Radar RadarBusters’ Busters & Countermeasures eBook

Copyright © 2007-2017 | Radar Roy Enterprises, LLC June, 2017 Edition

$39.95 Radar Roy’s Radar Detector eBook 2017


We launched our website RadarBusters.com just after retirement from law enforcement back in 1996.

We were the first to start sharing many of the tactics police used in law enforcement to catch you in the act of speeding in addition to providing expert guidance and the highest quality of countermeasures that actually worked.

Since that time, our family business has grown to become one of the largest and most trusted & respected resources for the tactics and products available for your defense against expensive speeding tickets!

Our goal is simple and to the point: To provide you with the most reliable and timely information available in the speed detection counter measurement community. No purchase necessary.

Why? Because happy customers are what feed my family.

Radar Roy’s Journey

At the age of 27 Roy joined the ranks of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in as a patrol deputy assigned to the Wickenburg area.

Shortly after this he became certified as a police radar instructor, teaching hundreds of police officers through the state of Arizona the art and science of enforcement.

Then in 1985 he was awarded his golden detective shield and assigned as an undercover officer in the Organized Bureau.

One of his earliest assignments was to be the SYSOP (system operator) of an undercover bulletin board targeting credit card scammers.

This one year undercover operation led to the arrest and conviction of 100’s of credit card fraudsters and also led to the arrest of a number of large scale drug traffickers.

Right after this assignment ended, Roy was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to the North West District.

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Then in 1994 the FBI contacted Roy relating that they would be hosting a computer conference in the Phoenix area and invited him to attend being that his computer bulletin board investigation was the first documented case they had on file where a police officer used a computer in a narcotics investigation.

It was during this conference that Roy’s life changed because it was the first time he heard anything about the Internet.

That following year Roy learned everything he could about the Internet and in 1996 retired and started his first company as a web developer, Wickenburg Web.

“Yes, everyone including my wife thought I was crazy, but I had a vision of developing a website where I could share my 20 years of experience as a law enforcement officer to help people just like you avoid getting caught in the act of speeding.”

We first started out reviewing the various speed counter measurement devices that were offered in the market place and published a number of articles on how to beat photo radar citations and how to beat your ticket in court.

Then in 1998 something unexpected happened.

Wired Magazine published a story in their magazine about a retired cop named Radar Roy who “joined the dark side” and our website RadarBusters.com.

Well as you can imagine RadarBusters began getting tons of phone calls and emails from people wanting suggestions on what products they should buy and where.

The “what” was easy, as we already had all that information, there “where” was the hard part.

There were a few other websites at the time selling radar detectors but in all honesty the stuff they were selling and their customer support stunk!

So we decided to take another risk and to do something no other online business was doing at that time and to focus on educating our clients first and only sell products we would use in our own vehicles.

Sure, there would be people that would read our reviews and go buy their stuff elsewhere.

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However we knew by focusing our attention on education and by providing the best customer service before, during, and after the sale, we would be successful.

A number of radar detectors and scramblers which had failed our testing and we refused to sell them as a consequence were from Michael Churchman and his company Rocky Mountain Radar (a very popular product in its day).

He had a much larger marketing budget than we had so during that time he was investing much of it into SEO (search engine optimization) and pay-per-click marketing.

So what began happening was people began buying his stuff that wouldn’t work and after they received a bunch of tickets did some further research and found our reviews documenting that the RMR stuff was innfective and came to us for assistance.

So we took another calculated risk knowing his stuff wouldn’t work as he advertised by a $50,000 reward for anyone, including Michael Churchman himself to show us one of the RMR products that worked as they advertised.

And again, something else unexpected happened, the national news media picked up on our challenge.

Before long 60-Minutes, American Journal, the FOX Network, CNBC, CBS Good Morning, the UPN Network and more began their investigative reports into Michael’s company.

But I’m going to be honest with you, being recognized by national media outlets as being “the worlds recognized expert in speeding ticket avoidance tactics and products” is what helped get the moniker “Radar Roy” on the map.

However, what matters to us more are the glowing testimonials and reviews that our customers send to us each and every day, here are some recent examples:

"I had a wonderful experience dealing with Roy of RadarBusters. First on the day of my purchase he stayed on the phone with me for close to 2 hour while I dealt with PayPal and when I finally made the purchase he gave me a gift and shipped my item the same day. " - Olufemi Fasanya - Grand Prairie, TX

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“Very impressed with Radar Roy and his website. I'm a noob to anti-detection, and the objective, scientific info given was eye-opening. And I suspect, money saving. Radar Roy saved me from wasting money on a Ghost detector...I was THIS close to ordering before I saw his scam-alert on them. Also was considering a Cobra...apparently another really bad idea. So I ordered the New Escort Passport. " Craig Riggs - Longwood, FL

Radar Roy. Really On the “Dark Side”?

There's a bit of clarification needed here.

Contained in that phrase is a subliminal suggestion that radar detectors are for people involved in The Great Race , or Gone in Sixty Seconds , or (shudder) real- world Grand Theft Auto .

In other words - scoff laws. People who like to speed, consistently and with knowledge and forethought, thumbing their collective noses at laws established for the greater good of the public at large.

This is simply not true.

Sure, there is such an element. And sure, they make up a portion of our customer base. And sure, we value them greatly. They are hobbyists, they are repeat customers. And we’re not their momma, it's not up to us to shift their attitudes.

But we’re here to do what we can to keep them safe and to insure that they have access to the very best countermeasures available, and for the best price.

Those folks represent about 2% of RadarBusters’ client base.

The other 98% are people who may, for example, have received citations because they let their speed drift up, found themselves doing 43 in that 40 zone, and then have it suddenly drop to 30 and...there he is, that unmistakable silhouette of a Motorcycle Officer off in the distance, stepping out of the shadows into your lane with his hand held up in that universal signal that says "You're going to be late for that meeting you were concentrating on...and it's going to be far worse than that when the smoke clears."

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In one just example, anyone who has to drive through Waldo, without a radar detector is either very brave or very foolish...depends on how what they’re doing when exiting that town. There are countless towns throughout the USA just like Waldo.

These are the vast majority of our clientele. Normal folks, not speed demons, regular people who have suffered the Human Condition and were forgetful for just a few seconds...resulting in literally years of financial punishment through their raised insurance rates, preceded by a Draconian .

They have learned that having a quality radar detector to remind them to set that cruise control, to back off a bit if their speed creeps more than 5 mph over the posted , to give them a cautionary *beep-da-beep* when they are actually being surveilled, is worth its weight in gold.

These are the people not only wanting to avoid the cruel pain of that traffic ticket, but also really, truly, want to stay safe on the roads. And recognize a radar detector as just another tool to accomplish that goal, just like that cruise control, just like the spare tire in their trunk.

96%. That's a lot, right?

Here is RadarBusters’ promise to you:

1. We are authorized dealers for all the products we offer on our website and NONE of them have been remanufactured nor are they counterfeit.

2. If you find another authorized dealer selling the same product on their website or on Amazon/eBay send us the link or call us and we’ll match their price and in some cases even beat it!

3. If you don’t like your product return it within 30 days for a full refund.

Our only request is to share your experiences good or bad with us and your friends and family (if good ☺).

Oh, and by the way, here is a discount code that you can use today that will shave up to 10% OFF on selected radar detectors or laser jammers priced above $275.

Discount Code: buyersguide-2017

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CHAPTER ONE – Many Choices ______12 CHAPTER TWO – History of Radar ______14 CHAPTER THREE – Police Mistakes ______24 CHAPTER FOUR – Legal Issues ______28 CHAPTER FIVE – Radar Detector Types ______30 CHAPTER SIX – Laser Enforcement ______33 CHAPTER SEVEN – Performance Is King ______38 CHAPTER EIGHT – Radar Detector Features ______43 CHAPTER NINE – Radar Scramblers Don’t Work! ______60 CHAPTER TEN – Bel vs. Escort vs. Valentine One ______63 CHAPTER ELEVEN – How To Mount Your Radar Detector Properly ____ 69 CHAPTER TWELVE – Photo Radar Enforcement ______71 CHAPTER THIRTEEN - Radar Detector Testing ______74 CHAPTER FOURTEEN – Consumer ! ______79 CHAPTER FIFTEEN – The Radar Detector Hall of Shame ______82 CHAPTER SIXTEEN – Radar Roy’s Top Radar Detector Picks ______85 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN – Closing ______87

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20 Years in Law Enforcement

In 1978, Roy joined the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Arizona as a deputy sheriff.

He became engaged in all areas of law enforcement, specializing in both narcotic and traffic enforcement. Twenty years later, he retired at the rank of Lieutenant.

Radar Roy, a Certified Expert!

Early in his career, Roy became certified as a traffic radar instructor and taught hundreds of police officers about the basic and advanced procedures of traffic enforcement.

Roy was also certified for over ten years by the State of Arizona as a Defensive Instructor.

Gizmo Lover

From the very beginning, Roy always had a fascination with electronic “gizmos.” Because of this fascination for all things electronic, I became licensed as a general amateur radar operator (KC7YCM) and became an official computer “geek.”

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Shortly after Roy’s retirement, his wife Margie and he launched the RadarBusters Web site as a medium to test various speed countermeasure devices, e.g., radar detectors, radar and laser jammers, and stealth coatings.

We also provided tips to motorists on how to avoid costly traffic tickets.

A few years later, we expanded our operation and began to sell only the devices that passed our rigorous testing standards and selected the ones that we would use in our own family vehicles.


Because of our dedication and enthusiasm and focusing on customer support, RadarBusters grew to be the largest and most trusted peed counter measurement web site in our industry, and I became regarded as an expert in speeding ticket avoidance tactics and products.

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As you’re reading through this guide, if you have any comments andor questions you’re welcome to contact us 24/7 by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us to speak with one of our countermeasure experts who can help you determine what’s best for your particular needs.

