. All people are saved by Jesus Christ, our joy and our pain. If our health is poor or St John Paul II embraced suffering with love, even during his illness, a cardinal and even good people searching for God who have failing, if our lives are not going as we hoped, the archpriest of St Peter’s Basilica said on the 15th anniversary of the saint’s death. not received the grace to become Christian. By whatever pain we have, we give it to Him. We The spread of the coronavirus pandemic, and the growing number of infected and dying dying on the cross, Jesus re-established man- unite everything to the cross so others can ex- people “has fallen on an unprepared society, highlighting the spiritual emptiness of many kind’s ability to be united to God. Jesus’ death perience the Sacrificial Love of Jesus in our people,” Cardinal told Vatican News April 1. gives all people spiritual life. This is what we lives. Let me ask you this, “Have you ever met “Pain undoubtedly frightens everyone,” he stated. “But when it is enlightened by faith it mean when we use the term: redemptive suf- a truly holy person?” If you have, and I am becomes a way to cut back selfishness, banalities and frivolities.” HERALD April 5, 2020 Pastoral 3

Pastoral Letters for Holy Week 2020

Penang Diocese No live streaming of Masses for Holy Week in Penang Diocese For the People of God in the Diocese of Penang My Dear People of God, and household. May this new experience of a) To heartily repent of all sins has Reconciled the world to Himself. Holy Week this year be a time to strengthen Through the Ministry of the Church, b) To venerate a cross that I thank you for your prayerful solidarity in your baptismal identity as sharers in the Min- may God give you pardon and peace is available to you (can also embracing the whole world through personal istry of Christ: Priest, Prophet (Teachers) and and I absolve you from all your sins, be rosary, pendant) or, if you and communal initiatives in this time of chal- King (Servant/Administrator). in the Name of the Father, and of do not have a cross, you may lenge and uncertainty. For the General Absolution (absolution for the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. venerate the cross in your In view of the stricter measures on the those repenting for their sins but unable to go “AMEN” heart. Movement Control Order (MCO) effective for confession), based on Canon 961 and the Wishing you a Spirit-filled Holy April 1, 2020, I will not be live-streaming moral principle of epikeia, solely for this par- c) To say seven (7) times, “Lord Week with the Lord and the Joy and any more Masses, including Masses for the ticular time of the pandemic, Jesus, be merciful to me a Blessings of the Great Easter. Holy Week. Nevertheless, I assure you of my sinner” which serves as your prayers and blessings in my private Masses I, as your Bishop, will penance. “Be Disciples of Hope” celebrated each day. Other available alterna- give a General Absolu- Sincerely in Christ, tives for live-streaming masses are widely ac- tion to all Catholics in On that Good Friday (April 10, cessible at your disposal. the Diocese of Penang 2020), shortly after the time men- With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and (Kedah, Perlis, Perak, tioned above, I will impart on you the with Jesus in our midst, I gift you the Holy Kelantan, Penang) on following words of absolution by the Rt Rev Sebastian Francis Week Kit 2020 (bit.ly/PgDioceseHolyWeek). Good Friday at 3.00pm, Authority bestowed upon me, “God Bishop of Penang This kit is aimed at journeying with you during following the below the Father of Mercies, through the the significant days of Holy Week as a family mentioned conditions:- Death and Resurrection of His Son, March 31, 2020

Keningau Diocese Fear not, for nothing is impossible with God The Movement Control Order will of God the Father who sent with us, be evermore strength- However, we also need to look is in force. This surely will re- Him. May the lonely experience ened and empowered. The Lord at the positive effects caused by strain this year’s celebration of we are going through while fac- Jesus is present, always with us this Covid-19 virus. As the whole Holy Week, beginning from Palm ing the Covid-19 virus help us and caring for us, thus, don’t be world enforces limited movement Sunday to Holy Thursday, Good to experience Jesus’ suffering so afraid. or ‘lockdown,’ environmental Friday and the Easter Vigil until as to strengthen our faith quality Brothers and sisters, during this pollution has significantly -re Easter Sunday. These celebra- as the result of a true sacrifice, MCO, let us all take this opportu- duced to the extent that the earth’s tions will be ‘crowd-less’ com- just as Jesus asked of us. So that, nity to be aware and to reflect on ozone layer is showing signs of pared to yesteryears. This is very whoever is following Him “not be our love relationship with God. recovery and healing. Families sad, but we believe that Jesus is selfish, but carry his cross every- Had we before Covid-19, ‘taken who have not been together for always here and He is with us. day and follow Me” (Lk 9:23) for granted’ or been unapprecia- a long time are now able to stay The Church is not merely a build- In these difficult and fright- tive because we felt we could live home together. The great powers ing and its large crowds, but more ening times, of course, we eas- without Him? In these frightening of the world seem to admit their than that, the Church is essentially ily become anxious and afraid. were hit by a storm during their times, do we still believe in our limitations and begin to look to a community and that community Questions will arise, to the point voyage with Jesus on a boat. In human capabilities? This is the God for help. starts from a family (LG Art 11). of strangling us. Whatever ques- such a frightening situation, His time for us to renew and establish We humbly pray and ask for To celebrate the Triduum in tions arise in our minds that cause disciples felt that Jesus did not our union with Jesus as He Him- the guidance of the Holy Spirit quiet and isolated surroundings us to fear, let us refocus our lives care. But when they called to him, self said, “Apart from me you can to awaken us that we may act on will nevertheless help us to un- and faith to Jesus who once ex- Jesus calmed the wind and the do nothing.” (John 15: 4-5). remoulding our relationship with derstand deeply the experience perienced fear, misery and an waves. Then Jesus asked his dis- It is also an opportunity for us God, our fellow human beings of Jesus when He was alone — at ignominious death but now is ciples, “Why are you so afraid? to take better care of our fellow and with God’s creation which is the Garden of Gethsemane, dur- alive and is here with us. Let us Do you still have no faith?” (Mk human beings. This current cir- inseparable from our daily lives ing the judgement before Pilate, also, with faith, look towards our 4:40). cumstance is helping us to see as disciples of Jesus. when he was carrying the cross Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Brothers and Sisters, as mem- how we can be more attentive to As an Easter people, let us face and at the Crucifixion. All of these Solemnity of the Annunciation on bers of the Church travelling or the needs of our fellow men. For this situation with one mind and were done in accordance with the March 25, the most impressive voyaging with Jesus Christ, this example, complying to the or- always focus our gaze to Jesus on will of the Father so that we are words that came me was ‘fear question is still relevant to all of der to stay put at home will help the Cross and to the Virgin Mary. freed from the slavery of sin. not’ (Lk 1:30) and ‘for with God us in the wake of this devastating to break the chain of transmis- Actually, building a firm faith nothing is impossible’’ (Lk 1:37). Covid-19 outbreak. Why are you sion of the infectious Covid-19. “Kebahagiaan Adalah requires experience. All this These were the words that gave scared? Why do you still not be- Don’t just think about yourself. Kekitaan” while, we may have been bas- strength and commitment to the lieve in me? It is also our opportunity to be ing our Christian faith on rites, Virgin Mary to answer her call- During this time of preparation, aware and appreciate the impor- church gatherings, great church ing and mission. What about us in and especially throughout Holy tance of God’s harmonious crea- buildings, illustrious preaching this frightening situation? Week, let us — the Priests, Re- tion. There are causes and conse- and other external practises but in his message ligious and Secular Institutions, quences. For example, we believe +Bishop Datuk Cornelius Piong we have not experienced what on March 27, 2020 reminded the Catechists and laity — humbly that the Covid-19 virus is a result Bishop of Keningau Diocese Jesus experienced — suffering people of the events that Jesus’ pray that our Faith and belief in of an abuse of technology in the and dying alone — in obeying the disciples experienced when they Jesus, who is present and here name of progress. March 28, 2020 4 Home HERALD April 5, 2020 Parishes reach out to the poor during the Movement Control Order How some parishes in Penang Diocese are staying relevant City Parish Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) Church of the he parish has allocated funding he parish itself has initiated a Covid-19 Immaculate Tto assist welfare centres, support- TResponse Outreach: ing non-governmental organi-sations To coordinate calls for assistance and Conception (CIC) (NGOs) within the parish boundary for working with BEC zones to reach out to the etting up of the Parish HelpDesk offer- their maintenance and efforts in reach- needy. ing multiple ways a person can get in ing out to the needy. Various forms of assistance including the S touch with the Parish, including a Frequent- The parish will also look into the distribution of groceries, medication, medi- ly Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet to inform plight of migrants by identifying them cal assistance and transportation and care for the faithful on what the Parish can offer and their needs. elderly. during the MCO. Parishioners are encouraged to pray Parishioners who volunteer for this out- Parish ministries and BEC leaders are en- for these outreach initiatives and to help reach are required to collect and distribute couraged to look into respective residential the parish in identifying areas where as- food items from hypermarkets to those who areas to identify the needy and stay in touch sistance can be provided by contacting need it, travel to the hospital to get medica- with them through phone calls. the parish hotline 017-5812818. tion for the homebound or elderly and pro- The parish has allocated funding and with There are also daily reflections by vide transportation for their check-up ap- the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP), Parish Priest Msgr Aloysius Tan in mul- pointment or treatment. has extended food rations and cash assis- tiple languages and regular updates on Under the Chinese Apostolate, members People receiving food items. tance to those in need. church announcements through the par- have raised funds to provide meals such as ● BE Home for Special Care, Island Glades Weekly reflections, video messages from ish Facebook page and Word of Hope packed food and they will be delivered to the ● Persatuan Kebajikan Anak-Anak OKU parish priest Fr Jude Miranda on the par- WhatsApps group. following organisations throughout the pe- riod of the Movement Control Order: ● Evershine Old Folks Home, Kedah Road. ish’s Facebook page and private Masses are offered for specific BECs or ministries Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM) every day. DM parishioners took part in a CBlood Donation Drive at Caring Society Complex March 28 in the midst of the Movement Control Order, provid- ing a much needed boost to the Penang General Hospital’s Blood Bank. BEC zones and parishioners donated food items and gave monetary assis- tance to the poor and needy living with- in the parish boundary. CDM Facebook page also provides live streaming of daily and weekend A video message from the Fr Jude Miranda, CDM parishioners donated food items and took part in blood donation drive. Masses. parish priest of CIC. SFA cares so that no one goes hungry Sibu Pastoral Centre CHERAS: The Covid-19 pandemic has livelihoods during the MCO period. curtailed the source of income for some “There are many poor locals as well as becomes quarantine of the most in-need people in society, the foreigners in the Cheras area who need poor and the marginalised. help, especially during the MCO period.” centre The Church of St Francis of Assisi said James Savarinathan, PET Coordina- (SFA) is making sure those less fortunate tor. are not forgotten, while also keeping in Donations of masks and gloves were mind in reducing public movement during also given to the frontliners. the MCO and to ensure the safety of those The “reach out” initiative that started involved following advice from the Health since March 25 has so far delivered provi- Ministry. sions to 210 families in the first phase, 50 “In terms of minimising movement, we families in the second phase and 30 fami- allocated specific timings for the -provi lies in the third phase. sions to be dropped off at the church guard With the humble success of three phases house and then disbursed by the PET team so far, the team is already in the midst of respectively.” Parish priest Fr Andrew sorting out the next phase and will contin- Manickam OFM Cap noted. ue for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis, Sibu Diocesan Centre A joint initiative with the Parish Evan- potentially reaching out to as many as pos- SIBU: The Sibu Diocesan Pastoral Centre is gelisation Team (PET), SFA is determined sible. another Covid-19 quarantine centre set up. to make sure that no one goes hungry, with According to James, “At first it was The centre, which started operation April supportive parishioners generously help- easier to get food items as the church was 1, can accommodate 60 persons. ing in every possible way including via working with NGOs. Then the stricter This is the second Covid-19 quarantine online provision deliveries. guidelines came into force which meant centre set up here after the Kemuyang Youth While adhering to the necessary health the NGOs could not help.” he said. Camp. and safety measures, the reach out cam- Each family collecting the James is urging everyone to do their part basic food necessities. “A big thank you to the paign is delivering provisions to people in to help and respond to this emerging crisis for giving permission for us to use the need, especially families having difficulty break that is restricting people’s move- for those in need. place,” said Sibu Resident Charles Siaw, He meeting basic needs due to the Covid-19 ment, the pandemic’s impact on people’s The team is still in need of contributions is also the chairman of Sibu’s division disas- crisis. livelihoods and the economy is a grim re- in cash and kind as they prepare for the ter management and relief. Apart from reaching out to poor fami- ality. next phase of the “reach out” campaign. Last month, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk lies, basic food necessities and some cash The parish is helping as much as pos- Now is the time we need to spare a Amar Douglas Uggah, who chairs the state were also given to the Indonesian and My- sible to cushion the difficulties faced by thought about how we can reach out Disaster Management Committee, inspected anmar refugees. people in the lower income group who are to the underprivileged. — By Melissa Kemuyang Youth Camp here. — By Peter While dealing rigorously with the out- bound to face severe disruptions to their Fernando Boon, Borneo Post HERALD April 5, 2020 Home 5 Parishes reach out to the poor during the Movement Control Order Walking that extra mile KUALA LUMPUR: Having been there, besides our front liners, who has helped out with the St Vincent grounded for what seems like are going above and beyond their de Paul organisation, soup kitchens months, I look at the calendar and comfort zones to help. and fed the homeless on the streets. am still not sure what day of the One such person is Elvina Fer- “This country has done so much week it is. nandez. Giving back is a huge part for me, we are blessed, so we should While many of us are blessed with of who she and her family are. The give back,” said the parishioner food on the table, a roof over our 33-year-old Corporate Communica- from the Church of St Anthony, heads and a bed to sleep in amidst tions Assistant Manager from Cy- Kuala Lumpur. this global pandemic, some of us are berjaya said, when she was a child, As the severity of this pandemic at the nit-picking, tantrum-throwing her father made them give the ply- escalated, Elvina noticed the short- A hospital worker tries on the face shield. Hospital staff collecting the shields. point as patience is stretched from wood under their mattresses for a age of face shields for the medical ple’s generosity, I cried.” ER, ICU, the Covid-19 team as well being indoors. vulnerable family who could not af- front liners. “Some ask if I am afraid to go to as the Cancer Institute Putrajaya. Thankfully there are angels out ford to buy a coffin. Since then, she “I was troubled by the shortage, the hospitals to drop these items off. This