BOOK REVIEWS ences in response is considered (animals handled early in life secrete less glucocorticoid in response to stress than those left unhandled). Recommendations are Stress, the Aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of made for the discontinuation of adrenal steroid "therapy" Neuron Death. Robert M. Sapolsky. 1992. MIT Press, in the wake of neurological damage, by virtue of the pos- Cambridge MA. 429 p. $55.00 hardcover. sible detrimental effects of such treatment. The question This monograph considers in great detail evidence in of whether any of the detrimental effects of glucocorti- support of the premise that elevations in circulating coids, largely revealed in lab rats, are relevant to human concentrations of the adrenal steroid hormones called neurological conditions is considered in the final chapter glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans, subhuman primates, of the book. and some other animals; corticosterone in rats, mice, and Those who have heard Robert Sapolsky deliver a some other animals), repeated naturally or by experi- lecture will recognize the clear concise style of this book; mental means throughout the life span of an animal, can there will be no question as to the identity of the author. result in neuronal cell death, and can produce deficits in The book can be best described as "user-friendly" function that occur in the aging brain. Since the normal, throughout. For example, each of the 14 chapters ends physiologically regulated method by which gluco- with a summary of the major points made in the chap- corticoids become elevated is in response to stressful ter and, from the second chapter on, each succeeding encounters, stress is implicated as the initiator of subse- one begins with a "Summary of the Book So Far." This quent pathology. integrates the details of material presented to that point, With regard to mechanics, the book is subdivided into and prepares the reader for the next segment of infor- three parts, each containing from three to six chapters, for mation. Sapolsky provides the reader with "warnings" a total of 14 chapters. Part I explores the adrenocortical about chapters which may digress from the main focus axis and the mechanisms by which its functions are of the book, and which can be omitted from a read- regulated. This includes the processes activated in response through without major disruption of the train of thought. to stress to elevate glucocorticoids, and the importance of The book contains a cross-referenced index of four the hippocampus in the feedback regulation which pages, and a reference section which runs for more than terminates glucocorticoid secretion. The chapter which 80 pages. presents an introduction to this axis is now required Sapolsky has made a solid case for the glucocorticoids reading for students in my class, and can be as mediators of neuronal cell death, particularly in used by undergraduate and graduate students alike as a experimental rodents, and particularly in the hippocampus. clear example of neuroendocrine structural and functional His extension of this case to subhuman primates has some regulation. The last chapter of this part of the book base in experimental support, but that to humans is less introduces evidence to support the idea of glucocorticoids solid. Such attempts at extension have lead to controversy, as neurotoxic molecules, especially to a given population as have reports that deficiency of glucocorticoids can also of cells in the hippocampus. The idea that such cell death lead to neuronal death, in areas of the hippocampus will result in progressive disruption of adrenal axis func- different from those damaged by glucocorticoid excess. tion, causing prolonged secretion of glucocorticoids, is Sapolsky has not dodged these results which run counter supported in this chapter. to his own, but has included them in counterpoint to the Part II describes processes, both programmed and findings in his lab and labs of others whose work sup- unprogrammed, by which neurons die. The initial chap- ports his (e.g., Landfield, McEwen, Meany). There are ter provides studies supporting the damaging effects of certainly findings in other systems that the same endo- gluccorticoids on hippocampal neurons. This is followed crine molecule can have opposite effects on different cells, by a chapter describing mechanisms involved in or even on the same cells, without construing one finding programmed cell death, a process which is considered as correct and the opposite as incorrect. The opposite eminently normal by developmental biologists. Succeeding effects are simply considered as opposite ends of the chapters examine abnormal necrotic injury to neurons and same question. Undoubtedly, continued investigation processes whereby the delivery of insufficient supplies of will result in progress from the two ends of the energy may cause much of the damage under these glucocorticoid question to an integrative middle. In the conditions. The last chapter of this part of the book re- interim, the monograph by Robert Sapolsky provides a turns to the effects of glucocorticoids on neurons, with the good summary of work being done at one of the ends, primary