General Schwarzkopf of Radar Detectors

Roy has been interviewed and quoted by countless television and radio shows, as well as in numerous newspapers and has published several articles for industry leading automotive and motorcycle magazines.

The magazine, Mustang Enthusiast , wrote that Roy’s articles for the radar detector industry were the most educational and informative.

Luxury Exotics Auto magazine nicknamed Roy the “General Schwarzkopf of Radar Detectors.”

Become an Educated Consumer!

It is our intention with this guide to provide you with information and resources about radar detectors and the industry that you need to become an educated consumer and choose only the best products for your driving situations.

Why You Should Buy From RadarBusters

You may be shopping around for a product and one of your first considerations may be price.

However, if you solely make your buying decision based on price alone, you may find that you’re also supporting Chinese gangs and organized crime.

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How? Well if you go to the Alibaba website right now and type in Escort radar detectors, you’ll see a ton of listings from Chinese companies selling counterfeit Escort radar detectors.

Unscrupulous resellers buy these radar detectors by the container load and then resell them on Amazon and eBay as the real deal.

The problem has gotten so bad that Escort has a page on their website listing just a fraction of these resellers they have identified.

Because of this Escort, Beltronics, Radenso, Uniden, Blinder, Ontrack, and Veil have instituted a policy stating that unless you purchase your product from an authorized dealer, you will have no warranty, nor will you be able to download firmware updates for your product.

To help you determine if the dealer you’re purchasing your Escort detector is an authorized dealer you can click here now. We’ve learned that one dealer bestradardetectors.net has been de-authorized but they’re still promoting themselves as being authorized which is absolutely untrue. This outfit used to scam customers by selling Rocky Mountain Radar products for years when sites like ours were warning unsuspecting customers from buying bogus products. Bottom line, be very careful before making your purchase and watch out for really low advertised prices.

And if you go to this page on Escort’s website you will see we are listed as an authorized dealer.

If you do find a dealer advertising their products cheaper than we do on our website RadarBusters, send us the link and we’ll match that price and in some cases beat it.

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There are big detectors, small detectors, expensive detectors and cheap detectors. Some have LED displays, others have LCD’s, and the best have OLED’s. Some come with cords, some without, others mount on the dash, some behind the grill.

The choices are countless and can be confusing.

Radar Roy's Years of Experience

As a retired police officer, certified traffic radar instructor and being involved in the speed counter measure industry since 1996, Roy has had over 40 years’ experience.

Because of this we’re in the best position to helping you select the best product(s) for your investment and why we’re considered world recognized experts on speeding ticket avoidance tactics and products.

Our priority with this eBook and website is to help you select the best radar detector and/or laser jammer for your budget and also help you understand the many features that are a must in your selection.

What you MUST Know!

First, you must understand the purpose of a radar detector. Regardless of the manufacturers’ claims, it is to protect you from getting a deserved or undeserved speeding ticket from a police officer using a radar gun.

Regardless of the manufacturers’ sometimes-false claims, radar detectors are NOT very effective at all in protecting you against a police laser gun.

Also, new owners of detectors must understand that radar detectors are not “ cop car ” detectors.

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Just because you see a police car parked on the side of the road or driving behind you and your detector does not alert, does NOT mean that it is broken. Perhaps the officer doesn’t have a radar gun or if he does, perhaps it is turned off, or he is simply not using it at the moment.

Over 34 Million Tickets Issued Per Year!

Over 34 million radar speeding tickets are issued annually and one of them might be yours.

To begin, we first want to look at the history of radar and laser enforcement so you will have a better understanding of how radar and laser works.

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Fuzzbuster - First Radar Detector

When the national speed limit was artificially reduced beginning with the Arab Oil Embargo of the early 1970s, Dale Smith invented the first radar detector: the " FUZZBUSTER ."

The " FUZZBUSTER " became so popular that it became a synonym for all radar detectors. SNOOPER'S "SUPER SNOOPER " radar detector was released a short time later.

X Band

These early radar detectors were very primitive in their functions. They only had the ability to search for the X band, which was introduced in 1965 as the first radar-band used.

S Band

Its successor, the S band, took two fully trained officers to operate the first S band traffic radar system in Glastonbury, CT. Radar usage for speed enforcement got its biggest boost when the national 55 mph speed limit was initiated.


KUSTOM SIGNALS announced the first moving K band radar gun, the MR-7, in 1972, which was considered a seminal moment in the history of police radar.

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"Instant-On" and Ka Band

The "Instant-On" transmission trigger soon followed as an anti-radar detector feature. In the early 1990's, a third radar band, Ka, saw a gigantic leap as APPLIED CONCEPTS INC , ( STALKER RADAR ) introduced the first "digital" radar gun at 34.7 GHz.

Low Powered – Battery Operated Digital Radar Guns

Many of the new police radar guns being sold today are low powered, battery operated digital radar guns, which are able to measure a vehicle's speed based on a 12-inch travel distance rather than a 10 or 15 car length distance.

This enables the officer to target your car at a greater distance, sometimes as far as two miles away.

Because of this RADAR DETECTORS being sold today must be COMPLETLEY EFFECTIVE in protecting you against these types of technology.

Radar Detector Performance Testing

Several times a year we test the newest radar detectors against a wide arsenal of police radar guns, these tests include:

• Constant-on K and Ka-band testing • Instant-on K and Ka-band testing • Constant-on K and Ka-band hill and curve testing

We then compile the results from these tests, ranking the detectors into 5 categories.

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Detectors in the five-star category were found to have a detection range 8 times or more than a police K and Ka-band radar gun.

Detectors in four-star category were found to have detection range around 8 times the capture distance, but may not have as many useful features of the 5-star rated models.

Detectors in three-star category were found to have detection between 4 and 8 times the capture distance, which is good, but not exceptional like those of the higher rated detectors.

Detectors in two-star category were found to have detection 2 to 4 times the capture distance.

And then in last place the 1-star category detectors were at, or just above the capture distance.

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Constant On vs. Instant On – What’s the Difference?

Most police radar guns are designed to operate in two different modes, constant on and instant on.

Constant-on is when the officer will keep his radar detector on, transmitting a signal while driving or while stationary.

When using instant-on mode the officer will wait till he has a target vehicle in site and only then activate his radar gun in an ambush fashion.

Constant On Speeding Ticket Avoidance Tactics

Any radar detector in the two-star category and above will provide you ample time to slow down when your detector alerts when an officer is using constant on radar.

However there is one problem, the only thing you’re really detecting are “lazy” cops.

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Moving Radar – The Third Milestone

One of the most influential and threatening developments of police radar usage was the introduction of “moving radar,” that is radar that can be used while the office is driving. Moving radar is often used in conjunction with instant-on radar making potentially every encounter a lethal ambush. Police you quickly pull the trigger when you pass them around a bend or when they come up behind you.

Because of this you need to use a radar detector that not only has good sensitivity, but must also be able to quickly react to a detection. A radar detector that has good sensitivity, but is slow to response to I/O radar is less trustworthy than a detector that has less sensitivity but is very quick in reacting to I/O detections.

Instant-On & Moving Radar Speeding Ticket Avoidance Tactics

Most cops are not lazy as it’s their job to catch you in the act of speeding, therefore their preferred mode is using instant on.

Because of this you need to understand and use these tactics while driving to avoid being ticketed during an instant on ambush;

1. Use a radar detector rated as a three star category or above when ever possible.

2. Always try to have someone driving just ahead of you that an officer would target with instant–on radar. This driver is commonly called a “rabbit”.

3. Always pay attention to your surroundings while you’re driving. Sometimes you can spot a threat before your detector alerts.

4. Be mindful when driving on curvy roads and when going around bends.

5. Respond accordingly to the alerts of your detector.

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Constant On K-band Radar Detector Test

During this test we tested the following radar detectors:

The Passport Max 2, replaced by the Max 360 , is rated as a 5-star detector The Escort Redline XR is rated as a 5-star detector The Passport, replaced by the Escort X80 is rated as a 3-star detector The Uniden LRD950 was rated as a 3-star detector, but now Uniden is offering two extreme-range 5-star detectors, the R1 and R3 with DSP along with two 4-star units, the Uniden DFR6 and Uniden DFR7 .

Testing Results:

• Passport Max2 detection was at approximately 6960 feet • Escort Redline detection was at approximately 6900 feet • Passport detection was at approximately 6160 feet • Uniden LRD950 was at approximately 5800 feet

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Instant-On K and Ka-band Radar Detector Testing

Instant-on radar is a mode that enables the police officer to only transmit a radar signal until the officer has a violator within range.

Because of this there are two things you need to avoid getting a speeding ticket with an instant on radar gun:

1. A rabbit, which is someone driving ahead of you at the same speed or faster.

2. A radar detector that has EXTREME range and sensitivity, which will alert well in advance. To new detectors that fit this bill are the Uniden R1 and GPS-integrated Uniden R3 radar detectors (currently one of our top-rated models).

In April, 2015 we hosted the 2015 Radar Detector and Laser Jammer Shootout just outside of Surprise Arizona.

During this 3-day event we tested over 15 radar detectors using a variety of police K and Ka-band radar using instant on and the following two pages have the results of our test.

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Police Laser Guns – The Fourth Milestone

Laser guns entered the law enforcement arsenal in the late 1980's with LASER TECHNOLOGIES INC . release of the LTI 20/20 signal shot device.

Official Standards Adopted

In January of 1994, The NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (NHTSA) issued revised standards for radar gun accuracy and officer training.

The "Model Minimum Performance Specifications of Police Traffic Radar Devices" was issued after the NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS looked at police radar guns and found dismal accuracy and performance results.

The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE (IACP) now must approve and test police radar and laser guns to ensure quality and accuracy.