week, as the cases continue so I searched social media on how I When I walk into the hospitals and to mount, some folks from the medi- could offer assistance. I came across see the doctors and nurses, only one cal fraternity approached Elvina to a Facebook group who had the raw thought crosses my mind: God gave help sew Personal Protective Equip- materials and wanted to help. This them so much strength to be away ment (PPE) jumpsuits for them. group currently has about 2,000 from their families and put their “I am thrilled to share that design- members making various items lives in danger for the country and ers Melinda Looi, Khoon Hooi and needed by our front liners.” the global community, what we are Kit Woo (along with many other The A4 plastic, elastic and sponge doing is nothing.” sponsors from their contacts) have come from three different people. Elvina, who is currently working offered to help purchase about 4,000 The 3D printed handles for the from home, takes the raw materi- meters of fabric and to stitch the shields are supplied by a few print- als to the nearby Poliklinik Gomez needed supply of the PPE jumpsuits. ers in Cyberjaya. where Dr Vasuki Rajalingam of- As Mother Teresa said, “We can- “One guy I called offered some fered her premises and staff to help not all do great things. But we can for free and he brought it from Ka- assemble these shields. do small things with great love.” — Elvina Fernandez working on the face shields for the medical front liners. jang. I was so overwhelmed by peo- Elvina takes supplies to Putrajaya By Gwen Manickam Hotline for those in need in MJD Donating face shields to JOHOR BAHRU: Malacca Johore Diocese has set up a Crisis Manage- frontliners ment Team with the short term goal MUAR: The parish priest of better managing social needs aris- of the Church of St An- ing from Covid-19 and the accom- drew, Fr Paul Wong said panying Movement Control Order that during the start of the (MCO) that have impacted the peo- Movement Control Order ple economically. It is based at MA- (MCO) his parish coop- JODI the hotline no: 07-2830166. erated with non-Catholic In the last few days, there has from Johor Bahru by do- been a steep increase in requests nated several boxes of face for assistance to the existing parish shields to Hospital Pakar community support ministries and Sultanah Fatimah, Muar, societies. to play their part as a car- Here are some examples of how Migrant group receiving rations in their area as they have no work or income and ing community to help in the team has been working: cannot sustain themselves. Doctors with the boxes of face shields fighting this Covid-19 pan- from the contribution of St Andrew a) the Diocesan Migrant Minis- c) improved effectiveness by unteers with relevant information demic. parish and non-Catholics. try is helping migrant workers all centralising the information of and support including financial over the diocese with the assis- volunteers and reassigning them assistance tance of the parishes nearest to the to frontline teams that need help. C) coordinating the Catholic com- Helping the poor and the elderly affected groups of migrants. The long term goal is to set up munity support to the relevant b) more efficient distribution of structures to support the efforts at parish frontline volunteers and food rations to families in Greater parish level in times of emergency: diocese ministries. Johor Bahru, the different front- A) providing communications You can also call the hotline if line teams are able to coordinate and logistic platforms you would like to volunteer your across service territories. B) supporting parish frontline vol- services. Charity under Restricted Movement KLANG: Living up to their core Other members of the ministry as values of promoting charity, integral well as Zones, BECs, and individual human development, justice and philanthropic parishioners, are now peace, the Parish Integral Human making concerted efforts of seeking Development Ministry (PIHDM) of more assistance via willing corpora- the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes tions and therefore, more dry goods Assumption’s Soup Kitchen distributing food to the families. (OLL) went on a five-day outreach are expected to come by the parish PETALING JAYA: The Church helped deliver the packages. In programme March 31 - April 4, to within the next few days and weeks. of the Assumption’s Soup light of the MCO extension, the help the disadvantaged through the The parish and ministry hope that Kitchen briefly reopened its ministry also purchased one- support of its generous parishioners through such acts of charity, the mar- doors this week to provide food month’s worth of basic neces- and independent donors whilst still ginalised of society would continue for the 120 families it looks af- sities like rice, oil, milk and adhering to the present Movement to feel a sense of inclusivity despite ter. However, instead of cook- biscuits for the 480 plus people Control Order (MCO). the current period of unease and un- ing, the team catered from a lo- they feed every week. By Gwen This charitable exercise saw the certainty that’s been brought about by cal eatery and several members Manickam dispatch of nearly 200 relief boxes the global pandemic. comprising of dry goods such as rice The PIHDM of Our Lady of Lourdes The parishioners of OLL are striv- bags, bee hoon packets, sardine tins, Church sorting out the food supplies. ing to continue actualising as best as biscuits, etc to the underprivileged in According to one of the PIHDM’s they can the words of St Paul to the the urban and rural areas; with Zone representatives, the ministry now Romans in Romans 12:13 “When and BEC leaders leading the way hopes to help the existing needy, God’s people are in need, be ready to by cooperating with the ministry by regardless of their religious back- help them. Always be eager to prac- identifying, collecting and distribut- grounds and nationalities, for as long tise hospitality.” — By Bernadette ing the necessary items. as the MCO is enforced. Anne Fernandez. 6 Home HERALD April 5, 2020 In Memoriam Sarawak Catholics mourn the passing of Fr John Chia KUCHING: Fr John Chia Fu Hin, aged 49, ness on receiving the news. “Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let passed away of multiple organ failure on He said, “Today we mourn and pray for the the perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest March 31 at 10.07am soul of one of our priests, Fr John Chia. From in peace, Amen.” Bishop Richard Ng of Miri Diocese in- the youth events that we organised, I have Among the overseas priests who knew Fr formed the news of his passing in an obituary seen Fr Chia ministering and connecting to the John Chia and sent their condolences were notice. young people with so much joy. I am sure that Fr Bernadus Boli from Indonesia who wrote, “It is with a heavy heart that I announce the would have been how he served and gave his “RIP Dear Fr John Chia. You were very kind passing of Fr John Chia Fu Hin on March 31, whole life to the people and parishes to which to us. We will miss you a lot. May you join the 2020 at 10:07am at Bintulu Hospital. He died he was assigned. He will be greatly missed. choirs in heaven participating forever in the of multiple organ failure.” “Kuching Archdiocese would like to extend heavenly liturgy with all the saints and angels. “Fr John had been feeling unwell for the past its heartfelt condolences to Miri’s Bishop Rich- Pray for us. May God bless you.” two weeks. When his health did not improve ard Ng, priests, catechists, Catholics and espe- Other priests who sent condolences and after receiving treatment at the health clinic in cially the family of the late Fr John Chia. prayers were Fr Theo Asa Siri and Fr Petrus Sg Asap, he was transferred to Bintulu Hospital “May Christ the Good Shepherd lead Fr Tripomo from Indonesia, and Fr Peter Le from on Mar 29 and diagnosed with severe pneumo- John safely home and grant him a place in the Vietnam. nia. He did not survive treatment.’’ Father’s House as we comfort each other with Fr Almas Archangelus from Pakistan wrote, Born on February 26, 1971 in Kpg Medait, the assurance of our faith until we all meet in “I met him in in 2006 and we were in Limbang to Stephen Chia and Doreen anak Christ. ‘Well done, my good and faithful serv- Sant’ Anselmo for two years together. I found Aba, he was the second of three boys. He was ant… Come share your Master’s joy.’ (Mt him a very pleasant, accommodating, friendly baptised Aug 26, 1976. He entered the Miri The late Fr John Chia Fu Hin 25:21).” and caring person. Going to university together Diocesan Seminary in 1990, after completing parishes he served to provide pastoral care and Bishop Emeritus Anthony Lee, who was and stopping for a cup of coffee or a glass of Form 5 in Limbang. the sacraments. He was well versed in several very close to Fr Chia had this to say, “Dear Fr beer was fun. He was a brother to me. I wanted He was ordained deacon Dec 8, 1996 in Bin- languages and was close to the people. He was John’s mother, Fr John was a dear son to me, I to meet him last month when I came to Malay- tulu, and ordained priest in Limbang by Bishop also popular with the youth and reached out to am feeling the pain as you are and even more. sia, however it was not meant to be. I feel we, Anthony Lee May 1, 1997. them through his motivational talks, songs and He was the first fruit of Miri Diocesan priest all who have known him, have lost a genuine Fr Chia served in St Michael’s Parish, Batu music,” added Bishop Ng. and all these years he has credited himself friend. We will miss you John, may our prayers Niah from 1997 to 1999 and in St Edmund’s “On behalf of the clergy, the religious and well. He is irreplaceable – a true priest of Jesus lead you to enter eternal peace and pray for us Parish, Limbang from 2000 to 2005. the faithful of the diocese, I offer my deepest Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit. My sincere from the heavenly realms.” He was sent to Rome to study Liturgy at St condolences to the family of Fr Chia for their condolences to all, dear family members, rela- Fr Felix Au wrote from Taiwan, “I remember Anselmo Institute and graduated in 2008. Upon great loss. No words can adequately express tives and friends. There are no words in me to Fr John as a priest who seemed very happy in his return, he headed the Diocesan Liturgy our sorrow and shock at his sudden passing. express the sorrow that I am feeling. ministry. He would smile most of the time and Commission. May we draw consolation and strength from “This morning, I celebrated Mass for his re- had a special gift with young people – he was He also served in these parishes: St An- the reassuring words of Jesus to Martha in last covery. At the exact time when God called him, able to effectively connect and relate to them. thony’s Parish, Bintulu from 2008 to 2012, St Sunday’s gospel. at 10.05am, I was on my knees begging God The youths of Kuching were also privileged Edmund’s Parish, Limbang from 2013 to 2016 “’I am the Resurrection and the Life. If any- not to take him away for we all needed him. to have Fr John minister to them several times and Holy Cross Parish, Sg Asap, Belaga from one believes in me, even though he dies he will “I thank you, Mdm Chia, for surrendering when he was invited as a speaker to our pro- 2016 up to the present. live, and whoever lives and believes in me will your beloved son to serve God and His people. grammes. With his gifts, he blessed the young “Fr Chia will be remembered as a hard- never die. Do you believe this?’ (John 11:25- At this moment, we are all like Mother Mary with the experience of God’s love for them. I working and cheerful priest with a deep love 26). May he rest in peace,” wrote Bishop Ng. and St John and some women standing at the am sure John will be sorely missed by all those for the people. He was constantly visiting the Simon Poh of the Archdiocese foot of the cross of Jesus, weeping and mourn- who knew him.” — By Ivy Chai, Today’s people in the longhouses and villages in the of Kuching also expressed his profound sad- ing in tearful silence. Catholic Global consumer activist, Martin Khor, dies of cancer PENANG: Martin Khor passed away in the feat — inspiring the creation of developing lectual research and boost. Industrious, work- early hours of April 1, 2020 after a five-year country blocs to face developed countries in in- ing overnight wherever he was to ensure key formidable struggle with cancer. ternational negotiations, starting from the 1992 materials were in the hands of decision-makers Khor was a Catholic who worshipped at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit until the more re- timeously. Church of the Immaculate Conception. cent 2010 Climate Change Agreement. He was an intellectual giant, with so many He was an outstanding member of the class With loads of other treaty negotiations in- books, articles and a Star column to his name. of 1968 who attended Cambridge University, between. Primarily through the internationally Caring, always lending a helping hand or ear taught in Universiti Sains Malaysia and played renowned Third World Network (TWN) which to those around him. Truly, a legend in his life- a leading role in the Third World Network be- he founded in 1984 together with his mentor time and well after. fore heading the South Centre in Geneva. the late SM Mohamed Idris, and other interna- On a personal note, just last week when his “He and my other Catholic friends of my- tional luminaries. passing became imminent, I made a final -re generation were into option for the poor and Khor cut a familiar figure with diplomats at quest to his good wife Meena. The WhatsApp liberation theology and that’s how we kept the the World Trade Organisation (WTO). I recall message read: “I feel you must let Martin know faith through the turbulent times. Martin went in the early 1990s he would drag me to the how inspirational he was to me and others in on to fight for the poor and for the dignity of WTO building overlooking the picturesque pursuing indefatigably his commitment to all at Sahabat Alam, CAP and Third World Lake Geneva, where we would sit patiently causes. He pushed buttons that no one even Network, then at the global level. And he did it outside the negotiation room and rush to dip- thought of. He brought change in ways that very well,” said Dr Francis Loh, a close friend lomats as they emerged, to hand them sheaves people in the know truly admired him for. I of Khor. of Khor’s well-prepared policy arguments on The late Martin Khor Kok Peng would tell him this myself personally but for He will be remembered for his commitment each issue of fundamental concern to devel- national policy positions. I recall being invited this lockdown.” to things that matter most in life. From the pres- oping countries such as the need to limit the together with Khor by the previous Pakatan All this re-echoed in the overwhelming out- ervation of the local environment to the global deleterious effects of intellectual property for Harapan government to address members of pouring of grief from friends and collaborators attenuation of the hazards of climate change. medicines and the like. the cabinet and the attorney-general on issues the world over. From renowned British author His crucial leadership of the Consumers As- Thus did his reputation grow as an inde- relating to the ratification of the CPTPP, a trans- Ann Pettifor, “(Martin) a powerful, brilliant sociation of Penang (CAP) — which waged fatigable aide to developing countries, earning Pacific trade agreement, where he lucidly- re and effective fighter for the poorest nations’ struggles to preserve the treasures and bounty him welcome access to the inner caucuses of counted the downside of the dispute settlement rights in global fora […] amplifying the voice of Penang – fighting against plans to “develop” Third World governments and aptly culminat- mechanism which could impoverish develop- of the poor” to Finland’s foreign ministry, “You Penang Hill, against hill slope construction, the ing in his appointment in 2009 as the chief of ing countries in suits brought against the gov- leave when we need you most, but we will use reclamation of lands from the sea and other the South Centre, an intergovernmental policy ernment if they carried out reforms in the na- your example to work even harder for a just mega-projects. research and analysis institution of developing tional interest but which corporations claimed global economy.” From ensuring not only the national sover- countries headquartered in Geneva. His term affected their economic interests. Martin, rest in peace. — By Gurdial Singh eign interest but more significantly, the collec- ended in 2015. There are many facets and shades of Mar- Nijar tive integrity of developing countries. Marked He was a constant at our ministries and tin’s life to fully grasp. Self-effacing, he pushed by what must easily be your greatest admirable agencies, reaching to the very top to push for others to the forefront while providing intel- Source: Malaysiakini z HERALD April 5, 2020 Asia 7 Myanmar Church joins nation in fight against Covid-19 YANGON: The Catholic Church of Church will contribute to fighting tient, who returned on March 14 Myanmar is playing a key role in Covid-19. after a month’s treatment in Aus- the battle against Covid-19 as cases “As the world, including Myan- tralia, died in a hospital in Yangon surge in the impoverished South- mar, grapples with containing the Tuesday morning, becoming the east Asian nation. coronavirus, we all need to join country’s first fatality. Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop hands in fighting Covid-19,” he Myanmar’s Ministry of Health of Yangon, leads the Church’s na- said. and Sports (MOHS) warned on tional coordination team on Cov- Sixteen dioceses have suspended Sunday that the country is at a very id-19 that prioritises prevention daily and Sunday Masses and other high risk of a “major outbreak” of and awareness campaigns as well liturgical ceremonies. Catholics Covid-19 as large numbers of mi- as offers Church properties as quar- have been urged to take part in grant workers return from Thai- antine centres in the 16 dioceses online Sunday and Holy Week cer- land. across the country in collaboration emonies from home. The foreign ministry has an- with public health departments. The Islamic Religious Council of nounced that those who enter My- The team, which was established Myanmar offered to turn mosques anmar through border points will in Yangon, consists of from and religious schools into quar- no longer be allowed to go to their Caritas Myanmar, the healthcare antine sites, while some Buddhist homes directly and will have to un- commission, Catholic doctors and monasteries have already done so. dergo a 14-day quarantine period members of the Catholic Bishops' With a population of some 54 Firefighters disinfecting the Shwedagon Pagoda compound in Yangon. at government-designated facilities Conference of Myanmar (CBCM). million, the Southeast Asian coun- (Vatican News/Ye Aung Thu via AFP) that are being expanded. It will carry out awareness cam- try has a weak healthcare system government ministries, to support heads the Committee, said in a tel- More than 23,000 people re- paigns through Radio Veritas Asia following decades of neglect under and step up the nation’s response to evised address. turned from Thailand via Myawad- and the Facebook page of the social the former ruling military junta. the pandemic. Myanmar reported a total of 15 dy in Karen state on March 28 and communications office. On March 13, Myanmar formed “If each of us works with a full cases, just a week after the coun- 29, according to MOHS data. Bishop Alexander Pyone Cho of the “Covid-19 Control and Emer- sense of duty to stop the spread of try’s first two cases were- con More than 877,000 cases have Pyay, head of the CBCM’s health- gency Response Committee”, an Covid-19, we will be able to over- firmed, mostly among those who been reported worldwide with care commission, said the team has emergency task force in coopera- come this challenge,” State Coun- have travelled overseas. over 43,000 deaths. — By Robin discussed preparations on how the tion with the military and civilian sellor Aung San Suu Kyi, who A 69-year-old nose cancer pa- Gomes, Vatican News Delhi migrant workers terrified Covid-19 lockdown shows no mercy to Vietnam’s poor by coronavirus and lack of work HO CHI MINH: With a mask on his the city. NEW DELHI: Tens of thousands face, Ho Minh Hoang desperately “I am illiterate and have a physical of migrant workers are stranded in showed a book of raffle tickets to disability and I do not know how to the capital without work, without a passersby. The 52-year-old street overcome these difficult times,” said home, and without food. vendor, who is paralysed in both Hoang, who lives with 30 relatives in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s legs, wipes sweat from his brow as a 56-square-metre shelter. decision to close factories, shops, he sits in a wheelchair. He has sold Nguyen Van Dung, a motorcy- construction sites, restaurants and lottery tickets for a living for 20 cle taxi driver, said his income had block transport to prevent the spread years since his parents died. dropped sharply since the viral out- of the new coronavirus is inseminat- “Few people buy tickets as they break hit the city in February. He said ing panic. are afraid of becoming infected with people limit their travel and work To date, official data show 1,637 the coronavirus,” he said. He usually from home after all the schools and positive cases and 38 deaths. But earns about 200,000 dong (US$8.60) shops were closed, so there are few the overcrowding of many cities and a day selling lottery tickets. passengers. the lack of sufficient health facilities “Today is the last day I can sell “This morning I earned no money. lead experts to fear the worst. tickets as the government will shut How can I pay the rent?” the 54-year- In recent days, hundreds of mil- down lottery ticket companies for old father of one said, adding that in lions of people, left without jobs, Migrant workers crowd outside a bus station in Ghaziabad, India, March 28, two weeks,” he said. the past, he earned 400,000 dong a have sparked a huge exodus. 2020, as they wait to board buses to return to their villages during a 21-day Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen day transporting people and goods. Frederick D’Souza, former direc- nationwide lockdown to limit the spread of COVID-19. (CNS photo/Anushree Xuan Phuc asked lottery ticket com- “We plan to return to our home in tor of Caritas India and today parish Fadnavis, Reuters) panies to suspend services for 15 Binh Dinh province by motorbike priest of the Church of St Alfonso in tion workers who live here in a “When we go to find them, we need days starting on April 1 to prevent and stay there until the pandemic Vasant Kunj (South Delhi), shared slum. We meet all the people in the a permit, which is sent to us via the spread of the virus. ends to avoid high expenses in the about the tragedy of migrants and slum, advising them not to migrate. WhatsApp. On the other hand, the Few people venture out of their city,” said Dung. the way in which his parishioners try They would like to go back to their migrant slum is very close to the homes in Ho Chi Minh City due to Lottery ticket sellers include old to help them: “Due to the lockdown, villages, to be with their families, parish, you can reach it on foot.” the government’s social distancing and disabled people and those who the migrants have lost their jobs and rather than unemployed and home- Fr Frederick talks about the gen- campaign to stem the pandemic. have jobs and are homeless. Many this terrifies them. There is terror less here in Delhi.” erosity of his parishioners: “The Hoang said many lottery ticket are from other provinces. There is no because they have learnt that many The priest explains that tens of parish takes care of the expenses sellers had returned to their home official record of the number of ticket people have already died from the thousands of them have come from for food for migrants, also many of provinces because they have no vendors in the country’s largest city. virus; there is terror because they other cities and stop in Delhi hoping our faithful prepare it. We are not money to cover their daily needs in — ucanews.com don’t know how long this will last to be able to return to their villages a wealthy parish, but some of our and how they will survive or eat.” with some means of luck. Many of parishioners have stable jobs and The priests of the parish and some them face hundreds of kilometres are happy to make a contribution. volunteers go every day to visit the on foot. Many of our friends abroad also makeshift accommodation where “The government is distributing send aid.” migrants are amassed. food to migrants, even to those who Fr Frederick was the director of “Migrants”, he continues “are day are passing through to go to other Caritas India and has seen other mi- labourers and have lost their jobs states. But everyone wonders: how grations in the country in the past. and wages. We are trying to help long will the government feed us? “This,” he says, “is a migration dic- them, first of all by encouraging There is a great sense of insecurity,” tated by fear; it is not like the oth- them not to go back to their villages explained Fr Frederick ers, dictated by need and necessary. of origin, but to stay in the city, for The lockdown imposed on a na- Maybe it could have been avoided. their own safety. We priests and all tion of 1.3 billion people is almost It is a vast and unprecedented mi- parishioners distribute money to total. Those who move on the gration. I fear it will cause a trag- Ho Minh Hoang sells lottery tickets on a street in Ho Chi Minh City on March them, at least for the purchase of street must have a permit. A permit edy, a human catastrophe.” — By 31, one day before lottery ticket companies shut down for two weeks to stem some food, especially for construc- is also required to help migrants. Nirmala Carvalho, AsiaNews the Covid-19 outbreak. (UCA News photo) 8 World HERALD April 5, 2020 Pope Francis warns of a coronavirus ‘genocide’ if economy prioritised over people VATICAN: In a private letter to an plary measures with priorities that to the Centre for Strategic and In- Argentine judge, Pope Francis is are well targeted at defending the ternational Studies. reported to have warned that gov- population” and serving “the com- Argentina was one of the first ernment decisions to prioritise the mon good.” Latin American countries to imple- economy over people could result The Pope also said he was “edi- ment strict coronavirus restrictions in a “viral genocide.” fied by the response of so many prohibiting entry to foreigners “The governments that face the people — doctors, nurses, vol- March 17 and a 12-day mandatory crisis in this way show the priority unteers, religious, priests — who quarantine on March 20. of their decisions: the people first. risk their lives to heal and defend There have been 820 document- ... It would be sad if they opted for healthy people from contagion.” ed coronavirus cases in Argentina the opposite, which would lead Pope Francis recounted in the and 22 deaths from COVID-19. to the death of very many people, letter that he has been in discus- “The choice is to take care of the something like a viral genocide,” sions with the Vatican Dicastery economy or to take care of lives. I Pope Francis wrote in a letter sent for Integral Human Development chose to take care of lives,” Argen- March 28. to “prepare ourselves for what fol- tine President Alberto Fernandez The Pope sent a handwritten lows” the global coronavirus out- said March 25. note in response to a letter from break. Pope Francis delivers his Angelus address from the library of the Apostolic Global documented coronavi- Judge Roberto Andres Gallardo, “There are already some conse- Palace at the Vatican March 29, 2020. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) rus cases have surpassed 745,000 the president of the Pan-American quences that must be faced: hun- economist Dr Mariana Mazzucato, Mazzucato’s book The Value of confirmed cases, of which more Committee of Judges for Social ger, especially for people without whose published work argues that Everything: Making and Taking in than 100,000 cases are in Italy Rights. permanent work, violence, the ap- state intervention can drive growth the Global Economy. and 140,000 in the United States, “We are all concerned at the in- pearance of usurers (who are the and innovation. To combat the spread of the reports the Italian Ministry of crease … of the pandemic,” Pope true plague of a social future, de- “I believe [her vision] can help coronavirus, at least 174 countries Health and Johns Hopkins Univer- Francis wrote, while praising some humanised criminals),” he wrote. to think about the future,” he wrote have implemented COVID-19 re- sity respectively. — By Courtney governments for “adopting exem- The Pope’s letter also cited the in the letter, which also mentioned lated travel restrictions, according Mares, CNA Vatican flags at half-staff in African cardinal tests positive for coronavirus solidarity with coronavirus victims VATICAN: Cardinal Philippe VATICAN: Vatican flags are flying ings, including funerals, through- Ouédraogo of Burkina Faso has at half-staff in solidarity with the out the country, and all restaurants, tested positive for the coronavi- victims of the coronavirus in Italy schools, and non-essential business- rus, his archdiocese announced. and worldwide. es remain closed. He is the second cardinal known “Today, in solidarity with Italy, Pope Francis also met with the to have tested positive for the vi- the Holy See will display flags at mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi rus, which is now a global pan- half-mast, in mourning to express its March 28 at the Vatican. The Holy demic. closeness to the victims of the pan- See did not release any further de- Ouédraogo, 75, has been ad- demic in Italy and in the world, to tails about either of the private meet- mitted to a medical clinic in their families, and to all those who ings. Burkina Faso’s capital Ouaga- generously struggle for its end,” Lazio, the Italian region in which dougou. He is “in good condi- Director Mat- Rome is located, has had 2,914 tion and his close collaborators teo Bruni told journalists March 31. documented cases of COVID-19, in- are reported to be self-isolating,” Pope Francis met with the Italian cluding Rome’s , Car- a spokesman for Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at dinal Angelo De Donatis. bishops’ conference, Fr Paul the Vatican the day prior as the Ital- There have been six coronavirus Dah said March 31. ian government attempts to confront cases connected to Vatican City. The The cardinal is president of an outbreak which has led Italy to Holy See has tested at least 170 em- the African Continental Bishops’ Cardinal Philippe Ouédraogo of Burkina Faso have the highest number of corona- ployees for COVID-19, according Conference, the Symposium of virus mortalities in the world. The Vatican flag flies at half-staff on to the Holy See Press Office, which Episcopal Conferences of Af- Burkina Faso has the largest More than 11,500 people have a Vatican office building in Rome confirmed on March 28 that Pope rica and Madagascar (SECAM). documented coronavirus out- died of COVID-19 in Italy after a March 31, 2020. (CNS photo/Paul Francis does not have the coronavi- He was elected to the post in break in West Africa, with 249 total of 101,739 people have been Haring) rus. July 2019. He has been Arch- documented cases as of March documented by the Italian Ministry virus outbreak. Conte announced the Vatican liturgies for Holy Week bishop of Ouagadougou in Bur- 31, according to Johns Hopkins of Health as infected with the coro- lockdown March 9, and has since and Easter will take place without kina Faso for ten years, and was University Coronavirus Re- navirus. Throughout the world, more said that the national quarantine will the presence of people this year due made a cardinal by Pope Francis source Centre. than 37,800 people have died. be extended beyond the original to the coronavirus pandemic, and in 2014. The coronavirus has spread Italy was the first country outside April 3 deadline. will, instead, be broadcast live for Ouédraogo is the second bish- throughout the African conti- of China to implement a mandatory The Italian government has sus- those quarantined at home. — By op from Burkina Faso known to nent to 47 countries, according lockdown in response to the corona- pended all public religious gather- Courtney Mares, CNA have contracted COVID-19, as to the Africa Centre for Disease countries across Africa imple- Control. North Africa, Egypt, ment lockdowns and restrictions Algeria, and Morocco each have Rome’s De Donatis is first cardinal to slow the spread of the virus more than 500 documented cas- across the continent. es, and the South African gov- known to have coronavirus Another Burkina Faso bishop, ernment has reported more than VATICAN: Cardinal Angelo De Do- this trial,” the cardinal said in a state- Archbishop Emeritus Séraphin 1,300. natis, vicar general of the Diocese of ment March 30. “I entrust myself François Rouamba of Koupela, Three Nigerian states began Rome, has tested positive for corona- to the Lord and to support from the tested positive for Covid-19 af- two-week mandatory lockdown virus. He is the first cardinal known prayers of all of you, dear faithful of ter being admitted to Our Lady this week to combat the spread to have the virus. the Church in Rome.” of Peace clinic for urgent treat- of the virus, including Lagos, The cardinal has been admitted to “I live this moment as an occa- ment on March 19. Africa’s most populous city with the Gemelli Hospital in Rome with a sion given to me in Providence so Cardinal Angelo De Donatis The 78-year-old archbishop more than 20 million people. fever. He is reportedly in good condi- that I can share the sufferings of so While Pope Francis is the Bishop has since been transferred to an- Zimbabwe and Mauritius have tion, and his close collaborators are many brothers and sisters. I offer of Rome, the day-to-day leadership other hospital and is reportedly also implemented national shut- reported to be self-isolating, accord- my prayers for them, for the whole of the diocese is provided for by De in stable condition, according downs, and the bishops in South ing to a statement from the Vicariate diocesan community and for the in- Donatis, who enjoys broad vicarious to a March 25 statement from Sudan and Zimbabwe have sus- of Rome. habitants of the city of Rome,” the authority delegated by the Pope. — Bishop Laurent Birfuore Dabire pended public Masses. — By “I feel serene and confident amid cardinal added. CNA of Dori, Burkina Faso. Courtney Mares, CNA HERALD April 5, 2020 World 9 Vatican authorises special Masses and Good Friday prayers for coronavirus pandemic VATICAN: The Vatican has asked The decree, dated March 30, said: The liturgical congregation also priests around the world to recite a “The Celebration of the Passion of proposed that priests celebrate a vo- new prayer during this year’s Good the Lord on Good Friday this year tive Mass “specifically to implore Friday liturgy, and urged them to of- has a particular significance because God to end this pandemic.” fer Masses for the end of the corona- of the terrible pandemic that has The New Liturgical Movement re- virus pandemic. stricken the whole world. ported that an accompanying decree The Congregation for Divine “Indeed, on the day on which we permitted the votive Mass to be cel- Worship issued the new intention for celebrate the redeeming passion and ebrated daily, except on solemnities, the Solemn Intercessions during the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the Sundays of Advent, Lent and Celebration of the Lord’s Passion in who like a slain lamb has taken upon Eastertide, Holy Week and the Oc- light of the coronavirus pandemic. himself the suffering and sin of the tave of Easter, Ash Wednesday and The Solemn Intercessions, which world, the Church raises her voice in All Souls’ Day. are derived from ancient prayers, prayer to God the Father Almighty A votive Mass is a Mass differing are recited on Good Friday for vari- for all humanity, and in particular from the one prescribed for the day ous categories of people. They in- for those who suffer most, while she and celebrated for a special inten- clude the pope; bishops, priests and awaits in faith the joy of the resurrec- tion. deacons; the faithful; catechumens, tion of her Spouse. According to an unofficial transla- other Christians; the Jewish people; “Therefore this Congregation, by tion on the Vatican News website, the those who do not believe in Christ; virtue of the faculties granted to it by Opening Prayer, or Collect, reads: those who do not believe in God; Pope Francis leads a prayer service in an empty St Peter’s Square at the the Supreme Pontiff Francis, avail- “Almighty and eternal God, provi- those in public office; and those in Vatican March 27, 2020. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) ing itself of a possibility granted in dent refuge in every danger, kindly special need. victims who have died.” those who have died and, throughout the Roman Missal to the diocesan turn your gaze toward us, who with The new prayer is titled “For the After a moment of silent prayer, this time of tribulation, grant that we bishop in a situation of grave pub- faith implore you in tribulation, and afflicted in time of pandemic”. It be- the priest continues: "Almighty ever- may all find comfort in your merci- lic need, proposes an intention to be grant eternal rest to the deceased, gins with the priest saying: “Let us living God, only support of our hu- ful love. Through Christ our Lord. added to the Solemn Intercessions of comfort to those who weep, health to pray also for all those who suffer man weakness, look with compas- Amen.” the above mentioned celebration, so the sick, peace to those who are dy- the consequences of the current sion upon the sorrowful condition of The new prayer was presented that the prayers of those who invoke ing, strength to healthcare providers, pandemic, that God the Father may your children who suffer because of with a decree signed by the con- him in their tribulation might reach a spirit of wisdom to civil authorities, grant health to the sick, strength to this pandemic; relieve the pain of the gregation’s prefect, Cardinal Robert God the Father and so that, even in and a heart to draw near to everyone those who care for them, comfort sick, give strength to those who care Sarah, and its secretary, Archbishop their adversity, all can experience the with love so that together we might to families and salvation to all the for them, welcome into your peace Arthur Roche. joy of his mercy.” glorify your holy name.” — CNA Waste management facility to be built near Virgin Mary’s House, Ephesus IZMIR. Turkey: The Izmir Metro- Christians, who have informed the State, to inform him of the issue. politan Municipality plans to build Vatican about the project, which The Virgin Mary’s House is a sa- a waste treatment plant near the will foul land and air. cred place for Christians and Mus- Virgin Mary’s House in Menderes Kadir Telli, president of the Men- lims. It stands on Mount Solmis- Sub-Prefecture. deres Chamber of Agriculture, said sós, not far from the ancient city of The South Menderes-2 Integrat- that Çakaltepe Gölova, where the Ephesus. It is considered the place ed Solid Waste Management Facil- plant will be located, is 13 kilome- where Our Lady was taken by John ity will have a capacity of 2,000 tres from the House of the Blessed and where she lived until the end tonnes of waste. Its construction has Virgin and that he will send a letter of her earthly days. — AsiaNews/ sparked a reaction by the few local to Pope Francis, head of the Vatican Agencies Virgin Mary’s House in Menderes Sub-Prefecture Australian High Court to issue Four million jobs outsourced to Cardinal Pell decision next week India threatened by coronavirus SYDNEY: The High Court of Aus- August found that the cardinal had NEW DELHI: The lockdown meas- threatening to fire them. tralia will hand down its decision in been convicted on the evidence of ures taken by India to fight the COV- Many local firms are not prepared the case of Cardinal next a single alleged victim, despite the ID-19 virus are threatening India’s for smart working. In order not to week. The justices are considering exculpatory testimony of as many as outsourcing industry, which employs lose market share, some remain open Cardinal Pell’s petition for special 20 witnesses, and that the jury could about four million workers. despite restrictions, putting their em- leave to appeal his 2018 conviction not have found him guilty beyond In the recent past, many Western ployees’ health at risk, since the latter for sexual abuse. reasonable doubt. companies, especially in the United tend to work in close physical prox- The court announced that a deci- Pell was convicted of committing States and Great Britain, have out- imity. sion would be issued by the seven acts of sexual assault on two choir sourced various services like call The Indian government is trying to justices in the case Pell v. The Crown boys simultaneously for five to six centres to Indian companies. Over protect the sector and is encouraging on April 7 at 10.00am. By the time Cardinal George Pell minutes in the cathedral sacristy, time, Indian firms have come to pro- remote work. Before the coronavirus the decision is handed down, the cember 2018 of sexually abusing while he was fully vested after Mass. vide customer services, technical as- outbreak, India’s unemployment rate bench will have considered the car- two choristers could have plausibly Walker suggested that would be sistance to smartphone owners and was 8 per cent. Now the pandemic dinal’s case for just over three weeks, found Pell guilty beyond a reasona- practically impossible. data management support. could wipe out millions of places. after hearing two days of arguments ble doubt, after having heard the case Walker also pointed out changes European and US companies that Outsourcing to India has become a in the case last month. presented by the prosecutors and the and inconsistencies in the narrative have outsourced activities to India US$ 180 billion industry. According Pell is seeking to appeal the 2-1 defence mounted by Pell’s lawyers. of the sole witness-accuser to give are often banking and financial giants to several research institutes, India split decision of the Court of Appeal The High Court could quash the evidence against Pell. The second al- or companies in the health and tele- represents half of the global outsourc- in Victoria to sustain his 2018 con- guilty verdict against Pell, uphold it, leged victim died in 2014, before the communications fields. For example, ing market, beating competition from viction on five counts of child sexual or send the case back to the Victo- trial began; before his death he told Tata Consultancy Services, India’s China, Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, abuse over two separate instances. ria appellate court which upheld the his mother that he was not a victim leading outsourcing group, has Citi- the Philippines and Vietnam. The High Court heard arguments conviction last year. of sexual abuse. bank, a US banking giant, as one of India’s current situation has from Pell’s legal team and from state During the March hearings, Pell’s Australian state of Victoria’s chief its customers. prompted some Western companies prosecutors on March 11-12, after lead lawyer, Brett Walker SC, out- prosecutor, Kerri Judd, was grilled With the lockdown in India set to to backsource certain activities from which the justices reserved judg- lined a case for appeal grounded in by the justices, who took issue with last until Apr 14, many Indian work- Indian companies. For example, Vir- ment. the findings of Victoria Justice Mark the state’s handling of key pieces of ers in firms serving foreign clients gin Media has announced that it will At issue in the appeal is whether Weinberg, whose dissenting opinion evidence in the case against Pell. — want to work from home, but em- hire 500 people in the UK for call the jury that convicted Pell in De- at the Victoria Court of Appeal in CNA ployers have refused, in some cases centre services. — AsiaNews 10 Editorial HERALD April 5, 2020 HERALD An unusual ‘Urbi April 5, 2020 Virtual liturgies run risk of ‘de-localisation’ et Orbi’ and liturgy he forced virtualisation of liturgical spaces during this pan- Tdemic runs the risk of a new kind of centralisation and de- localisation of the Catholic Church. during the pandemic In previous centuries, existential threats to the fundamental dynamics of ecclesial life gave advantage to the central level, he coronavirus pandemic is push- by health workers and medical profes- discourse was the medium that conveyed that is, to the papacy. ing all of us to relativise and priori- sionals, including virologists and others,” the message”, and that “the is thus We have seen how this works in Pope Francis’ March 27 Urbi Ttise. This is also true for the Catho- the academies say in the opening lines of values-expressive”. et Orbi blessing: the marvellous stage of Rome being used to its lic Church, or at least it should be. their statement. And as Theobald pointed out, the blind full potential. This does not look too threatening today, thanks The forced cessation of the Church’s spots of the theology of Vatican II can be to Francis' attention to the need for balance between the central public activities – which in some coun- Not of the sacristy, but of humanity filled with the insights coming from the and local levels. But this is an issue for the Church in the long tries will last well beyond Easter – brings The Holy See’s daily paper, L’Osservatore style of Vatican II. run because there is already an ongoing process of de-localisa- up the importance of the theological con- Romano, offered a similar approach to Francis’ embrace of the whole world tion in our lives. cept of “Christianity as style”. that espoused by Francis by publishing would be unthinkable without the Second There is an ecclesiology — conscious or unconscious — be- Christoph Theobald, a French-German two articles in its March 29 issue on lit- Vatican Council’s theology of the Church hind the way liturgies are being adapted in this extraordinary Jesuit, has been developing this idea over urgy and the “domestic church”. One of in the modern world. The institutional time. It is not just a matter of technology. It is also a matter of the last few years. He published his lat- the articles suggested the possibilities of loneliness of the pope within the Church ecclesiological reference in this time of suspension, looking for- est thoughts on it in a long essay that ap- this moment. and the distinctive Catholic ecclesiology ward to the time after the pandemic. Are we taking part in the peared in the Italian Catholic monthly Il “The domestic memorial contains a pe- are seen to be in solidarity with the hu- liturgy of our local or “natural” community the way it should Regno, well before the coronavirus emer- culiar secular dimension. It does not smell man family. be, or are we choosing our own prefered ecclesial movement, in gency. of sacristy. On the contrary, it touches the a dynamic of competition not very different from how the free foundations of our humanity,” it said. A Church of paradoxes market works? ‘The saints next door’ But there is also another style on dis- Catholicism is full of paradoxes such as This move away from the local to the centralised — whether “Christianity as styled” during the cur- play, and particularly because of the litur- the Pope alone in St Peter’s Square, pray- the “centre” is the Vatican or another self-selected, customised rent pandemic means rediscovering an gical emergency we are all experiencing. ing in front of a basilica, offering an in- ecclesial group — will have an impact on the balance within the elementary, basic faith that does not de- dulgence to the people through his Urbi Church; both in terms of how we think about ecclesial structure pend on external constructs. This is key Looking backwards — issuing et Orbi blessing. and authority, and also in terms of institutional and financial sus- to understanding the importance of Pope prohibitions As I wrote to my students, it’s the same tainability for local churches. Francis’ pontificate at this tragic moment Uncomfortable as I am with the idea of Church as that of the sex abuse crisis that The lack of ecclesiological awareness of this issue in the of- (Covid 19) for the world and the Church. Easter Masses celebrated without the we are studying in our course. Francis ficial guidelines for this liturgical emergency could be rife with The Jesuit Pope’s emphasis on discern- people, I am not sure it would be a good is aware of the contradictions and para- long-term consequences, distorting the healthy ecclesiological ment as an engine of interior mobility is idea to postpone Easter. But I am sure doxes, as we have seen in the last seven balance between the different levels in the Church. even richer now that external mobility is there that the should have a years. — By Massimo Faggioli, NCR temporarily not possible. Theobald men- better way to convey this to the Catholic It is particularly evident in his way of l Massimo Faggioli is a professor of historical theology at tions his exhortation on holiness, Gaud- faithful. not letting the Roman Curia define his Villanova University. ete et Exsultate, which evokes the image It was unseemly that the Congrega- ministry. And we shall see what sort of of “the saints next door”. tion for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) impact the pandemic and the recession Characteristic Christian practices “Very often it is a holiness found in our should choose to publish decrees on the will have on his plans to reform the Curia. lobal crises of the kind we are currently facing can lead to next-door neighbours, those who, living extraordinary form of the Roman Rite on The contrast between Francis and the Gseismic changes, but as often as not, they simply clarify in our midst, reflect God’s presence,” March 25, in the middle of the pandemic. ecclesiastical status quo is not just a para- current challenges and possibilities. Certainly, the widespread Francis writes in that 2018 text. But, at the same time, it indicated the dox. It is also a real and problematic con- cancellation of public religious activities has had a palpable im- This could be a true catechesis for mil- contradiction between Francis and the tradiction. pact on Church life. When the pandemic has passed, perhaps lions of people now stuck at home for a liturgical agenda of the pre-existing Vati- many Catholics will simply not return, but I have my doubts. number of weeks, forced to coexist with can establishment. Solidarity, not triumphalism or However, we were grateful for the opportunity, and heartened their neighbours as never before. Christi- Then there was the style of the Con- exclusivism to see, so many parishioners joining the virtual community for anity is an encounter with the divine, but gregation for Divine Worship and the It is true that it is easier for the pope than the livestreamed Masses. Some pastors and their pastoral teams also with others. Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS), for the bishops and priests who have to are to be commended for their creative efforts to reach out to which was strictly in terms of prohibi- keep their local churches afloat, both parishioners in this and many other ways. A time to ponder the ‘last things’ tions and limits. spiritually and financially. Francis has, at Are we alone in perceiving both the opportunities for, and the This time of forced social distancing will his disposal the formidable apparatus and limits of, virtual community? Dare we hope that this fast from likely help us rediscover the theological The Pope alone scenery of the Vatican to convey the mes- the eucharistic table, fuelled by the exigencies of the moment, value of encountering Christ through our The above paragraphs are important in sage of communion in the Church and might, upon our return, rekindle a heightened eucharistic con- encounters with others. It is a reversal of seeking to understand Pope Francis’ in- with the world. sciousness? What was the Last Supper like? French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre’s credibly moving prayer on March 27 in But his style is also a message to the This pandemic has highlighted the importance of certain famous dictum: “Hell is other people”. an empty St Peter’s Square. There was institutional Church to overcome the characteristic Christian practices. Pope Francis has exemplified Eschatology, or the “doctrine of last the Pope, alone; but also in the company temptation to use this moment as an op- the pastoral leadership we need as he invites us to a kind of “sol- things”, has always been very powerful of the faith and his people. portunity to go back to a theology and a idarity in place,” encouraging us to check in on friends and fam- in giving the right dimension to oversized The style of that intense Urbi et Orbi liturgy of the past that were shaped by tri- ily by phone or internet, or to deliver groceries to those in need. ideas and institutions. was also – indirectly, but not so subtly umphalism and exclusivism. His lovely Urbi et Orbi blessing March 27 offered the conso- And this kind of emergency exerts an – an indictment of other styles or forms Understanding the importance of style lation and encouragement we need from our spiritual leaders. enormous pressure on all of us to ponder of leadership including some within the as a Church also means, in this particular And, although a few clerics have succumbed to a troubling sac- the last things. It also reveals the stuff cer- Church and the Vatican. moment, the capability of sustaining our- ramental romanticism, most of our pastoral leaders have wisely tain churchmen and ecclesiastical institu- There was not only a mastery of the selves spiritually without the usual insti- embraced draconian restrictions on public worship, integrating tions are made of. aesthetics of this spiritual moment, but tutional supports. a Catholic sacramental consciousness with an equally Catholic also a significantly different theological At the very least, we should not be bur- commitment to the common good. Two styles of Church reading of the pandemic. dened with additional mortifications. This pandemic will doubtless have a lasting effect on the “Style is the man” – the proverbial say- The Pope shunned any moralistic in- The present situation can be a disaster, Church. — By Richard Gaillardetz, NCR ing that one’s chosen style reflects one’s terpretations of the disease, a recurring or it can be an opportunity for the Church l Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph professor of Catholic systematic essential characteristics – can also be ap- temptation in our civilisation, as Susan to rethink its pastoral and missionary ac- theology at Boston College and a former president of the Catholic plied to Church leadership. The corona- Sontag wrote in her 1978 book, Illness as tivity. The Gospel is an ecclesial presence Theological Society of America. virus emergency is showing us that there Metaphor. – in the sense of being relational – and HERALD — The Catholic Weekly are two ways of expressing the style of In the style of Francis, there was the this moment can help rebuild the cred- Jointly published by the the Church. whole message, and it is the style of the ibility of the Church. Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, On the one hand, there’s the approach Second Vatican Council (1962-65): the When the public, liturgical activity of Diocese of Malacca Johore, Diocese of of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences “noble simplicity” that is stressed in the the Church is reduced to a minimum (or Penang and Diocese of Keningau and of Social Sciences. In a statement Vatican II constitution on the liturgy. to nothing), we must carefully discern Editor: Fr Lawrence Andrew, SJ on March 20, they offered “lessons for and detect the discreet signs of the Spirit HERALD, 5, Jalan Robertson, 50150, KL future actions and changing priorities” in The medium is the message in our daily lives in lockdown. Tel: 03-20268290/20268291; the wake of the virus’ spread. The Jesuit historian John O’Malley It’s more a matter of dos than of Fax: 03-20268293 “We note with great appreciation the wrote in his 2008 book What Happened don’ts. — By Massimo Faggioli, Online: www.heraldmalaysia.com. E-mail: [email protected] tremendous services currently provided at Vatican II that the council’s “style of (https://international.la-croix.com) HERALD April 5, 2020 Good Friday — Day of Redemptive Suffering Focus 11 St John Paul showed how to face suffering by embracing God, Mary VATICAN: Remembering St John Paul II and Basilica in 2006, Comastri served more than the 15th anniversary of his death, Pope Fran- eight years as the papal delegate overseeing cis encouraged people to pray for his interces- the Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto, traditional- sion and to trust in Divine Mercy, especially ly marked as the Blessed Virgin Mary’s house during these “difficult days” of the coronavi- from Nazareth. rus pandemic. St John Paul, in fact, asked the guardian St John Paul II, who died April 2, 2005, of the Marian shrine to lead what would be after a long illness, will always be an impor- his last Lenten retreat during the Year of the tant figure for the Church, but is even more Rosary. Comastri has been reciting the rosary so now, at a time when so many people are and praying the Angelus inside St Peter’s Ba- suffering worldwide, said Cardinal Angelo silica every day at noon as it is livestreamed Comastri, archpriest of St Peter’s Basilica. on Vatican media. The last years of his pontificate reflected Marian devotion was a hallmark of the personal trial and suffering, and he showed saint-pope, so much so Totus Tuus Maria the world through his witness, a life filled (Mary, I am all yours) was on his coat of with faith and a way of accepting pain as arms. something redeemed by God’s love, he said When asked why Mary was so important in an interview with Vatican News April 1. to the late pope, Comastri said, “Because Our “This is one of the reasons why the epidem- Lady was close to Jesus at the moment of the ic is so frightening, because, for so many peo- crucifixion and she believed this was the mo- ple, faith has died. John Paul II was a believer, In one of former papal photographer Arturo Mari’s famous photos, Pope John Paul II is seen ment of God’s victory over human wicked- a convinced believer, a coherent believer and celebrating his final international World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002. April 2, 2020, is the 15th ness through love — God’s greatest strength.” faith illuminated the path of his life,” the car- anniversary of the Pope’s death. (CNS photo/Arturo Mari) From the cross, when Jesus told Mary, “Be- dinal said. his hands, gazing at it with pure love. One embrace him who is love without shadows,” hold your son,” referring to his disciple, John, Just as the Church will be marking Holy could sense he was saying, ‘Jesus, I too am he said. the cardinal said that Jesus was telling her, Week and the Easter Triduum in a radically on the cross like you. But together with you, I The late pope lived his suffering in this “Don’t think of me, but think of others, help different way this year because of restrictions await the resurrection,”’ he said. spirit, even during very difficult moments, them to transform pain into love, help them to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the “John Paul II knew that life is a race toward like the 1981 assassination attempt, he said. to believe that goodness is the strength that cardinal recalled how St John Paul lived the God’s banquet — the feast of God’s embrace, “He never lost his serenity. Why? Because, overcomes evil.” same liturgical period in 2005, with serious his infinite glory and happiness,” the cardinal before him, he always had the purpose of life. “From that moment on, Mary took concern illness and in isolation. said. Today, many people no longer believe in that for us upon herself, and when we let ourselves “We all remember John Paul II’s last ‘Good “But we must prepare ourselves for that en- purpose. That’s why they live through pain be guided by her, we are in safe hands. John Friday.’ The image we saw on television is counter, we must purify ourselves in order to with despair, because they can’t see beyond Paul II believed this, he trusted Mary, and unforgettable — the Pope, who had lost all be ready for it, we must cast off any reserva- the pain,” he said. with Mary he transformed pain into love,” he his physical strength, holding the crucifix in tions of pride and selfishness, so that we can Before being named archpriest of St Peter’s said. — By Carol Glatz, CNS China owes ‘apology and compensation’ for coronavirus ROME: Poor countries are suffering from without the advanced health and social care The Filipino cardinal said the money govern- the coronavirus because of the Chinese resources that more developed nations have. ments spend on military and security could Communist Party’s negligence and repres- Hundreds of thousands of people in Myan- go toward masks and ventilators. sion, a cardinal from Burma said Thursday. mar are displaced by conflict, living in camps The Burmese cardinal acknowledged that “The Chinese regime, led by the power- in the country or on our borders without ad- many governments in different parts of the ful Xi Jinping and the CCP — not its people equate sanitation, medicines or care. In such world have been criticised for failing to — owes us all an apology and compensation overcrowded camps, the social distancing prepare after the coronavirus first emerged for the destruction it has caused,” Cardinal measures implemented by many countries in Wuhan, China. However, he said, Chi- Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, wrote in are impossible to apply,” the cardinal said. na bears primary responsibility as there is an op-ed published April 2 by UCA News. “The healthcare systems in the most ad- strong concern that the Chinese regime’s of- Cardinal Bo, who is head of the Federation vanced countries in the world are over- ficial statistics downplayed the scale - ofin of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, denounced whelmed, so imagine the dangers in a poor fection within China and subsequently pub- the Chinese regime for withholding infor- and conflict-ridden country like Myanmar,” lished propaganda accusing other countries mation about the coronavirus and punish- said Bo. of causing the pandemic. ing doctors and journalists who attempted to Infectious diseases physician and Harvard “Lies and propaganda have put millions of alert the world of the virus’ potential danger. Medical School professor Richard Mal- lives around the world in danger,” he said. “China as a country is a great and ancient ley and the president of International Crisis Bo has led the Burmese Archdiocese of civilisation that has contributed so much to Cardinal Maung Bo Group Robert Malley have warned of the Yangon since 2003. Pope Francis made him the world throughout history, but this re- to ‘stop making false comments.’ Dr Li, a “massive death tolls, economic meltdowns a cardinal in 2015. gime is responsible, through its criminal 34-year-old ophthalmologist, was told he and skyrocketing unemployment and pov- The cardinal said that the CCP’s response negligence and repression, for the pandemic would be investigated for ‘spreading ru- erty” developing countries could face as a to the coronavirus is “symptomatic of its in- sweeping through our streets today,” Cardi- mours’ and was forced by police to sign a result of the pandemic. creasingly repressive nature.” nal Bo said. confession. He later died after contracting United Nations officials have likewise “In recent years, we have seen an intense “Let me be clear — it is the CCP that has coronavirus,” Bo wrote. stated that an outbreak in the world’s refugee crackdown on freedom of expression in Chi- been responsible, not the people of China, The Chinese government has come under camps appears imminent. na. Lawyers, bloggers, dissidents and civil and no one should respond to this crisis with criticism for withholding coronavirus infor- Covid-19, first documented in China’s society activists have been rounded up or racial hatred toward the Chinese. Indeed, the mation from the international community. Hubei Province in December 2019, has have disappeared. In particular, the regime Chinese people were the first victims of this On April 1, Bloomberg reported that US in- now spread to 203 countries worldwide. As has launched a campaign against religion, virus and have long been the primary victims telligence found evidence that China under- of Apr 2, there have been more than 2,000 resulting in the destruction of thousands of of their repressive regime. They deserve our reported the number of confirmed coronavi- cases documented within the Philippines, In- churches and crosses and the incarceration sympathy, our solidarity and our support. rus cases and deaths. dia, Malaysia, Pakistan and other developing of at least one million Uyghur Muslims in But it is the repression, the lies and the cor- The cardinal said that China’s withholding countries. concentration camps,” he said. “And Hong ruption of the CCP that are responsible,” he of information from its own citizens and re- Bo called on China to write off the debts Kong, once one of Asia’s most open cities, said. sistance to transparency with the global com- of other countries to help cover the cost of has seen its freedoms, human rights and rule The cardinal cited multiple examples of munity contributed to the worldwide spread Covid-19. of law dramatically eroded.” whistleblowers silenced by the CCP’s cen- of the coronavirus, with disastrous conse- On Mar 29, Cardinal , “Christians believe, in the words of Paul the sorship regime. quences for the poor, especially in Southeast archbishop of Manila and prefect of the Vati- Apostle, that ‘the truth will set you free.’ “Doctors who tried to raise the alarm — Asian countries neighbouring China. can Congregation for the Evangelisation of Truth and freedom are the twin pillars on such as Dr Li Wenliang in Wuhan Central “In my own country, Myanmar, we are ex- Peoples, also appealed to rich countries to which all our nations must build surer and Hospital who issued a warning to fellow tremely vulnerable. Bordering China, where forgive the debts of poor countries who are stronger foundations,” Cardinal Bo said. — medics Dec. 30 — were ordered by police COVID-19 first began, we are a poor nation struggling to fund a coronavirus response. By Courtney Mares, CNA 12 Varia HERALD April 5, 2020 Love in the time of Covid-19 n 1985, Nobel Prize winning don’t know when the flood waters what specifically triggered it, a long-overdue lessons in gratitude author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, will recede and let us return to our grace from above, a gesture of and appreciation, in not taking life, Ipublished a novel entitled, Love normal lives. friendship from someone, the feel of health, friendship, and work for in the Time of Cholera. It tells a How should we live in this the sun on my body, the wonderful granted. It was a special joy to return colourful story of how life can still extraordinary time? Well, I had a feel of a cold drink, perhaps all of to a normal life after those 168 days be generative, despite an epidemic. private tutorial on this some nine these things, but I woke up, I woke of conscripted “sabbatical”; but Well, what’s besetting our world years ago. In the summer of 2011, up to the fact that I was putting my those “sabbatical” days were special right now is not cholera but the I was diagnosed with colon cancer, life on hold, that I wasn’t really too, albeit in a very different way. coronavirus, Covid 19. Nothing underwent surgery for a resection, living but only enduring each day in The coronavirus has put us all, in in my lifetime has ever affected and then was subjected to twenty- order to check it off and eventually effect, on a conscripted sabbatical the whole world as radically as four weeks of chemotherapy. reach that magical 168th day when and it’s subjecting those who have this virus. Whole countries have Facing the uncertainty of what the I could start living again. I realised contracted it to their own type of shut down, virtually all schools and chemotherapy would be doing to that I was wasting a season of chemotherapy. And the danger is colleges have sent their students my body, I was understandably my life. Moreover, I realised that that we will put our lives on hold home and are offering classes scared. Moreover, twenty-four Fr Ron Rolheiser what I was living through was as we go through this extraordinary online, we’re discouraged from weeks is basically half a year and sometimes rich precisely because of time and will just endure rather than going out of our houses and from contemplating the length of time session, I began checking off days the impact of chemotherapy in my let ourselves be graced by what lies inviting others into them, and that I would be undergoing this in my journal: Day one, followed life. That realisation remains one of within this uninvited season. we’ve been asked not to touch “abnormal” season in my life, I