tel aviv men loving magazine

Tel Aviv's Complete Pride Guide YOUR DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO THE BEST PARTIES, RESTAURANTS AND EVENTS welcome to tel aviv Welcome to Tel Aviv! We, your the things that make a truly great the week. To boot, within very short hosts, the Tel Avivians, are both world city. we’ve got wonderful distances, you can find yourself happy and proud to have you here! food and drink, a truly fantastic downing shots in a real dive with That you’ve decided to come visit arts scene, fabulous shopping (and dykes, dancing on the bar with a our friendly shores means that our no, it’s not just Louis Vuitton and granny, getting busy in a darkroom, secret’s out (that’s fine – we love to Gucci – instead, check out our or falling out of a world class club share!(: Tel Aviv is really one of the unique local brands!), UNESCO- at midday (courtesy of our very world’s top gay cities, both for us protected architecture, complicated relaxed licensing laws…) citizens and for you visitors. Sure, (but cool…) locals - and the weather, So come join us; at the beach not all is rosy – but boy, a whole lot well, that comes for free… (Hilton Pride Beach will be at its of it is… Now, one of the things for which hottest...), in the bars, in the clubs Many of us come from elsewhere we, rightfully, have become known, or on the streets – we love to make in the world; you will be surprised is our nightlife; and we’d like to new friends. that all that Spanish, Russian, put your stamina to the test this And don’t be intimidated if we seem Portuguese, French and English week, because Tel Avivians know a little standoffish; as you may have you hear on the streets as you walk how to party – and, unlike in many heard, many Israelis are like a “sabra”, about are not just words spoken by other main gay party capitals, one or, in English, a “cactus”, we may your fellow visitors during Pride of the best things about Tel Aviv’s seem tenacious, rough and thorny, but Week; no - we come from across infamous tiles is that we ALL love give it a shot, and you’ll soon discover the globe, and we like to think that to go out; old and young, queer and our sweet, softer interiors... we’ve brought with us many of straight – and we do it any time of

Taken from PUMA fashion production / Photo: Eitan Tal

Publisher: DAVID & JONATHAN MARKETING LTD | Eli Gaiger, Sigal Ramati, Shai Doitsh | CEO: Avi Buskila | Editor FOD: Dvir Bar | Pride Guide Editor: Jonas West Eilersen | Magazine Production Manager: Lior Ariav / Desk: 27 Shoken st. Tel Aviv. 66532 | +972-3-5376669 | [email protected] | For Advertising & Collaboretions: [email protected] | PR: Ron Levin | Design & Graphic editing: Lee & Tamar studio | Printed BY: Hauser Print | All Rights Reserved: David & Jonathan Marketing LTD June 2013 Cover: Ori Avrahami / Photo: Eitan Bernat / Styling: Shalev Lavan / Hair & Make-up: Shiran Friedland / Photo on this page: Eitan Tal Tel Aviv Pride is one of the city’s, and indeed Israel’s, essential summer events, and the Pride festivities and cultural activities are fully supported – both morally and financially - by local government. Tel Aviv Pride is not just an LGBT event; Israelis throughout the country (and even from abroad) are flocking to the city during Pride Week, joining tens of thousands of international visitors. In fact, by taking part in Tel Aviv Pride, you’re celebrating the biggest LGBT event in the Middle East. Obviously, the less accommodating attitude towards LGBT, which is experienced in most of our neighbouring countries, means that it’s a long way from Tel Aviv to the next major LGBT event. However, even by international standards, ”our Pride” is making waves – and we hope you’ll enjoy both the parade, the cultural events and the beach party; the latter is the biggest of its kind anywhere in the world. Tel Aviv Pride

Photo: Eitan Bernat f/o/d magazinE & d izEngof CEntEr prEsEnt:


/ photography Exhibition / Curator: gal applE

opEning gala E vEnt / tuEsday/28.05.2013//20:00 / dizEngof CEntEr, floor: -1 / frEE EntranCE photo by r on K E dmi Exhibition opEn sunday-thursday 10:00-22:00 / friday 10:00-17:00 / saturday 20:30-22:00 Tuesday / 28.5 schedule / 28.5-5.6 F/O/D Magazine Gala Event Saturday / 1.6 Monday / 3.6 Revealing of a new photo GLITTER PRIDE ALCOHOLIC shoot gallery for the Pride Saturday nights GLITTER - DJ Daniel Mariuma & Eva Stiletto Week from the past year in the opening the pride week with the invite you to an ALCOHOLIC magazine. Best event to start the famous pop&trash music evening BASH all night long / Evita / 31 celebrations with / Dizengoff by Daniel Katzengold & Ziona Yavne St. / 22:30 / Free Center Gallery / Floor -1 / Patriot / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 20:00 / Free 22:30 / Free Drink as much as you can Fresh music and exposure of Meeting Point @ Brown Hotel Roof Blond CHONG Shpagat’s new art window / / Every night during pride week / Britney spears, Christina, Lady Shpagat / 43 Nahalat Binyamin 25 Kalisher St. / 2.6-9.6 / 20:00 Gaga and all of their friends in one St. / 21:00 / Free / Free very blond night! DJ Adi Dgani the resident will host special guest Show Girls Friday / 31.5 and a drag show! 19:00-22:00 1+1 Drag night and a party! Drag queen PRIDE FUNTASTICO on the bar. 18+ / Apolo TLV / Mary.D.Fich & Ms. Duvdevan in The queens of TLV nightlife, K-long 46 Allenby St. / Free till 22:00, a special show and after that DJ & OSH*REE on a “Grease” night 30NIS Angelino Loren. 1+1 on the bar till with stage performances and the 22:00 / Apolo TLV / 46 Allenby Funtastico boy’s sexercise show Shpagat’s Saturday St. / 19:00 / Free / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 22:30 / Special Queen of Shabbat Free ceremony / Shpagat / 43 Nahalat NOTORIOUS & LIMA LIMA Binyamin St. / 21:00 / Free OCD – TLV’s premier gay hip hop Forever Circuit night for the past seven years. Official Circuit festival Sunday / 2.6 Enjoy the inside dance floor & the Barcelona2013 pre party Tel Aviv Pride Party outside yard / OCD / 42 Lilinblum with Dj Tomer Maizner & Ivan Pride night for men 23+ with DJ St. / 22:00 / Entrance free Gomez / Block / 157 Salame St. / Angelino Loren and a guest DJ 00:00 / 80 NIS Jamie Mango (London). 1+1 on the bar till 22:00 / Apolo TLV / Tuesday / 4.6 BERLIN PARTY 46 Allenby St. / 19:00 / Free IT’S DRAG NIGHT men only 23+ with 4 bars, dance Evita’s Famous Drag Night, floor and a dark room. D.J. Eran EUROVISION NIGHT featuring the Divas Talula Bonet & Tubul. Till 22:00 1+1 on the bar. Pini Zilber & the Eurofalsh Ziona Patriot on a hilarious “stand- Men only 23+ / Apolo TLV / crew present the unforgettable drag” show with special guests / 46 Allenby St. / 19:00 / Free till Eurovision night with stage Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 22:30 / 22:00, 30 NIS performance of all the beloved Free songs / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / Donna Martin 22:30 / Free Live Music Show The Official Gay Pride Week A special live music show for Opening Party and the best way to Sunday Funday pride week from the Shpagat-Live start the celebrations / Comfort opening gay week with fun and high-class series / Shpagat / 43 13 / 13 Kompert / 00:00 / trash music / Shpagat / 43 Nahalat Binyamin St. / 21:00 / 50-70 NIS Nahalat Binyamin St. / 21:00 / Free Free schedule / 28.5-5.6

Tuesday / 4.6 Tel Aviv Party Oriental night with live show! DJ Daniel Bar. 1+1 on the bar till 22:00. 23+ / Apolo TLV / 46 Allenby St. / 19:00 / Free

Meatball Manonly dance and cruise night by BEEF. D.J. Elad Navon / Shclagsahne / 43 yehuda halevi st. 22:00 / 40 NIS + First Drink

Wedensday / 5.6 ELECTRONIC NIGHT A Special Underground electronic Night with JOYdjs, DJ SHLOMI LEVI with quality sounds / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 22:30 / Free

Women Party Celebrating pride in a big party with 4 leading female DJ’s / Shpagat / 43 Nahalat Binyamin St. / 20:00 / Free

Opening the Summer The Dreck party opens the summer with a huge party in the best venue of the city - DJ Dalit Rechester will play the best hits in a crazy atmosphere / Dizzengof Club / Dizengoff Square / 22:30 / Free

Men’s Party Men 29+ only! DJ Angelino Loren and DJ Jamie Mango (London). Active dark room. 1+1 on the bar till 22:00 / Apolo TLV / 46 Allenby St. / 19:00 / Free