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25% of All Radar Tickets are in Error

Although all radar guns and laser guns are tested for accuracy by police agencies, their operators still make many mistakes.

It is estimated that over 25% of all radar tickets are in error. The most noticeable and common mistakes include shadowing, RFI interference, cosine error and mechanical interference.

Shadow Error

Shadow Error occurs when the moving radar's "Low Doppler" incorrectly locks onto a large metal object like an 18 wheeler in front of the patrol car and adds the speed differential to the opposite lane target vehicles speed.


Low Doppler is used to determine the patrol vehicles speed. Shadowing has and is being eliminated by interfacing the police radar gun into the vehicles speed sensor. This is known as VSS or Vehicle Speed Sensor interface.

Now that the patrol car's speed is obtained by the vehicles own speed sensor, the low doppler signal from the police radar gun can be compared and accuracy is increased.


RFI stands for Radio Frequency Interference. Many poorly shielded radar guns speed- readings will go blank when a commercial radio or police radar is keyed up.

Cosine Errors

Cosine error is standard with both radar and laser guns.

The greater the transmission angles of the gun to the target vehicle, the greater the error.

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Who does the error favor?

Well if it was a stationary radar gun or a laser gun, the error is in YOUR FAVOR!

An example would be a stationary speed radar/lidar gun transmitting at a 10' degree angle from the approaching target vehicle. The target vehicle’s actual speed is 60 mph but the radar gun shows 59 mph.

However if it is moving radar the consign angle could put you at a disadvantage.

Moving radar was developed so an officer could measure your speed while he is driving.

To do this the moving radar has to capture the speed of his vehicle and the speed of your vehicle and then the internal computer displays both his speed and your speed on the display.

The speeds are computed accurately as long as the officer is within a ten-degree angle as you approach.

However if your vehicle is at a greater angle than this, it’s anyone’s guess who has the edge.

The Most Troubling Error

The third error is the most troubling. In 2004, the STATE POLICE purchased hundreds of new radar guns. They were clocking rocks at 70 mph.

This is an example of mechanical interference as the police car's heater/air conditioner fan was producing the erroneous speed- reading. The fact remains; radar and laser guns still make mistakes.

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Landmark Ruling

NEW JERSEY SUPERIOR COURT Judge Reginald Stanton issued a landmark ruling in 1996.

The ruling states that laser guns may not target vehicles past 1,000 feet due to the gun's one milliradian beam divergence of 36" at that distance. Anything further than 1,000 feet, the laser gun might incorrectly target an adjacent vehicle. However this ruling only applies to the state of and while it was used as a general guide, today many states are performing speed clocks at distances greater than 2000 feet and writing tickets on these readings.

Fight Back and Win!

(Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, so the following is NOT legal advice, just some of my tips to help you get started in preparing your case.)

Your opportunity to fight back and win is in court, not during the .

Chances are any statements that you make during the stop are being recorded by the officer. So the number one rule is to keep your mouth shut and smile!

After the officer issues you your citation, find a safe place to pull over and start taking notes.

• What was the traffic like

• Were there any witnesses

• What type of device did the officer use to issue my citation

• Diagram the area or even better take photos

• What else can you remember that may be relevant to your case

Next you may want to consider having your speedometer calibrated within a few days after the citation to make sure it was accurate during the traffic stop.

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Then next you may want to have the court issue a subpoena for records from the police officer and his agency so you can review them before your case. Some things I would recommend.

1: The officer’s certification/training records on police radar/lidar

2: The agencies policies on training and the use of traffic radar

3: The officers’ daily calibration checks of the radar/lidar gun.

4: The agencies yearly calibration certification records of the radar/lidar gun.

5: A copy of the manufacturer’s manual for the radar/lidar gun

After you obtain these documents you want to see if there are any opportunities you can argue in court toward your defense.

I go into a lot more detail in my book “ How to Beat Your Speeding Ticket in Court and Win ” which is available on Amazon.

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Where Are They Illegal?

The use of a radar detector in passenger vehicles is legal in all states with the exception of , District of Colombia and on all military bases.


In , the only three provinces that allow their use are , British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. Many overseas countries also ban their use, e.g.: Portugal, and .

SPECTRE RDD: Your Arch Rival

In areas that radar detectors are illegal, law enforcement officers use a device called the Spectre. The SPECTRE RDD(radar detector detector) is able to detect the use of radar detector in your car or truck.

During this 7-minute video we demonstrate how the Spectre works and review several of the detectors that are able to beat it.

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Laser Jammers

Laser Jammers are illegal in the states of , , Minnesota, Utah, , Oklahoma, Virginia, , , , and Washington DC and are also regulated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

Radar Jammers

Radar Jammers are illegal in all 50 states and are regulated by the FCC.

Using Laser Jammers in Outlawed States

Our biggest tip if you plan on using a laser jammer is to NEVER attempt jam to gun.

This basically means keeping your jammer activated the entire time the officer is shooting you.

The proper way to use jammer is to slow down once the jammer alerts you and to shut it off once you have slowed down, so you don’t raise the officer’s suspicions.

The best way to do this is to program your laser jammer to automatically do this for you.

As an example, Blinder HP-905 allows you to automatically switch from jamming mode to mode.

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Three Types of Radar Detectors

There are now three types of radar detectors:

● Remote units that are permanently mounted and concealed in your vehicle ● Customary corded units powered by your vehicle’s cigarette lighter ● Cordless units that use batteries

Remote Mounted Radar Detectors

The ADVANTAGES of having a remote mounted radar detector are:

● In Virginia, Washington DC, several provinces in Canada and countries such as , radar detectors are illegal. Remote mounted radar detectors are

more inconspicuous and less likely to be seen by law enforcement. ● Concealed units are also inconspicuous to thieves. Your detector will be less noticeable than a unit hanging on the windshield.


● Higher costs: A remote mounted radar detector typically is more expensive than a dash mounted unit. This is because

of the different modules that are used. ● As an example, both the Escort Max Ci 360 and the Escort Max Ci have an antenna that mounts behind the grill, two remote mounted laser antennas (front/rear), an external GPS antenna, an interface device (in which everything plugs into), display module and a control panel.

● Both Escort’s remotes must be professionally installed by a special authorized installer. RadarBusters is authorized to install these high-end detectors. Currently, neither of these models is able to be sold strictly online, like Escort’s previous remotes. If you are interested in these units you are welcomed to contact us to discuss your options.

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Corded Detectors

By far, the most popular radar detectors are the corded ones designed to either be plugged into your car's cigarette lighter or into the fuse box and then mounted on the windshield.

Corded detectors offer a number of advantages over remote mounted units and cordless detectors that include:

● Easy to install: Just mount and plug in. It takes seconds

and can be easily transported from car to car. ● Ability to detect all the bands: MPH Industries has developed "POP Radar" and now offers it in many of their newer radar guns as a way to defeat

radar detectors. ● Because cordless radar detectors cycle their power on and off in milliseconds, there would be no possible way that a cordless could detect the new POP mode when it is activated on these radar guns. This will help protect you from

speed traps. ● No batteries: Depending on how often you drive, you could be replacing your batteries every three weeks.

Cordless Detectors

Although you will be free of dangling cords, we recommend that if you can stay with a corded detector instead of going cordless, do so, unless absolutely necessary.

In order to conserve battery life, cordless radar detectors turn themselves off and on in milliseconds. Because of this, you will be sacrificing:

● Range and sensitivity: Cordless radar detectors typically have 60% less range than a corded radar detector.

● The ability to detect POP radar: As POP radar transmits in a burst of 67 milliseconds, many current models of cordless detectors are not able to detect POP radar.

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● The ability to detect low powered digital radar: Battery operated detectors will not provide you with ample warning if you’re targeted with

one of the newer, low powered digital radar guns. ● Because the detector itself is designed to operate on batteries, plugging it

in will not increase the range or sensitivity. ● If you want to free yourself of the power cord that plugs into the cigarette lighter, I would recommend that you consider a direct wire cord for your radar detector. This will allow you to plug your detector into the fuse box of your car and then you can conceal the wire by tucking it under the molding.

In this 8-minute video I walk you through the simple process of hard wiring your radar detector.

If you are still sold on cordless, then I would recommend that you consider purchasing a higher-end cordless radar detector. The Escort Solo S4 from Escort is the ONLY cordless radar detector made today that you should consider and it has the highest range and sensitivity of this class of detectors.

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Radar Enforcement

Over 75% of the traffic enforcement devices used by police today are radar guns, but that percentage is dropping given the strong popularity of police laser by most traffic enforcement departments.

Radar guns transmit a microwave radio signal that is sent out, reflected off a moving object such as a car, and bounced back to the radar gun where the radio waves are analyzed by computer and your speed is displayed to the officer.

These radio waves can travel great distances and are very wide, making it easy for a good radar detector to pick-up stray signals, giving you plenty of advanced warning of the officer ahead.

Radar guns can also be hand held or mounted to the patrol car and can be used while the officer is stationary or moving.

Laser Enforcement

It is estimated that there are well over 100,000 police laser guns in use today, in the USA, and that number is increasing.

These guns transmit a beam of infrared light at a frequency of 904 nanometers. This light beam is only 18 inches wide at 500 feet and gets smaller as you approach the officer.

This narrow light beam is aimed by the officer to a reflective area on your vehicle, such as your headlamps or front license plate.

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The officer can only use the laser gun while he is stationary. Unless your radar detector is within this 18" circle, or it picks up "scatter" from the beam, your radar detector has a tough time in detecting it. And when it does, it is often too late as the officer has already obtained your speed.

The use of lidar varies from state to state. As an example, police in Hawaii and other areas use laser exclusively. Florida and are split 50/50, with most local police departments using laser and officers using radar. In Pennsylvania, police laser guns are not used at all.