the next day by: Day two. I had the special graces in my life. My Yes, there will be frustration and each other and to practice “social was also impatient. I wanted this done the math and knew that it spirits lifted radically, even as the pain in living this through, but that’s distancing”. Ordinary, normal, time over with, quickly. So I faced it would take 168 days to get through chemotherapy continued to do the not incompatible with happiness. has stopped. We’re in a season that like I face most setbacks in my life, the twelve chemo sessions, spaced same brutal things to my body. Paul Tournier, after he’d lost his no generation, perhaps since the stoically, with the attitude: “I’ll get two weeks apart. It went on like this I began to welcome each day for wife, did some deep grieving but flu of 1918, has had to undergo. through this! I’ll endure it!” for the first seventy days or so, with its freshness, its richness, for what then integrated that grief into a Furthermore, we don’t foresee an I keep what might euphemistically me checking off a number each it brought into my life. I look back new life in a way that allowed end soon to this situation. No one, be termed a journal, though it’s day, holding my life and my breath, on that now and see those three last him to write: “I can truly say that neither our government leaders nor really more a Daybook that simply everything on hold until I could months (before day 168) as one of I have a great grief and that I am a our doctors, has an exit strategy. chronicles what I do each day and finally write, Day 168. richest seasons of my life. I made happy man.” Words to ponder as No one knows when this will end who and what enters my life on a Then one day, about half way some lifelong friends, I learnt some we struggle with this coronavirus. or how. Hence, like the inhabitants given day. Well, when I stoically through the twenty-four weeks, I lessons in patience that I still try to — By Fr Ron Rolheiser, all rights in Noah’s Ark, we’re locked in and began my first chemotherapy had an awakening. I don’t know cling to, and, not least, I learnt some reserved A priest-centred Church, confused and unprepared n the past five or six decades, not working. The COVID-19 crisis is not go- The Constitution on the Sacred “You don’t have to be a monk or Catholic bishops in almost every How many parishes have the bish- ing to be over in a matter of weeks. Liturgy, Sacrosanctum concilium, nun to do that! The psalms that make Ipart of the world have stood by, ops closed, and how many living It is going to drag on for months. We says: “Christ is always present in his up the Liturgy of the Hours provide paralysed, watching helplessly as faith communities – some spanning don’t know when we’ll be able to Church, especially in liturgical cel- an incredible relief these days,” he the number and quality of priesthood several generations – have they dis- start congregating again. ebrations” (SC 36). adds. candidates have continued to dwin- solved because of an unwillingness For now, we cannot celebrate During Mass, he is present in the Unfortunately, most Catholics do dle. (of their own and of the various Mass. And this has caused perplexity bread and wine, but also in the per- believe that the Liturgy of the Hours Not a single pope in this period ) to open their eyes to other al- and disorientation. son of the priest and in the Word that which is properly called the Divine – from Paul VI to Francis – has of- ternatives? Catholic bishops and their collabo- is proclaimed. And, finally, he’s pre- Office and often referred to as the fered any real solution to the prob- One of the worst nightmares for rators, the priests, appear dumbstruck sent in the prayers and songs of the Breviary is exclusively for the cler- lem. Their only answer to the priest many bishops is what to do with par- and lame before this quandary. assembly. gy and the religious. That’s because shortage has been to instruct people ishes when it’s not possible to pro- They cannot see many alternatives, But that doesn’t solve the current monks and nuns are obliged by can- to pray to God and encourage more vide them with a priest. except to continue confecting the Eu- problem of not being able to gather on law to pray “the hours” each day. young men to consider priesthood as charistic all by themselves, or in the together for liturgy. And since the But, in fact, this is the prayer of the From no priests to no people a vocation. So isn’t it ironic how the coronavirus presence of a few people, while eve- Church doesn’t permit anyone to pre- entire Church. And it is properly li- Actually, Francis explicitly told pandemic has turned that upside- ryone else watches them via televi- side at the Eucharist except a validly turgical prayer. bishops of the Amazon to explore down? Now the question is – what sion or the internet. ordained priest, what can we do? While praying in an assembly or other possibilities, such as ordaining No liturgy? community is the ideal way of cel- to do with parishes, and the priests When there is no Eucharist married men, only to ignore them ebrating the Liturgy of the Hours, di- assigned to them, when there are no French liturgist Gilles Drouin re- Celebration of Mass is not the when they finally asked permission ocesan priests (especially) have, for people! minds us this week in an interview only liturgy to do so. Make no mistake. Donald Trump’s with La Croix that the Second Vati- “People can read the Word of God centuries, mostly prayed the Breviary alone. Closing parishes hope that churches will be packed can Council (1962-65) made it clear with members of their family or In any case, it is clear to all but the on Easter Sunday is not unfounded. that Jesus Christ is present to us in those they live with. Or they can pray And there is no reason why any blind that the strategy employed up Unfortunately, it won’t be this Easter more ways than in the Eucharistic the Liturgy of the Hours, either alone Catholic can’t do so as well, as Fr till now – that is, do nothing – is – perhaps in 2021. bread and wine alone. or with others,” says Fr Drouin. Drouin suggests. “The public prayer of the Church” acrosanctum concilium says that, Besides the legalistic nature of this one that begins to satisfy. Soutside of Mass, it is “especially approach, it is also lacking in imagina- The beauty of it is that it can also be (through) the celebration of the Divine tion. How many bishops have encour- done without an ordained priest. Office” that the Church “is ceaselessly aged their people to pray the Liturgy of Even in its communal form a lay- engaged in praising the Lord and in- Hours – now or ever? person can lead the Liturgy of the terceding for the salvation of the entire How many priests have introduced Hours. world” (SC 99). the Liturgy of the Hours in their par- And when people begin to find ful- Furthermore, it says that,“as the ishes? filment in praying the Hours in a com- public prayer of the Church”, it is “a munity, they begin to feel the desire to source of piety and nourishment for An acquired taste that satisfies do so privately and individually when personal prayer” (SC 90). In a Church where, for most people, they are separated from the commu- “The laity, too, are encouraged to liturgy is not really liturgy unless they nity. recite the Divine Office, either with receive the Eucharist, this would re- Catholics watching a Mass led by Singapore Archbishop William Goh on a television. (Rappler photo/Martin Abbugao via AFP) priests, or among themselves, or even quire patience, creativity and painstak- Feasting liturgically on the Word individually” (SC 100). ing catechesis. Just imagine how beneficial it would so unprepared. would not be so bewildered and National episcopal conferences and Praying and meditating on the Word be right now during this forced Eu- The Eucharistic fast would not disoriented by the temporary sus- individual bishops in many places of God in the Liturgy of the Hours is charistic fast, if the Liturgy of the mean liturgical famine. Catholics pension of public celebrations of the have dispensed Catholics from their a great gift to the People of God, but Hours were already a main staple of would be confident in knowing that, Mass. obligation to attend Mass on Sundays most of them have never been intro- every Catholic’s liturgical life and a even with their priests absent, they As for the men who stand at and other “days of obligation”, while duced to it, let alone helped to savour “nourishment for personal prayer”. were still feasting liturgically on the the altar… that’s another ques- offering prayer resources to help them it. It is a shame that the coronavirus Word of God. tion. — By Robert Mickens, LCI keep holy these liturgical feasts. It is, indeed, an acquired taste. But pandemic has caught our Church And then the Catholic people (https://international.la-croix.com) HERALD April 5, 2020 BEC 13 Iranian students send medicine and aid to the American people TEHRAN: Groups of Iranian students have holiday in Iran. Last month, the university stu- sent a load of medical and health supplies to dents contributed to the production of sanitary the US people to counter the rapid spread of the articles, to meet the huge requests related to the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) that has pandemic, making up to 200,000 masks and also affected over 210,000 people in the US. thousands of litres of disinfectant. The material, which includes equipment and Kian says the material will be “distributed to specific drugs for the fight against Covid-19, hospitals and the population, especially in the is supplied by the university students of the Is- poorest areas of the country”. When we saw lamic Republic who are members of Basij, the the “painful conditions” of the most “vulner- so-called “volunteers of the revolution”. able” fringe of the Americans, the decision was The collected goods, to be distributed to taken to “donate part of the internal production the poorest part of the US population without of medical supplies”, in particular to those who medical insurance or health coverage, were gravitate around “the New York area”. crammed into two trucks and delivered to the The youth also sent a letter to Iranian For- Swiss embassy, which represents the interests eign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, calling of the United States in Iran. University stu- for a renewed diplomatic effort to ensure that dents from the Basij of various provinces of the the cargo reaches its destination and is dis- country have joined the initiative, engaged in tributed to the segment of the population for Basij members provide the drugs and equipment to be given to the poorest Americans without the production of masks and other health prod- which it is intended. It contains various types health coverage. ucts since the first days of the epidemic. of masks, disinfectants, visors, gowns and san- East by the new coronavirus epidemic, with al- the country with the largest number of cases Interviewed by the semi-official Fars agen- itary towels. The cargo, Kian concludes, “has most 48,000 infections, over 3,000 victims and in the world, according to the latest updated cy, student representative Ali Kian confirmed been properly sterilised and also constitutes a 15,000 people recovered. Some observers say, estimates, at least 216,721; there have been that the material was delivered on March 31 to humanitarian message” to the US people. however, that the data are underestimated and 5,000 deaths and just over 8600 recoveries. — the embassy in conjunction with the national Iran is the nation most affected in the Middle the real toll is far greater. The United States is AsiaNews/Agencies Good Friday came early Life and death in Wuhan he pandemic, and the media that speak — especially the elderly — did not know how about it, bring death closer to us. Now Helena Xiang and Teresa Grazia Xiao talk about the first moments of to ask for help. Some gave in to despair and Tsuffering, anxiety, struggle, anguish and the epidemic crisis in Wuhan (Hubei), the epicentre of lung infection in committed suicide by throwing themselves hope are part of our daily lives. Cities are in China. From the joy of family reunions during the Lunar New Year, to the from the windows of buildings: many of these lockdown, villages closed, transport halted, despair of the isolation imposed by the authorities to prevent the spread images have circulated online and on Wechat. streets silent: everything speaks of death. Nev- In the meantime, hospitals were filling up. er as in these days has death been so palpably of the virus. The elderly who died on the streets. People who committed People also died in the corridors. Then the doc- close and strong. suicide by throwing themselves from the balconies of buildings to escape tors and nurses began to die. Death made no It all began 70 days ago with the arrival of quarantine measures. The sick crowded in the corridors of hospitals, and distinction, it affected famous professors, art- the Chinese New Year. China was bustling and the tragedy of doctors and nurses. Everything in those days in Wuhan ists, directors and entire families alike. vibrant in preparation for the festive season. spoke of death — the events of Good Friday. Below is their story. A nurse saw her parents die in the hospital People with so much joy, hope and so many where she served. After the tragedy, rather than plans were busy ahead of 10-15 days of vaca- have done in the year that is coming to a close, death appeared closer. Many tragic events going back to the empty house, she preferred tion. Nobody could have imagined they would and they share the dreams and plans for the happened in the building where Helena lives. to stay and treat the patients in the hospital: last such a long time, without ever knowing year that is to come. However, this year the An 80-year-old elderly man was infected and “When I help the sick — she said — I forget when these “forced vacations” would end. discussion was dominated by fears over the could not be hospitalised, as well as a married everything.” We have to stop and think about the ongoing epidemic. couple. The inhabitants of the building were Another nurse worked for 25 days straight. epidemic: “Men consume the life of animals in People had no desire to see the shows sched- frightened and constantly called the mayor and One day she went home to have a bite to eat. cages; they burn the life of trees in fire; now uled for the celebrations, especially in Wuhan. the emergency room. Her husband and son prepared something that they close their lives in concrete boxes.” We We turned on the TV, but only to create back- Helena’s cousin, who lives in another area she then ate outside the house, without even are living through an unprecedented moment, ground noise. Medicines were in short supply, of the city, also got sick: she had a fever but going in, for fear of infecting them. with daily news of deaths. Nobody knows if and masks could not be purchased. Concerned, again, there was no place in the hospital. He- A patient shouted that she wanted to commit they will be next, infected with the coronavi- but also a little reassured, Helena and I discov- lena sought help online, phoned the mayor, but suicide: she was asymptomatic, and had infect- rus, facing death. ered that on New Year’s Eve, several medical without success. ed her parents, her husband and her six-month- A rumour circulates on Wechat and many rescue teams, with hundreds of doctors and After 10 days, the elderly gentleman died, old son. She felt like a sinner: for her, living no Chinese blogs. It is said that every citizen is nurses, flew from Shanghai to Wuhan by plane. and the couple was hospitalised. Helena’s longer had any meaning. A girl, on her knees, asked three questions when they leave the Holy Mass was not celebrated on New cousin stayed at home and was treated by a despaired at her father’s death: “Daddy, why house or return: “Where are you from? Where Year’s, but many families said the rosary. doctor who is an expert in traditional medicine: can’t I see you or touch you?” are you going? Who are you?” When stopped Prayer ceremonies immediately appeared on luckily she recovered, and could continue tak- Then there was the tragedy of the rescuers. for a police check, your temperature is meas- the internet. We prayed the first novena. From ing care of her mother who is ill with cancer. In a message on Wechat, a policeman assigned ured and you have to fill in a form with these that moment on, we never stopped, reach- Tales of death also came from nearby neigh- to control highway exits said he was forced to three questions. ing the 10th novena. On January 26, when bourhoods. An old woman died while dragging wear already used masks, to sleep in the office On January 15, Wuhan citizens were alerted nationwide it was no longer possible to leave herself along the street. A 90-year-old gentle- so as not to infect loved ones at home. Officials to the virus. On the 16th, the newspapers re- the house, Pope Francis’ prayer for the Chi- man queued for five days and five nights to and members of the Communist Party were ported that two people had died from pneu- nese gave us great comfort. Meanwhile, every hospitalise his 65-year-old son, without suc- drafted in to control the streets. monia. The city residents joked that the world day, more than a dozen priests and lay people cess. Many had a high fever, but they were In those first days of isolation, people were was panicking, but they were calm. When the posted homilies, poems and liturgical songs on not diagnosed with coronavirus. They were in great difficulty. They felt helpless, lonely, first disturbing data emerged on 19th, everyone Wechat. not hospitalised but they dared not go home. depressed, angry and scared. They were in the understood that it was serious. On the 23rd, Yet outside Wuhan, people still did not per- Refused even by hotels, they were forced to grips of anxiety and saw no way out of the situ- New Year’s Eve, the vast majority of Chinese ceive the danger. In Chengdu (Sichuan), the wander around Wuhan like homeless people. ation. They didn’t want to do anything: just to returned home to their families; then, the au- real emergency was the earthquake those days. There was no food, no medicine and many explode. — AsiaNews thorities announced the isolation of Wuhan and The city was hit on Feb 3 by a 4.7 magnitude the suspension of all public transport. shock. Locals initially joked, but that was a Although every family already had plenty of tragedy that added to the other two: the epi- food stocked up for the celebration, the sudden demic in Hubei and the bird flu in Changsha. closure of the city created panic: people were However, it was also during this most dif- worried about their health and daily needs. On ficult time, when people could not leave their Chinese New Year’s Eve, traditionally, Chi- houses that Wuhan’s air became cooler, with- nese families prepare the dishes for dinner, the out the usual haze. You could admire the blue midnight banquet and breakfast on the first day sky and the bright sun. People seemed calmer of the new year. and more in harmony with each other. More Jiaozi (ravioli) is the most popular dish, be- books were read, the dialogue between parents cause it can be prepared together by all fam- and children grew; the children began to show ily members: someone rolls the pasta, others respect for the elderly. People were scared, but mix the filling and still others shape them. In there was confidence: our sick city would heal. the meantime, everyone talks about what they The epidemic then began to worsen, and The sick crowded in the corridors of hospitals, and the tragedy of doctors and nurses. 14 Inter faith & Cultural Dialogue HERALD April 5, 2020