message that the glucocorticoids are not in and of with acknowledgement of that taking place at the other. themselves directly damaging to neurons, but that they Sapolsky ends his preface with the comment,".. .this book compromise the ability of specific neurons in the now contains all I know as of January 10, 1992," and this hippocampus to survive various neurological insults, statement has the ring of truth with regard to the presented likely by disruption of energy supply. Such interaction information. Data collected since then, and that yet to be could ultimately result in disruption of adrenal axis collected, will help us all to know, as his last chapter asks, feedback control, further neurological damage, and "Is This Relevant to the Human?" development of age-related neurological diseases. LEE A. MESERVE Part III of the book considers whether Parts I and II Department of Biological Sciences should generate significant concern in those who read Bowling Green State University them! The concept of development of individual differ- Bowling Green, OH 43403-0212 OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIHNCF. BOOK KI'VIKWS 117

The Sexual Brain. Simon LeVay. 1993. The MIT book is for all types of readers from the scientist to the lay Press, Cambridge, MA. 168 p. $22.50 cloth. reader. The Sexual Brain comes highly recommended to Most people are intrigued by sexual behavior, but the anyone interested in the mechanisms behind the area of sex research is in its infancy, especially as it relates complexities of human sexuality. to disciplines outside the social sciences and humanities. ClIRISTINK CkHGAN SF.NSIBAUGH Simon LeVay in The Sexual Brain crosses this barrier in Department of Psychology sex research by exploring the biological bases for human Bowling Green State University sexual behavior. This book is a review of the current Bowling Green, OH 43403 literature on brain functions as they relate to sexual be- havior and gender behavior. However, this is more than a literature review, LeVay attempts to integrate the infor- In the Wake of Chaos: Unpredictable Order in mation currently available on how anatomical structures, Dynamical Systems. Stephen H. Kellert. 1993. The physiological mechanisms, hormonal systems, genetic University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 176 p. influences, and neurochemical and neuroelectrical $19.95 hardcover. activity may influence a complex human behavior: Chaos theory is often described, at least in popular human sexuality. expositions, as a "new science" or a "revolution" in Although biological processes tend to intimidate most science. To what extent this is true is the subject of readers, especially those drawn to literature on the social considerable debate in the scientific and academic sciences or the humanities, LeVay has successfully written communities. (Some have argued, for instance, that chaos about some of the most complex biological mechanisms theory is simply a corollary of a much bigger and more in a way that is easy to follow both for the lay reader and important revolution, namely, the computer revolution.) the hard scientist. The Sexual Brain begins by giving the On the one hand, the increased exploration of nonlinear reader an overview of the biological and physiological dynamical systems has no doubt increased our under- systems that have been studied in relation to human sexual standing of Nature. On the other hand, as the author of the behavior. This overview includes a review of evolutionary book under review points out, "chaos theory does not theory, genetics, sexual differentiation, the organization introduce any fundamental revisions in our laws of of the human brain, the biological mechanisms of sex, nature as quantum mechanics or relativity did." Moreover, and hypothalamic functioning and other neural it is clearly the case that chaos theory has been subjected mechanisms. LeVay then continues by reviewing some of to a not inconsiderable amount of "hype" and over- the behaviors related to sexual behavior and sex glamorization. In this thought-provoking little book the differentiated behaviors and traits. Research on courtship author makes the case that "chaos theory is rich with behaviors and maternal behaviors in both humans and philosophical interest." other non-human species are explored, as well as be- The book is made up of five chapters each devoted to haviors that are gender specific that lie outside of the separate, but related, topics. The first chapter is a veiy realm of sexual behaviors. LeVay has also included respectable introduction to the subject of chaos theory chapters on his current area of research, sexual orienta- itself. The author defines chaos theory as "the qualitative tion and gender identity. study of unstable aperiodic behavior in deterministic Of specific interest is the chapter on human sexual nonlinear dynamical systems." (A minor quibble here: orientation. For a long time a debate has been brewing Chaos theory is concerned with hounded solutions. The on the causes of sexual orientation. Is sexual orientation a author mentions this in a footnote, but I would have function of nature or of nurture? Most of the past research