Laser Countermeasure Devices

There are several products that are available that can protect you against police laser.

VEiL Stealth Coating

When police target your vehicle with a lidar gun, they normally target the front, and aim at either the headlights or license plate.

The VEIL STEALTH COATING was developed to reduce the reflectivity of police lidar, when applied to these areas.

During this test and review of the new G5 VEiL Stealth Coating, VEiL was found to reduce the range of a police laser gun as much as 70%!

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If your radar detector is mounted correctly so it does activate to a laser alert, the extra time it will take for a laser gun to acquire your speed with the Veil can save yourself from a citation.

Laser Jammers

First off there are two basic types of laser jammers, i.e., active and passive.

Passive Laser Jammers

Passive jammers claim that they can disrupt police radar and/or laser signal by reflecting back to the officer’s gun.

These passive devices do not work, and Roy was so confident that they failed in protecting you, that he offered a $50,000.00 reward to anyone that can prove that these passive jammers actually work. After more than a decade, no one had been able to do so!

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Active Laser Jammers

On the other hand, active laser jammers can be very effective in jamming police laser.

Once an active laser jammer senses the presence of a police lidar beam, it activates and sends out its own light beam, interfering with the police laser gun.

We’ll explain the theory in this simple way: "If I shine a hundred candle power flashlight at you and you respond by shining a million candle power flashlight at me. Your more powerful flashlight washes out mine."

All quality active laser jammers are designed to mount in the grill area of your vehicle and you can purchase extra sensors if you want rear protection.

As police target either the headlamps and/or front license plate, you should consider models that have two or more heads that would mount between your headlamps and the license plate.

If you drive a larger vehicle such as full sized SUV, we would recommend installing the Blinder HP-905 Quad with two heads to the front for full frontal protection and two to the rear for full rear protection.

Laser Jammers are illegal in the states of South Carolina, Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois, Texas and Washington DC.

In states where laser jammers are illegal, it would be advisable to power the units down after they go active and you have slowed down, to avoid suspicions from law enforcement.

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Database Lookup

Laser jammers such as the Blinder , Laser Interceptor and the Escort Laser ShifterPro (which is the same jammer as the Laser Interceptor), uses a database look-up table.

This means if the police laser gun is not in the table, it’s not going to jam that gun.

To develop new programming for these new guns is very labor intensive and expensive. First they have to obtain one of these new guns, then develop a jamming code sequence and then enter it into their database.

New “random” pulse rate guns such as the DragonEye require more elaborate designs to keep up with new jamming code sequences for them.

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It doesn't matter how many bells and whistles it has or how stylish it is, if a radar detector doesn't perform, it is not worth owning, period.

Many radar detectors are loaded with popular features. They may look good on your dash and they may be user friendly. But, unfortunately, some of these units perform poorly at Ka-band and laser detection. Look closely at a detector's specification and read our reviews, before you buy!

Before buying a radar detector, you must know the distance at which it can sense a signal generated by a law enforcement device, e.g., its ability to ignore non-law enforcement signals like those generated by garage door openers and the adaptive cruise control sensors installed on many new cars today.

False alerts: #1 Complaint

Poor false alerts control is the #1 complaint that we hear from radar detector users and because of the adaptive cruise control sensors this problem is getting a lot worse, here is why.

These cruise control sensors operate on K band, the same band police radar uses.

Because of this Escort, Radenso, and Uniden haves integrated new technology into their newest radar detectors borrowed from NASA, called digital signal processing (DSP).

This DSP technology looks for the DNA signature of a police radar signal and rejects the rest of the background noise.

The result is a detector that can filter out most false alerts caused by these cruise control sensors while also enabling the detector to detect police radar further way.

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Car and Driver Magazine reviewed this new technology in January of 2014 during comparison test of the Valentine One and the Max.

Here is their comment regarding the Valentine One:

“One annoyance is incessant false alarms—the Valentine’s filtering isn’t very effective. On our 22-mile loop, the V1 called out 53 threats”

Think about that for a moment, that’s over 2 false alerts per mile.

Now here is their comment regarding the DSP technology used by the Max.

“The Passport’s near elimination of false alarms provides a higher level of real- world protection. It’s user-friendly for a first-time buyer but powerful enough for the most hard-core user. ”

Current radar detectors that have this new DSP Technology include:

Uniden R3 and Uniden R1

Escort Max 360 , Escort iX , Escort Redline XR , and Escort X80

Radenso XP , Radenso SP , and Radenso Pro SE

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Ka-Band Sensitivity a Must!

STALKER RADAR (APPLIED CONCEPTS INC.) is now the largest radar gun maker in the world. They pioneered digital Ka radar guns in early 1991.

Today, approximately 65% of all new radar guns sales are Ka band, 15% K band and 5% X band.

And to further complicate things the radar detector manufactures are now selling low powered, battery operated digital radar guns which most radar detectors will not detect until they are almost on top of the officers location.

This is another reason that Escort , Radenso , and Uniden have been working so hard to integrate their patent DSP technology into their newest line of radar detectors.

This chart demonstrates the ability of a radar detector to detect a police digital radar gun based on the capture distance.

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As an example, detectors in the 4 and 5 star categories have 8 times or more the capture distance of a police radar gun, while detectors classified as 1 star detectors basically may just be ticket notifiers if they alert at all.

So one question you may be asking yourself is why I need so much capture distance.

Well in this video we demonstrate the importance of having a long range- detector during an instant on radar encounter using the now discontinued Max2 which was superceded by the Escort Max 360 . .

As shown in this video I received ample warning of the Instant on encounter with the Max2, however if I would had been using a detector in the three star category or below, I’m sure that I wouldn’t have had ample warning to slow down to avoid a citation during this encounter.

5 Star Radar Detectors

Currently there are only a handful of radar detectors we rank in the 5-star radar detector category. These are:

Escort Max 360 , Escort Redline XR , Escort iX , Radenso XP , Radenso SP , Radenso Pro SE , Uniden R3 , and Uniden R1 . The Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci are also in this category as custom-installed radar detectors.

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4 Star Radar Detectors

The Detectors ranked in the 4-star category include:

The Uniden DFR7 and Uniden DFR6 .

3 Star Radar Detectors

Detectors we rank in the 3-star category are best suited for both light highway and city use as they somewhat lack in the range you would need on the open road.

The best radar detectors in this category are:

The new Escort X80 , Whistler CR93 , Whistler CR88 , and the dedicated motorcycle radar detector, the Adaptiv TPX Pro .

2 Star Radar Detectors

Detectors we rank in the 2-star category are detectors that have ample range in constant-on radar encounters but lack the performance you would need during an instant-on encounter.

Another factor to consider that NONE of these detectors in this category have the ability to filter out false alerts from the Adaptive Cruise Control Sensors.

1 Star Radar Detectors

Detectors I rank in the 1-star category are detectors that rank so low that we refuse to sell them!

They currently include all radar detectors from Radar Shield Technology, Rocky Mountain Radar and App-Tronics.

Remember as you’re shopping for your detector, you get what you pay for!

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Needed DSP Technology Good False Alarm Control Good Range Good Audio Alerts Good Mounting Features Good Visual Alerting Important Band Segmentation GPS Capabilities Auto Mute Auto Mode Spectre Immune (for certain areas) Good Abbreviated Self Tests IntelliMute Multiple Threat Encounter POP Radar Detection Selectable Band Defeat Tutorial Mode Helpful 360 Degree Protection Compass Frequency Display OK 9-10-11 Band Radar Detectors Strobe Alert VG2 - VG3 - Spectre Alert Worthless SWS - Safety Warning System

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Needed Features

DSP Technology

Because of the newer low power, battery operated digital radar guns and the overabundance of false alerts caused by the new Adaptive Cruise Control Sensors, Escort, Radenso, and Uniden have borrowed technology developed by NASA called Digital Signal Processing to identify the DNA profile of a police radar signal while rejecting all of the background noise.

Because radar detectors that incorporate this new technology are able to detect these newer guns at a greater distance, while filtering out more false alerts.

The detectors that include this technology are:

The Escort Max 360, Escort iX, Escort Redline XR, and the Escort X80

The Radenso XP, Radenso SP, and Radenso Pro SE

The Uniden R3 and Uniden R1

Good False Alarm Control

As mentioned, the chief complaint from customers is poor false alarm filtering. Some radar detectors will alert you to everything from the closest grocery store door opener, to another vehicle with the closest radar detector.

As an example, AutoWeek Magazine reviewed the Valentine One radar detector and referred to it as the " Chicken Little " of radar detectors because of all its false alarms and commented that the average user would end up tuning out all alerts.

Also during Car and Drivers review of the Valentine One, they commented:

“One annoyance is incessant false alarms—the Valentine’s filtering isn’t very effective. On our 22-mile loop, the V1 called out 53 threats”

The V1 has made improvements since this article was published, but the detectors from Radenso and Uniden do an overall better job of filtering out of the box. www.RadarBusters.com Copyright © 2007-2017 Page | 44 Radar Roy’s Radar Detector eBook 2017

However when they reviewed the Max detector equipped with the newer DSP filtering technology they commented:

“The Passport’s near elimination of false alarms provides a higher level of real- world protection. It’s user-friendly for a first-time buyer but powerful enough for the most hard-core user. ”

Because of this you should select a detector that has the DSP filtering capabilities, which include:

The Uniden R3 and Uniden R1

The Escort Max 360, Escort iX, Escort X80, Escort Redline XR

The Radenso XP, Radenso SP, Radenso Pro SE

The Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci (custom installed)

Good Range

A good formula to use when determining if the range of your radar detector is adequate is "Capture Area x 4", which are all detectors in the 4-star category and above.

This formula allows you to detect the police in enough time to safely slow down and to observe the events taking place around you and then determine the reason for the alert.