BEC Family (1976) (1996) DIALOGUE Formation (1976) (1976) INTEGRAL EVANGELISATION Sr Fatima, volunteers Poor Unity (1976) (1976)

Social Communication Youth (1986) (1996) distribute essentials KUALA LUMPUR: The authori- less as they have nowhere to go “Even now, there are still people ties have allowed several volun- for shelter and refuge except the who do it,” Jamal said, adding he teers to help the homeless dur- 1.5m-long walkways in front of recently had someone buying roti ing the Movement Control Order shophouses and office buildings,” canai and mineral water bottles for (MCO) period. she said. more than 200 of the homeless. Sister Fatima and her small She said the group could serve A few blocks away from Jamal’s group of volunteers are one exam- breakfast and lunch meals for up restaurant, a woman was seen ple. They were given permission to 200 or more people. driving along the shoplots and by Kuala Lumpur City Hall and “However, with the current situ- stopping where the homeless were the police to provide food and es- ation, few of us could still provide to distribute food and essentials. sentials for the homeless. them food and essentials on a daily The woman, who wanted to They make their rounds in front basis,” she said. be known only as Leen, said she of City Hall’s Anjung Singgah On Monday, Mar 23, the au- found out about the situation from YKN centre for an hour every thorities told her that she could no her friends. morning. longer distribute food at Anjung “I know that we are supposed to Sr Fatima and her volunteers Singgah but could do so at the adhere to the MCO, but I am wor- from the Samaritan Hope Home Homeless Transit Centre in Jalan ried about the homeless. are well known among the home- Pahang, located a few kilometres “Together with a few friends, we less here. away. Sister Fatima distributing food to the homeless in Kuala Lumpur. (NST pooled whatever money we had “I was formerly with the Little “We will adhere to the latest in- photo/Aizuddin Saad) and got another friend to cook and Sisters of the Poor in Cheras, but structions as the local authorities she said. “It is sad to see them out in the prepare the meals. then I realised I had to help those have been very kind, allowing us Meanwhile, mamak eatery oper- streets with nowhere to go. “Some of us will go out and dis- who live on the streets here. to continue operating. ator Jamal Mohamad, 62, is all too “Usually, a kind-hearted person tribute them,” she said, adding that “Sadly, Covid-19 has hit our “I pray and hope that more Ma- familiar with the homeless who will enter the restaurant and order she had been doing this the past country hard, and the MCO has laysians can and will do whatever usually seek refuge and congregate up to 100 packs of food and min- few days. — By Azdee Amir, NST made it difficult for the -home they can to help the less fortunate,” in the area around his shop. eral water bottles for them. Eighty thousand face shields, 1,000 meals Subang Jaya Sikh temple prepares food for the needy for frontliners: Tzu Chi Foundation PETALING JAYA: A Sikh Gur- since this initiative was launched dwara in SS13, Subang Jaya, has last Saturday.” opened its doors to the needy com- Amanjeet said that their target continues to aid in Covid-19 crisis munities, by preparing healthy groups are the “elderly and disa- KUALA LUMPUR: The Tzu Chi meals during the restricted move- bled who are unable to buy them- KL and Selangor volunteers have ment order (MCO). selves meals.” produced more than 80,000 DIY face According to a Facebook post by He also said that the food is shields for 24 hospitals and more SJ Echo, devotees run the prepara- cooked by three chefs in the kitch- than 900 clinics around Malaysia in tion of meals and deliver them to en and consists of a lunch meal — the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. the needy communities from all chapati, rice, a vegetable dish and The non-governmental organisa- races within Subang Jaya and Pet- dhal. tion has also distributed 30 used hos- aling Jaya. “The meals are prepared at about pital beds to Sungai Buloh Hospital, Simple phone interviews are con- ten in the morning, and are deliv- with an additional 14 more to be de- ducted to confirm the eligibility of ered to the doorsteps of the recipi- livered in the next couple of days, to the recipients before the orders are ents from 12noon to 12.30pm by accommodate the growing numbers taken into the kitchen. our volunteers. of patients. Coordinator of this food initia- “People from all walks of life The Tzu Chi Foundation, in a tive programme, Amanjeet Singh, have contributed generously to this press statement, said it has also pro- said that this initiative sprang into initiative although we did not ask vided 100 packs of vegetarian meals action because of a youngster who for donations.” that were sent to Sungai Buloh Hos- Thirty hospital beds were picked up from KL Tzu-Chi Jing Si Hall by a truck told the gurdwara members about Amanjeet meanwhile said that pital and Klang Hospital on a daily sent by the hospital. (MalayMail photo/Tzu Chi Foundation) helping the needy communities. strict food hygiene practices are basis. of the Movement Control Order during the MCO their parents can- “The committee then set-up this observed while the food is being Up until now, they have provided (MCO) extension. not go to work and earn money, so initiative, more volunteers came prepared such as maintaining social more than 1,000 packs of vegetarian Tzu Chi Foundation, which has they’ve no food left,” said the Tzu into the scene, and we began re- distancing and using face masks meals for medical personnel. been a partner at the United Na- Chi KL and Selangor Refugee Af- ceiving an overwhelming response and gloves. The foundation is also aiming to tions High Commission for Refu- fairs deputy head, Chan Bee Peng. of food orders from members of the To know more about this ini- provide medical equipment and sup- gees (UNHCR), has supported more Tzu Chi Foundation, however, community. tiative, contact Amanjeet at plies to other hospitals. than 1,000 households including the was trying to get approval to send “For today, we received 62 or- 0193203854. — By Anne Grace Besides that, Tzu Chi volunteers families of students from Tzu Chi in supplies whenever it was needed ders and that’s the highest number Savitha, Malaymail.com have also initiated emergency re- Refugee School. after the recent announcement by lief of daily supplies to families and “Students from 40 households Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail refugees who need the items in light face food shortage issues because Sabri Yaakob that NGOs are not to distribute aid independently and were ordered to send their food do- nations via the Welfare Department for redistribution. The Taiwanese non-profit Bud- dhist organisation has been giving continuous support in combating the Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. For those who are interested in donating towards Tzu Chi Covid-19 response work, please go to https:// www.tzuchi.my/en/donate-covid19 for more information. — By Arif The cooks preparing meals to be packed for the needy in Subang Jaya. Zikri, Malaymail.com Tzu Chi sent DIY face shields to clinics. (MalayMail photo/Tzu Chi Foundation) (MalayMail photo/Amanjeet Singh) HERALD April 5, 2020 Children 15 LittleLittle CCatholicsatholics’ CCornerorner

Dear children, and celebrate Holy Week. This is be- Children, use this time to pray, fast cause of the Covid-19 pandemic which and read the especially the Holy We are entering Holy Week. This is the has caused so many people to fall sick Week readings. And don’t forget to ask most important week in the whole year. and die all over the world. We have to God’s intervention to curb the Covid-19 Holy Week has Holy Thursday, Good Fri- stay at home as announced by our Prime pandemic — pray for those who are in- day and Holy Saturday. On these days Minister. fected by Coronavirus and for the safety we remember and celebrate the most Even though we can't go to church and of the frontline professionals. important actions of Jesus before His celebrate this Holy Week, we still can Stay safe everyone and wash your resurrection on Easter Sunday. watch the live broadcast from various hands! But this year, we can't go to church parishes. Aunty Eliz

Last Supper Spot the Differences Compare the picture on the top with the picture on

bottom. Circle the 15 things that are different. Answer: This is my Blood of the New Covenant which will be shed for many. many. for shed be will which Covenant New the of Blood my is This Answer:

Follow Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem. HERALD

Social BEC Communication (1976) (1996)

Dialogue Formation (1976) (1976) INTEGRAL EVANGELISATION Poor Unity (1976) (1976)

Family (1996) Youth (1986) YYOOUTHUTH April 5, 2020 Greta Thunberg calls for digital climate stri es amid coronavirus TOCKHOLM, Sweden: climate strikers to potentially avoid pub- Once again, she’s lis- lic gatherings where necessary, and take efforts online. tening to the science. S In a tweet thread, Thunberg explained As precautions are being taken around her reasoning for this: the world to curb the spread of the coro- “We can’t solve a crisis without treat- navirus outbreak, Greta Thunberg has ing it as a crisis and we must unite be- urged her followers to take part in digital hind experts and science. This of course climate strikes. goes for all crises,” Thunberg said in common society.” Within the global climate strike net- her tweet. “Now the experts urge us to Thunberg went on to stress the impor- This month, we can’t work, the concept of a digital strike was avoid big public gatherings for a better tance and urgency of the climate crisis TAKE IT TO THE STREETS used previously, during the notable Sep- chance to #flattenthecurve and slow the while acknowledging that the spread tember 2019 strikes, in order for web- spreading of the Coronavirus.” We listen to the science, and right of COVID-19, the official term for the now the science says the mass sites and companies (or anyone with an She then continued: “So I personally disease caused by the coronavirus, gatherings will cause harm. online presence) to support those march- recommend that we do as the experts will force those striking to establish new But that won’t stop us striking. ing in the streets. Additionally, individual say. Especially in high-risk areas. We The climate emergency is the ways of spreading their message that strikers unable to take to the streets have young people are the least affected by biggest crisis we have ever faced, don’t involve big crowds. it won’t wait until after Covid-19 is already used digital striking tools in the this virus but it’s essential that we act in “The climate and ecological crisis dealt with – so we can’t either. past. solidarity with the most vulnerable and is the biggest crisis humanity has ever Now, Thunberg is directly calling on that we act in the best interests of our That’s why, this month we’re going to faced but for now (of course depending TAKE IT ONLINE on where you live) we’ll have to find new Join us using ways to create public awareness and #ClimateStrikesOnline advocate for change that don’t involve big crowds - listen to local authorities,” Thunberg tweeted. HOW TO JOIN THE Thunberg then outlined some potential #CLIMATESTRIKEONLINE ways to continue driving public aware- Step one: ness digitally. She encouraged those Take a picture of yourself holding striking to join the digital strike by posting your climate strike sign. You a photo with their signs, as is common can be alone or with friends or relatives, at home or during Fridays for Future strikes, and us- outside, whatever is ing the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline. safe and comfortable Thunberg also tweeted words of en- for you. couragement: “So keep your numbers Step two: low but your spirits high and let’s take it Post your picture one week at a time.” — By Natasha online using Twenty-five youth activists from across the globe join a digital student climate strike as part of #ClimateStrikeOnline the Fridays for Future movement on March 20, 2020. (NCR photo/Dylan Hamilton) Piñon, Mashable HERALD April 5, 2020 Youth 17 Journeying Youths of OLL Klang Towards ‘Gather’ to Pray Easter with ASAYO KL despite Movement Control Order KLANG: “Find new ways to spread the Word of God to every corner of the world” – Pope Francis. Even a nationwide stay-at-home or- der could not prevent the youths of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLL) from ‘gathering’ to pray and worship as one community. When the said order was issued, the OLL Youth Ministry (OL- LYM) turned to social media as an avenue to not only stay connected with others, but also to cultivate the culture of prayer and evangelisation in the hearts of young peo- ple. On March 21, OLLYM launched an online campaign titled ‘#bethankful’ via KUALA LUMPUR: The current climate in the OLL youths share their stories through OLL Youth Ministry’s Instagram page. their Instagram page (@oll.y.m). This world caused by this pandemic has forced campaign is aimed at lifting up each ety and fear amongst those who are men- family-like relationship among the youths us to get creative in connecting with one other’s faith during these trying times by tally vulnerable. With such encourage- in this parish, who each are deep-rooted in another. sharing the blessings that they are thank- ment, many who are suffering in silence their love and thirst for God. As the saying Without a doubt, the internet shines in all its ful for. Many parishioners, young and or hopelessness will now possibly find goes, ‘a family that prays together, stays glory at this time, as we seek to utilize its vari- the not so young, participated by post- solace, and thus, be happier individuals together’, and so we knew that we had to ous platforms to bridge the #socialdistanc- ing an image or a note, with the hashtag in the process”. The posts under the ban- find a way to continue praying together ing gap. Especially unusual for us Catholics #bethankful. The posts are then reposted ner of this campaign has garnered over in this time of home-confinement.” Daily during this time would be the celebrating of and shared in OLLYM’s Instagram page. one thousand likes cumulatively and still prayers are also posted every morning Holy Week at home. Parishioner Bernadette Anne Fer- counting. for reflection by the young people before The idea of it sounds foreign and perhaps nandez, also the confirmation catechist, The OLLYM also live streams ses- starting their day. disconnected from ‘Church’. Therefore, rec- commended the OLLYM team for the sions of Praise & Worship, Thanksgiving The youths of OLL then joined the ognising that the longing for human touch campaign noting, “evoking a sense of prayers and also the Way of the Cross con- Bingo bandwagon on Instagram, a cur- and connection becomes all the more ap- gratitude in people has been proven to ducted by the youths from their respective rent trend among teenagers, by complet- parent now, #berjalanmenujupaskah is all scientifically rewire neural pathways in homes, via YouTube and Instagram Live. ing the ‘OLL Sunday