Meatball Man only dance and cruise night by BEEF. D.J. Ilan Leibovits / Shclagsahne / 43 yehuda halevi st. 22:00 / 40 NIS + First Drink

Photo: Eitan Bernat 6| 6| 2013 Thursday schedule La Demence @ Evita BEEF Jerky Evita TLV welcomes La Demance’s official pride opening party passengers in an all day long welcoming La Damence Cruise. cocktail party. GIFT with special Live kinky porn shows Hosting: treats / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / Ben Manson, Elad Navon, Sagi 15:00 / Free Kariv, Ilan Leibovits. Man only / Hangar 17 / 23:00 / 17 Ben Papa Party By Eliad Cohen Avigdor St. / 140 NIS The new international [arty that rocks the gay scene around the 1984 world. Isaac Escalante, Roberto Eurotrash & 80’s Kitsch Party - Barbero, Oliver Mohns / Comfort Nostalgic colorful 80’s night for Club / 13 Comfort St. / 22:00 / mix crowd. Multisexual 25+. Very 120 NIS happy atmosphere. Dj Tal Argaman & Dj Tsach Zimroni / Bootleg Famous Street Party Club / 48 King George St. / 60 The Shpagat’s famous street party NIS / 23:30 opens the pride weekend in a huge open-to-air party with 2 different Proud & Hard squares and 6 different fun DJs / Tel Aviv’s Hottest Underwear Shpagat / 43 Nahalat Binyamin Night!!! / BackRoom@ St. / 22:00 / Free SexyShop / 150 Dizengoff St. / Free under 24y/o, 50 NIS + first Cheesecake drink / 22:00-04:00 A delicious weekly night, attracting the coolest crowd in town and 3SOME featuring the latest in electronic Celebrating Pride and 3 years music from around the world | for Tel Aviv’s biggest party! A Breakfast Club / 6 Rothschild huge festive 3-floors: House, pop Av. / 23:00 / Free till midnight, and Middle Eastern music and 50 NIS. production with Israel’s biggest divas! Maya Simantov, Mital De Let’s Go Party Razon, Henree and Nikka, Dudi DJ Angelino Loren in a dance Sharon and Jewel / 12 HaShach and house music till morning. 1+1 St. / Hamosad / 60 NIS / 23:00 on the bar till 22:00 / Free till 22:00, 30 NIS / 46 Allenby St. / Arisa Middle Eastern Party Apolo TLV / 19:00 cheerful middle eastern music and live show / 60-80 NIS / 00:00

Photo: Eitan Bernat 7| 6| 2013 Friday schedule

Pride Parade The Drink Before BERLIN PARTY Gan-Meir, 22a Tchernichovsky Drinking and mingling before Men only 23+ with 4 bars, dance St. The week’s most unmissable the big parties / Shpagat / 43 floor and a dark room. DJ Rubi event! Nahalat Binyamin St. / 21:00 / Cohen. 1+1 on the bar till 22:00 Kick-off at 10:00 with Pride Free / Apolo TLV / 46 Allenby St. / Happening in Gan Meir, then, at 19:00 / Free till 22:00, 30 NIS 13:00, follow the crowds through Dreck @ The Block Tel Aviv’s packed streets - all The biggest pop party of the city in The Big Boys – Big Pride ending up at Europe’s biggest the most famous club - The Block. production Pride Beach Party at Gordon All of Dreck’s djs will play in 2 Theater club will be smashed by Beach (from 15:00) squares / Block / 157 Salame St. Dj Lior Gilboa’s dance and pop set! Amazing LED video show FUNTASTICO GENESIS with LIVE dance, drag and fashion The queens of TLV nightlife, K-long Since The Beginning of Mankind. performance on stage / Theater & OSH*REE on a “Grease” night FFF Gay Pride Main Event. Club / 10 Jerusalem Ave. with stage performances and the 12 hours of nonstop dancing / Funtastico boy’s sexercise show Haoman 17 / 88 Abarbanel St. / / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 22:30 / 160 NIS / 00:00 Free