New Jersey Superior Court Judge Reginald Stanton's ruling, which stated that an officer should not target vehicles further than 1000’, could be used as a baseline.

However, very few officers know anything about this ruling and often start obtaining a vehicle tracking history the moment that they observe your vehicle.

Under normal circumstances, the longest range an officer can lock on and make any type of target vehicle identification on a flat roadway using radar is approximately 1/4 of a mile. Therefore, using my formula, you would want to have a detector that has at least 1.5 miles of detection.

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There are also some variables in where police speed enforcement is used, such as hills and curves. Therefore, if you live or drive in an area that has a lot of curvy, mountainous roads, you would want to increase your capture area to at least a four-mile distance.

Several impartial testing companies, such as Speed Measurement Laboratories and I, performed range tests of many of the more popular radar detectors made today.

When you examine these testing reports, note the type of road conditions that the detector was tested on, how the radar guns mounted, and if all the detectors were tested under the same conditions.

It is helpful when viewing these reports to have an idea of the type of enforcement used in your area or the area that you will be traveling in. As an example, unless you live and/or travel in NJ, you can just about ignore the X band testing.

Today, Ka band is the most popular band and often the most difficult band for a radar detector to detect.

Easy to Understand and Hear Alerts

If you do not hear or understand the different tones that your detector will use to alert you to different hazards ahead, you will have to take your eyes off the road to read the display.

It is recommended that you have your detector mounted in a location where this distraction is lessened; however, it is never a good idea to take your eyes off the road ahead, even for an instant.

Some radar detector manufacturers offer voice alerts and some are even bi-lingual, offering both English and Spanish. However, some of the computer-generated voices will make it hard for you to understand exactly what the detector is trying to tell you.

Look for the speaker holes or slots. We recommended that you mount your detector on the dash or as low to the dash as possible. Choose a detector that has a front mounted speaker.

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The effectiveness of a good mounting system for your radar detector and your vehicle is extremely important.

Most radar detectors come with windshield mounts that have suction cups which attach to the windshield. Some of the mounts are made of plastic and some use metal.

It is important to adjust the angle of your detector to the windshield so it will point straight ahead .

One alternative to the traditional suction cup mounts are the mirror mounts offered by BlendMount .

If you are considering mounting your radar detector on a motorcycle, DO NOT use the mounting systems that come with the radar detector! We’ve had numerous contacts with people that learned too late that a windshield mount for your car is not designed to hold your detector securely on your motorcycle's windshield.

Visual Alerts

Mid-range radar detectors normally use LED lights to display the different functions and/or alerts that are activated. Different colored lights make it easy to see at a distance what feature or warning is activated.

The higher end detectors use text displays and a visual bar graph to spell out exactly what the detector's alerts mean.

For example, the Uniden R1, Uniden R3, Uniden DFR6, Uniden DFR7, Escort Max 360, Escort iX, Radenso XP, Radenso SP, and Radenso Pro SE will notify you with a letter such as X, K or Ka with a corresponding bar graph to indicate the strength of the signal. This method is much easier to read and understand than a row of LED lights indicating signal strength.

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The Passport Max and the Max2 takes this to a new level by incorporating a multi-color OLED display that incorporates user definable icons that allow you to identify threats at a glance.

Today, many of the leading radar detector manufacturers are offering blue displays as the new "hot color."

I have had several telephone calls from clients, many of them older, which have had a hard time seeing the red displays on their radar detectors. Research in the field of color blindness indicates that many people in the early stages of color blindness have a hard time distinguishing the colors red or green. Research also shows that the color blue is easier to read for people experiencing these symptoms. The colors blue and red are the easiest colors to see in most lighting conditions. However, the colors yellow and green have a tendency to vanish in direct sunlight

The Escort Solo S4 uses an LCD display instead of an LED display. The purpose was to provide more information to the user in the display and to conserve battery life.

One big problem shows up when you use this detector in bright sunlight - you will not be able to read the LCD display! That makes this detector virtually useless on a motorcycle.

Another problem with LCD displays is that if you wear polarized sunglasses you will not be able to read the screen!

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Important Features

Escort Live!

I consider Escort Live to be the biggest breakthrough in the radar detector industry this decade.

As demonstrated in this video, Escort Live enables your detector to share real time alerts with other Escort and Beltronics users in your area which include; police spotted alerts, speed trap alerts and radar and radar and laser alerts.

Escort also offers external Bluetooth modules for their other radar detectors.


There are three Ka frequencies commonly used by police in their radar guns: 33.8 GHz, 34.7 GHz and 35.5 GHz. Some of the Ka band photo radar guns use the additional 34.6 frequency at 5 milliwatts.

To scan the entire Ka band for these three or four radar frequencies, the unit dramatically slows down and makes the detector prone to more false alarms. AccuSweep scans only these known frequencies and ignores the other frequencies.

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GPS Capabilities

There are several radar detector companies that offer GPS capabilities with their detectors. However, these detectors are NOT equal in radar detection performance.

The advantage of having a detector that has GPS is the additional feature of alerting to fixed traffic enforcement cameras and, in some cases, the ability to sense false alert locations on its own in order to program those out.

Another benefit of owning an Escort/Beltronics detector it will filter out all alerts while driving under 20 mph, so while you’re driving through shopping center parking lots you’re not hammered by all those automatic door opener false alerts.

The Defender Database is currently the most accurate GPS database and is available on the Passport Max , Passport Max2 , Beltronics STiR Plus and the Passport 9500ci .

Also the Passport radar detector will provide GPS filtering and fixed photo enforcement warnings while connected to your smartphone through the Escort Live app.


A feature currently available on the Passport Max , the Passport Max2 , the STiR Plus and the Passport 9500ci is TrueLock.

This feature allows the radar detector to automatically add false alert locations into its database, thereby eliminating all false alerts in the areas you normally drive.

Auto Mute

There is nothing more annoying than listening to a radar detector constantly going off. Auto Mute is designed to automatically mute the audio of your radar detector to avoid this problem.

As an added feature, the Max 360 , iX , Redline , Uniden R3, and Uniden R1 and several other radar detectors manufactured include the “Smart Cords” that have a

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mute button right on the power cords to enable you to mute the audio without reaching to the detector.

Auto Mode

Most radar detectors have at least one City Mode and Highway Mode.

The idea is that when you are driving in the city, switch the detector over to City Mode to reduce the radar detector’s sensitivity and reduce the chances of all the false alerts. Then, when you are on the highway, switch the detector over to Highway Mode to increase the sensitivity detecting Smokey at a greater distance away and allowing you ample time to slow down.

As you can imagine, many people forget to switch from mode to mode as their driving environment changes. Auto Mode to the rescue!

This feature adds a third sensitivity range to your radar detector which allows it to sample your driving conditions and adjust the radar detector accordingly.

Spectre Immune

If you live and/or drive in areas where radar detectors are illegal (Washington DC and Virginia), or drive a commercial vehicle that weighs over 10,000 pounds, it is important to have a radar detector that can defeat the Spectre radar detector detector.

In this video we demonstrate how the Spectre works .

Currently, there are several detectors that can defeat the Spectre RDD and they are the Escort REDLiNE XR , Uniden R3 , and Uniden R1 .

Abbreviated Self Tests

When you power on many radar detectors, the unit goes into self-test mode. It will go through each radar and laser band, and then go through the audio and lamp tests to make sure that the unit is working properly.

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If there is a problem with the unit, it should stop in this phase and display a calibration error or indicate that a function is not working. Some customers find that this test is annoying, especially with units that take a long time to "boot up."

Therefore, some radar detector companies including Escort and Uniden offer an abbreviated self-test that you can program in the advanced programming area of the detector. The Uniden models are extremely quick at starting up.

Good Features

Band Segmentation

By default radar detectors are programmed to scan the entire Ka band spectrum from 34.700 to 36.0 GHz.

Now this is a pretty large swath of real estate for a detector to scan, which slows it down and increases the possibility of false alerts.

Because of this a number of Escort and Beltronics radar detectors include a feature that enables you to segment Ka band and block out segments that are not used by police. Radenso now includes band segmentation.

The detectors that have this feature include the Escort REDLiNE XR , Radenso XP , Radenso SP , Radenso Pro SE , Uniden R3 , and Uniden R1 .

The website RadarTest.com sells a detector they call the REDLiNE XR which is actually a stock REDLiNE that they segment for you prior to shipping and charge you an extra $100 to do.

As we’ll demonstrate in this video the process only takes a minute to do and instead of charging you a $100 to do it for you, we’ll teach you how to do it for free or if you prefer, we’ll even do it for you at no additional cost!

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Detector alerts are initially muted for false alarms when stopped in traffic or driving slowly. Detectors must have GPS abilities to be able to do this.

Multiple Threat Encounter

Occasionally, multiple law enforcement devices will emit signals simultaneously, or traffic enforcement can be taking place in a location that you have previously identified as having a high amount of false alerts.

Some radar detectors will display the number and the strength of these "multiple threats." The Escort and Beltronics call this feature their " Expert Meter " and both can detect up to nine law enforcement devices at one time.

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POP Radar Detection

MPH Industries developed their BEE III with POP mode radar gun (also known as the Super Bee ) to be undetectable to radar detectors.

MPH admits that the use of POP is unreliable and that officers should only use this mode to obtain an "estimate of speed,” but this recommendation is not always followed.

POP mode works by sending out a quick "burst" of pulse radar at approximately 67 milliseconds. This burst of signal will not be detected by over 85% of the radar detectors in use today.

Nevada and State are the two states that have contracted with MPH Industries for their POP Mode radar guns.

Many of the higher end detectors come with the POP radar feature de-activated. The reason the POP feature is not on is that, once activated, you will receive many more false alarms. This is because the detector has to react so fast to obtain a POP alert that the detector does not have an opportunity to properly filter the alert as a false alert. And what is counterintuitive, performance to conventional I/O radar may be compromised when POP is enabled.

