40386 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 28, 2021 / Proposed Rules of the local flight standards district office/ West Building Ground Floor, Room by submitting such written data, views, certificate holding district office. W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, or arguments, as they may desire. (i) Related Information Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) Comments that provide the factual basis (1) For more information about this AD 366–9826, or (800) 647–5527. You must supporting the views and suggestions contact Mike Kiesov, Aviation Safety identify FAA Docket No. FAA–2021– presented are particularly helpful in Engineer, General Aviation & Rotorcraft 0590/Airspace Docket No. 21–AWP–43, developing reasoned regulatory Section, International Validation Branch, at the beginning of your comments. You decisions on the proposal. Comments FAA, 901 Locust, Room 301, Kansas City, may also submit comments through the are specifically invited on the overall MO 64106; phone: (816) 329–4144; fax: (816) internet at https://www.regulations.gov. regulatory, aeronautical, economic, 329–4090; email:
[email protected]. You may review the public docket environmental, and energy-related (2) Refer to Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) containing the proposal, any comments aspects of the proposal. of New Zealand AD No. DCA/750XL/34, received, and any final disposition in Communications should identify both effective date February 7, 2019, for more docket numbers and be submitted in information. You may examine the CAA AD person in the Dockets Office between in the AD docket at https:// 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday triplicate to the address listed above.