School’ Bingo game about journeying together with other young the brain, especially, when it comes to The youth leader, Edwin Sawari said, “We on their profiles. OLLYM also hosted a people towards Easter as we reflect on the regulating certain emotions such as anxi- are extremely blessed to have a tightly knit ‘24-hour Ask Us Anything’ on their page, message of His Holiness, Pope Francis for the where they answered the doubts and que- 35th World Youth Day 2020. ries of the youths with humour, wit and We invite you, dear young people, to share most importantly, the Word of God. your reflections as we highlight different sec- OLLYM Advisor Damian Prakash, tions of the MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS, POPE who is also the PPC Chairman said that FRANCIS FOR THE 35th WORLD YOUTH DAY this way of social-media evangelisation is 2020. surely a way forward in engaging with the “Young man, I say to you, arise!" (Lk 7:14) young people especially the ones living on the periphery of their faith life. Many young people have been practising “social So, let’s all come together! distancing” when it comes to Church and Just post your sharings on Insta stories faith, and we hope and pray this initiative and tag us @asayo_kuala_lumpur by OLLYM will reawaken and rekindle and #berjalanmenujupaskah. their faith. — OLL Youth Ministry We would love to hear from you! Indonesian bishop calls on youths to help virus-hit poor JAKARTA, Indonesia: The head of the com- With creativity, young people can become mission for youth at the Indonesian Bishops’ leaders in this situation and can pass through Conference has issued “a letter of love” call- this critical time together.” ing on Catholic youths to be more creative Febrianti Christian, 25, from Jakarta, said in the fight against Covid-19. the bishop’s letter has encouraged her to do In the letter, Bishop Pius Riana Prapdi of more for people adversely affected by Cov- Ketapang in West Kalimantan province re- id-19. minded young people to observe the usual “I’ve been helping motorcycle taxi drivers protocols of staying at home, conducting by ordering food for them through a food meetings online and physical distancing. delivery application. Now I am thinking of “By doing so, you help medical workers something else to help others,” she said. to focus on their service to those who need For Merry Rosari Kurniawati Weo, 23, serious medical treatment,” he said. from Denpasar in Bali province, the bish- He also called on them to be more creative op’s letter helped spur her into action. in finding ways of helping others who are “As a member of a young people’s com- more vulnerable because of the virus. munity in my parish, I help others by sharing “Pay attention to your surroundings, do important information about self-protection whatever you can do to protect yourself as A member of Catholic organisation Pemuda Katolik distributes a face mask and hand sanitizer to a from the virus. I also help my parish’s team well as your family and use your means of street seller in front of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta at the weekend. (UCA News/Pemuda Katolik) in livestreaming Masses,” she said. communication to help others meet their er let someone feel ignored in this difficult to reflect again on what we have done for She also said Catholic youths in Denpasar needs. For example, get the elderly, the disa- time.” ourselves, our surroundings, the Church and Diocese have made containers for hand bled and poor people access to free meals,” Bishop Prapdi also urged Catholic youths the international community,” he said. washing from used plastic paint buckets and he said. to become “protagonists.” “It is time for you to do something for placed them in many locations in the city. ” Never leave someone unattended and nev- “In this critical time, let us stop for a while the world. Physical limit is not an obstacle. — By Katharina R. Lestari, ucanews.com HERALD April 5, 2020 23 Priests, nuns arrested for violating lockdown norms in Kerala MANAMTHAVADY: Police in Kerala on March way that was conducive for the transmission of 29, arrested two Catholic priests and eight others, the coronavirus, the police said. including two nuns, for conducting prayers with They were later released on bail. public participation violating lockdown norms to The police reached the seminary after some- contain the coronavirus pandemic. one alerted them about the Mass being conduct- The incident occurred at 8.00am at the minor ed with people’s participation. seminary of the Missionaries of Faith at Cheta- Police said that the ten will be charged under palam village in Wayanad district. the Epidemic Diseases Ordinance Act 2020. The Mass was offered by Fr Tom Jo- The arrests were made by the police team led seph and his assistant Fr Prince in the seminary by Mananthavady Circle Inspector M M Abdul chapel. Karim and Sub inspector C R Anil. Others present were Srs Santhosha Nithya and The congregation, Missionaries of Faith con- Mary John, seminarian Bro Santhosh and five gregation, was founded in Italy in 1981. It works students. in various parts of the world, including India They were booked under Section 269 (negli- where it was established in 1989. gence likely to spread infection) and 188 (diso- This is the third case of Catholic priests get- bedience to order duly promulgated by public ting arrested in Kerala for violating the social servant) of the Indian Penal Code. distancing norms during the coronavirus attack. They were accused of conducting prayers in a — Matters India Missionaries of Faith at Chetapalam village. Penang Diocese apologises for seminarians caught defying MCO GEORGE TOWN: The Roman Catholic Bishop Sebastian said the College Gener- He also said that the seminarians have 3(2) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diocese of Penang has expressed regret al Major Seminary is an institute of educa- adhered to the law and have taken seri- Diseases (Measures within Infected Local over the action of 24 seminarians who were tion for Catholic men aspiring to be Catho- ously the recommendations to stay at home Areas) Regulations 2020. caught flouting the Movement Control Or- lic priests in the country. including taking the necessary precautions On Tuesday (March 31), the suspects der (MCO). He said since the commencement of the required and remaining vigilant regarding were arrested by police after they were Bishop Sebastian Francis said the Church MCO that was imposed on March 18, all their health. found playing football at a field located understood the need to observe social dis- residing seminarians at College General On Thursday (April 2), the seminarians within the compound of the college. tancing in light of the Covid-19 pandemic have been strictly requested to be confined were sentenced to three months of commu- The arrests came following a tip-off by and remain at home under the MCO. within the grounds of the seminary with no nity service by a Magistrate’s Court here a resident of a nearby apartment who had “We apologise for such a turn of events,” access beyond the gates of College Gener- after pleading guilty to violating the MCO. taken a picture of them playing football. — he said in a statement on Thursday (April 2). al, in order to comply with the MCO. They were charged under Regulation The Star

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Download the Click To Pray updates now. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY April 5, 2020 Good Friday Holy Land collection moved to September due to coronavirus VATICAN: The Lenten Holy Land According to a press release Holy Land since 1974, when St Pope “Christian communities in the Custody of the Holy Land and other collection will be moved to Septem- from the Congregation for Eastern Paul VI established Good Friday as Holy Land, also exposed to the risk jurisdictions to be “able to continue ber this year because of the suspen- Churches April 2, for the year 2020, the ordinary day for it to be taken up of contagion and living in contexts their evangelical presence, in addi- sion of public Masses in many places Pope Francis approved moving the by parishes and bishops around the that are often already very tested, tion to maintaining schools and the in the world due to the coronavirus. collection to Sunday, Sept 13, since world. benefit every year from the generous welfare structures open to all citi- The collection is usually taken up many countries will not be holding The collection goes toward the solidarity of the faithful from all over zens for human education, peaceful in churches during Good Friday ser- public Good Friday services this year. maintenance and upkeep of the holy the world,” the April 2 release stated. coexistence and care, above all, for vices. Good Friday falls this year on The Holy See has overseen the sites as well as supporting the lives of The Holy Land collection, it con- the youngest and the poorest.” — By April 10. Church’s annual collection for the Christians in the Holy Land. tinued, helps the Franciscans of the Hannah Brockhaus, CNA Caritas Malaysia Amid coronavirus, the poor should be launches survey KUALA LUMPUR: Many Ma- laysians from the lower income group are facing urgent needs to released from ‘tomb’ of loans, debt provide food for their families. ROME: The coronavirus crisis is “Who will open our eyes to see he buried? Don’t worry. And he goes Their needs are expected to in- an opportunity for the wealthy, and signs of life when there are so many to the tomb and calls him out back crease with the extended MCO. wealthy countries, to forgive the debt signs of death? It is God, Jesus, to life.” Caritas Malaysia is launching a of poor persons and countries, the but we need faith. I think one good “My brothers and sisters, what are quick survey at https://forms.gle/ Prefect of the Congregation for the thing about this Covid-19 virus – I your tombs?” Cardinal Tagle asked. sPKzc5UXtbdBRkRU8. Evangelisation of Peoples preached say again with all sympathy to those “Where do we stench? Where do we Parishes or OHD/Organisations/ Sunday. who are grieving – but with the eyes smell?” Ministries in the Diocese who are “Where are the tombs of society of faith we see also life. Many of us After discussing debt forgive- providing any services to the pop- right now? Where are we lifeless?” think that if we pay the highest pre- ness, the cardinal likened spending ulation in need, are asked to fill out Cardinal Luis Tagle asked during mium of insurance? No. your insur- on armaments to a tomb: “Many a survey which takes no more than his homily in a Mass on March 29 at ance cannot ensure everlasting life.” countries spend so much for arms, three minutes. the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in “This virus is making us aware for weapons, for their national secu- Organisations/ministries just Rome, reflecting on Christ’s raising that all our successes and inventions, rity, can we stop wars please? Could need to fill in name: Organisation- Cardinal Luis Tagle of Lazarus to life. good as they are in themselves, do we stop producing weapons please? Ministry / Parish / and Diocese. “Where do we smell, where is our indebtedness could find life? Untie not guarantee life. So people are now Could we get out of that tomb and Organisations can include e.g. stench?” he continued. “There are them, release them,” he exhorted. turning to faith, to God,” the cardinal spend the money for real security? Catholic Businesspersons, SSVP, many people who are losing their Cardinal Tagle said that the day’s reflected. “Now we realize we don't have etc. jobs, especially the daily wage earn- Mass points to the fact that Christ Cardinal Tagle noted that Christ enough masks, when there are more This survey aims to understand ers. And that lack of resources and “will triumph over death.” went to Lazarus’ family “to express than enough bullets. We don't have and support the various efforts. the poverty that results could be one “Let me reflect on this part of the solidarity, sympathy, but beyond that, enough supplies of ventilators, but All information will be kept tomb right now of many poor peo- Gospel: this illness is not to end in Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus. we have millions of pesos, dollars, confidential. ple. Could those who can afford it go death, but is for the glory of God. Je- And in the creed, we say he went euros, spent on one plane that could A report will be compiled to to those tombs and release the poor sus said this when he had been told the place of the dead. This going to attack people. Could we have this every parish / diocese who partici- people who owe them money? Re- of the sickness of Lazarus … Can the tomb of Lazarus is a prefigura- permanent ceasefire, and in the name pates in this survey. lease them from their loans, release we say the same thing now? Can we tion of his own entry to the place of of the poor, let us release money for If there are any concerns, do them from their debts.” with Jesus say, this coronavirus pan- the dead. We even say he descended real security, education, housing, contact Charles Bertille at 017- “And we also appeal to rich coun- demic is not to end in death, but is for into hell, the place of the dead, in or- food?” 3671537. tries, at this moment — can you for- the glory of God? Even when we see der to restore life, communion with Cardinal Tagle exhorted: “Those The survey needs to be submit- give the debts of the poor countries, the growing number of dead people. God; the place of isolation becomes of us who have been living more ted by Wednesday, April 8. so that they can use their dwindling And we are in solidarity with those a place of communion.” than four days in the tombs of anger, resources to support their commu- who are grieving, grieving. But Je- Martha, he recalled, was embar- jealousy, lack of forgiveness, por out of that tomb, meet your friends, nities rather than to pay the interest sus is inviting us to faith.” rased to let Christ go to Lazarus’ favor, get out of that. And start talk- meet people and utter words of for- that you impose on poor countries? He recalled the resurrection of the tomb, saying there would be a ing, untie your mouth, not for gos- giveness, understanding. Untie your Could the coronavirus 19 crisis lead dead, prophesied by Ezekiel, and stench. sip but for a word of love, a word of heart, let it beat again. Let the heart to a jubilee, forgiveness of debt, so asked, “How do we find life in the “But Jesus can stand our stench. forgiveness. Time is short. We don’t of stone now be a heart of flesh, let it that those who are in the tombs of midst of signs of death?” Jesus says I can handle that; where is know how long life will last. So get live.” — CNA Dominican priest, microbiologist sees hope for possible coronavirus treatment MANILA, Philippines: In a recent read the paper, it was rigorous for for human use for certain diseases, to develop though we have acceler- blog post Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P., what it wanted to do, which is to be a Austriaco noted that it has not yet ap- ated development for the COVID-19 S.T.D, Ph.D., said he sees reason to pilot study. And it showed that HCQ proved HCQ for use in the treatment vaccine.” hope that the drug hydroxychloro- significantly shortened the time for of COVID-19, except in very limited “(T)he vaccine should hopefully quine could be used to treat the coro- the patient to clear (the) virus from his circumstances. be a one shot deal,” he added, as this navirus, or COVID-19. or her system.” However, “if the ongoing clinical coronavirus does not seem to mutate Austriaco is a professor of biology Another independent study from trial by WHO called SOLIDARITY as quickly as the flu does, thus neces- and theology at Providence College in a lab in China has shown that HCQ shows that HCQ and CQ are effective sitating yearly vaccinations. Providence, Rhode Island. He is cur- “can prevent viral reproduction in a in treating COVID-19, then the FDA In his post, Austriaco wrote that on rently on lockdown in the Philippines test tube,” Austriaco added, which is Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P will approve them for that use,” said the whole, he is “optimistic” about the with his mother during the coronavi- said is hopeful from a microbiology autoimmune diseases like lupus. So Austriaco. possible use of HCQ to treat corona- rus pandemic. perspective. we know that they are safe for most In his blog post, Austriaco noted virus. “As a molecular biologist, what is In an email, Fr Austriaco noted that people,” he said. However, he added, that he was also hopeful about HCQ “My primary hope is that we are so exciting for me about this claim both HCQ and a related drug, CQ, the prescription drugs “should only be because it is “very cheap and readily utilising the global power of human is that the clinical trial in France was have been used in humans to treat taken under the supervision of a phy- available.” ingenuity and tenacity to fight this pretty good, given the extreme cir- malaria “all over the world, including sician...because for some people, they As for the possibility of a vaccine pandemic,” he added. “With God’s cumstances,” Austriaco wrote. here in the Philippines.” can trigger harmful heart conditions.” for coronavirus, Austriaco said that grace, we will prevail.” — By Mary “Yes, it was a small trial, but if you “They have also been used to treat While the FDA has approved HCQ vaccines “usually take 12-18 months Farrow, CNA