To activate the POP feature, you simply press the two buttons on top of the detector and go into the advanced programming mode to make POP active.

Since MPH Industries has added the POP feature to their radar guns as a way to "promote catching speeders with radar detectors" to police departments, they have begun "specking out" other radar gun manufacturers that do not have this feature. This is why today, when you are shopping for a new radar detector, you’ll be bombarded with claims of POP radar detection.

A popular saying on my RadarDetector.net forum is “POP is POOP” and your chance of ever getting hit with a POP radar signal is the same as getting hit by a bolt of lightning on a clear sunny day.

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Selectable Band Defeat

New Jersey, Ohio, and North Coralina still operate X band radar guns.

Also, during a motorcycle trip to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, we found the Park Police were still using an antiquated X band radar gun.

Unless you live in these areas or are planning a trip there, you can feel comfortable disabling X band from your radar detector. All radar detectors can detector X- band.

There are several overseas dealers that sell Escort or Beltronics radar detectors. They claim that their radar detectors are modified for use in their country and they will charge higher prices.

The fact is that they disable X band and enable the European K band, which takes seconds to do. To enable this feature on your Escort and/or Beltronics radar detector, press the mute and mode buttons on top of your detector at the same time, then use the mode button to navigate.

Tutorial Mode

If you have a new radar detector and you didn't read the manual, tutorial mode to the rescue! Although, you will have to read the enclosed "quick start" guide provided with some radar detectors to learn how to activate this feature, the detector will cycle through each of its audio and visual alerts, allowing you to see how the unit operates and what each light does.

360 Degree Protection

True 360-degree protection advertised by many radar detector companies is, in itself, just a worthless marketing ploy.

For example, when Roy would certify new officers in the operation of traffic radar, he would have them stand on the side of the road pointing a radar gun in the direction of an approaching vehicle that was traveling at a known speed. As this vehicle approached the officer, the speed on the radar gun would decrease.

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This effect is known as the cosine angle effect. What this basically means is that the greater the angle, the less accurate the radar gun becomes.

This always works in the favor of the target vehicle and never in the officer's favor. When an officer is at a 90' degree angle from the target vehicle, the radar gun no longer sees the target vehicle as a moving vehicle. It sees it as a stationary object.

What is important with a radar detector is the ability to detect radar in front and in the rear. Most, if not all radar detectors, have a bi-directional antenna that allows this to happen. However, some detectors detect better in the rear than others.

Rear detection comes into play when officers park on an entrance ramp to a highway shooting cars moving away or there is an officer approaching from the rear. All of your higher end detectors will have satisfactory rear detection to see this officer. However, some cheaper models may not alert at all.

Helpful Features


Many of the manufacturers, such as Whistler , add extra features such as compasses to their units to make their units more desirable to the consumer.

Frequency Display

As discussed in the AccuSweep section, there are known frequencies that police officers use with their radar guns. Most better detectors today can display the exact frequency of the incoming radar signal so the driver can distinguish between a false alert and a true alert. The Valentine 1 does not have the native ability to do this and requires and add-on module to be able to display frequencies on a smartphone app.

Knowing the actual frequencies of detected radar can help you quickly determine which alerts are genuine police radar and which ones are not.

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OK Features

9-10-11-12 Band Radar Detectors

Another marketing ploy that seems to be a favorite of Cobra Electronics is to advertise their units as having the ability to detect additional bands that do not exist in practice.

They have taken the three commonly used radar bands, i.e., the laser band, the SWS (Safety Warning System band), and now the Strobe Alert (ability to allow the detector to detect emergency vehicles with optical pre-emption transmitters used to trip the traffic lights from red to green) and sliced them all up to make these 9-10 and 11 or more band receivers.

The truth is that there are still only three radar bands and one laser wavelength used in the USA. Don't fall for this ploy and buy a cheap radar detector!

Strobe Alert

Another feature found on Cobra Radar Detectors is Strobe Alert. This feature allows the detector to detect emergency vehicles with optical pre-emption transmitters used to trip the traffic lights from red to green. Your ears can generally do the job.

VG2 - VG3 - Spectre Alert


In Virginia, Washington D.C. and in countries where radar detector use is outlawed, police use Radar Detector Detectors (RDD) to detect radar detectors.

The VG2 was the first RDD used by police to detect radar detectors. Radar detector manufacturers responded by moving the frequency of their oscillators, thus defeating the VG2 . Today, VG2 RDD's are used by very few, if any, police departments.

Several radar detector manufacturers claim that their radar detectors are immune to VG3 . The problem is that there is no such thing as VG3 . An Australian company called Stealth Micro Systems has developed a RDD that is now in use by police departments called the SPECTRE . www.RadarBusters.com Copyright © 2007-2017 Page | 57 Radar Roy’s Radar Detector eBook 2017

Several radar detector companies, including Cobra , advertise that their radar detectors are immune to the Spectre 1 . One problem is that all the Spectre 1 models have been upgraded to the Spectre 2, then Spectre 3, then Spectre 4, followed by most recently the Spectre ELITE .

Currently, there are only a handful of windshield-mount radar detectors that can defeat or can for all intents and purposes defeat SPECTRE RDDs. These are the Escort REDLiNE XR , Uniden R3 , and Uniden R1 .

The two remotes from Escort, the Max Ci 360 and the Max Ci are also immune from the SPECTRE.

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Worthless Features

SWS - Safety Warning System

We call it the SMS for Show Me System!

Innovative Technology Systems developed the Safety Warning Systems that was supposed to form part of the National Highway System. The idea was to have transmitters located on the highways that would transmit warning messages to approaching vehicles. The idea was brilliant but the follow through was poor.

We know of no police department or highway department that has ever purchased one of these transmitters. If you go to the company's web site, the last update was made in October 2001.

Someday, this technology may be available, but for now do not let it influence your buying decision.

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When people ask why we do not recommend radar scramblers, we always answer the same way: “We've never found one that works! ”

First, let us explain the differences between passive and active jamming devices.

Passive Jammers

Passive jammers are designed on the theory that when an officer shoots your car with either a radar or laser gun, the signal from this radar/laser gun is reflected back to the officer’s device, with an added FM chirp.

The problem with this theory is that if you are further away than three feet from the police radar gun, the reflected signal is not strong enough to jam the gun.

Radar Roy became so frustrated at the companies that manufactured these devices to defraud the public that he offered a $50,000.00 reward to ANYONE that could show him one of these devices that actually worked!

Roy has collected complaints from customers that have been submitted to the EL PASO BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU and the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION , along with news stories from ABC NEWS , 20/20 , EXTRA , AMERICAN JOURNAL and other media outlets that have performed numerous tests on these devices and also found that they do not work as advertised.

Roy’s also has been interviewed about these products by several news organizations such as KYTV , WWOR and FOX NEWS .

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Active Jammers

In contrast, active jammers send out their own radio and/or laser signal that is on the same frequency as the police radar/laser gun.

There are two types of active jammers - Radar Jammers and Laser Jammers.

Active Radar Jammers

Scorpion was the only company in the USA that was manufacturing an active radar jammer. In 2006, the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION threatened the company with a $50,000.00 fine, along with jail time, if they continued. They have since ceased production.

You still may find some of these units in auction on EBay, we would NOT RECOMMEND buying one for two reasons:

1: One major problem with the Scorpion is that it would fall out of frequency every couple months, which would require sending the unit back to the manufacturer. As the manufacturer is out of business, you will NOT be able to have the unit calibrated!

2: The use of the Scorpion is a federal crime in the USA. If you’re found using one, you could be sentenced to up to five years in prison and fined considerably!

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Another active radar jammer that is being promoted on several automotive forums is the Blue Raidar radar jammer.

In this video we tested this active radar jammer and found it completely worthless in jamming a low powered K-band radar sign.

Active Laser Jammers

There are several good Active Laser Jammers that do work very well at jamming police lidar and there are no federal laws prohibiting their use.

However, several states that include South Carolina, Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois, Texas and Washington DC have passed their own laws prohibiting their use.

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We receive countless e-mails and telephone calls every day asking... "Which is the best radar detector made today ... ESCORT , BELTRONICS, RADENSO, UNIDEN, WHISTLER or VALENTINE " In fact, this same topic is hotly debated among radar detector users on RADARDETECTOR.NET , a radar detector enthusiast forum.

In this comprehensive review of the Valentine One that we published on RadarBusters, we go into great detail as to why the Valentine One has become obsolete against the new police speed measurement devices.

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Another problem, we believe, with the Valentine One is its limited out-of-box filtering characteristics.

In January of 2014 Car and Driver Magazine published their review of the Valentine One and the Passport Max and here is what they had to say:

“One annoyance is incessant false alarms—the Valentine’s filtering isn’t very effective. On our 22-mile loop, the V1 called out 53 threats”

Think about that for a moment, that’s over 2 false alerts per mile.

Now here is their comment regarding the DSP technology used by the Max2 that they also tested at the time.

“The Passport’s near elimination of false alarms provides a higher level of real-world protection. It’s user-friendly for a first-time buyer but powerful enough for the most hard-core user. ”

Our Recommendations for Road Warriors

If you consider yourself a road warrior, traveling thousands of miles a year on our interstate highways, your detector of choice may have been the Valentine One.

Years ago, the Valentine One was considered the clear "LEADER OF THE PACK " by many radar detector enthusiasts as having the best range and sensitivity.

However, that has all changed with the introduction of the Escort Redline radar detector in 2009. Today a couple of other radar detectors are also serious contenders, the Uniden R1 and Uniden R3 .

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However, one disadvantage of both the Valentine One and the Escort Max2 is that both of them are detectable by the Spectre RDD.