liked to have seen it included in the definition.) A central on sexual orientation focused on the environmental feature of chaos theory is that solutions of simple causes of orientation. However, very recently there has deterministic nonlinear dynamical systems can, and been a flurry of research on biological mechanisms that often do, exhibit "sensitive dependence on initial may influence people's orientation. LeVay quite extensive- conditions." When solutions that start out close together ly and quite thoroughly reviews the evidence supporting diverge rapidly from each other it is for all practical the theory that orientation may be, at least in part, geneti- purposes impossible to predict the evolution of the system cally or biologically determined. This review includes his from a particular state. Thus, chaotic systems are often own work on the differences between heterosexuals and described as deterministic systems that give rise to "random" homosexuals in hypothalamic functioning. behavior. Moreover, since in chaotic systems the solutions LeVay also believes that all of human sexuality and remain bounded, the "stretching" that results from nearby sexual behavior is rooted in anatomical brain structure points diverging from each other must be accompanied and neurophysiology. It is in this belief that this book is by a "folding" that brings together far away points. This founded. LeVay conveys the biological and evolutionary "stretching and folding" gives rise to complicated limit theory behind the behavior. Whereas most literature in the sets called "strange attractors." The hope is that chaos area of the hard sciences is notoriously dry, LeVay writes theory will lead scientists to a greater understanding of with unusual palatability and lightness. He provides a some types of apparently complex phenomena, such as smattering of information about topics such as turbulence. , genetics, molecular biology, brain Sensitive dependence on initial conditions imposes anatomy and function, and cognitive and behavioral severe limitations on predicting the future evolution of any psychology without a large amount of inane details. This individual state in a chaotic dynamical system. In any 118 BOOK RKVIKWS VOL. 94 physical system it is, of course, impossible to achieve an Ecology and Our Endangered Life-Support Systems. exact knowledge of the initial conditions; and, since Eugene P. Odum. 1993- Sinauer Associates, Inc., chaotic systems don't admit closed form solutions, this Sunderland, MA. 301 p. $18.95 paper. limitation is not only derived from imperfect measuring This second edition of a new classic ecology primer devices—mere round-off error will doom us, if nothing retains its message, structure, and readability but with else does. Since chaotic systems are "deterministic" one addition of some new facts, examples, concepts, and might argue that prediction is theoretically possible, and issues; and, in an epilogue, it updates successes and that the limitations imposed are merely practical. The failures in our stewardship of the earth. Although very second chapter explores several different ways in which slightly enlarged in both length and format, it still is a something can be "impossible." The author contends that handy and concise ecology primer for use as an introduc- chaos theory blurs the distinction between the theo- tion to ecology for general courses and as a supplemental retically and the practically possible, and that chaos reader in environmental science courses. theory imposes a "distinctive" type of limitation on The structuring of the book is unchanged. It opens predictions. Mathematically a dynamical system is with a prologue about the Apollo 13 moon flight, crippled "deterministic" if, for given initial data, solutions exist by breakdown of its life-support systems, and this is used and are unique. However, if it is impossible to make use- as an analogy to our crippled "spaceship earth." Although ful predictions about the future states of a system, then an apt comparison, the incident already may seem dated. does it make sense, philosophically, to refer to that sys- Still, it sets the stage for Odum's goal: describing earth's tem as deterministic? The third chapter discusses some of vital processes in order to preserve them and thus our- the possible meanings of determinism and their relation- selves. As before, the first three chapters give scope to the ship to predictability. ecological problems facing us, and the last five provide In the fourth chapter the author discusses the effect details about the ecological processes implicated in these chaos theory has had on the way science tries to under- problems. An epilogue assesses the vast task facing us and stand Nature. Specifically, the author treats "the object, the possible outcomes. the method, and the character of understanding provided In Chapter One, Odum distinguishes between fabri- by chaos theory." One aspect of the character of cated, domesticated, and natural areas; and he shows that understanding provided by chaos theory is that since although the fabricated areas are a small fraction of the certain types of quantitative predictions are impossible, total area, they represent