Photo: Photo: Eran Levi 8| 6| 2013 Saturday schedule Please cum again CHONG What is your color? We Party Tel Aviv’s Hottest Underwear Your color = your status. Let The amazing international party Night!!! / BackRoom@ everyone know! DJ Adi Dgani and from Madrid invites you to try WE SexyShop / 150 Dizengoff St. / a guest! Special Drag Show. 1+1 on formula, Manuel De Viego, Sagi 22:00-04:00 / Free under 24y/o, the bar till 22:00 / Apolo TLV / Kariv, Gili.E / Block / 157 Salame 50 NIS + first drink 46 Allenby St. / 19:00 / Free till St. / 00:00 / 80 NIS 22:00, 30 NIS BEEF EXTREME The Day After Official pride morning glory party. Saturday nights GLITTER An afternoon drink and opens the The men only cruise & play pride closing the pride week with the gay film festival in a special event / party | Hosting Jack Chang, Elad famous pop&trash music evening Shpagat / 43 Nahalat Binyamin Navon / Brasco / 12 Hasharon by Daniel Katzengold & Ziona St. / 18:00 St. / 7:00 / 140 NIS Patriot / Evita / 31 Yavne St. / 22:30 / Free Euphoria Tel Aviv Pride Day Party Two floors of Pop and Eurovision Morning party with DJ Angelino Forever TLV party / Bipper / 28 Rothschild Loren / Apolo TLV / 46 Allenby Hula hula Pride T.Dance. This Blvd / 22:00 / 40 NIS St. / 11:00 / 30 NIS party is a must. Djs - Inside: Offer Nissim & Eliot. Outside: Tomer Maizner & Gili E, and more guests t.b.a / Haoman 17 / 88 Abarbanel St. / 15:00-01:00 / 180 NIS

Photo: Eitan Bernat Beyond tel Aviv

While most of us could happily Jerusalem is less than an hour a plethora of nature reserves, each spend a whole holiday in Tel Aviv, away by either bus, taxi or train, with unique wildlife and vegetation, enjoying the sights, the sounds and and destinations such as The Dead as well as lodging opportunities to the sea, it would be a shame not to Sea, Bethlehem or Acre only slightly suit any budget. venture further afield. further. So why not get out of the city for a Israel is much smaller than most However, despite its diminutive day or two and enjoy another side of people think, and it’s easy and safe size, it is still easy to find your own our beautiful country? to get around. private spot out there – Israel offers Photo: Eran Levi TEL AVIV GUIDE

culture | Orna & Ella / 33 Shenkin St. Old , visitors center / 03-620-4753 Kikar Kdumim Shulchan / 03-5184015 73 Rothschild Blvd. [email protected] 03-525-7171

Gay Community Center at / Juda / Meir Garden 177 Ben Yehuda St. 22 Tchernichovsky St. 03-544-6706 03-525-2896 Vicky Cristina / Pure (Gym) / The Station area of Neveh Tzedek 77 Ben Yehuda St. Tel Aviv Museum of Art / in Tel Aviv 27 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. 03-736-7272 Café Hillel / Suzanne Dellal Centre for 65 Rotchild Avenue Dance and Theatre / 03-528-8777 Bars & Clubs | 5 Yechiely Street, Neve Zedek Benedict / Evita / 29 Rothschild Avenue 31 Yavne St. Tel Aviv Performing Arts 03-686-8657 Center / Shpagat / 19 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. 43 Nahalat Binyamin St. Apolo / Body & Soul / 46 Allenby St.

TLV Sports Club (Gym) / Anna Loulou / 16 Ha’arba’a St. 1 Hapninim St., Jaffa Food / 17 / Suzana / Great Shape (Gym) / 17 Montefiore St. 9 Shabazi St. 68 Ibn Gvirol St. 03-517-7580

Joz & Loz / Holmes Place (Gym) / 51 Yehuda Halevi St. Holmes Place Dizengoff Center Beaches | 03-560-6385 50 Dizengoff St. (Dizengoff Center) Holmes Place Hayarkon Hilton Beach / 75 Hayarkon St. Gaash Beach / TEL AVIV GUIDE

Icon / 50 Dizengoff St. (Dizengoff Center) 03-620-6467 03-5282990 Parties / Renuar / FFF / 50 Dizengoff St. (Dizengoff Center) Ha’Oman 17 | 88 Abarbanel St. JB Jewelers / Fridays, 24:30 71 Even Gvirol (Gan Hair) 03-5235577 Forever Tel Aviv / The Block | 157 Shlomo St. Sexyshop / 150 Dizengoff St. BEEF Jerky / 03-5231796 Hangar 17 | 12 HaShach St. Castro / Dreck / Dizengof Center Wednesdays, 23:30 50 Dizengog Center Storage, 98 Dizingof st.

