January/February 2015 Issue 63


We may be a bit late but we’d like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year despite January having disappeared already. We certainly have a news filled month for you, from attempted robbery at the Post Office, to petitions against speeding , a defibrillator in the village and Honours for one of our residents, so without more ado we’ll get on with it ……………..


We were very pleased to receive this article from Pat Thrower concerning her husband Keith. Congratulations Keith we hope you are very proud to receive this honour and we would like to send you best wishes on behalf of the village

My husband Mr Keith Thrower and I have been residents in Dunton for nearly 47 years now, so numerous people will know Keith. He has been recognised in the 2015 new years honours list published yesterday 31st Dec. He has been awarded the Queens Ambulance Medal for 50 years of distinguished service (and still doing so). Only 4 of these are given in each year. During these years, as you can imagine, he has faced many dangerous situations, dealt with every conceivable accident/incident and saved many lives in the process. It is therefore gratifying that the Queen has graciously awarded Keith this honour. I think he stands for all those unsung heroes who go about their daily work and lives in a self-effacing , modest way without fuss and without courting attention. Keith has been lucky to work with colleagues who with few exceptions are ambassadors for honourable and ethical practice (carried out with good humour, empathy and skill) - Pat Thrower


The quick action taken by Elaine and Phillipa foiled the attempted armed robbery at the Post Office. There is no update on the apprehension of the perpetrator but thank goodness that neither of the ladies were hurt. It appears that there has been a spate of robberies in the area.

DUNTON BASSETT PRIMARY SCHOOL We are currently working with the Local Authority to try and find ways to cut down on the traffic congestion and parking problems experienced around the school. Over the next couple of terms we will be taking part in various Local Authority initiatives which are all designed to encourage children to walk, cycle and scooter to school. We hope that this will improve road safety for all as well as reducing the number of cars outside the school at the beginning and end of the day. The school council and our road safety officers, all pupils at the school, will be taking a very active role in this and should be meeting with the local authority soon to discuss the first project. We are very much looking forward to starting this project. Jo Blackburn Head Teacher

POLICE REPORT We have just entered the new year and this seems an appropriate point to review a year in reported crime for Dunton Bassett. In 2014 we saw 4 assaults reported, 3 outbuilding burglaries, 1 robbery, 2 thefts, 3 thefts from motor vehicle, 1 damage to motor vehicle, 1 vehicle stop and search, and 6 non crime reports concerning welfare and other issues. The theme that emerges is that your car is likely to be linked to the crime you experience. This is why we give out standard advice not to leave valuables on display in your car overnight, or leave your vehicle unattended in the morning with the engine running defrosting. A car is best parked in your driveway if at all possible. I appreciate not every crime is always reported. The more serious offences such as burglary dwelling are likely close to 100% reporting, other offences such as certain categories of damage probably have a reporting rate below 100%. The overall figures are certainly not high, but if you do not have an outbuilding, and do not leave items on display in your car, your probability of being victim to crime reduces even further.

Tim Harwood 6126


WRECKLESS SPEEDING IN DUNTON We are sure that all villagers are aware that there are people who drive through the village at worrying speeds – good luck to Kirsty and her campaign.

Today (19th December) just before 9am our beautiful, black cat Sooty was killed on Main Street, Dunton Bassett. Without going into detail, it is obvious to me the driver was doing more than 20mph.

I have seen numerous near misses with other cats around the village also. What happens if next time it's a child?

Something needs to be done to stop this. I am asking for any support, help or advise from other residents in getting traffic calming measures installed on Main Street and Coopers Lane - which are the roads being used as a rat run in my opinion.

I will be e-mailing Councillor Neil Bannister ([email protected]) to ask for his help and support within doing this.

Please, if you also believe that this is an important issue that needs addressing, then do get in touch with Kirsty on 07955783355 or Councillor Neil Bannister. Further to my previous e-mail, I would like to include now a link for residents of & visitors to Dunton Bassett to sign an e-petition to get traffic Calming Measures installed on both Main Street & Coopers Lane. http://politics.leics.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?Id=45

Please do include both the previous e-mail and this one in the January newsletter because if anything is to be done about speeding vehicles in Dunton Bassett, the County Council need a significant response by the end of January, when they will review my petition.