a large fraction of energy qualitative understanding plays an important role in chaos consumption (energy intensity). In two briefly documented theory (and, indeed, in the theory of nonlinear dynami- examples ( Bight and Illinois River Basin), he cal systems, generally). details existing damage to these life-support systems. He The final chapter of the book addresses what the also gives brief consideration to San Francisco Bay, author refers to as "the nontreatment of chaos." There can Chesapeake Bay, and Lake Erie. It would have added be little doubt that many of the mathematical and greatly to this revision if he had inserted several examples experimental precursors of chaos theory existed long from the southern, west central, and northwestern U.S. before chaos theory became a subject of widespread This would have brought his message closer to home for interest. The usual explanations revolve around the readers from these regions. Also, he might have very nonexistence of digital computers and the difficulty of slightly expanded the Chesapeake Bay section because of studying nonlinear dynamical systems without the its tremendous size, regional consequences, and recent, if aforementioned digital computers. The author contends limited, progress. These advantages would, I think, have that these explanations (and others, for example, aca- outweighed the primer's further slight expansion. In demia's preference for the linear over the nonlinear) do Chapter Two he looks at systems, their levels of organization, not tell the whole story, and that social and cultural and their interactive complexity. Then he offers the factors are highly important in explaining this relative "emergent property principle" for understanding the neglect of chaos theory. Unfortunately, I must confess product of such systems. Using ecological modeling he that I found the section entitled "A Role for Social shows how smog production emerges as the outcome of Interests" to be somewhat less than convincing. For the Los Angeles basin ecological system. Chapter Three is example, after reading approximately 150 pages of what a brief formal presentation of modeling, emphasizing I thought were very cogent and well-expressed arguments, energetics, as applied to meadow and pond ecosystems. I found the author's argument in favor of a connection The meat of the book is in Chapters Four through between the nontreatment of chaos theory and the Eight which cover energetics, biogeochemical cycles "domination" of women to be somewhat of a stretch. and physical conditions, population ecology, develop- Nonetheless, I expect that this book will be of interest ment and evolution, and world ecosystems. Additions to to anyone who is interested in chaos theory or in the these chapters now include ecotones, diversity, energetics, philosophy of science. In particular, I think it would be agroecology, succession, mutualism, evolution, ecological especially appropriate reading material for any course in economics, waste reduction, ecosystem types, and global the philosophy of science. concerns (such as ozone holes and climate change). Thus, Steven A. Chapin even for a primer, there has been addition of some Department of Mathematics important new concepts, emphases, or developments. Ohio University The epilogue represents an expanded discussion of Athens, OH 45701 world problems and predictions for the future. Necessarily, OHIO JOURNAL Oh' SCIKNCK BOOK RKYIKWS

with an update only every four years and with an in terms of its income and population density; and, in explosion of very recent publications, it cannot stay dealing with unintended consequences of technological abreast. Even so, it does provide an important update. As developments, we must develop counter-technologies an example, Oclum summarizes the findings in Beyond and bear transition costs. These and other changes only Limits (1992), a 20-year follow-up on the Club of Rome's will occur if there is an "about-face" in management of The Limits of'Growth (1972). This study reports that global production systems: away from more output and toward resources (relative to demand) are worse than predicted; less (and more efficient) input. Whether humanity, a para- but it foresees a sustainable future if critical socio- site on the biosphere, can make this shift from a short-term economic and political changes occur, if there are targeted to long-term survival system is still an open question. But, sharp reductions in population growth rates and urban- as Lee Mitchell noted in his review of Odum's first edition industrial development, and if cooperative and holistic (Ohio J. Sci. 89: 196), "The bugler has hopefully not (holoeconomic) approaches are developed. In acting on signaled our last warning." Perhaps not, but he is mount- this program, worrisome gaps (in income, food, value, ing the parapet. and education) will have to be addressed; current social JOHN WING traps will have to be turned into trade-offs; there must be Psychology Department shifts from quantitative to qualitative growth; priorities Wittenberg University will have to be adjusted uniquely for each world region Springfield, OH 45501

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