The Notorious GAY / Mondays, 22:30 OCD | 42 Lilienblum St. | 24+ ACCOMODATION /

Cheesecake / Brown Hotel / Thursdays, 23:00 25 Kalisher St. Breakfast Club / Milk 6 Rothschild Blvd. +972-(0)3-717-0200

Big boys / Artplus Hotel / Theater Club 35 Ben Yehuda St. 10 Yerushalaim Blvd., Jaffa | 29+ +972-(0)3-542-5555 Underwear Party / 150 Dizengof st. Ben Yehuda Apartments / 119 Ben Yehuda St. +972-(0)3-522-9393 Scan this code to get Tel Aviv FOD’s Map Shopping / Pink House / 17 Raban Gamliel St. Orlando Any-Wear / 45 Shenkin St. 10 must do’s 01| 05| The Old City of Jaffa Shopping - Dizengoff some 15 minutes north by taxi, The unification of Tel Aviv and Center and Azrieli Mall is perfect for sunbathing in the Jaffa in 1950 brought together These two inner-city shopping nude (and there’s action aplenty one of the world’s newest cities malls are packed with all the in the dunes…wink wink) with one of its oldest. You can brands you know - and some you easily spend a day wandering don’t. Like the rest of the city, these around the cobbled streets and shopping meccas are busy day 09| atmospheric alleyways, enjoying and night. Local clothes brands Dining in Tel Aviv street food, perusing galleries, are surprisingly affordable (and While you’re here, don’t miss and taking in the beautiful view much more chic than you’d think) dining out at one of the world- of the Mediterranean Sea. class restaurants Tel Aviv offers. Tel Aviv truly is the gastronomic capital of the Middle East 06| with a plethora of high-end 02| Clubbing eateries catering to any taste Let’s not beach around the bush - Tel Aviv at its quaintest, Neve Tel Aviv nightlife is nuts. despite Tzedek is the city’s first Jewish Tel Aviv having less than half neighbourhood, and is packed a million inhabitants, the bars 10| with elegantly restored mansions, and clubs here are absolutely Tel Aviv Port and Jaffa Port cafes and chichi boutiques heaving; take your pick! The now much-loved Namal Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv Port) is packed to the rafters on weekends, and it’s easy to see why, now that the 03| 07| area has been gentrified to a high Rothschild Blvd. HaTachana standard, without losing its sense : the the Hebrew name for the old of place. The same can be said for closest Tel Aviv gets to Champs- Jaffa railway station. this area the recent gentrification of Jaffa Élysées. The city’s parade street has recently been transformed Port. Plenty of eating places and is busy at any time, day or night; into one of Tel Aviv’s trendiest shops make for a perfect day out gorgeous colonial buildings, spots, located next to Neve Tzedek. fancy restaurants and busy HaTachana has a selection of cafes, business bees…you get the drift restaurants and boutique fashion shops 04| The 08| Possibly the closest Tel Aviv properly Hilton and Ga’ash beach gets to a real Middle Eastern souk The two Primary gay beach or bazaar, the Carmel Market is hangouts; Hilton Beach is the where true Tel Avivis pick up their flashy, fun and happening strip groceries. From fresh fish to a new of sand aptly situated beneath fridge; you name it, they’ve got it the Tel Aviv Hilton. Ga’ash, Conversation Guide

Everyday Hi / Hello Shalom See you later / Bye le’hitraot / Bye Good morning Boker tov Good night Layla tov Yes | No Ken | Lo Please Be’vakasha Thank you / Thanks Toda What time is it? Ma ha’sha’aa? How is it going? Ma inyannim / Ma nishma? Good Tov Taxi meter Mo-ne’ Street Rehov Right | Left Yamina | Smolla Hungry I’m hungry ani ra’ev Breakfast Aroohat boker Lunch Aroohat tsaharaim Dinner Aroohat erev Restaurant Mis’ada Drink (non-alcoholic) Shtiya Delicious Ta’im Spicy Harif Hot | Cold Ham | Kar Sexy Homosexual Homo / Gay Top | Bottom Activi | Pasivi Feminine Nashi / kookitsa Hung Metsooyad Handsome Yafe/Na-e’ Cute Hamood Safe sex Sex moogan Dick Zain Blow job Metsitsa Anal sex Hadira Ass Tusik / Tahat Cumming Gmira In the closet Ba’aron Party Party Mesiba Night Club Mo’adon Cheers! Le’haim! Restrooms / Toilets She’rootim A Joint | Drugs Joint | Samim Man / Dude Gever Drunk | Wasted Shikor | Mastool What’s your name? Eikh kor’im lecha?

Photo: Ziv Sade