Thank You in advance Mrs K Stretton (27 Main Street)

N B It has been brought to my attention that people are struggling to sign this petition on tablets and mobile devices. Would you also mind mentioning in the newsletter that this is best done on a PC and also if they are struggling with the link it can be found by looking under e-petitions on the County Council website


Dunton Ward – Council

I hope you have had a good break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Sadly one of our resident’s Christmas was marred by a speeding car killing one of her family’s cats. Kirsty Stretton has used this tragedy as the spur to set up an e-petition with Leicestershire County Council asking for traffic calming measures in Dunton Bassett. I wholeheartedly support Kirsty in her efforts and would urge all who have not signed the e-petition to lend their support as well. The more residents that sign the petition the more the County Council will take notice. The link can be found on ePetition – Dunton Bassett traffic calming measures.

Harborough District Council’s Executive met recently to formally set the Council’s Budget for the financial year ahead. I am pleased to report that the budget for the Council will be such that Harborough will not be seeking any increase in the Council tax for 2015/2016. The Council have worked hard to avoid any increases in the Council tax for the last 4 years.

I am pleased to see that Shire Community Grants of up to £2500 are available from Leicestershire County Council. Funding will be available to those groups who wish to fund a project to establish or enhance a community service that will make a difference to local people and communities in Leicestershire. If you know of any such project and wish to find out more about these grants follow the link on the Harborough District Council website. The closing date for such applications will be the 15th February 2015. There isn’t much time left to get your bid in but it may make a big difference to your community group if you can make a successful bid.

I am always willing to help residents with matters of concern in the village. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any such concerns or views on Harborough District Council matters. I can be reached on 01455 554 779 or by email at [email protected]

Councillor Neil Bannister Dunton WardHarborough District Council26.01.2015 2

DUNTON ANYTHING GOES GROUP (AGE UK) Dunton Bassett Anything Goes Group,Meets on the 1st Monday of every month. (apart from Bank Holidays then it will be the 2nd Monday)

If you live in the village and would like to join us for a social afternoon, to build friendships, share hobbies/interests explore new activities or just to socialise locally.This is all about introducing the older village members back into village life! To interact, socialise and to reduce isolation and loneliness.

We also desperately need people willing to host, to open their home up for an afternoon once or twice a year! Please can you help? Contact Alison on 01455 557116

Our next meeting will be held on Monday 2nd February at Ann Fuchs home 2pm - 4pm Monday 13th April at Margaret Gimson Monday May 11th to be held in the Church

We need a venue for Monday March 2nd, can you help??

THE DUNTON BASSETT COMMUNITY DRAMA GROUP We were very sorry to receive the following message from Mo of the drama group – it would be a great shame to loose these theatre opportunities.

Due to lack of interest, half term and St Valentine`s Day the play "Kingfisher "on the 14th Feb in the village Hall is cancelled. Only 22 tickets have been sold, so it is not viable to go ahead.

Hopefully we will try again later in the year

Mo Black Dunton Bassett Community Drama Group.

DUNTON BASSETT COMMUNITY SINGERS This year, 2015, The Dunton Bassett Community Singers are celebrating their fifth birthday. The choir have weekly practices and enjoy ‘get togethers’ in the summer and winter. In addition they go carol singing through the village, sing at outside events and, last year, took part in Hope’s Community Choir Challenge at St. James the Greater.