Therefore, if you drive a commercial vehicle and/or drive in Virginia or Washington DC where radar detectors are illegal, we would recommend instead the Escort Redline or the Uniden R1 or Uniden R3.

The best way to describe the Redline would be to call it a high performance racecar stripped of all its bells and whistles. The Uniden R1 and Uniden R3 provide every bit of the sensitivity of the Redline but also add a significant number of improvements.

In July 2009, we did a head to head comparison of the Redline and the Valentine One during an 8,000-mile coast-to-coast, border to border road trip.

A recap of this test showed:

1. The Redline outperformed the Valentine One in over 80% of the encounters. In several of these encounters, the REDLiNE alerted a quarter mile prior to the V1.

2. The Redline had nearly double the range of the Valentine One in detecting the low powered K band Redflex photo radar vans operated in Arizona.

3. The Redline is 100% stealth to all radar detector detectors (RDDs) including the Spectre; the Valentine One is not.

Would we recommend the Redline to the average radar detector user? No!

The Escort Redline was designed for extreme range and sensitivity for those traveling long distances via our Interstate Highway system, such as commercial truck drivers.

Both the Redline and V1 do not have the extra "bells and whistles" that we've come to enjoy in a radar detector, such as the GPS filtering, advanced filtering of K-band collision avoidance systems, such as a Uniden R3 and photo enforcement alerts found with the Uniden R3.

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Recommendations for Typical Drivers

The most common complaint we hear from radar detector users are "false alerts." If you find yourself in the same category, then a long range radar detector such as the REDLiNE or Valentine One is NOT FOR YOU!

What you should concern yourself with is the filtering capabilities of the radar detector to snuff out known false alert locations through GPS filtering.

Another concern should be the ability of your radar detector to alert you to fixed photo enforcement cameras such as photo radar and red light cameras that are proliferating throughout the US and Canada.

Our preferred choices in this class are the Uniden R3, Radenso XP, Radenso PRO SE, Escort iX, and Escort Max 360, and as they combine the long-range sensitivity you would want on the open road, the DSP filtering to filter out the Adaptive Cruise Control Sensors and a photo-enforcement database that will alert you to fixed photo radar and red light cameras.

Other choices are the:

The Radenso SP , Radenso Pro SE , Uniden R1 , and the Escort X80 .

WHAT ABOUT THE 9500IX, RX65, 8500 X50?

You may see these detectors floating around for sale on the Internet, but while they were fine choices in their day, today the technology has exceeded their abilities. Trust us, you will be disappointed in these detectors particularly because of their excessive falsing when in the presence of K-band collision avoidance systems.

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During their time these two detectors were top of their class, however since the introduction of their new detectors you have better choices with any of these new units.

We also no longer recommend the other detectors sold under the Beltronics Pro brand, which include the Bel Pro 300 and 500 for this same reason. Further the Passport Max and Passport Max2 are no longer being recommended because they are being phased out.


The Adaptiv TPX 2.0 radar detector was designed specifically for use on motorcycles.

Because of this the TPX is waterproof, shockproof, has an LCD angled upward toward the rider and comes equipped with an LCD display that is angled toward the rider.

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And during our 2015 radar detector shootout it was rated in the 3-star category, with performance comparable to the Escort Passport, having 4 times the capture distance of a police radar gun.

However, if you’re as serious about your riding as we are, you will want to outfit your bike with a lot better protection.

And the best part, if you get a good high-end dash mounted detector like the Uniden R3 or Uniden R1, you can accessorize the same detector and use it on your bike too!

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Where and how to mount your dash mounted radar detector is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions we receive.

Where to Mount Your Radar Detector

As a general rule, the higher you mount your radar detector the better range you will have for radar alerts.

However, this does not always hold true for laser alerts.

Generally, when an officer targets your vehicle with laser, they will be aiming for the most reflective area, typically your front plate, your headlights, or a chrome grill.

Now, at 500 feet, the radius of the police officer’s laser beam is only 18” wide so the chances of your radar detector picking up any of the laser beam’s scatter is reduced if you mounted it high on your windshield.

Also, you must realize that if and when your radar detector alerts you to laser and you don’t have some sort of police lidar countermeasure in place, such as a laser jammer or Veil, the officer has already captured your speed. (Discussed earlier in this eBook)

Therefore, these are my recommendations:

1. If you have a laser jammer installed, then mount your dash mounted radar detector high for optimum radar detection performance.

2. If you do not have a laser jammer, consider mounting your dash mounted radar detector lower on your windshield to increase your odds of picking up police lidar scatter.

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How to Mount Your Radar Detector

Suction Cup Mounts – Good Choice

When you receive your radar detector it will come with a rubber suction cup bracket to mount your radar detector to your windshield.

The problem with these suction cups is that over the course of several months, the sun will dry them out and they will no longer have the flexibility to hold your detector firmly in place.

Sticky Cup Mounts – Better Choice

Some radar detectors like the Escort iX, Escort Max 360, and Escort Redline come equipped with a mount called the Sticky Mount, which is a better alternative than the traditional suction cup mount. Both the new Uniden R1 and Uniden R3 detectors uniquely come with both mounts.

BlendMount – Best Choice!

The BlendMount by J28 Design is the BEST choice available to securely mount your radar detector for several reasons:

1. California and Minnesota have laws that prohibit you from mounting radar detectors and GPS devices to your windshield! Now, because the BlendMount connects to the stem of your rearview mirror, you will not be in violation of these laws.

2. The BlendMount also offers a mirror tap wiring harness that allows you to tap into your rear view mirror wiring harness.

3. Because the BlendMount securely mounts your detector virtually in the center of your windshield, you will be afforded good range on radar, better opportunities to capture laser scatter and the added safety and ease of operating your detector.

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The Ticket is in the Mail

Photo enforcement uses several different methods, but all use a computerized photo system.

Photo speed enforcement is set to photograph vehicles traveling above a predetermined speed (5 to 10 miles-per-hour over the speed limit).

Some fixed speed cameras use sensors that are embedded in the roadway to measure your speed while some others use radar.

Red light cameras also use sensors in the roadway to capture your violation.

The results are reviewed and a ticket is mailed. Each image contains the date, time, location, and vehicle speed. The photo radar company processes the data and gets your owner information.

There are five different types of counter measurement devices marketed that claim to have the ability to defeat the enforcement cameras.

GPS Equipped Radar Detectors

Very effective with Fixed Based Camera Systems .

The Escort iX, Escort Max 360, Uniden R3, Radenso XP, Radenso Pro SE, Whistler CR93 all come equipped with an internal GPS-based database which will alert you to approaching fixed photo enforcement cameras as you approach them.

Also if you use a Bluetooth-capable Escort detector, you can install the Escort Live app on your smartphone and pair the detector.

You can also use Escort’s external Escort Live! Power adaptors for their detectors that don’t have built-in Bluetooth. In either case, you will be able to tap into the Escort’s Defender database.

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VEiL G5 Stealth Coating

Very effective against iR based cameras and license plate scanners

In January of 2015 VEiL introduced their new Veil G5 based formula that not only reduces the reflectiveness of your car against police laser enforcement, but was also formulated to enhance your privacy by blocking out the ability of infrared cameras and scanners from reading your license plate.

Veil can also be combined with the use of anti-photo enforcement plate covers to provide additional protection from both police laser and infrared photo enforcement systems.

Plate Covers

Very effective but can be a “ ticket magnet ” in areas where illegal.

Anti-Photo plate covers can be a less expensive alternative if they are allowed in the areas you drive, such as the Super Protector .

These covers go over your license plate(s) and keep the plate visible while you are directly behind the vehicle. However, if you are offset on an angle, where the photo enforcement cameras would be positioned, a portion of your license plate is blocked.

Washington D.C. has strict laws regarding these covers and violations can cost well over $300.00.

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Flash Back Device


A flash back device installs on your license plate and senses the flash of a photo enforcement camera and simultaneously flashes its own strobe light onto the license plate, washing out the numbers to the photo enforcement cameras.

The only flash back device being sold today is the SCD Speed Camera Eliminator , marketed by Tiger Lilly products and 1stRadarDetectors.com.

This company is very deceptive in their advertising and we had been threatened with a lawsuit for calling them out and saying that this product is a complete scam .

If you’re considering this type of unit please read our full review of this product here: http://www.radardetector.org/reviews/scd-speed-camera- eliminator-review/ before you thinking about buying it!

Photo Spray


An ineffective method of beating the photo enforcement cameras is the photo spray such as the PHOTO BLOCKER SPRAY .

When we tested this spray against various traffic enforcement cameras in use today, the spray proved totally ineffective.

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What’s the point of having a radar detector if it’s not going to protect you when you need it most?

As a certified radar detector instructor and throughout Roy’s involvement in the radar detector industry since 1997, we have tested hundreds of units from different manufacturers and own and have access to a wide arsenal of police radar and laser guns.

We have also participated with other research and development company events such as the Radar Detector Shoot Out held by Speed Measurement Laboratories in El Paso, and hobbyist groups in the industry.

There are several methods we use to test our products:

K- and KA-Band Testing

We rank radar detectors differently than our competitors, who put together fancy graphs showing you how many miles away the detectors they promote were able to detect.

Why? Because most of them do their testing out in the middle of a flat desert, away from all the things that could interfere with the performance of the detector, thus giving potential customers an unrealistic view on how their detector should work.

RadarBusters’ home and office is right next to one of flattest stretches of highway in Arizona, the Carefree Highway, so it would be a lot easier for us to walk out our door and do a test just like everyone else does.

Why do we not do this? Well, when was the last time you drove on a highway that was flat as far as the eye can see, with little or no humidity, cars, trucks, buildings, hills or signs to reflect and block the signal?

Because of this, we do our testing differently, and measure my results by calculating the capture distance of a typical police K and Ka band radar gun.

