Robert Fisher QC INTERIM REPORT FOR MINISTER OF JUSTICE ON COMPENSATION CLAIM BY DAVID BAIN 13 December 2012 Hon Robert Lloyd Fisher QC, LL.D, FAMINZ; Bankside Chambers, Level 22, Lumley Centre, 88 Short/and Street, Auckland 1140. New Zealand. PO Box 3107, Short/and Street, Auckland 1140, New Zealand. Phone: 64-9-307 8780 Fox: 64-9-377 0997 Emalf:
[email protected]. Website: , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ••..•� ........ ..." ............" ........ "............. ....................................................5 Origins of this report ....... ............. ....... ... ......_ . ...... ........................................... ................... 5 Summary "I ,onciusions in relation to the Binnie Report ... ......... .............. ........, ................ 6 J�stke Binnie', finding that David Ba;n was innocent ........................... ..� . ......." ......"" ..... 7 Ju�tice Binnie's finding that there was serious wrongdoing bV iluthori!leo ...... .......... ........9 CHAPTER 1, SCOPE OFJUSTICE BINNIE'S MANDATE ........... ...... ...................... .................... 12 The terms of reference .•.•.•..••...., ....................................................................................... 12 Scope ofJustice Binnie's condu5ions ........ ................... ..........� ... ..., .. ................................ 12 Consequence of going beyond the mandate .......................................... .............. ..... ....... 13 CHAPTER 2, HIE REQUIRED APPROACH TO PROBABIUTlES ................ .........