Rehearsals begin on Wednesday 28th January at 7 pm at All Saints Church and we welcome newcomers who enjoy singing. There will be a concert in June. The date to be confirmed. Any queries please ring Ann Fuchs 01455 202370


The Parish Council met on 12 January. A well-attended meeting discussed the continuing problem of dog mess around the village and the efforts which will be made to deal with the culprits. Another concern was excessive speed of motorists which was brought into focus by the sad death of a pet cat recently. Although traffic calming measures were built about 10 years ago, the issue is still a problem and Main Street and Church Lane are used as a rat run to avoid possible delays at the traffic lights. In the last year, the Parish Council has bought a Vehicle Activated Sign which is shared with two other villages. The equipment records speed over the appropriate setting (30mph or 20mph according to location) but also counts the number of cars and the speed at which they are travelling. This data has shown the surprisingly high number of vehicles, particularly in Coopers Lane and the disappointingly high speeds. At the end of the present period of use the statistics will be collected and passed to the Police and to the County Council, as highway authority, with a request that the situation is reviewed again.


The Parish Council also discussed and agreed its budget for the financial year which starts on 1 April. This is a challenging time for local authorities and, whilst we are not ‘capped’ in the way hat Harborough District Council, the County Council and the Police Authority are, the Council agree an increase in line with government guidance of 2%. The particular challenges facing the Council are the care of equipment in the playground, some of which is nearing the end of its life and the purchase of two new pieces of equipment for climbing. We expect to spend just over £3,000 of which about £1,300 will come from a grant from the Windfarm Fund. The Parish Council also needs to provide for the cost of its share of the election expenses in May. We will also be extending our areas of grass cutting during 2015 when the County Council reduces the number of cuts from seven to five.

The Village Hall defibrillator went live on 19 January. This is not available for casual use, access is given by the ambulance service following a 999 call which must always be the first response to an incident. Our thanks go to the Village Hall committee for ‘hosting’ it. News just in is that we have been awarded a grant of £1,000 towards a second defibrillator.

Dunton Road Safety Alert The gritting lorry driver was unable to get through the village on 3 nights in December. This was due to cars parked in the way. He said the worst places were on Bennetts Hill near the pub, on the bend by the Village Hall and on The Mount near the school.

Please would you and your visitors park leaving enough room for the lorry to get through. Thank you for helping to keep the roads in our village safe.

Alex Mofford Chair of Dunton Bassett Parish Council


A very big thank you to Colin Hill for providing the excellent lights on the Christmas tree outside the village hall. They were splendid as ever and made the village very festive.

We did thank Richard & Gail Underwood for their wonderful trees before Christmas but another quick thank you is certainly deserved.


If anyone is keen to hold an event to support the Spinal Injury Charity please find all the info

“Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people rebuild lives after injury”

Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 15th May 2015

Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2015 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.

SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

In 2015 we want to make the batter matter and raise £40,000 from everyone holding suppers. Last year we raised £20,000 from the suppers.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord injury.


Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.

Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.

For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email [email protected] or visit www.siafishandchips.co.uk

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH UPDATE We are now enjoying the delights of winter with cold days and nights and some very frosty mornings. We must all be on our guard when walking about on slippery roads and footpaths, taking care not to fall and when driving take extreme caution when braking or turning, it is very easy to lose control of a vehicle and find ourselves in trouble.

Please also remember not to leave your vehicle on the driveway with the engine running as this will attract uninvited guests who will gladly seize the opportunity to drive it away, we have been lucky in Dunton lately with a very low crime wave and we want to keep it that way.

We have had comments from some observant and vigilant drivers who have actually noticed the Flashing Speed Sign in Main Street and Coopers Lane and we thank you for being careful drivers. The sign is there reminding us to slow down and help us to reduce accidents through our village. As a reminder the speed in Coopers Lane is 30 MPH and in Main Street is actually 20 MPH from the Junction of Coopers Lane all the way to the top of the Mount at the Junction of Little Lunnon and Lane and we ask drivers to please slow down, especially in the regions of the School at School times, likewise be considerate to home owners when stopping to drop of the kids at the School and do not block driveways thus preventing people from getting their cars out, this practice can be very annoying to people living near the School.

The Parish Council are getting complaints about irresponsible dog owners who allows their dogs to foul the footpaths, causing real problems for pedestrians and is very nasty and unhealthy for children, this is not only irresponsibly bad practice but is actually illegal, we urge all dog owners to please pick up their dogs droppings and take it home with them. If caught the fine can be very expensive.