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40+ years of experience has proven to us that the capture rate distance of a police radar gun is the most important factor that you should take into consideration.

Yes, it is a lot harder do the testing and reviews in this fashion. However, we believe it is worth the time and effort to give you the right information, so that you can choose the right detector for you.

“Radar Roy’s” Five Star Rating Overview

There are three basic elements that go into each test and review we do, these are:

Long Range Test: Here we test the performance of each detector on the long stretch of highway outside my door using various K and Ka radar guns from our arsenal.

Curve/Hill Test: Here we test the performance of each detector in the curvy hilly terrain of the Bradshaw Mountains just north of our home, using various K and Ka radar guns from our arsenal.

Real Life Testing Scenarios: Next we’ll drive each detector for several weeks testing the detectors performance in real-life driving scenarios while also reviewing the filtering capabilities of each detector.

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“Radar Roy’s” Five Star Rating Results

At the conclusion of each detector test, we average out the detector’s ability to detect both K and Ka band radar based upon the capture distance of all the radar guns and my observations during the real life driving scenarios.

We then rank these results into five categories with my 5 Star category being the best.

Even though the procedures I outlined here are a lot more complex for me to do when compared to other reviewers, the end result is the graph above, which you can quickly use to select the detector that is best for you.

Five Star Ranked Radar Detectors

There are only a handful of radar detectors that we have awarded our coveted 5 Star rating and they are:

Uniden R3 – Stealth GPS dash-mounted radar detector with extreme range Uniden R1 – Stealth Dash mounted radar detector with extreme range Radenso XP – Dash mounted radar detector with extreme range Radenso SP – Dash mounted radar detector with extreme range Radenso Pro SE – Dash mounted radar detector with extreme range Escort Max 360 – Dual antenna dash mount detector with directional arrows Escort iX – New GPS dash mounted radar detector with great range and filtering Escort Redline XR – Stealth dash mounted radar detector with extreme range

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“Radar Roy’s” Four Star Ranked Radar Detectors

All excellent detectors, but not quite as high performing or feature-laden as the 5- stars.

These detectors include:

Uniden DFR7 – GPS Dash mounted radar detector Uniden DFR6 – Dash mounted radar detector

Now here is an important tip!

If you want to have the very best in both radar detection and laser jamming DO NOT buy the older Escort Passport 9500ci or Beltronics STiR plus (you may find them price cheaply because they have been discontinued).

Instead, consider purchasing one of our top-rated windshield-mount radar detectors along with the Blinder HP-905 . These newer detectors have more advanced feature than the older remotes from Escort and Beltronics.

Three Star Ranked Radar Detectors

The detectors ranked in our 3 Star category provide you with ample distance to slow down during constant on radar scenarios but are as feature-packed as our higher rated radar detectors.

However, you are leaving yourself somewhat vulnerable by not being able to detect instant on radar miles ahead or while driving in mountainous terrain.

These detectors include:

Escort X80 – Value priced Escort dash mount radar detector Whistler CR93 – Value priced GPS dash mount detector Whistler CR88 – Value priced dash mount detector from Adaptiv TPX Pro – Dedicated motorcycle radar detector Cobra 9200BT – Best radar detector ever offered by Cobra

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“Radar Roy’s” Two Star Ranked Radar Detectors

The 2 Star Category lists detectors we estimate as having 3 times the capture rate of a police radar gun. This provides you with ample time to slow down in typical constant on scenarios but not in most instant on ambushes.

Some of the detectors I include in this category include the Escort Solo S4 Cordless .

One Star Ranked Radar Detectors

The detectors I list in our 1 Star Category are detectors that you should avoid buying!

These include any radar detector manufactured by Rocky Mountain Radar and Radar Shield Technologies (Ghost).

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No Warranty - Counterfeit Products !

Each week we are contacted by someone who purchased an Escort radar detector or a Blinder laser jammer from an unauthorized dealer and found out that they do not have a manufacturer warranty or they have purchased a counterfeit product.

Because of this Escort, Beltronics, Blinder, Radenso, Uniden, Whistler, Ontrack, and Veil and many other companies have a disclaimer in their manual that states " If your purchase is from an unauthorized dealer onr Internet auction sites like EBay, U- bid or Amazon or an other unauthorized dealer " your product will be excluded from warranty!

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Remanufactured Units!

In December 2006, we questioned a sales representative from Overstock.com regarding the Escort and Beltronics radar detectors that they were selling on their Website. He admitted to me that the detectors were remanufactured units.

When confronted about not having a factory warranty, he told me that I could purchase a warranty through them for $39.95. Adding up their sale price with their warranty, the remanufactured 8500 price exceeded the cost for a new unit by $10.00!

More Counterfeits!

Also, in November 2007, eBay’s largest Escort & Beltronics seller “I-Net Distributors” was raided by the FBI and a complaint was filed in the US District Court alleging that they “obtained their radar detectors through a false designation of origin and violated Beltronics trademarks through counterfeiting.”

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Buy ONLY From Authorized Dealers & Distributors

We recommend that you make your buying decision with reputable and authorized dealers and distributors only, such as on our website RadarBusters.com .

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● Any radar detector/scrambler distributed or sold under the Rocky Mountain Radar name. Radar Roy has considered Michael Churchman and his crew at RMR the “scum of the industry.”

They are only out for one thing and that is to steal your hard earned cash! There are numerous complaints filed against this company with the El Paso Better Business Bureau and civil charges are pending against the company by the Federal Communications Commission.

He felt so strongly about that statement, that he offered a $50,000.00 reward for ANYONE that could show him one of their radar/laser scramblers that work!

Another word of warning … if you come across any company or web site selling their devices, RUN, don’t walk to the nearest exit. If they do not do their research by testing speed their countermeasure devices, or have the knowledge of what devices work, they are out to scam you.

Here are some other manufacturers/dealers that we recommend that you avoid doing business with because of their history.

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● Any radar detector marketed/sold by RadarShield Technologies including the Ghost, the Ghost Pro or their SkyEye. Detectors similar to these were being marketed to US distributors at the 2009 CES (Consumer Electronic Show) by Rayee Technologies and these detectors do not hold FCC Part 1 certification. They are cheap knock offs of Escort/Beltronics Radar Detectors, and infringe on patents and trademarks of various US manufacturers.

● Any radar detector product marketed/sold by Ultimate Radar Detector’s

Jason Blair, including the BTST Radar Detector. ● The SCD Speed Camera Eliminator marketed by Tiger Lilly Products and John Turner. In Roy’s opinion, the SCD Speed Camera Eliminator developed and marketed by Tiger Lilly Products and John Turner, 1stRadarDetectors.com, is a total scam. We have a full review of this product here: http://www.radardetector.org/reviews/scd-speed-camera-eliminator- review/

● Any Laser Jammer and/or radar detector marketed/sold by App-Tronics, located in Painesville Township, Ohio.

App-Tronics featured their new wares at the 2013 SEMA show in Las Vegas, where we had an opportunity to inspect their products and also speak with the company representative.

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● Based upon observations at the show, Roy’s conversations with their company reps, his research, and the research of others in the industry, they are basically importing cheap products from and then white labeling it as their own.

More information about these observations can be found on Roy’s blog here: http://www.radardetector.org/app-tronics-stealth-interceptor-laser-jammer- scam-alert/

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Laser Jammers

As ninety-five percent of all lasers are shot to the front of the vehicle, a two head system mounted to the front is normally sufficient.

In areas such as the DFW area of Texas, officers choose to shoot laser from highway overpasses, targeting the rear of vehicles as they pass. Therefore, rear protection would be advisable in this area.

To provide full protection on large profile SUV’s or trucks, it would be advisable to install a four head system to the front of the vehicle to avoid punch through.

#1 Pick - Blinder HP-905

The Blinder HP-905 does use the older style database look-up table, however it is very effective in jamming most of the laser guns used in North America including several of the pulse rate laser guns from Dragon Technology.

#2 Pick - Escort Laser ShifterPro

Escort has done what is called “white labeling” the Laser Interceptor, and selling it as their own laser jammer.

Therefore, it has the exact same performance as the Laser Interceptor in every way other than its name.

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Laser Interceptor has ceased import of their laser jammer into the USA at this time.

Laser Jammers to Avoid:

App-Tronics Stealth Interceptor Laser Jammer: It is Roy’s opinion, based upon his observations of their product at the 2013 SEMA Convention, conversations with their company president, and his 30 plus years of expertise that it is a complete piece of poo!

Escort ZR3 & ZR4

We would recommend that you avoid purchasing Escort’s ZR3 or ZR4 laser shifters. They are quite outdated by today’s standards.

As you cannot update the firmware in either of these jammers, they both are basically useless in jamming several of the newer laser guns that are in use today.

Stinger VIP HD Laser

The Stinger VIP is the most expensive remote installed radar and laser jamming system available, however, we have found that the laser jamming and radar detection portions still needs further development and in our opinion is not ready for “prime time” even after more than two years after its initial introduction to states.

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It's Been a Long Journey!

Many in the industry have attempted to silence Radar Roy and RadarBusters.

First, Roy was threatened with lawsuits. Then, a radar detector/laser jammer testing venue we held in 2007 was sabotaged by an unscrupulous dealer.

This journey has even gone as far as performing criminal acts against Roy, his business and family.

However, with over 40 years of experience and knowledge, it’s been Roy’s desire that this E-Book will help you select the best radar detector, laser jammer, and other countermeasure on the market today while educating you on how to use them to your maximum benefit.

We’d Love to Hear from You!

If you should have any comments and/or questions, we welcome you to contact us 24/7 through our e-mail at [email protected] or call us and speak to one of our countermeasure experts who will help you in choosing what will work best for you.

Thanks for reading and we hope you have found this eBook helpful.


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