Please also keep an eye on our senior citizens in cold weather and make sure they are keeping warm and managing to get their shopping done so that they can stay warm and comfortable.

NEWS FROM ALL SAINTS CHURCH Christmas wreaths have been placed on many of the graves and cremation plots by their families this Christmas. Some of which were removed prematurely by a person or persons unknown and without the authority of the church wardens and PCC and we apologise for any upset caused. It is now time, however, for these to be removed as we approach the season of Lent, leading up to Easter.

Please place your family wreath in the black recycling bin for disposal.

DUNTON BASSETT WI Dunton Bassett WI will resume their programme of talks and demos on Tuesday February 10. Elizabeth Robinson will entertain with an Evening of Laughter.

On 10th March, Wendy Chamberlain will show members and guests how to make a florist buttonhole.

Visitors are always welcome to attend the group’s meetings, the talks start at 8pm following a short business meeting.

LEIRE & DUNTON SCOUTS The Scouts have just got back from a fantastic winter camp in Hertfordshire. Along with Scouts from Cosby, L&D joined Scouts from all over the country at Tolmers campsite for their annual Fire & Ice camp. They did climbing, air rifle shooting, outdoor 5

laser tag, abseiling, jousting and archery, they went on a range of fairground rides such as dodgems and the waltzer, among many other activities. We had a little bit of snow on Saturday, and it was fairly cold (it dropped just below freezing overnight), but it’s nothing that L&D Scouts can’t cope with.

On Saturday 7th February, L&D Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will be performing their annual pantomime. This year it will be Puss In Boots. The performance starts at 6:00pm, and is at Village Hall. Please contact Ceri on the below number, or email [email protected] to reserve tickets.

Later in the year, we’re planning to camp on the north Norfolk coast over the May Day bank holiday weekend, and two groups of Scouts are busy planning their own camps.

If your son / daughter is between the ages of 10½ and 14 and would be interested in joining our ever-growing troop, give Ceri Sinfield a call on 0116 2338646 for more information.

Happy New Year from Leire and Dunton Cub Scouts....

This term the cubs will be rehearsing for the Group Pantomime which is taking place on Saturday 7th February at Broughton Astley Village Hall. They will also be working towards gaining their Scientist, Emergency Aid and Communicator badges (in addition to other activities) so it is anyone’s guess as to whether the village will be a more hazardous - or safer place to reside by Easter! At least they will be able to call for help if all else fails!

Some of you may have heard that I shall be standing down as Cub Scout Leader this year when my son moves up to Scouts. This will mean that we have a vacancy for Cub Scout Leader which will need to be filled for the pack to continue. The pack is very fortunate to have a strong leadership team, however it does need one overall leader to co-ordinate. This is not too arduous a task and can be combined with work and family life without too much difficulty. I am hoping that someone will come forward early in the year so that we can run the pack side by side for a couple of terms before handing over the reins.

If you know of anyone, or are willing to give up a couple of hours a week yourself, (or even to find more out as to what is involved) please get in touch. Many thank

Looking forward to a fun-packed, activity-filled 2015….Elizabeth Hope (Raksha) e-mail: [email protected]


We have had even more people than usual approach us about dog mess in the village as you can see from the contributions that have already been made. Dark mornings seem to exacerbate the problem but please be aware what your dog is doing both on and off the lead. The following was passed to us by a villager.


There seems to be an increase in the amount of dog mess left on the street s and grassy areas around the village. We blame the badly trained owners, not the dogs. Perhaps you aren’t bothered by dog mess walked into your house, why should other villagers have to clean up after your pet.


March 6th Women;s World Day of Prayer 10.00am, All Saints

JUNE Dunton Basset Community Singers All Saints Church

We would like to encourage people to submit articles, views or anything of interest you would like to share. Ideally this should be submitted by email, but if pen and ink is still your thing you can always pop it through our letterbox at 4 Main Street or call us on 01455 208064

The email address is [email protected] Please send all reports by March 21st 2015. Thanks for reading our newsletter – Editors Jacqui Vines & Jayne Thomson